Thursday, March 06, 2008

Pasion – March 5, 2008 – This never happened to Errol Flynn!!! (Parts I and II)

Alas, I again was unable to finish last night, but will finish it later today. I have posted the first half as I know many of you read it with breakfast. I may be dating myself with the title, but it refers to our MMM (Main Man Mario) who is not having as good a day as he thought. I will start with the sad news that Pasion has reached its “etapa culminante” (culminating section or portion) and is therefore not long for this channel (I’m guessing 6 weeks or so?). The good news is that it’s heir apparent is the already discussed “Fuego en la Sangre” (Fire in the Blood or Blood on Fire) starring Eduardo Yanez and Adela Noriega.


As we saw from yesterday’s episode, Al and his cronies are discussing how they will supplement their caravan assaulting income with some nice safe contraband. Uriel is a little concerned as he’ll be doing much of the selling at his store, but Al assures him that Jorge will take care of the paperwork so it looks legit. They will go with Foreman to “La Paisana’s Holiday Pirate Camp” so they know where they’ll drop off the stolen dough and pick up the contraband. They ask about Gonzalo, and he tells them he and Jorge had a chat and they will dispose of him.

Next we see Ric discussing the ED letter with Vasco and Ascanio. He believes that Lis overheard something at the house and went with the chisme to Al, who then killed Bernie and now has the letter. Ascanio questions Lis’ choice and Ric explains that Al’s courting Lis. Vasco goes into his litany of how Bernie must have burned the letter and Ric tells him he hates how lightly Vasco’s taking the whole thing. They start getting riled up and Ascanio tells them to break it up so they don’t upset Justo. Ric tells them how he plans to return the $$ to Lis so she’ll lay off. Later we see Justo’s clan hanging out at Santi’s kitchen. Justo asks Ric & Cami why they haven’t had their wedding feast. Cami looks at Ric and he answers it’s his fault ‘cause he’s been busy, but they’ll have one next week. Santi overhears this and stomps back in the house to see how the birthin’s going. He hears a baby crying and marches into the room to see his surprisingly clean baby. Everyone else also hears the baby crying and smile to each other. Ofi tells Santi it’s a girl and he holds her and cries (from joy for a change). Rita looks surprisingly calm (guess labor exhaustion will actually prevent one from throwing a tantrum).

On to today’s show. Over at the bar/brothel, Main Man Mario tells a group of women the drinks are on him (probably while they entertain Foreman’s footmen). He asks them when they are leaving and they tell him tomorrow. He wants to get the scoop on Foreman’s visit and they tell him to mind his own business. He explains that Foreman tried to get Ric to work with him on the contraband. Since Ric said no, he figures Foreman went to Al and Jorge ‘cause he buys them the money they steal. Hernan says they know nothing and he tells them he wants the cards face up. Lorenzillo says “what if he is?” MMM tells them there’s nothing wrong, he just wants the chisme. They ask what Ric’s story is. He tells them they came for some family business, but he fell in love and that’s why they’re still there. They say: “that’s it?” He responds that nothing ties up a man like a woman. Lorenzillo can’t believe the Dread Pirate Antillano would be all worked up over some “enaguas” (petticoat, underskirt). MMM says they won’t stay much longer as Ric’s getting tired of being a landlubber. He asks what’s next for them and they tell him that they’re off to Chez Paisana to see if El Chino arrived. Then they’ll go back to sea. MMM comments that Juancho won’t be too happy. They tell him they’ll settle it amongst themselves (the pirates @ Chez Paisana).

Now Ric, Jimena, and Cami arrive at Chez Ric. Camila greets Esteban (I think he’s a servant they hired locally, instead of one of Ric’s boys) and tells him that she has a niece. He asks about Rita and she tells him she’s fine. Cami talks about how she’s glad all’s well. Jim says goodnight ‘cause she’s so tired you’d think she was the one that had given birth. Ric and Cami kiss and go back to their room. Cami talks about how pretty the baby is (so far she’s still nameless) and comments that most men prefer boys. She asks Ric if it would bother him if his first-born were a girl? He says no, he’d just make her a pirate captain. Cami says no way, but still smiles. She thanks Ric for coming with her and tells him that when she first saw him at the Iguana, she would never have imagined he’d be so sensitive: Capable of hanging around for a birthing, entertaining an old man who was ill, or with the patience to deal with a child. He tells her he’s only human and that’s the kind of life that he wants. She tells him that must be why she loves him so much. He says he imagines she’s tired (ie – everyone to their own room), Cami says yes, but she’s happy everything went well, you? He says he is too, but she can tell something’s wrong. He says they’ll speak tomorrow but she’s having none of it. He tells her Jorge came. She wants details, but he tells her it would take too long. She says she doesn’t care, she’s got the time. Man, this guy likes to beat around the bush!

Back at Chez Santi, Ofi looks at Rita and baby as Santi walks in. Rita asks if he would have preferred a boy, and he says no, ‘cause that’s what God sent them. He picks up the baby again and says he’s very happy that she (the baby) was born healthy and whole and that Rita’s well. Rita says she thought she was going to die. We, the audience, collectively sigh our disappointment it wasn’t so.

Cut to Ric and Cami lying on the bed discussing what Santi did for Cami. Cami doesn’t think it’s fair that Santi should give up his rights for her. Besides, she’d rather not be reminded of that unpleasant business, how about Ric? He wouldn’t like it either. She asks Ric if he’ll talk to Santi about forgetting the whole ugly mess. He tells her it’s not his place, only she can have that conversation. She nods and they kiss. She starts unbuttoning his vest. He looks down and decides not remind her they’d taken a vow of celibacy ;)

Al bangs on Manuela’s door and tells her he’s going out and won’t be back ‘till tonight. He tells her to deliver a letter to Lis, but not to let anyone see it, especially Ric. He leaves and Nana comes in to bring Mani her hot chocolate (non-sequitor, if you haven’t tried Mexican hot chocolate, I highly recommend it ‘cause it’s awesome). Nana asks if Al’s going on another trip, and Mani tells her about the letter and how she’s always running errands for him. Nana tells her that’s ‘cause he’s her dad. Besides, his intentions towards Lis are probably honorable. Mani speculates that they can’t be that honorable if he hasn’t talked to Ric. Nana reminds her that Ric’s not related to Lis, but Mani reminds her he’s the one that brought them to SF. Mani wishes she knew what it says. Nana scoffs that it’s none of her business and she shouldn’t even think about opening it. Mani says she wouldn’t dare, but if he sends her letters every time he leaves town, he must be keeping her informed about something. She wonders if they’re officially engaged.

MMM lurks as Al gallops toward Foreman and company. Hernan asks if Jorge will be riding as well, and Foreman decides that when in Rome, he’ll take Lorencillo’s horse and send the rest of his peeps on the carriage. Jorge, Aurelio, and their 4th musketeer whose name currently escapes me, join them and they discuss how a carriage can be stuffy. Jorge tells Foreman he likes to ride when he hunts. Foreman mentions that he’s never killed an animal. Jorge asks what about a Christian (meaning a human)? Foreman says he’d rather not talk about that. MMM runs back home with the chisme.

Back at Chez Ric, Mario tells Ric that Al and Jorge went with Foreman to La Paisana’s. Ric asks how he knew and MMM tells him about his drinks with Hernan and Lorenzillo the night before and figured Jorge would be joining the, at Chez Paisana. He suggests following them and corroborating. --- Stay tuned for the rest of our exciting tale!

On to Part II. Since we last left our heroes....

Ric mentions that El Chino will probably be arriving soon, but Mario wants to take a little ride ‘cause he’s getting cabin fever. Ric tells Mario that he told Lis that Camila will be giving her the $$ back and that he’ll take care of the difference. Mario asks why, but we don’t hear the answer as they cut to the next scene.

Santi’s at church telling padre Agustin that Jorge refused to make a public announcement that he didn’t rape Cami because it would be humiliating. Santi feels Cami’s honor should be taken into account, and Augie tells him that both he and Jorge are very proud men. He tells Santi he should be more humble and accept God’s plans. He asks Santi if he came to give thanks to God for his daughter and asks after Rita. Santi says they’re both well. As they exit the church, they see a procession of men with some fancy red flags and comment it must be a high-ranking church official. They see Gaspar exiting the carriage and the priest exclaims it’s an archbishop. Gaspar gives them a quick blessing in Latin and they both run to kiss his hand. Augie asks what brings him to SF and Gaspar tells them he was on his way to Veracruz and decided to visit someone very dear to him: Ricardo Lopez de Carvajal. Santi is quite impactado and asks if he knows him (no, he just goes around visiting and appreciating people he’s never met!) and Gaspar tells him that Ric is his godson. Who are you? Padre Augie tells Gaspar that Santi is the town blacksmith and that he’s the church pastor.

Back at Chez Ric, Cami brings him some coffee and he asks if she’s off to see Rita. Cami says yes and gives him a flower (aww!) and asks him if he wants to come. Ric starts telling her that his current life is killing him and his men. She asks if he wants to go back to sea and he says he’s spending all his time going from town to home and doing a whole lot of nuthin’. She says she thought he wanted to retire and he says he was hoping to farm or trade. She tells him to do it and he asks if she would leave with him. She says yes and he says she doesn’t sound very convinced and she explains that when she was kidnapped she just kept hoping to come back to her land, get married and start a family near her own people. Besides, Ric said he wanted to buy some land and install himself there. Ric says he can’t buy land if he has no money and Cami tells him to use hers. Cami says things could change tomorrow and even if she keeps her money he can’t accept it. He didn’t marry her for money, but for love and he thought she did too. She says she loves him too, but is afraid of running off into an adventure. He tells her love should be unconditional and that it’s like giving wings to your heart (hey, that’s part of the theme song lyrics) knowing that there is someone by your side who you can trust blindly knowing they’d rather die than let you down. He tells her to go see her family and they can talk when she gets back. He exits and she starts crying for being such a coward. He’s giving up everything for her and she’s being stupid.

Back from commercial break, Cleo is helping Fran and Lis pack. Fran complains that she thought they’d stay a little longer now that Lis and Ric struck a deal. Lis doesn’t think so. Cleo asks what will become of her. Cami will probably throw her out and she has a sick uncle and a grandmother who doesn’t even have something to fall dead on (this is a Mexican expression referring to being so poor you don’t even have a bed to die in). Lis assures her it will only be for a few days, and then she can come back with them. Cleo asks where and Lis says she’ll know later. Next Cleo loads the cart and Ric asks Lis what is going on. She tells him they’re off to the Mancera’s and Ric tells her he thought that had changed because of their deal. He asks if she changed her mind. She says they’re still on. He asks if she can give him a few days. She agrees and he tells her he’ll have his men take them to town. Lis looks angry and starts yanking out her doll’s hair.

Cut to Palacio Mancera where Sofía is talking to a local couple who are thanking her for something. The hubby sounds foreign. After they leave, she tells Ursu that since Santi is her brother and the future SSF (Señor de San Fernando), they should go congratulate him on the birth of his daughter. Ursu says why bother, dad’s not going to recognize him. Sofi says he will, don’t you worry about that. As they exit, Fortu notices Gaspar’s carriage. Sofi’s all exited seeing an archbishop. Santi tells Gaspar that Ric has a house in the outskirts of town that’s not too far. Sofi and company run to Gaspar to kiss his hand. Sofi welcomes him and introduces herself as the wife of the local ruler and asks what brings him to SF. He tells her he’s coming back from Mexico City and stopped along the way. She says he must be tired from such a long trip and he says yes. She invites him to the palace for a little rest and refreshment. He says he’d be grateful for it and she starts introducing him to Ursu and Fortu. Augie tells her that Gaspar is there to visit Ric and she says no problem, she’ll just send word to him to come on over. She then congratulates Santi and tells Gaspar that Santi just had his first child, a little girl. Gaspar congratulates him and Sofi invites Santi to join them. Santi says he needs to get back to work but wishes Gaspar a pleasant stay in SF. As they walk to the palace Gaspar comments Santi’s a little strange and Sofi tells him it’s a long story, but Santi’s a bastard of her hubby and the only male. Gaspar asks if Jorge plans to recognize him and she tells him he tried, but Santi said no. He thinks this is quite interesting.

Now Cami and Jim run into Santi and ask about Rita and the baby ‘cause they want to see them. Santi starts walking them over and Jim asks about the carriage. Santi tells them it belongs to an archbishop, Ric’s godfather. Cami finds it interesting.

Back at Chez Ric, MMM asks him if he thinks Lis will keep her word. Ric doesn’t see why not and MMM tells him out of revenge ‘cause she hates Cami. Ric doesn’t want to believe Lis could be evil and MMM tells him that a woman scorned is. Ric says he never promised her anything and MMM tells him it doesn’t matter, it all depends on any fantasies Lis had. He then asks if he told Cami she has to return everything. Ric nods no. Just then, a messenger walks up to the gate and says he has a message for Ric. Pablo asks what the message is and the messenger won’t tell him. Ric gives a little whistle and Pablo lets him in. (I’d find this a little offensive – Pablo is no dog – but whistling orders and other info was common among sailors since it carried through sea noise better than shouting. Total non-sequitor: In theatre, whistling is considered bad luck. That’s because back in the old days sailors, because of their fancy knots; did most of the rigging and they often communicated by whistling out of habit. If you whistled at the wrong time, you could have a piece of scenery land on your head or someone else’s). Anywhoo, the messenger tells him that Don Gaspar is at the palace and he and Sofi are expecting him. He’s muy impactado.

Over by the palace, Mani and her Nana see Lis and Fran in a carriage with all their luggage. Mani runs over to say hi and asks if they’re going on a trip. Fran guides Lis through every step on the stairs, which aggravates Lis. Inside the courtyard, Mani asks why they’re moving to the palace and Fran says things were getting unbearable with Cami. Mani feels bad and Fran says she does too, but it’s impossible to live with people who are so “corriente” (base, common) and ambitious. Lis comments that it’s her fault (Cami’s) that she now has to ask for charity. Mani says she laments it, and that she has a letter from her dad. Lis grabs it and hands it to Fran.

Inside the house, Fortu is all impressed that Gaspar is going to the court in Madrid and then to Rome, she says she’d never met anyone so important. Gaspar humbly replies he’s a mere servant of God. A servant notifies Sofi that the Salamanca’s are in the house and she asks Gaspar to excuse her as there are some women she needs to attend to. He says it’s obvious he’s imposing on them and that they must have other business to attend to. He’ll gladly leave if they tell him how to get to Ric’s. Sofi tells him it’s no bother, and that Ric is probably on his way, she just has to take care of these women, but please sit down. She asks Ursu to join her and tells her to go fetch Lis and Fran, but not to say that they are moving in, but rather just visiting since she’s not quite sure what their beef with Ric is. Ursu’s annoyed mom’s sending her instead of Fortu, but Sofi tells her that Fortu is busy entertaining the archbishop whereas Ursu just stayed all quiet like a mule.

Over at the courtyard, Fran is telling Mani that her dad (Al) is the only one that can help them. It looks like she’s going to tell Mani the whole story, but Ursu interrupts. She aks what Mani’s doing there and she replies she stopped to say hi to Ursu. Ursu tells Lis and Fran that Sofi sent her to tell them to come in through the service door ‘cause mom has an important visitor. Mani protests, but Ursu says it’s ‘cause of the visitor, so they won’t have to make all sorts of presentations, explanations, etc. Lis says fine, and Ursu leads the way and shouts to Mani to come back tomorrow ‘cause they need to talk. Mani tells her Nana they better leave. They are then magically transported to Santi’s foundry and Nana comments that Sofi probably gave no such orders and it was probably all Ursu. She asks what they’re doing there and the twins walk in. Mani asks after Ascanio and they tell her that he went out with Santi a little while ago. They ask if she wants to leave a message and she says no, well, yes, tell him a dropped by to say hello and will drop by later. The twins comment that Ascanio is getting himself into a fine mess.

We now see Ric and MMM riding over to the palace wondering why Gaspar didn’t just go straight to Ric’s. Once they arrive, Mario will take off and snoop in the area. Back at the palace, Ursu says that the women didn’t want to disturb them and the special visitor and went straight to their rooms. Gaspar asks once again how far Ric’s house is. Sofi says it’s not far, but maybe they didn’t find him. A disembodied voice (probably a footman) tells them Ric has just arrived. Gaspar says Finally! Fortu asks if she likes him a lot. He says he cares for all his godchildren, but this one is special. Ric enters and Gaspar comments how he came to the end of the world to visit and he takes forever to arrive. Ric apologizes and Gaspar tells him to hug him and calls him a “bribón” (rascal) while all look very impressed.

Over at Chez Santi, Jim and Cami run down the stairs and tell Ofi how cute the baby is. Jim comments it makes her want to have one. Ofi says the baby looks like Santi and asks Cami how Rita looked. Cami says she looks well and happy. Sofi says she’s just complaining a little bit and that she’s preparing something for the baby ‘cause Rita’s milk hasn’t come down (How long does it take someone to start lactating?) and offers Cami a taste. Cami seems to like it. She asks after Santi and Ofi tells her that he and Ascanio went off to do something and asks if it’s urgent. Cami says yes, and Jim suggests Cami tell Ofi since she’s Santi’s mom and could help. Ofi asks what’s up and we hear the baby crying on cue. Ramona runs down saying the baby’s hungry and Ofi gives her the stuff she made and a rag (I think that’s what people used before they invented baby bottles so babies could suck from the rag). She then asks Cami what’s up. Cami asks if Ofi knows why Santi didn’t want to be recognized by Jorge. She says yes, and Cami tells her that neither she nor Ric want the whole ugly pernada incident to be dragged out again. Besides, she doesn’t think it’s fair that Santi give up what’s his because of her.

We are magically transported back to the streets of San Fernando as Jim tells Cami she doubts Ofi will tell Santi what she said because she doesn’t want him to become a Mancera ‘cause she hates that family. Cami understands, but she doesn’t think it’s fair. Jim tells her everyone has a right to what they believe and that she should stay out of it. Cami says she can’t since it was because of her. Jim tells her it doesn’t matter. It’s their problem, not hers. Cami says she still wishes she could have talked to Santi, but she’s very nervous with Gaspar’s visit. They now find themselves face to face with Gonzo (I think they’re near the tavern) and he greets them and tells Cami how beautiful she looks today. If she hadn’t married the buccaneer, she’d now be his wife. Jim tells him he has no right to talk like that and he says he can speak however he wants because he’s a Montes de Oca and she’s a whore. She tells him his mom is a whore and he tells her no prostitute talks to him that way. He throws Cami aside and Jim tells him not to dare lay a hand on her. He slaps her and she falls to the ground. Cami tries to pull him away and Jim steps in front of him and they start slapping at each other. Other patrons tell Gonzo to knock it off and Vasco hears the commotion and runs over to help and tells him to leave his sister alone. They start to fight and Gonzo gives Vasco a few good punches and knocks the wind out of him, thus proving Vasco really has no useful skills whatsoever (except for sex). Gonzo yells at Vasco “Defend yourself miller’s son” as someone throws him a sword. Vasco says he’s unarmed and Cami yells for someone to call the police. Gonzo tells Vasco that’s his problem. Vasco adjusts his belt and Gonzo slashes at him, which sends him back. He tries again and finds his rapier blocked by Mario’s short sword and dagger (sailors like their weapons short ‘cause there isn’t much room on a boat). Mario binds Gonzo’s rapier into a corps a corps (French fencing term meaning body to body) and says his signature “calmadito tiburoncito” and tells him he warned him that he really wanted to take him on and he’s given him a wonderful opportunity. We get a nice look at Mario’s sexy scars. Gonzo tells him to take it as there’s no time like the present. They fight and Mario spins in sexy Errol Flynn fashion as he attacks and avoids. Alas, our MMM gets his dagger caught on a table and then Gonzo slices off a piece of his sword (something that was already disproved on Mythbusters, but is still good drama) and they continue the fight. Gonzo disarms Mario who first points at his chest (‘cause he’s the man!) and then takes off his vest. He swings it at some of Gonzo’s attacks and someone yells at him to throw it at Gonzo (I seconded that as I was hoping for a cloak-style fight) but he instead throws it at a nearby lady and jumps onto a table and jumps to avoid a couple of swipes at his feet from Gonzo. He then jumps unto a window-type opening which he uses to step on Gonzo’s sword, swing around to avoid the same sword, throws a potted plant at Gonzo and finally swings to kick in the face with both feet. Gonzo doesn’t like the sight of his own blood and tries to cut Mario’s head in half, Mario catches the sword arm with both hands and they look at each other menacingly. Gonzo head buts our MMM and he stumbles onto a table. Gonzo runs at him sword first and Mario turns to face him. We see a sword has run through someone, but it takes a minute to see that it was indeed Mario’s dagger that went into Gonzo’s side. Gonzo falls as Mario holds up his dagger with a mixture of elation and disgust. Our heroines look on appreciatively (esp. Jim who’s a little turned on). The police finally arrive.

Ric and Gaspar have moved on to Ric’s place and discuss that Al and Jorge are the obvious culprits, but Ric has no proof. He sent Gaspar a letter a few days ago telling him about it. Gaspar remarks that letters takes longer than people. Ric then tells Gaspar about how they stole his money, but he also has no proof of that.

We now see Santi and Ascanio rolling what must be a broken wheel promising the people on the carriage they’ll bring it right back. Santi tells Ascanio he would never have imagined Ric was the godson of an Archbishop. Did you know? Ascanio says no. Santi says it’s obvious Gaspar cares for Ric, so he must not be a bad person after all (Santi hasn’t gotten the memo about corrupt church officials, probably ‘cause both his local priest and the ones at Monte Carmelo are good and honest – luckily so are Ric and his padrino). Ascanio tells him once more that Ric is not a bad person; it’s just that life sometimes puts us through difficult times. Santi asks if Ascanio has had them and Ascanio says: “Havent’s you?” They agree they both have as they arrive at the foundry. Santi tells Pancho they’re fixing the wheel and that their cart will be ready the day after tomorrow. They will then send Ascanio to get some orders for their lamps. Pancho asks Ascanio how many he thinks he can sell in a week? Ascanio says at least 40. Santi says they will make more dough and Luis (I think that’s the name of twin number 2) says they sure can use it. Ascanio says he can too. Santi says maybe he’ll eventually get good enough to sell 70 per week, and Ascanio says maybe they’ll get good enough to Build 70 per week. They all chuckle and Santi asks if there is any news. Pancho tells him that Don Darío wants some new doorknobs and Don Carmelo wants them to shoe his animals. Luis says to Ascanio that Doña Manuela stopped by. Santi asks if she needed some service and he says no, she just sent her greetings. Santi walks away all pensive and Ascanio asks Luis why he said it like that. He says he told nothing but the truth. Ascanio asks the twins if they don’t understand that the only one they are harming is Mani. They look at each other and shrug.

Over by the house, neighbors congratulate Santi and he comes to his mom and asks about the baby. Ofi says she and Rita are doing well and she hopes Rita can lactate tomorrow. He tells her that they got a cart and that they will start the new lamp business in a few days. She says she’s very happy and Santi goes to see his wife and kid. Ofi looks pensive, probably trying to decide whether or not to tell him about Cami’s visit.

Jim and Cami arrive at their house in a cart and Esteban greets them and asks after the baby. Cami tells him she’s well and asks if Ric has a visitor. Esteban confirms it and says it’s an archbishop. In the courtyard, Cami tells Jim that she will talk to them. Jim is worried about her MMM and Cami tells her that he had no choice, Gonzo was going to kill Vasco and totally roughed up Jim’s face. Jim says yes, but Gonzo was an important man. In the study, Gaspar asks Ric what last name he used for the marriage. Ric says “Lopez de Carvajal” and Gaspar remarks that they aren’t really married then. Ric says circumstances forced them and Gaspar says no, that’s terrible. Does she know? Ric says she knew later and Gaspar says that’s even worse! Ric says that’s why he wants to obtain a pardon from the crown, because he loves her. Gaspar explains that’s no small feat. Luckily the Bermejo think was settled and he’ll give him the papers on that soon. Ric asks if Fran was mentioned and Gaspar says no, ‘cause you asked. Cami walks in and asks if she can interrupt. Ric introduces her and Gaspar says it’s a pleasure to meet her and she kisses his hand and tells him it’s an honor to meet him. Gaspar says “so you’re the woman of this “tunante” (crook, rogue, rapscallion, scallywag) because you’re not his wife. He tells her Ric told her the story. Cami looks devastated and Gaspar tells her there’s no need for such a face. Then to Ric that they simply shouldn’t have done it! Ric reiterates that it was necessary. Also, he knows that God doesn’t unite last names. Gaspar says yes, but we must respect the laws of men. Give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and unto God what is God’s. But well, they’ll see what they can do. If he’d known when Ric’s dad asked him to be godfather what kind of godson he would turn out to be, he would have turned him down. Ric says Gaspar knows better that anyone that he didn’t choose that life. Gaspar says yes, fine. Then smiling to Cami, well child, independently of what this man decides to do, we must agree that he’s a good man. He’s had tragedy in his life, but there’s still hope for redemption. Cami apologizes for interrupting the talk, but Mario killed Gonzo. Ric asks why and she tells him it was legitimate defense, but since Gonzo is an important man, the police took him. Ric looks impactado and Gaspar looks concerned.

Tomorrow: Cami finds out Al has the letter. Ric tells her Al and Lis are engaged, and if she lied about that, she probably lied about other stuff. Cami asks if he means the arrangement, and he says yes, so she needs to run away at dawn. She asks if she’s to go alone and he says she will go with Jim and with his men. She asks why he can’t come with her, and where is she to go?

- Gaspar tells Ric that he’s on the edge of a sword and he’s not God to protect him.

- Ric tells Cami the only thing that matters is that she is safe.


Tuesday, 3/4/08 (pero mas tarde): Yo Amo Juan -- And Who Does He Love?

Monica receives a call from her "secret" lover at the office...

Paula is so, so sad about the state of affairs now that she's pregnant.

Nidia tells the professor to take a hike as Yadi and Delirio look confused,

Gustavo arrives at the office to take Monica to lunch.

Nidia will explain what she said to the prof, but in "private"..

Ana tells Paula to cheer up for her sake and for the kid.

Paula whines that the baby is her only source of happiness now,

Nidia accuses Yadi of running around with the professor -- what type of example is she setting for her baby?!?

Kike is doubtful about Juan's plans for the concourso.

Yadi confronts her mom -- it's not true, and what kind of example did Nidia set for her???

Yvonne gloats to Cesar Luis that his ex just left the office with a new man.

The beauty contestants are shocked at the schedule Juan has planned for them,

Yadi storms out and Nidia has some moments of drama and lunges for her hidden flask,

Fern and Marely are having lunch and he tells her he wants to meet with her family for something important.

Nidia sees a flash of smoke and the image of Delirio in the mirror yelling at her,

CL makes some casual phone inquiries to Monica's whereabouts.

Nidia has a flashback -- the horror! -- she sees herself in bed with FERN!!

Marely asks Fern if he could be talking about marriage, that's a very serious step.

Juan is noticing that Lorena is an attractive woman...

Fern whines to Marely that she must be stalling because Juan and Paula are through -- she denies it.

Three of the beauty contestants approach Juan about backing out of the trip: to return home, to go back to class, and to make a certain genre of film,

Yadi runs into Farrell and tells Marely what she blurted out to Nidia -- oops!

Marely asks her sister where the baby is... Mom has her?

Nidia Estella has packed up her granddaughter Nidia Michaela and headed over to Angarita's.

Juanito wants to go back to town with his teacher and Juan realizes that would leave just him and Lorenita...

Angarita asks Nidia if she has kept her promise and dealt with that little problem of the Davila's money that isn't hers, if not she needs to leave him, for good!

Nidia wanders the afternoon streets despondent with the baby drapped over her arm,

Juan and Lorena are having a philosophical conversation about being in love with someone versus in love with love...

Nidia arrives at her good friend Ana's home, asks her to look after the baby, asks for the booze, and despairs at the horror of her life, how people have treated her.

Lorenita states for the record that Juan must be a free man and leans in for a kiss...

** NOTE: Any similarity to real events is purely coincidental. **


Al Diablo Con Los Guapos #32, Wednesday 3-5: The fake baby scam is so cliché

Did anyone else think the cut from Damian's strangling to Mili's news was a little too abrupt last night? I mean, I don't feel like we got the full impact of Damian being garroted from behind before switching over. I didn't feel like I could really enjoy Damian's life being in danger properly. Thankfully, we get the rest of that scene. Julio, the guy who lent Damian money, is giving him 24 hours to repay the money or he dies. Show of hands--who believes Julio's serious? Fun times, eh. Julio and the Mystery Woman let Damian off by the side of the road somewhere.

Padre Manuel and Mili have a convoluted conversation about who Mili has or hasn't done what with. Mili tells him nothing's happened with anyone, but she wants him to marry her to someone. PM assumes that she's gone all the way and is expecting. Mili clarifies again that no, no one scored a goal before the game and that she's getting married because she's in luuuuuuurve. This chills PM out, but she never did tell him who she's marrying. That would have likely sent him into shock.

Damian worries about where he'll get the money. Constancio won't help him after the fake-kid drama, he'd rather see Damian dead. He decides he'll disappear for a while and buy himself time. He goes into the living room and sees Luciana, on her way to rehab. Luciana refuses to give him any more money. Constancio and Valeria come in and Luciana announces she's going to rehab--she needs time to think and relax and she doesn't want to hang out with the other rich hags at the spa. Constancio tells her he's going to miss her, but she's not buying that. Neither is Alejandro, who grabs the bag in one hand and Mami in the other to get her out of the house. Constancio finally notices Damian and that Damian's looking a little pale. Exit all.

Enter an older woman looking for Regina. She refuses to tell Braulio who she is or what she's there for. Braulio goes off in a snit.

Constancio comes into Andrea's bedroom to announce that tonight's their night. Andrea's like "cool, cause I want you." Constancio pathetically growls that he wants her more. Etc. Etc. Andrea tries to get a better job out of him, but he says they'll talk about it tonight. The growling and meowing was a little traumatizing for me.

Braulio escorts Regina's visitor into her room. He tries to stick around and spy, but gets dismissed. Regina's visitor says she thinks Braulio is upset at not being given her name. Mystery Woman II is somehow looking after a man who hasn't talked for 10 years and yesterday screamed "no, no, no." Regina thinks she knows the man and says she loves his son. She's been paying for this guy's care for years, apparently. Oh, this would be Alejandro's dad, then. Regina wonders if seeing "the woman he loved" would help, but MWII doesn't know.

Damian invites Karla to come hide out with him at the house in Cuernavaca. Karla is won over by the idea of playing rich for a while. Damian doesn't want her telling anyone where they're going, or that they're going.

Regina and Braulio talk about Luciana going to rehab. Then they spar about sparring with words and about how Regina won't tell Braulio what's going on. He goes off in a snit, which amuses Regina to no end.

Constancio pathetically sprays himself with cologne and possibly gets some in his eyes. Andrea's finally come to visit--she was waiting for Alejandro to leave so he wouldn't catch them. She claims she's still Alejandro's girlfriend. Amid gross smooching, Constancio tells her she's the new head of HR. Andrea goes off to put on something sexy. Constancio tells her to hurry…the Viagra may not last that long.

Karla gets into Damian's car and the two of them head out to Cuernavaca…with a tail, of course, because Damian's too stupid to have thought of that.

Mili brings coffee up to Andrea's room, saying not to worry, there's no poison in it. Andrea asks for a word and Mili tells her to hurry up, she and Lina are watching "The Silver Mask vs. The Vampire Women" and Andrea looks like one of the vampire women. Heh. Andrea says she's lost and she concedes her defeat to Mili. As Mili's leaving the room, Andrea says she hopes Mili can be happy knowing she's leaving a baby without a father. Bee-yotch! Mili doubts it at first. Andrea plays noble, saying she's going away to disappear from their lives and try to be happy with her baby. Oh, and don't tell Alejandro she's having a baby, 'k? And now she's got to rest because there are some problems with the hellspawn and the doctor told her to rest and take lots of sulfur supplements. Once Mili leaves, Andrea wipes the fake tears away and tells the absent Constancio that they've got to get with the baby-making.

Alejandro and Bobby are playing tennis. Alejandro tells Bobby that he's with Mili now and he's going to announce to the family tomorrow that they're getting married. Alejandro advises Bobby to get with the program if he wants to end up with Valeria. Alejandro says Bobby's moving too slow, he needs to step things up with the detalles. Bobby's going to start with flowers tomorrow. The guys joke about "lucky at the game, unlucky in love."

Ewww, grossness. Andrea comes into Constancio's room in her lingerie. She climbs into bed with him as they engage in some really lame wordplay.

Downstairs, Luciana is arriving. Braulio, doing his best Jim Carey in The Mask imitation, enters in his jammies, robe, and avocado face mask. Luciana didn't like rehab so much--no other rich people to hang out with, so she left. Braulio tells her that Constancio's in bed already. He asks if she'd like some food, which she would. He walks off with his dignity and his face mask intact, but starts wiping it off as soon as he gets far enough away.

Socorro is in the kitchen, asking Lina where Karla is--Lina doesn't know. Mili comes in and Socorro asks her as well--she doesn't know either. Braulio comes in and tells Socorro to fix something to eat for Luciana.

Karla and Damian are still on the road. Karla wants to know if there are servants at the house in Cuernavaca, because she needs to abuse them before she can feel better about herself. They're still being tailed…on some small road in the middle of nowhere…oh, no, that's not suspicious at all.

Luciana walks in on Constancio and Andrea. She puts her suitcase in the closet, walks back to the door, says "sorry," turns out the lights, and leaves. I was really expecting fireworks, but this is so much better. Constancio and Andrea are both sitting up in bed with their mouths hanging open wondering qué the hell just happened.

Socorro fixes Braulio a tea for his stomach. It's diuretic and he'll pee 8-10 times a night. Gee, Socorro, you really know how to sell it. Braulio talks about how he started working there 20 years ago, as a chauffer. Then his little sister came to live there because both their parents were dead. He had to be Rosario's father and mother…did this come complete with wardrobe changes? He was destroyed when she left. Socorro asks if he never thought about getting married and having his own family. If it weren't Socorro, that would have sounded like a come-on. He says he was in love once, but then he excuses himself and leaves.

Braulio catches Luciana drinking in the living room. She tells him she's going to lose her husband to Andrea. She can't compete with Andrea's body, her youth, her skankiness. Braulio tells her she's got experience and class, plus she's real purdy. Luciana says she can't compete and Braulio says if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Ewww, is he suggesting a threesome? Andrea comes downstairs in her robe asking to talk to Luciana. As Mr. 5ft exclaimed, "She's got quite a pair of cojones!" Luciana says rehab was horrible and she's tired and wants to go to bed now. Andrea is dumbfounded. She asks if Luciana said anything to Braulio and he avoids the question.

Mili lies in bed looking at the picture of her mother and crying.

Constancio sits up in bed and asks Luciana if she wants to talk. Luciana says they'll talk tomorrow, she just didn't feel like staying in rehab. She asks him to close the lid on her jar of face cream. After he does, she asks if he's sleepy. Then she jumps him. Yeah, he's just as surprised.

Damian and Karla finally arrive. Karla is needlessly rude to the maid who comes out to get their bags, "Here, be careful with this, don't be clumsy." Then when they get inside and the other maid asks if they'd like something to eat she says, "Of course, something sumptuous, and make it fast, we're starving." Damian tells the maids no one can know they're there. He tells Karla that goes for her too. Karla plops down on the couch with her feet up and calls herself the boss lady.

The next morning, Braulio is summoned by Regina. She wants a taxi. Braulio's still crabby that she won't tell him anything. He mentions that his hair doesn't move because he wears a hairnet at night. Regina thinks he's kidding, but then she's never seen the horror.

Mili's sad-faced and won't tell Lina why. Mili says she's going to the convent today since Regina didn't need her. Mili and Lina have to break the news to Socorro that Karla didn't sleep in her bed last night.

Karla and Damian mack by the pool in Cuernavaca. It's a nice pool. Got a waterfall and everything. Karla is disappointed that Damian dismissed the servants for the day, so now she's got to get him a refill on his drink. Once she gets inside the house, she's attacked by three guys with guns, one of whom is Julio.

Constancio and Andrea are in the office, eating lunch and trying to figure out what is up with Luciana. Andrea's afraid she'll tell Alejandro since she's still trying to get him back. Constancio doesn't think she'll tell since she'd never hurt her baby like that. Andrea's really freaked out about Luciana's behavior. She asks what happened after. Constancio says that Luciana "practically forced" him to have sex.

Regina walks into the Neuropsychiatric Institute. She's startled in the hallway by the woman from yesterday. The woman tells Regina that "he" talked, but more this time. He keeps repeating the name "Constancio." Regina asks to see him. The woman doesn't think it's time yet, but Regina insists on the grounds that she's been paying for his care all these years. She calls the woman "Sra. Directora."

Lina and Mili go to the convent and Lina and Gloria now drag the info out of Mili. She says Alejandro's having a baby. The girls are ecstatic. Lina says the Guapito's going to have a Guapitito (so, Little Pretty Boy's going to have a little Little Pretty Boy.) Mili breaks it to them that she's not the mommy, it's Andrea. Now they're shocked. Lina asks if it's not a trick of Andrea's. Mili says she was going to fight for their luuuuuurve, but she can't fight against a baby. Argh!

Julio shuts off Damian's boom box (yeah, right, like he listens to rap), points a gun in his face, and tells him to get up. It's a nice day to die. He seems pretty serious--I don't know how Damian's going to get out of this one.

The French Patient is in a white padded cell, wearing a white nightgown. Sra. Directora calls him "Francois." He recognizes Regina. He starts yelling "death to Constancio," and has to be sedated.

Tomorrow: All I know is Rorgan intercepts the flowers for Valeria and gives them to Socorro. My DVR shut off after that.


Wednesday, March 05, 2008

La Traicion - March 5, Fire in the Hole!

Oh my God! This episode had me gasping for breath with Alcides! Whoever thought that this novela was predictable is wrong!

The interplay between Hugo and Alcides in the mine was great. I don't remember when Hugo found out that Soledad was pregnant. Maybe it's on an episode last week that I haven't watched yet. (I'm only up to Wed.)

I can't figure out where we go from here. Surely, Hugo doesn't believe that Soledad betrayed him now. Maybe Dr. Max is going to make her forget about Hugo. Can't wait for tomorrow!!


Juan Q - 3-5-08

This is a bit of a quickie because I'm going out of town tomorrow and getting ready. I'll try to fill in as I can. Thanks.

Juanito wants to talk to Pa about something important. Pillin. Jito wants to go back with the ladies, he misses his classes, but Juan knows he wants to follow his crush. He wants to know though if he gets sad while he's gone what will he do. Juan says he'll be back soon.

Chelo tells CL of Pau's grub strike. They wonder why she's so sad. Chelo tells CL she got a call and ever since been locked in the room.

Kike and Juan chat on the phone about the girls wanting to return to Achi.

Moni tells of her sexy lunch date and Teri tells of the call from her ex.

CL is asking Pau how she's doing, she's not in the mood for anything, and culpates Chelo for driving her nuts. CL says maybe she'd like to go back to work. Pau says she doesn't want to be near that harpy Moni. On cue, harpy calls and gets blasted by CL for playing hokey from work. She yells back and hangs up. Cl fakes that it was Pastor who took off all afternoon.

Kike gets a call from maestra troublemaker who tells his Senor Cornudo to watch out for what his trampahuila (trickster) wife is doing at the U. She calls him Senor Cornudo (deceived).

Mar, Yadi, and Pera are eating, Pera wants to start and the girls tell him to wait for their ma. he says she won't be coming, and continues complaining about Nid's constant absense. Yadi worries because she has the bebe. Perafan says she's having a wild time (dar vuelo al hilacha) with the keeper of that dime store in the center.

Pastor makes Anga soup like the doctor ordered, Anga complains that it's been so long since he's had such bad tasting soup (caldo desabrido). Yadi calls Anga to find out where her ma went. He says she was there, but now is gone. Both agree to call each other if they get news. Pastor wonders if that woman is missing again. He thinks she doesn't think with her head and he needs to have patience. Anga says there's no room for her in his life any more.

Nid is drunkly whining at Ana's. The baby is sleeping a long time for sure. Nid continues how she's losing everything and how sad she is, and how much it hurts. Ana keeps trying to get her to stop drinking. Nid begs Ana to ignore the phone. She agrees if Nid stops drinking and takes some coffee. Nid has now reached self pity stage. She says she's a disgrave and a bad mother, she cries about Yadi chasing Profe, and sings the praises of Mar, and her rico novio.

Fer is telling Kike he doesn't want to lead the bachelor life anymore, he found the one to spend his life with; he proposed to Marely. Kike is out to lunch surely thinking about the phone call. He finally tunes in and says he's not sure if he should congratulate or give condolences at the news of marrying a Cachon. Fer wonders que the heck is wrong with him. He says he thinks that Yadi might be "haciendo de chivo los tamales" (pulling a fast one on him-making tamales from goat).

Mar and Yadi hear no answer from Ana's and get more nervous about their mom.

CL in bed with Pau reaches over to caress her and gets the super frio shoulder, "Don't touch me" she says. Ouch.

CL says fine, but she doesn't have to react that way. She just says sometimes she doesn't want it, want him even looking at her. He things thinks this is too much. She apologizes and pulls the old it's not you, it's me. She asks him to be patient. He plays chivalrous and says he'll play her way.

Juan thought bubbles how envious he is that right now CL is in bed with Pau, hugging and thinking about the blessing of their new baby. He begs God to kill this love if he's not going to get the love.

Marga Loca calls Yadi this time. She tells her she's going to save her what the other girls after her hubby went through. Yadi says nothing is between them. ML says but you like him. Yadi says she admires him but nothing else. Marga insults her telling her she's socially lacking, etc. Yadi wonders why she cares. She says because it's her husband. Yadi tells her what is she going to do, ruin all her exams? ML tells her what she can do is nothing compared to what Topete could do.

Fer and Kike chat about Yadi and Kike says how much esteem she holds for him, more than the Hijo de Jaliman? I did not get this one, but then he says klook what happened to Juan, it was right there and then gone.

Borracha Nid shows up at home. Everyone tells her she is shamed for such behavior. They appreciate Ana brought her. Nid begs Ana to stay. She tells her to rest. Nid says she'll rest when she dies, but she wants to live eveything now. Perafan tells her She says she hears a voice from the ultratomb, she Gusano Mescalero. Yadi yells at them for drinking with the baby in their care. Nid says Ana didn't drink.

Jito is sleeping and Juan comes out of the shower to a door knock. Lorenita shows up in a little black number. She wants to do the town, oh and Juan. He tells her he can't leave his boy. She plants a big one on him. They suck for a while until uh oh, little guy is awoken. They stop kissing muy impactados to Jito's cry of CHINCHES BRAVA!!! Busted.

Mar sends Ma to her room. Ma says she wants more tequi And qoutes Jose Alfredo...they host her up the stairs to Perafans threats that she's an alcoholic and a lost cause.

Jito asks if Pa likes Lorena. He syas well, sure she's nice and. .. Jito says he likes Marely better. Pa is impactado. Juan says well she has her boyfriend and she's happy, but Jito says uh huh, she likes you. Juan wants to know how he knows and he says how she looks at him and what she says. He tells himself he can't believe what this kid is on to.

He tells an animated story of Adam and Eve and how Adam was lonely so God made a woman to keep him company. That's when all the men's problems started. He says because GOd made the woman to just work her way right into the chest of a man.

Yadi tells Mar about the call from Profa Loca. Mar advises her to heed her and just leave well enough alone. Yadi proclaims that Loca doesn't know who she's messing with, and she's not going to just let her walk all over her.

The next day...Nid swaers to never drink again. Yeah right. Mar plays Mom and tells her she did it with the kid and that's bad, etc. encuere Nid tries to look for excuses but Mar says nope, and you might have the symptoms of alchoholism. Nid tells that she can stop whenever she wants. Mar says oh yeah, well then quit. She says fine just to prove it, she won't drink anymore.

Yadi, and Kike have their first meeting since the calls. She wonders where he was last night. He says out. Mar tells them the good news that Nid agreed to stop drinking. Pintando el cuerno con una

Kike gets up to leave and says he can't take Marely because he has to take care of something. Yadi is enfuriated and wants to know where he's going.

Jito blesses Pa and he, his love and Delphi take off for Achi.

Juan calls for Kike and Mar answers. She tells him he says to himself that he can't believe how he couldn't fall in love with her she's the ideal woman.

CL and Moni. Moni says she won't talk to him unless he's calm. He calms and asks her to take a seat. Moni wonders what's up his butt. Could it be because she had dinner with Gustavo etc.?

Juan goes to see His Palomita one last time. On the way he sees a couple with their baby and wonders why he is doing this, maybe he's stupid.

Moni tells Cl it shouldn't be his problem what she does, he says it's not his problem, but if it interferes with her work, then it is a problem. She says what if I told you that I was working with him, he's going to promote the new products. CL says over my dead body.

Juan is outside of Pau's building. He's wondering if he should go up.

Kike goes to the U and asks Topete who is sitting with his wife if he will come to chat with him.

Pau gets a "feeling" and runs to the window. She looks out and sees Juan, of course he's huge, and runs down to go and see him. We see him walking away and her slowly catching up to him, and cut. We'll have to wait.


La Traicion, March 4 - Alcides finds Soledad; Arturo finds Beatriz

Everybody seemed to be running around in the woods last night.

I've been catching up on the episodes I missed when I was away and Soledad does not seem to be acting very intelligently. You'd think she might pretend that she believed Hugo was dead and then try to find him without making everyone think she is a nut case. Of course, she has raging hormones from pregnancy so I guess we could cut her some slack.

I do not understand how Alcides concluded out that Hugo wasn't dead by finding out that Hercules bought the judge's ring from Los Burques. Maybe he thinks that it's the judge's body in Hugo's grave. It still seems like a leap.

I guess we know that Soledad is going to name her baby Aurora.

So far, Eloisa hasn't told Paquito about Alcides' confession but Paquito clearly believes that she is holding out on him.

Ursula is going to be out in the garden for a long time if she is trying to water that huge flowerbed with that itty bitty watering can!

It looks like Soledad ends up in the abandoned mine again tomorrow and we know that its coffin-like environment has a bad effect on Hugo.


Pasion March 4, 2008 Rico gets Lis to spill the beans; Rita gives birth to a baby girl

EPISODE 59: (ETAPA CULMINANTE! anyone have any idea what this means? Univision has now used it two days in a row.)

* Fran tells Fortunata and Sofia what happened between Jimena and Lis; Sofia and Fortunata are shocked. Fran says that she and Lis are thinking about returning to La Mariana, but need to find another place to stay in the meantime; Sofia asks if Rico knows about this; Fran says they want to get the plans in place first before telling him - ask about staying there or maybe at the posada. Sofia says they can stay at the mansion, no problem at all. Lis wonders about Ursula - after the last time they were at the mansion, she doesn't trust her. Sofia will talk with Ursula; Fortunata assures them they are welcome.

* Santo returns to shop and talks with Ascanio.

* Rita sits and fans herself as Ofelia works on the patio. Santo walks passed - Rita and Ofelia follow him to kitchen where Rita and Santo get into a huge blow-up argument over Santo refusing to be recognized at Jorge's son (spoiling Rita's perfect dream Cinderella story for herself and their child). They scream and yell so loud that Ascanio and the twins even hear them in the shop. The argument also includes mentions of Cami; Rita is so tired of Santo always having Cami on his mind - Santo says he turned down the recognition for the sake of his own pride, not because of Cami; Rita doesn't believe him; Ofelia tries to stop the argument; Rita is on a ranting roll and gets so worked up that she has birth pain right there and Ofelia has to go into "midwife mode" very quickly and sends Ascanio for help.

* Alberto and Jorge discuss Santo as his heir. Alberto then reports to Jorge about Rico and Gonzalo's confrontation at the saloon last night and how furious Rico was about Gonzalo's insults and remarks about Cami. They discuss being very cautious around Foreman. Jorge tells Alberto that he will be in charge of his part in the plan with Foreman.

* Mario stands in the doorway - making hand and mouth signs to someone in the street. Uriel walks up to Mario - they discuss how the market business is going; Uriel remarks how he's doing better than Justo; Mario replies about Jorge's opinion. They walk inside the market and Uriel apologizes to Mario for what happened with Gonzalo last night; they continue to discuss this matter outside the other door. Mario mentions "orma de sus zapatos" then looks around and offers to buy drinks.

* At the house, Rico and Justo walk through the yard to the garden area - they talk in private about Gonzalo's gossip about Cami last night at the saloon; also about Rico's secret job as a spy for the Spanish crown in investigating Jorge and Alberto's parts in the caravan assaults. Justo thinks that spy stuff is very dangerous; he then tells Rico information on Jorge's associates and friends.

* In the kitchen, Jimena is eating while Ines and Cami talk and cook. Paco runs in and shows them his picture of a tall ship like Tio Rico's ships. Cami remarks about Paco's haircut - Paco says Ines cut it. Cami tells him to go show the picture to Rico. Paco runs off.

* In the yard, Paco runs up to Tio Rico and shows him the picture, "just like yours, right?" "yes, that is indeed." Paco mentions that soon his dad will let him help work in the mill. Rico says that he will need to be much bigger to work on the ship with him. Paco asks how much bigger. Rico stands and puts his arms up to show Paco. They laugh. Paco leaves. Justo comments about Paco's enchantment with the ships, then his own delight on the new baby in the family.

* On the courtyard patio, Fortunata, Sofia and Ursula have a tea party - Ursula and Sofia discuss Sir John Lancaster - Ursula is very interested in the man; Sofia is skeptical. Jorge enters and walks by - he and Sofia discuss Lis and Fran's request to move to the mansion due to problems with Cami and Jimena; also what happened with Santo. Jorge says the lad is so stubborn and has rejected being recognized as his son. Ursula jumps in and asks, if he doesn't recognize Santo then will he allow her to marry, perhaps, Sir John? She likes him a lot. Jorge says NO! He would rather she end up like Fortunata or maybe he will just send her to the convent forever. Ursula is impactado.

* Cami, Jimena and Rico walk back along the road, discussing what to do about sending Jorge a letter (so he doesn't think last night was a lie). Mario meets up with them and tells them the information he got from Uriel at the market about Jorge and Foreman. Mario thinks they definitely need to convince Ascanio to help them as a spy. Just then Ascanio runs to them and tells them that Rita is giving birth at the house. Cami and Jimena are excited; Cami asks Rico if he will come too; Rico decides that he and Mario will stay there for awhile. Cami and Jimena leave. Rico and Mario walk and talk together.

* Cami finds Santo in the kitchen - she asks him about the birth. Jimena watches from nearby post.

* Jorge and Sofia are in the office discussing their marriage, his father's death; Sofia tries to convince him to talk with Rico and Cami for help in getting Santo to back down from his condition and accept being recognized as Jorge's son. Jorge has his doubts about the idea. Sofia is determined. Guard enters and says Lancaster is there. Guard leaves. Sofia remarks about Ursula's interest in Sir John Lancaster. Jorge knows and won't allow it. Lancaster enters the office; Sofia leaves.

* In the bedroom, with Ines and Ramona holding her hands tightly, Rita struggles to give birth - Ofelia is the midwife and coach. Rita is in pain and can't do it - Ofelia says yes, you can, keep pushing, keep pushing.

* Jorge talks with Foreman in the office; Alberto silently watching and staring. They discuss Foreman's ability to travel to far away places with his ships (especially if their deal turns sour) and he stuck right there on dry ground. Foreman realizes the point and agrees. Jorge then says that Alberto will be his representative on the plan. They continue to discuss Foreman and his business. Jorge asks Foreman if Rico is a pirate? Foreman replies that he doesn't know. Jorge wonders about Rico de Salamanca and Rico Lopez de Carvajal - could they really be two different people, who just happen to have the same godfather in the same town. Foreman says he only has done business with Lopez, never met de Salamanca. The subject changes to discussion of Foreman's ships that are docked in Veracruz; one of the ships mentioned is la Camila.

* As Ofelia's midwife crew continues to work with Rita, Cami knocks at the door. Ofelia reports in that there is a complication with the delivery. Ofelia asks Cami to go bring Justo to the house; Ofelia asks about Santo; Cami tells her how he's doing outside. Ofelia gives her a message for him. Cami leaves.

* Outside, Cami asks Ascanio and Jimena in the kitchen for Santo. They point her towards the shop. Cami finds Santo - he's depressed and guilty for the argument he just had with Rita - they argued first about him refusing to be recognized as Jorge's son, then about Cami and other things. Cami cries and explains how, why she's been trying desperately to stay away from him and Rita - for the sake of their little family. He knows and realizes it. She asks him why he refused Jorge's recognition. He replies his reasons. She gives her advice on the subject and walks away.

* In the front yard at the hacienda, the pirate crew is really bored and playing yard darts to pass the time. They are also arguing about when Antillano will plan another venture on the high seas - they're getting really bored around there. Mario is fed up with the grumbling and tells them they are to respect their captain at all times and walks towards the house. Pablo concurs with Mario 100 percent. Nico and Guerrero argue otherwise. Pablo walks over to the gate, Jorge has arrived and asks to speak with Rico. As they walk into the yard, the crew is still debating. Jorge asks who the men are? Pablo says they are employees of Rico. Pablo escorts Jorge up the stairs.

* In the salon, Rico is studying his maps and charts on the table; Mario is telling him how restless and bored the crew is becoming - they need to have some sort of adventure or at least a 2 to 3 week stay at La Iguana. Rico says he'll think about it. Pablo interrupts and announces Jorge is here - Rico quickly folds up his papers so Jorge can't see them. Mario takes the papers with him as he and Pablo leave. Rico and Jorge talk in private about Rico's business and his ships, also about pirates. Jorge is curious about everyone who enters and lives in his territory. They discuss Jorge being Santo's father, and that he has offered very generously to recognize Santo has his son, and believe it or not, Santo turned him down. Rico is well-aware of the story, Cami told him. Jorge says that Santo's condition to accepting is if Jorge public apologizes and announces that he lied about sleeping with Cami; Rico listens; Jorge says it was Sofia's idea that he come and talk with Rico about this. Rico and Jorge clink glasses.

* Cleo goes to Lis and Fran's bedroom to tell them the latest gossip about Cami and Rico in the house. Cleo leaves. Lis thinks the reason why Rico and Mario returned without Cami and Jimena is because they know he's a pirate. Lis and Fran argue over Lis' fantasy about Rico, as well as Alberto's help with the letter and getting the estate for them, as well as Cami and Rico. Fran cries that she's going crazy in that house and will become an alcoholic if something doesn't change quickly. Lis sits with her and says they can't make Rico mad and they need to keep hoping.

* In the salon, Rico tells Jorge that the person to convince is Cami, and she is the one who will ultimately make the decision. As they walk to the doorway, Rico mentions Jimena to Jorge. Jorge is curious. Rico says that she and Cami had been talking, and that Jimena was confused about the other night, Cami was mortified. Jimena sends her apologizes (I think that's what Rico and Jorge were saying anyway). Jorge then informs Rico about Lis and Fran's request to move back to the mansion or to the posada; Rico is surprised and asks why the request; Jorge says he's not sure, but he thinks it has something to do with Cami. Rico is impactado.

* Ascanio and Cami are stomping along the path to the house - She's really miffed that Ascanio kept Rico's real identity a secret from her - and she thought they were true friends. Ascanio explains his position and apologizes. She explains how much Rico and she want to get married for real, but life seems to get more and more complicated. Vasco comes over and interrupts.

* Rico waits in the salon. Lis enters. He asks her about her and Fran's request to move to the mansion or in town over staying there at the hacienda. He's a little offended that they would prefer living with strangers rather family. Lis calmly explains that it is mostly because of Jimena and her accusations and accosting Lis in the hallway about eavesdropping. Rico grits his teeth and asks her point blank for the truth - if she had anything to do with eavesdropping on him, Cami and Jimena, and then telling Alberto about the letter. Lis tries to use Fran's story about wanting to return to La Mariana. Rico is growing evermore angry with her and informs her how Alberto killed Bernie by slitting his throat and then taking the letter. Lis screams and yells about her own indignation over his marriage with Cami, and how her own father mistreated and deceived her by marrying Cami and letting her steal Lis' rights to the estate. She lets it slip about Alberto having the letter - then she pounds and points her cane and yells about exercising her own rights. Lis leaves. Rico thinks, "Santo Dios! Alberto has the letter!" (OH CRAP!)

* Lis returns to the other room, where Fran is impatiently waiting. Lis tells her she told Rico about Alberto and the letter. Rico walks in and makes a deal with Lis - if Alberto has the letter, and is only lacking turning it over to the authorities, he and Cami will return all the money in the estate to her. Lis tries to ask him how much money that is, but Rico barks, deal or no deal? Lis stands and says, deal. Rico leaves, exacerbated. Fran asks why? Lis stands and grumbles about wanting to see Cami in jail and then as her permanent slave forever.

* Cami and Justo walk and talk on the way to the house - Ascanio and Vasco carrying Paco follow behind. Santo greets them and says the birth is still going on inside. Santo escorts Justo to the kitchen where Jimena greets him. Vasco and Cami sit on the bench outside and talk with Paco about his little cousin. Paco looks up at Santo, standing at the railing above and says how concerned he is for his little cousin. Rico enters the patio. Paco runs over to him. Rico and Cami hug - Rico and Santo are cordial with one another - they all go to sit down around the kitchen table and wait. Justo is happily chattering away about his dreams of his new grandson.

* Alberto, Mateo and Uriel have a meeting in Alberto's office. They discuss Foreman and his pirate associates, their business plans, and how dangerous Gonzalo is becoming - Alberto thinks Gonzalo will need to be eliminated. (dun-dun-dun-dun)

* Rico, Ascanio and Vasco are walking around on the street in front of the house. They are discussing what Rico just found out from Lis about Alberto having the letter; Rico and Vasco argue over Vasco being part of the extortion scheme - Vasco sticks to his claim that Bernie deceived him also. Ascanio breaks the argument up. Rico grumbles about Lis and Fran.

* Mario wanders along the streets in the dark - from the other side of the shop, he spots Ascanio in a thought bubble; Mario leaves.

* Vasco is standing on the patio, Jimena rocks Paco to sleep in the rocking chair, Santo stands on the steps. In the kitchen, Justo asks Rico and Cami when they are going to have the big wedding celebration - Rico and Cami look at each other then Rico replies they will have it next week. Justo smiles. Santo is disgusted and goes inside.

* In the hallway, Santo listens through the keyhole and hears a baby cry from inside.

* He enters; Rita watches as Ofelia hands Santo his new baby daughter to hold. Ines and Ramona help to clean up the bed linens.


Tuesday, March 04, 2008

03/04/08 Guapos "Sometimes BSC people tell the Truth"

I am really vague on the first 15 minutes because I was trying to figure out why my DVR wasn’t recording, bad DVD, those things don’t last very long.

First I have to say, is this not the most dysfunctional family evah? Al is like the shining star, but that is only cause the rest are so one-dimensional. The only difference between this group and a Springer show, is a full set of teeth and we are missing the lesbian cousin/sister/mother that pops in during the last fifteen minutes. I mean come on, the drunk wife, the cousin boinking the other cousin’s girlfriend. The worthless brother-in-law trying to scam Granny with the fake kid. The Amante, either Al’s or Consti’s take your choice she has banged both. And while they don’t say it, Consti confiding in the Padre, cause they are all just good Christians. Alas Fluff, but entertaining fluff I must say and not an episode goes by that doesn’t make me feel so much smarter & better than the rich folks living in the big house. I swear they replay this plot line in Mexico to make the poor folks feel so much better about being poor, but moral than the rich folks who are rich but morally bankrupt.

Anyway I know we had a rehash of Al trying to make nice, while Hugo the sadly insane swooped in like the Zopalote de Amor (Vulture of Love) to watch the relationship die and then feed off the remains. Graphic yes, but I call em as I see em. Hugo tells Al, that he and Mili have been doing the deed. Mili screams at him that it is a lie, but Hugo only laughs and tells Al that he is telling the truth. Al storms off holding back his tears.

Meanwhile I believe there are folks in the bleachers, jeez how great is that? You think you are going to some lame ass kid’s soccer practice and as a bonus freebie you get the dueling rich cousins screaming boink details. I guess if you had a kid with you perhaps you would not be amused, but having none myself I would have been rolling and I would have been equally amused had by nephews been with me in their younger days. Hey I am not their parent.

Anyway enough about me, Mili is totally pissed, which she certainly has a right. Why did Hugo lie like that? “Because I love you”, Hugo answers. “You sick thing,” Mili counters, “that isn’t love, that is sick and twisted.” Hugo only smiles.
Hello, Mili like painting your head on deadgirlfriend’s nude body isn’t, well a bit unusual? Oh Hugo you are so in love, Dude cut off your ear and then we can talk about it.

Andrea and Consti have some kind of plan. Consti is like, well looks like it is over with Al, so now that you are single again, how’s bout we do the nasty? Andrea is like, lest you forget my ex almost father-in-law, you are still married. Andrea says on paper it has to look like Consti & Luci have a good marriage.
Andrea says to use Luci. How? “Make her happy” Andrea answers. “The only thing that makes her happy is a bottle of whiskey in her hand”, Consti answers. Andrea continues with, Luci is a primitive woman, simple, you just have to woo her with romantic gestures.
----What frickin planet are these people living on? He has abused her for like twenty years and this little plot is going to turn everything around? Why would anyone take advice from Andrea?----
During this lesson in love, Consti looks like he is too bored to even try and undress Andrea with his eyes.
Andrea just happy that someone is paying attention drones on. Luci feels like trash. Conti says it is cause she is trash. Jeez, this guy is just such a RatBastard. Well Andrea says, he has to play the game and seduce her.
----Consti perks right up at the thought, being that he is in the political spot light, he has had to give up torturing small animals, and Que the Hell, Luci is the next best thing----
It could be fun and besides it won’t cost him a thing. Andrea is going to put the plan into action by ordering some awesome flowers for Luci the Unloved.

Mili is have a one on one with Jesus, she is talking about Hugo and her ex.
She jumps thinking, Jesus has decided to an answer.
Nope, it is only Padre Manuel, who is worried about her. She beats around the bush with how did things start out so swell with Adam and Eve and end up so awful for women now?

Al has gone to see Granny, it is all over with Mili. His cousin has had his revenge for Carmen. Al leaves. Granny has an ah ha moment and goes over and digs a book out of her draw.

Andrea is ordering flowers to be sent to Luci, they must simply be the most exquisite available.
After the call, the phone rings again as Damien is entering the reception area. The call is for him. Damien tells Andrea to tell whoever, that he is not in. Damien feeling bad about his white lie, leaves. Andrea passes the message on and whomever is calling gets rude with her.

sThe brief details of the Mili/Padre conversation are she is very jaded, her Ma died cause of a man (getting her pregnant and her dying) and Mili is never going to trust anyone. The Padre says she is only 18.
Ah at that age it does seem like your heart will break.

Hugo is in his room, staring at the painting of dead girlfriend with Mili’s head attached. He caresses the face, down to the neck. Then thank all 365 of the calendar saints, a knock at the door. I so didn’t want that scene to continue. Yippeeee it is the voice of reason, Granny. She comes in and sees the painting. Mili?
“Yeah”, he answers. “Are you in love with Mili”, she asks. “Yeah” he answers. Then some talk about Al. Hugo the BSC says, “He betrayed me first with Carmen”. So Granny whips the book out. Hmmm, here is the diary of Carmen. Her family gave it to us after she died. You were too BSC to read it, so I have been holding on to it all these long loco years. She gives him the diary. Hugo sits down and opens the diary.

Val the Vapid and Sergio are in the living room, he is a bit touchy and she is a bit giggly. Luci is watching. Luci comes in and greets them. Gloves comes in carrying a huge ginormus bouquet of roses. Val the Vapid thanks Sergio. Hold on a moment, lil Miss Vapid; the flowers are for Luci. “Oh Ma, from a secret admirer.” Luci the sad lil alcoholic lights up. Maybe they are from her main man, Jack Daniels, thanking her for the many nights they have spent together.
----Sorry I couldn’t resist it was just too easy----
No, they are from Consti. Luci looks like she just swallowed the bile that rose.

Now on to the “Painful Truth”, Hugo reads the diary. We begin with, I am not in love with Hugo, but if Al is interested, well. I’m game, I want to have his kisses, his hugs and other assorted body parts, but they are primos and he is very sensible. So this very night, I am going to seduce Al.
Okay..I may have missed some of this, but basically it was like “I’m gonna bang him harder than a snare drum during a Mardi Gras Parade”.
Hugo throws down the diary, which in the spirit of full disclosure; I must tell you, this was only the first few pages of the diary. Just think if Damien hadn’t killed her, this girl was well on her way to Amante Princess. A promising career squashed in it’s prime.

Hugo, says “How could you do this to me?” I hate you. I believe he is referring to deadgirlfriend, not Al.

Downstairs, Al is throwing down drinks. Val teases him and he takes off. Andrea is there and Sergio the golddigger. Awkward. Sergio has a look like, damn, this whole thing isn’t going to be exactly free. In comes Consti, Val having watched way too many episodes of Beverly Hills 90210, makes a big deal about Pa being home and hanging on Sergio. Luci once again swallows a mouth full of bile and thanks Consti for the flowers. Andrea smirks.

Hugo enters Al’s room. He says he read Carmen’s diary. He says he judged Al wrongly and he realizes Carmen was a skank whore. (Yeah, but, yeah but, yeah but…Al didn’t have to go along with it).
Well seems like both our boys skip over that point, you know men will be men. Anyway, Hugo in the spirit of fair play confesses he lied about Mili, indeed, Hugo never banged that drum.

Now some Naco crap in the kitchen, missing Mili, Karla raving, Morgan talking to Horacio, Horacio recites some poetry to Karla’s Ma and she gives him a big kiss.

Luci and Consti’s bedroom. Luci is sleeping. Consti is thought bubbling how he married an idiot for the money, how Al will end up with the company. Consti wonders what would happen if he said he wasn’t Al’s Pa. Then he kisses Luci’s head and says they will have a model marriage. She sleeps through it all. Jeez I hope she is exhausted from a long night of making love to the man who never betrays her, Jack…Jack Daniels.

Al goes to see Mili at the convent. Oh my Gawd can you believe it, they make up. Al wants to marry her. Do you feel obligated? No, he loves her and he wants to marry her and tell everyone, she wants to wait. Let it be their little secret.
Anvils of doom…fall in a circle around the happy couple.

Hugo feeling all good about himself, goes to tell Andrea that he fessed up to Al. The game is over. Andrea is looking a shade beyond her normal pissed self.

Damien is having breakfast in a hotel? A hawt young chick prances past.

Gloves enters Luci’s room, she has clothes laying out and her lil Walmart suitcase. Gloves is caressing her dress. She says you like it? He says you know me so well.
--It was a Creepy scene—Dude must everyone in this house be so twisted?

Damien sends hawt chick his card with a message, she giggle and tears it up. She leaves, he follows. Much talk in the parking lot. I think he thinks she is a call girl. He gets in her car.

Padre comes to visit Consti, Consti is upset that Mili has returned to the house, it is dangerous cause he things there is something between Mili & Hugo and he says Hugo is BSC.

Mili tells Granny that Al wants to marry her. Granny says it will be tough, but she will help them.

Damien is riding in the car, leaving a trail of DNA on the call girl as he slobbers on her arm and then caresses her leg. Suddenly a guy sits up in the backseat and jerks a wire around Damien’s neck. Outstanding, Damien comes up about 6 inches off the seat.

The End..

Don’t get too excited..Damien is in the previews and it isn’t flashback scene.
Andrea tells Mili, fine you got Al, I guess my baby doesn’t have a father….
Meanwhile..Andrea crawling across Consti in the bedroom, when Luci flips on the lights,
Honey I’m home.
If you can’t wait to see what happens, just tune into the next episode of Springer….same difference.


Yo Amo a Juan, Mon. Mar.3 - Angels and Devils Take Your Pick

Just for fun a picture taken in an antiques shop in Guanajuato of angels, devils and ex votos (little pictures on tin sheets that celebrate milagros and offer thanks to a saint or divinity) from my trip to Mexico in January. Anyone know the origin of the twin or two-headed angels?

Well, On to Juan's own set of angels and devils:
Repasar: Juan receives the message at the hotel to retrieve the Achi-Lovelies, Yadira and Kike have their umpteenth fight in bed in front of sleeping baby. She barks that he should be married to Juan when he tries to explain what heartbreak Juan is going through. Back at the jail Juan and Juanito scowl as the bedraggled tribe of jailbirds comes forward abashed but not devoid of self-serving excuses. Juan's full blown tantrum cows all but Delfina who knows to ask Juanito what Juan is so upset about besides the Achi-escapade. Son reveals that Popi's meeting went very badly and Delfina retorts that she knew Paula was going to break his heart. That night Juanito worries about Popi's sleeplessness and cheers him with the charming, en-deer-ing story of the little deer (venadito) losing his mother but finding his father. Juan's thought bubble commentary urges himself to power up again (pone las pilas, batteries) as he warmly hugs his darling boy.
Bed scene two is CL awakening to find his bed empty then seek the pouting Paula sulking in another room. She says she can't sleep because of perhaps the pregnancy, her hormones, she is depressed and is worried about how they can be ready for an innocent baby, be good parents, she doesn't think she can be a good mother. Cesar Luis in a rare moment of tenderness assures her that they will absolutely have a happy life for this baby to come into.

Gustavo and Monica are in serious flirt mode at a restaurant. She jokes are you trying to get me drunk and further was it a coincidence (casualidad) that he showed up at Laura's door looking for her? She was busy the other times he has called, did Laura tip him off? Well, he did learn of her divorce and on trips to Mexico as his business grew, and he woke up one day and realized he had everything. Everything but the woman of his life, and that woman is you, Monica...

CL sits in the pale light of their bedroom watching the sleeping Paula while he murmurs in soft stalker-like tones how she has obliged him to follow her every movement from now on.

Back to the romantic table with Gustavo. She questions his sincerity and they discuss her surprise in him turning up again after so much time, the last time she actually saw him was before her marriage to CL with whom she was lost in love and Gustavo was only... and he finishes her sentence, "a friend." You chose (elegiste) him, unfortunately. When he wonders if she is still so in love with CL, she says her feelings died a long time ago. Sure? Completely! Now I am a free woman and she gets her hand romantically kissed by an attentive Gustavo.

Gaytano and Angarita are having their own tete-a-tete and the subject is also CL and his untrustworthy ways. Gaytano thinks he has only a few details of his contract and working scope to work out. Anga the more pragmatic brother says you can kiss that goodbye (vete despidiendo de eso), but Gaytano insists CL is a man of his word. Anga says this guy is a jetstream of slobbering (chorro de babas). Anga also says he will offer this helping hand only once to Gaytano and wonders who will be betrayed later, the friend or the brother...

Next morning, CL instructs Consuelo to be vigilant of Paula's every move and every visitor and conversation. She brightens to the task and tells how Paula questioned her recently about how she had come to be recommended to CL, Consuelo repeats that she felt her honor was attacked and offered to quit. She also tells CL that she told her she had never met Monica. CL looks that CL look. While across town, Laura tries Monica to spill about the romantic encounter. Monica demures but does say Gustavo is the same enchanting man as always. Laura predicts that Monica's future will be him. Monica says with a cute smile that she is not really ready for a relationship with any man, even if he is the blue prince of fairy tale fame.

We return to the Achi-Lovelies receiving another round of bawling out by Juan who reminds them that their behavior will be discovered by the paparazzi will be quick to pick up on their scandalous behavior and then where will the reputation of Achichipico and the fine reputation of the beauty contest be?? He beats back the protestations of particularly the mouthy, leggy Lorena. Juan assures them they will need demanding, serious charm and deportment lessons. Juan and Kike sit to scratch heads over how to find a modeling school they can afford to turn these country ruffians into beauty queen worthy ladies.

CL drags himself across the lizard lounge while the bouncy Monica chirps about the plan she wants to review with him right away. Fernando approaches Marely's desk right after to present a festive looking bag. She sniffs wondering if he is hoping for a pardon. He definitely is doing just that. She takes out a fluffy kitten and finally softens to commute his punishment this time only.

While Juan and Kike continue wondering how to transform their savage contestants, Monica is bubbling through her plans while CL looks asleep or in pain. She finally stops and says he hasn't paid attention for 30 minutes of important information, he confesses it is because of personal problems. She jumps up to leave assuring him she doesn't want details but will be ready to continue when he is ready to work.

Profesora Margo Gomez show up at the gate to the Cachon house greeted by Nidia as Alirio sidles up assuming she is there for him. She assures him she is there to see his Señora not him.
Gaytan sails proudly into CL's den of pessimism wanting to talk about his new duties, new salary and new office. CL growls what has he done to find Juan? He already has hired someone to watch Paula and he will not talk about Gaytan's issues until he sees this dirty (mugroso) Juan.

Nidia and Profa Amarga, or Margo are ensconced in the office as they get down quickly to why this visit. Margo reveals herself as the wife of one of Yadira's professors. Nidia fears something is wrong with Yadi, while Marga begins her condemnation of Yadi's insupportable scandalous attachment to her HUSBAND. After listening at the door a bit, Alirio gets on the phone to Profe HUSBAND to warn him that his wife is there and on the warpath with Nidia about Yadira. Nacho, abruptly hangs up and stomps off and as he does he miraculously runs into Yadira with her baby carriage. He tells Yadi they need to go to her house right away because his wife is there throwing a fit with Nidia. Interspersed scenes, Nidia and Amarga turn up the volume. NIdia makes a good mother hen protecting her chicks and puts down Amarga's condemnation with Yadi's illustrious childhood being educated by nuns, having been married in an apostolic church to a wonderful man who is the admirable father of her grandchild. She maintains that Yadi is incapable of looking at Amarga's husband like this. Amarga shouts that she must poke holes in this vision of paradise that Nidia is painting.

Yadira questions wide-eyed, how could Nacho's wife have known her address? They better get to the house before Amarga ruins her life. Nacho assures her his wife is craftier than you can imagine. Amarga is shrieking that Yadi isn't the mild dove her mother imagines as Nidia orders her out of the house.
Over at Farrell, Gaytan confesses to Marely that CL has betrayed him by withholding the raise, the promotion, the new office until he finds Juan. Marely answers that Juan is not at her house but staying with the Achi-Lovelies at some unknown hotel. Gaytan says he won't betray Juan a second time but Marely needs to tell no one but get word to Juan that CL is on the warpath with jealousy and is capable of anything. Marely can find him through Kike to warn him. Does he know about the baby? Is he devastated? Marely assures him that Juan will overcome this with the help of his son. Gaytan makes another plea that this stay between them.

Kike and the Juans approach a big door with a big for rent sign on the building. Unsuspecting as usual, they knock and are received by Madame Pomposo, still not reading the signs, they present their plight. She at first assumes that these rough gents are the ones looking for culture classes but they laugh through their ballet bows and go in to discuss the diamonds in the rough that they need to bring to her fabulous program.

Gaytan next complains to Ivonne that CL is making him look for Juan and he has the same job, salary and office until he finds him. If not he will end up working in Archives. (We all know how much that helped Alirio). He has sent warnings to Juan through Marely. Ivonne is less than impressed even though he confesses that he burned his bridges with Anga and can never return but he now realizes that anyone near Farrell is going to be wrecked.

Oh did I mention that Paula is still crying while dressed in her loveliest aqua sob suit.

Juan and Kiki and Juanito continue being intimidated by Madame Pomposo as she shames them for using less than lovely terms to describe any woman/lady. Juan tactfully changes diamonds in the rough to his forrest lovelies. That's a little better. She continues to correct them at every turn, make them sit formally drinking tea until they are all 3 squirming. They get onto the classes which Madam explains needs to take 3 weeks of beauty queen training in glamor, etiquette and physical expression as she sweeps and swoops up the stairs to illustrate how graceful they will be. For 20% more she can squeeze this into a one week, 8 hour per day wonder class.

Somewhere in here Nacho and Yadira arrive at the house but Nidia comes down to talk to Nacho alone in the office. While there she gets from him that there has been nothing between him and her daughter. His wife exagerates and explodes easily. Nidia assures him that Amarga came with her sword unsheathed. She also gets kind of turned on while she assures him that if he were her chumi-chumi she would feel the same as wifey. He is ordered to keep hands off Yadira.

Ivonne tries to intrigue Monica with the office gossip about CL and Juan but Monica already knows and finds the three so boring and predictable.

Finally Lorenzo Pomposo shows up and quickly catches on to being the professor of the intensive course of urbanity training and will wait eagerly for the chicas to show up tomorrow with a check.

A bored looking Monica answers her phone and coos at Gustavo suggesting that he come pick her up for their date at the office. Besos for the benefit of the amazed Ivonne who is then told she can get back to work now.

Yadira asks Alirio what happened but he pretends not to know. Nidia emerges with Nacho who leaves and she takes Yadira up to tell her about it in private. Upstairs, she reads her the riot act for messing around with a married man.

And did I mention that Paula is still crying? This time with her Mom as she sobs that she has now lost Juan forever! FIN!!


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