Friday, February 26, 2010

El Clon, Fri., Feb. 26 - Forget the bridal shower. In Morocco, after the bride gets her virginity certificate, her friend wax her

We open at Ali's house where Lucas is introduced to Said as Jade's future husband. In addition to Jade, Latifa and Zoraida are also there. When Ali says to Lucas that he would be invited to the wedding if he were going to be in Morocco at that time, Lucas says, 'We'll see about that (Eso está por verse).' Zoraida and Jade are in agony and everyone else is oblivious. Lucas corrects himself by saying that if he were invited, he would stay. Ali replies that Lucas' father needs him and he has to return to the States. While she goes to get tea, Zoraida prays that no misfortune falls on the house before Lucas goes home.

Osvaldo brings Dora a present of tiny football shoes and asks when they are going to the doctor. Dora tells him that there isn't any point in him going to the doctor, he's sterile. She is going to get artificially inseminated. She says that Sylvia will chose a donor who is just like him. Idiot Osvaldo goes ballistic and accuses Dora of betraying him by having a child with another man.

Said leaves. Ali tells Jade and Latifa that they are blessed by having such good future husbands. Latifah asks why Jade has such a gloomy face. She should be happy. Ali tells Lucas that he has bought Lucas' ticket back to the States.

Dora tries to explain about artificial insemination to Osvaldo. He either doesn't understand how AI works or is such a macho idiot that he is jealous of an anonymous sperm. Once again, Osvaldo leaves. He goes to the church and blows out the flame on his giant candle but then changes his mind. Meanwhile, Dora is telling her girlfriends, Vicki and Norma, about how Osvaldo thinks he is being cheated on by a sperm donor. Norma agrees with Osvaldo and Dora accuses her of wanting Osvaldo for herself. They have a spat and Norma leaves. Dora tells Vicki that she thinks Norma put a spell on Osvaldo so he won't understand AI.

Meanwhile Cristina is still trying to phone Leo. Leo is practically catatonic.

Ali tells Lucas that after the wedding, he will return to the States with Latifa and her husband.

Latifa tells Jade that she should be happy with her rich fiance who buys her nice presents. Jade says that Latifa can have Said and all his presents. Latifa mentions that on Thursday, they have to get their virginity certificates. Having thrown her bonnet over the windmill as they used to say, now Jade asks Latifa about what happens if a girl isn't a virgin when she marries. Latifa cheerily answers that letting a man touch a woman before marriage is the worst sin and the only way a family can be free of the sin is to kill the woman. Uh oh.

Albieri returns from the funeral and finds that Luisa has taken her things and gone.

Luisa is telling Sylvia about how awful it was to kiss Albieri and feel that he wasn't there. She thought Albieri cared for her. Sylvia doesn't mince words. She asks if Luisa thought that Albieri cared for her because he let her clean his house, take his laundry to the cleaners and be at his beck and call 24 hours a day?

Enrique tries to get Leo to go on a trip or do something to get past his grief. He suggests the comfort of faith. Leo says that he has enough things driving him crazy without religion. Leo overhears Rosa telling Enrique how Leo let Cristina poison his mind against Diego and how she tried calling Cristina's house when Diego announced his plan to fly solo to Daytona but Leo wouldn't answer the phone.

Cristina and Vicki are in church waiting for a priest to say mass for Diego. Cristina says that since she can't get through to Leo by phone, she will camp outside his house until he talks to her. Then she has an idea. Albieri will help her. He is a good friend of Leo and he approved of their relationship. Vicki recalls that Albieri is Dora's doctor, which gives Cristina a way to reach him.

Luisa comes in to see Albieri who is looking at a picture of Diego. Luisa says that she is leaving to go back to 'her country' to visit her family. She starts to leave and out of the blue, Albieri asks her to marry him. She agrees but he doesn't want her to touch him. He says that he cares about her a lot but doesn't love her. Luisa doesn't care. In fact, she tells Sylvia that she always knew that Albieri did love her but wouldn't admit to himself. Albieri tells Julio that asking Luisa to marry him was the only way out of the situation that he felt responsible for. Julio says that this is the perfect solution for someone who likes to torment himself and feels guilty about everything.

Ali tells Lucas about the marriage contract that is drawn up for Muslim weddings. According to the internet, the arabic name of this is Aqd Nikah. Ali's says that Islam is better than the west in this respect because the contract details the responsibilities of the parties if they separate. Lucas asks if Latifa could marry a non-Muslim. He notes that Ali has lived in the world and might not think like everyone here. Ali says that he is a either a Muslim wherever he is or he's not a Muslim. Nice try Lucas.

Lucas sneaks a chat with Jade. Jade says that he may not see her again. What she did was haraam, a big sin and she will be punished. She asks why she couldn't have met him in the US. Lucas says that he tried to talk to Ali but he couldn't. He will ask Albieri to do it. He also asks Jade to dance for him in the ruins.

Latifa finds Zoraida watching the racy video of the novela. She tells Zoraida that she has to watch to learn how to drive Mohammed crazy on their their wedding night. They watch it together.

Jade is not happy as she, Latifa and Zoraida head for the virginity check. Zoraida asks if she has done something stupid. Yup. But she denies it to Zoraida. They run into Nazira who tells them that the inheritance that Said is in Cairo to get is more than they expected. Latifa says that she and Jade have brought their husband's luck. Cattily, Nazira says that her brothers have brought Jade and Latifa luck and she hopes they can keep their husbands since they don't follow all the customs. Latifa says that Nazira will eat her words when she sees their virginity certificates. Jade looks miserable. At the clinic, Latifa emerges with her certificate. Jade is next. Once again, Zoraida asks Jade if she did something stupid.

Cristina shows up outside Leo's house. The guards (what is it with the capri pants on the guards? Not a good look with the boots and socks) tell her Leo isn't home. She says that she will wait.

Jade dodges a bullet. The doctor was Italian, took pity on her and gave her a virginity certificate.

Dora tells Vicki that she is starting the pregnancy treatment the next day. Osvaldo comes in with a suitcase. He and Dora go outside and he tells her that he is going to Mexico because he doesn't want to stick around and see her have somebody else's baby. He suggests they adopt. Dora can't believe he would be willing to be the father of some random kid but not her own child. She says that she would give up anything for him but not her child. He leaves.

Latifa is bouncing off the walls at the prospect of being married. Jade learns another tradition of the Muslim wife. She has to be waxed every 20 days for her husband [a full Brazilian or what?] "Whatever (me da igual)," says Jade. [What about leaving women the way Allah made them - with hair?]

Latifa gets waxed for the first time. Ouch.

Jade slips away from the waxing party to meet Lucas. She takes off her black robe and veils and is in a spiffy black and silver dancing outfit. Lucas says that when they are old, he will always remember this moment and what she wore. She dances for him while Zoraida put henna designs on Latifa and she puts on the jewelry that Mohammed gave her.

Lucas tells Jade that he loves her and he's not going to lose her. He will confront anyone: her uncle; her fiance, anyone but he won't let her go. Jade reminds him that he has to leave the next day and this might be the last time that she sees him. Lucas swears to Jade that he will come back in a week for her.

Latifa comes down in her wedding dress with the women in the house ululating [according to the internet, the Arabic word for the celebratory noise that the women are making is: zaghareet.]

Ali asks Allah to bless her with many children. When she has gone, Ali tell Zoraida that he is concerned for Jade. He asks Zoraida if she knows if Jade has spoken again with the foreigner. Zoraida says no. Ali says that he shouldn't have postponed the wedding. Zoraida says that after tomorrow, there is no need to worry and then realizes her blunder. Ali asks why tomorrow? Zoraida says that Latifa will leave and so will the foreigner. Ali does not ask how she knows this. He says that Jade is as clever as a woman can be so it is better to take precautions. He asks to see Jade.

Cristina steps in front of Leo's car as he is leaving the house.

With Lucas present, Ali tells Jade that she will go to the US with Latifa and her husband (and Lucas) until her fiancee returns. She will be better protected there. Jade is overjoyed and does not hide it at all. Ali should be suspicious.

The credits roll.


En Nombre del Amor, February 26, 2010

Discussion post for the Friday ENDA episode.


En Nombre del Amor, February 25, 2010--An Abundance of Broken Records

Paloma and Rufi are at a fancy restaurant discussing Carlota. Pal can’t believe Rufi’s assertion that Carlota had a copy made of Inaki’s ring (duh, wasn’t she just yelling at Carlota the other day for all the bad things she’s done to her?). Pal mentions that Rufi isn’t the only one who doubts Carlota--Eugenio was asking her where Carlota was the day Alonso was killed. Pal thinks Carlota was in Mexico City, so Rufi points out that that’s just what Carlota says, who knows where she really was. Pal asks Rufi if she thinks Carlota had something to do with Alonso’s death. Yes, Rufi replies.

Eugenio talks with Gabriel about how Carlota could have used belladonna to kill Inaki--in small doses it’s a muscle relaxant, but too much and it can cause death and can look like a heart attack. Gabe concludes that Carlota could have killed Inaki with belladonna since his death was supposedly caused by a heart attack. Eugenio says he ordered an investigation to see if Carlota buys herbs in Pachuca and to find out what hospital she was in when Alonso died. Euge thinks there’s something strange about Alonso killing himself the way he did--there’s something more going on here and he’s going to find out what.

Cris and Madeleine have joined Rufi and Pal. Pal announces her plans to marry Gabe in a couple weeks. Rufi looks shocked and asks Pal if she’s sure--Pal says “of course”. She and Gabe want Cris to marry them. They’re going to live in Mexico City, so Maddy says she and Rufi will move there and live together to be near them. Cris isn’t sure where he’ll end up now that he’s a priest again, but he knows he doesn’t want to be stuck in Real del Monte near Crazylota.

Speaking of Her Craziness, she’s at home on the stairs hearing voices saying “Killer, killer!” She yells that she’s not a murderer, she didn’t kill them--you made me do it!

A man arrives at Diana’s house and tells her that her house is being seized and she has to leave today. She cries and pleads while the movers come in and start taking the furniture out.

Camila is crying too--she’s walking down the street and runs into Rafael. She’s upset about Romina (Broken Record #1) and doesn’t understand how this could be happening with Romi and her grandson. Rafa hugs her and says he’ll always be there for her if she needs him.

Angelica is seeing Orlando off. She wants him to find someone to take her place there (Houston) and in RdM--she betrayed her friend Camila and she can’t work for him anymore. Orly seems to think it’s no big deal (Broken Record #2) if Cami doesn’t know what happened, as it was just one night. Ange is still ashamed because she felt a lot of love for him, and she wishes she had been loved in return (Broken Record #3).

Emiliano states his case to his lawyer about getting custody of Bernardo because Romi is a terrible mother and wants to put the baby up for adoption. Just then Cami calls and asks Emil to give her a few days--she and Romi are bringing the baby home and she wants to see if that will result in a love connection between mother and child. Emil agrees, but if Romi doesn’t get with the program, he’s going to initiate his petition for custody.

Diana sits outside her house amidst all the furniture and sobs “this can’t be happening to me, it’s the worst humiliation ever, I don’t deserve this” (Broken Record #4). A couple of ladies walk by and laugh at her and she yells at them to leave while crying some more.

Diana tries phoning Ines but she isn’t home.

Natalia and Yvonne discuss the situation with Dr. B.--he’s doing ok but still hasn’t regained consciousness. Nat is anxious for him to wake up and recover so they can prove Carlota was responsible. Yvonne thinks Nat is an angel for taking care of Dr. B. despite the threat of the Purple Menace discovering them. Nat replies that Eugenio is protecting her, and Dr. B. is a witness protected by the law in that he can prove that Carlota is a killer.

Diana looks for Emil at his hotel but he’s not there. She runs into Anamar in the lobby and asks her to tell Emil that she was kicked out of her house and doesn’t have anywhere to go, boo-hoo-hoo.

Cris is back in his priestly duds, getting ready to give his first mass since being reinstated. He prays and thanks God for this new opportunity, for bringing him his daughter and mother. He seems to refer to the “Footprints” poem--at one time he felt God had abandoned him, but when he looked back he saw footprints so he knew that God was carrying him. Padre Benito comes in and Cris asks if he’s sure that he should give the mass. Padre B. answers yes, and trust in the good hearts of the townspeople.

Anamar and Emil meet up outside the church to attend the mass. She informs Emil about Di’s situation and that she let Di stay in her room. He says he won’t abandon her but he’s still ticked off at her.

Rafa tells Joel about his breakup with Luz and that he still loves Camila.

At the church, the only parishioners present are Rufi, Gabe, Pal, Emil and Anamar. Oh, and Carlota, who gloats and skulks in the back while thinking to herself that she succeeded in making everyone in town realize that Cris is not a worthy priest and that they shouldn’t follow him. Padres Benito, Mateo and Juan Cristobal come out for the mass. When Cris sees that almost no one is there, he starts to say something to Benito (as though he thinks they’re making a mistake in letting him return), but Benito stops him and tells him to have faith. Then, as Cris is about to begin, the whole town suddenly files in carrying candles. Carlota is up in the balcony (?? not sure if that’s the correct term . . . is it the choir loft?) thinking “Que the heck? Have these people lost their minds?” Looks like she’s starting to get nervous.

Before Cris starts, Emil asks if he can go up and say a few words. He welcomes Cris back, saying they see him as an example to follow. Some people (Gossip Guy and his wife are looking down guiltily) pointed fingers at you, but if we’re all here today it’s because we believe in you. Gossip Guy gets up and asks to say a few words too; he admits they tattled on Cris and begs for his forgiveness. He and his wife throw themselves at Cris’s feet but Cris says no, don’t kneel, and then welcomes them into God’s house. After they return to their seats, Cris talks about how he was afraid that the townspeople wouldn’t accept him or forgive him. He’s says they’ve shown him the kindness of their hearts and the love which they’re capable of; only one who truly loves can forgive and forget. Everyone stands and claps while Carlota glares at him from the balcony.

At the hospital, Cami asks Romi if she regrets getting married. Romi says no, Emil is the love of my life (Broken Record #5). Romi thinks it’s Pal’s fault that the marriage didn’t work, but Cami doesn’t think so--she believes they still would have ended up like this even if Pal wasn’t in the picture. Romi goes up another notch on the crazymeter as she emphatically states that Emil never would have left her. Then she tries to turn the tables by asking Cami if she regrets marrying Orly. The nurse comes out and says they can take the baby now; Romi volunteers to go get the car and flounces off, leaving Cami to go fetch the baby.

Cris ends the mass, but before everyone leaves, he wants to tell them something very important. Because of the trial they know about his past with Macarena, but what they don’t know is that he has a daughter. Carlota starts to flip out, hissing “Don’t you dare!” The congregation is all atwitter. He asks Pal to come up (in slo-mo) and hopes everyone will accept her as the daughter of a priest, because she was created from the purest love that he lived with a great woman, her mother. Carlota is really mad now and practically has purple smoke streaming out of her ears.

Eugenio is on the phone with Efraín, who reports his findings that the Crazy One regularly bought belladonna at the Pachuca market and that she was at a hospital in Pachuca, not Mexico City like she claimed, where she was admitted to emergency for poisoning. Euge hangs up and says, “Carlota, you’re a murderer. How can I desire a woman like you, how?”

Outside the church, Cris thanks Emil for his little speech. Emil spots Pal with Gabe and says for the millionth time that he thinks he lost her. Cris says something like you never know, life has lots of twists and turns.

Emil goes up to Pal and says he’s happy for her that Cris is her dad. Of course, the conversation soon turns to the same topic as always, their tragically doomed love (Broken Record #6).

Rufi chats with Gabe about the upcoming nuptials and how they’re all going to move to Mexico City. He’s all smiley and happy, and the music is all peppy, which tells me that there’s an anvil nearby, hanging by a thread.

Back to Emil and Pal--oh, do we have to?--and Emil’s mopey “what ifs” and “if onlys” and Pal’s musings on destiny putting an end to their love. Emil hopes she’s happy and that she’s staying with Gabe because it’s what her heart really wants, even though his (Emil's) poor little heart is breaking.

Inside the church, Carlota barges in on Cris and yells at him for revealing that Pal is his daughter and pretends that she’s worried that people will persecute Pal as a result. Cris thinks today proved that Good always wins. He points out that Carlota didn’t get what she wanted because Pal is leaving town and he returned to the church; the truth is out now and there are no more secrets, so there’s nothing tying us together. Not only that, soon I won’t have to see you, because I’m going to ask for a transfer. Carlota responds with "we’ll see about that." Cris asks why doesn’t she just confess everything she has done, his God will forgive her. Carlota insists that she doesn’t need anyone’s forgiveness, especially not God’s, who has been so unfair to her.

Ange cries on the phone to her friend Miriam about her sad love life. She had hoped Orly would say something to her before leaving--that she was important to him, that he loved her. Miriam thinks it was just a one night stand for Orly. Ange laments that she still hasn’t learned her lesson (Broken Record #See above).

At the airport, Orly remembers his makeout session with Ange and thinks maybe if Camila wasn’t in his life, he would go for Ange, but shucks, he’s married. He doesn’t know if he should tell Cami or not because he doesn’t want to lose her.

Eugenio is waiting for Carlota outside her house when she arrives home (she claims she was out for a walk and wasn’t at Cris’s mass); he needs to speak with her.

Cami asks Romi if she wants to hold the baby, but of course she doesn’t want to. She whines at her mom to give her time and not to lecture her. After Romi leaves the room, Cami tells the baby that his mother will grow to love him a lot. Huh? Where is she getting that from?

Eugenio tells Carlota that he’s in love and is obsessed with her.

Emil complains to Anamar about Pal getting married so soon. He thinks maybe he’ll leave town, but Anamar says he doesn’t need to since Pal and Gabe already plan to move to the capital. She suggests that they go study abroad or something, that she can be a new opportunity in his life (Broken Record #Whatever, I’ve lost count).

Carlota is surprised by Eugenio’s confession. Well, you’re going to be even more surprised by what I have to tell you--I know all about the belladonna you used to kill Inaki, the hospital you were at in Pachuca just a few blocks from where Alonso was killed, the will that you altered, and your attempt to kill Dr. B. But I'm willing to help you if you repent and are prepared to pay for all the harm you have done. Carlota refuses and insists that she’s a good woman incapable of hurting anyone (Broken Record #The Mother of All Broken Records). Euge yells at her to put a cork in it--someone has to put a stop to your evilness, and that person, in spite of loving you, is me. Confess the truth, or else I will.


El Clon #9, 2/25. Call the blacksmith. Order more anvils.

We have an epidemic of anvils tonight. The question is not if they will drop, but when.

Pardon me, I missed the first few moments; please let me know if I omitted anything important. Apparently Cris shows up at the funeral and is sent away. She gives her flowers to Albieri. Instead of upsetting Leo with them, he hands them off to Luisa. At the funeral Leo asks Albieri why he hasn’t tested that mole on Lucas’ back yet. Leo tells his staff to make sure Cris comes nowhere near the funeral.

Jade dances with joy when she sees Lucas in the house. Ali welcomes him but warns, he must neither speak to nor get close to the women of the house. Ali calls Zoraida to take Lucas to his room. Hey! She’s a woman! He’s not supposed to talk to her or go with her! It’s like when I was little and my mom warned me not to talk to strangers, but she made me talk politely to her acquaintances I had never met, IOW strangers. The world is a confusing place when you’re 5.

Lucas grills Zoraida: what happened, why did Jade leave me waiting (for, like 3.42 minutes)? Zori totally ignores his questions, shows him his room, and quickly leaves. Zori tells Jade she was nuts to agree to help her escape; what would she say on the day of judgment. Ali mentions to Jade that her medical exam will be Thursday. What exam? Why, proof of virginity, of course. Latifa says it avoids problems – they have proof, just in case there is no blood; that sometimes happens. Without the certificate, they would be sent back to their family and could never marry again.

Leo can’t stand the funeral any more, so he leaves and torments himself once again with Diego’s parting scene. Inside, Albieri observes that Leo had such high hopes, but they all ended with that coffin.

Nariza harangues her brothers some more. She says they’ve been bewitched, but I only see one witch here. She says soon their wives will order them around (just like she’s trying to do). She can’t believe the girls won’t be cut (FGM), but the brothers insist that Ali knows the Book inside and out, and if he says it’s not required, it must be true.

Osvaldo is pleading with Dora. He was afraid to tell her the truth because he was afraid he would lose her, and he hoped that over time she would love him even if he couldn’t have children. He tells her he took a vow for her, that he would light a candle as big as she is. That moves her. To the bed.

Luisa asks her coworkers why Leonardo left his own son’s funeral. Good question, indeed. A mysterious quiet young redhead shows up. Rosa finds out that she’s Marisa, the one whose birthday party Diego was heading for. Rosa says her picture was in Diego’s room, and he liked her very much. Marisa is surprised. Plenty of girls wanted Diego, and she didn’t think she had a chance.

Cris goes to the church and arranges for two masses to be said for Diego. Vicky tells her she should also have a novena said, because Diego went to his grave hating her, and his soul cannot rest so it’s tormenting Leo. Cris talks her way out of Vicky’s accusations. She’s sure Leo will want her at his side to get through the days ahead. Osvaldo lights his giant candle to his saint.

Said buys a big gold necklace for Jade; he wants her to be the most gold-laden woman in Morocco. He gets a letter saying that Uncle Abdula in Cairo died. Poor Uncle Abdula. Nariza couldn’t care less, until she finds out he left them an inheritance. Then she can’t contain herself. But there is one condition.

Ali gives Lucas a Koran. He gave one to Lucas’ padrino when his novia died (Lucas corrects: he’s Diego’s padrino, not mine). Ali says that if Albieri had read the Koran, he wouldn’t be working against Allah. He continues, God makes man and determines the length of his life. We cannot escape destiny.

Albieri says that no one ever looked at him with the love and admiration Diego showed. Diego thought he was a genius, when he’s really just a second-rate geneticist. Instead of achieving his dream of cloning humans, he’s duplicating cows for Leo Ferrer. He says he feels so alone. Luisa assures him, he’s not alone. She’s with him. She loves him and she always has. She takes hold of his face and gives him a big kiss. Albieri looks away, uncomfortable. “I don’t know what to say.” Big awkward moment. Albieri says he’s unable to love. The things he loved all died, and he can’t love something else because it will die too. He blames himself for leading her on (he must not watch the show very carefully). Luisa says she has enough love for both of them. After some awkward moments they decide to pretend this never happened. Albieri goes for a walk, and Luisa packs up and leaves.

Jade finds Lucas in the ruins, in the love nest he has made from rugs and curtains. She was afraid he had forgotten about her when he didn’t show up. He says he’ll never forget her. Ali has been talking to Lucas about death; they fear he knows what is happening. Jade says that if they are to escape, they need to go directly to the airport and get out of the country. Jade is sure they are each other’s destiny, and nothing can change their destiny. Nothing can separate them (there she goes, forging another anvil). In the next scene they .. well, what do you think you do in a love nest? (Hmm. This could wreck havoc with Thursday’s virginity examination.) Afterwards, Lucas says they might die for this, but they’ll die together. Jade says that if they have to die for this, she’d die a thousand times for the chance to live her life with Lucas. If that’s not the stupidest thing a novela character ever said, it’s darned close!

Rosa brings tormented Leo his tea. Cris calls and asks for Leoncito. Rosa yells at her, “There is no Leoncito here. This is the zoo!”

Back at the house, Said tells Ali that a condition of the inheritance is that he go to Cairo tomorrow, so he would like to postpone the wedding by just a bit. That sounds fair to Ali, and he concludes that Mohammed and Latifa will marry on schedule, and Jade will marry when Said returns. Latifa and Jade enter. Said asks permission to put his engagement present on Jade, the gold necklace. He flatters her and tells her he plans to cover her with gold, but Jade just cringes. Lucas enters, and Ali is delighted to introduce him to Jade’s future husband. Lucas, not so much.


Salvaje 2/25/10 When a Cry is Really a Laugh.

From yesterday:

Rodrigo is home. Leo is so excited. He says she is as young and beautiful as always. He has something important to tell her. She is practically giddy. But then--on no--She spies the wife. This is my wife Constanza--Yikes. He plays it up and kisses her (gross) as he introduces Leo. Constanza is certain they will be good friends. Leo says we will be more than friends we will be just like sisters. You are the sister I lost.


Noel shows up and is excited to see Rodrigo also. Leo says she has good news too. Noel and I are married. We have a son Rodrigo is happy that they are married. (Yeah, because now maybe she’ll leave her grubby paws off of him.) Noel hopes that Constanza will be happy here. The weather is very nice. What a putz. Poor guy.

Rodrigo is complementing Clemencia on the food. Oh, but it was Celestino’s wife that prepared them. She is the cook. Rodrigo undresses her with his eyes as she leaves the room. Ack!

Celestino is in a lot of pain. He feels really bad. (Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.) He wants his daughter to go to the house and find her mother. But no, she has been forbidden to enter the house. He thinks he is going to die. And we should feel sorry for you because…FF>>

Back at the dinner table, Leo is going on about men liking beauty and how much Rodrigo was in love with her sister. Noel gently reprimands his wife and tries to get her to shut her big fat mouth but that’s not going to happen. Rodrigo says he doesn’t have any secrets from his wife. She knows the whole story of Rosi. Constanza assures everyone that Rodrigo told her the whole story. Then she tells her that Rodrigo divided their forture equally between the sisters and that when Rosi died she got all the loot. (Did I miss something? I’m not sure what relevance it had on their conversation.)

Back at the beach the boys are fishing. Remedio gets spooked and thinks someone is watching them. They go to check it out. They don’t see anything so they leave.

Clemencia can’t believe that Leo thought that Rodrigo would come back and fall into her arms. Leo tells her to shut her trap and that she is stupid. Noel comes bopping in in his Christmas bow tie and is just so happy for Rodrigo and he seems so taken with Constanza. Leo tells Clemencia to get the hell out. She looks coquettishly at Noel and says he can spend the night in her room. He looks at her like a little lost puppy. They kiss.

Rodrigo wants to know what his wife thinks of Leo. She doesn’t think she inspires much confidence. Oh, don’t worry, you’ll change your opinion when you get to know her. She really is such peach. You will be happy here.

Back to Leo and Noel. He looks pretty proud of himself and she looks disgusted. She vows that nothing and nobody will separate her from Rodrigo.

More lightening, thunder and rain. Renato wakes up from the storm. Noel is there to comfort him. Do you want me to put on the light. Renato says he is ok. Noel says you can always count on me to get you through the storm.

Narrarator: The cards are on the table--(somebody fill that in I didn’t catch all of it)

The guards are in town raising a ruckus as always. Nothing has changed since Juan disappeared. Everything is the same. Where is Juan de Dios? The fishermen begin chanting “Juan de Dios.”

Narrarator: The life of the children continued its course. (Can somebody fill that in)

Rodrigo is in the study counting his money. Celestino’s wife comes in bringing him some refreshment. She sees all the money and gives him a little show and a come hither look as she bends over to pour his juice. He puts the money in the drawer. He asks her if Celestino is her husband. Yes. He is sick and a worthless piece of dog poo and can’t get out of bed. She turns away and shows him some more of her ass-ets. She needs a man. A complete man. A man who knows how to please a woman. He tells her for now he is sleeping in a different room because they are expecting a child. He touches her. Eww. He can barely contain himself. They kiss. Even my dogs are looking a little green around the whiskers and they think it is a good time for a pee.

Leo is talking to Constanza. I made you this special tea. It will make you feel better. You will see. Oh no! Not the dreaded sleepy-time tea! Constanza doesn’t look very good. Leo is afraid her son will be born with a defect. Or maybe born dead. What a gal. I’ll make you another dose. Run, run for your life Constanza…

Rodrigo locks the door and proceeds to get it on with whats-her name. Gag. Seriously…

Constanza says she’s not feeling any better with the special tea. She appreciates everything Leo is doing for her. Constanza has great confidence in her husband. Leo tells her to drink all the tea as she mentally rubs her hands together in glee. What a cow.


What’s-her-name is sneaking away with all Rodrigo’s cash (dinero en efectivo). Rodrigo finds his money gone. He’s not happy.

Clemencia says that Constanza is doing bad. She is going for the doctor. He has a funny look on his face. Not sure if he is happy or just has gas.

Celestino and his little girl are crying. Apparently what’s-her-name left without leaving a forwarding address. So sad. FF>>

We jump ahead to the birth of the twins. Leo is gushing over them. They are crying and fussing. Rodrigo doesn’t look very happy. On second thought I think that is the way he looks for everything. The doctor says that Constanza is in a very delicate state. She needs to rest. They need to get a nana for the children. (Not to sure if that means like a nanny or a wet nurse to feed them.) Rodrigo gives the children to Leo. Bad idea. Constanza doesn’t look happy about it. Leo reassures her that she will take care of them like they were her own. They are identical twins. Aimee and Regina. Leo purrs over them.

The boys are catching rabbits. Remedio taught Juan de Dios how to catch a rabbit. Someone is watching. Juan doesn’t want to hurt the bunny. Remedio gets the heebie jeebies again and goes to see who is watching in the corn stalks. He tells Juan he is sure someone is watching. It’s a ghost, it’s a ghost. We see a bruised hand. Yes, I am a ghost.

Renato is playing with the girls. Constanza looks terrible. Leo tells her to drink all the tea. Renato wants his dad to come play with him. Rodrigo leans over his wife. He does seem to care about her.

It’s night, by the sea. There is a bonfire. Juan respectfully gets up so his “father” can have his seat. (I’m calling him Nabor because I can’t remember his name) Nabor says how many times have I told you I’m not your father and pushes him down. What an Asshat. Juan, Sr. is in a cave bellowing for Rosario. (At least we know where Juan de Diablo gets it from.) Rosario is carrying around a doll screaming for Juan de Dios to come for her. I believe she has become BSC. Some townsfolk hear her screaming and believe it is the spirit of Maria del Rosario. They hightail it out of there.

Constanza is in bed sleeping. Her color looks bad. She grabs some paper and struggles to write a letter. She crawls to a chest and unlocks it and puts the letter inside. She locks it back up. Clemencia comes in to see what is wrong. She tries to help her. Listen to me well Clemencia. I think I’m dying. I am afraid. For this you must listen. Take care of my daughters. Here is the key. She gasps and falls.

Nabor is at a pub drinking his ass off and telling someone in the bar about his “son”. He was found in the forest. A dark figure in the corner wants to know what the story is.

Clemencia is feeding Constanza. Leo skulks in the background. I think she is a gonner. Leo smiles smugly. She is very pleased with herself. Now the only obstacle between me and Rodrigo will be gone.

Constanza dies as a chorus sings in the background and a candle is dramatically snuffed out. Leo 1, good guys 0.

Nabor is telling the stranger that he is crazy. The child was abandoned in the forest. Juan Sr. says his name is Juan de Dios and he is my son. You will return him to me. And if I don’t--Juan Sr. grabs him by his throat. Well, since you put it that way… it does take a lot to feed him.

Rodrigo is crying over Constanza. Leo runs in looking innocent. What happened? She died. Oh God no! She is devastated--NOT. Why, why! Oh the horror…she comforts Rodrigo. Celestina looks like she wants to barf. Now the children don’t have a mother. Leo kisses Rodrigo on the cheek. Noel, a day late and a dollar short as always, rushes in wanting to know what happened. Leo explains with great emotion that Constanza has died. She turns her back on the group and cries-uh-laughs really. Her fake crying makes Barbara Grecco’s look like amateur night at the Improv and is just as annoying.

Juan, Sr. is looking for his son. I bet he smells pretty bad. He leaves something on the floor.

Wake at the house. Rodrigo looks devastated. FF>>

Juan picks up his son and carries him out of the house. The full moon shines overhead.

Leo tries to comfort Rodrigo in his lonliness.

He left a note and the jewel for Juan’s “father” in payment for him. The mom wakes up and is getting the children up. Where is Juan de Dios? She doesn’t know. She thought he got up early. They go looking for him. Meanwhile…

Juan, Jr. is in a cave with Juan, Sr. sleeping by the fire. He cries for his son. Juan, Jr. wakes up and is very frightened. Don’t be afraid. He tries to leave. Let me go, let me go. This is your house. Juan de Dios I am your father.

Nabor is explaining to his wife where Juan went. She is very upset that he didn’t value the life of the child. He is nothing to us. What an abusive, drunken horse’s butt.

Juan, Sr. is trying to explain to Juan, Jr. what is going on. Right now I need you to be calm and sit down so I can explain everything. You swear you will tell me the truth. I swear. Why are you here? Because I was in prison and escaped. I want to tell you everything. He doesn’t want him to think bad of him and his mother. He looks pensive.

The brother is looking for Juan de Dios. He can’t find him anywhere.

You are the ghost that has been watching me. Yes. He starts to explain but then starts coughing up a lung. Juan, Jr. brings him some water. They hug and cry. I AM YOUR FATHER. Juan Jr. is amazed that somebody wants him. You are the beautiful fruit of our love. He hugs his father and accepts him as such.


If the advances are right then it looks like we will be jumping ahead tomorrow. I think this might be the most beautiful setting I’ve seen yet in a TN.

Cap’n Annie


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Dinero #29 - 2/25/10: The Episode Where EVERYONE Makes an Appearance

Review: Rafa returns to Autos Siglos as they are closing up shop and informs a very stressed out Ale that he did not sell any cars, but he’s close! Close isn’t good enough for Ale who is tormented by her financial and personal woes- Marco and his ultimatums about their relationship and marriage, Beltran and his pressure to sell cars, and bills, bills, bills. The showroom fades to black with a weeping Ale leaning sadly against a car.

Tonight’s episode jumps around a lot, is pretty random, and seems to feature all the players..

Marco is ready and eager for his hot 7:30pm date with Karen. He’s so eager, in fact, that he rings her doorbell about a dozen times and greets her grinning from ear to ear like, well, a mad man. Karen has obviously taken Chavez’ warning about Marco’s “problem” seriously and she asks about his “appointment” (with the psychologist). Marco gets more shifty eyed than usual and wants to know who told her about his appointment. “It was THEM, wasn’t it?! Where are THEY?” Karen assures him that there is no one else there. “Then what do I smell?” “Uh, the seafood.” “You left the seafood ALONE?! THEY told you I’m crazy, right? Don’t believe THEM!”

Karen is saved from continuing this conversation by her ringing cell phone. It’s Chavez, who wants Karen to act normally, not let on who she’s talking to, and above all, not let Marco know she’s been informed of his madness. Karen’s having a hard time following these instructions, and Marco wants to know who she’s talking to. She nervously stammers that she’s talking to her cousin, and the newly cheerful Marco (I guess a psychiatrist would describe this as a manic state) wants to talk to the cousin, but settles for sending his love instead. Chavez’ last warning to Karen before hanging up is to not let Marco anywhere near a cutting implement!

Karen’s eager to get dinner over with, and Marco is eager to help her prepare it. In fact, he’ll help with the shrimp. He just LOVES taking up a knife and deveining them! Suddenly, Karen’s not so hungry. In fact, she’s got something she’s got to help her cousin with right away. Sorry Marco, goodbye, goodnight. He’s out the door and both he and Karen look relieved. Marco calls Chavez to celebrate their victory. “Karen will never call me again!” Although he does regret losing the chance to tap that (as the kids say). Chavez is celebrating Marco getting back on track to woo, marry and defraud Ale by hanging out in Marco’s apartment and drinking his good whiskey: The fist drink for the stress he’s had to endure; the second to calm his nerves; and the third for the road.

Rafa seems to actually have some free time and is using it to study his books and tapes on the art off selling. Unfortunately (for him and for us), he is interrupted by Vicky who wants him to study some wedding magazines with her instead. Apparently, she believes choosing a wedding dress is like choosing the next American Idol. First you start with 20 dresses, then you narrow the pool to 5, then 2, and then you choose THE ONE.

Meanwhile at the local strip club, Vicky’s bros are hanging with their dad’s buddy (anyone notice their dad never seems to be around- only at the butcher shop and at the dinner table). Big bro is lamenting his total lack of confidence and skills with the ladies. And he will NOT follow the suggestion of asking Vicky how to talk to a woman. Little bro does not seem to have a problem in this department. He hooks up pretty quickly with one of the resident hos (I mean, dancers), for a head (his) to chest (hers) slow dance. Papa’s buddy slips him a few dollars and it looks like he and his new friend continue getting to know each other off the dance floor. He’s going to get lucky tonight- “Tonight’s Noche Buena, and tomorrow’s Christmas!” But big bro, not so much.

Marco actually manages to show up for 8 pm dinner with Ale and her family, although a little late. Ale does not look over the moon to see him. She tells him and her dad about the costly surgery and treatment in the States that will get her back on her feet in a month. Marco gallantly says that he will pay. He’ll get an advance from whatever made-up company he supposedly works for (has Ale really never been curious about where he works?). Jorge refuses as says he will sell the house to pay for the surgery and treatment. Ale rejects both of these offers and says she’ll go without the surgery. Marco presses his case, supported by Tia Rosario, and finally gets Ale to agree to let him pay for the surgery/treatment and then get married as soon as she is well in a month.

The next morning Rafa wakes up late and in a panic because Ale did not make her usual 5am call; Ale is already at work arranging for her surgery and ignoring Susana’s good advice (as usual); Julieta’s convinced Jaime to help her take ALL the rest of the whiskey to her shady buyer and ignores Jaime’s good advice (as usual); and Marino makes an appearance in a custom-made wig (custom-made for either a Jonas Brother or Zac Efron). The other salesmen, and even Ale (she can’t suppress a guffaw when she first sees him), think this new wig is hilarious and looks like a woman’s, but the Professor supports this “nuevo look” and Rosaura thinks the metrosexual thing is in these days. Marino freaks out at the use of a word that ends with o-sexual to describe him (you know, heterosexual ends the same way too).

Ale is scatterbrained and can’t seem to remember how many cars each salesperson is committed to sell, and she, *gasp*, apologizes for her error. She halfheartedly scolds Rafa for coming in to the team meeting late, and does not give orders on how many cars each salesperson is supposed to sell that day because she, *gasp*, has faith in each of them. She dismisses them and asks Rafa to come to her office. She tries to scold him for being late, but she obviously doesn’t have her usual zest. Rafa notices and tells her he’s worried about her. He then asks for her help in making some cheese sale and profit calculations. Ale’s brain is still working well enough for her to do the math without a calculator, but she’s confused about why Rafa’s asking about cheese. He needs to sell cars! Rafa leaves more convinced than ever that he is going conquer those lions!

Ale is in her office with Rosaura who cannot seem to get her head around doing something so common as to sell a truck to a client who’s interested. It would be one thing if it were a fancy imported truck, but…blah, blah, blah. Ale tells her to suck it up and sell the truck. Susana then enters letting Ale know her aunt called wanting to talk about wedding details. Rosaura is excited to hear the news of the wedding and congratulates a not so excited Ale.

Random scene: Ramiro looks longingly at the backside of one of the showroom girls. He is then startled by a picture of his wife and mother-in-law coming to life and scolding him for his wandering eyes. Claudia catches him talking to the picture and suggests he get some help for this problem. Unfortunately, her barely constrained cleavage does not help the matter.

Back in the barrio: Juieta and Jaime deliver all the whiskey and get partial payment. Slimy guys assures Julieta he will pay the rest later, but Jaime wants a signed contract to guarantee payment. Julieta, however, has a high opinion of the effectiveness of her flirt and short skirt business strategy and ignores Jaime once again. Leonor is wistfully eyeing meat at the butcher shop like a Dickensian orphan and is accosted by Don Gaston who wants to know why she hasn’t been to the shop in so long (doesn’t he know about their money woes from Vicky?). He offers her free meat while caressing her hand and saying that they’re almost family (nothing says love to a woman like fresh raw meat). At the hairdresser’s shop, Pepeto wanders in and asks Frik and Frak to give him a new look so that he can get a job. Frik and Frak appreciate his current look, especially his physique. Their ogling is interrupted by Ovidia walking in and capturing Papeto’s full attention. He tells her he is there to get a new look so that he can get a good job like Rafa and buy a house- a house he’d like to provide her. She lets him know that she’s a package deal with her two buddies- they’re like the Three Musketeers. However, the only two friends Pepeto seems interested in are her breasts. “So many curves, and no brakes!”

Rafa makes a bold move to trap one of those lions and makes an appearance at the cheese shop. He and the owner sit down for a chat about how Rafa can help him increase his weekly cheese sales. In order to do so, he would need some new trucks. Cheese guy thinks this would be really expensive and that he would have to get a loan from the bank. He does not want to do this. Rafa begins to make the case for just how much MORE money cheese guy would be earning if he were able to expand his market with the use of the new trucks. Cheese guy is listening. My dvr cuts off before the end.


Gancho Thursday Feb 24 #176 - Thirty minutes of horror

We left off with Mau telling Moni the truth for once, her mom has been deluding her. Coni gloats in the background. Mau sincerely tells Moni that, sadly, everything Hissy told Moni is a lie. He hugs her and Coni's diversion has been a success, so successful in fact that Mau and Moni don't even notice she has snagged the BIG RED ENVELOPE and scampered out the door.

As Coni sashays through the patio Beto stops her to ask what she was thinking cuddling up to Christian. Since Beto won't let her escape she admits she had nothing to do with him (looks down her nose at Christian). Encouraged, Christian drags Paula out to hear the truth and Paula immediately lunges at Coni. Coni admits to Pau she'd have nothing to do with that (sneers at Christian).

Tere and Alicia unpack the groceries and Tere recalls happier times when she and Ivan worked for Mau. But Tere can see that something is bothering Alicia, what is it? Al says she's got something important to do and out she dashes.

Coni insists she had nothing to do with this patrullero (she makes Patrolman sound like a swear word) and Paula lunges again. Come on boys, let her at the Momia, I want to see fur fly! For some reason nobody seems to notice the BIG RED ENVELOPE that Coni keeps waving around. The crowd, led by Gabi, verbally attacks Coni, she's a bland little worm with a weakness for jackals (alluding to Jacqui's description of Beto I think), "and escuincles too!" chimes in Estrella. Coni finally tears herself away from Beto vowing she wants nothing to do with any of them!

Moni gripes to Mau about Coni messing up her house and all because she was looking for a damn BIG RED ENVELOPE. How odd, says our hunkalicious dimbulb, there was also a BIG RED ENVELOPE at my house. They quickly dismiss the clue. Moni doesn't want to accept what the Momia says about her mom, is it true she was raped? Mau tells her yes, but Moni's not the product of rape, she has a father who is looking for her.

Inside Estrella's house, she and Gabi dis La Momia to cheer themselves up. Enter Xime and Lalu who agree that gossip about Coni is always fun. Do they talk about the BIG RED ENVELOPE?? Nooooo, they talk about the Bruja. (No, not Coni, the real Bruja they're going to consult about their love probems.) Then they fill Xime in on the gossip about Coni, Christian and Pau. Lalu sighs that a man in polis uniform is his one unrealized fantasy. Then Estre tells them that Coni also made a play for her cachorro. Xime says her ex-amiga is the worst. Si si, oui oui.

Chris and Paula walk and talk. (How ever will he prove to her that he really loves her?) He tells her he loves her but she says it doesn't change things. the best thing for them is to stop being novios and it's not because of La Momia. Their relationship is not advancing, she wants a family and he is afraid of commitment. She mentions marriage and he starts choking. See, she says, see what happens when I mention marriage? Goodbye for ever. She leaves him standing alone in the dark.

Mau and Moni do go on. In short, Mau tells her that her Pa never knew she existed. When Isa was sick she needed Moni to save her life with a bone marrow transplant, it was her only option. Moni leaps up, enraged. she refuses to believe. Mau insists that Isa needed Moni for her marrow and that's it. There's more crying and angst but I think we all get the picture. The scene ends with Moni refusing to believe.

Oski and Jero, relaxing at the wine bar, toast each other and wait for Coni's entrance. She throws the "final" envelope in their faces. They congratulate her on her success but news flash, they actually have the final envelope safely hidden where she'll never find it. She asks them why they are doing this to her? Jero says to wreck her and for their own amusement. Oski whips out an estimate of her worth, the total sum, and here is 33 percent for Oski and 33 percent for Jero. Coni scoffs. Jero sets the terms, she has one week to get them their money or the last envelope goes to the police. She insists she needs three months. Some whispering between the boys, they decide to give her a month and a half and that's it. Salud, clink.

Back to the torment that is Mau and Moni. This is three scenes condensed into one by the way. Mau explains the entire story of Isabel's perfidy, how she carefully planned each step, getting close to Nieves, luring Mau in and convincing him to pay for her operation and in return she would disappear and not break Monita's heart. Moni refuses to believe. This is basically the same conversation, but wait, Mau starts crying now. Yes he made a mistake but he wanted Moni's memory of her mom to be one of love, didn't want to see her suffer yada yada yada. Tears and denials, Mau I'll never forgive you.

Alicia gets out of a taxi and approaches the bat cave. Isa answers the door and tries to hug Alicia and put on her sweet face. Al says she knows perfectly well she's standing in front of a monster.

Gah!! More "I don't believe you" from Moni, over and over. Mau tells her she knows she's the most important thing in his life and from now on he tells her only the truth. Moni says OK then, if I'm not the product of rape who is my dad? Marcos Lerdo de Tejada is your father, father of Coni, you and Constanza are half sisters.

Alicia starts to lay into Isabel but will she maintain her spine in front of the Hissy Viper? Isa works it, we've been friends for sssssso long. Ali says yeah, inseperable friends, you liar!

Moni is, to grossly understate it, impactada and looks like she's going to hurl. Mau says he doesn't think Marcos is a bad person. Moni gets rather hysterical, Coni did all sorts of bad things to her, lied about her mom, etc. Mau insists that Isa is just as bad, Isa and Coni are allies! Moni reverts to "my mama loves me, she loves me!"

Ali asks why Isa did that porqueria to her, made her and Moni think she was dead? Isa tries the poor pathetic me look. Ali lights into her some more, she was a stupid idiot to take care of Isa all those years, what a waste! OK, so Alicia is standing firm for much longer than I thought. Hang in there Al.

Moni is still trying to wrap her mind around being the kid of Marcos and sis of La Momia. More back and forth, "I'm telling you the truth, Marcos didn't know you existed," and "No you're not, he's as bad as La Momia and my mom loves me." The scene ends with Moni saying after all of Mau's lies she certainly doesn't believe him now and she doesn't want to see him. I guess Isa's predicition was correct, no way will Moni be convinced to think bad thoughts about Mommy Dearest.

Alicia must be weakening because Isa pours them cups of coffee. Turning on the waterworks and begging on the love of all their years, Isa says she was a victim and everything Mau says about her is a lie. "What, do you think I'm crazy?" she demands. (A collective YES!!! from the audience.) She had the chance to live her life with Ali and her daughter, but Mau put her in a hospital in Monterrey, far from Ali and her family. Yeah, that's it. Mau and Marcos sent her far away to be completely alone. (Mentira!!!) Al says what does Marcos have to do with all this? Marcos is the father of Valentina! Alicia short circuits.

Ivan shows up at Luisa's and wants to know why she called him there. She says she wants to tell him everything. Britney whatever escorts Andres in. Ivan looks sour and impactado, what's Luisa up to? The boys immediately start fighting and Luisa screams at them to stop and listen to her. Lots of chest thumping and sneering going on between the testosterone tots. Luisa says she called them both there to apologize to them.

Paula returns to her friends at the barrio and tells them she broke up with Christian. Xime has three things to say, one, a hunky policeman like Christian isn't easy to find, two,
Coni just wants everyone to be as bitter and unhappy as she, and three, don't worry because they made an appointment with the love witch, wheee!

The group is interrupted by Mau and Moni rushing in. Moni is crying and Mau is clearly upset. He tells Moni to think about what he said. Mau sends Aldo home so he won't get in trouble and Beto yells "Adios Cachorro", heh heh. Estrella pulls out her Cachorro's cell phone that he left in her purse and Moni says she'll run after him. The anvil runs after her.

Beto brings Mau into Nieves' house for some comfort. He tells them he told Moni the truth about her mother and Nieves crosses herself. He also told Alicia and Nieves thinks it's weird that Ali didn't tell her, not even to gossip about it. Mau tells them that Moni is mad at him because Isa has made herself out to be the victim. Moni is very confused and he's lost her forever. Nieves stands up and announces she's going to talk to Isabel right now. Paper covers rock. Snow covers Ice.

By the way, I set a stopwatch on the scenes with Mau and Moni's endlessly angsty "conversation"... just over thirty minutes. Can you believe it?

Mañana: The wacky witch points to Moni and says her aura is very dark. Mau tells Beto and Nieves that Marcos is Moni's dad.


El Clon #8, 2/24. He loves me, he loves me not, he loves me.

The clinic staff is waiting when Leo arrives home, and delivers the bad news. Albieri says, “Our son.. is dead.” Leo recalls their final conversation, at the same spot in front of the house. Diego said, “If you want me to return, tell that woman to leave.” Leo told Diego that she stays. Diego answered, “Tú elejiste (you chose),” his final words, and left.

We see a variety of reactions.
• Leo is stunned and stoic.
• Rosa is just the opposite, hysterical, and the deputy has to pull her away from the crash site moaning, “My son needs me.”
• Luisa determines how Leo is supposed to be mourning – he’s doing it wrong.
• Enrique takes charge of the tramites – the arrangements.
• Albieri, who wouldn’t listen when Ali tried to instruct him, now does begin to listen when Life teaches him (he who will not be ruled by the bridle will be ruled by the bit). He says, “When you feel big and important, and that now you control your own destiny, this is thrown in your face and you realize we are nothing. Death is nature telling us that even with all our science, we are but dust.”
Leo tells Enrique that Lucas needs to be here at Leo’s side where he belongs. Enrique tries to console Leo, telling him to accept God’s will, but Leo doesn’t want to hear any “religion” (his throne only seats one). Leo grasps at straws and convinces himself that it’s all a mistake, that it wasn’t Diego’s body in the crash.

Ali brings the girls the good news – everything is settled, and the wedding is on. But he feels sorry for Said – Jade could make a man very happy, or miserable. Latifa starts talking up their sister, Nariza (I like Jean’s Freudian typo; I think I’ll keep it), but Ali says she’s an unrelenting conspiradora. Alone, Jade wonders what Latifa is trying to do, since Latifa can’t stand Nariza. Considering that Latifa will be living in the US, she wants Nariza to be a distant relative, the more distant the better.

Ali takes a call from Albieri and dismisses the girls. He finds out about Diego, and that no one can reach Lucas. Ali promises to do everything he can to contact him. Jade hears the name of Lucas, and hope returns. When he didn’t show up at the ruins, maybe it was because of family matters! She begs Zoraida to read her fortune. Zoraida reluctantly agrees.

Latifa desperately looks for the steamy DVD. Jade comes in and says she has to figure out how to escape the marriage. Latifa goes into whiney mode: “Don’t you dare! You’re destroying my life. You made me lose Said, and next I’ll lose Mohammed, and then .. What a world! What a world! Who would have thought a good little girl like you could destroy my..” Oops. Wrong movie.

Back in Miami, Dora gets the low-down on that low-down Osvaldo. He’s sterile and the whole pueblo knows it. The neighbor says he’s like a agacate macho (avocado ??) – no da hijos. She chases him outside and rails at him. You’re dead to me, it’s a relationship of lies. She punctuates her screams with thrown shoes and the engagement ring.

In the marketplace, Nariza thinks her brothers are fools to want to marry the girls, especially that out-of-control Jade. Said is sure he’ll be able “acomodarla a mi manera” – that wording could have at least two meanings, perhaps three. Nariza thinks he acted like a fool, falling all over himself for her, and that soon she’ll lead him around by the nose. Said says he won’t let that happen, and closes the subject. Until Nariza suggests she might not be a virgin, or she might cheat on him after they are married. She suggests Jade be cortada (female circumcision) because women have too much passion and must be cooled off. (Paula to self: Hold me back! Hold me back!)

Zoraida reads Jade’s coffee grounds. “A love that will last your entire life. Joy that turns to sadness that turns to joy.”
Jade inserts, with excitement, “Then we’ll be together! He’s el amor de mi vida! I knew it the moment I saw him!”
Zoraida continues, “You’ll meet the same man two times (i.e. Jade will meet him for the first time, twice. Time will pass for you but not for him. The past and the future will cross in front of you, and you will decide whether to take the path that leads backwards, or to continue forward. Love will last a lifetime, but it doesn’t say you will be together. Perhaps you will lose him and re-find him later.”
Jade doesn’t like the direction this is taking, and she makes Zoraida stop.

Cris is talking to Vicky, grateful that it was her destiny to be with Leo. Vicky asks, “What about Diego?” Vicky couldn’t care less about Diego, all that matters is that Leo is at her side. As far as she’s concerned, Diego is dead. And in true novela timing, Cris’s friend calls; she heard on the radio that Diego is dead. Cris protesteth too much, that she never wished him any harm. She goes to her room and talks to a strange picture – it’s a collage where she cut out pictures of Leo and Diego, and she put herself between them. Perhaps she doesn’t have any actual pictures of herself and Leo? She tells the picture, “I love him.” Just then her purse, her gold purse, breaks its strap and falls to the floor. There’s a lesson here: In books and movies, rain is never just rain. In novelas, things never just fall. Especially not when they play the profound music.

In Diego’s old room at Leo’s house, Albieri remembers times with Diego. When he took pictures of a cloned cow. When Albieri told Diego about a cow/sheep chimera. (Per Ask a Geneticist (click here), a chimera is an animal with two types of DNA. It can happen when developing fraternal twin embryos fuse together to become one embryo. Think of this is as the reverse of identical twins where a single embryo splits into two. See also Wikipedia. Albieri collapses in grief.

Back in Morocco, the brothers want to know if the girls have been circumcised. (Ali’s temperature rises.) The brothers say the religion requires it. (Ali boils over.) Ali sets them straight (con fuerte!) – it’s a custom, it’s not in the Koran, it’s not from Allah! I challenge you – where is it? Said tries to hold his ground, “It has to be in there somewhere!” (If I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard a heresy defended with those words..) Ali lays down the law – you can back out of the marriage if you wish, but my nieces will not be cut, they will continue as God made them. Said defers to Ali – “if you say it is not in the religion, we accept it because you are wiser than we are (boy howdy!).” They will be satisfied if he gives testimony that the girls are virgins.

A servant (who looks more like Said and Mohammed than either of them look like each other) comes in and tells Ali that Lucas has been found, and he is with Bedouins. Ali tells Zoraida to prepare the guest room; Lucas will be staying with them. Zoraida is impactada.

Ozzie tries to appease Dora with flowers, but she throws them back at him. She tells the clinic doctor that she quiera a Osvaldo, but quiera hijos más. Yeah, Honey, you put up with anything, up until you found out he couldn’t be your bed-warmer sperm donor. The doctor suggests in vitro fertilization.

Zoraida tries to warn Jade that with Lucas as their house guest, the situation is even more dangerous. Hospitality is sacred in their culture, and if Lucas offends his host he could be killed for it. Jade, as usual, blows her off. All she can think of is living under the same roof as Lucas, and besides, soon they’ll be faaaar away. That’s one honking-big anvil.

Leo is tormented with memories. Notice how much he looks like an invalid ever since the news? He goes to the mortuary and looks at Diego’s casket. Cris comes in and, ever respectful, is wearing a black floozy dress. Leo tells her to get lost. “I never preferred you over my son! NEVER!” Sounds like he’s trying to purge some ghosts that will not leave easily.

Ali arrives at the Bedouin camp to bring Lucas home. Ali says Lucas needs to go back to the US soon because his father wants to see him (but dodges questions of why). But he reminds Lucas that God is the one who gives life and death. Lucas asks what he’s getting at, and Ali dodges. They get back to the house, and Lucas and Jade lock eyes once again, but a cloud hovers over Jade.

Did the rest of the country get previews? I think ours (Pacific Time) got cut off for the soccer game.


Dinero #28 2/24/2010: Lions crying in the jungle tonight

We begin where we left off, with Rafa and the family of crazy butchers. He reluctantly agrees that there will be a wedding in four months. Oh the power of persuasion of wielding knifes. Vicky’s happy. Rafa not so much.

Marco enters Karens’ cousins house. She announces to Karen that her boyfriend has arrived. Karen gathers the multitude of friends and family and introduces them all to her “novio”.

Marco wanders if there could possibly be anyone else for him to meet. Karen assures him that everyone that she wants to know that he is her boyfriend knows. And they are happy to see her with someone like Marco. Then she adds she is not certain about this.

She questions Marco if he has clarified his relationship with Ale. He assures her that yes, although it wasn’t easy things are clear with Ale. Karen is all smiles, Marco not so much.

Now we see poor Rafa back at the blue house walking over to his bed, repeatedly stating “I’m getting Married”, but in a very frustrated tone.

He tells himself he has to get his mind off of that and think about other things. He pulls out his cassette player he purchased from bow-tie guy and begins listening to the motivational tapes. “Welcome to the road of success” The first thing one must due to become successful is to get rid of all your fears. Suddenly we hear Vickys’ voice telling him he has to get rid of his fear of getting married. And blah, blah, blah. Enough of this as Rafa pulls off his ear phones. And tries to concentrate on less painful things. He is now laying in bed all twittery and nervous.

Back at the big house, Karen is surprised but pleased that Marco has finally ended it with Ale . Tio Hector appears and greets Marco. He is preoccupied with what is going on with his friend Jorge. He informs Marco that he tried all day yesterday to get a hold of him but wasn’t able too, even his answering machine wasn’t answering.

So what is Marco good at? Lying. He begins telling Tio Hector that Jorge was hospitalized and had a relapse. Hector is concerned but Marco adds he is stable but needs to be left alone. You know the heart is really delicate. Hector wants to know what clinic he is in, and Marco continues with what he is best at; he lies and says he doesn’t know.

Hector asks him to let him know when he finds out. He is only going to be here for three more days and would really like to see him before he leaves.

Karen to the rescue, with her promise to Marco that she would help dissuade her uncle from seeing or talking to Jorge. She says it would not be very comfortable for her, because after all he is the papa of Marcos’ ex-girlfriend. Hector reluctantly agrees. Marco tells him next time he sees Jorge he will be sure to give him a hug for Hector.

Hector is called away and Karen scolds Marco for lying about Jorge being hospitalized. Marco justifies his lies. Karen still questioning if Ale and her family are clear that Marco and Ale are finished. Karen says it would not look good to her family if she was going out with someone that was committed to someone else.

Marco tells her not to worry, he has done what he said he would do, now it is her turn to make good her promise. He gets very amorous with her , and they are off to visit with his new friends and family.

Ale is at her house wondering to herself why she isn’t more excited about her upcoming wedding like she was before the accident.

At Rafas’ house, it is early, he is dressed and listening to his tapes. They are encouraging him to be successful. There are cute little cartoon scenes of Rafa and family enjoying the luxuries of a successful life. Rafa is pumped for success. “Yes Sir. I can do this” He repeats this out loud several times. The Tape says he is ready to go into the jungle and attack like a lion. Or something like that. More animated scenes with Rafa conquering the jungle.

Rafa is still pumped and jumping around, when the phone rings. He very enthusiastically answers already knowing it is Ale. Ale is thrown, sitting on the edge of her bed not the least bit ready for work. She asks Rafa if he is okay. He , still full of enthusiasm, tells her yes he is. She looks perplexed and tells him she will see him at work

Leonor rushes in and wants to know what all the shouting is about. She questions if something is wrong. Rafa assures her all is well. He tells her he is going to start a fresh, and he is going hunting in the jungle. Leonor looks very puzzled. He tells her not to worry, he is calm in the face of danger and spurts off more mutterings from his motivational tape. He is happily off to conquer the lions in the jungle. Go Rafa Go!!!

We have an anthem session at Siglo. Rafa is more enthused then ever. Ale is giving out work assignments for the day. When she includes Rafa in the list of people that will stay at Siglo he asks her if he can go out side of Siglo and try to
sell. Ale doesn’t think this is such a good idea, remembering the last time he ventured out to visit clients. She reminds him of the dog incident.

He convinces her to give him another chance . He wants to go out and explore the untapped jungle. She wants to know where there is any untapped areas. He tells her out in the country side. That is where he can hunt his lions, out in the jungle. She reluctantly agrees but this time she wants results. Rafa answers I can do this. I won’t let you down.

Rafa is off to the jungle. Sweet Bebe walks him to the door giving him some final advise. Marino is congratulating bow-tie guy for selling Rafa his useless tapes. Bow-tie guy is offended. He tells Marino that these tapes really work. Medina laughs at him , but bow-tie guy gets the last laugh, telling Marino he has a tape for him, one that will help him sell cars without loosing his hair.

Babes’ advise is simple. If you are going out of the city to sell cars, make sure you sell the kind they need.
At this he points to the type of truck that would be most useful to his clients out side of the metro area. He tells Rafa he should specialize in this type of sales. There is not much completion in selling trucks. Rafa gives one of his golden smiles and thanks bebe for the advise.

Ale is informing Susana that she will be away from the office. Susana wants to know if she will be seeing clients. Ale informs her she is going to see the doctor regarding her surgery, Susana tells her she isn’t ready for this. Her body needs to heal naturally. Ale tells her if she waits for that to happen, Marco will be already married with children.

Susana is concerned that she is doing all this now just for Marco. Ale says Marco wants to get married as soon as possible and she is not going to go limping down the isle. They argue. Ale states this is the only way to save her relationship with Marco. Susana scolds her saying if you are capable of doing this for him, you are capable of amputating your legs for him if he were to ask you to.

She tells Ale the worst part of all of this is Ale does not seem very convincing about wanting to marry Marco. She sarcastically adds, but good luck at the Doctors. Have a good day.

Rafa is now on the bus, about to conquer the jungle. He pulls out his cassette player and begins motivating himself once again.

At the Drs office Ale is being examined and we see a very realistic long scar on her leg. Rosario asks the Dr. how Ale is doing. I think he called her an extremely stubborn or dense women. He told her she needed to rest for two months and she hasn’t done this. She hasn’t allowed her bones to heal but has only impeded their healing by walking and working. He tells her because of her stubbornness she has to prolong her therapies for another two months. This is not want Ale wanted to hear. She pleads for him to do surgery as soon as possible. She wants to be done with all of this. She promised Marco she would marry him as soon as possible.
The Doctor tells her to forget about surgery. Before they can talk about an operation he has to tell her about the risks involved. She counters, stating she will deal with the risks. He warns her she could end up in a wheel chair and he wont be responsible for that.

Ale turns to Rosario and tells her they need to find a different surgeon. The Doctor tells her this isn’t a medical problem, but a problem with patience. No surgery is going to work if she is not compliant with what is needed to recover.

He suggests if she is willing to comply with what is needed to recover there might be a place in the states, but she would have to be willing to commit to at a least a month of post therapies. Ale agrees to this and questions where this would be done. He reminds her if she does this she will have to be at complete rest without any interruptions.

He gives them the information. Ale inquires into the cost of all of this. It doesn’t sound like it is cheap. Ale nervously twirls her hair and looks concerned.

We have a scene now with Marco answering his phone. It is Ale just leaving the Drs’ office. He feigns concern. He wants to know if she will have the surgery. She tells him yes but they need to talk about this, perhaps over supper. Marco gets another call and we all know who it is. Karen in a black slinky outfit is asking him if he likes seafood. She tells him tonight she is going to demonstrate her culinary skills to him as well as other skills she possess. Or something like that.

Marco tells her he would love to discover her abilities, but he is otherwise engaged tonight. Karen gets upset and tells him last night he told her he broke up with Ale and wants to know what’s going on. We are in for some fun lies now.

Ale still on hold and near tears, hangs up and redials Marcos phone. Marco seeing it is Ale lies to Karen and says he needs to take this call. Marco continues to lie now to Ale. He agrees to meet her at 8pm. Now he is back with his lies to Karen, but he trips himself up a bit.

Karen is a smart cookie she is not letting Marco off that easy. If he can't see her tonight she will be at Uncle Hectors house. Maybe she will even convince him to check up on his old buddy Jorge. Marco reluctantly agrees to meet Karen at 7:30. Okay Marco think fast. He calls his buddy Chavez and tells him to get over to his place fast. They have a big problem.

Rosario is asking Ale if she plans on having Marco go with her to the States. Ale wiping tears from her eyes, states she doesn’t know yet if they can even afford this, she doesn’t know where they could get that kind of money. Rosario suggest they talk with Chavez to see if they can somehow get the money from him. Ale doesn’t believe this is a good idea.

Marco and Chavez are trying to come up with a solution to Marcos problem. Chavez scolds Marco for getting all tangled up with Karen. After all it was just suppose to be one night of sex. How was Marco to know she was looking for a husband. Someone to show off to her friends as her boyfriend. Who would have known that her uncle was a friend of Jorges. And how was he to know she would end up being obsessive, jealous and crazy. Chavez wants to know if there is any women out there not like that.

We have a funny little scene back at Siglo, where Beltran encounters Marino and is not impressed with his new look. He wants to know what enemy did that to him. He tells him he cant go around looking like that. He wants him to go back to the way he looked before. Besides he doesn’t want him scaring the clients.

Rafa has made it to his destination. He is once again giving himself a pep talk. Telling himself to change his fears into challenges. Like parachuting or mountain climbing. He tells him self he is great

Ale enters Siglo and wants to talk to Beltran about her loan. The one they talked about before. He takes her into his office and immediately puts on his oxygen mask. After all they are talking about money. He tells her that if sales doesn’t rise, then his blood pressure will drop to the floor.

She reminds him that he promised her an advance if Rafa sold a car. Guess what he sold two. Beltran tells her that selling two cars is like not selling anything. They argue for a while and he finally agrees to half of the advance he promised her. But Rafa has to start selling.

Beltran asks her where Rafa is today. She says he is out hunting lions, and instantly regrets saying this , and says he is off selling cars. Beltran tells her he has one week to start being productive otherwise he is fired. Ale is gripped with panic

Back to Rafa. We hear his motivational tape in the background and Rafa is ready to go. He walks boldly into the first door he sees and immediately comes back out. He is rejected again, still with his illusions of being the best. We see him imaging himself as one of the greats such as Bill Gates or Howard Hughes. After all it wasn’t easy for them but they were successful. He can do it to.

We have a little imaginary scene wear Rafa walks victoriously into Siglo with all cheering him on, applauding his great salesmanship. Beltran is proudly congratulating him on his great success. Even Marino is smiling and applauding. Back to reality. Rafa asks himself why others can do this and he cant. Yes He can!!!

He sees a broken down truck across the street and with his new found confidence goes over to investigate. The lions are on the hunt in the jungle.

Back at Siglo Ale asks Susana if Rafa has returned yet or reported in. Susana says no to both questions. Ale doesn’t look happy. Susana informs her about a cocktail party she needs to go to. Ale tells her to forget about that, she has a date with Marco.

Susana wants to know if the wedding is back on. Ale tells her that is what she has to talk to Marco about. Susana asks her if she really thinks he will show up. Ale snaps back he better or else. And she snaps snarkly at Susana too, and hobbling off leaving Susana with her jaw on the floor.

Now we see Chavez’s little plan in action. He calls Karen and asks for Marco. We see Marco standing in the same room as Chavez. Chavez tells her Marcos' psychiatrist is looking for Marco. Karen seems puzzled and asks what psychiatrist? Chavez says well Marcos psychiatrist. I think the plan is to make Karen think Marco is nuts. Not far from the truth. He continues to tell Karen that Marco doesn’t do well with pressure.
He advises her to treat him calmly and not to pressure him if she sees him.

Chavez hangs up pleased with his little deception. He tells Marco he owes him extra for that. Now all Marco has to do is Marry Ale. Chavez did his part. The rest is up to Marco

Rafa now runs over to help out the man with truck problems. I was a little surprised that Rafa was actually able to help the guy out. They got the truck running. Rafa remarks that the truck has seen better days. And the guy owes it to himself to get a new truck. The guy says this is new. Rafa wants to know what part.

They exchanged pleasantries and Rafa asked him what he sells. The guy sells cheese and other dairy products. Rafa wants to know if he is the owner. He tells him he owns this store and two others. Rafa is finally getting a little plan put together. Rafa asks for a sample of cheese. The guy asks him if he wants to buy some. Rafa says if I like it maybe I will buy some.

Rafa takes a bite and asks how much per kilogram. The guy tells him he could give him a good deal. I am not really certain what was said next, I think Rafa said if it sits good with him he will buy it. The guy says,
same old story. If it sits good they will buy it, and walks off disgustedly.

Rafa takes out his calculator and pencil and sits down and starts calculating how much this guy would actually be selling in a month. Rafa figures this guy is making to much money to be driving around in such an old truck.

Ale is just about to leave. She is complaining to Susana that imbecile Rafa hasn’t shown up yet. Susana seems much happier to see him than Ale. Ale asks him how it went. Rafa is excited and says it went well.
She wants to know how many cars he sold. Rafa seems puzzled with this question. He tells her none.

She starts going off on him and he tries to calm her down. He starts telling her he has found the lions. He is about to get them. Ale scolds him, asking if he thinks he is in a circus or on a safari. She tells him that she talked with Beltran and he has exactly one week to meet his sales commitment.

He tells her not worry. Every thing is under control. She Says may God and your lions be listening!! She yells at him some more. She tells him to be back tomorrow on time. As he walks off she sarcastically says something about getting him and his lions out of her liver. It’s a dicho I never did understand, but I think it means she has had it with Rafa.

Susana and Ale have some harsh words with each other and Ale leaves for her house. We see her limping off sadly, crying “money money money, I need it for everything, for my surgery, how am I ever going to get it. And she worries if Rafa doesn’t start selling he is going to be fired. She cries out she is so tired of everything.

The lights turn out at Siglo with Ale standing alone crying and we see a cascade of her problems starting with Marco telling her "we get married or its over", then we see the scene of Marco rejecting her the night she went to his house to seduce him. All her problems flash before her eyes. Ale is left alone in the dark, crying. And I am left looking for a Kleenex .


Un Gancho Wed Feb 24 - Wednesday Night's Alright for Fightin' ....Wednesday..Wednesday....

Man, did anyone not get in the mix tonight? Ok, maybe Dani and Tere with cookies...

We open with the bro/ sis reconciliation scene and Nieves fanning herself with the coveted red sobre. Coni feigns ill and begs for air to get the envelope...when Nieves sends her outside for air she finally recovers and gets mad that she can't have the envelope. of course she manages to get it somehow eventually.

Estre and Aldo are together and she says she has to go pipi all the time now with the pregnancy. While she's gone, Aldo takes the opportunity to call Oscar about the wedding. He mentions to Oscar he went to the tudor to look for him. Oscar freaks. Aldo tells him nothing happened there.

Marc and Jacqui show up at Nieves' and Marc begs for forgiveness from the two kids for trying to separate them. Soon this degrades and Beto accuses his Ma of not keeping herself chaste. They get back around to the task at hand that the kids are in love and they need to get over all this crap. Pa begs his Coni to not give up on love like he did. She, with other tasks on her mind, says yeah, fine, Dad, another time now I have to run. She takes the sobre rojo with her and opens it in her car and we confirm they are photos of dead Sal with her bloody clothing. Her next clue is that the primate has something, so she thinks it's Mona and goes over there.

Aldo wonders to Oscar why Loriloca was there. Oscar tells him nevermind - just do what I say.
Oscar tells Aldo to zip it re the Loriloca sighting or he forgets about his wedding. Anvil.

Gabi admires Mona's strength and wishes she had the same to confront Oscar. Tere shows up with cookies and sweetens the mood.

Uh oh, Momia is tearing apart Mona's apartment. Ouch, that hurts to watch, but alas Mona discovers her and confronts her.

Outside, Ivan shows up muy triste after his fight over Luisa. Nothing better to fix that than Grandma and homemade cookies, that's for sure.

Mona challenges Momia to a fight over the sobre rojo. Rojo is the choice color for sobres, remember the red one in La Fea too? Think back, I'm sure there are others. OK- let's summarize this, they throw some venom at each other about their boxing skills and Mona knocks her out. Flat out.

Beto is cursing Coni. He was never important to her. The Pas say no way, she loved you and it's not too late. Jac swears that Coni loves Beto and that's what's important.

Ivan runs off upset.

Dani sighting. Luisa is crying over how she hurt two people who care about her alot. Dani begs her not to cry and that she should just ask them to forgive her. So sweet.

Marc swears he'll do what's needed to help because Beto is the love of his daughter's life - choke. Ma reminds that Beto decides.

Moni wonders what could be in this crazy envelope that she wants so bad. OH Open it for gosh sakes!!!!


Estre comes into the room before Mona can open the red envelope, doh...she sets it on the table. Estre sees the Momia and wonders what happened. She yells at Mona for disappearing.

Outside Pau and Cris continue their fight over the Momia makeout, Mona and Estre go out to see the chaos they hear. Everyone is shocked to hear Cris was with Momia.

Back to Jacqui telling Beto not to throw in the towel. Marcos throws in his cheer for the same. Beto thinks she doesn't love him.

Now Cris is surrounded by cackling women who wonder what the heck he was doing. Clear gender lines here. Aldo helps out his team by telling the story of the time that Momia did the same thing to him, showed up in a bathrobe.

Now Ma cheers for Beto that Coni loves him. She reminisces about the time in the hospital when Coni thought Beto dead. Jac begs him to try, that he is the only one who can save her daughter. Marcos lets out a "porfis" Ha!!

Paula breaks up with Cris despite him begging her not to. She'll find a man who will want to marry her. Cris doth protest.

Beto agrees to fight for the Momia. May God and all the saints help him! The p'rents are all pleased and pledge their support. Jac leaves but Marcos wants to stay and talk to Nieves. Jac insults him that Coni clearly came from him and that the "commoner" is still in him. He begs Beto to leave them alone. After a protracted argument, Beto finally agrees when his Ma tells him it will be ok.

Marcos reminds Nieves he never forgot her and it's never too late to fight for her love. Oh yes it is, says Cesar, who busts in and claims his woman!! Rah Cesar!!!

Beto comes out and tells the entire tenement about the love triangle between his Ma and Coni's Papas. They are all shocked.

Cesar wants to resolve things with Marcos the only way he knows how. A golpes. He spits some fighting words.

Pau and Cris continue arguing. This captures Beto's attention and he learns Cris was with Momia. Oh. WAIT, what???? Now he is going to get in on the bashing. Yikes, this doesn't go well and they start to come to blows. Moni wants to help but Pau tells her to butt out.

Cesar and Marcos fight over Nieves rolling her back and forth between the two of them like pretzel dough. I'm her past and future. I'm her present..... blah blah. Me thinks Nieves likes all the manly contact.

Momia finally wakes up, luckily Mona came back in time to get the envelope. Of course they fight over this again. Momi throws the Mami card out again. Mona says nope didn't ruin my life, made it better, thank you. She explained everything. Momi eats this up and starts laughing, swearing her Ma hates her..oh and she knows why, because you, Mona, are the product of her rape. Ouch.

Mona says that's not true, Momia drives home how it is, and how Mona is muy poca cosa.

Beto now has Cris in backhand lock. Pau still crying over him and Cris still swearing his love. Pau exits, but Cris tells Beto it was all Momia's fault. Cris wants to fight for Pau's love. Beto for Coni. Beto finally lets him up.

Mona puts her fighting hands up again, she doesn't want to hear the Momia anymore. This goes on again for a while. Oh crap, now she brings up Mau and how he hasn't been honest with her either. Mona swears she already talked to him and all is fine.

Back at the duel of old amors, both Cesar and Marcos swear their undying love to Nieves. She eventually kicks them both out, but then smiles at the prospect of two men fighting over her.

Back to the envelope fighting. Mona yells at her that what's in there must be something that she will hurt someone else with because that is all she knows how to do and she is now more alone than ever. She's destroyed Mau and now she goes home to noone. Ah, dear Momia starts to cry.

Aldo, Beto, Cris, and Cesar are sitting on the ground. Mau walks up and wonders what happened. All the guys start talking at once about their various ills. Ali and Tere walk up to distract him. Mau stops Ali to tell her that Issy has shown up.

OK now it's Momi's turn - she tells Moni that Mau would have told her the truth. Shortly thereafter said Mau shows up. Momia tells him he should really tell Mona the truth about how her Ma really does hate her. Mona begs him to tell if this stuff is true. Momia eggs him on. He says he'll talk to her, but alone. Ha - then he doesn't, he tells her right there in front of the Momia that it's true, her Ma isn't the person she thinks. What???? Smack to us and that's the end of the episode. Sheesh.


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