Thursday, February 14, 2008

La Traición - Episode 12

Elena has gotten the cemetery watchman, Miguel, drunk. He starts to get fresh with her but Guillermo hits him over the head. They leave him to go dig up Hugo’s grave.

In Hugo’s house:
A: Marina!
M: You called?
A: As a confidential employee [It’s kind of hard to translate ‘hombre de confianza,’ literally ‘man of confidence.’ It seems like their ought to be a word in English for a personal servant who is trusted to handle his employer’s business affairs but I can’t come up with one so I’ll use confidential employee.] of Hugo, Boris would know about any secret illness Hugo had, wouldn’t he?
M: I don’t know, señor. When Don Hugo fainted, Boris stayed all night with him and then they went together to the Soledad’s birthday party at the Club.
A: He never told you anything about that?
Marina: No, señor. Is something wrong?
A: No, nothing. Good night.
Alcides leaves the telegrams on the table and goes out. Marina takes them and reads the telegram from Boris saying that he is returning that night.

Soledad is sitting with Úrsula and crying:
Ú: Your parents want to force you to marry Alcides? But we just buried Don Hugo!
S: They don’t care. From what I heard, my parents don’t have any money and the only thing they care about is saving their position. It doesn’t matter if they sell me.
Ú: They can’t be that cruel.
S: I am not surprised at my mother but I am about my father. Now I understand everything. They were only interested in Hugo’s money. That was why they changed their attitude about our marriage. What an idiot I was! They deceived us. They only wanted to use us.
Ú: Now that Hugo is gone, they are going to make you marry Alcides.
S: They don’t care about my grief. They are too selfish to think about me. I don’t matter to them.
Ú: Don’t cry any more. There must be a solution.
S: I think there is. Ursula, my parents will do anything to get what they want. The best thing is for us to leave this house.
There is thunder and lightening outside.
Ú: You are pregnant. You can’t just leave. Think of the baby.
S: I have to do this for the baby but if you want to stay, I understand.
Ú: Now more than ever I don’t want to leave you alone. What about this? We can go to my parents’ house. They are poor but there wouldn’t be any problem about taking us in.
S: You think so?
Ú: Yes, it would please my mother to meet you. I’ve told her a lot about you.
S: I am so lucky to be able to count on you. We have to get everything ready. We will leave tonight at daybreak.

Alcides is at Arturo’s house-
Ar: Alcides de Medina. To what do I owe the honor of a visit at this hour?
Al: I need to borrow a few of your men. I have an important matter to take care of.
Ar: What is the emergency? With the death of your brother, I thought our worries were behind us.
Al: The confidential employee of my brother is coming back tonight and he will want to know what happened to his master.
Ar: And you are afraid that he will suspect you?
Al: If they find out about me, they find out about you. Are you going to call your men or not?

In the cemetery, Guillermo is digging up Hugo’s grave. Helena tells him to hurry up.

Miguel comes up behind her with his gun. He tells them to freeze. “So you are the grave robbers,” he says.

Boris is riding. Lightening flashes and his horse shies. A hand with a gun shoots at him. He is hit and falls from his horse. He manages to get his own gun out and returns fire.

Helena tells Miguel to put the gun down. She says that he can’t think that she and Guillermo are tomb robbers. Guillermo says that he and Helena are respectable independent merchants. “Sure,” says Miguel, “then what are you doing with that shovel? Planting a tree in Don Hugo’s grave?” Los Burke laugh at his joke and says it isn’t like that. “I’m a fool,” says Miguel, “but not that much of a fool.” [‘Soy tonto, pero no tanto.” This works better in Spanish where the word for ‘fool,’ ‘tonto’ and ‘so much,’ ‘tanto’ are almost the same.] Miguel says that he is going to bring Los Burke to Inspector Duarte. The diminutive duo tells the none-too-bright (and drunk) Miguel that they are only digging up Hugo’s grave because Guillermo was never paid for a job he did for Hugo. Since they are in debt up to their ears, they had no alternative to dig up Hugo and get their payment from the jewelry Hugo is wearing. They tell Miguel that because they like him a lot they are willing to share the haul with him in return for not turning them in.

Soledad and Úrsula meet in the garden outside the house. [The night sounds of the Casa Obragón are always dogs barking.] Úrsula says that the stable is locked up. Soledad’s parents must be suspicious. Úrsula suggest waiting until the next day to get the public carriage out of the city but Soledad says that they can’t stay. They will go on foot. Úrsula is concerned about Soledad’s condition but Soledad is sure that someone will come along and pick them up.

In the woods, Fabio is looking for Boris. He tells his associate that Boris has escaped. Meanwhile Marina is hiding an unconscious Boris under a bush right under their feet. The two would-be murderers leave to look for Boris. Fabio says that they have to find Boris and kill him. Those were Arturo’s orders. When they are gone, Marina tries to get Boris to wake up. She tells him that she saw his telegram and came to look for him. Boris wakes up. He asks about Hugo. Marina tells him that Hugo died and was buried a few hours ago. Boris tell Marina that she has to take him to Hugo but he passes out again.

In his grave, Hugo whispers, “Help me, help me…” His eyes close and his head falls to the side. There is an angelic chorus. Hugo has died. We see Hugo standing in front of a bright light.

He sees his father and mother holding hands.
H: Father.
Father: Son.
H: (wonderingly) Mother!
Mother: Son.
H: I’m dead. If I am with you, I must be dead.

Los Burke and Miguel have gotten Hugo’s casket out of the grave. Helena tells Guillermo to open it. Guillermo nervously excuses himself to answer the call of nature. (He knows that when the the casket is opened, Helena and Miguel are going to find out that Hugo wasn't buried with all the jewels that Guillermo claimed.)

Hugo in heaven-
Father: This is not the time for you to be with us, Hugo. Return.
H: I don’t know if I want to go back.
Father: I would like to keep you from suffering such pain but it is your destiny and you have to confront it. Don’t be afraid.
Mother: We are always with you. Now go back, Hugo.

In the cemetery, Miguel sits next to the open casket. Helena moves away.
Miguel: Helena, don’t leave. Why are you afraid? The dead are harmless. Come here Helenita. See? (he picks up Hugo’s arm and waves it)
Hugo opens his eyes and half sits up then falls back unconscious. Poor Miguel screams in horror, clutches his chest and keels over on top of Hugo’s coffin.

[Let’s make sure we understand the timeline with Hugo’s catalepsy attack and burial. We don’t know but let’s say, to make it easier to calculate, that Hugo was going to be married on a Saturday. That means the bachelor party was on a Friday night. Marina said that after Hugo came back from the club, she heard him come upstairs in ‘la madrugada,’ which could be anytime from midnight to sunrise. Sometime during that time, he succumbed to a catalepsy attack. Let’s say it happened at 5am on Saturday. The wedding was supposed to have been on Saturday morning and Hugo’s wake was Saturday afternoon and evening. He was buried the next day (Sunday). Alcides tells Paquito that the burial was in the morning. Marina tells Boris that it was in the afternoon so let’s split the difference and say he was buried at noon. Hugo woke up from his catalepsy attack shortly after he was buried, let’s say at 1pm. That means that Hugo’s catalepsy attack lasted about 33 hours. Los Burke dug Hugo up that night. We don’t know exactly when but let’s say it was at midnight. That would mean he was buried alive for about 12 hours.]

Soleded and Úrsula are walking.
Ú: We aren’t going to find anyone to take us.
S: I am a little tired.
Ú: That’s natural in your condition. Let’s rest.
S: I can’t. I want to go to the cemetery. I can’t leave without saying goodbye to Hugo.
Ú: It will take us too far out of our way.
S: I have to go! I want to go. I have to see him.
Ú: Señorita, Don Hugo is already in heaven. You don’t need to go to the cemetery to talk to him. I am sure that he can hear you and see you wherever you are.
S: Yes, you are right. We are together forever even though he is dead.
There is a flash of lightening.

In the cemetery-
Guillermo comes back to Hugo's grave.
G: What happened, Gatita? [‘kitten’]
H: I don’t know. I just heard Miguel scream. I don’t know what happened.
G: Maybe he’s robbing some other grave. What’s this?
He finds Miguel’s body and determines that he’s dead.
H: I told you. It’s a curse. Hugo de Medina only brings disaster. Don’t go near him. Let’s leave here.
G: No, Gatita. We can’t leave him just lying here. We have to finish what we started.
H: Miguel touched him and died instantly! Please let us get away from here. I don’t want that to happen to you too.
G: Dr. Max will kill us. We have no other option.
H: What are we going to do with Miguel?
G: We will put him in Hugo’s coffin and rebury it. Relax. I don’t see any other solution.
H: All right. We’ll do what you say but I’m not touching him.

Marina is trying to drag an unconscious Boris. Paquito comes along in his carriage, sees her and asks what she is doing and if that is her drunk husband. Marina replies that Boris was coming back from a trip and some men wounded him. She is trying to get him back to her boss’s house. Paquito gets down from the carriage to take a look. He asks who her boss is and Marina replies that she and Boris worked for the late Hugo de Medina. Paquito guesses that Boris is Hugo’s confidential employee who was at the Hacienda. Marina begs Paquito to help her. After seeing how badly Boris is injured, Paquito says that they have to get him to a doctor. He orders Marina to get Boris into the carriage but when she can’t do it alone, he helps her.

At the Obragón house, Ester discovers that Soledad is gone. She wakes Lucas up and shows him the letter Soledad left for them:
“Mother and Father, I always thought I could trust you but I realize that isn’t so. It hurts me so much to know that my own parents deceived me and want to make me marry a man only for money. That is why I am leaving with my child. He is the only thing I have to live for. God forgive you. Soledad.
L: What have we done!
E: Get up and get dressed. We have to go and look for her. She couldn’t have gotten out of the city.

At Hugo’s house, Paquito and Marina bring Boris inside and lay him on a couch. Alcides comes in:
A: What is going on here?
M: Don Alcides, something terrible happened. Someone tried to kill Boris on the road and he is in bad shape.
A: Why did you bring him here? Why didn’t you take him to a hospital?
M: I’m sorry but I was afraid that I might run into the killers on the road again.
P: She is right. (to Boris) Wake up!
A: And you are?
P: How rude! Permit me to introduce myself. My name is Francisco de Morales (Alcides ignores his outstretched hand). I am a society reporter. I write for many papers, principally for the Vespertino. (Alcides leans towards Paquito as if he has become aware of Paquito’s cologne. Alcides sneezes.)
A: You write profiles about the families in the capital.
P: Exactly. I’ve come to write… Forgive me. I’ve come to write an article about your brother. Please accept my condolences.
A: You are too late.
P: His death isn’t the only news. Many people would like to know how your brother lived.
A: My brother was buried this morning (looks at Boris). Marina, this man is in bad shape. Go find Dr. Max. (to Paquito) Help me move him. We will take to a more comfortable place. (They lift Boris up.)
P: He is heavy. You have a very nice house, señor.

Los Burke are driving a wagon. Helena wonders if Dr. Max will pay them for this cadaver like he has for the others. Guillermo replies that even if he doesn’t pay them, they will be making a contribution to science. We see Hugo, under a sheet, being bounced around behind them on the bed of the wagon. He opens his eyes.

Úrsula and Soledad see the wagon approaching. Soledad waves and yells at them to stop.

At Dr. Max's house, Marina begs Dr. Max to help her. She tells him that Boris, Hugo’s butler [she calls him ‘mayordomo’ here] was badly hurt in an attack. She asks him to come with her to Hugo’s house. Dr. Max says that he can’t. He is waiting for a patient and can’t leave. Marina says that she won’t leave unless he goes with her and grudgingly, Dr. Max agrees. He says that he will write a note and they can leave.

Los Burke have stopped the wagon by Soledad and Úrsula.
G: Señorita Soledad.
H: You always show up at the worst possible time.
G: What are you doing here? I could have run you over.
S: I need you to do me a favor. Take us out of the city.
In the wagon, Hugo recognizes Soledad’s voice.
G: I’d love to help you but I’m sorry. We have to be somewhere urgently.
S: The only thing I’m asking is that you take us to the outskirts of the city where we can find our own transportation. I will pay you well.
H: Don’t insist, señorita. My husband has already told you. We’re in a hurry.
B: We have to deliver this merchandise.
Ú: Come, señorita, don’t ask again.
Soledad hears Hugo’s psychic voice calling, “Soledad…. Soledad…”
S: (looking around wonderingly) Hugo!.. Hugo!

Los Burke look at each other guiltily. In the wagon, Hugo raises his head fractionally but he can’t speak. “Soledad…Soledad, help me,” he calls psychically.

Soledad calls his name again and heads toward the back of the wagon. Alarmed, Guillermo whips up the horses and the wagon takes off.
S: Stop! Wait!
Ú: What are you doing?
S: I heard him. Úrsula, I heard him.
Ú: Don’t say that señorita.
Soledad watches the wagon disappear.

In the nuthouse, Beatriz realizes that it was Alcides who raped her, not Hugo.

[Now we understand why Alcides didn’t wear evening clothes to Soledad’s birthday party. Beatriz apparently realizes that Alcides and the man who raped her were wearing the same clothes.]

At Dr. Max’s, Los Burke find a note from the doctor. Helena reads it with difficulty and Guillermo helps her with the words ‘emergency’ and ‘amphitheater.’ [We will learn later that Guillermo is much better educated than Helena.]: “Mr. & Mrs. Burke, I had to go out to take care of an emergency. The door is open. Bring the cargo to the amphitheater and wait for me. That’s an order. Dr. Max.” Helena says that she can’t wait to get rid of Hugo de Medina. Even dead, he scares her. She reminds Guillermo about what dead Hugo did to Miguel. Guillermo tells her not to go on about that. The best thing is that with this cadaver, they can pay off their debt to Dr. Max and they won’t have to dig up bodies anymore. [Presumably, this debt is from when Dr. Max bailed them out of prison in Episode 10.] Helena tells him not to speak ill of the dead. Thanks to them, they have enough to live on for three months.

At Hugo’s house, Dr. Max tells Marina that he is not sure that he can save Boris. He has stopped the bleeding but Boris has lost a lot of blood. He needs a transfusion. Marina doesn’t know what that is. Dr. Max says that it is the transfer of blood to a patient. The problem is that there isn’t much time. Marina tells him to take what he needs from her. Boris can be saved with that.

Out on the road, Soledad has fainted. Crying, Úrsula begs her to wake up. Ester and Lucas come up in a carriage and find them. Ester accuses Úrsula of being responsible for what happened. Lucas tells Ester to shut up, “If Soledad ran away, it’s our fault.”

In the sanatorium, Beatriz screams to be let out and that she isn’t crazy. She says that the truth has to be told. The doctor appears and has her sedated. [I think the actor who plays the doctor is the same one who plays a priest in Pasión de Gavilanes and Doña Bárbara.]

Dr. Max tells Marina that it appears that Boris tolerated the transfusion very well. Marina asks if this means that he won’t die. Dr. Max says that it is likely unless Boris has a convulsion. If so, let him know. Marina begs the doctor to stay until they are sure Boris is out of danger but Dr. Max says that he has already done all he can.

At the Casa Obragón-
S: (wakes up in her bed) Hugo was calling me. I heard him.
Lucas: How do you feel, darling?
S: What am I doing here?
Ú: You fainted and you parents came along…
E: We went to look for you, daughter. We were worried about you.
S: I don’t have anything to do with this house.
L: Don’t try and get up. You are too weak.
Ester: Calm down. Let’s talk.
S: I don’t have anything to say to either of you and even less to you mama. How could you do this?
E: Lucas, Úrsula, leave the room.
L: Ester, what are you going to tell her? Soledad is very weak.
E: Lucas, don’t you realize? My daughter hates me. I need to talk to her alone.
L: I will be right outside waiting. (They leave.)
E: Look at me. We have to talk about this.
S: What are you going to tell me? That you want to sell me to Alcides? You are wrong, mama because I will not permit it.

Dr. Max is speaking with Alcides. Alcides pretends to be happy that Boris will recover. Dr. Max says that he had to give Boris a transfusion and without that, the result would have been much different. Alcides asks if Boris will wake up. Dr. Max says that he will wake up, it’s just a matter of when. Dr. Max leaves. Alcides pulls out the telegram from Boris about buying the property and reads it again. Then he tears it into little pieces.

At Dr. Max’s, Guillermo finishes laying out an unconscious Hugo on one of the examining tables. [Presumably, Los Burke have avoided touching Hugo since otherwise, they could certainly tell that he isn’t dead.] Guillermo says that he can’t do this kind of work anymore – he hurts everywhere. He says that he is going to the tavern to get a drink and then go to bed. Helena tells him no, they have to wait for Dr. Max. Guillermo says that she can wait for Dr. Max. Helena asks him not to leave her alone with ‘him.’ She indicates Hugo with her head. Guillermo agrees to stay but says that he is going to sleep and lies down next to the stairs. Helena protests again at being left alone with Hugo.

At the Obragón house-
S: How could you mother, sell me like I was merchandise?
E: Soledad, It’s not what you think. I only want to protect you.
S: Don’t lie to me. I heard you when you were talking about this Manrique, the moneylender, that you owe him a lot of money and that Alcides will pay him if he marries me.
E: Forgive me, daughter. I know that it seems terrible but this outcome benefits everyone. Your child will have a father and we can save our house.
S: Every day you surprise me more. You would sell your soul to the devil to preserve your social status. (Ester gasps) I just buried the love of my life. You don’t understand! You don’t care. You accepted our engagement purely for convenience.

E: Where did you get that idea?

S: Don’t deny it. Now I understand the turnaround – one day you were going to drug me to keep me from testifying for Hugo and the next you accepted my engagement to him. The scales have fallen from my eyes. I’m going to say what I want to. You deceived me. You have been using me all this time.
E: I beg you, daughter. You are our salvation. If you don’t marry Alcides, we will lose everything. If you truly love us, do this for us. I beg you. You have to give back for what the have done for you. At least think about it.
S: No! I have a child now. For him and for the memory of Hugo I am not going to let you continue to manipulate me.
L: (coming back in) I agree with my daughter, Ester. I support her. She won’t marry Alcides.

Paquito is looking at the furnishings of Hugo’s house and taking notes. Alcides comes in.
A: What are you doing?
P: I am taking notes about the details of your deceased brother’s house. In the article I’m writing it seems to me to be important to highlight his good taste. I congratulate you. This is a wonderful house.

A: Who would be interested in someone who was surrounded by scandals and shame?

P: Don’t say that Don Alcides! People are interested in knowing about the lowest human passions. I think your brother indulged in those. Those are the rumors, anyway.
A: My brother’s reputation prejudices me because he bore my last name.
P: I understand but there isn’t anything you can do about it.
A: I think there is. What about a comparison between what he was and what I am?
P: Don Alcides, I believe in freedom of expression but I will tell you something that I don’t like – when someone tells me what to write.
A: I am ready to make you a generous offer to make an exception to your rule.
P: What are you trying to say? I am a serious journalist, Señor and I am one of the few people in this City who don’t have a price. (Paquito leaves in a huff.)
A: (sneezing) Entertainment journalist. We’ll see if you can’t be bought. We’ll see about that.

At Dr. Max’s, Helena roams around looking for something to eat while Guillermo sleeps. Meanwhile, Hugo is waking up. His fingers move and his eyelids flutter.

At the Obragón house:
L: Ester, you’ve gone too far this time. I won’t support this absurd marriage to Alcides.
E: Don’t talk to me as if I were the bad guy here. I’m just looking for a solution for my family or have you forgotten that you are to blame for this? It was you who got us into debt, who ruined us.
L : You are right. I made a mistake in my business negotiations but Soledad shouldn’t have to pay for my mistakes.
E: We will lose the house, Lucas. Is that what you want for your family?
L: No. What I want is to to save my daughter from an injustice, a monstrosity.
E: Then she will have to leave. If we are going to be ruined, let’s keep a little dignity. I’m not going to live with that bastard.
L: And I won’t live with you, Ester. My daughter and I will leave together.
E: Don’t threaten me, Lucas. Think long and hard before you do something.
S: Papa, don’t argue.
L: Soledad, for many years, I have tolerated the whims of your mother in silence. But not this time. You and my grandchild are not alone. If I have to separate from your mother, to defend you, I will do it.

E: Don’t you dare, Lucas. If you put a foot outside this house, don’t ever come back.
L: Keep your threats, Ester. This time we aren’t doing things your way.
E: I thought we were a family and that we would move forward together. But I see that it isn’t so. You will regret this decision, Lucas. (to Soledad) And you… (She can’t finish and runs out of the room.)

Lighting flashes and thunder crashes at Dr. Max’s. Helena, with her back to the table where Hugo is, talks to the sleeping Guillermo. She wonders what can be taking Dr. Max so long. She begs Guillermo to wake up. She is hungry. She doesn’t like being here alone. Meanwhile Hugo has managed to get off the examination table silently. He comes up behind Helena and trembling all over like he was cold, he puts his hand on her shoulder.

“Please help me,” he says almost inaudibly. Helena turns and sees him, screams and falls down in a faint.

Hugo staggers toward the exit.
The credits roll.


Pasión, Weds 2/13, #46: Some concern about a letter

I'm sorry if the second half of this got a bit sketchy. I've got a horrible headache and I can't type more than two words without making a typo. Please feel free to make any additions, clarifications, etc.

Vasco tells Cami that he and Inez are getting married next Saturday. Justo wanted Cami and Ric to celebrate their recent wedding on the same day, but Vasco thinks it'd be better if they picked a different day, because Santi and Rita don't like the idea. (I'm not sure why they should have any say in the matter.) Cami bites her lip and agrees. Vasco asks her to tell their father that it was her and Ric's idea to do it on a different day, so as not to upset him. There's a faint hint of disgust in Cami's face as she agrees; Jimena doesn't look thrilled either, but a more offensive sight catches their eye: Jorge's friend Uriel (Dali mustache guy) is unlocking the door to Justo's old store.

Camila flips out and says that's it - they (she and whose army?) are going to buy the mill concession. Jimena and Vasco think she should wait until Ric comes back, but she doesn't want anyone else to beat her to it. Vasco says they need to talk first. Cami asks if this is about the ED card his friend ran off with - Ascanio's gone to look for it. (I miss him already!) Vasco says it's not for sure Ascanio will find him; he gave him directions to Bernabe's family, but if Bernabe went to the capitol instead, it'd be like looking for a needle in a haystack. Cami says sure, or he could be dead and/or simply gone forever, but he's probably not so dumb he doesn't realize that if he comes back he could get killed. Meanwhile, they can't let fear keep them from taking this chance. Jimena and Vasco try to scare her a little anyway and suggest maybe Jorge will sell the mill concession to anyone in town BUT her. Cami says if that's the case, Marcelino will say so.

She makes a beeline for the admin office, leaving them in the dust. Pablo and someone else (I think Jesus, but I'm not sure?) watch as Vasco and Jimena follow her a moment later. Marcelino, nervous as usual, interrupts Jorge while he's attempting to mediate a boring property dispute between two farmers. He seems grateful for the interruption and tells the farmers to go back to the property bureau again and work it out there because he has other matters to attend to. They're not happy to be blown off, but on the bright side, they'll probably bond over their mutual disappointment in Jorge. Especially if they have daughters.

Jorge tells Marcelino to let only Cami in. Vasco can wait outside and if he doesn't like it, he'll be castrated. Marcelino relays a more polite version of Jorge's request to Camila and Vasco. This causes some dismay, but Cami goes ahead with the meeting. Vasco grumbles that she's being irresponsible. Jimena reminds him again that if not for him and his friend, Camila could spend her money however she wanted to.

Marcelino waits in the hallway, leaning against the door as Jorge congratulates Cami on her wedding. Cami says yeah, sorry it was so sudden, but Ric had to go out of town so they decided to hurry it up. He pretends not to mind.

Cami asks him if she's considered a regular citizen. He replies that a citizen is someone who has rights and responsibilities. Women have responsibilities, Jorge says, but very few rights. "Very few," Cami repeats with crafty innocence, "but they have the right to shop, correct?" "Yes," Jorge answers. "Thanks. I want to buy the mill concession, not as Justo's daughter, but as Ric's wife."

Jorge's only question is whether Ric can pay for it. Cami says sure, or would he refuse to sell it to her for some reason? He says no, any financially solvent person can acquire it. She offers to pay right away.

Jorge wants to know why she's trying to buy it, considering all the misfortune she's brought upon her family. She asks/says he's doing this to hurt her family. He says he had to get even somehow. She says okay, well, now you did, so can you leave us alone? "Aren't you afraid of me?" She says she is, but she thinks that a man of his good upbringing couldn't be such a lout (gañán). If he continues to mess with her family, the whole town will lose respect for him. He says he's still hot for her, and frustrated - and frustration is a poor advisor.

Pablo and Jesus (I think) continue to watch from across the plaza, wondering why Vasco and Jimena are waiting for Camila outside. Camila comes out looking smug, and giddily reports her victory. Vasco asks what Jorge wanted in exchange. He doesn't believe Cami's claim that he didn't want anything else. Jimena scolds him for busting her chops. The three run off. Pablo looks suspiciously at Jorge exiting the city building, then he and Jesus follow the New Mill Trio from a discreet distance.

Santi and the twins are replacing some of the space-age roofing materials (palm fronds) over the forge. Crispin (or Pancho) tells Santi that Lis came by to ask him to come over about a job. Santi says they should go instead, so he doesn't have to see Cami's husband. Pancho (or Crispin) says that's what they figured, but she said she wanted to see him.

Lis and Fran are just getting home with some shopping bags from Crate 'n' Barrel. They ask the gateman if Pablo went away with Ric. The gateman says no, he went to town with Camila because Ric wanted him to watch over her. Alone, Lis tells Fran that Ric must be having Cami watched because he doesn't trust her. (Ha! It's only everybody else in the world that he doesn't trust.) Lis says he must be jealous of Santiago - that's why she invited him over. It's okay if she's not there at the moment. She's going to order a big heavy strongbox, and then she's going to keep asking him to make modifications to it, so that he's constantly coming back. Fran thinks this scheme is needlessly elaborate, not to mention futile.

Next, Clothilde comes in wanting a word. She says she's afraid that Camila will fire her, just like she fired her from her old job. She says it was probably Jimena's doing, she thought she was a snoop, but Clothilde swears it's not true. Lis says, well, hmm, actually she needs a snoop, but it needs to be someone who's totally on her side. Clothilde eagerly agrees to be Lis's eyes and ears. Fran wants to know what the snooping was about. Clothilde plays innocent and says ah, you know, like when Camila had visitors, she might have taken notice. Like when Don Jorge came over, and Ricardo, and Santiago. Lis perks up at the mention of Santiago's name.

Vasco, Cami, and Jimena make their way to Justo's house. Cami reminds me of Dorothy, Vasco reminds me of the lion, and Jimena is a new character who needs to ask the wizard for a piece of duct tape for her mouth. Dorothy is telling her friends the Lion and the Duck not to tell Justo she's bought the mill until she has the papers in hand. Jimena is horrified that it's still not a done deal. Cami says it's no problem, she already committed the payment and signed the paperwork with Marcelino. Vasco says those papers aren't worth any more than the papers their father had and lost the mill anyway. She could lose it too. Cami says Jorge wouldn't dare.

As they approach the house, Paco runs out to greet them. He's excited about the upcoming wedding. Ines shows off the necklace that Sofia gave her. Grumpily, Vasco goes to fetch Justo. Paco asks Jimena when she's getting married. Jimena asks why - does he want to marry her? He says no. She hollers in mock anger, calling him an egg-faced brat, and chases him across the yard.

Ines tells Cami that Santiago told her yesterday that she might be able to make a better man out of Vasco, and this made her feel better. Justo comes out to visit, and Vasco excuses himself, saying he has to go to the mill. Cami looks worried that he'll let the cat out of the bag, but he just says he needs to take over a wagonload of wheat that he didn't do yesterday. Justo tells the women about Sofia's visit yesterday, how the wedding is all set and Sofia's so great. Cami says, speaking of which, she and Ric decided not to celebrate their own wedding on the same day as Ines and Vasco after all, since it's all a gift from Sofia. Ines looks disappointed. Justo assures Cami that Sofia wouldn't mind at all. Cami insists that they should each have their own party, and she and Ric would be more comfortable that way. Justo seems suspicious.

Vasco catches up with Santiago on his way to see Lis. Vasco reports that Cami has gone crazy. He tells Santi the whole story of how Ascanio's gone off with a list of addresses to find Bernabe. Santi's annoyed that Ascanio made up a lie to explain why he was going away; Vasco says Ascanio didn't know how much Santi knew. Vasco is still complaining that Cami being stubborn. Santi calls Vasco a wretch and reminds him again that the letter problem is his fault; he should have destroyed it immediately or given it to his sister (erm, that would be his sister Camila, not his sister Rita). Vasco says he wants to die every time he thinks about it, and rehashes all the bad things that will happen if Bernabe sells that letter to Lis. All Cami's money will be gone, she'll lose everything and go to jail.

Santi reminds Vasco that Ric has money. Vasco starts to say something about this, but catches himself. But only for a second, because when Santiago asks, Vasco blurts that the most recent caravan assault was on Ric's stuff. Santiago gets mad and asks why is Vasco telling him all of this, he should be discussing it with his sister's husband. "He went on a trip," Vasco says. He urges Santi to go talk to Cami, because he's the only person who can change her mind (about buying the mill). Santi doesn't want to get involved, but Vasco says the deal will be finalized tomorrow when Marcelino comes over to collect the payment. If she doesn't retract her offer and then Lis gets her inheritance, Cami goes to prison.

Santi gets to Ric's house and leaves a message with Esteban that he needs to talk to Camila when she gets back. Santi watches disapprovingly as the pirates horse around in the yard, doing handstands and throwing what looks like playing cards into a hat that's propped up on sticks. (Any idea what they're doing??)

Lis asks Santi about his recent imprisonment. He says he lost his temper and failed to watch his words. Lis says people have the right to get upset once in a while. Santi says that according to God's law, anger is one of the seven deadly sins, and he's not proud of it. She says she's still glad he's free. He asks Lis what the job is that she wants him to do.

Cami and Jimena are just arriving and wondering what Santiago wants to talk about. She tells one of the maids that when he's finished with Lis, she'll be waiting for him in the salon. Jimena tells Cami maybe she shouldn't meet with him, because if Ric finds out he might not like it. Cami doesn't get why she shouldn't talk to her BIL. Jimena reminds her that Ric's jealous of her ex-fiance, DUH.

Esteban closes the gate behind Pablo and Jesus. I'm not sure why they're waiting outside the gate, but then, I didn't know why they were throwing cards into a hat either.

Santi is just wrapping up with Lis. He says he's got a strongbox that he'll bring over for her to inspect with no obligation. "You can look at it... uh... sorry." She brushes off this minor faux pas and says that her hands are her eyes, and at times one's hands can even know what's in a person's heart. (Fran glances up from her embroidery with an expression of profound distaste.) Lis then asks for Santi's hands. He protests that they're dirty, but she insists. He gives her one clean hand. She says they're strong, like... "like any workman's," Santi interjects, but warm and signifying a generous heart, Lis adds. "You're too kind," he says patiently and she continues to fondle his hand as if it's a... well let's just say I'm relieved when he takes it back and asks if she wants to check out the strongbox he mentioned, or if she wants him to start building a new one for her.

Clothilde finds Hilaria, the maid that Cami spoke to earlier, waiting outside a door. She accuses Hilaria of loafing, but Hilaria explains that Camila is in there, waiting for Santiago to come talk to her after he's finished with Lis! Clothilde's jaw drops.

Jimena and Camila are still debating the wisdom of buying the mill without consulting Ric first, when Santi comes in. He says he'd prefer that they speak alone. Jimena leaves. Santi blasts her for making this huge purchase knowing that Bernabe and that letter are still at large and Ric's lost all of his money. Camila is ultra-super-impactada that Santiago knows about Bernabe and about Ric's loss and demands to know who told him.

Fran is asking Lis where that stuff about seeing with hands came from. Lis says that touching a person gives you an idea of what they're like, and Santi's hands are rough like Ricardo's. Fran disdainfully says sure, but one uses weapons and the other uses a hammer. What Lis did was not proper. He's going to think she's fresh! Lis says she doesn't care what he thinks - she just hopes that the next time he comes over, Camila's home.

Clothilde comes in with some clean towels. She brags that she's scented them with lavender, and by the way, Santiago's taken advantage of his visit here to come chat with Camila in the salon. Lis gets up excitedly and orders Clothilde to spy on them. Fran rolls her eyes, but says nothing as the nosy maid eagerly complies.

Clothilde crouches outside a half-open door and watches and listens eagerly to Santi telling Cami that he knows she wants to help her father, but if that LETTER comes back, she'll go to JAIL and her father will DIE of shame. Cami says that if BERNABE had wanted to EXTORT her some more or SELL THE LETTER TO LIS, he would have done it, and she appreciates Santiago's interest very much, but he shouldn't meddle in her decisions.

"I did it for the AFFECTION I HAVE FOR YOU," Santi says. He thinks she's making a mistake. Her father's already reconciled himself to losing the mill. Cami disagrees that he's reconciled himself to anything. "You don't know him like I do," she says. He's worked hard all his life and now he's sick with no money and nothing to do, he's going to start dying little by little.

Santi reaches for her shoulder but doesn't quite touch it. He says he'd split himself in two to help her. (Clothilde looks like she could use some popcorn.) "Thanks, but I have a husband now," she tells him. "And where is your husband? Every time you need him, he never shows up." She says he had something important to do, and didn't know about this. Santi sarcastically remarks on her great trust. She says she does trust Ric, all the trust in the world. Santi says if that's how she's going to be, then God help her. He picks up his bag and leaves.

Fran is just in the middle of telling Lis that Santi wanting to talk to Cami is probably no big deal, when Clothilde shows up, foaming at the mouth. She says she didn't hear much (yeah, only the entire conversation), but they mentioned that there's a letter that could show up that Liz could buy and then Camila would go to prison, and it was stolen by some friend of Camila's brother Vasco who's named Bernabe. Clothilde just happens to know Bernabe's mother. Fran wants to get on that right away. Also, Clothilde says, Camila did or wants to do something to help her father, Santiago disagreed, Clothilde gets a little caught up in the drama of Justo's plight and Lis urges her back on track. Clothilde reports the part about Ric never being around when needed and Cami saying that he doesn't know what's going on.

Jimena can't wait to know what Santi wanted to talk about. Cami is furious with her. She thought they were like sisters, she swore she wasn't going to tell anyone, so how is it that Santiago knows everything?? Jimena swears that Vasco was the only person she told. It just slipped out, because Vasco was saying that Ric has money and could come to the rescue. She begs for forgiveness. Cami asks how she can trust Jimena, knowing that she will discuss such personal, private things with others. (Ahem, Camila.) Distraught, Jimena agrees and says Cami has every right to throw her out into the street. They hug and make up, but Cami emphasizes that she mustn't repeat the things Cami tells her, especially things about Ricardo.

At the gate, Clothilde haughtily tells Esteban that she's going on an errand for Lis. After she leaves, Esteban tells Pablo that when Lis and Fran got back, they asked where he was. "NOW you tell me?" Esteban says sorry, they didn't ask him, they asked the gateman. Pablo angrily mocks the boy's protests of innocence as he rushes into the house.

Lis is speculating as to what kind of help Cami is giving, and why. She figures it's financial help since Justo has lost his businesses. Fran agrees, and thinks she's hiding it from Ric. They wonder if Ric knows that Bernabe has the letter. Fran thinks it best not to mention it to him. Lis thinks they should tell him, so he can go get it back. Fran reminds her that Ric has no interest in separating Camila from her inheritance, especially now his own money's been stolen. Lis says she'd give back his part of it (the part that belonged to Ric's father, which Ric didn't inherit due to being framed for murder) anyway.

Pablo comes in to apologize for being away all day. He explains that they'd been told to watch out for Camila to make sure no one bother her. (This spoils the ladies' theory that Ric was having them spy on her.) Lis wants to know where Ric went. He says he doesn't know, just that it was only Ric and Mario. Fran asks if he misses life at sea. Pablo says he certainly does. Lis asks why are they all here, then? He hems and haws, and tells them they'd have to ask the captain themselves. Heh.

Then he asks, why did they want to speak with him? Liz says oh, uh, well, we just saw that you weren't here. Pablo excuses himself. Fran checks the door (but doesn't close it??) to ensure that he's out of earshot, and starts going on about how great it would be if Bernabe's mother could hook them up with The Letter.

In town, Clothilde helps Lupe wash some crud off the sidewalk in front of her house. Lupe is saying that Bernabe left without saying goodbye. Vasco's come by several times asking for him, and she's even gone to the authorities seeking (either charity or asking them to go look for him?), but she's afraid that something's happened to him. Clothilde says maybe he's just gone on a trip. Lupe gives her a funny look and says "without any clothes or anything?" Clothilde cuts to the chase and asks about the letter.

Meanwhile, Jimena goes to the mill and unleashes her fury on Vasco, swinging her parasol at him and shouting. Vasco says Santiago had to know about these things. She kicks him and reminds him that he promised not to tell. He says Santi was his last hope to get Camila to withdraw her offer on the mill. Sure he'd love for them to have it, but not at the cost of his sister's freedom. Yeah, yeah, he admits, he's an idiot, a slob, etc, but he told Bernabe not to do it. Jimena worries what Ric will do when he finds out that everyone knows his money's gone. He'll be angry with Camila, and it will be Jimena's fault, and Vasco's. She punches him in the stomach.

At a pub someplace (I think it's an early TGI Friday's, they haven't collected any fake antique replicas yet), Mario is trying to explain why he's not happy with Camila. This inheritance issue they've been dealing with so long is taking over their lives. Ric says it's important to him. Mario says, well, supposedly that's what it's about, but ever since Ric found out that Cami was the widow in question, he's never had any intention of taking that money; Ric says there's no way to justify doing it. And his aunt bribed the doctor to write that letter. Mario would have liked it to stay that way, but no, Ric just had to discover passion for the widow, and to heck with everyone else.

Mario gets up to leave in a huff. Ric pulls him back to his seat. He tells him that when a woman enters your life and becomes important to you, it's normal for things to change. Mario angrily says that if Cami didn't exist, or if she'd been just a fling, they could have gone after Jorge and LaFont like rabid dogs right away instead of trying little by little to get them to reveal where the money is. Ric shushes him and says he's never shredded anyone. Mario says sure, but you've cut some up pretty well. Ric says they'd be suspected right away. Jorge's already suspicious. "The dead don't speak," Mario reminds him, but they could get them to talk first and say where they hid the treasure.

Ric says there are two things Mario doesn't understand: First, they're not at sea, and they can't solve problems that way here on land. People have power, guards, and the support of the law. And they don't have proof. The second thing is, they're no longer on their own turf. He's tired of that life, and the only way out is to get proof that Jorge and LaFont are involved in the caravan assaults. And they talked about that even before he knew about Camila. Mario says the Antillano of before would have burned down Jorge's palace. Ric says he doesn't want to be Antillano any more.

Clothilde is telling Fran and Lis that Bernabe disappeared without warning, and that Vasco's been looking for him. His mother doesn't know anything about the letter. Clothilde excuses herself and leaves. Fran correctly deduces that Bernabe blackmailed Camila, took the money and ran. Lis correctly deduces that Camila must have recognized him. Fran's guess is that he kept the letter in hopes of getting more money out of her. It'll turn up again in time. They need to clean this up. They need to find it. But even his mother doesn't know where he is, and there's no way the two of them can go from town to town looking for a guy they've never met.

Lis again suggests bringing Ric into this. Fran says no way, he'd just tear the letter up. He has no interest in pursuing her father's inheritance. Lis says what good does it do them to know all this stuff and not do anything about it? Fran has a great idea: they'll put it in the hands of Alberto LaFont. For once, Lis doesn't protest.

At the forge, Vasco and Santi discuss their virtually nonexistent options. Santi's plan is to ask God to inspire Bernabe to become a nice guy and reform himself with the money Cami gave him. He wonders if Ascanio will find him. Vasco doubts it and says he hopes Bernabe is dead in the bushes someplace.

Over a game of Chinese checkers, Ursula asks Manuela if she can tell that Ascanio likes her. Manuela does not want to have this conversation, but Ursula (unusually humanely) tells Manuela that the same thing could happen to her that happened to Ursula, she could wind up married to a grody old guy, and then she'll be sorry that she never knew the pleasure of a young man's arms, handsome and not all wrinkly. "I'm not like you, I've told you many times!" Manuela complains.

Of course not, Ursula laughs. She never will be. She's a dingaling. But these things are a lot of fun. Manuela says it doesn't look fun to her. "You haven't tried," Ursula says. Manuela asks if she hasn't considered that it's a sin. Ursula isn't interested in a Sunday School lecture. She's a young, pretty woman, and she has the right. Why should only young men be able to?

Fortunata comes in and hears Ursula ask Manuela what she thinks of Santiago. Manuela says she saw what Ursula thought of him when he came to speak with Sofia. Fortunata spies as Ursula says he's tall, handsome, strong, and has something special about him. Manuela says he's married and his wife's about to have a baby. Ursula says she only wants him for a little while. She giggles wildly as Fortunata hurries to tell Sofia what she's heard.

Sofia takes the news grimly. Fortunata is suprised that her aunt doesn't seem more concerned that Ursula plans to seduce a married man. Sofia says it matters very much - more than Fortunata thinks. Deep down, she's almost been wanting this.

Fortunata is confused. Sofia just asks her not to leave Ursula alone for a moment, at least not until after Ines's wedding. She doesn't want to spoil the family's party. Fortunata doesn't understand what Sofia's talking about.

At La Paloma, Mateo (Marcel waves guy) and Gonzalo share a drink. Gonzalo says he doesn't care what they say, he's had it up to here with Jorge. Mateo reminds him that Jorge's their friend and the señor of San Fernando. "Friend?" Gonzalo replies bitterly. He spits out his wine, says it's bad and demands another one. He complains that Jorge's a señor in name only, otherwise he wouldn't given up trying to screw that woman. He's afraid of that guy, and we all know he's a pirate and he's scared.

Mateo says Jorge's never been a coward, and it'd be a big mistake for Gonzo to insult him again the way he did the other day. He'll put up with a lot, but if Gonzo goes on yanking the rope, he could come to a bad end. Gonzo laughs and asks if the truth is an insult. The short version of Mateo's answer is yes. Gonzo says they're a bunch of lowlifes and buffoons and he's sick of them. He yells at the waiter again because the second wine is not to his liking either.

Uriel joins them. He apologizes/brags that he was late because he was making a list of stuff at his new store. Gonzo complains that Uriel is rubbing their noses in it and not being classy. "Still boozing, huh?" Uriel replies. Gonzo says he's got more important things to discuss: he wants to rob the next caravan. Mateo says Jorge told them not to. Gonzo says Jorge can't do a thing without LaFont, but they can. Mateo and Urkel want no part of it. Gonzo calls them buffoons again and leaves. Uriel says Gonzo's always been overly violent and rash, to his detriment. Mateo says he's got problems with his father's hacienda, too. Uriel says we've all got problems, but this isn't the way to solve them, and if they go through with the plan, Jorge's not going to like it. "Much less Lafont," Mateo adds.

Jimena is again begging Cami not to complete the mill purchase. (I note that she's been wearing pink the last few episodes; it suits her much better than the orange dresses, I think. Much as I love orange, it's not a very flattering color on most people.) She should wait to talk it over with Ric. Cami says someone else would buy it first, and she thinks Ric would say no, so she'd just as soon have it done when he gets back. Yeah, he'll be upset. For the gazillionth time, Jimena mentions the consequences of Bernabe returning with the letter, and Cami says she's known him since forever and he's not a bad guy and she doesn't think he'll do that. "I hope you're right," Jimena says as they arrive at the plaza.

Ines and Vasco join them and also start nagging at her to withdraw the offer on the mill. Vasco says their father would say the same thing, if he knew. "Thanks for worrying so much about me, but I've made my decision and I'm not going to change it." She rushes into the admin building.

Marcelino has the papers ready for a final signature. He asks Camila if she'd like to wait for Jorge, but she wants to get it over with. Just as she's about to put pen to paper, however, she notices an extra signature line with Ric's name printed underneath. Marcelino says yes, since she's a married woman, her husband has to sign off the purchase too. "What if he doesn't want to?" she asks. Marcelino laughs nervously and says she'd have to discuss that with him. She says he's on a trip, and anyway, she was going to pay with her own money. Marcelino says her husband has the right and the obligation to decide how she spends the money they share in marriage, and to veto if he disagrees.

"I'll sign it," she says. "I know my husband, and he won't oppose it."

Jorge has found Gonzalo and is telling him that under no circumstances is he to try to rob a caravan on his own. Gonzo complains that Jorge is relying on Lafont to make decisions, but he doesn't need gills (fins?) to swim. Jorge warns Gonzo that he's being offensive and he's getting tired of it. Don't do it. "Or else what?" Gonzo asks. "You die," Jorge answers.


Santiago unbuttons his shirt, but I don't see the green scarf.


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Al Diablo Con Los Guapos #18, Wednesday 2-13: Constancio finds his long-lost daughter, and boy is he thrilled.

Padre Manuel comes to visit Constancio right after Mili offers to help Constancio find his long-lost son (and some of the pronouns can be interpreted as non-gender-specific, but others just can't be interpreted as anything but masculine). Mili happily announces to Padre Manuel that she's helping Constancio out, but Constancio gets really upset that she's blabbing to PM and storms out of the room. Mili notices that PM is pale and asks if he's ok and what he's there for. He babbles about nothing in particular and eventually says he came to talk to Sr. B. and very determinedly goes to look for him. He meets up with Braulio in the lobby…digo, the living room. Braulio says that Sr. B has left the house and there's no telling when he'll be back. Mili tries to get PM to come to the kitchen with her, but he gets quite red in the face, has a bit of a dizzy spell, and has to sit down.

Luciana is realizing that because Constancio wants to get into politics, he's going to need her around for his image. She doesn't think he knows anything about politics, but Damian points out that he's an expert liar. Ha! Luciana's pissed that Damian's telling her to "think" when no one's thinking about her--although, Damian claims he is and that Constancio being in politics will benefit everyone. He tells her she's being selfish and picks up a glass of half-melted ice cubes from the bed. The way Luciana's looking at it, there's probably more than just ice and water in that glass.

Mili and Padre Manuel make it into the kitchen, where Socorro gives him a cup of tea (fixes everything--just ask the Brits). Socorro takes off and PM asks for more details about Constancio's lost child. PM goes pale again when Mili says she's going to help Constancio. He starts to leave, saying that since Mili told him he'd lost his color, he needed to go find it. Oh, that Padre Manuel, such a kidder.

Valeria tells her model friend, who I'll call "Veruca" (for lack of a better name and because the haircut calls to mind a character from Buffy the Vampire Slayer), that her chauffer is her secret admirer. Valeria laments that Rorgan's "ugly". He comes up just then, asking if she needs the car. Veruca gets a good look at Rorgan and pronounces him "not as ugly as you say," making Rorgan puff up with pride. He really needs to get some better standards.

Mili and Alejandro run into each other on opposite sides of the stairs. Alejandro tries to explain that he had nothing to do with Andrea living there, but Mili won't hear it. She tells him she picked the wrong guy and she's going to go for Hugo since he's not an ass. Doña Regina shows up asking what they're arguing about. Mili blows off the question and says she has news that she can't talk to Regina about with Alejandro there. Regina eventually sends Alejandro away, but he hides behind the Christmas tree to listen in. Mili tells Regina that Constancio lied about his "other" child being dead. Alejandro is impactado. And slightly goofy looking with the remains of that bruise on the side of his mouth. It looks like he had grape jelly with breakfast and forgot to wipe his mouth after.

Rorgan and Horacio talk about their luuuuurve lives while Horacio tends the vegetable garden. Horacio talks about Socorro being the 2nd time he's ever been in love. There was another woman, years ago, but he sorta accidentally kissed her friend and she dumped him. They were even going to get married, but the day after that happened, she left. Now she lives somewhere around Satelite. Wherever that is.

We cut to a reasonably good-looking, dark-haired woman in a catsuit, who will probably end up being the woman Horacio's talking about since they rarely make scene cuts like that without a reason. She's Roxana, an old friend of Damian's (ugh, bad taste) who runs a little gaming salon. She's actually happy to see Damian and lets him play the day on the house. Damian decides to shoot craps. Hm, that one's literal and figurative.

Mili tries to stick up for Constancio's decision to lie and tells Regina that she overheard parts of it and was told the rest of it. Regina's impactada and Mili worries it's because Regina thinks she's a big mouth. Regina explains it's because her grandchild is alive and Mili (sweetly) says her grandchild is alive and doesn't know what a grandma s/he's missing out on.

Luciana practices marginally useful Italian vocabulary in her room alone. Alejandro knocks on the door and comes in. He asks about Constancio's "other" child. Luciana won't answer, but Alejandro repeats the question in time for Valeria to hear it. Luciana claims it's a vicious lie and leaves the room. Alejandro fills Valeria in on what he knows.

Night falls on Mansion la Soledad, squashing the hapless occupants, except for Mili and Alejandro who were busy making out in a doorway and were saved from squashing, doorways being so structurally sound. Just kidding.

Night falls and finds Constancio in his study alone. He rips the picture of him and Rosario in half, accidentally knocks a glass of something off the desk as he throws his half of the picture in the trash, and then returns the picture of Rosario to his desk drawer as someone knocks. It's Milagros, sent by Braulio to tell him that dinner is served. Constancio tells her to clean up his mess, but in his distraction, he actually says "please" and "if you would be so kind." Mili steals his picture out of the trash.

At dinner, Andrea declines Damian's offer to make a speech, so Constancio welcomes her to the house and says they're all happy to have her sharing their table. Alejandro says "not everyone…I mean, grandma's not here." Luciana complains about her being locked in her room all the time. Constancio says she shouldn't care and Luciana says she doesn't. Valeria, holding Alejandro's hand, brings up their lost sibling. Alejandro adds "and if we have one, where is he?" Constancio calls them "filthy brats" for asking the question and tells Valeria he's disappointed in her and that Alejandro must have rubbed off on her. Alejandro says if it's a lie, Constancio has no reason to be upset and he just can't talk to him anymore. Alejandro leaves the table. Constancio tells Valeria again that he's disappointed in her and leaves. Valeria calls him on it (well, after he's gone anyway) and asks who's disappointing whom. Luciana also declines to answer the questions and leaves. Damian, dramatically, dips his hands in his water glass, declares himself the reincarnation of Pontius Pilate, and says he washes his hands of the matter. Valeria turns to Andrea, the last person left at the table and says "Welcome to Mansion la Soledad." I don't think we saw Andrea's reaction to any of that, did we?

Braulio brings Hugo his dinner, since Milagros declined. She told Braulio that until Hugo stops talking about luuuuurve, she won't visit him anymore. Hugo can't understand why she won't believe he's in love with her. Braulio says it's because women are ungrateful--you give them affection and they forget it. He's talking about Rosario. He raised her and one night she left--not with a guy, but because of a guy--and he never saw her again. He calls her ungrateful again, then chokes up and has to leave the room. Great, so Milagros gets "kinda nuts" and "melodramatic" from both sides of the family.

Constancio and Damian conference. Constancio figures that Milagros must have found out from Regina and then he and she had some conversations. Damian's confused that Constancio would have a conversation like that with a servant. Damian brings up Constancio's need for a squeaky clean image. Damian wants to help Constancio clean up said image…and he wants to know where he fits into the Belmonte political regime. He's such a parasite.

Alejandro argues with Luciana about dinner. Alejandro doesn't want to be nice to daddy after the way daddy treats him, and as for Andrea hearing dirty laundry…well, she wanted to move in, didn't she. Luciana says that Andrea didn't have anywhere else to go and besides, the poor dear's dealing with a lot, what with Constancio trying to have his way with her. This gets Alejandro's attention and he storms off…

To find Andrea, who takes advantage of his presence to try to mack on him. She fake-cries and hugs him, saying she didn't want him to find out and if it hadn't been for Luciana…more fake crying. She actually looks a lot prettier without the excessive eye makeup, IMO. Mili walks by the door and sees them hugging.

Constancio brings a bottle and a couple of glasses into the bedroom and invites Luciana to toast with him. She sniffs at it, but doesn't drink. Constancio announces he's being put forward as a candidate for "diputado" (a member of the Chamber of Deputies, which is the lower chamber of congress--equivalent to a member of the House of Representatives, more or less). He toasts himself and asks if she doesn't want to save her son. What? Well, he knows her "vacation" isn't really a vacation and if he were her, he'd stick around. He says if she leaves him, he'll make "the bastard's" life impossible and he'll be sorry he was born. Who knows, he might even have some kind of accident. Luciana doesn't want to believe he's capable. He demands again that she toast with him. Spineless fool! Like she can't take him with her or just warn him to get away, or oh, here's a novel idea--tell him the truth!

Andrea thinks Alejandro's concern means he really luuuuurves her, but Alejandro says he doesn't and it's over. Andrea tries to rag on Mili, then she tries to compare him to his dad. Neither works. She asks him if what he's got with "the servant" is serious and whether he loves her. She interprets his silence as confusion. She says she'll wait for him, and then something about how he shouldn't blame his dad, but my BS alarm was going off and I didn't quite catch her reasoning.

Padre Manuel is back to talk to Constancio and they go into the study.

Alejandro confronts Mili in the hallway and says now she's the one playing around with him. They get back to arguing about Andrea and whether he's telling the truth. Mili tells him if he luuuuurves her so much, they can go into Andrea's room right now and he can tell her to get out of the house. Alejandro says he can't do that. Wimp.

Padre Manuel tells Constancio it's about his other kid, and they need to talk about it. Constancio says he's going to make confession: he had a thing with a servant, she got pregnant…yeah, yeah, says PM, I know that part…well, Regina's always suffered about her grandchild being missing, sometimes he'd like to find him. PM says he's found…or rather, SHE'S found, and you know her, she's staying in this house. Constancio calls PM crazy. PM explains the nuns found a pregnant girl with pneumonia, took her in, she died in childbirth, and the kid was raised at the convent. PM calls her "Mili Gol" but her name is Milagros--yep, Doña Regina's companion. Constancio is impactadissimo!

Mili calls him on it and says it's not that he "can't" tell her to leave, he "won't." She eventually gets around to telling him she found Andrea in his bed. He's surprised and flounders. She tells him to quit lying so he won't end up burning "down there" when the time comes (and for a minute there, I thought she meant it anatomically and was saying he should sleep with Andrea more often so it wouldn't burn when he finally got to hell--good thing I rewound!). She tells him to leave her alone--if he were serious and if he were a real man, he wouldn't do this to her.

PM offers Constancio a glass of water, but he says he's fine and asks PM to sit. Constancio says his mother never lost hope, but he did, although deep down….Constancio now freaks out and says he can't have a "bastard" daughter. PM takes offense at the word and says the kids at the convent aren't "bastards" they're orphans. Constancio asks if she knows, which she doesn't. PM thought her father should tell her the truth. Constancio asks who all knows--PM, Sor Cachete, and Madre Superior. Constancio says no one else must know, that girl can't be his daughter, his political career wouldn't take it. Constancio says he'll give PM money for her to have a decent life, but he wants her out of his house and out of his life. Dude, that's cold.

Later that night, Milagros lies in her bunk and talks about Alejandro to Lina. She says she's got to show him she doesn't care about him. Lina thinks that's going to be difficult, but Milagros intends to try her best. They start talking about Hugo and how he's different…he doesn't care that Milagros is a servant, he sings her Billy Joel songs…digo, he likes her just the way she is. Karla appears to be listening in on this part of the conversation. Lina says it's too bad Milagros' heart is already occupied.

Speaking of crazed painters, Hugo strokes the painting (ewwwww!) and then decides that if Mili won't talk to him, she'll talk to his alter ego, Pandroso.

Very, very early the next morning, Constancio drinks his coffee and tucks the picture of Rosario in his breast pocket. Braulio walks into the study and Constancio says he needs him to do something without asking any questions. We know it's very, very early because Braulio's in most of his uniform, but didn’t have a chance to put on his tie yet. He asks him to pack up Milagros' stuff, escort her out of the house, and wait until Constancio comes out of the house to talk to her. Braulio goes off to obey his orders.

The other reason we know it's very, very early is that the alarm in the girls' room is ringing and shows 6am. Lina wakes up Mili. They have a conversation about missing their moms. Mili never had one, but Lina says she had a mom, but her mom never acted like one. Her aunt raised her after her mom ran off with some guy. At least until Lina ran away and started working. Lina says her mom's dead to her. They change the subject to what to do about Karla. They run off to the bathroom for glasses of water and Mili sing-songs "It's going to rain, it's going to rain, thunder and lightning, you'll see, 1-2-3" and they pour water in Karla's face. Karla screams that they'll pay! Heh.

Alejandro comes to visit Regina and asks her about Constancio's lost child. He tells her he overheard her and Mili and she can't deny it.

Braulio packs Mili's meager belongings in a small sack. He finds the pictures of Alejandro and Constancio and also her medal. Mili comes into her room and finds Braulio. She snatches the medal out of his hand (so he may or may not have had a chance to look at it) and he grabs her by the arm and drags her out of the room.

Regina tells Alejandro that Constancio had another child, but she doesn't want him to tell anyone she told him. They all swore they wouldn't talk about it because his mother can't stand it. She tells him she doesn't know, no one knows, where to find the other child. Also, all the detectives she's hired come back with the same answer. She tells him she doesn't want to die without finding him, but every year it hurts more and more. Alejandro hugs her.

Braulio drags Mili out of the house, but before he gets her to Constancio, he warns her off about servants dating their bosses. He tells her his sister fell in love with the boss' son and it destroyed her. These things never work, he says, people like us need to look around us, not up…understand? Never look up. Wow, that Braulio, he should be a motivational speaker. Actually, I hear he's working that nugget of wisdom into his Tightass Butler of the Year Award acceptance speech. And no, Univision won't be broadcasting that.

Constancio asks Damian to tell Andrea to cancel all his appointments for the day and rushes out of the house. Karla comes in with a glass of water on a tray and begs Damian to forgive her. He tells her he has a new friend, with class, and he's invited her over to meet the family. And also, the relationship's serious…isn't she going to congratulate him? She throws the convenient glass of water in his face.

Braulio and Mili tussle over her bag in the driveway where she and Constancio had words the last time. He tells Mili to get in the car and Braulio to put her bag in the trunk. Both are accomplished and Constancio and Mili drive off.

Tomorrow: Damian brings Roxana home to met the family…do she and Lina have the same eyes? (Just speculating.) Horacio recognizes Roxana. Braulio tells Alejandro and Regina that Mili's gone and she wasn't fired, she just left. Alejandro tells Regina it's his fault. Mili moves back into the convent. Constancio tells the Madre Superior that the news could be disastrous for his career. Padre Manuel says he'll tell Mili the truth.


Pasion - Feb. 12, 2008 confession is good for the soul

* Rico enters the bedroom and interrupts Cami and Jimena's conversation. Cami makes excuses why she doesn't feel like eating in the dining room with Lis and Fran, plus Jimena just got here. Jimena says don't worry about her, she'll take care of her own dinner and leaves. Rico wonders if he was too abrupt; Cami says no he was just perfect. They smile and hug and kiss. Rico tells her about his two boats. Cami knows all about the Salamander; he tells her about his new one, he named it the Camila, in her honor. She's touched. They kiss. He says that destiny brought them together, and G-d willing, they will be together forever. They kiss passionately.

* Fran and Lis stop in the hallway as the maids bring food trays to Rico and Cami's room. Lis loses her appetite and heads back to their room. Fran follows.

* Mario and Jimena eat together, alone. Mario explains the sailing life, to a sailor the sea forever calls to them. Jimena asks about women being on board ship; Mario explains women aren't allowed, they stay at home. Jimena explains Cami's fears and worries and says Rico is retired. Mario says not now, maybe someday, if they are really lucky. Jimena wonders about telling Mario a secret - Mario is curious and wants to know who it is about; Jimena looks at him and decides against it, he may just tell Rico. Mario irritates her; she gets up to leave. He presses about the secret, must be important. She plays hard to get. He pulls her close and plants a kiss on her lips. She pulls herself away. "I hope you don't think that kiss convinced you of anything about me," says Jimena. Mario says, "No, but your eyes did." She is annoyed and leaves. Mario stands alone, looking quite curious and enchanted.

* Sofia, Fortunata, Ursula and Manuela are sitting and talking in the formal salon. Manuela discusses the break-in at her house with them. Sofia wonders if any papers were taken. Manuela says her dad will be home soon and can find out. Fortunata expresses her opinions on the matter, then asks about Jorge. Sofia replies where he is. Manuela mentions talking with Ascanio in town about the concession papers for Justo's businesses - they discuss the situation. Jorge, Uriel and Mateo appear in the salon and greet the ladies. Manuela and Uriel exchange looks; Manuela is shy and nervous. Ursula thanks her dad for releasing Santo. Jorge says you're welcome and exchanges looks with Sofia. Sofia is indifferent to him and his pals. Jorge and his pals leave. Ursula giggles.

* In office, Jorge, Uriel and Mateo talk. Uriel is interested in Manuela, and wonders what Alberto would say to it. Jorge replies. Mateo then chimes in with his interest in running the mill, instead of Gonzalo. Jorge wants to wait, if the family can buy it, fine, if not, pity to them.

* Santo finds Ines crying on bench outside their front gate. Santo tells her he's concerned over their mother's change of attitude towards Ursula. Ines thinks it may be because of his arrest and then everything with Justo's stroke and businesses. Santo says no it has to be something else. Ines cries to Santo about wanting to cancel the wedding with Vasco, and tells him her reasons. Santo sides with Ofelia on the issue. As they walk towards the front of the shop, Santo tells her of all his errors in the name of love with Cami; he knows she's a good person and thinks she should go ahead and marry Vasco, he's a good person and she may be the one who can help him change and actually be a better man. Vasco and Ines hug.

* In her bedroom, Ursula is in her underwear on the bed looking at her picture book and teasing Manuela for having a crush on Ascanio. Manuela is embarrassed and upset by the teasing. Fortunata mentions that Alberto may not agree with Ascanio courting Manuela, he isn't in the same social circle. Ursula continues to tease and shows Manuela a picture in her book. Manuela leaves quickly. Fortunata scolds Ursula for teasing Manuela like that. Ursula replies. Fortunata asks Ursula if she's still obsessed with Santo. Ursula says she's enchanted by his tenderness.

* In the raguan, Jorge apologizes to Sofia for slapping her the other day. He then explains his actions against Vasco (for seducing Ursula), and Santo's arrest (due to his insults in defense of Cami), which ultimately led to Jorge taking the concessions away from Justo. Sofia snaps back in reply. Jorge scolds Sofia for leaving and being witness to Rico and Cami's wedding at Monte Carmelo. Sofia briefly explains her reason. They talk about the lack of progress in finding a husband for Ursula, she's not that interested says Sofia. This prompt Sofia to ask Jorge about what he would do if he found out he had an illegitimate son. Jorge says if he was dignified and proper then he would recognize him, but if he was illiterate and a bum then no way, he wouldn't want to even know of his existence. Jorge then mentions to Sofia about Uriel's interest in Manuela and tells her to end the search. Jorge leaves. Sofia grumbles.

* At dinner in their room, Rico confesses to Cami the truth about his past. He starts out by telling her the part where he was accused of murder, his uncle made him disappear and his mother went along with the decision - she didn't want her son in prison. So he became a fugitive and ended up in the pirate world, where he had to decide to either become one or die. He chose to become one, and has been trapped in that life forever. Cami is impactado as he tells her that he isn't really a spy for the Spanish crown, undercover as a pirate, but he is really a pirate. Cami wonders about everything he's been telling her of his wealth being stolen and the investigation into Jorge and Alberto's connection to the ambushes. He says that's all true, but he doesn't have enough to prove it yet. Cami wonders why he didn't tell her this in the beginning - he explains his reasons. Cami then wonders why when they fell in love, he didn't come clean with her. He was scared of losing her, he wanted to get his money back and get a pardon from the Spanish crown to clear his name, but everything happened so fast. Cami asks to help him with his investigation of Jorge and Alberto, or maybe Sofia can help. Rico declines the offer/suggestion. Rico grumbles to her about having to use his fake name for their marriage certificate. They discuss how to handle the lie with her family, especially her dad.

* In the kitchen at the Darien house, Vasco talks with Ascanio and gives him the list of addresses of places to search for Bernie. Vasco tells Ascanio about his plan to marry Ines and move her to the house after the ceremony. Ascanio congratulates him and says he's getting a pearl for a wife. Vasco goes inside.

* In bed, Cami is crying. Rico has to reassure her about the deception, all will work out fine. She's scared about Jorge - he knows Rico is a pirate, and may want him dead. Rico gets Cami to laugh. He says he's " not stupid, just stupid in love (with her), very in love (with her)". They make love.

* Next morning, Lis and Fran wash up in their room. Fran complains about the people in the house and in town - she wants to go back to La Mariana. Lis didn't like life in La Mariana, she only had her Aunt Mercedes to visit; here she has more people to talk with and visit (like Santo and his family). Fran still doesn't understand. They complain about Cami, Jimena and Mario. Lis goes to her chair and starts to cry about having a hard time accepting that Rico married Cami. She refuses to marry or even court Alberto - he reminds her too much of her dad. Fran thinks Alberto is a fine man for her to be courting. Lis is adamant if he is the last man on earth, she rather be with Rico or no one.

* As Cami helps Rico get dressed in their bedroom, Rico talks with Cami about his trip to San Juan, and his investigation of Alberto and Jorge. She wonders when they will be able to live a normal life. He first plans to get his money back, clear his name and then he can become a honest merchant ship captain (he is adamant about merchant, not pirate.)

* Ascanio talks with Santo as they go to the shop. Ascanio needs time off to take a trip for a few days. Santo grants permission, and hands him a money bag - and won't let Ascanio refuse to accept it.

* In the yard of the hacienda, Rico and Mario meet. Rico tells him to saddle up two horses, he and Mario will be the only ones to go on this trip - the rest are to keep watch and care for his wife while they are away in San Juan. Mario tells Rico about his conversation with Jimena last night - she knows some secret, he doesn't know what it is but it could be important. Mario leaves.

* Inside the hall, Cami and Jimena talk as they head to the salon about Rico's confession to her last night. Cami is scared of the implications with Jorge, also she doesn't know how to take that he lied to her - thinks one lie may lead to another and another. Jimena asks if she loves him. She does. Jimena says then accept him as is and that's that (pa-tan-tan).

* Rico is impatiently waiting outside; he asks the maid where Cami is; she says in the salon. He runs up the stairs and goes inside.

* Rico stands at the door and listens to Cami and Jimena discuss Jimena's talk with Vasco in the field - Jimena told Vasco about Rico losing his money in the ambush and then discussing using Vasco's keys to sneak into the mansion and spy on Jorge. Rico enters and interrupts - he scowls at the ladies. Cami stands and quickly apologizes and explains the conversation. Jimena swears Vasco is the only one she told his secret. Rico cuts Jimena off, and talks with Cami - he is ready to leave - she tells him about her brother's wedding and asks if San Juan is far away. He says yes. They leave. Jimena stands alone and nervous.

* In the hallway, Cami apologizes to Rico again for telling Jimena his secret - she needed to talk to someone. He whispers she should've talked with him. They go outside.

* In the yard, Mario is on his horse waiting. Cami apologizes again to Rico. He whispers quietly and explains to her that he wants their personal matters to stay only between them, not fodder for the town gossips. He tells her he will be gone several days. He mounts his horse and leaves with Mario.

* In the hallway, Lis and Fran see Cami enter and stop her. They ask who is outside; Cami looks at them. Lis asks about Rico. She says he just left on a trip. Lis asks, A trip? To where? Cami doesn't respond, and leaves quickly.

* Rico and Mario ride along the trail. They talk about where Jorge and Alberto may have hid the chests and money. Rico thinks that's a lost cause, and wants them to focus on investigating and getting lots of proof that Alberto and Jorge are responsible for the ambushes.

* In the salon, Ursula, Fortunata and Manuela are sitting and talking. Santo and Vasco enter, after being announced. Ursula greets them warmly, especially Santo. Santo and Vasco join the ladies in conversation. Sofia comes down to the salon. Santo apologizes for coming without invitation, but they had the time so they came to talk about Vasco and Ines' wedding. Sofia suggests they visit Justo and talk about the wedding with him and the family. She leaves. Santo and Vasco excuse themselves and leave. Ursula is giddy about how handsome Santo is.

* At the house, Sofia walks with Justo, Ofelia, Ines and Santo and Vasco away from the kitchen/dining hall to the yard. Sofia will pay all the costs for the wedding - they all say thank you and try to refuse - Sofia won't let them, she insists. As they go to the garden area, Sofia starts to talk with Ines about how wonderful a seamstress her mom is; then hands Ines a golden box - Ines opens it to show an elegant diamond necklace. Sofia's wedding gift to her. Ines is enchanted and thanks Sofia for it. Justo thanks her also. Ofelia says she's too kind and generous to her family. Sofia says her family is worthy of so much more. Sofia and Ofelia shoot each other looks. Vasco watches Ines put the necklace on.

* In the kitchen, Rita is chopping up vegetables and visiting with Lis and Fran. Rita talks to Lis about Sofia paying for Ines and Vasco's wedding; then they start to talk about Cami and Rico. Rita tries her best to not insult or be rude about her own sister. Lis claims to understand her position, but senses something wrong and presses Rita to talk about it. Lis mentions how Cami married her dad and how unjust her dad was to have Cami inherit his estate; she includes how she's confused with Rico's support to get the estate back. She wonders who will be there that she can count on. Rita can't hold back and starts to talk to Lis about her opinions on Cami becoming an egomaniac; and her suspicions that Santo and Cami have been together but she has no proof of it whatsoever. That ever since Cami returned, her marriage and life have been horrible. Rita tells Lis and Fran that Santo was arrested and in jail for defending Cami and insulting Jorge. He has since been released. Rita blames Santo and Cami for Justo losing his businesses, and hates to think what else bad could happen to Rico if he and Cami stay in town.

* Sofia and Ofelia have a private talk about Jorge, Ursula and Santo as they walk to the carriage. Sofia gets in the coach. Santo asks Ofelia what's the matter. She says nothing, nothing, and leaves. Santo stands there bewildered.

* On the street in town, Lis and Fran discuss what Rita just told them. Fran doesn't think they should believe a word she said. Lis thinks some of what she said may be useful to them, especially if Santo still cares at all for Cami. Lis wants to go to the shop. Fran says he may not be there. Lis says whatever, Rico is a very possessive man. Fran walks Lis to the shop.

* Cami and Jimena read the notice board; they discuss the asking price for the mill is 2,000 pesos. That's a lot of pesos; Cami ponders if she has enough to buy it. Vasco finds them. Vasco and Jimena try to talk Cami out of buying the mill. Cami wants to do it for their father. Vasco says that's not necessary, dad's idea is to buy a farm and some cows. Cami says that's beneath his dignity. Vasco changes the subject and tells Cami that his wedding is set for next Saturday, but that when Justo suggested the party be a dual one to celebrate her and Rico's marriage also, Rita and Santo protested the idea. Cami understands. Vasco asks her to visit Justo. Cami says "no te apuras." As Cami and Jimena start to walk away, Cami sees Uriel enter the administrative building. She freaks out that Uriel is about to get the mill - she has to buy it now! Jimena and Vasco argue with Cami about using her money to buy it. Vasco is scared that Bernie and/or the letter could turn up and spell doom for Cami. Cami snaps back. Vasco explains how Ascanio is out searching for Bernie right now. Cami explains again her plan. Jimena plays devil's advocate and helps Vasco argue against the purchase. Vasco reminds Cami of the danger she faces with Don Jorge. Cami says fine, she'll go to Marcelino for help. Vasco and Jimena run after Cami.

* In the office lobby, Cami, Jimena and Vasco find Marcelino, he's as nervous as ever. Cami asks to speak with Jorge about the mill. Marcelino disappears into the office.

* Marcelino whispers to Jorge, and then waits as Jorge finishes settling the dispute between two men. They leave. Jorge tells Marcelino to let Cami, and only Cami, enter. Marcelino leaves.

* In the lobby, Marcelino tells Cami only she can go inside to see Jorge. Vasco is frustrated and tries again to talk Cami into leaving. Cami is determined, and reminds him that she's married now. She goes into the office. Vasco vents his frustration to Jimena; Jimena scolds him about how angry Ascanio will be when he returns and finds this out. They run out of the building.

* In the office, Jorge congratulates Cami on her marriage. Cami explains very briefly why they did it so quickly. Jorge nods like he understands. Cami asks Jorge about how a woman can buy real estate. Jorge explains that certain items women can purchase, but other items they have no rights at all. She asks about exceptions. He replies. Cami says she wishes to purchase the mill, as Senora Lopez de Carvajal. (AY CARAY!)


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Guapos 02-12-08 "So Many Detours on the Road to Rome"

First a big shout out to Cathy for her excellent and detailed recap of last night, I missed all but the last five minutes. I missed last Friday night as well, futilely trying to score a permanent job move where I work.

So enough about me let’s get ready to see why people who are not futilely working for an unachievable goal, people who live in mansions & don’t worry about health care or the price of gas. Well looks like they aren’t any happier than I am.

So Red has moved into the family hacienda? Everyone who I ever knew that let his or her son’s girlfriend move in to the family estate was usually going by the term Grandma or PaPa, by the next year. Maybe cause it was a double wide and not a mansion.

Luci grills Andrea, worried that Const has lured Red into his lair. Red says, no it is just to get closer to Al & win his heart back. Meanwhile, Val has come bouncing into Al’s room to tell him that Red has moved in and isn’t it great? Al thinks not and in a bad humor sends Val on her way.

Next day….

Gloves, the awesome secret keeper family butler, is in Hugo’s room.
See I don’t get why he treats Hugo like he is an invalid, Gloves is in on the secret that as far as we can tell everything south of Hugo’s belt seems to be working just fine. Really Gloves has something on each and everyone of these AssHat’s. I hope someday he gets to use the info. I think Gloves fills Hugo in on the fact that Red has slithered into the house. This does not bode well for the happiness of Al & Mili.
Hugo wanting to be alone mulls over this news.

Al, Luci, Damien and the ever-evil Const are having a meeting. Luci is going on a trip, (this is polite talk for going to Italy to hook-up with Eugenio). In her absence she is giving Al her twenty percent, meaning Al now has as much company sway as Const. Const recent winner of the much coveted, “Father of the Year” award; reminds of why he is such a stellar father by calling Al an idiot and trying to badger Luci into reneging on her decision. Sorry Const, she isn’t reneging.

Back at the Hacienda, Mili visits Granny. Granny is suffering from her shattered dreams, Granny believes Rosario & said grandchild are dead. We, the viewing public of course know better. Mili tries to cheer Grams up to no avail. All is not lost. Young Mili offers to let Grams adopt her. She can pretend that Mili is her missing sight unseen, but much beloved grandchild. This perks Granny right up. What a generous thought. Seriously think about it, twenty million people in Mexico City and Granny’s real granddaughter is offering be Granny’s pretend granddaughter.
----Grams, if you’d like to disinherit Const, well I’d be perfectly happy to step up as daughter, I mean just sayin---

We get to see Mili drinking some water, I guess in reference to her drinking the evening before.

Val is sunbathing and Morgan and Horacio are watching. She is listening to her Secret Love CD. Horacio tries to get Morgan to say he is the singer. Finally, Horacio goes up and lets it slip that Morgan is the Secret Lover. Val is all giggly. Soon Bobby approaches and asks if she likes the CD. Val tells him, yes indeed and that Morgan is the singer. Bobby says that isn’t true, but Val just blows him off with a classic rich girl scoff.

Andrea visits Hugo, she spots the painting, the one that didn’t have a face. Well now Mili’s face is on it. Red makes some nasty comments and Hugo stops her. They will help each other so Al & Mili break up and the can both claim their respective prizes.
---Okay I must insert here that Hugo is no longer amusing me, there is something kind of “Norman Bates” about this guy---

Damien, the weasel, is talking to Const. He realizes his value has just gone up. Al has 40% and Const has 40%. Hmmmm, Damien asks Const for some money. Yes, loyalty has price. The conversation rotates to Al in absencia, Damien says your Hijo, which Const snarks out a bastard comment. Damien reminds him of son by marriage. Now I may have missed the fine points, but apparently, Luci was granted a marriage into a classy family, and her father saved Const Pa’s company. Kinda like the British in Iraq, you slap a country together and fifty years later, you find out everybody despises each other and they are going for blood.

We now get a “Classic Television Moment”, a shot of female legs walking across a room and dropping a towel or robe on the floor, the movement of sheets and we see Red closing her eyes, resting her head on sweet Al’s pillow. A knock at the door. She doesn’t answer. Mili opens the door and seeing Red lying there demands to know, “What are you doing here?”
Red answers, “That she was invited to spend the night”. A long hawt night of passion.
---It is a well known ploy of TeleNovelas and real life, that when people regale their romantic encounters, they are lying, the only people who talk about it are the ones who aren’t getting any---
Mili holds her own in this war of words. Red says that Red and Al are an item. Mili counters with no, she and Al are Novios. Red says, “Nope you are a diversion.” Mili answer, “Speak for yourself, you are the one on your back, you are the diversion, Al respects me”. She then shakes like three weeks worth of dust out of her handy feather duster and leaves. Red doesn’t seem too thrilled that Al’s not nailing the help.

Luci has a conversation with Al about her trip. Al understands completely why she wants to fly to Europe and nail Eugenio. Actually it is one of those, you have suffered from being married to my BSC father for all these years and you deserve some happiness. Go with God. Oh yeah and I am going to make nice with Bobby. Luci thinks indeed he should.

Later hanging around the garden, Luci runs into Grammy. Grammy is like, did you think I have done nothing but sit in my room for the past eighteen years. Luci is chagrined like “Well yeah”. Grammy has older generation advice for Luci. She asks if Luci is going to Italy to “hook-up”. Luci says she deserves some happiness, Gawd knows Const sucks it out of every situation, he is the Hoover of Happiness sucking.
Grammy is well aware of her son’s personality quirks and faults Luci not in the least, but get a divorce first, then get some lovin. I just don’t think Luci can wait.

In the servant quarters Karla is lying on the bed crying. It is over and she just wants to die. How sad is that? Anyway, someone fill me in, cause I don’t know what Damien did other than his normal odious behavior. Her mother is trying to make her feel better and Mili comes in climbing on her own bed crying. Karla’s ma now lament and poor Lina the other servant who isn’t crying is forced to question if perhaps the Convent has any openings.

Bobby tells Val that he is good friends with the guy at the Radio Station. This is like the fifth time I have heard this conversation and I miss a lot of episodes, anyway, the Secret Lover will be singing at five so she should see if Morgan is there at that time. We get a snotty “Whatever” combo eyeroll from Val.

Damien and Const are still discussing at the office. Red comes in and tells them, I don’t know his name is there to see them, it is the wheeler dealer guy, from earlier in the show. I think they already lost money to this guy. He comes in and tells them first about some guy that went to jail. White collar crime I suppose. Then he has some fantastic proposition for Dumb and Dumber. Only thing is, that Const must present a perfect family image in order to capture this fine contract worth millions.
---What contract can this be? In an effort to cut cost is “Family First” shipping it pamphlet contract south of the border?---
Well, that doesn’t bode well for the “Luci trip, the servant romance, the ex-Amante now nailing the son.
How will Const handle these problems?

Mili goes to visit Hugo of the Sturdy Legs. She laments her heartbreak over Al. Hugo says Al was just playing her, unlike Hugo. Mili felt so important and pretty on their date last night. Hugo says he loves Mili even in her lil gangsta clothes. He is telling her how he loves her for her and would never try to change her. He is in a creepy way getting closer and closer, he looks like he is going to swoop in for a kiss, but Mili pulls back and leaves. Hugo is thwarted again. Mili always take a bath never a shower. This guy is creepy.

Mili visits Granny. Granny is reading a book of poetry. She says she wants to introduce Mili to the author. Mili thinks she is referring to a TeleNovela star and Granny says no, it is a poet. Mili questions if he is coming to visit. No Granny says he has been dead these many years.
---Then we are forced to endure an embarrassing, “Ellie Mae Clampett” conversation. How could she meet the guy if he is dead, Mili then says she does not want to be introduced to a ghost---Yes folks it was that painful, what kind of education did she receive at that school? I mean I know the Holy Orders have suffered fewer recruits in the past few years, but is it like the Armed Services? I mean have the standards fallen that low?

Grammy starts lamenting some scripted despair, which is actually poetry. Mili leaves and Gloves comes in clapping. He mentions explaining that passage to Rosario. This sends Grams into another road not taken, decline. She tells Gloves that wonderful Mili has offered to play Grandkid, to her, bringing a smile to Grannies lips. Gloves is also pleased.

At some point Bobby and Al, make up. Al tells Bobby that his Ma is off on a trip, Bobby says probably to see my Dad. Both decide that their family units suck and maybe they will end up brothers. Bobby is moving to a Hotel and Al offers to help with the rent. I guess Bobby doesn’t have a job. If his Dad was worth anything he would have gone National, like Dr. Phil, then Bobby could have cranked out teen help books after a couple of semesters at junior college. Life is so unfair.

Val spies Morgan rubbing on the car, (with a cloth, not with himself). She teases him about the CD & he does some lame ass scoobie doobie doo nonsense and says that indeed he is an excellent singer. Val tells him to she wants to go somewhere. Once they are in the car, she tells him to turn on her favorite radio station. There it is, the singing lover. How can you be there when you are here. Awwww the Naco hilarity insues.

Damien and Const arrive at home and want some coffee in the study. Const makes a big pretense of asking Al what he see when he looks at Const. Al just blows him off.

Mili brings the coffee to the study, pausing first to eavesdrop, like good servants everywhere, she hears Const say (and I may have this wrong), that Ma is dead.
Mili is horrified. She brings the coffee in and hangs around til Damien realizing his drink isn’t coming leaves.

Val arrives at the Radio Station, she goes one way, Morgan opens a door and sees Bobby. Val walks in to the announcer booth, explains who she is. The announcer stokes her fragile ego with cries that she is famous. She wants to see the Secret Lover, Bobby ducks down and she sees Morgan. Like her father she screams ‘Me Encanta’. Morgan isn’t about to say it isn’t him.

Luci is on the phone talking with Eugenio, we only see a one sided conversation, which leads me to believe we may never see Eugenio again and the actor has gone on to more fertile TeleNovela grounds. She is planning to go when Damien comes in and she hangs up the phone. He tells her she can’t go now.

Down in the study, Mili tells Const, that she has millions of street buds and they can find Granny’s missing grandkid. She does the “Do you want your kid to hate you for abandoning him/her?”

Stay tuned for more highclass hijnks…
Looks like the good Padre is dropping in…
Meanwhile, Al overhears the story of the missing Grandkid and like all good Television families, Val and Al bring up the missing Hermano at dinner.


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