Sunday, February 24, 2008

Yo Amo a Juan – February 22, 2008 – In Which Juan Is a Hit at Televisa and at the Casa Cachón

The studio audience at Televisa is lively and excited to see Juan and the Bellezas on stage, talking about the beauty pageant. The talk show hostesses ask the girls – minus Delfi, who got waylaid – to take a turn for the folks. The schoolmarm does hers flatfooted, of course, and with shy giggles. Juan has to take a turn, too.

Meanwhile, in another part of the city, Consuelo is telling Paula about all the healthful choices she has in the frig for the Seña so she can keep her little belly getting all it needs. Paula’s immediately suspicious about who told Chelo she was expecting. Um, it was Don CL, of course. Chelo has a great “huh?” face. And by the way, congrats--what can I fix for you?

Blurry faces in the Televisa studio audience smile and the crowd claps for Juan and the chicas. We note that Juan has dressed in one of his Farell business suits, with a yellow shirt and a Very Short red tie. Life in the D. F. is almost back to normal. One of the stars asks Juan to tell them about the anthurium, so he declares it’s a proudly Mexican flower! Wild cheering greets that assertion. He asserts that the ONLY place they grow it is his birthplace, Achichipico. [Ed. Note: as they say in the South, he ain’t went much.] Juan cues the audience to cheer wildly again and they cheerfully comply. The Achichipiquenses grow ‘em and export ‘em to all over the world! Wild cheering. The other star wants to know what these lovely ladies he’s brought have to do with the flower. Juan tells the audience and the interviewer about the beauty pageant, which will be shown all over on television! He thought bubbles about what Paula’s reaction will be when she sees him on the air. She’ll know what class of man he is! The beautiful hostess in a red evening gown (taping early in the morning??) tells the audience that before they began the show, Juan had mentioned that in addition to being a great impresario, the thing he likes most in the world is to dance. She convinces Juan to get up and do his famous Cachibombo. Juan is always so obliging—he can’t disappoint the lady so he cuts a rug on the teeny stage and gets everyone up to shake it with him. The chicas have varying degrees of expertise…..and Juan finishes with a splash, of course, in a very …..nice……pose. For anyone who wants to know how to do it:

At Anga’s house, the doctor gives Pastor the news: Anga’s had a mild heart attack (conato de infarto, slight heart attack). Not the first, either. Pastor wonders how the doctor knows—Anga told him. He doesn’t need to go to a hospital but he needs tests ASAP. Is Pastor family? Yes, his half brother. Pastor offers his hand for kissing. The doctor gives Pastor a look and shakes it limply. Anga needs total rest, and to be as calm as possible. Someone needs to watch him 24 hours a day.

Our waylaid Delfina is trying to get Juanito out of the john and exhorting him to get a move on. He protests that he’s giving it his best shot, so to speak. Juanito sits in the stall on the toilet faking it all the way. He’s definitely his father’s son. He moans and groans. Delfi is taken aback.

Pastor calls Kike, who greets him warmly. Pastor gives Kike the news that Anga is out of commission for a while. Kike is impactado when he hears it’s a mild heart attack. Pastor tells Kike he’s in charge of the business, and Kike tells him of course…except I have a lunch date because Juan’s in town. Pastor is ecstatic to hear about Juan and wants to know where he is, which prompts Kike to ask if Pastor needs Juan. [Ed. Note: Silly question, Kike.] Pastor denies it’s urgent but he’d like to see Juan. His brother’s health comes first, of course.

Delfi runs up to the door of the set at Televisa with Juanito, but they can’t go in. She begs and cajoles, but the guard at the door is adamant; no one goes in. Delfi calls out that she’s missing it/they’re missing her.

Pastor has apparently had a brainstorm; he calls to let Nidia know that Anga is sick. Nidia scoffs, so what? She didn’t think the Sr. had human weaknesses. Pastor clarifies that they had a little “discussion” in the morning and he went ape-sh** [Ed. Note: see the sidebar, “se puso como energúmeno”—I think that’s thanks to Ferro who would generally know such things]. That gets Nidia’s attention. She’s sure nothing bugs Anga (he’s always in a good mood). Pastor reports it’s a miracle he’s alive, and that Anga had a mild heart attack. Now Pastor’s really got Nidia’s attention.

CL has Marely on the coals, grilling her about her lunch with Paula at his house. He pushes on what the topics were: Paula’s trip …..Marely tries to give out minimal information, but CL presses and tells her he’s going to be very frank with her. He wants to know EXACTLY what they discussed. Marely swallows hard.

Outside the Televisa studio, Juan tries to put the ladies into a cab, consoling Delfi for her missed opportunity to be on television. He assures her that the next time she definitely will go with him for an interview. That excites our naïve Delfina. Juanito takes it all in; the Maestra and the other chica chat animatedly while Lorena just crosses her arms, irritated that she’s not the Center of the Universe for a few seconds of her life. Delfi is thrilled, she’ll go by herself with him? Yep. But for the moment, he’s going to the Cachón house to eat and taking Juanito. He tells Delfi she’s coming, but she tells him she’s depressed and so Juan decides, he’s sending them all back to the hotel. Three go with the program, but Lorena isn’t buying it. She’s a Queen, not his employee. Juan feigns impactado at one of the others, and all three are astonished at her arrogance. Lorena informs Juan she doesn’t have to follow his orders. Juan sees himself losing control here, and gives her a fine set down to remind her she’s not a queen yet, just aspiring like everyone else. [Ed. Note: Like that’s gonna hold this chick back?] He quotes the rules to her and the three ladies back him up, with Juanito giving her the “what’s up with you, of course he’s right” look. Lorena protests being closed up in four walls, and he retorts, so she tells him she’s “so afraid” NOT. She refuses to get in the cab and Juan thought bubbles about what he can do about this chica. She even threatened him and everything. The other three go toward the cab, and he finally gets his bearings and points out that her threats are going to count against her. He cites the rule about how he has to treat them all equally and not show any favoritism. Lorena makes a snotty remark about those cats, who overhear her, get incensed and rush back to confront Lorena the Pill—“Who are you calling a cat?” Juan tells them to leave her to him. He fusses at her about her lack of respect. No one has a crown yet. Somehow Juan convinces Lorena the Pill to go with the ladies.

Marely continues to tap dance around CL’s questions. They talked about her mother, etc., etc. Nothing more? Did she tell you about her pregnancy? Marely “remembers” that Paula did mention being pregnant, and by the way, congrats. He wants to know how Paula felt about all that. Fine. Fine? Yep, a little nervous. He’s happy about it. So, is Paula happy? Marely gives him a totally ingenuous look—of course.

Delirio has taken over the Cachón office, and stuffs a newspaper away in a drawer as he hears Nidia fussing with Yadi in the hall. He stands up, picks up the phone as the arguing gets closer by the second, and pretends to be on an Important Call. The ladies Cachón enter with Nidia fussing at Yadi about trying to control Nidia’s comings and goings, while Delirio talks to the phone. He yells at them. They get silent for about a second, so he can tell them about his Important Call and they should shut the heck up. Nidia doesn’t give a rip, she’s not in the mood. Yadi wants to go out with her Mami. [Ed. Note: Where the heck is the baby? She’s not with Kike. She’s already a latchkey kid? You’re leaving her home with Delirio? She’s out getting her hair done? She’s cruising the mall with her daycare buddies?] Nidia emphatically tells Yadi she’s not invited. Delirio protests her going out alone. He wants to know what’s up. Nidia retorts that to Him It’s Not Important. She flips a look over her shoulder at them as she stalks mincingly out. Yadi and Delirio are left to wonder and fuss with each other about what just happened. We hear the cuckoos as Delirio worriedly asks Yadi if Nidia could possibly be off the deep end again. Yadi is impactada; he shouldn’t even say that as a joke!

Juan and Juanito have gotten away from the ladies, and as they ride in the cab to the Cachón Casa (with Juanito NOT belted in, let alone in a car seat), Juan gives Juanito a crash course in etiquette. What a thought. He tells Juanito about the greetings to everyone when they arrive, and how there might be little kisses with the ladies, and a hug or whatever, and if he’s suddenly thirsty and asks for water and gets it, he needs to thank them, etc., etc. Juanito listens avidly to his Papi. ¿Estamos? (Agreed? Got it? Literally “Are we?” as in “Are we clear? Are we in agreement?”) Yes, Papa. He’s not supposed to let on that he already knows Doña Nidia. It’s their secret. Right, Pop.

Even with the possibility of Ivonne and all the LLs overhearing the conversation, Marely tells Fern about Monica’s and CL’s interrogations and investigations. They both want the scoop on Paula. Fern points out she’s between fiery crosses. Marely agrees, and she’s going to end up crucified. Fern says maybe nothing bad will happen out of it. Marely’s tried to make sure nothing happened, but they are after all her bosses. For obvious reasons she can’t entirely evade their question as easily as she’d like to. Fern looks at his watch—oops, it’s late! Marely wants to know why and he reminds her they’re eating at her house for lunch today. Marely tries to beg off and he nails her—is it because she doesn’t want to see Juan? Is she so afraid to have him close by? She assures Fern that Juan’s in the past and it’s thanks to Fern himself. He’s the one in her heart now. She pulls him down to her from his vast height, and gives him a little kiss [Ed. Note: this despite the Farell non-fraternization policy we heard so much about last summer]. She smiles and tells Fern okay, they’ll go to her house and he’ll see that Juan has no effect on her.

Anga wants to know if Pastor is trying to torture a sick man, he’ll never get better like this. Pastor says he’s just taking care of Anga, serving this tray of food in bed. Pastor tells Anga he shouldn’t think Pastor’s going to let him eat that greasy food (comidas grasientas) he’s used to, because Pastor’s never going to serve it to him. AND, when he’s better, Anga’s going to exercise so he really gets fit. That’s because the life he’s living is the Cause of All His Ills. Pastor shakes his finger at his bro. Anga remarks that whoever might overhear Pastor would think he’s an Adonis or something. But there’s nothing Adonis-like about him! [Ed. Note: ooh, good one.] Whatever, Pastor retorts fondly, but at least I care about you. Not only will we get you all better, but improve your appearance. Anga groans and mutters about why should he improve his appearance if there’s no one to look at him. Pastor’s not so sure about that, and what? The doorbell rings. Anga gives him a suspicious look. Who’s Pastor expecting? Pastor is expecting that Anga’s going to be surprised. He trots off to answer the door. Anga grumbles to himself as Kike bursts through the door and rushes to give Anga a half hug that’s hampered by the tray—Anga cautions him about it (caldo – soup). Kike wants to know how he’s doing and Anga wonders if this was his surprise? Pastor shakes his head.

CL’s disembodied voice asks Moni if she’s going to eat. What does it matter to him? Well, they’re business associates—they have to live together, get along. Moni keeps facing away from the door he’s just come in. She tells him it should be a little as possible. He tells her his situation has changed and she has to accept it, but Moni cuts him off. No need to talk about it. She can’t be happy about it, either. Seems that he’s forgotten his wife’s infidelity with the coming baby. She’s been off with her lover….and Moni plants the seed that she wonders if the baby he’s expecting with such excitement (ilusión) is even CL’s. CL is momentarily speechless and Moni gets up to curtly say goodbye and stalk out, no purse, nada. CL follows her out of her office, calling her. She stops in the middle of the lobby, much to the surprise of everyone, and bitterly calls out to anybody who’s listening that she’s sure they haven’t heard the news yet, but congratulations to our President CL, who’s going to be a Papa. She gives a couple of sharp claps and spins to continue her angry walk to the elevator. Some of the LLs note her distress, while the Really Stupid one smiles and claps, fixating on CL. He half-smiles awkwardly to acknowledge them clapping. Ivonne claps but can’t really smile a whole lot. CL slinks back to his office, holding the “talk to the hand” hand up at them and making no more eye contact as he disappears. Ivonne looks hurt and puzzled.

Yadi’s school file has all the info anyone could want about her—especially her photo and phone number. Profe Nacho (short for Ignacio) Topete (gee, this is from a verb that means to butt or bump, bump into-topetar. Hm.) takes a pencil and copies the info into his little black book under the wary and totally suspicious eye of his Profa wife, who’s wearing another of those schoolmarm outfits. Could be the same outfit, really. She probably buys multiples of the same thing so her students recognize her everyday. She gets up from the desk and keeps her eye trained on hubby while she goes to the sofa in the office and picks up another file. The Profe goes around the desk and dials the number. He gets….Perafán Rocha de Francisco and Associates. Oh, in the world’s eighth largest city of more than 8,235,000 people, the Profe finds out what a Small World it is. Perafán knows him from the Profe’s own school days! How can it be? They talk about how long it’s been, and Delirio wonders how he got the phone number. Topete, who has a sneaky streak we are coming to recognize and apparently one that his wife also recognizes, says a former colleague gave it to him. They are both so excited about the prospect of getting together! Topete asks for Delirio’s address. It’s #69 Colina Street. (That wasn’t in Yadi’s record, at least not the part we could see, but her father’s name was so Topete can’t really know that Delirio is her stepfather). Delirio lovingly fondles a blindfolded statue of justice with her scales. The Profa watches her shifty spouse writing. Topete bids Delirio goodbye, and they’ll see each other shortly. He’s got a plan and grinning ear to ear about it. Topete has the good sense to wipe the goofy smile off his face and hangs up, going to the Profa to apologize because he has to go out. He’s getting a reunion of former students organized [Ed. Note: Thinks on his feet well.] He can’t go eat with her. She assures him she’ll be fine, he should go see his friend without another thought (tranquilo, calm). She smiles stiffly as he leaves. Topete looks uncannily (and sounds uncannily) like CL bidding his “amor” goodbye cheerfully when he’s going off to cheat. He kisses her forehead and tells her not to worry about him. She asks him “me worry?” with a pointed look and he tells her it’s just a saying and tells her “ciao” for the second time in a minute. Her smile gets tighter while his gets goofier. She slaps down the folder she was holding, and takes her polyester-clad okole over to the desk [Ed. Note: I see it now—the Profa has to go get a makeover so she can get her hubby back out of Yadi’s sphere. She’s going to have to see Laura for a wardrobe consultation at Skanks ‘r ‘Us. The first step will be getting rid of that panty line in the poly pants. Come to think of it, these folks don’t portray schoolmarms in the best light, do they? They need to be watching the TLC show “What Not to Wear” with Stacy and Clinton.] The Profa stalks over to the desk and hits redial—coming up with Perafán Rocha de Francisco and Associates. She realizes it’s an attorney firm. Delirio affirms and asks how he can help her. She thinks as quickly as Topete does. She needs a consultation. Delirio is delighted to help, and says he’ll take the information down. She’d rather talk to him personally—can she have his address?

CL drinks, the lobby lizards visible beyond the not-so-blinds. Ivonne comes in and wonders if he needs anything more, because she’s leaving. He’s leaving, too. She wishes him luck with the coming baby. He’s going to need it. CL is left to think.

Yadi must not have school today, since she’s reading a magazine in the living room. Juan’s charcoal portrait is behind her on the wall over the bar. Delirio comes out of the office exulting about his appointments—two important clients in one single day! Don’t tell me. Yadi doesn’t even look up and her tone is total boredom. [Ed. Note: Important? One is a former student, that’s it. The other….] Delirio babbles on about being a bit late in achieving success, and not having his own office, but for brilliant minds like his, independence is a good thing. Yadi sarcastically congratulates him and suggests at this stage, he’ll surely want his own office and leave theirs to them. As he replies, there’s a knock. Yadi runs off and leaves him talking to himself. Guess WHO? Juan and….who’s that little shadow—Yadi gives Juanito a very curious look. They both greet Juan warmly and Juan introduces his son.—Junior! [Ed. Note: You could be a Southern Redneck if you are related to anyone called Junior or Bubba. I qualify on the latter. My hubby is still Junior to some of this relatives, despite a doctorate and full professorship for almost 20 years]. Yadi and Delirio are impactado. Juanito is a little shy about these folks who clearly love his Papa. Wait till he sees the drawing of Papi’s gloriously naked self behind them.

Anga appreciates Kike coming, but it makes him feel worse. Kike scolds him to not be rude. Anga points out if Kike’s here, the business has been abandoned. Pastor scolds Anga not to get upset and tenser than ever. Kike assures Anga it’s all super good with Remolacho charged to take care of it. Then he lays it on them—he has a commitment, and guess who’s coming to the house to eat? Juan! Anga wants Juan to come see him. Kike promises to tell him and excuses himself. Anga swears Kike to tell Nidia NOTHING of his illness. Pastor rolls his eyes and squirms. They leave Anga’s room, Pastor thanks Kike and opens the door, and in runs Nidia. She wants to know where he is, has he seen the doc, what’s up? Kike and Pastor try to prevent her finding Anga’s room but Nidia’s on a mission and bursts into the room. Anga is impactado. She calls him all kinds of endearments and runs to sit on the side of the bed, hugging him. Nidia babbles about finding him here this way, and what she can do. Pastor and Kike come in to see if they can do something about this while Nidia babbles and hugs, hugs and babbles. She would never have God’s forgiveness if he died, it’s really her fault. [No, Nidia, it’s not really about you.] Anga is visibly moved by her affectionate outburst.

The Achichipico Bellezas are bored. Juan has left them to their own devices, which is probably not a Good Thing where Lorena is concerned. The chica in blue thinks they’re all dressed up and no place to go, so good-looking, why stay cooped up in the hotel. They should just find a restaurant and party a little. They’re in the central business district, so surely there will be plenty down there. Lorena hops up to attention; she thinks it’s a great idea. The chica in blue informs her that the invite Did Not Include Lorena. Lorena sneers. Delfi tells the chica in blue forget the “Doña” already, you’re making me feel old and Lorena butts in to tell Delfi at her age, why not call her that. Delfi gives Lorena the stink eye and tells Lorena not to mess with her. Lorena tells Delfi to watch herself or she’ll bring on a dizzy spell (provocar un patatús). Delfi tries to go after her but the others hold her back. Delfi threatens her to chill or Delfi will make her life impossible. Lorena sarcastically tells Delfi she’s shaking with fear. The chica in blue defends Delfi and tells Lorena to just go home already—to her OWN town. Lorena says she’s staying, and warns them to watch themselves because if there’s one thing she knows, it’s how to defend herself. [No doubt.] Schoolmarm Teresa says she’s tired and will stay back with Delfi, but Delfi’s not having it and exhorts her amigas to come out with her and enjoy the city. They exit stage left, leaving a petulant Lorena alone. We break to Lorena’s crafty smile before commercials.

If Nidia had had any idea Anga would end up like this, she never would have been ugly with him (said those awful things). The last thing she wants in this life is that anything bad should happen to him. She holds Anga’s hand and they coo at each other a little. He gently brings her over to hug her and tell her to calm down, but she pops right back up, because there’s always something more to say. No, she’s not getting calmed until the doc tells her he’s out of danger. She’s going to be his nurse, Nidia declares, his slave, his guardian angel. She has to fix the great harm she’s done to him. Anga smiles his delightful smile and chuckles in that lovely voice. He pulls her back for a hug as Pastor comes in, and Anga tells Nidia she’s to stop feeling guilty right now. She’s not done a thing to him, but he guilty one is Sr. Pastor Gaitán. The brothers glare at each other. Nidia thinks its’ lovely that he can do this, feeling so bad, and invent whatever reason so she won’t feel so bad. She caresses his cheek and he caresses hers. Pastor tells Nidia his brother is telling the truth. The crisis happened in the middle of a quarrel they were having. Nidia says she’s guilty, too, because if she had been a little more supportive (solidaria) and a little less combative (peleonara), none of this would have happened to him. She’ll make it up to him, she coos and caresses. She’s not leaving here until he’s able to get up out of bed. Pastor grabs his chance; since Anga is in such good hands, Pastor’s going to take advantage of the opportunity to take care of some unfinished business. [Which no doubt has a 6-year old as part of it.] Nidia urges him to go, because she’s not abandoning Anga while she still lives. Nidia and Anga hug, bill and coo while Pastor trots off as fast as his little legs can pump.

Delfi leads the way into a downtown restaurant that is populated by male types, so one wonders if there are ANY female executives in the D. F. She gets the once over from various tables and even a whistle or two before the younger chicas follow, and they get their fair share of attention. If they weren’t whistling, we’d wonder at an all-male restaurant crowd…..the chicas find a table amid many wolf whistles. Suddenly, Lorena has joined them and there are even more whistles, plus some crossed arms at the one table of females. In a surprising turn of events, the ever-kind Schoolmarm Teresa sarcastically remarks on what the cat brought in….er, Lorena joining them. Lorena retorts that she wasn’t staying alone, all dressed up and bored. The chicas apparently are going with Lorena’s program….there may be just the slightest sense that if something Awful Happens they can always push her out in front. Delfi cranes her neck at all the men and gets a few nods and acknowledgements. Not a bad gig for being on vacation, amigas. [Ed. Note: Sorry, amigos who read this blog, there are so few of you and you appear rarely, I am taking liberties here.] Delfi regales the chicas on the great looking guys here, even better than in Achichipico. Lorena reminds them of Juan. Delfi cuts her off and the waiter comes with menus. Lunch should be interesting and it’s possible no one’s going to remember what they ate.

Paula hugs her Juan-bear and looks despondent. She rubs her tummy and talks to her little one, telling the baby that he has a mommy who is very confused and a little nuts. She begs the baby not to think she doesn’t love him. She simply didn’t expect him, especially after she talked to Juan. How is she going to tell Juan she’s expecting CL’s child? She rubs the bear and squeezes it, its sewed-in smile broadening with the pressure.

Delirio is being his usual obnoxious self, remarking on Juanito’s bad luck at inheriting none of his mother’s looks since he’s the spittin’ image of Juan. Juan, however, is pleased—you think so? Juanito is being manhandled by Papi. Yadi comments positively, but Delirio continues his litany of insults and even Yadi looks embarrassed and annoyed. How come Juanito isn’t talking? Cat got his tongue (not literally). He shakes Juanito, who is beginning to Dislike This Creep. Yadi reminds Delirio if he can’t say something nice, say nothing at all. Or close enough to that. Juan defends his boy, who is well-mannered. Delirio says Juanito’s a country boy, but leave him in the city a month—he’ll sharpen up….Juan thinks his boy’s bright enough, the Lic just doesn’t know Juanito yet. Delirio says Juanito doesn’t appear to be. [Ed. Note: I can’t stand it. What an IDIOT, making such stupid remarks about a child in front of him. So there.]. Juan tries to get Juanito to strut his stuff, but they’re interrupted. Fern and Marely are here! Hugs and greetings around, and Marely is impactada about Juanito. Delirio tells her this criatura/child is the newest joke (la última gracia) of Sr. Dominguez, [Ed. Note: Hold me back, gentle readers, before I BELT Alirio one.], who never leaves off surprising us each time he appears, right? Juan timidly tells Marely that Juanito is his son. She is muy, pero muy, impactada.

Nidia is spoon-feeding Anga—soup. She’s also brought good old green Jello, just like my Mami fed me years ago when I was sick. She’s brought him a tray of chicken, bread, juice and the green Jello. She’s got all the spices and herbs and chicken giblets in the dish [Ed. Note: she was doing just great up till the giblets. Ew.] He tells her it’s way better than what Pastor was giving him. Sock soup. (That’s what he said folks, agua de calcetín – water of sock). Nidia chuckles. He tells her there’s nothing like the flavor of female. She replies in kind, and tells him she has nothing against his brother, though. Anga wants to know if this idiot (Pastor) told her the gossip about Anga. She says Pastor was worried about Anga and keeps feeding him.

Juanito displays his best manners in greeting Marely. He calls her Sra., and Juan says he’s an innocent, it’s Srta. Everyone except Marely chuckles. She looks at Juan—he never told her he had a son. Juan nervously tells her—and everyone-it’s a long story. But now you’ve met him and by the way, where is YOUR Mami? Delirio butts in and complains about how she’s flown the coop again with no explanation. She probably didn’t leave us any lunch, either. Delirio tells Juan and Juanito how nice it has been to see them, and…..Yadi sees where he’s going and interrupts. Nope, they’re STAYING for lunch. Delirio thinks they surely must need to go shopping in the city. He makes Juanito do a spin for him. He babbles and sounds totally incoherent to me, but maybe Maricruz can tell us qué the heck he’s talking about, someone in Guatemala. Juan is looking distinctly uncomfortable and the others are annoyed. Delirio laughs at his own wit, which apparently only he understands. Yadi tells him he’s an expert in being tedious. He’s hateful! [Amen!] She leans over and assures Juanito that he shouldn’t pay attention to this bitter old man, because Juanito is in His House. [Hoorah, Yadira!] Marely jumps up to help save the day—neither Juan, nor Juanito are going anywhere. Delirio is quiet for a change, beaten by popular consent. Fern grins broadly. How gorgeous this guy is when he grins!

Anga tells Nidia it’s very curious, she’s caring for him just as if she were his wife. Nidia gives him an enchanting smile at that. Then he finishes the thought—the wife she never was to be for him. He wants to know if she was so caring with Samuel. She evades his question a bit, but tells him it was like that with Samuel only in the beginning. After the resentment between them got too big, that changed. She worried about him, of course, about his things…but…..maybe she didn’t show him this much caring. You know? Why not? Why are you asking me these questions? Can’t you see they hurt? Anga tells her that he often thought of her and wondered how her life was at Samuel’s side. He was envious thinking of Samuel enjoying her company, her attention. She tells Anga not to think that…her life with Samuel wasn’t a bed of roses. Anga says he didn’t know how to appreciate her like Anga does. Anga would have given everything for the privilege of seeing her. He clears the drinks off the tray and moves it away from him. He wanted to feel her heat, eat at her table. He would have loved to change places with Samuel, get the scraps of her love [I might have that wrong, but the thought is right.] Nidia points out that life with her wasn’t anything easy. Anga thinks he would have been happy at her side, not the bitter old man he is now. She starts to protest, but Anga won’t let her take this idea from his head. He makes her come and sit near him. They’re happy now. Nidia can smile again. He tells her that idea in his head was the only thing that kept him alive much of the time. If she takes it from him, he won’t have anything left inside. They smile lovingly at each other and hug.

Kike’s home for lunch, and sees Juan and Juanito, so there are another round of hugs and greetings. Kike does remember to kiss his wife first. Juan pats on Kike’s belly before Kike sees Juanito. Juan tells Juanito this guy is like his soul-brother. Kike demands a hug and Juanito happily gives it. Kike feels like he’s known Juanito forever. He tells Juan how nicely Juanito’s turned out.

Lunch at the Casa Cachón is a lively affair with Fern, Marely, Delirio, Yadi, Kike, Juan and Juanito all home to enjoy it. Juanito has Nidia’s place, because she’s MIA. Marely tells them she doesn’t have her mother’s flair (sazón – flavor, ripeness, but in this context flair made more sense), but she let her fingers do the walking (has a finger for asking for dinner for the home-- she ordered out? I’ve very loosely interpreted here). They make dinner chitchat, with Delirio being his usual annoying self. Kike asks Juan how the organizing for the beauty pageant is going and tells the family about how Juan’s involved with that. Juan tells them he was down at Televisa taping this morning. Marely doesn’t believe him, but Juan assures her if they watch, they’ll be able to see the program in the coming week. Kike tells him they’ll even record it. Juan thought bubbles that Fern and Marely make a cute couple, one has to recognize that, but it makes his chest constrict (gave his chest a blow) to see his rose garden grow lovelier every day. [Hm.]

CL tentatively comes in to Moni’s office and greets her, but she can’t be bothered to look up. What can she do for him, she tersely asks. CL tells her that he doesn’t want to lose the friendship they’ve achieved. Friendship? Moni sneers. Well, it seemed like that before you knew Paula is pregnant. Moni retorts that she wants him to leave her in peace. He’s taken aback that she’s answering him that way. Then, don’t come to me with your stupidity. He tries to tell her he’s worried for her, and she interrupts—just leave me in PEACE! Understand that I don’t want to see you, I want to be alone. Okay, he replies, and throws up his hands in surrender. I’m going, goodbye. He slinks out the door, muttering to himself--what a temper she’s in! Laura strides across the lobby in her artiste clothing—not so skanky as usual, and greets CL warmly. She asks how he is—he tells her bad and indicates Moni’s door. Why is Laura here? Well, she was just passing by and thought she’d check in with Moni. CL says fine, she’s in her office, but I recommend you go in with a whip and a chair because she could bite. Laura points out she has reasons, doesn’t he think? CL flatly denies it. If Laura can calm her down, he’d appreciate it. He stalks off across the lobby to his office. Laura just shakes her head at his cluelessness.

Juan tells Fern and Marely not to be like that, why are they leaving so early? They stand at the door, where Fern and Marely are ready to go back to work. Juan knows how things are at Farell, Marely tells them. It’s the price of success, Fern adds. They have to pay it. Delirio yells a sarcastic remark from the other room. [Anyone have a roll of duct tape?] Yadi, hanging all over Kike lovingly, asks if anyone is hearing a buzzing fly around there. What a nuisance! That puzzles Juanito as Juan gestures to Marely and Fern. They’re going to have to fumigate the vermin out of the house! Marely, Juan, Kike and Fern chuckle. Juan, Marely and Fern say their goodbyes [Ed. Note: at this point, as always happens at some point with my DVR, the captions really got garbled for about a minute. Usually I can just listen and get it, but not this time. I heard it and played it back repeatedly, but couldn’t get what Juan was telling them. If anyone heard anything important in this leave-taking, please add it! Thanks!] Kike asks Juan why he won’t come and stay at the house. Juan says he can’t leave his son alone at the hotel. Kike says bring him along to the house, the girls can take care of him, right? Marely gets all excited at the prospect. She’d love it. They’ll get a movie, popcorn (palomitas!!!!). Her eyes get big as she leans down to tell Juanito all about their fun, [and Juanito will surely fall in love again]. Does that sound good to him? Juanito pumps Marely’s hand and thanks her very nicely. She kisses him, tells Juanito goodbye and tells him to behave himself, and kisses Juan. Juan calls her back hesitantly to ask a favor. She sighs—okay, what does he want her to tell his Licenciada? Well, um, that he needs to see her and talk to her. Marely says she’ll tell Paula when she sees her. They try the goodbye again [honestly, and I thought the Deaf Goodbye was long!] Kike asks Juan what he thought about all the billing and cooing (Tortolitos, from tortoleo, billing and cooing). Juan thinks it’s good, lots of affection there. Kike says that Marely is so lovely, and what a shame he let that one get away because she could have been the love of his life….Juan tries to shush him, and so does Yadi. Kike makes a remark to Juanito about Juan making all the girls crazy about him. Juan swats at Kike and says the most important thing is that she’s happy, please, in love with a good man. Juan thought bubbles that this was the whole truth. If anyone in this world deserved to be happy, ti was Marely. Fern and Marely stroll to the car talking about Juan’s success. Too bad it’s just in business. Fern wonders if she’s referring to Paula’s pregnancy. Yes. Fern thinks that some day Juan will realize that the relationship’s not going anywhere, some other woman will be as good, and he’ll forget his Licenciada. Marely doesn’t think so; it’ll never happen. Paula is the love of his life. Well, Fern wonders, what happens if it just can’t be? Marely responds that he’ll be like Fern, and find another woman. But for Juan, he’ll never love her like he does Paula. But, that’s his problem, right? Fern agrees.

Moni is unloading on Laura. She’s tired of it all, of César Luis Farell, of this work, of Licenciada Paula Dávila. Moni wants to leave the country and go where she’ll never again hear of those despicable people. Laura says she’s in no condition to make a decision, especially in a mood like this. Why not? Because she could be mistaken. Besides, if she can’t just leave all this because those two have resolved their problems [little do you know]. This is her business, too. Moni doesn’t care. She’ll leave them with all of it. Let CL take care of it the rest of his life. And the two of them deserve each other. Laura is sad to see Moni like this, bitter and full of rancor. Moni tells her cousin not to feel sorry for her, because she feels like she’s finally seeing it all clearly. Moni’s going to do what she should have done from the beginning, and which Laura advised her to do, right? Laura agrees, she did advise that, but circumstances were different. Now Laura is advising Moni to calm down and not make any bad decision. Moni declares that she cannot do this any more, and her decision—she’s not going to change her mind. She’s resigning from Farell, and what’s more, right this minute she’s going to make CL aware of it. Moni strides to the door, and Laura tries to call her back. Calm down and think about it, please!

CL looks irritated. Resign, why, Monica? She tells him it’s because the situation has gotten out of hand and she wants to salvage a shred of dignity. CL replies he knows it’s been difficult for her, but it’s still her company and she doesn’t have to go. She says she just has to. For all her efforts, all she has tried, she just can’t stay near him and his ….woman. And she’s not prepared to keep living with this torture. CL suggests she gets some distance. For example, manage one of the branch offices. Moni isn’t interested. She’s leaving the company, and get some distance, but real distance. She’s leaving the country, and that’s that.

The smaller family group is gathered in the living room at Casa Cachón, laughing about some joke that makes Juan tell Kike he’s a goofball (bruto-fool, rough, gross, idiot). The doorbell rings and Delirio jumps up to get it; that’ll be his client. Juan lowers his voice and asks Kike what Delirio did that they let him go? Well, it seems he proved his innocence. But they won’t accept him back (admitir-accept) at Farell. And now what do you think? He put his office here in the house! Really? Yadi chimes in that Juan can just imagine how happy that makes them all [not] and suddenly calls out with surprise to see Profe Topete. [Imagine that.] The Profe expresses his amazement—Yadira Cachón, what are you doing here?? Well, I live here, she tells him as he walks past Delirio into the living room. Really? What a coincidence! Yadi stutters a little—yes. Delirio is impactada, Yadi is uneasy, and Topete gets a cat-that-ate-a-canary smile.

CL doesn’t get it about Monica, because he thought she had gotten over their separation. [Sheesh.] She bitterly asks what happened to him. Has he been able to erase his head of all they lived through together the last few days? CL sighs. What happened? Moni shouts at him to not be cynical. She doesn’t hop in the sack with every guy who offers. All those days he was looking for her (hitting on her), until that finally happened. Moni’s composure cracks and she gets close to tears. CL says he’s truly sorry and hopes she believes him. She retorts that she is sorrier and it’s the worst thing she’s done in her life. CL tries to reach for her but thinks better of it—he doesn’t know what to say to her. He feels bad, and guilty. She tells him to save his apologies. They’re not going to change a thing. She’s not going to waste more of her life. Moni gets up to leave, but adds a parting shot. Goodbye, CL, I hope you never find someone in your path like yourself. Although now that I think about it well, I believe you already have. CL looks ashamed, irritated, and at a loss for words.

Moni’s gone back to her office, and Laura is urging her to come along home. No, Moni tells Laura, she has too many unfinished tasks. Laura points out that Moni doesn’t have a head for it. Moni storms out of the office, sees Marely with Fern, and tells Marely to bring her a tea, please. She’ll be right back to the office. Fern and Marely are impactados; Fern wonders what now and gives Marely a quick kiss [so much for the non-fraternization policy again. It seems the lobby is the place for PDAs now.] He goes off and Marely puts her purse up, when the elevator opens and Paula strides off. She certainly isn’t looking pregnant. Marely looks up to see her half-sister—and this? What are you doing in these parts? They smile at each other fondly. Paula has come to see CL and she’ll talk to Marely later. Paula notices that Laura is sitting in her old office—which she’s swapped with Monica, who has the office while Paula has CL. [If you ask me, the office is the better bet and I’d swap back.] Paula wants to know what that woman is doing here? Marely wonders if Paula knows her. Marely reports that the woman’s a friend of Monica’s and has been up several times to visit her. She looks bemused as Paula stalks into Moni’s office to confront Laura. Paula quietly says “good afternoon, ma’am” and closes the door. Laura looks…busted. And we realize yet again that any similarity to reality is purely coincidental.

Monday: Will Paula tell Juan her news? How will Juan take the news? Will there be an all-out three-way catfight in the Vice President’s office?


Conato de infarto - slight heart attack
¿Estamos? - Agreed? Got it? (Literally “Are we?” as in “Are we clear? Are we in agreement?”)
Comidas grasientas - greasy food (ew)
Caldo – soup
Va a provocar un patatús - she’ll bring on a dizzy spell
La última gracia - the latest/newest joke
Solidaria – supportive
Peleonara - combative
Palomitas - popcorn
Tortolitos, from tortoleo – sweet nothings, billing and cooing
Sazón – flavor, ripeness, but in this context “flair” made more sense
Bruto – goofball, fool, rough, gross, idiot
Admitir - accept



Guapos Friday 2/22/08 They tried to make me go to rehab . . .

We start off with Mili being left alone in charge of the house. As we already know, Damien has locked Regina in her room so he can attack Mili. This scene goes on way longer than I can stomach, and I will not recap the dialog. Fortunately, Connie comes in and saves the day. He punches Damien (yay!) and hugs Mili. He says "don't worry, hija (daughter)--nothing will happen to you." He also calls her "mi vida," or my life. At this point, Mili and Damien must think he is using the word hija figuratively.

Andrea is over at the construction site looking for Alex. One of the workers who obviously was not enlisted in keeping up the fiction that Andrea is still engaged to Alex tells her that Alex was just there with his girlfriend. Andrea is mystified/peeved.

Granny is trying to get out of the room. Mili comes in, and is upset and wearing a torn dress. At first, she will not reveal all to Granny.

Connie tells Damien off, but obviously leaves out the real reason. He says Damien should stay away from Mili because she's young. Damien counters with "since when do you care? You've always liked the young ones." Connie tells him that he won't tolerate this behavior in his house--or Damien will get it in the back, like the coward he is. Damien reminds Connie that Connie wants to be a "diputado," or whatever that office is he's running for. He accuses him of wanting to avoid scandal for political reasons. Damien is right, but that still doesn't make him any less of a creep. So far he's number one in the creepstakes for this show, with Andrea a close second.

Hugo and Karla are in the cemetery. Hugo is crying at his dead girlfriend's (or mother's) grave. Karla is preening in the background. He thanks Karla for coming with him, then tells her that they can't continue their relationship. She was just a quickie because he was without a woman for so long. What a guy. Karla seems to take this in stride. As best as I can tell, she congratulates him on not being fixated on seducing the servants the way his rapscallion of a father is.

Horacio, Socorro and Lina are out for a day of fun. I don't know what's funnier here--Horacio's Farmer Greenjeans getup or Socorro's gigantic burrito on a stick. She's eating a container of fruit while trying to hold on to the giant burrito. Lina spots a street fortune teller and sits down for a reading. He tells her that she likes a guy who is very shy, and she'll have to make the first move.

Mili has now spilled the beans to Granny about Damien. The best thing, she reminds Regina, is that her son rescued her.

Val and Morgan come to the office for some reason, and they find Luciana there, riproaring drunk. The manage to get her to leave and they will drive her home.

Granny goes right to Connie to read him the riot act. He has to rein in his brother-in-law. Connie says he's got it under control. Now Connie asks Granny what she feels for Mili. Granny says she makes her feel so good--like she's always known her. Connie says he understands. Granny adds that she's like the granddaughter I never had. But what about Val? Connie asks. (You mean that empty-headed Valley-girl?) Well, she's altanera (can't find a definition), says Granny. She's your wife's daughter. She's all right--but Mili is different. Connie agrees. Regina reminds him again that he must curb his brother-in-law, because the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. But Damien controls a fifth of the company, so that is a problem.

Alex and Mili now grin foolishly at each other in the kitchen while pretending not to be novios.
Andrea interrupts their little tete a tete, wanting to know who that construction guy was talking about this morning. Alex tries to cover up, but Andrea is having none of it. Is it this little barbacara (also can't find a definition, but it must be a little like igualada, chamagusa, or any of those other insults we've heard before).

Mili now catches Karla and Hugo together. She tells Hugo that Karla can't be trusted. He says, no the one you can't trust is Alex.

Andrea and Alex have a drink. She wants to start planning the wedding. Braulio comes in with Luciana and Val. Luciana is really plastered. She kisses her baby Alex and says she's drinking so much in preparation for being the first lady. Braulio says he's taking her upstairs for her own good.

In the kitchen, everyone rehashes.

Valley Girl tells Andrea and Alex that she likes this guy who thinks she is the secretary. Who is it--Bobby? They laugh at how boring he is --more boring than reading the dictionary. Well, says, Val, at least he's not as boring as reading the phone directory. Val goes up to bed, and Andrea wants to continue having one of those talks with Alex.

Back in the kitchen, Alex fake scolds Mili about how this is the last time he will iron one of his own "calzoncillo" (anyone?). Karla joins in, telling Mili that she has to iron in this house if she wants to survive.

Karla tells Hugo that Mili is with Alex. Hugo furiously gets his Pandroso disguise ready.

Braulio is taking Luciana to the office. Valley girl is there, preparing to go out with Sergio.

Alex and Mili are out in the yard, when Pandroso confronts them and punches Alex in the side, right where he had that "severe" wound the other day. Ouch! Alex punches back, and miraculously strikes Pandroso is just the right way, so as to remove his fake beard! Everyone is impactados. Hugo tells Alex that it's really Alex's fault that Carmen died.

Meanwhile, Connie is threatening Andrea that if she marries Alex she'll get nothing, because he'll leave the money to Val and his other bastard child. Luciana is overhearing this conversation. Why don't you come back to me, he offers--you'll have your apartment and everything. You know you make me crazy, he adds. They kiss. Luciana storms in!

Luciana chews out her husband. Connie just lets loose with one of his evil laughs.

Socorro now prays to one of her collectible Virgen cards: she wants Horacio to find his daughter. Rocky comes in, and I tune out. No, actually, he picks up the card and prays for a nudo marinero (which means either sailor suit or knot). I'm guessing he wants a knot, or a match, of his own. But on the other hand, I wouldn't put it past Rorgan to want a sailor suit . . . Valley girl will swoon.

Lina is now trying to get Bobby to make a pass. She pretends to be tutoring him to woo another girl. Repeat after me, she says--I am clavado with you. (or stuck on you--clavado literally means nailed in).

Mili is now trying to find out why Hugo hates Alex. I still don't understand this--does anyone understand how Alex is connected with these deaths? Or are we still in the dark.

Luciano is in a bar pouring liquor straight from a bottle while Braulio tries to get her to go home. She makes a drunken spectacle of herself before finally leaving.

After lunch, Damien brings Sergio to see Connie. Sergio tells Connie what a great time he had with Connie's secretary. Connie is mystified--and suspicious.

Meanwhile, Val is prancing around the reception desk, prattling on and on about her great date with that guapisimo Sergio--who thinks she's the secretary. Val tosses her head so vigorously, you think it might fly off.

Andrea is quickly trying to come up with an idea to get out of the trouble she's in with Luciana. She decides to make a preemptive strike. She'll tell everyone how drunk Andrea is that she's going around saying crazy stuff--not only is she saying that Andrea is sleeping with Connie, she's telling everyone that Damien is sleeping with the cook. And you know what she's saying about you? she asks Val. She saying you're sleeping with the chauffeur . . . AND the gardener. Val is outraged.

Mili and Alex are now talking about why Hugo hates Alex. She wants Alex to forgive his cousin. She doesn't want the same thing to happen to Hugo that happened with the grena (Andrea), meaning a suicide attempt. Alex says she should do him a favor and not talk about Hugo.

Connie now comes into the bedroom, where Luciana is ready to drink some more. Oh, you're here with "Jacqueca," he says, brandishing the bottle. Is that another name for "Jack Daniels"?

She calls him a disgrace--I never thought you'd fall so low--with your son's girlfriend. MY son? No, he's YOUR son. I have no son, Connie says: I have only one daughter. The bastard is yours.
He taunts her with the one solution: a drink. She stares.

Val now reports on the crazy things their mother is saying. She's even saying that Braulio is spying on her in the bath. Braulio denies it. Alex is upset. Connie comes downstairs and says it's all the hallucinations of a sick woman. He's going to hospitalize her for her own good.

Tomorrow: Luciana tells Andrea that she's too ambitious. She has an offer: how much money will Andrea take to get away from Alex?

Lina and Mili put the torn picture back together: it looks like Mili will learn Connie is her father!


Saturday, February 23, 2008

Wed 2-13 - Juan Q- (Finally)...The wet blanket drowns and finding each other again is such sweet sorrow

Delfi and Nidia are chatting and Nid is wondering if there was fire between Delfi and Anga. Delfi says no, fire no, it was an INFERNO!!! Uh oh!. Delfi continues to recount the story of the duelo and how the two men ended up blaming everything on her. Delfi complains about how rude they ended up being to poor little her for no reason at all. Nidia proclaims well, what are we to do when we were born to love at high speed and break all the rules. Delfi wonders how Nidia knows Angarita anyway?. She stutters and says from Juan.

Like the devil, or the king of Rome, Juan waltzes in. He wonders what they are up to. Nid tells them nothing much, just talking about his friend with two faces, Don Anga and she gives him a look.. Juan makes a comment about Delfi having a big mouth, but he quickly moves of that and wonders what Paula has said to them.

Marely and Fer come in Casa Cachon to see a despondent Kike on the couch. Fer jokes that he is meditating .but he’s not in the mood for jokes. Mar asks if maybe he’s had another fight with Yadi, and he admits that’s it, and it was some sort of foolish thing. Mar kind of says a go figure as if that’s nothing unusual. Fer asks if he can help and Kike refuses but Fer tells Mar he’d like to stay a little to chat with Kike she says she had a great time and of course he should stay because Kike looks like he needs a friend.

The two begin their chat with Kike asking Fer to pour them some shots and maybe he can get it off his chest.

Back in Achi, Delfi tells Juan the story of Pau’s visit with her Mom. He asks her how Pau acted when she heard that he lived there. She recounts how Pau was really excited. He thought bubbles that his little doves has butterflies in her stomach just like he does, and if she only knew that maybe they are suffering form this same sickness together of incurable love. Delfi mentions Pau came with another lady whom Nidia recognizes immediately as her Aniushka!

Back at Casa Cachon Marely chats with Yadi. Yadi refuses to chat about the fight too and changes the subject to Mar’s date. She spills that they had a great time and guess who they ran into at the restaurant, CL with his ex!! They muse over him cheating on Pau with her. The same conversation is occuring downstairs only much more interesting because tequila in involved. Fer can’t believe Cl would put the horns on his wife with his ex. Kike says those people have no values, and continues on a moral philosophical soliloquy of how some pepole work really hard and try to do things right and other just take advantage and dance over the dead, and do what they want with no respect for anything. It’s very sad.

Next we see Juan all decked out in his alligator botas, bathed in soap, and somewhat matching paisley shirt strutting his way over to the hotel to go and find his palomita. His speed slows up as he starts to question half way there whether he should do this, because maybe it’s too late, and she’s sleeping already, and maybe he should wait, and maybe he shouldn’t go. We are then treated to a creative split screen as Pau wanders around the pool in her slinky robe, something I always do in public at a hotel, and he struggles with his doubt. I guess he ends up deciding against and going to the billard hall because we next see him greeting Molo there. He explains it’s late and suddenly all these things occured to him so he decided tomorrow will be a better day.

So it’s tomorrow and Pau and Ana show back up at Delfi’s and say they are going and just wanted to say goodbye because they can’t wait any more. Delfi wonders if they didn’t pass him on the street on his wayt to he boy’s school? Whoops. Pau says no,he’s back? What little boy? Delfi covers and says why the little boy saint of Atocha that’s what she meant. Pau then asks where the school is because they’ll go there to find him Delfi realizing that’s a bad idea asks them to come in to wait for him as that’s better and he won’t be long.

At school Juan is saying goodbye to Juanito and telling him today is a very important day for his father,because something special is going to happen. They bless each and Juanito is off to drool over his teacher for the next 6 hours. Juan tells himself how wonderful little Juan is and that he’s finally done it, like something good.

Mar comes down and sees Kike still on the couch. She wonders what’s still wrong with him and why the two of them fought.

Pau and Ana comment on how they are feeling when Nidia makes a grand entrance greeting Aniushka and Pau, telling how beautiful she looks. They wonder what she is doing here, and she makes up the story that when Juan left her house she knew he would be coming here, so she came. Nid thinks this is all so exciting like a telenovela, where they pass each other and pass each other, but when they meet again there will be an inferno!! Nid encourages the ladies to enjoy the finest of Mexican spirits, despite the hour because it’s already four in Rome anyway!!
Juan stops by the hotel to be told the gals left, but he was assured that his paloma is still registered. Phew!! Here wonders now where they could be, maybe the office.

Meanwhile the girls, slugging down tequila, are wondering how long Juan will take. Nid assures Pau that he won’t be long, and that he won’t escape this time. Pau awakes from her acting stupor and seriously yells at Nid that she made her come all the way out to this pueblo so tell her what the hell is going on. Nid is impactada!

She yells again that when she came looking for Juan he was there in her house, wasn’t he!! Nid sheepishly nods yes. Pau asks to speak alone with her. Ana agrees, but Delfi says this is good gossip. Pau thinks this was a trick. Nid promises to tell if she won’t tell Juan. Pau wants to know why she told her to come all the way here if he was in Mexico. Nid replies that this place is more romantic than Mexico, and that’s what Juan wants to get back together. Pau wants to confirm this is not another lie. Nid says no, that if Pau can be sure of how much she loves him, they could have a second chance and a beautiful life together.

Kike doesn’t want to tell Mar what happened between them. He says it’s just things that she does that bother him, you know, like lying and deceiving. Mar asks if she’s putting the horns in him, i.e. cheating on him, and he says no way, they are a couple still. She says then what? He says he can’t be the one to tell her, so she better get it from her sister.

Delirio is up to tricks again trying to contact someone in Achichipico to find out where his wife is. He does learn that he cousin is there, but they have no phone at the house. You know, we take those things so for granted, but you’d be surprised how many households there really don’t have them. Especially in the pueblitos. He asks the cashier of the phone center to leave a message if she happens to see Delfina.

Juan gets to the office to find Molo hasn’t seen Pau. Juan gets ready to run off to the house to find her, but Molo advises him that he should wait for her to come to him. Surely she will, so Juan agrees and sits to try and calm himself.

Back at Delfi’s Pau is pacing back and forth in front of the camera. This was really funny when I was fastforwarding or rewinding, the red blur. Nid comments how nervous Pau is to see Juan. Anyway, Nid wants to know a little gossip, how did Pau escape from her husband CL? Delfi wants to know who that is and gets a loud impactada voice when she finds out that Pau is married.
Cl and Moni take their various turns warning Fer and Marely not to jump to any conclusions about what they saw at the restaurant, it was nothing, wink wink. Both agree that they won’t remark anything about it. I bet they will though!!

Pau says she’s going on a walk because she can’t just sit there. Ana wants to go but Pau says no stay. Ana worries that if she stays, she’s going to get really drunk at this rate and she wants to be sober to help her daughter through the biggest decision in her life! Next thing you know, Pau walks in to the office where Juan is also beside himself with anticipation. Palomita music plays....
As predicted back at Delfi’s the ladies indeed got themselves drunk!! Ana tells Nid to stop drinking, but she says she’s on vacation. They chat about Juan and Pau and how moral he is and that he would never do anything bad to Pau. They laugh and throw back more tequilitas. Samuel must be turning in his grave right about now.

Molo quickly exits the office. Pau says they finally found each other. Juan says, yeah it was like a movie and cat and mouse game. She says she dreamed of this moment and that it whe would happen exactly this way. They stare at each other for a musical interlude. He finally asks what she’s doing in his territory. She says I was looking for you. He says why. She says just to see him. He says why, so she can make a fool out of him again? She says does he really think that she would come all that way just to play him for a fool? Juan says he doesn’t understand then, and he wants to hear her explanation. She says she came to see him and that’s all there is. He asks and then what, is this is another one of her games and she says no, he’s the one playing games. This pisses him off and rightly so. What does she think that he’s just going fall right into her arms again just by her showing up? Spoiled little girl. You tell her Juan, don’t kiss her nachas!! He tells her, oh now it’s him playing games when someone else is moving the pieces. She wants to know why he’s so aggressive. He says because he doesn’t understand her, that it was work for her to come here and she surely hid it from her husband to come here, and only to tell him she just wanted to see him? He asks if she came just to make him crazy or break his heart more? She says she didn’t know her presence would disturb him so much, he yells that yes because she’s undoing everything he’s worked so hard to put in place. She’s sorry, she guesses she shouldn’t have come. This angers him more and he makes fun that now she’s offended. He says whatever but he’s the offended one. She says maybe she was wrong to come and should leave. He says fine go then. Putting the feet up on the desk is defintiely a nice touch. She stares at him for a while in disbelief like her 100th doll had been taken away from her and given to a little girl who had none.
At the market Anga wants to know why Kike arrived late. He says family problems. Turns out it’s sort of with his wife and with Nid. Anga wants to know what wonder she’s managed to do now. Kike is about to spill the beans when Pastor comes up announcing great news. Anga wants to know what he’s been smokin’. Pastor says he’s found a buyer for all the plaintains they can get and even the apples and more. Cynic Anga wonders what more is behind this. Turns out it’s a Farell person and more clients that could launch the business sky high. Anga thinks maybe he’s robbing clients from Farell, but he says alls fair in business and war. Well, sort of that’s how it goes isn’t it?

Pau says he hasn’t changed, he’s still the same...Juan finishes her sentence, ordinary common and undeducated person? Yes, that’s him, and she’s still the same arrogant, spoiled, pretentious person as always doing what she wants with whomever whenever and use that. She says what’s sadder in his immaturity and that she thought that maybe, well she can’t believe she even thought it. She says goodbye. He says buh-bye, that it goes well for her. Once she’s left he tells himself just two seconds ago he was regretful down to his bones that he had yelled at her so harshly and now look, he’s gon e and done it again. He wonders what is his problem.

Pau passes Molo and Herli chatting about there reunion muttering to herself how stupid that she came, obviously angry, and Herli remarks it’s doubtful they were kissing each other. Molo goes in to see what happened and Juan doesn’t want to talk about it except that he’s angry and just wants to get to work.

Pau rushes into Delfi’s where Ana and Nid are discussing Ana’s future painting expositions still drunker, and says they have to go. Both Ana and Nid are like que the hell!

Pau says you lied and Juan has no intention of getting back with me. Nid tells her not to rush to conclusions and she says they are going now and she pulls away Ana. Delfi says I gues this isn’t like a telenovela, but Nid says well, they just changed the end.

At the market Pastor continues explaining his idea to Anga. Anga says he’s happy with his business and doesn’t need any more so why would he go looking for problems. They discuss this much further, Pastor suggesting that Farell will put his brand name to this and that will help his sales. Anga is not an easy sell, but he’s coming around.

At Farell Moni and CL are discussing how they’ve lost 3 more clients. Moni thinks maybe they should hire him back before the trend continues because Anga is well respected. CL says but he’s not Farell. The phone rings and Pau tells CL she’s coming back tonight. He very cooly talks with her and hangs up. Moni was surprised it was her because of the indifferent way he talked to her.
Juan picks up Juanito from school, visibly out of sorts and Jito wonders what’s up, wasn’t today supposed to be important? Juan answers that sometimes things don’t turn out the way we want. Jito says when he’s sad he hugs something he cares a lot about and he gives Juan a giant hug. Juan comments to himself how this child seems to know exactly what is really important.

Pau wants to know if Ana wants something to eat and she with ice on her head, [I’m thinking that would make it hurt more] says she doesn’t feel well and doesn’t want to travel.

Mare tells Fer she thinks Kike is acting really weird and she’s afraid something is up at her house. Just then Moni asks her to come into her office. She wants to know if Mar knows that Juan and Pau are together.

Pau is sorry she got her Mom into this whole trip. They won’t leave until tomorrow. Nid calls from the reception and confirms that they won’t leave until tomorrow because Ana doesn’t feel well, the room is spinning. I thougt it was great how she let go for a little while. Maybe that wet blanket just needs to dry out in the fresh rural air!!

I got hung up with a few things tonight and I haven't been able to see the show. I'll take it with me though, and try to start on it tomorrow (thurs) before the next episode. From the previews, I can imagine this was a hot know more than I right now!! Maybe it was much ado about nothing? Thanks for waiting....

Happy Valentines Day!!


02/22/08 Pasión: Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

To avoid a rehash we begin as Saintly is on retreat in Monte Carmelo, reading in the garden as his mother walks silently in and looks on. (What gives with the greasy goldilocks, Carla? I ‘m sure it is supposed to remind us of a lion’s mane, but to me it’s just a matted mop of ratty hair on an otherwise gorgeous hunk o’ man.) Ofelia calls to him and she timidly asks how he’s getting along. He looks up and says he’s fine and asks how is she doing. She answers that she’s been worried about him. He grabs and hugs her saying not to worry.

Back in town Sofia, with Fortunata in tow, comes looking for Saintly, first at the forge then at his house. Sofia greets Ramona, who explains that Ofelia left early in the morning for Monte Carmelo to visit Saintly who happens to be on retreat there. GRita comes out to say hello. Sofia asks her what her husband is doing on retreat at Monte Carmelo. Grita answers it was probably to clear his head. The very next thing out of GRita’s mouth is, “Pardon me for being so abrupt, but it seems that Santiago is Don Jorge’s son.” (I’d say you were more obtuse than abrupt, Rita dear.) Ramona stops dead in her tracks.

Sofia casts an accusing glare over at Fortunata. Feeling self-important, Grita continues, “I hope you don’t mind me bringing it up with you?” Sofia gives GRita a rather contemptuous smile, “Don’t worry yourself,” then turns to go. “Oh,” Sofia turns around to ask. “When does your mother-in-law get back?” GRita, obviously unaware she’s been left out of the loop, turns to Ramona and asks her where Ofelia went. Ramona, doesn’t know what to say, bright enough to figure it’s best to just play dumb at this point, and gives her a non-responsive stammer. Sofia sniffs to herself and walks away in disgust. GRita, who doesn’t have sense enough to know she’s just been dissed, looks a bit puzzled and then smiles smugly to herself for the umpteenth time.

At Monte Carmelo Ofelia tells Saintly (mistakenly) that only Ascanio knows their situation and that Grita got told to mind her own beeswax when she got nosy. She asks what Saintly plans to do now; he says Friar Lorenzo told him after he’d complained to the friar about his rotten luck, that God was no doubt testing him to see if he had a calling to redeem souls.

Ofelia asks if he intends to become a monk or then, perhaps a preacher once Saintly reminds her that he has a wife and a baby on the way so priesthood is out of the question. Somehow he feels he is being called to bring the lost sheep back into the fold. Ofelia worries that he’s going to be entering the wolf’s den, and that he’ll be lost to temptation instead. He answers her, standing there, somehow reminiscent of Signorelli or Carduccio’s Jesus (–So that’s it, huh, Carla?) that the way to Heaven is difficult. He must try to fight the temptations he faces. After all, that wolf is his father.

Back at Camila’s townhouse, Jimena asks Cami what she’s going to tell her family, not to mention Don Jorge, when they see her there rather than living in her husband’s house. Cami interrupts with a slight tantrum and yells at her that he’s not her husband, just a shameless scoundrel who deceived her.

Jime suggests that then Cami must be going to tell them he’s not Ricardo Lopez de Carvejal, but is really Ricardo de Salamanca, aka “El Antillano”, the infamous pirate that half the world’s been searching for who is condemned to the gallows. “What a pretty spectacle that will be with the man who drives you crazy in bed hanging there in the plaza by his neck with his tongue out, his eyes popping out of his head and his legs twitching around…..“ (What a visual!) Cami can’t stand it any longer. “—Alright already!” Jime looks at her, “Well, that’s what’s going to happen.”

Cami still has a head full of cobwebs and whines, “Why didn’t he just tell me before?” Jimena loses all patience and says she’s about ready to grab her friend and start slapping her, even if it means Cami kicks her out and she’s forced to turn tricks on Main Street forever and a day. “He explained it all to you! He said that with the business about your dad, his illness, the mill and the store, and Don Jorge—“Jime stops mid-sentence. “Ayy! You win his heart and you respond in this way --and don’t you deny it!! You are in love with him!”

Jimena answers Cami’s hypothetical. “So what would you have done if he had told you before? You would have said something thoughtless to your father, Vasco, to Santiago or whomever and Ric would be dead.” Cami asks her then what she should do, since going back would be so shameful, pretending he’s her husband when he isn’t. (I figure about here that Jimena had to be thinking the same thing we all were: “He got you into bed the first time without a ring, so what’s the frickin’ difference?”)

Meanwhile, Ric is galloping toward the main road when Vasco spies him and calls him over to ask him if he’s heard the news about Santi being Don Jorge’s bastard son and that DJ might just recognize him. Ric says what’s the big deal? Vasco explains that Jorge needs a male descendant or else the governorship will be awarded to another family. Ric says his daughter could marry and give him a grandson, right? Vasco says sure, but in the end it all depends on what Jorge decides to do.

On the way back home, Manuela runs into Fortunata and tells her that her godmother’s son-in-law is over his head in debt and faces being sent to debtors’ prison and being sold into servitude. They lament that despite his education and proper upbringing, once he’s been bought he has no rights as a person anymore.

Mario and Guero gallop toward San Luis Rey. Unbeknownst to them, LaFont and his men are headed in the same direction. One of Buffy’s men knows a shortcut and they take it to save time.

Back in town, Cami and Jimena are chatting on the way to Ines’. Jime tells Cami to think about something else before she makes a final split with Ric: the sale of the mill she bought her father will probably be voided since Ric signed with a false name and she’ll be back at square one with Don Jorge telling her she can’t have it back unless she sleeps with him.

Just then they see Ric crossing the plaza. He greets them with a smile and says he guesses Cami hasn’t turned him in since he’d be in jail by now. She changes the subject and asks what he was doing at the town’s administrative offices. He tells her he’s just sent off a letter. She says no she hasn’t said anything, but she’d just as soon he’d leave. They agree to use the story that he left on business then drowned in a shipwreck, but he says first he’ll wait for Mario to return. Cami snidely asks if Mario brings back the letter if Ric plans to give it to her or to Lis. Ric smiles that gorgeous smile of his again, though it’s a bit more restrained this time, ‘cause it is obvious Cami’s ‘tude is getting to him--not to mention the rest of us. He says he figured she knew him better than that by now. Cami, proving that she is definitely hatched from the same hen house as GRita, spitefuly answers that she did once, but not now.

Ric’s had enough and finally he gets angry. He tells her that a person doesn’t change who and what they are simply because their name has changed. He says he’s still the same person she’s known up to now: the same unfortunate guy who is trying to get back the life they stole from him. He turns and walks off, getting the last word, as if to say, “Cami, considering how we met and what it took for you to get back here to San Fernando, I’d think you’d understand and not be so quick to condemn, let alone gettin’ on your high horse like you are.” As if…..

After he’s gone Jimena, the single raindrop in Cami’s desert of dense, tries to make Cami see reason and gives her another good piece of her mind. (Somebody needs to.) “How could you have been so unfeeling? You practically threw him out of town!” “—I’m not to blame for who or whatever he is.” “—Well, he isn’t to blame, either,” says Jimena. “He told you why he became a pirate. He’s treated you like a queen (Here! Here!), spoiled you, given into you, helped your family, confronted the Lord Governor of the place (Damn straight!), and still he’s worrying himself trying to get that damned letter back to make sure you keep your money.” (Damn! Mario was right. Where has the guy’s self-respect gone?) Cami apparently has to think this one through a bit more. “So I’m supposed to go back to him? My father will die of shame when he finds out we’re not really married.” Jimena (the one who Ric really should be hooking up with) says why bother telling him at all.

In the boonies, Mario and Guero are slowed down asking directions and backtracking to find the right trail to take them to San Luis Rey. On the way, they come upon Foreman who’s waiting while his coach has a broken axle fixed. Mario tells him that they are on an errand for El Antillano, but he covers quickly and says it’s to look for lamb for a big barbecue. Foreman is all excited there’ll be a party. Mario says they’re celebrating Antillano’s marriage. Foreman is impactado to hear El Antillano has gotten married. He tells Mario that it just so happens that he and Hernan were headed to San Fernando to visit Antillano. He invites them to come along. Mario says thanks, but like, they really have to get the lamb first. So Foreman asks what name Antillano is using now, since he can’t really go around asking for ‘El Antillano.’ Mario tells him Lopez de Carvejal. Foreman tells him that he’ll be using the name John Lancastar and will say he’s a natural scientist doing experiments and collecting specimens or whatever.

Meanwhile, Ric does a little soul searching in the country and thinks to himself that he has to become emotionally detached from Cami. “I’ve got to think about me and my life. By God, it is costing me so much, too much,” he says. “What a rotten time to fall in love with you, Camila. What a really rotten time.”

Along the trail, Mario tells Guero he’s ticked at having lost so much time shooting the breeze with Foreman. Guero wonders why Foreman is really out and about travelling like that. He asks Mario if maybe Foreman is really scoping things out, planning to plunder Veracruz. Mario has an idea but when Guero wants to go into it more, Mario cuts him off and starts galloping toward San Luis Rey again.

Cami visits Justo. They discuss Vasco and Ines getting along so well now, and how Vasco has fortunately for them all gotten his head on straight and become a help rather than a hindrance. Justo asks after Ric. In order not to shock his system again she invents a story about Ric’s leaving to take care of a few business dealings and adds that he sent along his best wishes. He says he was the right man to protect her from the likes of Don Jorge. Justo then has to say what every self-respecting new FIL tells his daughter: Get pregnant fast and give me grandkids.

Hernan and Foreman are finally on the road again. Neither can imagine Antillano being in love. Foreman thinks his wife must be something pretty special to make him leave “the life” for her. Hernan thinks that perhaps Lazaro was right, that Antillano has gone soft. Foreman says he doesn’t agree at all. In fact, he is intrigued by all the coincidences surrounding Antillano. Hernan says, “Like Lafont being from the same little town?” The wheels in the English corsair’s head are starting to turn. He tells Hernan, “Yes, and also that he seems to have an important Spanish functionary for a godfather…..”

Outside at Justo’s Jimena tells his housekeeper to make sure he continues to get his medicine so that his blood doesn’t “thicken.” (Probably they’re referring to some kind of homeopathic aspirin-like concoction of the day to keep his blood from clotting and causing another stroke.) Jimena gossips then about Vasco and Ines’ marriage, which the housekeeper agrees will continue to work as long as Vasco doesn’t start alley cattin’ again.

Upstairs Justo tells Cami that he is anxious to throw a big bash to celebrate her marrying a great guy like Ric, and a man he likes enough to consider another son. Cami is obviously uncomfortable with the idea, but says she’ll “discuss it” with Ric and get back to him. Justo says it would be a great satisfaction to die knowing his children were all respectably married. They hug and Cami cries secret tears of shame.

Back walking through town together a few minutes later, Cami tells Jime about the conversation she just had with her father. They decide to pay a visit to GRita, but Jimena warns her Ric won’t like it. Cami says she has a right to visit her own family and they head for Santiago’s house.

Jorge walks to the blacksmith shop and asks around for Santi. Ascanio tells him that he went to see a client about doing some urgent repairs. Jorge leaves word that when he gets back to tell him he should come looking for him. He wants to speak with him. He leaves and Chip and Dale ask Ascanio what’s up with Santiago since they all know Santi didn’t go see some client and isn’t it strange that first Doña Sofia ,and now Don Jorge comes asking for him. Ascanio brushes both of them off and tells them to ask Santi when he gets back, and walks away troubled by having to keep so many secrets.

Jorge runs into Jime and Cami in the plaza. They try to avoid him, but end up sitting at an outside café table when he asks to join them. They can’t exactly refuse and he sits down. After a bit of meaningless chitchat about Justo’s health, he asks Cami how Ric is spending his time these days. He says he was given to understand that none of the business propositions he and Alberto discussed with him were appealing. “I don’t really discuss business with him,” she answers.

Jorge keeps verbally jabbing her. “On the other hand, though, perhaps Ric is thinking of leaving, since the business with Lis’s inheritance was mercilessly cruel.” Cami politely replies, “I had no influence in any of her father’s decisions.” “—Oh, I don’t doubt it,” says Jorge. “I pity her as well.” Then Jorge comments that he is happy for Cami, though. As rich as Ric ought to be, her inheritance shouldn’t be necessary. He excuses himself, leaves a coin for his wine and walks off with a slight smirk on his face.

Cami says that’s the second time Don Jorge has spoken to her in a mocking tone of voice when talking about her money. Jime tells Cami that Don Jorge was sticking it to her about Ric’s money, since he knows perfectly well that Ric doesn't have any money because he was the one who stole it from him.

In San Luis Rey, Alberto arrives at Eusebia's while Eusebia's at the bakery with her little boy. The little girl takes him to her "Uncle Bernabe". LaFont, with the little girl in his arms, asks Bernabe menacingly for the ED letter. Bernabe plays dumb at first, but LaFont takes out his stiletto and tells him to hand it over or he'll carve the little girl to pieces. At the same time LaFont gently kisses the little girl on the head and lets her down in a single smooth move that is definitely “skin-crawl” worthy. Frightened, Bernabe whines to LaFont that it was all Vasco's idea (as if that would make a difference with Vlad The Impaler LaFont.) LaFont says he could care less, just hand it over or else. Bernabe goes to get it but he is shaking so hard he can hardly unbuckle the leather pouch it's in. (Note: Bernabe’s pouch was under the bed, so could Cami’s cash be hidden under there too?)

Cami and Jimena find Ines at Santi’s, filling in for her mother and taking care of her clients while Ofelia’s up at Monte Carmelo. Cami asks what’s she’s doing up there, so Ines tells them to come into the sewing room so she can tell them all about it. GRita hears them and Ramona explains Cami and Jimena are there visiting in the sewing room with Ines. GRita smiles smugly (a-gain) to herself and walks in just as Ines begins to tell Cami and Jime the news. With a mile-wide grin she manages to tell them the news—her news--first: her hubby is going to be the future Lord of San Fernando. Full of herself, GRita beams at them in some sort of bizarre triumph; even Jimena is speechless.

Later that afternoon, back at the townhouse, it seems Cami’s inner self is still in conflict. Crying in her copa, she hangs her head and admits to Jime that she doesn't know what to do about Ric. Jime, instinctively aware that being shrewd always tops being a shrew, advises her to have the wedding celebration and go back to Ric like nothing’s happened.

Cami argues that it’s a sham marriage and they’d be tricking the entire town. “But you’re already married, he told you. He made that oath in front of the altar. Besides who cares what that bunch of cowards thinks! What did they ever do for you? Did they defend your father’s mill and store when Don Jorge took them from him? Do they protest whenever he decides to carry off some woman to his bed on a whim?”

Cami defends the townspeople saying they’re all afraid and Jime says that’s her point. She tells Cami she needs to think about her own needs. “Who cares what name the man goes by when he adores you, your father thinks of him like a son and you love him? It’s the man that is important to you.” “—But what if they should discover him tomorrow or the day after?” “—Let God deal with it, but in the meantime, enjoy. Happiness doesn’t last very long.”

Cami finally sees the light here, but is too full of pride to see herself returning and asking to be forgiven. Jimena says to give it a day or two and he’ll come to see her, they’ll reconcile and well, that’s that. Cami says it’s not so simple, but Jime says it would be extremely simple if it were her. Anyway, they love each other; he suits her, her family, and everyone else for that matter.

Suddenly Jimena gets an idea and fakes being nauseous from drinking too much. She leaves Cami to her thoughts and goes out looking for Candida. Jime tells the girl to bring her a giant cup of strong coffee but that she is planning on going out, so if Cami should ask for her to tell her she's sound asleep.

Mario and El Guero get into San Luis Rey finally and are asking directions to Eusebia's. They pull up outside the door to her house just as a bloodcurdling scream comes from inside. Guero stands guard while Mario races inside the room where he finds Eusebia holding a dead Bernabe in her arms. He assures her he means no harm. She says that her daughter told her that a gentleman came asking for him, entered and then left. She came in and found him like this.

Mario spies Bernabe's open saddlebag and starts searching through the papers in it. He asks Eusebia about the letter he was supposed to have, but she has no idea what he's talking about. Mario looks at the two of them, frustrated at being a bit too late to retrieve the letter and takes in LaFont’s gruesome handiwork: Bernabe’s slit throat.

At the same time Ofelia returns home. Ines tells her that GRita told her the news. Ascanio comes over from the forge to tell her both Sofia and Don Jorge came by looking for Santi and that Jorge wants to speak with him.

Ofelia confirms the “news” to her daughter. Ines tries to comfort her mother and tells her that although she doesn’t know how it happened, she’s certain her mother was not to blame. She asks if Santi was in Monte Carmelo because of this and Ofelia says yes. Ines wants to know what he said about it, but Ofelia can only cry and shake her head in shame.

That night Ursula comes down to speak to her father about her “supposed” half-brother. She’s convinced it’s a gimmick of her mother’s and Ofelia’s to hurt her. It can’t be true that he is his son, she tells him, because for all his apparent decency, he still is no more than a course, uncouth hick. Jorge stops her. “An uncouth hick? Seems you were all hot to substitute him for the other guy, that Vasco Darien.” “—I swear, Daddy, that that was some fabrication of Mother’s. Anyway, supposing he really is your bastard. There’s no way you ought to recognize him because it would be just too… humiliating having a blacksmith for a brother.”

Jorge stops her again. “Hey, being a blacksmith is no small feat. To be a master blacksmith is more impressive still.” “—But he’s still a townie!” she complains. Jorge begins to give her a quick backgrounder regarding their family tree. “My ancestors –and your ancestors—arrived here 200 years ago, and what do you think they were? Farm-workers, bakers, quick-thinkers. Many were thieves and murderers as were the majority of those who came to conquer this land.” “—Dad, we’re a bit more refined now.” “—Think so, eh? Well, even when we appear refined, we don’t deny our heritage. You yourself appear all silvery and golden, but you behave like a tavern girl. Or, am I wrong?”

Ursula ignores this bit of truth and asks what happens to her then if she remarries and gives him a grandson. Jorge explains his reasoning and says that if she has more children they’ll have some other man’s last name. He wants the Governorship to be held by a Mancera. If he finds he has a son who is a self-made man, tried and true, cultured and literate, who makes a good appearance, then, problem solved.

“—So, you’ve made your decision?” Jorge explains that the way he sees it, her husband will want her to move to his home in some other town. If she gets married, he adds, he hopes she’ll comport herself properly, because if she continues to carry on like some whore and the guy throws her out, don’t count on running back to Papa.

As far as Jorge is concerned, then, all that’s lacking now is to speak with Santi about it. If they come to some agreement, then perhaps he will officially recognize him as his son with all the rights that come with it. Ursula fights back her tears and wisely swallows her anger.

Across town, Vasco and Paco have a different kind of conversation. Vasco explains the difference between being a servant and being sold into servitude--heavy stuff for a little kid, but Vasco does a pretty good job of it. Some servants he says are bought and sold like slaves because of some tragedy, while others, like theirs, come to work for them because they want to.

Later that same night, Ric tells Lis he’s got somewhere to be and she asks if it has to do with Camila. He gives her an emphatic “No!” and abruptly walks out on her.

At the same time Jimena is getting out of a coach outside Ric's manor house and tells Pablo she urgently needs to speak to Ric. Pablo tries to explain that it will have to wait since he is just about to leave. Ric happens to walk out at that moment and she runs over to tell him that he should go see Camila. With a broad smile she says that if he goes over there tonight Cami will most definitely come back with him. He hesitates not knowing whether to go to the townhouse, or with his men to see if the money caravan from Vericruz is attacked.


Thursday, February 21, 2008

La Traición, Episode 18

Hugo wonders why Soledad is going into the mine. He says that for him, going into the mine is like returning to the coffin. Flashback to Hugo being buried alive. "Now, what do I do?" he asks himself.

Beatriz grabs Alcides' gun and says that she remembers that it was he who raped her. She says that she will kill him. Alcides goes down on his knees.

Hercules, Rebeca and Elois bicker about how things went with Ester.

Alcides uses his kneeling position to grab some dirt and throw it in Beatriz' face. Then he overpowers her. He says that he has to kill her and is about to do so when Arturo shows up.
Hugo puts on his bandido mask and goes into the mine with the police in pursuit. [Ah, the mine. What adventures we will have in this mine.] Hugo finds Soledad and asks why she is following him. Soledad says that she has to know who he is. He says that the mine is dangerous and they have to leave.

Alcides tells Arturo that when he found Beatriz, she attacked him. Beatriz tells Arturo that she isn't crazy and won't go back to the sanatorium. Alcides insists to Arturo that Beatriz is in bad shape. Artuto tells Alcides that he should be worried about his wife , not Beatriz. He tells Alcides that Soledad was last seen following the robber towards the mine.

Lucas scolds Ester for being rude to Rebeca and Eloisa. Ester replies that she thinks Rebeca is a gold digger. She scolds Lucas for offering to give away their posessions when they are in a precarious financial condition. When Lucas tells her that the stuff Jeremias' gave them has no value, Ester doesn't agree. She says that if Rebeca wants the stuff, it must be more valuable than it appears.

Hugo and Soledad run around in the collapsing mine. He tells her to trust him ('Confia en mi') just like he did when they were courting. They fall down in each other's arms.

The Inspector and his men reach the entrance to the mine. Hugo and Soledad have the entrance in sight. The Inspector tells Hugo to come out with his hands up.

Rebeca, Eloisa and Hercules return to the house they have sold to Hugo and find it trashed. They hear noises upstairs.

In the mine, Hugo comes over all woozy and then he passes out. Soledad tells the Inspector that she is in the mine.

Hercules and the carriage driver chase the thief and shoot at him.

Soledad can't rouse Hugo. She says that she doesn't know what to do. She decides to find out who he is and starts to pull his mask down. At that moment, Boris, also in a mask, stops her. However, Soledad is sucessful in pulling Boris' mask down.

Rebeca tells Eloisa that the thief in the house is undoubtedly, Enrico, the servant of her dead husband.

Soledad is full of questions about why Boris is in the mine but he only tells her that she has to get out of the mine and that he will take care of the mysterious masked man. Soledad heads for the entrance to the mine.

Boris returns to the still unconscious Hugo and says that he is afraid Hugo is having another catalepsy attack.

The police are about to go into the mine when Alcides rides up. He accuses the Inspector of cowardice and says that he will go into the mine after is wife when Soledad comes out of the mine. Elena witnesses this.

Eloisa and Rebeca determine that nothing is missing from the house. Rebeca concludes that Enrico came back to look for clues to the treasure of her dead husband. Meanwhile, Enrico gets the drop on Hercules and tells him that he knows that he and Rebeca killed Jeremias and that Hercules has no right to the treasure. The coachman shoots and wounds Enrico.

Back at the cabaña in the forest, Elena tells Dr. Max that Hugo is trapped in the mine by the police. Dr. Max remembers the air ducts for the mine and tells Los Burque that they can rescue Hugo that way.

Hugo comes around. Boris reassures him that Soledad didn't discover his identity. Hugo tells Boris that he knows where the air ducts are for the mine. The police demand that Hugo come out of the mine.

Soledad tells Ursula, Marina and Paquito that she didn't find out who the masked bandit was but if she didn't know that Hugo was dead, she would have sworn it was Hugo. She stells them that Boris was in the mine and stopped her from removing Hugo's mask.

Beatriz threatens to kill herself if Arturo takes her back to the sanatorium. Arturo swears that he won't do that.

Hercules loses Enrico's trail.

Waiting outside the mine, Alcides picks up what Hugo is feeling in the same way he did when Hugo woke up in his grave: he almost passes out and chokes. [I did not remember this scene before. It explains how Alcides knew that Hugo would be incapacitated in the mine when he traps him there with Soledad a few episodes later. It didn't make sense that Alcides would have been able to guess that because as we have seen, Hugo did not have a problem with enclosed spaces before he was buried alive. This scene also must be when Alcides figures out that Hugo is still alive.] Alcides insists on going into the mine. Duarte and the police follow. Soledad wants to go back in there, too to keep the police from hurting the man who saved her life. Paquito won't let her go back into the mine.

Boris helps Hugo walk until they find the ventilation shaft. They are wondering how they will get out through the shaft when a rope comes down. It's Los Burke and Dr. Max.

Meanwhile Alcides is looking for Boris in the mine. He stands right under Hugo and Boris who are dangling at the end of the rope. Fortunately, he doesn't look up or wonder where the daylight is coming from. Alcides and the police finally figure out that team Hugo escaped by the air shaft.

Team Hugo is running away from the mine. While they rest for a minute, Dr. Max tells Hugo that Beatriz escaped. Hugo says that they have to find her - she know that it was Alcides who attacked her.

Arturo takes Beatriz to his house (Hugo's old house) and she has a tearful reunion with her mother.

Alcides and the police come out of the mine and tells Soledad and Úrsula that the bandidos escaped. Alcides pulls Marina aside and demands to know where the criminals are hiding. Marina denies knowing anything. Alcides is about to hit her when first Soledad and then Inspector Duarte intervene. At first Alcides refuses to let Marina come to the hacienda with Soledad but Paquito persuades him to change his mind. He tells Alcides that he should keep Marina close by until he finds out who is behind all this. Alcides agrees.

He tells Paquito to take the women to the hacienda while he takes care of some other business. Soledad thanks him. To himself, Paquito says that nothing is in this life is free.

Back at Hugo's old house, Alcides tells Arturo that Boris and Los Burke were behind the thefts from the vault. Alcides says that he will get them. Arturo replies that he better get the items to repay his loan or he will take it from Alcides' inheritence. Alcides tells Arturo that he assumes that Beatriz has been returned to the Sanatorium. Arturo and then Doña Gladis tell him that Beatriz is not returning to the sanatorium. She will stay at home and receive medical treatment there. Alcides mentions that Beatriz mistook him for Hugo and tried to kill him earlier. Arturo assures him that he and Gladis will keep Beatriz safe. Dr. Max arrives to consult about Beatriz and Alcides asks to get some things from his old room.

Alcides goes to Beatriz' room where she is sleeping and starts to smother her with a pillow. He is attacked from behind.

Dr. Max promotes treating Beatriz by hypnotism. Arturo wants Dr. Max to see Beatriz at once. He makes excuses about why he can't see her that night. Arturo wonders if there was some other motive for his visit.

Meanwhile, back in Beatriz' room, Hugo succeeds in overpowering Alcides. Arturo, Gladis and Dr. Max rush upstairs when they hear a loud noise from Beatriz' room. She tells them that she fell out of bed and is ok. Dr. Max sees that Hugo is in the room and says that he wants to speak ot Beatriz alone. Gladis is suspicious but Arturo persuades her to leave with him. Once they are gone, Hugo pops out of the closet with the unconscious Alcides and tells Dr. Max that Alcides tried to suffocate Beatriz.

Hercules reports his failure to find Enrico to Rebeca. He tells her that Enrico knows that they murdered Jeremias and that Enrico was wounded by a bullet and might be dead.

Enrico is staggering through the woods.

Soledad, Úrsula, Marina and Paquito have stopped on the road to wait for Alcides. Paquito asks why Soledad was so interested in going after the bandido who looked like Hugo. Soledad says that it was Hugo's voice, his look, the way he spoke to her. It seemed as if Hugo were there. She goes on to tell Paquito about the other times that she had seen or felt Hugo's presence since he died. She describes her psychic link with Hugo when he was alive. She says that this is different. It's real and she has to find out who is behind it all. She tells Paquito that sometimes she thinks she is going crazy. At that moment, Enrico staggers into the clearing and collapes.

Dr. Max injects Alcides with something to keep him asleep. Beatriz wants Hugo to finish him off but Hugo says that he has a better plan. He will make it so that Alcides is wracked with guilt his whole life.

The credits roll.


Pasion Thursday February 21 : A lack of Pasion

Due to the Premio lo Nuestro awards.


La Traicion, Episode 17

The judge is receiving persons in the courtroom. Alcides comes up to him. The judge looks up and says that he can't believe that Alcides has the nerve to appear before him. Alcides says that he doesn't understand. The judge says that Alcides can hardly expect his threats to be effective here where the judge is surrounded by police officers. Alcides says that he only came to ask for a date to be set... The judge interrupts and says that he knows why Alcides has come and he finds Alcides' haste to get his hands on his inheritance worrisome. Alcides asks what he means. The judge says that he will take all the time necessary to investigate Alcides' claim to the inheritence and if he finds anything suspicious, he will cancel the transfer of the property. Alcides says that the judge has no right to do this. The judge says that Alcides had no right to come and threaten him. If he does anything else, he will pay dearly. He calls for the next person in line. Poor Alcides has no idea what is going on. He walks slowly away from the judge and towards Arturo who is shaking his head.

At Hugo's townhouse, Rebeca tells Eloisa that Soledad's father, Lucas, may have some clues as to where Jeremias' treasure can be found. Hercules tells Eloisa that according to Manrique, Jeremias gave Lucas de Obragon a bunch of stuff, which would be very unusual for someone as stingy (tacaño) as Jeremias. Hercules says that he is sure that amongst that stuff, there is a clue to where the treasure is. Rebeca says that is why they are going to pay a visit to the Obragon house. Paquito staggers in out of breath to report that a visit won't be necessary. The Obragons have come to the townhouse to visit their daughter. Rebeca and Hercules leave. "Last night I saw Alcides leaving your room," Paquito says to Eloisa, "Congratulations. I see you haven't wasted any time." Eloisa says that he knows her and she has Alcides is eating out of her hand. Paquito tells her to be careful and not fall in love with him.

Soledad receives her parents in the courtyard of the house. Ursula has told them that about her trip to San Marino and they've come to say goodbye. Soledad says that she will miss them. She asks after her father's health. He says that he is better and is just starting to ask why Soledad is so sad when Rebeca shows up pretending to be all amazed to see him again. Lucas introduces her to Ester as the widow of his old friend Jeremias de Montenegro. Rebeca says that being in the city again brings back so many memories of her dead husband. She says that she wants to ask him a favor. Lucas is all gallant and has totally forgotten about his concern for Soledad. Rebeca says that she understands that her late husband gave Lucas some stuff and she would like it back. It has a sentimental value to her. "Yes," says Lucas, "he gave me some things and I never could understand why. They are in the house. Stop by whenever and get them." Ester is giving Lucas a look. Rebeca thanks Lucas and says that she has to go and finish packing. Lucas is waving goodbye when Ester pushes his hand down. "Widow," she says, "she really doesn't look like one to me."

Leaving the court building, Arturo asks Alcides if he can explain what the judge meant about threatening him. Alcides says that he didn't understand it at all. Arturo tells Alcides that he hopes this isn't one of his tricks to get out of paying what Alcides owes him. Alcides says that Arturo can come this afternoon and he will transfer the house to him. Arturo reminds him that that the house was to repay the money that Arturo lent Alcides to settle the debt and save the house of his inlaws. He te;;s Alcides that in return for helping him get rid of Hugo, Arturo was promised part of the inheritence. Alcides says that in Hugo's safe there are jewels and relics that Arturo can sell for a lot of money. "We'll see about that," says Arturo. Hugo and Boris are watching in their campesino disguises. "This pair of hyenas are already beginning to tear each other to pieces (despedezarse)," says Hugo.

Guillermo is drinking in the taverna when Margot comes up to him. She asks where he has been. Did he succeed in getting into the safe? Helena comes up behind Margot and asks what business that is of hers. Margot says that it is her business because she and fatso (gordo) were partners in that. Helena waves a diamond necklace in front of Margot and Margot turns furiously on Guillermo and asks if Helena got it from the safe.

Margot attacks Guillermo and he says that he and Helena have been together for many years and he had to respect her seniority is matters such as this. Helena scornfully sends Margot off to wait tables. The diminutive duo come out of the tavern talking about selling the necklace when Inspector Duarte snatches it away from them and asks where they got it. They reply that Hugo gave it to them before he died. Duarte say that he needs to look into the matter and has them taken to the police station. It turns out that it was Margot who ratted on Los Burke. Duarte thanks her.

Alcides is showing Arturo around the townhouse. He gives him the key. Arturo asks about the valuables in the safe. Alcides says that it is in the basement. They encounter Rebeca and Eloisa who are about to leave. It transpires that Rebeca knows Arturo because Jeremias was friends with his mother. Paquito appears and says that Rebeca's carriage is ready. They leave. Eloisa says goodbye to Alcides and looks forward to when they will be neighbors in San Marino. She tells Soledad that if she needs a friend, she can call on her. Soledad tells Alcides that she has had the household stuff loaded onto the carriage. Alcides compliments her efficiency. He tells her to get ready, they will be leaving soon. "For a newlywed, she doesn't look too happy," Arturo says to Alcides. Alcides asks what business it is of his.

At the cabaña in the forest, Dr. Max tells Hugo and Boris that Los Burke have been arrested trying to sell a necklace that appears to be stolen. Boris reminds Hugo that he told him that Los Burke were not to be trusted. Hugo says that it's too late for recriminations. They have to get Los Burke out of jail before they reveal his secret. Boris offers to go the polices station and pay their bail. Dr. Max doesn't think that is a good idea. It could appear that Boris is in league with Los Burke. Hugo agrees. He says that Los Burke have to be sprung from jail by more radical means.

Arturo tells Alcides that he hopes the stuff in the vault is as valuable as Alcides said it was. Alcides opens the door of the vault and it is empty, completely empty. Team Hugo even managed to get the thermal chamber out of there without anyone in the house hearing. "This can't be," says Alcides. Arturo asks if this is a joke.

Alcides pushes him aside and leaves the vault. Alcides calls Marina and asks what happened to the stuff in the cellar.

When she doesn't reply, he hits her and asks again what she did with the stuff in the cellar. Soledad and Úrsula come down the stairs and try to stop Alcides from hitting Marina. He tells her to butt out. He hits Marina again and she says that she doesn't know what he is talking about. She hasn't robbed anyone. Duarte comes in and asks what is going on. Alcides says that he is glad Duarte has come. The safe with all the treasure of the Medina family has been robbed and he says that Marina was involved. Alcides says that there were valuable objects in the cellar. "Like this?" says Duarte, dangling the necklace that he took from Los Burke in front of Alcides. He tells them how Los Burke were trying to sell it outside the taverna and claimed that Hugo had given it to them and now they are in custody. Alcides says that he has to talk to them. He, Duarte and Arturo leave.

Soledad tries to comfort a sobbing Marina. She points out the the police said that she wasn't involved. Marina tells Soledad that there is something she doesn't know - Boris was involved in the robbery. She tells Soledad that she saw Boris in the cellar the previous night with Los Burke and they were taking things but he said that he wasn't stealing them. Boris told her that they were Hugo's things and he was taking them before Alcides destroyed them. Soledad says that Boris has always been a very faithful employee. She can't believe that he would have bad intentions. Marina agrees but says that if the police arrest Los Burke, Boris will be accused and she will end up in jail. Soledad says that Boris would never get her involved but Úrsula says that she has no such confidence in Los Burke. Soledad reassures Marina. She says that she will take Marina to her parents' house and convince them to hire her. She can't allow Alcides to hurt Marina anymore. Soledad goes to leave Marina's room, opens the door and there is Paquito, listening. He says that he can't allow three women to travel alone. He insists on accompanying them.

In prison, Los Burke are exchanging recriminations about Guillermo's involvement with Margot that Helena believes led them to be arrested. Suddenly, a stone comes through the window of their cell. A note is wrapped around the stone and it says, "For your safety, stay away from the wall. We're getting you out."

Duarte ushers Alcides and Arturo into his office. Los Burke are crouched against the door of the cell.

There is a large explosion. Duarte and his visitors go to see what happened. Los Burke climb out of the hole in the wall of the cell. Guillermo thanks Hugo and says that he knew Hugo wouldn't abandon them. Hugo tells Guillermo that it was stupid to rob his things and this has created lots of problems for them. Boris says the police will be coming soon and they have to go. Hugo tells Boris to take Los Burke to the north side of the forest near his father's mine. He is going to divert pursuit and will meet them there in an hour. Hugo pulls a mask over his face and puts on his horrible hat.

Hugo holds up Soledad's carriage at gunpoint. Paquito tells him not to shoot; there are women in the carriage. Meanwhile, the police are in pursuit. Hugo jumps into the carriage and tells Paquito to drive on. There is a wild gunfight between the police and Hugo in the streets of the town. Hugo tells the women in the carriage to stay down and nothing will happen to them. Soledad recognizes Hugo's voice. "Who are you?" she asks. "This isn't the right time to answer your questions," replies Hugo. In pursuit, Alcides tells Duarte not to shoot. His wife is in the carriage.

At the cabaña in the forest, Boris scolds Los Burke for not listening to his instructions and stealing things. Hes calls them a pair of rats. Helena objects and says that they aren't rats but independent businessmen and not servants like him. Guillermo tells Helena not to be ungrateful to Boris. He got them out of prison. Helena says Boris didn't have anything to do with getting them out of jail. Boris tells them to thank Hugo. He says that if it were up to him, they would still be in jail. Beatrice and Dr. Max come out of the house. Beatrice says she has to find Hugo. Dr. Max says that she isn't going anywhere. Boris says he can't allow this to get more complicated they will have to tie Beatrice up.

Hugo in his bandido outfit succeeds in throwing off the pursuit. He tells Paquito to drive the carriage down the opposite street. Soledad says that if he isn't being followed, he should leave them there. Hugo apologizes and says that he doesn't want to harm them but he has to get out of the city and needs their help. Soledad offers to stay if he will let the others go. Hugo says that there isn't time to argue. He tells Paquito to drive on.

Los Burke tie Beatriz up. Boris apologizes to her but says that she has to stay tied up until Hugo returns. He can't risk her doing something crazy. Boris tells Dr. Max that he has to meet Hugo in the forest and in view of what happened, he can't leave Los Burke here alone. Dr. Max says that he will take care of them. Dr. Max stays that in her condition, Beatriz is a danger to them and they should get rid of her. Boris replies that Beatriz is under Hugo's protection and he'll decide what to do. Boris warns Dr. Max not to do anything to Beatriz until Hugo returns.

The carriage careens along. Soledad wonders who the masked man is. There is something about his voice and the way he looks at her. Úrsula tells her to be careful. The man looks dangerous. Soledad asks why the police are pursuing him. Hugo says that he doesn't have to answer her questions. "Do I know you from somewhere?" asks Soledad. "I don't think so," replies Hugo, "but even if that were so, they say that you never really know women." Not surprisingly, Soledad asks what he means by that and he tells her that if she doesn't shut up, he will prevent her from speaking. Soledad says that she won't say anything more.

Hercules, Rebeca and Eloisa are on their way back to San Marino. Hercules questions why Rebeca hasn't gone immediately to get the stuff from the Obragron house. Rebeca says that she doesn't want to appear too eager. Eloisa defends her. Hercules says that if they don't try and get the stuff now, they will regret it for the rest of their lives. Rebeca agrees but says that she will do the talking.

Alcides, the Inspector and Arturo reunite. An officer says that there is no trace of the carriage. Arturo offers his men to help search. Inspector Duarte is hestitent but Alcides insists since his wife is missing.

Ester receives Rebeca, Eloisa and Hercules with a marked lack of enthusiasm. She says that she didn't expect to see them again so soon. Rebeca says that they couldn't leave the city without visiting the home of such a prestigious family. She asks if Lucas is home. Ester says that he isn't available. Rebeca et all are about to leave when Lucas appears and invites them in.

In the secret basement room in the cabaña in the forest, Los Burke are guarding Beatriz, who is tied up. Dr. Max comes in and tells Los Burke to go get something to eat. Beatriz begs Dr. Max to let her go. She says that she isn't dangerous, she just wants to help Hugo. He needs her. [Right after Beatriz says, "El me necessita," we hear wild turkeys gobbling. I believe this is the first appearance of this sound effect that will be be heard all the time when the action in the novela shifts to the Hacienda Montenegro.] Dr. Max say that he will untie Beatriz. He does so and tells her to get out before he changes his mind. When she has gone, he takes a pistol out of his waistband and goes after her.

Rebeca tells Lucas and Ester how difficult it has been for her since Jeremias died. Good ol' Hercules comes right to the point. He asks to see the stuff that Jeremias gave to Lucas. Rebeca says that regaining the stuff would help with her grief.

In the carriage, Soledad tells Hugo-Bandido that he should let them go as he promised now that they are outside the city. Hugo says that he can't yet. They have to get closer to the mine. Hugo takes a watch out of his pocket and looks at it. Soledad looks at it and has has flashback to sitting by a noisy fountain in the courtyard of Hugo's house and giving him this watch as an engagement gift to symbolize that they will be together all the time. Úrsula asks why Soledad is pale all of a sudden. She says that the watch belongs to Hugo and the bandido's look... Soledad asks who he is and why does he have a watch that belongs to Hugo de Medina.

Lucas lays out all the junk that Jeremias gave him on the table.

Rebeca asks if he is sure that this is all the stuff? Lucas thinks of something he forgot. While he is gone, Rebeca is pessimistic that any of this stuff contains a clue. Hercules replies that they can't be sure. They had better take it all. Rebeca pretends that this stuff reminds her of the pleasant times she shared with her dead husband. Eloisa says that they should pack up the stuff and go when Ester announces that the stuff belongs to her and isn't going anywhere.

Beatriz heads off down the road saying that she has to find Hugo. Dr. Max follows and raises his pistol. Los Burke grab him to prevent him from shooting Beatriz. There is a struggle and Guillermo is shot.

Soledad demands to know where Hugo got the watch. Marina says that Hugo is clearly an accomplice of Los Burke who were in Hugo's house the previous night. Presumably, they stole it. Soledad says that it belongs to her and wants it back. "What is your interest, Señora?" asks Hugo, "I can't believe that it has a sentimental value for you." Soledad replies that she doesn't have to explain herself to him. Hugo goes on to say that he knows that she was engaged to Hugo de Medina. Soledad says that she wants the watch as a remembrance. Hugo says to himself that if she really wanted to remember him, she would be wearing the locket he gave her. Flashback to him giving her locket. [This is not the last time that the locket will fail to do its duty to make Hugo realize that Soledad still loves him.] Soledad asks why Hugo is looking at her that way. He says that he doesn't think she wants to keep a souvenir of Hugo de Medina. Soledad says how dare he give his opinion about her personal life. Hugo says that a woman who marries someone else two days after burying her fiance is a tramp. Soledad says that she doesn't care what he thinks. She wants the watch back now. Hugo flashes back to the kiss in the cabaña. Hugo says that he doesn't believe her but if she wants to hold on to it, she can. He takes that watch out and after dangling it in front of Soledad, he throws it out of the carriage onto the road. Soledad calls for Paquito to stop the carriage and she tries to jump out. Hugo tells Paquito not to dare stop and Úrsula and Marina prevent Soledad from jumping out. Hugo then holds his gun in such a way that Soledad can see that it has his name engraved on it.

Naturally, it turns out that Guillermo barely has a scratch from the bullet. Dr. Max tells Los Burke to go find Beatriz. He says that if she opens her mouth and tells anyone that she has seen Hugo de Medina, they'll all be in trouble.

Ester refused to let any of Jeremias' things out of the house and nothing that Rebeca, Hercules or Lucas says can change her mind.

Duarte, Alcides, Arturo and his men are following the trail of the carriage. Duarte splits the men into two groups and warns them not to shoot unless he says so. Alcides tells Arturo to tell his men to turn the hijacker in to the police if they find him. He wants to know who is behind this.

Hugo orders the carriage to stop and makes Paquito and the women get down. Paquito tells Hugo that he is a journalist and wants to know more about the robber's exciting life. Does he have a moniker - the Falcon? the Shadow? Hugo says that he is just a thief. Soledad says that she doesn't believe it and demands that Hugo show his face. At that moment, the pursuit arrives and Hugo starts shooting at them. Hugo escapes the pursuit on foot. Soledad has taken cover with the other women and Paquito. She says that the has to follow and and find out who the man is and goes after him. [This is a typical crazy stunt of Soledad.] She heads across a field ignoring a sign that says, "Danger - Mine."

Boris hears shots as he comes to meet Hugo. Paquito, Marina and Úrsula surrender to the police. Duarte asks where Soledad is and they tell him that she went towards the mine. Boris is watching. Duarte is angry that Arturo's men started shooting without his authorization. He tells Arturo and his men to leave.

Running through the forest looking for Hugo, Beatriz finds Alcides.

Hugo is out of breath and stops to rest behind some trees. He sees Soledad approach and then go into the mine. "What is she doing?" he asks, "Why did she go into the mine?"


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