Friday, February 19, 2010

Dinero #24 and #25, 2/19/10: Place your bets and guess who’s going bald!

We’re double dipping tonight since the show wasn’t on yesterday and they have to fill the 9 o’clock spot with something until Corazón Salvaje starts on Monday. It has been a very long and exhausting day so please forgive any typos or mistakes.

The selling match begins! By the end of the day, if Marino sells three or more cars, Rafa has to shave his head. If Rafa sells at least one car and Marino doesn’t sell at least three, then Marino ends up a cue ball instead. Ale walks in on the festivities and everyone tries to look busy.

Julieta tells Leonor she’s going to study with a friend from school but as soon as her madre leaves, she calls Jamie and asks for his help.

Ale holds a typical business meeting and Ramiro lets slip about Rafa fighting to keep his hair. They sing the company song.

Jamie arrives in record time and Julie asks him to help her package the whiskey bottles. He wants no part of it but she gives him puppy dog eyes and he gives in.

Ale meets with Lic. Beltran, who is terrified about losing money and going bankrupt. He is furious with the lackluster performance of the employees, Rafael in particular. Ale assures him Rafa will pull through. Lic. Beltran says if Rafa doesn’t sell at least one car by the end of the day, he’s going out on his ear.

Ale calls Rafa into her office and scolds him for partying with the other employees. She’s furious he even has “free time” when he still owes her money. Ale lays the guilt on thick; Rafa can go out dancing while she’s left laid up because of him.

Ale warns Rafa about Lic. Beltran’s ultimatum. She pretends to be a drill-sergeant to get Rafa fired up to go out there and sell. Once he leaves, she smiles warmly.

Let’s get ready to rumble! Rafa and Marino start wheeling and dealing right out of the gate. Vicky calls for Rafa and screeches at Ramiro to put Rafa on the phone. When he doesn’t, she turns her squealing on her padre and hermanos.

Marco visits Ale in her office. He’s excited about the possibility of Rafa going back to jail and his family being thrown out on the street. Ale says that isn’t fair; Rafa’s madre and hermana didn’t have anything to do with what happened.

They change the subject and Marco asks Ale if she wants to go horseback riding with him that night. She asks if he’s kidding, since he knows about her injuries. Nope, he really wants to go. Besides, it’s a business outing.

Ale is upset and tells Marco to go on his own. She tells him the day before was their 2 year anniversary as novios. Marco is so smooth when he says: “What? Did you think I forgot?” They argue and Marco leaves the car keys on her desk. She starts to cry.

Rafa gives it all he’s got on the sales floor but Marino is obviously having more luck than he is. Nelson/Dandy asks Rafa what Vicky’s deal is. He elaborates a bit about how overly affectionate she is and what a crazy family she has.

A man named Enrique Quintana visits Rosario. He asks about Jorge’s poor memory. She tells him about what a tough time Jorge’s been having and Enrique says it’s a shame since he’s always liked and respected Jorge. Rosario bemoans their misfortune; Jorge, who has always been so sweet and kind-hearted is losing his memory and Ale is recovering from a terrible car accident. But they have to stay strong.

Enrique flirts very obviously with Rosario and admits he came to see her and not Jorge. She’s charmed.

Julieta and Jamie are at a bar and Julie is working her magic to sell the whiskey. She orders a drink at the bar and Jaime does not approve. Julie tells him to leave her alone for a minute so she can get to work in peace.

Isabel has had enough and yells at Vicky for incessantly calling the Siglo. She truly is the General and briskly tells Vicky to stop bugging them. Vicky goes completely loca and takes off to deal with it in person. Her padre tells the hermanos to follow her.

Julieta wheedles an overly eager bar-owner and flounces off with his business card.

A gang of thugs harasses Vicky and the hermanos hurry to her rescue. The fists start flying and the thugs are left a bloody heap on the sidewalk.

Rafa is charming a pair of ladies into buying a car and it looks hopeful that he’ll make a sale. Ramirez tips Marino off about it but he isn’t phased.

Vicky and her brothers get to the Siglo and are after Rafa. He sees the poor janitor fighting off the locos and tries to rap up his sale. Rafa lets the ladies stew over what color they want their car and runs outside.

Rafa pleads with Vicky to do this another time because he’s working. Vicky tells him about Isabel’s answer to her phone call. Rafa tries to hold them at bay.

Ale wanders out to see Rafa’s customers waiting around without being helped. Ramirez tells her that Rafa is outside with Vicky. She seethes and tells him to go get Rafa.

Vicky boo-hoos about being alone and abandoned. Rafa tells Ramirez he’ll be back inside in two minutes. Ramirez returns to Ale who wants Rafa back to work ahora mismo.

Vicky tries to go inside and confront Ale because no other woman is allowed around her pajarito. Rafa has to hold her back. Ramirez tells Ale about Vicky’s episode and she tells Marino to take care of Rafa’s waiting clients. He sleazes over to them.

Rafa begs Vicky to leave. Of course he loves her but he loves not being in jail more! (In not so many words.) He convinces Vicky to go just as Ale shouts for Rafa.

Dinero #25

Ale scolds Rafa for leaving his clients to go talk to his novia. Nelson/Dandy and Ramiro let Rafa know the score is 0:2.

Rafa is livid Marino took his clients and pleads his case to Ale. She asks why his novia and her family were even on company property in the first place, let alone that he left his clients to fraternize with them.

Rafa asks why she let Marino have his clients and not someone, anyone, else in the Siglo. Ale says it was just because he was nearby. Rafa is not satisfied with her answer but goes back to his desk.

Marino rubs it in that he’s winning the bet but Rafa is not to be intimidated. Rafa rushes off to help a client who walks in the door. Claudia slinks off to steal him but Nelson and Ramiro hold her back. They’re on Rafa’s side and aren’t going to let her get in the way. (All right!)

Just then, Marino loses a client who decides to go to a different company. Now Marino is starting to get a little hot under the collar. He’s only sold 2 cars and Rafa is so close to his first sale.

Marino starts fighting dirty and tells Rafa’s client the car he wants isn’t safe. (Something about protective glass?) Rafa convinces the client to sit down with him and talk it over.

Rafa begs Ale for help with a sale. He needs her permission to give his client free (or discounted?) accessories for the car or else there won’t be a sale. Ale says to tell the client they already offer 2% less than the commercial price. Rafa already told him that and he said other companies offer free accessories.

Ale says it isn’t true; no one does that. Rafa is adamant about making the sale. Ale says the only way is if Rafa pays for the accessories out of his own pocket. (!!) He agrees to do it and runs out the door. Ale tells Susana the great news that Rafa sold a car.

Ale calls Rosario and tells her about the fight with Marco. Rosario tells Ale she’s being selfish and should have gone with Marco if it was so important for his business. Being novios is all about compromise.

Marco brags to Chavez about his great luck in getting a free night with Karen because of the ridiculous story about going horseback riding. Marco compares his two ladies and it all boils down to this: Karen is gorgeous and relaxed but doesn’t have near the money that Ale does.

Ramiro tells Rafa he thinks Marino was the one who lied to his client. Rafa wants to rip Marino’s head off but Ramiro convinces him to wait it out and not cause a scene.

Ramirez laments Rafa’s sale to Marino, who is determined to sell another car and beat Rafa.

Marco tells Chavez he can’t have worked on Ale for 2 years to have to throw it all away for Karen. Chavez says Marco may resent Ale but she is very attractive. He goes on about her but Marco makes Chavez reign it in before he gets too pervy.

Marco says Ale is a great woman but the problem is she’s only one woman. “Why be with only one when you could be with several?” Marco complains that Ale never sleeps and is so meticulous, disciplined, and irritating. “No amount of money is enough to justify putting up with her.”

Susana is thrilled her spiritual guide from India is going to be in town and she invites Ale to come along since Marco is such a dud. Ale turns her down. Susana asks why Ale keeps tolerating Marco’s behavior. Ale claims Marco has done a lot for her and her family and she has to be with him through the good times and the bad times.

Rafa decides to throw Marino’s game back in his face by telling Marino’s client about the free accessories they’re offering with a new car.

Marco greets Karen and says she and her car are so beautiful. He asks Karen to forgive him for neglecting her the night before. She does and they drive off to her place.

Rafa tells Marino he told the current client about the same deal Marino informed his client about earlier in the day. (Now Marino has to pony up for his client’s accessories too.)

Ale asks why the Siglo is still open so late and tells the janitor to close everything up. Marino scampers around wildly but is helpless to stop the inevitable.

Karen and Marco arrive at her hacienda; she wants to introduce him to her family and friends who are already inside. Karen makes him promise not to play games with her. “Of course not! I’m your novio.” Ale calls at just that moment. Marco says it’s a business call and hides in the bushes to answer it.

Ale wants to make up for their fight and agrees to go horseback riding with him, as long as they can be together. Marco spews his usual reasons why she can’t join him. “It’s too dangerous, It’s too far away, etc.”

Ale says she feels like he’s making up excuses to avoid her. Marco tries to schmooze some more but it doesn’t fly. “And there’s going to be a hurricane, rabid cannibals, and piranhas in the river.” Ale is fed up, hangs up on Marco, and calls herself an idiot for calling him.

Karen introduces Marco as her novio to the party. Her prima wants to take a picture of the happy couple and Marco bolts for the baño to avoid it.

Isabel announces the final score to everyone: Marino 2, Rafa 1. Rafa wins!!!! Nearly everyone cheers but Marino and Ramirez contest it. Rafa asks Marino if he wants to take it up with Ale, especially the part about where he tried to sabotage Rafa’s sale. Marino is truly defeated and everyone cheers.

Ale cries on the phone with Rosario; she feels humiliated. Rosario is worried about Ale because of all the tragedies lately. Ale still blames Rafa for all of her problems. Ale overhears the employees cheering in the other room.

Nelson and the other employees tell Rafa to grow a spine and stand up to that crazy novia of his. (Again, in not so many words.) Ale breaks up the celebration and demands to see Rafa in her office. The employees all chant for Marino’s shearing to begin.

Marco is itching to go to Karen’s apartment since her tío never showed up. Just then, said tío walks in and Karen introduces Marco as Marco Valenzuela. Tío shakes his hand and says: “Aren’t you Jorge Alvarez de Castillo’s son-in-law?” Marco gulps.

Avances: Vicky prepares for a hot date night with Rafa, Ale tells Rafa he has work to do overnight, and Karen’s tío questions Marco.


Sortilegio 2/19 El Gran Final--Continued

For those of you who didn't get a chance to post yesterday, we are continuing the discussion again today.


El Clon #4, 2/17/10. Rules are made to be broken.

Quite a few rules were broken in tonight’s cap, and surprisingly, the first to go were some entrenched telenovela rules. Cómo puede serrrr?

TN Rule #1. When major players come to wrong conclusions, they continue to believe that conclusion for at least five cap’s, but usually 30 or 40. At the elevator, Jade sees Diego but thinks he’s Lucas. When Diego acts like he doesn’t know her (which he doesn’t), she’s shattered. She goes up to the roof to be alone, and the real Lucas sees her there. He is breathless for the opportunity to talk to her again. She’s furious that he would play with her emotions like that; she’s sure he has a wife or girlfriend and she was just sport for him. She tells him clearly that she never wants to see him again. BUT she’s willing to hear him out! Cómo puede ser? When she says they talked down in the lobby and he pretended he didn’t know her, he’s puzzled. But when she says he changed his shirt, Lucas realizes she saw Diego. He explains the mistake and she actually believes him! Cómo puede ser?

Back in Miami, Osvaldo’s afterglow is darkened when Dora suddenly suggests that his ex-wife put a curse on him so he wouldn’t have more children. Osvaldo says he feels like he’s just her stud bull (semental). She seems to be using him to father her child and his feelings mean nothing to her. She objects lamely, but he throws on his clothes and marches out.

Diego walks into a tempest known as Papa.
Leo surprises him saying, “I know everything. But I want to hear it from you.” All Leo knows is Cristina’s invented story that Diego tried to take advantage of her some time after Leo introduced them, but Diego thinks Leo knows the truth, that she threw herself at him like a dog in heat.
Diego’s sweating, but he tries to explain. “If I knew she was yours, I would’ve never considered it.”
Leo: “You mean It’s true? You don’t deny it?”
TN Rule #2. When a character hears part of the story and fears the worst, he refuses to listen to anything else. But instead, Leo wants Diego to explain every detail. Cómo puede ser?
Diego explains, “she flirted, I flirted, she led me to a secluded place, and .. it happened. We had sex.”
Cristina bursts out of the bathroom where she was hiding. “Lies! All lies! I didn’t do anything with him! He wanted me to leave you and run off with him. You seized me, you threatened you’d tell my novio.
Diego slaps her and calls her a cualquiera. Leo warns him to stop, but Diego goes on. “She’s making a fool of you. She’s sleeping with other men right under your..”
Leo punches him in the face but then turns quiet. “Why, son, why? To get her away from me? Were you jealous? You didn’t want me to marry? I always thought you and I were one. (Is that a hint?) How could one who comes from me be such a stranger?”
Diego says, quietly, “If you prefer her over me, I hope you’ll be happy,” and he leaves.

Down in the lobby, Albieri tries to convince Diego to stay, but there’s no turning back. “How could he believe someone he just met, over his own son.” He asks if he can live with Albieri. Al says, “I never needed a son, because I have you. (Is that a hint?) Up on the roof, Al tries to calm Leo, but gets nowhere. Leo asks, “You’ve always taken his side. Just how far will you go in your blindness regarding him?” Al says, “Even if I had a son of my own blood, I couldn’t feel closer than I do to Diego.” (Another hint?) And what about Cristina? Leo tells Al to get rid of her. He still has one son left, and he’s just the same as Diego. Leo will take Lucas to Paris. Al breaks the news to Cristina, and she tells her woes to the taxi driver (I guess there are no bartenders in Morocco).

Speaking of Lucas, he explains to Jade that although they are twins, they are very different. Lucas is the introverted idealist. They agree that they haven’t been able to stop thinking of the other. Jade feels as if she’s known him for a long time, as if from a past life. Lucas says he never thought about reincarnation, but he agrees, it’s as if he remembers her in his mind and his heart. He tries again to kiss her, but she won’t let him; it would be wrong. She needs to go; she’ll contact him when she can. When she gets home, she dances for pure joy (as corny as Kansas in August?). Zoraida pulls her up short, asking where is this supposed package she went to collect. Jade makes up a feeble lie. Zoraida doesn’t buy it for an instant. She rebukes Jade for using the veil as a disguise and warns her, if she ever brings shame to the family, Ali has the right to kill her for it.

Albieri questions Lucas to find out exactly what Diego said about Cristina. He reports it to Leo, who is stunned to learn that Diego didn’t force himself on Cristina; she was quite willing. He doesn’t know which hurts him worse, he only knows he never again wants to see either.

In the market, Latifa worries that Jade’s brazen behavior could derail her wedding. Zoraida says she’s tired of covering Jade’s lies, and she’s going to tell Ali everything. At home, Ali breaks the news to the ladies. Latifa will marry Mohammed, and Jade will marry Said. Latifa throws a fit. “Why me? Why oh why? Oh, the humanity! (o algo así). Jade flatly refuses, “I’ll die first.” (Refuse? Did she say refuse? Another rule broken.) She appeals to Ali’s honor, since he gave his word that she would be allowed to study medicine. He says that she is double minded, with the conscience of a Muslim and the desires of a westerner. He says he’s arranging the marriage for her own good, to protect her. Interesting side note, the Law of Moses gave a woman the right to refuse the husband selected for her. I’m not sure any other law system of that time recognized any rights of women.

In the women’s quarters, Latifa cries she’s being sacrificed like a ram. Jade says they should run away. She pleads with Zoraida, do something. I can’t marry him. I’m in love with another. Meanwhile, Lucas tells Pop that he won’t be going along to Paris; he’s met a girl. Leo accuses him of ruining Leo’s life just like his brother. Lucas protests the comparison; “We’re not the same person.” Leo persists; “You’re so synchronized, what one of you starts, the other finishes.” (More hints?) Leo tells Albieri, “You’re lucky Laura died; the dead don’t betray you.” Laying on a bit thick there, Leo Baby. He says, “I feel a profound rage (rabia, like rabies) toward women.” If that’s not a foreshadow, I’m a chupacabra. Albieri says his honeymoon would've been here, and Leo responds, "Yes, mine too." I'm sure that's a clue about something but I don't know what.

Back to Miami. Diego arrives home and fondly greets Nana Rosa. She reminds him about Maritza’s birthday party; he says she’s not his novia. Yet. Diego packs to move in with Albieri, and tells Rosa his father disowned him.

Ali counsels Jade. She cannot change her destiny; she must accept it. He does these things to protect her from the trap of emotions. He says that love is the fruit of time, and a husband should be picked with the brain, not the emotions. True wisdom lies in making the emotions servants of the mind. He says there are four traitors which we should distrust. : the sultan, the sea, luck, and love.
She asks, “What if I love a man who is not the one picked as my husband.”
That stops him cold. He asks, “Does that man exist? Are you in love with someone?”

Now Jade is the one stopped cold. She answers no, but takes far too long to give that answer. Only a fool would believe her after that pause, and Ali is no fool. But he lets it rest and tells Zoraida to take the girls out to the market and buy them something pretty to cheer them up. Maybe a lollipop or some Hello Kitty rainbow stickers, huh?

Zoraida and Latifa press her to tell who she loves, but she denies it. (I think there’s a rule against that.) Both are fed up with her lies. Before they go out, Jade makes a secret phone call. At the market, Jade sees Lucas and slips away from her wardens. (There goes another rule.) They meet at the ruins, away from everyone. She says, “I want to know the feel of a kiss.” (Definitely breaks a rule. Definitely.) Lucas gives a kiss that will last clear into next week.

Tomorrow: Marriage?


En Nombre del Amor, February 19, 2010

Discussion post for Friday's ENDA episode.


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Gancho Thurs 2/18 #171 - Shock the Monkey, or It's my party and I'll cry if I want to.

First we are reminded of the long unpleasant drive to Monita's "surprise". Then we go over to the neighborhood where Mau lets slip to Tano that Estrella and Aldo are back together again. Tano's expression tells us absolutely that he still carries a torch for our bright star. Methinks he's not done trying to displace the kid.

Valentina soon grows weary of Coni's histrionics ("I'm sick and tired of losing to you!") and decides to egress from the car. How convenient (and safe) that Coni has pulled over. She rushes out and insists that Moni get back in the car. Monita wisely rejects that idea until Coni stops her dead by revealing that Isabel Lopez is alive! The expected argument ensues but Coni vows she's not lying or trying to fool Monita and she's the only person who knows where her mom is. Now it's Moni's turn to run after Coni. "Let's go" Coni agrees.

Nieves and Jacqueline resign themselves to the fact that their progeny can't live happily without each other. Alicia butts in at one point and expounds that a stud like Beto can get any other woman, many in fact. Normally Nieves would agree but now she tells Alicia to shut it and sit down. It takes Nieves three times to finally silence her loghorreic lodger.

Gabi is at her apartment with Xime picking up a few personal items to take back to the vecindad. Xime has gathered three huge ziploc bags of cosmetics and some sexy garb just in case Salavatore's spirit decides to visit Gabi in the night. Gabi's sceptical, she's going to be with Monita so why should she take an evening dress? Xime says three things, first one never knows when one will need an evening dress; two, Gabi is a widow and the dress is black, and three...well the sound went out here but maybe Xime wants to borrow the dress? Anyway Xime is ecstatic that Gabi is going to Moni's where they will all hang out and Gabi is amused by Ximena's enthusiasm.

Jacqui tells Nieves that the kids are heartsick and they have to do something about the fact that they think they are half brother and sister. Nieves says she'll tell Beto the truth as soon as he gets back and she promises to call Jacqui and let her know. Meanwhile Alicia's got her hand over her own mouth trying to shut herself up until she explodes that Beto won't be home soon because surely he's at the cantina hablablablabla...

Gabi observes that when Ximena married Rolu she disappeared off the map and didn't have time for her friends. What's up with her marriage and why isn't she with her husband now? Xime tries to change the subject and gives Gabi a sly little smile.

Speaking of Rolu, he's trying to call Xime while Arni sets a romantic table for two. Rolu frets because he can't get a hold of his lady love. Arni tells him to relax, everything's under control and the exquisite gourmet meal is prepared. Aha, so Arni is an accomplished cook. Is/was he a chef? Rolu is certain that this romantic dinner will rekindle their romance and Xime will never leave again. He even gives Arni a kiss on the cheek which sets Arni off in fits of gagging.

Back at Gabi's it's clear that Xime doesn't wish to discuss her marriage which is OK because what Gabi really wants to discuss is Sal. She can't get rid of this uneasy feeling that he's somehow reaching out to her. And to make it stranger, when Gabi went to see Lorenza she told Gabi that Sal is alive. Xime's sure Lorenza says the same thing about Pedro Infante and Elvis. But Gabi has more info, Lorenza told her that Oscar helped her poison Sal by putting drugs in his coffee. This gives Xime a flash, she once heard Lorenza talking to an accomplice. The two pals decide Oscar was that accomplice and he must be responsible for Sal's death. They need proof. Won't these two be a delicious detective duo?

Over at Goth Acres Lorenza is horrified to see Oski and Jero drag the dead-looking Sal back into the house. She shrieks in horror that they've killed him and starts chasing them around the gigantic tusks. Ouch, Sal gets dropped to the floor with a thunk. Luckily for them they manage to convince her he's alive before she tears their heads off. She grabs Sal's head and starts cooing until his eyes flutter open and he calls for Gabriela. "Kill him!" she demands, "He's thinking of another woman!" Oski calls the nurse to give him another injection and calms the panting savage that is Lorenza.

Coni and Moni are on the move again. Moni can't believe her ma is dead because she was in the hospital when mama died. Well Coni has seen her alive and talked to her too. How does Moni feel knowing she has been deceived by her own mother for so long, a mother whose gift for saving her life was to give Monita an urn with ashes that weren't even hers? Moni combusts as we go into commercial.

Whew, time for some comic relief. Welcome to the monastery where Brother Beto prays for guidance. He was with his sister, his own meat and lint (I think that's what he said), and he asks God what should he do next? He needs some sort of a sign. Surely God will forgive him because he didn't know, right? Brother Tomas approaches from behind, crosses in unison with Beto, and comments that he's impressed to see Beto praying with such fervor. Beto gasps, is this God talking to him already? But no, it's just his Bro. Beto gives his hermano a little too much information about the details of his sinning and Bro is all, that's enough! Time to continue your penance in your cell. Beto freaks until Bro explains the cell is the room where he sleeps. Beto suggests another version of penance, why don't the two of them grab a couple of goblets and break into the booze? No Beto, a sin does not absolve a sin. Will Beto last the night?

Mau and Tano intercept Nieves and Alicia as they are leaving the house. Have they seen Monita? No, has Mau seen Beto? They have something very important to tell him. Also, they need to find THAT PERSON so they can talk to THAT PERSON, wink wink. Tano, being the only one who doesn't know they're talking about Isabel, looks confused. It's a good look for him.

Coni parks in front of her dark, ominous apartment building. Moni looks up in trepidation, "my mom is here?" She tells a cruelly smirking Coni that she'd better not be lying or else.

Mau and Tano have no luck finding Monita in the barrio. They try Estre's door (after Tano ever so casually suggests her) but neither Estrella nor Paula have seen Monita.

Coni smugly opens the door to her apartment and tells Monita to wait outside. Inside Isabel is annoyed that once again Coni comes in without knocking. Coni couldn't care less because she thinks it's time for Isabel to face the demons from which she's been hiding. Coni opens the door and it's Monita who has to face the Demon. "Mama?"

Danni sighting! The kids are all over at the house saying goodbye to Katia. Luisa cries because her friend is leaving and Danni asks will she be gone for a long time? Katia cries yes and the girls all have a group hug. Katia faces Aldo and apologizes for her badness. He's very kind about it and gives her a hug goodbye but I wouldn't be surprised if he's doing the happy dance within. Jacqui interrupts this scene to tell Katia the car is ready and they need to go. "Is my sister going with us?" asks Katia. Uh, er, your sister told me to give you a big hug and kiss and she'll call you later, lies Jacqui. Katia tells her ma to quit lying, she knows her sister doesn't love her.

It's not that Katia dear, it's just that your big sis is very busy ruining people's lives right now. Let's take a peek...Isa is cursing Coni, Monita is crying but happy. She rushes toward her mama and Isa rebuffs her. Coni smirks that Isa and Moni probably have a lot to discuss. Isa yells at Coni "I have nothing to say to her!" She points to the door and tells Monita to get out. Moni is no longer the champion boxeadora, she has turned into the little girl who just wants to talk to mommy. She keeps trying to get her message across "You're alive, how is that possible?" but Isa grabs her daughter, throws her out into the hall and slams the door behind her. Coni gloats victoriously but only for a moment, because in the next Isabel slaps her hard across the face. Coni holds her face, however her pain is nothing compared to poor Monita's who has taken a blow to the heart. Uuff, that was a tough scene, let's take a commercial break.

Over at the barrio Gabi and Xime have arrived. Thank goodness, I need a big dose of Ximena right now. They see Mau who is still looking for Monita. Gabi hasn't seen her since they went to see Lorenza at the manicomio. Mau said he's tried to call but she left her cellular at home. Gabi knows Mau is preoccupied but she needs to discuss something with him in private. Tano is cool, he'll just hang out and drool over Estrella. Oh crap, Tano wants to "talk" with her.

Let's return to Rolu's night of Romance shall we? The romantic music is playing and Arni puts the final touches on the table. The bell rings and the brothers jump into place, which means Rolu in his wheelchair. Alas, it's not Ximena. Surprise, it's Lalo with a big bouquet of roses for his novio! Arni runs upstairs for his jacket and Rolu takes the opportunity to tell Lalu that he really does love Xime with all his heart. He knows he treated her horribly, he was a blind cad, but now he knows she's the love of his life. After the novios skip out the door Rolu tries to call Xime again. He leaves a message that he wants her to call him, he has a surprise for her. "Te amo," he whispers, hopefully and sadly.

Tano is in Estrella's house talking at her. What's up with her getting back together with Aldo? Breaking it off with him was the best decision she made in her life, not that Tano cares or anything, he's just saying this as a friend. (Some friend!) Estrella kind of hems and haws and says she just doesn't want to do anything she's going to regret later. Tano's ears perk up. Regret? Why, what's she going to do? Aldo comes in and says "she's going to marry me."

Tano tells Aldo they were just joking around and Aldo tells Tano that he and Estrella are getting married. Tano gets pissy and snitty, imitates Aldo because he's so mature, then has the nerve to call Aldo a boy. He also mocks Estrella for calling Aldo cachorro. He scolds Aldo for betraying Mau, the man who saved him and his sisters. Why are they getting married so soon? Don't tell him that... Yes, says Estre, we're going to have a child.

Shoot, I was hoping I wouldn't have to recap another scene with Monita and her witch of a mother. While poor Monita sobs and bangs on the door Isa and Coni take turns alpha bitching and telling each other they'll regret their actions. Isa grabs Coni and hauls her off to the bedroom so they scream without hearing that nuisance outside the door. Isa calls Coni a disgusting imbecile. Coni retorts that's what disgusting is a woman who hates her own child. Isa goes through the usual telenovela phrases, vas a pagar muy caro, ten cuidado, vas a arrepentir todo. Coni snorts and tells Isa her daughter is just outside the door and if Isa doesn't love her she should just go out and tell her.

Aldo tells Tano he knows he's young but he wants to do the right thing. Tano tells him there are other options and this sets Aldo off, is he suggesting they lose the baby? Tano says he's suggesting that Aldo tell Mau what's going on.

Somebody poke me in the eye with a stick. Our poor little Monita is still outside the door begging to talk to her mother. She puts her ear to the door and listens. She bangs and begs, "Why do you hate me mama? Mama? Mama?" And that's our final scene. Time for me to sit on the table and find my inner peace, or maybe pour a shot of tequila.

Mañana = Beto is leading the brothers in a game of Holy Craps. Coni is horrible!!!! Ximena eventually goes home for dinner. It looks like Oski has sent Coni pictures of dead Sal. Serves her right.

A couple of sayings to honor our Constanza:

Voltearse la tortilla = the shoe is on the other foot (Lit. to flip the tortilla over)

Dar alguien una sopa de su propio chocolate = to give someone a taste of their own medicine (Lit. to give someone a soup of their own chocolate)


Dinero # 23 2/17/10 May the best Man Win

We start out at the restaurant with Marino telling Rafa he may be enthusiastic but he lacks a lot.
The group chides Marino. They tell him they should help Rafa .Marino continues to rag on Rafa, telling him he couldn’t sell anything, then he proposes a bet between them.

Rafa says your on. It doesn’t have to be money, Marino asks then what should it be? Isabel says they should bet their hair. Claudia is clapping in the background with glee.

Here’s the bet; If Rafa doesn’t sell a single car and Marino sells three then Marino wins. If Rafa sells one and Marino sells less then three Rafa wins.

Bow-tie guy wants to know what if Rafa sells one and Marino sells three then what. Isabel says then it will be very sad because we have a tie then nobody looses their hair. Marino whips out his comb and as he runs it through his hair and seriously this is what he says “I don’t play around when it comes to my hair”

Claudia chides Marino “not so sure your going to win?” Rafa states I will bet my last hair. We have a macho stare down, and Isabel says okay then we have a bet. They shake on it. Dandy says tomorrow we will see who keeps their hair and who will be bald (pelon).

We go to Siglo now where Rosario is calling Ale, informing her that Jorge is missing again. Ale wanders how this could happen, didn’t she just tell her he went to the club with Manriquez. Rosario says he left there and they don’t know where he is.

Rosario assumes Ale is with Marco and asks her to have him help her find Jorge. Ale confesses that she is still at Siglo waiting for Marco. Rosario seems surprised at this, after all isn’t it their anniversary.

Wiping tears from her eyes , Ale tells Rosario to give her a minute to figure out what to do and she will get back to her. We flash to Slimeball in the pool with Karen.. He suggests they leave. Karen wants to know where, Heres a cool line “ we could go to your place, or your place or your place.” ( I am gagging right now).

Marco tells her he has to take care of some business, He’ll take her home and return after his “business’ is done..

We are now with Jorge and Manriquez and their friend. ( I just figured out who the driver is, I think he was the lawyer St. George from La Fea. ) They are discussing the fact that they are back to the same place where they first took the wrong turn. Now they realize they need to turn left and off they go.

Back at the restaurant. One by one they say their goodbyes. Rosaura is off first. Dandy is on the phone firming up his nights events. He says he will get another guy to come with him. Actually he says Rooster or gallo. .( I’m pretty certain the word gallo has other manly connotations.) He asks for a volunteer to go with him tonight .

Jimenez says are you asking me to commit suicide. I know much easier ways to die. His phone rings and we know who that is. Marino is otherwise committed with a jewelry sales person and bids farewell to all, tapping Rafa on the shoulder as he goes telling him not to loose his hair. Rafa pats the back of his head and has a concerned look on his face.

Claudia is up next to leave, her date has just arrived to pick her up. As she leaves she tells Dona Delores to give her bill to Rafa. After she leaves Dandy tells Rafa to go see who is picking her up. It turns out to be the client that Rafa had almost sold the car to earlier.

Dandy is still looking for volunteers and Babe and bow-tie guy both beg out. Isabel’s date shows up and she scolds him for being late. Rafa returns and informs the group they wont be able to believe who showed up for Claudia. The same guy he tried to sell the car too. The others state that was a pretty low down thing for her to do.

Dandy on the phone again reassuring the women of his life that he has come up with another guy as he looks at Rafa. He asks Rafa to stand up and starts describing him over the phone. He hangs up and says to Rafa lets go. Rafa questions him if he was describing him? Dandy says yea with the amount of alcohol you’ve been drinking you look like Bill Gates.

Rafas’ phone rings. Guess who that is? Vicky. Dandy convinces him not to answer, besides their fighting aren’t they? “lets go” But first they have to go back to the office and get all spruced up. Dandy has it “kit back there.

At the Hacienda we see Marco escorting Karen to the car. Now his phone rings. Guess who that is? He tells Karen to get in the car and he goes out of hearing distance and tells Ale he is going to be a little late. He tells her to go home and he will meet her there.

Ale is crying and tells Marco that her dad is lost again. Marco seems more upset that it is going to cramp his style rather than being upset that Jorge is missing. He lies to her and says he will go look for him right now. He tells her he wont be able to pick her up and to take a taxi home

Back in the car Karen questions Marco who this Ale is. He lies and says it is an ex-girlfriend. Karen’s not quite convinced. Marco continues to lie. He says that Ale was just in an accident and she still calls him to help her out. He’s just too nice a guy to break her heart. (or some such bunk like that) . He assures her that he is trying to end it.

He tells her the poor invalid Ale lives with her father who is quite old and she has no one else to help her but him. As he is driving off telling her this who shows up with their brights on aimed at Marcos car..
Marco is trying to figure out who is in the car and yells, Is that Jorge my father-in-law. Karen doesn’t look to happy.

Our three gentlemen in the other car all seem a bit confused as to who would be out at the Hacienda at this hour. Marco in a panic tells Karen to get out of the car. Karen asks if he is crazy How can you leave me out in the middle of the night.. Marco still panicked tells her that Jorge doesn’t know yet that him and Ale have broken up. He tells her don’t do it for me do it for Jorge. The poor guy is likely to have a heart attack.

She argues with him and he practically shoves her out the car.. She slams the door and calls him a lout (patan). Marco gets out of the car and heads towards Jorge.

Poor Jorge is petrified. He thinks that it may be aliens. Our driver friend reassures him it is just probably some ruffians. Manrequez says that alien looks a lot like your son in-law Jorge then realizes it is just his son in-law. He asks Marco what is he doing there? and Marco replies “looking for you and the question is what are you doing here? “

We have a little confusion with names in the car . And Marco tells them to stop, he wants to know what they are doing there. Jorge tells Marco to call the house and tell Rosario where he is and that he plans to spend the night there. Think fast Marco. He says everything is closed down. Besides his mission is to get Jorge back home safe and sound. He says young men the game is over. Go back to the house.
(Not bad for a two-bit hustler. )

Rafa and Dandy have arrived back at Siglo getting ready for their hot dates. Dandy pulls out his little “work kit” comprising of all the important stuff to get ready for a hot night. Lotion, mouth freshener, toothbrush, hair brush, hair gel , and deodorant. ( little confession here, I have pretty much the same stuff in my locker at work minus the hair gel and mouth wash.) He tells Rafa he can use what ever he wants, except the toothbrush. Rafa says not to worry, I have my own, as he waves his toothbrush in the air.

Ale is talking to Marco on the phone. He informs her he has found her father. She says she will meet him at the house. She tells him not to worry she will get a taxi.

We have an interesting little grooming/bonding ritual now with Dandy and Rafa getting ready for the night.
A little spray here , a little spray there. A little something if they get lucky, and a little something if they don’t, as Dandy takes a handkerchief to his eyes. Now its Rafas’ turn and the ritual continues. This was a pretty funny scene. With Dandy spraying Rafa with colognes and mouth sprays.

Rafa is a little concerned now as he has a rip in his pants. Dandy says don’t worry, you’ll probably end up taking them off any way.

Now the two of them are practicing their dance moves. Rafas’ white socks kill me. They are a dancing and a swaying when in walks, guess who?

Ale wants to know what they are doing here at this late hour. She reminds them they have an early morning and tells Dandy not to show up to work hung over. And she turns to Rafa scolding him. He nervously tells her he isn’t going anywhere, he is just going to go brush his teeth before he goes to bed.

She tells Rafa he dances well, but of course he doesn’t have any broken bones. ( a little dig there). We here a horn and she says her cabs here bids them a good, perfumed evening and off she goes.

Dandy asks Rafa what was Ale talking about the bones and feelings of remorse. Rafa makes up a story. And Dandy says don’t worry about it, Her boyfriend just stood her up and she has been cranky ever since the accident.

Rafa begins to feel bad and begs off for the night. He has to get up early and you remember the bet. He doesn’t want to loose his hair

The phone is ringing at Leonora’s hose, she picks it up instinctively knowing it is Vicky . She tells her to be patient Rafa will call her. Vicky wants to know how she knew it was her. Leonora says intuition. More whining from Vicky. The brothers walk in and they are concerned that when Vicky is upset she doesn’t cook as well.

Our next scene is with Dandy and his two dates. They are both all over him. They want to know where is friend is. He gives them a story . That’s enough said about that.

We are now at Ales house. Marco enters with Jorge. Rosario and Ale are scolding Jorge for taking off like that. Jorge tells them he’s tired and going to bed and stumbles up the stairs. Rosario wants to know how Marco knew Jorge would be at the Hacienda. That Marco is a very fast thinker. He states it was obvious. Where else would he be.

Rosario thanks him and begs forgiveness . Marco tells her that they are always first for him. . Rosario goes to bed. Leaving Marco and Ale alone. Ale thanks Marco. Marco tells her not to worry, but now they have lost out on their night together being so late and all.

She says they could still stay in and watch a movie. Marco yawns and says he’s tired and says they’ll do tomorrow what they couldn’t do tonight and takes off. We are left with a tear stricken ale saying to no one in particular. Happy anniversary Marco.

And slime ball is outside the house on the phone talking to Karen. He asks for directions to her house.
. We are now back with Dandy and his two friends he his looking at the bill and somehow convinces the two women to foot the bill.

There is a brief Jimenez scene where he is scared by a lion statue. He calls this his witch of a mother in-law. Then scared again by two crazed looking women with avocado all over their faces. Said mother in law and wife. But I don’t know which was which. Scary!!!

Rafa is finally home too. Leonora tells him to please call Vicky. He tells her he just can’t face a discussion with Vicky now. He has a hard day in front of him. She says well you know what your doing. Rafa goes to his room. The phone rings. Guess who? Leonora looks at the phone and says I am not going to answer it.

Rafa walks into his room. He looks around and lays down and says out loud “ah Alejandra”. Such a wistful look is on his face. We have Ale back at her house crying holding the pen she was going to give Marco . Puts it back in the case and says this is never going to be for Marco. She kisses the ring on her hand and through tears looks at the picture of her and Marco together. She does sad and forlorn better than any actress I have ever seen.

Marco is at Karens’ house trying to score. She has him stand up, tells him to close his eyes , twirls him around. He is thinking he is going to get lucky and Karen has other plans as she blindly leads him out the door. And tells him to have a good night.

Marco now with his eyes open on the other side of the door asks if she’s kicking him out Well duh Marco.
She’s still mad because he kicked her out of the car earlier. She tells him if he wants to get in her bed he’s got to pass the muster first.

He asks what he has to do. She says convince her that he isn’t just after her for sex. He feigns being hurt and hugs her denying this but at the same time groping her. She says he can see her again tomorrow . she has some kind of a party or horse riding event with one of her uncles coming in from the states.

He has another commitment. She gets upset and starts closing the door telling him good night it sure was not a pleasure to meet you. Marco backtracks and says he didn’t say he couldn’t break his commitment. Karen asks if it is with Ale. He denies this. She says well just think after the horse riding I might just take you to bed. Marco ever the fast thinker says well then I will just bring my riding equipment.

She says good night and closes the door. She looks pleased. Marco looks worried.

My favorite scene of the whole night. Rafa in bed tossing and turning. The door opens and we see Ale dressed to the nines, very elegant. No neck brace or leg brace. She saunters ever so salutary towards Rafa.
Rafa sits up and says “Boss what are you doing here” I was just getting up.” She tells him not to worry. He says really. She replies rest. He asks I can continue to sleep without you getting mad?. She says no silly I am not going to be mad. He lays back down, closes his eyes, she leans towards’s him, gently touching his face , softly telling him to sleep, sleep.

Boom!! Its 6 o’clock and the phone rings. Guess who? Rafa half asleep answers it. Ale is screaming on the other end are you still asleep? Rafa still thinking he is dreaming says you said I could sleep. Ale still screaming, asking him if he is drunk. Rafa now fully awake scurries up Wondering where she is.

She wonders if she is making a stupid assumption thinking he might already be up and ready for work. She continues to scold him and tells him to get to work and hangs up . Rafa stares at the phone for a second, then touches his face where Ale was touching it in his dream and is in a trance as Leonora walks in wondering why that woman would be calling so early on a Saturday for.

Rafa is still in a trance. Leonora wants to know what’s wrong. Rafa tells her he had a very strange dream.
She tells him she will get breakfast ready, and he should think about calling Vicky. Ah Vicky Vicky Vicky, says Rafa still touching his face

Ale is now back at the office. Susana is asking if Marco remembered yesterday was their anniversary . Ale tells her no. Susana wants to know why she let him live. She says after all that went down with Jorge she could not create a scene after all he did to find Jorge. Susana scolds that she is always justifying his actions.

She tells her she needs to say something to him. Ale agrees , she will but she feels really hurt.
Leonora is fixing Rafas’ pants. He’s telling her to hurry. Julieta is at the table. Leonora says he was lucky that the dog didn’t get a bite of him. She tells him not to get in any more dog fights.

Rafa turns and looks at Julieta and says I get the feeling that I have fewer bottles of whiskey. He says its about time to do an inventory. Julieta jumps up reminds him he’s got to get to work. He agrees. The inventory will after to wait. Leonora tells him not to forget to call Vicky. As he leaves he tells them all to get a good look at his hair, because it might be the last time they will see it.

The phone rings. Guess who? Leonora tells Julieta to answer it because she has been answering it all day.
We have Vicky on the other end whining. Julieta tells her Rafa is not there and hangs up.

. Vicky starts crying and big brother walks in. He wants to be fed. He wants eggs and sausage. She asks him how many, walks into the kitchen and comes back out throwing the eggs at him. And then continues with throwing tomatoes and onions at him. Then she come back with a pan of oil and ask if he wants that too. He says no I’m going and she storms off.

We are back at Siglo with Rafa rushing in asking if Ale is there yet. Babe tells him to calm down, he has been saved. She has not arrived yet. Rafa is relieved. Dandy is ragging on Rafa for leaving him alone last night.

Isabel arrives and says before Ale gets here lets remind everyone about last nights bet. In this corner we have Marino, as he stands and in this corner she introduces Rafa, as if she were announcing a boxing match. And what is at stake is pride and hair. She reminds everyone what the bet was. They have until the end of the day to see who sells the most cars. And may the best man win. We see both Marino and Rafa standing with electric razors in hand. And there we end.


Gancho Wed Feb 17 - pending wedding, faked funeral, faked death twice over?

I missed recording the first bits here so here is where mine started.

Pau is giving Estrella the third degree about her decision to marry Aldo, he's a minor how is he even going to be able to even get married. Ah good point Pau. Nonetheless she promises to stand up at the wedding.

Gabi strolls up, it didn't go well with Lorenza. Mona is there too and wonders what the other two gals pau and Estrella were chatting about, she is watching them.

Katia is getting ready to leave and happily tells Aldo he won't have to see her anymore. Coni is whining to herself trying to get herself to not feel so bad. She decides she alone should not have to suffer, it's not fair.

Over at the tudor, Sal is in coma state while Loriloca is admiring the new digs. Oski shows up with nurse in tow who is supposed to follow exact instructions to administer shots to Sal. Jero shows up with the requested clothing for Sal and the crazy woman.

Moni is feeding her fish when the howling Momia shows up all manic. She wants to take Mona to see a woman and promises if Mona goes with, she will return the kids to Mau. Mona wants none of her tricks, but finally agrees to go. GIANT ANVIL!!!

Actually, she wants an explanation before she will go anywhere though. Coni won't tell, and says they are losing time. Mona is hedging, but Coni says fine then nevermind we'll forget take the risk....

Alicia is with Nieves and is bawling because she can't believe that Isabel could do this. They are trying to figure out how to find her and throw around the idea of Mau hiring a detective, then recall he lost all his money. Nieves wonders why Alicia didn't tell Mau anything about Marcos because he has a lot of money and therefore the means to help. Alicia wonders how coincidental it is that both he and Issy show up at the same time. Nieves thinks it's not at all, he hated Issy, but Ali isn't sure.

Cut to Marcos reflecting on Mau telling him about Mona thinking Issy dead. He is then getting a call from Issy and he too wonders where she ran off to and he wants to know why she pulled this trick. She is giving up nothing. He wants to get close to his daughter. She says nope, you turned your back on me, so now you'll have to give her up.

Now we cut to Oski and Jero painting up Sal to look dead. Really dead. With blood and everything. They are oh so official in their white lab coats. They take a photo of him holding the incriminating cell phone.

Pau and Estre talk again about the wedding. Aldo calls and says everything is almost ready and in a few days they will get married before she changed her mind. She swears she won't. Pau is still unsure, but promises not to abandon her buddy.

Mona is following Momia and getting in to her car. They drive off. We see Jaqui get out of a taxi and go into the vecinidad. Then Mau and Tano show up. It's great how the parking space stays available for all of these folks. Tere sees them and invites them in for some hot bread.

Ali and Nieves are in the apartment and get a knock, it's Jac. She wants to talk but Nieves isn't so sure. Jacqui tells Nieves she is the only one who can help their kids by telling them the truth. Nieves isn't sure what she can do. Jac tells her Marcos told them they are siblings, so they can't be together.

Flash to sibling Beto getting a lesson in monastery life from our favorite Tomas from La Fea. He tells him they awake at 5 am to watch the miracle of the sunrise, they eat breakfast of bread and water and then afterwards they flagellate themselves. Then, they can do their various callings to please God. Beto can get behind everything, even the flagellation, but he likes to get up around noon or eleven-thirty, so can he skip the early rising part? Oh and the robes, he wants his t-shirts and pants. He carries on about this, maybe he can wear them under, God would not see, but brother reminds him God sees and knows all. Ouch.

The ninnies continue bickering, Alicia finds out Marcos was Jac's hub and tries to meddle. After a few insults about how their kids deserve better than each other the gals come to agree that sadly those kids both still love each other.

Mona and Momia continue driving. Val complaining, then thinking this has something to do with Beto. She blasts Momia that all she wanted was to take advantage of Beto. This takes Momia's eyes off the road for quite a long while as she cries to Val that she really loved him but their love was something they shouldn't do. She doesn't want to talk about him.

Mau and Tano look for Mona and think it weird she's not home.

Now the girls are arguing about Mau. Val decides she's too mad and gets out of the car she's not going anywhere unless she hears what's up. Momia says fine, we are going to see your Ma. Of course impactada face from Mona closes the night for us.


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

ENDA, Feb. 17, 2010

Eugenio tells Natalia that he told Cristobal the truth about Dr. Bermudez. How is he doing? Not improving replies Natalia. Call me with any changes says Eugenio. Natalia confesses to sending anonymous letters to Carloca. (ha-ha. I would do the same. Just to make her sweat)

The lady doctor confirms that German is the baby's daddy. Romina says she should have aborted the baby. Camila looks at her in shock. The doctor continues saying that the baby is responding well to treatment. She tells them to go home and the parents can come back later so that they can learn to take care of the baby. Romina tells German not to count on her and walks away.

Eugenio tells Natalia that what she did was a mistake. Natalia explains her reasoning. Eugenio says now that I think about it, it's perhaps better this way. That way she feels pressure and can slip up.

Gabriel talks to Luz on the phone that Paloma now knows his secret and is okay with it. He is so in love and never thought he could be so happy.

Orlando sees Camila crying and wonders what's up. She says she is so disappointed with what Romina did and her attitude. I feel so deceived and disillusioned. Orlando points out that Romina is an adult and can't blame herself for her actions. Romina has the choice to walk down the right path. And if she didn't want to that is her problem not yours. It's easy for you to say replies Camila. Your son is a good person with values. He got married with my daughter to assume responsibility for his actions although he didn't want too. But Romina lies and surrounds herself with bad people and ignores her responsibilities. I feel so sad. Orlando says he thinks its time for them to make a new life and let their kids clean up their own mess. Let's go to Europe. Let's make a life outside of Real de Monte. Camila says you do realize that Romina won't step up to the plate to take care of my grandson. Orlando yells out that she's a spoiled brat. She knows that you'll always solve her problems. Sorry to have to tell you this, but it's the truth. If you leave her to face them on her own then she will mature. And if she doesn't asks Camila? She said it would have been better if she'd aborted. Do you realize that my daughter does not want her child? I will not abandon my grandchild. I can't. (this man annoys me)

Paloma talks to Liliana and tells her that Romina will not answer her phone. Anyway they change the subject to Emiliano and Liliana tells her that he is not the father of Bernandito. Rufi knocks on the door and tells her that Gabriel has just arrived. Paloma promises to call her later.

Anamar invites Emiliano to a movie, but all he wants to do is go to bed. Romina bursts in his office and wants to talk to him. He tells her no and tries to walk out of his office. She grabs him and begs to talk. He tries to throw her out. She says if you don't see me then you will not be seeing Bernandito either. He has already started treatment and will be okay. Yes, I know replies Emiliano. Camila already told me. Just because I don't want to see you does not mean that I do not want to see my son. By law he is my son and I have every right to see him. Romina threatens to take the baby far away and Emiliano will never see him again. Emiliano says he's tired of her threats and warns her to take care of Bernandito the way she's suppose too or he will take the baby away from her. Romina laughs in his face. Anamar speaks up and says it true Romina. If Emiliano shows he can take better care of Bernandito then you, the law will give him custody. Romina tells her to shut up and lunges at her. Emiliano pulls her back and tells her to act like a mother and take care of her son. Or you know what will happen.

Paloma tells Gabe that she no longer can stay at the house. She needs a new place. He offers her to stay with him. She says thanks but no thanks. Gabe wants to help her and finally Paloma agrees for him to loan her the money. She will give him collateral. Gabe says don't worry about that. You can pay me back when you can. Paloma thanks him and says tomorrow she and Rufi will look for a new place. Gabe wants to come along and help. Paloma agrees.

Angelica offers Camila any help that she needs. Camila tells her what Orlando said last night. Angelica agrees with Orlando and also spills the beans about moving to Houston.

Luz asks Rafa when does he think they will give her Xiochi? Rafa says don't ask me. You’re the one that resolves all your problems yourself. Are you mad at me asks Luz. No replies Rafa. You just don't tell me what's going on. You don't act like you need a partner. Luz says she doesn't mean to exclude him. But you do replies Rafa.

Cristobal is questioned by the police on his whereabouts. They say that she claims he is behind the disappearance. I imagine she does replies Cristobal. But I can prove that as soon as I left her house I came back here. Just ask Padre Mateo and Benito.

Camila bursts into Orlando's office and asks him why he made plans for them to move to Houston for 2 years without consulting her. Who told you that you can make decisions for me? Orlando asks her to calm down. Camila says not to tell her to calm down. He had no right to act this way. Orlando reminds her that he is her husband. You are my husband replies Camila. But not my owner. Orlando tells her not to take it like that. He just thinks it's an opportunity for a better life. Perhaps replies Camila. But the decisions should have been made by both of us. Orlando tries to defend himself, but Camila isn’t having it. She tells him that he should never had obligated himself to this contract knowing that he had to relocate for 2 years without consulting her. She is his wife. Orlando asks her to think about it. Camila says if you had come at this to me in the beginning, I probably would have done it. But not like this. I thought our relationship would be based on honesty, but I was wrong. Orlando thinks she's over-reacting. Camila says I am not. Did you know about this before we got married?

Emiliano is having lunch with an attorney on getting a divorce. He tells the attorney that he wants responsibility of the baby even though he's not the biological father. The attorney informs him that it would be difficult. You have to prove the mother is not doing what she's supposed to do. And we will not know that until the baby gets out of the hospital.

Paloma tells Rufi that she's going to see Romina and then look for an apartment. She tells Rufi that she couldn't sleep last night because she was thinking. She tells Rufi that Madeleine showed her a picture of her mother and said that Paloma looked a lot like her. Which she did admits Paloma. Rufi agrees. Paloma thinks that perhaps she's really Cristobal's daughter. Rufi asks her what she's going to do with this doubt?

Miriam runs into Angelica's office and shows her the picture the guy took of Dario accosting the ladies. Angelica is happy.

Luz and Eugenio have lunch and talk about her relationship with Rafa.

Orlando admits to Camila that he knew about moving to Houston before he married her. Camila says so you didn't tell me because you knew I would not want to go. Is that right? Yes responds Orlando. I thought that after we got married you would feel better about going. I don't know what to tell you replies Camila. I don't know what hurts me more. That you make decisions for me or that you deceived me. Orlando tells her that he understands why she's mad, but he thinks it that this is the best for them. This is the time for us to make our own lives and our kids to make their own. Please think about this. Camila says you’re not understanding me. I'm an adult and a woman used to making her own decisions. And I will not allow anyone to make them for me. Not even you. Orlando begs her to give him a chance to prove..... Prove what yells Camila. You already signed a contract. Orlando tells her she can come and go as she pleases. (Yeah right) Camila says she doesn't know what's going to happen with their marriage. She walks out.

Rafa talks to Joel about his relationship with Luz. Blah, Blah, Blah. Joel gives Rafa an invitation to his wedding and says you’re the padrino. Oh and by the way Camila is the madrina. Rafa and Camila's song plays.

Carloca yells at Romina for telling Camila about her involvement in faking the DNA results. Romina lies and says she didn't. Carloca says I'm not an idiot. So don't you ever ask me to do anything for you again. Forget that I exist. Then proceeds to insult Romina and calls her a golfa like her mother. No wonder men leave you and abandon you. So resolve yourself in being a single mother.

Eugenio is amazed at Gabe's passion for painting. They talk and Gabe asks him if their is someone who has captured his interest? Eugenio laughs and says no, but you do.

Carloca asks Rufi if she has heard anything else about Dr. Bermudez. Nothing replies Rufi. Is it true that you had nothing to do with the test results? Carloca says that's enough. Why must you all think that I am at fault for everything? Like I pay people off and do what I want to do. If that was the case then Paloma would be here sitting next to me. And also look at me with gratitude in her eyes for being the person that she is. Rufi says you just want Paloma on a tight leash. Carloca just rolls her eyes. Rufi tells Carloca that she looks pretty. She's still young enough to make a life with someone. Especially since we're leaving. Carloca gets mad and says you’re not leaving. Then changes her tone and says well while Dr. Bermudez is still missing. Anyway I only like one man. Yes replies Rufi. But that is impossible. For me there are not impossibilities replies Carloca. Rufi tells her to look for another and suggests Eugenio. He is a manly man. (I totally agree. Also I think he's sexy with those eyes and that voice!) Carloca tells Rufi to quit saying crazy things. And why would you think that? Rufi says it looks like there's an attraction.

Paloma yells at Romina wanting to know if Carloca helped her change the test results. Romina says why would you think that? Your aunt hates me. Paloma says yes she does, but is capable of doing whatever to get what she wants. And she wanted me far away from Emiliano. Do you not remember? Romina says the only thing she remembers is Carloca asking her where she got the test done and when. Paloma yells at Romina not to lie. Romina asks Paloma not to be mean to her. She has no idea what she's going through. Finding out that your husband is not the father of your child, but German. I have enough problems right now don't you think? Paloma says you know what I find more curious? That you swore you never slept with German. Remember telling me that? Romina says I never said that. You misunderstood me. Then what did you say to me asks Paloma. I told you I only slept with German once replies Romina. (Yeah probably just once that day) I felt so alone that day. Emiliano had broken up with me. Paloma says it's amazing how you explain everything to your convenience . I am sure of what you told me. I no longer believe you. Romina says I have no reason to lie to you. If your aunt changed the results, she not only lied to you. But also to Emiliano and me. That is something that we cannot forgive. Paloma isn’t buying her story and says Romina is just like her aunt Carloca. How can you align yourself to someone that does not love you? I am so glad that he can leave you know.

Carloca pays a visit to Gabe's house looking for Eugenio. She says I thought you weren't coming back. I wasn't replies Gabe. Not until Paloma came to visit me in the city. Carlota’s eyes get really wide and asks Paloma went to get you? Yes replies Gabe. And just so you know that the time we have left together, I will do my best to make her happy. Well it must not be long since your dying says Carloca. Death will come to everyone and no one knows when their time is coming. I am just more aware of mine. Carloca tells Gabe that Paloma is all to familiar with death coming to those she loves the most and asks him not to let her experience another one. I intended to replies Gabe. But Paloma convenience me on the contrary. If I didn't feel sorry for you, I would put you in your place. Well then I am saved replies Gabe. And now that we are novios...... What asks Carloca. Your novios? You’re dying! We both are conscious of that says Gabe. But she has learned to except it and deal with in even though she has experienced death all her life. I love Paloma. And I will give her the best of me until the last day of my life. Now excuse me and I'll get my father.

Emiliano tells Anamar that soon he will be free. Anamar asks what makes him happier. Divorcing Romina or being able to get Paloma? Both replies Emiliano. Now nothing stands in my way for me to get Paloma back. Then we will marry.

Carloca tells Eugenio that she doesn't not like Gabe's attitude and that he is not someone she wants for Paloma. Eugenio says I think that Paloma is great for Gabe. Carloca says I don't want her to go through another death (then don't kill anyone else) Eugenio says Paloma is aware of Gabe's condition and has accepted it. Have you never loved anyone? Carloca says she doesn't like to talk about her private life. Fine replies Eugenio. It's hard to believe that someone with your beauty and personality fell in love with someone and it did not blossom. Why do you say that asks Carloca. Don't forget I was Cristobal's lawyer replies Eugenio. Every story has 2 sides says Carloca. Well let me here yours asks Eugenio. Carloca says I came here for professional talk not personal. Too bad replies Eugenio. How can I help you? Carloca shows Eugenio the anonymous letter she received. She says someone is out to get her and wants to pin the murder of Dr. Bermudez on her. Why asks Eugenio. I don't know says Carloca. I need protection and for you to find out who is sending me those letters. Okay says Eugenio. Do you suspect someone? Yes replies Carloca. Cristobal. Eugenio promises to help her. He cannot allow anyone to hurt a beautiful woman like herself.

Madeleine is worried about Paloma and tells Cristobal. Tell her that you are her father so that we can go.

Paloma is at the church praying to God. She doesn't want to stay with her aunt Carloca anymore. She wants God to help her break her ties with Carloca. She wants Dr. Bermudez to show up and be alive. She also says that the day Gabe leaves this earth, she wants to be at his side holding him. Also for Emiliano to no longer suffer. He deserves to be happy. One last thing. Show me the path that I should take. Cristobal comes up on Paloma. He wants to talk to her about her mother and her father. Paloma wants to ask him something. She wants to do a DNA test to see if he is her father. No replies Cristobal. Because I AM your father.

Manana: Carloca informs Emiliano that Paloma and Gabe are an item


El Clon, Wed., Feb. 17 - Trouble with Tarts, Twins and Shared Teats

Jade runs into Lucas at the door of Ali's house. There is some gooey-eyed staring and Jade says that she has to leave.

We cut back and forth between soccer played by girls in Morocco who can barely run because they are covered from head to foot and have to wear pinnies too

and barely clad beach volleyball players in Miami. Dora is jealous of another woman's attentions to Osvaldo, her fiancee. Zoraida explains to Jade that the girls have to play all covered up because it is a public space and men might be watching.

In the desert, Diego tells Cristina that she had better disappear that day or he will tell his father about her.

Ali and Albieri argue about religion and values. Albieri accuses Ali of using his religion to be a tyrant over his family. Ali accuses Albieri of wanting to play God by cloning humans. Lucas comes in and apologizes for what happened the previous night. He says that he was wandering around looking at the walls and wondering why there were no frames (cuadros). I assume he means framed pictures. Ali explains that it is forbidden in Islam to make images of things God has created because to do so would be like comparing themselves to God. Lucas is confused.

Dora tells Osvaldo that he has an appointment at the fertility clinic. He doesn't want to go and Dora screams that it is over between them.

Lucas finds out where Jade is and gets her to follow him to a secluded place. Then they waste their precious time together playing hide and seek. Finally, they get to speak to one another. They find out that they are both from Miami. Jade says that she feels like a stranger in Morocco but if it is her destiny to live here. she will accept it. She also tells Lucas that was happened the previous night was destiny. Lucas replies that he can't stop thinking of her. He takes her hand and they almost kiss but Jade pulls away saying that it is a sin.

Only her husband can touch her. Lucas is astonished to learn that she has never been kissed or had a boyfriend. They exchange names. Jade tells Lucas a story about how finding a piece of jade saved her mother from being killed when lightning struck a tree. She says that is why she is named Jade and why she always wears that jade and believes that it protects her. Then they hear Zoraida calling for Jade and she leaves but not before Lucas tells her how to reach him and that he is going to leave Morocco soon.

In a bar, Dora tells her friend Vicki (played by the actress who was Victorino Perez' real mother on Victorinos) about her problems with Osvaldo. He arrives and tells Dora that he will go to the fertility clinic. They dance.

Back in the desert, Diego tries to instill doubts about Cristina in his father without telling him what actually happened. This doesn't work, of course. Leonardo tells Diego that Cristina makes him happy and that's all he cares about.

Later, Cristina comes to Diego's room. She first tries to talk him out of telling his father and when that doesn't work, she offers herself to him in a bizarre lace bodysuit. That doesn't work either and he throws her out.

Cristina may be a bimbo but she is a smart bimbo at least about keeping her sugar daddy. The next morning she weepily tells Leonardo that Diego has been after her to sleep with him since she arrived in Morocco. Leonardo is furious. He and Cristina follow Diego back to Fez to confront him.

Jade calls Lucas on the phone, ostensibly to tell him not to bother her again but she weakens when he begs to see her before he leaves Morocco forever. Diego comes in during this conversation. Lucas tells Diego that he has met a girl. Diego can't believe that Lucas did this without his help. He wants to meet the girl but Lucas tells him to stay away from her.

Dora implores God to give her a baby.

Jade has learned her Koran lesson for Ali. She tells Ali that she wants to be completely covered. Ali is perplexed but gives his permission. Jade drags one of the servants to the market. Meanwhile Latifa's fiancee, his brother Mohammed and sister Nazira have arrived at Ali's. In her black outfit (with a lot of her hair showing), Jade drags the servant to Lucas' hotel.

The evil Nazira tells Ali that Latifa and Said had the same wet nurse. This apparently makes them siblings under Islamic law and they can't marry.

Mohammed has an idea. He will marry Latifa since they don't have a wet nurse in common. Nazira has another idea - Jade should marry Said. Ali is ok with this since Jade will be able to go back to the US.

At the hotel, Jade is looking for Lucas and Leonardo and Cristina are looking for Diego. Inevitably, Jade finds Diego thinking that he is Lucas.

The credits roll.


Sortilegio - Wed Feb 17 - El Gran Final

At the jail, Lisette tells Maura how Ale was attacked in the armored car and that Bruno is a fugitive and the police are looking for him.

At Casa Lombardo the detective is telling Ale that Maura has confessed to all. Maura helped kidnap MJ, along with Dr Kruguer, Bruno, and Elena. Why is Ale looking so shocked? Ale says then that Useless didn't have any thing to do with it. Roberto asks if the police have news of Bruno. The Police think he is with Erick.

Lisette, at her house has a visitor. Erick! Erick comes in all smiley and has come looking for Maura. Lisette yells to him that Maura is in jail because of the kidnapping, the money transfer and even the assassination of Useless. Erick loses his smile. Lisette says he should know more than she does and Erick says no, and excuses himself.

Ale and MJ are going to their bedroom. Ale is tell MJ that Maura was obsessed and could not see reality. That Bruno took advantage of a puppet and you see what happened. She is in jail, while Bruno is a fugitive. I can't believe he is defending her. Ale goes on to say that what hurts most is his mother, and that when they find Bruno they will have to wait many years for him to get out. MJ says she is sorry for her also, but for Bruno jail is probably the only thing that can stop him, and maybe he will reflect and repent all he has done. Ale says he is tired and MJ kisses him and says they will sleep in each others arms.

Fernando tells Irene that he is really grateful now that he has recovered and likes her but he does not love her.

Felipe is telling Victoria that she can't spend every day thinking about Bruno, and her phone rings. Guess who? Bruno. Victoria asks where he is. Bruno says he is in a pigsty, in a barn in the middle of f****** nowhere, without food, without water. Bruno tells her he is h*ll. Bruno needs her help, he needs money. Bruno does not want to rot in jail. It would be better if he was killed. I don't know if that meant some kills him or he kills himself.
Victoria does not want him to talk like that and says ok. Felipe asks what does he want. Victoria says Bruno wants money to leave the country.

MJ talking to Ale says Victoria is going to the bank so that Bruno can get away? Ale says yes. She is to go in a taxi alone, then he will go. MJ crys and says no, no the beach is lonely and anything can happen. Ale tells her to stay calm that he has a gun that he will be careful and he loves her.

On the beach behind some trees Bruno and Erick are waiting and they see Victoria walking towards them. Erick asks if she came alone and what if she called the police. Bruno says she will do what he asked and tells Erick he is an idiot. Victoria runs to Bruno and says she brought what he asked. She came in a taxi that she left on the highway, and before she came she went to the bank. Victoria says he should give himself up, and says how can he leave the country all the borders are alerted, do you have a passport. Bruno doesn't have a passport. Erick watches. Bruno says he will cross the river. Can you imagine the son of Senor Lombardo crossing the border as a peon all because you preferred Ale. Not the one you gave birth to. You always preferred him. Bruno goes on to tell of all the things he did not get like MJ the Presidency etc. Victoria tries to reason with him. Ale show up on the scene. Ale tells Bruno to kill him if that is what it is going to take for his family to have peace. Victoria begs no they are brothers. Bruno says Ale is not his brother. Bruno pulls out his gun. Ale says do it you have already tried two times. Victoria is crying on her knees and Bruno kicks her away.
Bruno tells Ale to kneel down and say good by as he has the gun on Ales forehead. Commercial.

Ale knocks the gun away and they fight and now Ale on top of Bruno has a gun in Bruno's face. Bruno is scared. Ale yells that Bruno listen good or he swears he will kill him. Ale wants to leave, get out of their lives. Ale swears he will kill him if he tries to raise his weapon. Ale swears it for his son. Ale tells Bruno to get up. Bruno carefully gets up at picks his gun up saying it is his only option to leave the country. Bruno picks up the bag of money and carefully starts walking away. Bruno sees a sand bank and drops behind it and shoots Ale in the arm.
Ale is behind an over turned boat that is conveniently left on this lonely beach. Bruno realizes that he has no bullets and tells Ale to drop his weapon and they will settle this as two men. Ale drops his gun and they run to each other and fight in the surf. Finally a break in dialog! They choke each other. Ale is drowning Bruno, pulls him up to hit him again then drowns him again. Victoria runs into the water and asks that Ale release him but Ale can't help himself and keeps holding Bruno under the water. Victoria pulls at Ale, and Ale finally quits. Victoria tries to hold Bruno. Ale gets Victoria off of Bruno and carries her out of the water. It looks like Bruno may have swallow too much water, he is floating, but Bruno turns over coughing and then runs to Ale's gun that was dropped. Ale shields Victoria with his body. Bruno aims the gun at Ale and we hear gun shots and Bruno falls. We see Erick shooting Bruno. Victoria runs to Bruno and Erick runs for the money bag and runs away. Victoria is crying over Bruno, and now Ale is crying 'no, my brother, no' over Bruno while hugging him.

They have a funeral for Bruno.

Months later...

MJ, Paula and Pedro are visiting Elena. Elena says she doesn't have the words to ask for forgiveness for all she has done. Paula says the keep the talk short. MJ scolds, but Elena says Paula is right.
MJ says everyone makes mistakes. Elena says that some are more serious. Elena thanks them for coming. She actually thought she would never see them again. MJ asks her why. Elena says that Sandra did not get along with Jorge so she sent her to Spain and that is where she lost her. Pedro says she was your daughter, you could have returned her to me. Elena says many years had passed. Pedro says he would have cared and loved her. Sandra says she doesn't doubt it but things did not occur like that and she is paying for her errors and she accepts it. MJ says that she will always be their mother and that she will visit when she can. Pedro tells the girls to say good by cause he would like to talk to Elena. MJ kisses her goodby and Paula turns her back on her and walks out. Pedro takes a step towards Elena.

At casa Lombardo Victoria is telling Fernando, which I think he would know already that Ale and MJ are building a house on the beach. Fer says that is nice but he doesn't want her to be alone. Victoria tells him it is a vacation house, besides it is the law of life. Victoria asks about him and Irene. Fer tells her it didn't work out. Victoria says it is a pity. Fer tells Victoria that she can't plan his life and there is no point in discussing it.

Elena tells Pedro how much she regrets hurting him. Always, Pedro was a good man, and she never deserved him. Elena says nothing was sufficient for her. Look at how low she has fallen. She tells Pedro he should be shamed for loving some one like her. Pedro says he does not feel shame and neither does he keep a grudge.
Pedro says it was an error to think they could have a life together. It wasn't her fault or his. He has is daughters which is what he always wanted. We need to each walk our own road. Elena tells him he deserves to be happy.
Elena lets a tear fall.

Paula and Gabe are hold hands. I think she likes him much better now.

Ale visits Maura in jail. Maura tries to get closer but she backs off and asks for forgiveness. Ale says he forgives her and that it doesn't please him to see her in this place. All is forgotten. Good by. Ale leaves. Maura says good by my love, forever. I don't get it.

In bed Ale tells MJ that Maura should have known they were done, and he feels sorry for her, and that MJ should be certain that he did not send her love. Is that right? They tell each other they love each other.

A week later.. Victoria book has been released and Vitoria and Fer are walking on the beach. Fer asks her to read a poem out of the book. I can't translate the poem very well. It was about love in the hand the one did not dare touch and because of age withdrew the hand for him. Victoria tells Fer to read all of the poems because in every word and every silence he is there. Fer tells her he loves her and Victoria walks away.

Ale and MJ are talking about the baptism of the children. Ale says that they can get married in the church at any time. MJ see had been hoping that Fer and Victoria would reconcile so they could be the God parents but that it has not been successful.

Three months later Roberto and Victoria are picking up Rachel from rehab. Rachel looks happy.

Then we have a wedding. It looks like some kind of indigenous wedding. Maybe someone can explain here.

It looks like maybe the beach house that Ale and MJ were building when Fer comes jet skiing in and tells Victoria that he is going to live? there and is telling Victoria not to be so stubborn and accept. Victoria accepts.

No we are having a church wedding where the whole town was invited. Bells ringing. Pedro walks MJ down the aisle. They accept each other and then they all sing a song including the bride and groom. Then they are announced married. Maybe some one can explain the song. Then they have dancing where we see Katia, Rachel, Roberto and all dancing.

We now see the honeymoon. It is about time. I think they said some love words but I got caught up in the nice visuals and did not hear a word.

El Fin de Sortilegio.


Dinero 2/16: Barbara nobly fills in the absent slot

Here's what dear Barbara wrote for us. Great recap, Barbara!

I watched most of the show last night and made a few notes but since I don't currently have the ability to record the show and go back to fill in the holes or my misunderstandings, please do not think too poorly of the following and please fill in or correct as needed. Also, I am not sure of all the characters names as I have been only seeing parts of the show on Tues and Thursday night and filling in with the recaps on the other nights. So after all my disclaimers, here goes.

--Missed the first 7 minutes. Hopefully was a rehash of the end of yesterday's show. I come in on a scene where Ale and Rafa are arguing about sale methods. Her methods don't work for Rafa and he is unable to sell any cars. Ale of course just says he's incompetent and then starts railing against him for insulting Marco about his treatment of Ale. Her relationship is none of Rafa's business!

--Scene with Julieta and other kids (young adults) at a table outside. A guy pulls away some books and they start chanting "reveton" over and over. I got distracted and totally did not get this scene.

--Flashback to Ale and Rafa. Rafa says if he had a woman that was as great, wonderful, intelligent, beautiful, (or at least that is what he meant) as her--he would never let her take the taxi to work or live off of her. He would want to take care of her and treat her like a queen she is. For a second, Ale seems wistful, bemused, touched. Then she throws him out of her office, laughing at his torn pants as he turns to leave.

--Next we see Ale and Marco talking. Ale is telling Marco that Rafa has sold nothing. Marco says he will pick Ale up tonight but he may be delayed because he has a meeting with the aseguradora (insurer?). He of course is with Chavez. And, surely he is meeting with some hot new babe Chavez introduces to him--Karen Sandoval.

--Rafa is stapling his pants together while talking to Jaime on the phone. He is lamenting his lack of sales, how he wants to pay Ale the money he owes and how his sister and mother depend on him. What is going to happen to them if he goes to jail? Unbeknownst to him, Ale has approached him from behind and looks as if she feels bad for him. When Rafa gets off the phone she calls him into her office and shouts at him that she is giving him one more chance. But someone who gets one more chance--when should he get a day off? Never! He needs to work all the time including the and THIS weekend. Rafa swallows hard and agrees.

--Now another long telephone conversation with Rafa and Vicky where he tries to explain to her why he has to work and why he cannot keep their date this weekend. She of course goes ballistic. She repeat the assertion she has made before--"YES, I would rather see you in jail! At least would know where you are and that you are not around other women." Rafa actually says that if Vicki cannot be more supportive that he doesn't know if their relationship can work. More crying and screaming and Vicky say ADIOS! (Oh if I could only believe it).

--Susana has gotten the pen Ale wanted for Marco. Ale is happy, loves Marco. Susana is doubtful but says Ale is beautiful. Marco calls Ale. He is delayed at his meeting. He is discussing investments he is being shown. He'll be there soon.
Next scene, he and Karen Sandoval are getting to know each other. He's a lawyer, single. She's divorced but looking. He caresses her thigh and appreciates her bikini clad look.

--Next work calls me so I'm trying to get what I can. Several scenes of Jorge and his friend being driven around by another friend? Don't know who--but the big issue is that Jorge cannot direct them to his house and I think we are in suspense as to whether he will find home and get there while Marco, Chavez and all the party-harty people are there. Is this right?

--Last scenes: Many at Auto Siglo want to go out drinking. They pressure those that really don't want to go including Rafa. Later we see them dancing, enjoying themselves. Someone from Auto Siglo says put it on Rafa's account! Rafa hears this and this time actually blows a gasket. He and Medina get into a verbal pissing war. A bet is made. Please someone explain it to me. Is seems that Medina needs to sell three cars while Rafa sells one. Whoever loses, loses their hair?????


El Clon 2-16: In Olden Days A Glimpse of Stocking ...

Greetings, friends. I’ll be recapping El Clon on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Jean will take the rest of the week. I’m at a bit of a disadvantage in that my TV carries CC-1 and CC-2, but not CC-3 which has the English. Plus I foolishly did not record tonight’s show, a mistake I will not repeat. I understood most of tonight’s cap, but certain scenes went completely over my head. Additions and corrections are always welcome.

In the women’s quarters, Jade and Lucas lock eyes, and for them, the rest of the world is invisible. Would that they were invisible to the rest of the world. In response to the noise, the men come in to find out what the fuss is. Albieri hustles Lucas out of the house quickly. Ali takes charge of Jade. When she protests that she did nothing wrong, he smacks her, and tells her he’ll come to talk to her in a little while. When the three women are alone, Zoraida tries to counsel Jade to hold her tongue and learn to disimular (conceal, disguise her feelings), IOW lie. Most of all, she must not confront Ali, and she must not defend herself to him.

Back at the hotel, Leo orders Diego to apologize to Bimbo. Diego protests – I had reasons you don’t know. Leo wants to hear those reasons (while Bimbo looks on), but Diego says he’s not ready.

Ali comes in and reads Jade the riot act. It’s a crime to exhibit yourself. Jade insists she did nothing wrong. Ali reminds her that the prime directive of Islam is to surrender your will (someone please correct me if I got this wrong; I wouldn’t want anybody to misquote the central tenants of my faith, and I don’t want to misquote anyone else’s). Jade begs to be allowed to return to the US, but it falls on deaf ears. (I think) he tells her it’s not an issue of where you are, but whether you keep the rules of our faith. He says that if she doesn’t know good from bad, it is not the fault of her environment, that she is responsible for herself. Women who are not appropriately modest get locked inside, away from public eyes, until they die. I think Zoraida said she could be executed for her crime. Ali orders Jade to memorize the portion of Koran that he has marked, and he will test her on it tomorrow.

Meanwhile, Albieri briefs Lucas on the severity of his crime. I’m sorry, most of this when over my head. Can anyone fill in?

Back at the hotel, Lucas tries to apologize to Diego for locking him in his room, but justifies it because Diego was out of control. Diego tells him to get lost. I guess I’m with Diego on this one. I’ve never put much stock in the “I’m sorry, but..” brand of apologies.

Back at Albieri’s clinic in Miami, Luisa, Albieri’s assistant, is briefing her manicurist, who is there for fertility screening. We find out that the woman is healthy and fertile, and there is no reason she can’t conceive. The doctor suggests that her partner should get screened. Luisa takes a call from Albieri, and goes to his office to speak to him in private. She gushes about how she has arranged everything the way he likes it, while Albieri just tries to get her off the phone. After he hangs up on her, the woman doctor counsels Luisa to give up; that her rival is a woman who has been dead for 20 years, and Albieri will never notice anyone else. The doctor warns that hanging on to one-sided love for years will embitter her. (BTW, in last night’s Los Exitosos Perez, Tomas warned that hanging on to one-sided love is like an addiction. Too bad other novela characters don’t catch on to those warnings, but then how could the writers fill up 200 cap’s?)

Diego asks Al-B what he thinks of Bimbo. Al-B says that she’s tonta (foolish) and she likes his power. Diego insists that is not the right woman for his dad, and asks, “Do you think she’s an aventura (perhaps ‘gold-digger’?)?” Diego doesn’t really answer, so the doctor concludes Diego just doesn’t like seeing his dad remarry. Al-B coaxes Diego to let his dad enjoy some company at this stage in life.

Luke is in a daze, mooning over Jade. Jade is supposed to be memorizing her verses, but she can’t concentrate. Zoraida brings her a Koran in Spanish. Then cousin Latifa comes in, and Jade talks about that man who watched her dancing. She said it’s as if she knew him all her life, or else that she was destined to know him for the rest of her life. Latifa, for her part, is excited to meet her fiancé.

As for the marriage arrangements, much of this went over my head.

Two brothers arrive at the house, short Muhammad dressed in yellow, and taller Zaid dressed in white. They are accompanied by a woman identifies as their sister, which raises eyebrows. I didn’t catch her name, so I’ll call her Bessie. We can’t tell which of the brothers is the suitor, but apparently neither can Zoraida. Zoraida warns Latifa to be careful about everything she does when she meets the men, and especially do not seem too eager. Men like to feel as if they have won (conquistar) the woman. Latifa brings out dessert and makes quite an impression on the brothers. After a few minutes, Ali dismisses her. When the men are alone, Zaid says that he approves, and the men start to bargain over the marriage contract. It comes out that Zaid will soon return to the US to operate his business. Ali refers to Latifa as his niece??

Bessie is in the women’s quarters with Latifa and Zoraida, and also Ali’s two wives and a few young children. The third wife isn't there because she had a baby yesterday. Bessie thought Ali had four wives, but one died last year. With that, she starts calculating how she can become that fourth wife. Latifa, Zoraida, and Jade quietly discuss their opinion of the pushy Bessie; it's not good. Bessie asks Latifa’s reaction to Zaid getting other wives. Latifa starts to protest, “I won’t allow it,” but then she catches herself and disimilates, saying “Well, I’ll always be the first wife.” Jade is surprised that men can have several wives, but Latifa thinks it’s great that they are limited to four wives. Peachy.

Back at the hotel, Diego again tries to talk to his dad, but Bimbo arrives and puts the kibosh on that. In Miami, the manicurist from the fertility testing is in a nightclub, and she seductively entices a man to dance with her. I missed a lot of what was said between them. Help, anyone? She tells him that she’s plenty fertile, so the problem must be him. This somehow leads to her accusing him of lying to her, and she thinks perhaps he’s married (?).

Scene shifts to the desert, where Leo, Bimbo, and Diego go out for a camel ride. The shadows tell us it’s about noon. I thought only mad dogs and Englishmen went out in the noonday sun. Diego gets Bimbo aside and tells her to leave and never come back, or he will tell his father what a whore she is.

Back in town, Al-B has taken Lucas to Ali’s house to apologize. Al-B excuses himself to go warm up Ali to the idea. He leaves Lucas in the foyer and orders him to not move. Latifa and Zoraida go outside so Latifa can practice soccer – she says men like women who know about soccer. They holler for Jade to hurry and join them. A few moments later Jade follows, but then Lucas sees her in the foyer. Once again their eyes lock; once again the world disappears.

Tomorrow: Zaid and Muhammad wonder about this marriage contract – if they take two wives (i.e. Jade), can they get a volume discount?


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