Monday, December 05, 2011

Una Familia Con Suerte #42 Mon 12/5/11 Unruly Pilgrims at the Cathedral of Merengue

Candi is strolling home through the park at night, and the tinkling synth-xylophone immediately tells us she's being followed by a bumbling perp. Turns out it's Vins in a huge zoot-suit style hat and jacket, and sunglasses, trotting in a most amusing fashion. She ducks behind some trees, waits for her tail to catch up, and pounces, pinning Vins to the ground. They have a cute moment, and Vins complains that first he couldn't be with her, then he couldn't spy on her through closed-circuit cameras, and now he can't even follow her through the park. Seriously, he asks, why couldn't he have just one tiny camera in the little bathroom in her little room? She demands to be treated like a lady.

Pancho has finally managed to convince Rebe to go out with him. They're all dressed up, meeting at the office, and he's brought a few outfits for her approval.

Candi barges into Pancho's daughter's rehearsal and whisks her away to talk about Vins. I like this daughter. She tells her band to "take a chorus, boys, I'll be back soon." The daughter makes Candi call Vins and says she needs to be tough... "tell him the shop is closing."

Back at Pina's place, the pregnant Pomeranian is way depressed. Apparently she's even on meds for depression. Vins is sneaking off to meet Candi, but Pina makes him console the dog and bring her along.

Back to the annoying teens. Monica told Pepe that it was over (on account of her dad), and now she's crying and being consoled by her friend. Her Dad walks in and tells her Freddy has arrived.

Pancho and Rebe stroll into the "center of shows and disco" for their "not-a-date." He's wearing an awful shirt with a huge collar hugely unbuttoned (which would be fitting if there were any actual disco going on here). He informs her that this is a true "cathedral of Merengue," and introduces her to his buddy Ramon, who is either the MC or a singer with the band. He dedicates a song to the two.

Now Candi and Vins have their illicit meeting. Vins pushes a button and a door swings open in their weird garage. More silly spy music as Pina shows up in the yard, dressed in a weird burlap sack of a skirt, looking for Vins, who is busily trying to make up for lost time with Candi.

At the cathedral: Chela walks in with Pancho's bald friend, and locks eyes with Rebe. Rebe: "Cristo resucitado."

Candi and Vins and the Pomeranian are still holed up in the garage, trying not to make much noise, but making tons of noise in the process. They kiss a lot. Candi: "this has to stop. We can't keep kissing like fifteen-year-olds in a garage."

Things are heating up at the cathedral. Pancho had told Chela he was going to work. This is clearly not work. Problem. Pancho watches the girls fight, makes a half-assed effort to stop them, and then Rebe storms off to the ladies' room. Chela shortly does the same, but the two don't even make it to the potty before they're at it again.

Freddy is pretending to apologize to Monica. She tells him he needs to win her back after what's happened (but the word she uses is "reconquistada," which seems to mean something else entirely).

Vins manages to get himself back into the house without getting caught, but Pina smells a rat. Specifically, she smells cheap perfume on the Pomeranian. Vins' eyes roll hilariously as he struggles to come up with an explanation, but his heart isn't in it. He says some random lady picked up the dog and kissed it while they were on the walk. Hmmm. Pina calls the maid, whose face is so green from whatever she's put on it that an already nervous Vins just about jumps out of his shoes. He asks if those are boogers on her face, and then Pina demands that she wash that tramp's smell off of the dog.

With the girls off fighting, Pancho and his friend finally start to have a fun evening. But look out, says the bald friend, here comes the bonbon! Chela follows soon behind, and yanks her date away from the table to dance. Beca and Pancho leave. Oh well, at least the music was good (by the way, we didn't actually see any real dancing).

Now we are treated to an awfully boring montage of Pepe and Monica pining for one another. Barf.

Freddy reveals his plans to a tut-tutting friend (who he calls "mister intense"): he will re-woo Monica to spite the mechanic as he gets his "wave" with Elena.

Pancho comes home, alone, only to be ambushed by a weeping Chela, who tells him the same old story. She wishes it could be like it used to be, and promises that no matter what she'll always make him ham on mondays and tuesdays. Huh?

Pina rehashes Vins' dog story with a friend as they stretch, and also reveals that Vins has bought A Bag, presumably for one of his girlfriends.

Candi is reading Vins the riot act for his inappropriate behavior, but then she sees the bag he bought her. She momentarily reconsiders, than casts the bag on the floor and stomps out.

Ahh, back to the internet cafe/sandwich shop. Still no customers. Elena is gushing about Freddy, who has apparently gotten her a passport and arranged a trip to Brasil.

Freddy's friend wants him to "leave that poor girl in peace," but it's not clear which girl he means. Tomas, who is doing his plumber job in the house (there are no girls present, so he's got a shirt on) overhears the world Elena, at the very least, and almost gets in a fight. Freddy is a jerk, and throws a pillow at him as he leaves.

The miserable accountant is making a presentation for Rebe and Pancho. Still no good news. He refuses to make the numbers happier, and Pancho says "don't start with the Titanic again."

Pancho and Rebe, yet again, go out on an almost-kiss. They were discussing the Japanese investors, she wanted him to learn how to eat sushi, he boasted about having once eaten an entire octopus, and then told her he'd eat *anything*, spikes and all, for her. They go out on that romantic note.


Manos Quietas

Hi All,
Just wanted to let you know that my husband and I went to LA from Phoenix over the weekend to see Manos Quietas with Fernando Colunga (aka TBLMOE)! The play was the whole motivation for the trip and my husband was a good sport for endulging me.
The play was at Teatro Los Pinos in South Gate and we went to the Friday night show at 9:30. We had 8th row center seats. I bought them online and they were the closest I could get at the time. I would have LOVED to be in the 1st or 2nd row. The minute Fernando Colunga came out on the stage the women started screaming so loud that you would have thought it was a Justin Beiber concert! I have to admit that I was one of them! He is simply the most beautiful man on the face of the earth. So handsome, such a presence - oooooozing with charisma and masculinity! All I could think of was there's Manuel Fuentes Guerra (Amor Real), Luis Manrique (Alborada), El Antillano (Pasion) and Franco Santoro (MEPS)!!!! Luis Manrique being my personal favorite!!!!!
The play itself was really good - lots of comedy. The other actor was Johnny Lozado of Menudo fame who is now one of the hosts of Sal y Pimienta. Lorena Rojas plays FC's wife, Aylin Mujica and Giselle Blondet are the two other actresses. I think the play was just short of 2 hours long. The "highlight" was FC being tied up and having his pants pulled down by the ladies in the play as part of their "argument" about the battle of the sexes. I thought the women in the audience screaming when his pants came down was going to blow the roof off the theater! LOL
Anyway, just wanted to report back in to the Caray Caray family about my experience. If any of you have the chance to see the play you should definitely go - it's worth it.
Melissa (former Fuego en La Sangre and Manana es Para Siempre re-capper)

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Sunday, December 04, 2011

Una Familia Con Suerte #41 Fri 12/2/11 In which we suddenly have a friend who owns a dance studio.

Rerun: Pancho goes to Rebeca's to apologize. Becky has a gigantic migraine. Joke: she says her jaqueca (terrible headache) is killing her; Pancho asks if she's referring to one of the jeque's (sheik's) wives. She adds that there are no female sheiks, and that she loves his bad jokes. He's got another one about a cherry (cereza) who sees herself in the mirror and asks, "¿seré esa yo/cereza yo?" ("would that be me?/me, cherry?") Rebeca clearly has not heard a lot of jokes in her life, because she thinks it's brilliant. (This reminds me of a joke about a potato who was a prostitute. Punchline: "I da ho.") Me, I've had my fill of Pancho's jokes for the day!

Vince says he didn't tell Pina that the letter was for her when they were at Avon because he's too timid to say such a thing in front of all those people. After a brief review of the meteorological phenomena in his letter, she wants them to go into the volcano.

Pancho tells Rebeca she's afraid of her feelings for him. She says she can't afford the luxury of feeling anything. "Being in love is a luxury?" Pancho makes her feel his heart, and hers. Both are pounding. There's no reason to be afraid. She says they're polar opposites. He says negative and positive attract. It's too fast for her. He says he never sold fruit before it was ripe. (It sounded better in Spanish.) He thanks her for forgiving him, and leaves.

They've finished dinner at home and are chatting around the table. Fernanda enjoys the chaos and tells them what dinner was like during her childhood. Dad wasn't much for idle chit-chat. No talking at the dinner table. The only thing he wanted to know about was their grades. She'd be so proud of her excellent report card; but he'd peer at it through his glasses and say "that's your duty, Fernanda." Pepe says it sounds like living in a barracks. "Worse than that," Fernanda says mysteriously. (I think we can now guess why she gave up her baby.) (Speaking of which, I recently commented that I thought Fernanda couldn't fire Vince because he had some dirt on her, possibly concerning the baby. Now I'm wondering if I remembered wrong and that it was Pina who hinted about knowing a secret about Fer.)

Chela is in the kitchen, drying dishes with Chula and Goya. Chacho comes along with his lollipop and a shirt that I believe says "SEXY SATUR DAY." She says she has no appetite, but she'll keep him company if he wants to eat here in the kitchen. She excuses herself for a moment. Chacho excitedly jokes to himself that if he had hair, he'd comb it!

Pancho drives home happily in La Burra, "I know she likes me!" He glimpses his photo of Laurita and tells her, "sorry, but no way can I deny how I feel inside!" Then he throws her a few more guilty looks.

Chacho is breathless and excited. Chela is mystified by his good cheer. He tries to exlain it away with soccer talk, but admits it's because "you.. and me..." and then chickens out again and asks for dessert. After much more hemming and hawing, he asks her to go out dancing. Her reaction is not immediately positive, but I guess he's enthusiastic enough for both of them at the moment.

Mónica tells Karina all the latest about Pepe and Freddy. Karina closes the door to prevent Enzo from spying. Mo says he's never been like that. Kari says, "but you've never defied him before." Despite losing her car and other privileges, Mo can't stop thinking about Pepe's kisses and the dumb things he says and even his scent. Mónica doesn't want to defy her father, though. Kari says that her father should want her to be happy, and her happiness is at Pepe's side. Kari says she'd better hurry, or someone else will take him. Mónica semi-jokingly identifies Kari as a possible suspect.

I guess the volcano trip with Pina was cancelled, because Vince is looking for Candy with his telescope. He finds Fernanda instead. He crosses himself (to ward off demons, I guess) and lets the telescope fall as he reaches for his phone to call Candy. (Phone, did you see what happened to the scope? You might be next.) He asks Candy why she's not in her room, and she teases him for admitting that he'd been spying. She tells him he's playing with fire. Pina walks in on this conversation just as he's saying, "I won't mind the heat if I'm in the same fire as you!" He tells Pina he's talking to Enzo. "That's like calling me the bearded lady at the circus!" Candy protests.

Pina wants the phone. Candy wants to talk to Pina. Pina takes the phone out of Vin's hand. Candy hangs up. Pina doesn't even check the number.

Bárbara and Rebeca rehash. Bar is excited to hear that Pancho's letting Rebe take all the time she needs.

Pancho visits Vince to tell him he knows the trouble-making letter was for Candy. She's his sister and he loves her very much. If Vince dares break her heart, he'll have to deal with Pancho. Vince says he'd like to break Pancho's face. They continue to exchange vague threats.

On his way home, Pancho intercepts Alex with a bunch of pink roses for Lupita. Pancho says it's late, so he'll take the flowers to her himself. Lupita is happy when she thinks the flowers are from Dad, but puts them down when she hears they're from Alex. He's a nice guy and all, but she's never going to fall in love again. (Good luck with that, kiddo.)

Next, Pancho visits the lovelorn Pepe and tells him to hang in there.

Next day: Tomás shows up for his plumbing duties while Pina is practicing her tai chi outdoors. She tells him to put all the new pipes over yonder. Adoración comes outside to get an eyeful. As they happily watch Tom stack pipes, Pina decides she'd like to take her yoga lesson outside today.

It's Casual Friday at Avon, and Rebeca is wearing jeans. Rebe explains Casual Friday to Pancho as if this is the first Friday he's ever been in the office. He's staring at her and it makes her nervous. He says it's just because she looks so... uf. (It is a compliment.) They have to talk about the Japanese investors coming next week. He jokes about giving them peanuts and a pagoda, or something. She asks if he's ever in a bad mood.

Fred visits Elena at the chat parlor. By the way, I'm not sure when or why it happened, but she is now calling herself Helen. He's going to take her someplace. She guesses it's a gondola ride at Xochimilco. Nope! He wants to take her to Brazil.

Mónica apologizes to Karina for thinking that she, her best friend, would ever steal Pepe from her. Pepe shows up and apologizes to Mo for yesterday (the scene in the car with Freddy). She tearfully breaks up with him.

Rebeca really wants to talk about the Japanese investors. It is a HUGE deal. He wants to talk about last night. He wants to put a name on it. It's called love! They look like they're going to kiss, but their faces are suddenly covered by strange twinkly things like the energy creatures I saw in a Star Trek episode, and we go to break. Dangit! These two are always getting interrupted by commercials.

The spell is broken. They have important things to do. "More important than love?" She wants him to stop mentioning that word! It's making her nervous, no, she's just nervous about the Japanese investors and want to get back to work.

Pancho wants to take the investors to a typical Mexican place, a dance place owned by a friend of his (also where Chacho wanted to take Chela). He wants to take her there tonight to check it out. They have snacks, too. It emerges that Rebeca has never had pigs' feet tostadas. She agrees to go with him!

Pina is trying to do her yoga lesson and ogle Tomás at the same time. Her instructor notices that she's distracted (because she keeps trying to look around him) and ends the lesson. Pina's friend Catalina shows up and they cluck about Vince and the letter. Pina's sure it was for Rebeca. "The same one from two years ago?" Cathy asks. Then she spies the new plumber and understands why Pina wanted to take her yoga class outside. She asks if she can borrow him. "No," Pina replies.

We're back at the chat place. One of the kids walks by and Freddy covers his nose. Fred tells Elena, er, Helen that she doesn't need to worry about money or anything - she just needs to get a passport. He gives her a big wad of cash. She is overjoyed. "It's only 3000 pesos," he tells her. (At the current exchange rate, that's about $222 US dollars.)

Cathy tells Pina she still doesn't have any proof (that the letter was for Rebeca). Cathy tells her to investigate Vince the way any private investigator would: check out his bills and credit card expenses. And then when she has proof, confront him!

Rebeca warns Pancho that the Japanese investors will be tough negotiators. But it's getting late and she needs to change her clothes for tonight's outing. They get closer to kissing than ever before, but then she hops up - maybe she feels a commercial coming on - and leaves. She fans herself in the hallway in front of Pancho's secretary Enriqueta. Queta is intrigued.

Now Pina is in Vince's office, looking for clues as Cathy advised. She starts tossing the place when Sandy walks in on her. Pina says she's lost a contact lens.

Pancho goes home and tells Chela he won't be having dinner with them tonight. Neither will she, it turns out. She won't tell him where she's going, but he says he has to prepare for the Japanese investors. She doesn't think it's ALL about the investors, but doesn't fight with him.

That evening, Candy takes a walk and feels as though someone is following her. She sees a man in a black hat, long black trenchcoat, and sunglasses (after dark) and jumps him. She is about ready to crush him with her fists when he says he's Vicente Irabién, and doesn't she recognize him?

Next time:
Abeja gets caught between Candy and Vince. Also: Casual Friday Night Fever at the disco!


Saturday, December 03, 2011

El Mundo de Telemundo, Week of December 5, 2011: Discuss Amongst Yourselves

Sorry for the delay in posting. I also haven't had a chance to see any of the novelas so over to you.

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La Fuerza del Destino #85 Fri 12/02/11 Honey Buns Gets Busted In The Buff Again And Lucia Gets Licenciada'd

As Viewerville settles in for its weekending emotional fender-bender south of the border, Camilo has found the mechanic that helped Antolin replace his fan belt on the car.  He remembers him because you don’t see a car like Anto’s cherry red ’66 Mustang convertible everyday of the week.  He remembered also that Judith drove up and offered to take him back into Alamos and that Anto couldn’t because he was headed to Mexico instead.  So, Cam has the key witness they’ve needed to help with his big bro’s defense.  Duhn-duhn-duhnnnn!

Anto is not making many friends in prison.  However, he finds out El Piojo (The Louse--as in many lice but only one louse) who helped with the burn job for Juan Jaime Mondragon, is in there doing time for grand theft-auto.   Antolin tells Piojo he’s certain El Gordo framed him by purposely leaving his pistol at the scene of the murder/attempted kidnapping they’ve charged him with.  No way it was him!  He’d never get involved with things like that, and besides, the dude who got iced was a guy he really liked!  He’s got a good couple of lawyers, yeah, but he is still stuck in jail till his trial.  Well, waddaya know?  Piojo can help him out of this jam!

Luckily Ivan manages to recover the files on Lucia’s laptop that the obnoxiously noxious Maripaz had mischievously erased the day before.  Lucia is elated since she can’t use Bernice’s notes because hers were specific to her thesis project (or something like that) and the final exam can’t be postponed.  She invites Ivan and Don Anthony to her graduation ceremony, along with Alex to enjoy the festivities.

Meanwhile, Antolin still hasn’t gotten his one phone call for his attorney.  The guard goes off to check on it and again Anto has to fend off the gang of prison goons who tease him about having his own lawyer.  Anto still has the home-made knife he took off the last guy and threatens #2 Goon with it.  “--Go fight with yourselves and leave me friggin’ alone!”  They do.

At the cemetery we get a heart-rendering scene of Alex weeping over his grampa Gerardo’s grave, telling him how much he misses him.  FF>>

Lucia graciously agrees to let Ivan visit his daughter as the rightful baby-daddy.  He kisses her and Perlita and wishes Lucia a resplendently grand [airosa] time of it at her oral exams.  He credits her intelligence and determination for getting her this far.

Meanwhile, Carlota invites Bernice, David and her parents over to El Socorro for the  graduation celebration.  Lucia comes back in and tells Lucrecia and Carly that she’s invited everyone she cares about to her graduation party—and no, that does not include either Camilo or Maripaz!  Lucia races off with Bernie before Mama has a chance to pick another fight, so Lucrazy gripes to Carly about Cam’s not being invited. Carly rolls her eyes.  “—They’re se-pa-ra-ted!  What don’t you understand about ‘separated’?” Lulu's desperately hoping to keep town gossip to a low roar, sadly. “--Oh!  They could easily enough make up again!”  “--Get real!”  

Carly then makes a quick call to the lawyer she spoke with earlier and says she is changing her will: she's taking her granddaughter, Maripaz Lomeli, out of it and giving what went to her to her other granddaughter, Lucia Lomeli.  Lucre-zia chokes on her breakfast coffee.  She grabs the phone out of Carly’s hand and clicks off.  “—You’re absolutely crazy!!”  “--Not a bit and if you don’t get out of my face I’m going to do the same to you!”  Lulu threatens going to court to get her committed and declared incompetent to determine her will.

Lucre-zia races off to her room and has a sh!t fit.  What’s she going to do now that JJ Meandragon is an invalid?  She can’t marry a lump like that!  She’s got to get herself a lawyer!  But who? 

In another part of the house, Lucia admits to Bernice that she’s decided to get back with Ivan, but she really feels sorry for Cam.  Cam who?  Bernie tells her to forget Cam.  She was never really in love with the guy and then after the way he’s treated her since—just ugh!  "--Hey, you feel badly when you step on an ant and smash him, too, right?"  Lucia snickers at her BFF’s practicality.  --Time to partayyyyyy!!

At Don Anthony’s, Benito’s mentioned the raw deal Anto got being transferred to prison. Carolina accidentally overhears the news and demands to see him.  (How can you say no to a defenseless invalid?)  Tony tries explaining visiting days are Sunday’s only and that in the meantime they really need to get back to Mexico to see her doctor for a follow-up exam.

Later that morning, Tony finds out that his private detective has come up with the right mechanic and that he’s agreed to testify.  Licenciado Lara gets word from Cam at the same time.  How did Don Anthony know?  Well, Don Anthony hired a private investigator on his own who already found the dude. --Ok.  So this get’s his brother off scott-free, right?  Oh, well, with the business with the gun, they still need testimony from Gordy, and he’s disappeared off the face of the earth [se lo tragó la tierra = literally, the earth’s swallowed him]. [¿Verdad?]  Ya know/understand/right?

Anto gets word that his lawyer’s there to speak to him.  All the goons are ticked cuz the guy really does have his own mouthpiece!  FF>>

In between those endlessly aggravating wipes of his glasses, Lic. Lara tells Anto that the mechanic’s been found and he’s given his testimony to the authorities.  That leaves the problem with the gun and proving Gordo framed him with it.  Anto tells Lara that a prisoner he knows--El Piojo--told him that the one responsible for the kidnapping was Gordy and that he purposely left the gun there to incriminate him.  Lara says the judge isn’t the type to willingly take a prisoner’s word for things, but Anto says Piojo has known Gordy for a long time now and Gordy blabbed and bragged to everyone about it! Lara wonders what the guy’s in for and what he wants for his testimony.  Anto tells him about the car theft and that he wants a reduced sentence.  Hmmmm. 

Carmen finally gets back to El Socorro and sees the place is set up for a party.  Gloria tells her the decorations there are for Lucia’s graduation and she’s got to get back to fixing the hors d’oeuvres. 

Carmen calls Cam who’s still out in the back forty and she tells him about today being the day Lucia graduates. He thought Lucia was going to let him know so he could go with her for it.  (Fat chance, Beefcake Boy!  After getting caught in bed with lascivious Big Sis?  Are you delirious or what? Somebody needs to explain "separado" to him, too, I’d say.) 

At the same time Cam is getting word from Carmen, Ivan, Alex and Tony are watching Bernice and Lucia pass their exams successfully.  They listen to the professor give Lucia and Bernie an honorable mention specifically for their research.  Both thank  their family and teachers for their support and encouragement.  Lucia includes Ivan--who’s wearing a mile-wide sh!t-eating grin.  Alex brings in a couple of bouquets for Lucia and Bernice. 

A couple minutes later Cam barges in on the group--still dressed in his tee-shirt and jeans from the back forty (and, as Viewerville suspects, no doubt smelling pretty rank from a nasty combination of sweat and manure).  He drags Lucia over to the side, hands her more flowers—pretty skimpy compared to the fantabulous bouquet from Ivan--and congratulates her.  She’s shocked to see him there, and she's definitely not the friendliest face in this crowd.  Let’s just say Cam has real problems taking very broad hints cuz next minute he wants to know why she doesn’t give a damn he brought her pink roses and most of all, why she didn’t bother to tell him about the graduation.  She frowns big time but keeps her anger at a simmer.  “—You’re here, aren’t you?”  He whines something else about still loving her and that he doesn’t want to lose her.  (For my money, she can't get past the pungent stench of sweat and fresh cow pie!  Sheesh!) Ivan interrupts this little scene Cam’s making to let him know in no uncertain terms that he has already lost her.  Lucia’s no longer Cam’s exclusive property—as in Lucia’s got a different pair of size 12 boots shoved under her bed now.

During the reception we are treated to Ortiz (?) kissing Judith--so we now know that she’s gotten over Camilo.  Ivan walks back into the party a bit after and tells Lucia that Cam down deep is really a good guy.  He just has never known how to lose. Lucia says you’d never guess it these days.  Jealousy has turned him to The Dark Side.  Ivan asks if she’s sure she wants to live with him now.  He’s not a normally selfish person.  Lucia answers that although she feels badly for Cam, she’d love nothing more than to be with him permanently.  Is she ready to divorce Cam though?  Yes!  She walks into the next room and right smack dab into 
The Puppy-faced One!

In town at the judge’s, El Piojo tells the judge how things really went down. The judge asks what kind of person Antolin was and did he hang around much with El Gordo? Not really, especially once Gordo left town for a long while.  Who knows why kind of things Gordy got messed up in then!  Anyway, Anto wasn’t a bad guy; he hung around rich guys and tried getting money out of them; he’d get women for them, and he’d look for their weak side (lado flaco = Achilles heel) so he could take advantage of them somehow, but nothing much more than that. Gordy started talking big [palabras mayores= strong words/excessive braggadocio] and said that he would screw over Antolin, smear him, to get even.  He would be spending all his time [dedicarse] planning the kidnapping.

The police detective tells the judge he doesn’t think Antolin had anything to do with the crime.  Lara leaves go with the glasses long enough to tell the judge (sorry, but I just can’t stop thinking about the ungodly number of snags in those silk ties of Lara's!) that it’s obvious then that Anto’s gun was stolen [sustraer] and used to incriminate him for the kidnapping and the murder–and any other things he might be involved in are not being discussed or adjudicated in this trial, though, “¿Verdad?” [Correct?]  The judge looks over and frowns.

Lucia, meanwhile, gives Camilo the final brush-off.  Their problems started long before Ivan.  Yeah, he says, but that was only because she knew he was coming back.  No, she says, cuz he knows they tried again and that it didn’t work out!  But they made love after!  Only to please him but not now! The fighting just started all over again. It was a waste cuz his jealousy always got the better of him.  He insists that he still loves her and refuses to give up.  “--Get it through your head that I was happy to stay a single mother; I only married you because you and my grandma convinced me to!”  But he believed (naïve soul) that she’d fall in love with him, he tells her!  Well, she didn’t, she says.  You just can’t force that kind of feeling!  What does he want from her, anyway?  He says he wants them to get back together again.  No way!  N.O.!

Lucia goes back into the house and runs into Ivan waiting for her.  She tells him she’s going to ask for a divorce.  Too bad it won’t be an amiable one.

Back in the judge’s chambers, the judge learns that Piojo never managed to steal the car, but was only caught in the attempt.  The judge says he doesn’t like taking the word of a convicted criminal.  He is reminded by Lara that Anto wasn’t there and the fact that the lock on his door was tinkered with shows he’s innocent; that the law is on the guilty’s side in this case.  The judge says he’ll think a bit longer on it and let them know.

Lara goes back to inform Antolin what went on after Piojo gave his testimony. The judge doesn’t like relying on a convicted criminal’s testimony, Lara explains, especially when they want something in return for it, you know?  Anto’s fit to be tied.  “—What else does the judge want?  It’s a fact that my door lock was messed with and the mechanic proved I was nowhere near at the time cuz of the breakdown! You have no idea what all I have to put up with in this place!  If I don’t get out of here soon, I’m going to end up killing one of these guys trying to defend myself from one of their attacks!  Then I’ll be spending my life in here for that!”  Lara takes his eyes off his glasses and tie long enough to squint and tell Antolin to be confident and careful.  (Viewerville smirks.)  “--We don’t want to lose what we’ve already gained, right?”  Anto rolls his eyes and lets out a major sigh.

Alex comes back from the graduation ceremony and asks Caro why Anto wasn’t there.  She fibs and says he’s not in Alamos right now.  FF>>

Lara later calls to let Tony and Ivan know that the other prisoner testified for Antolin, but now they’ve got to wait however long it takes for the judge to make up his mind.  Ivan tells Tony that was a lucky break for Anto.  Tony agrees and then asks what Cam was doing there at the graduation and what he wanted with Lucia.  Ivan says it’s going to be a long and messy divorce is all.

Back at El Socorro, Lucia tells Carly that she’s decided to get the divorce after all.  It wont’ be easy since Cam has threatened to fight for custody of Perlita.  The town will talk and her mama will get upset all over again.  Carly tells her to forget what her mother says or wants.  What matters is what Lucia wants!  Lucia thanks her Gram for always being there for her and supporting her.  

Cam stops in to see Merry Piece at the hotel she’s living in now.  She greets him with a major mouth-meld but says she’s miffed he didn’t call her back right away when she called earlier.  He says he was too busy and couldn’t.  She whines that next time he needs to call her back immediately.  He complains he smells like a sewer and she tells him to take a long, hot shower while she orders in a bite.  He walks into the bedroom and begins to undress.  Merry Piece’s tongue falls to the floor as she looks at those amazing muscles of his and calls room-service.  (Mmm-mmm-mmmmm!) 

Across town, Ivan stops in at Arcelia’s to tell her the good news about Antolin’s case.

Back in Merry Piece’s suite, Cam walks out wrapped only in a towel.  He wants to get dressed, but she wheedles and convinces him not to just yet.  There’s a knock at the door.  MP tells him that must be the food.  He stands and waits with that dumb empty stare of his and lo and behold—it’s not the food at all, but Mama Lucrazia!  R-r-r-ouble Ruh-roh!  Lucrazia gets an eyeful of beefcake and gives Maripaz a slap across the choppers that has Viewerville standing on chair tops and cheering.

Maripaz screams at her mother that this is the last time she’s ever going to hit her or else!  “—My God, he’s your sister’s husband!!”  Not anymore!!  They’re separated!!  Mama better get it straight now that she’s independent and single and she has been for years! Despite the fact Mama thinks she can treat her like she’s still fifteen, she can’t and better not!  Lucia messed around with Ivan when he was engaged to her, don’t forget!

Esther is at Juan Jaime’s bedside ready to care for him despite the after-effects of his stroke.  She notices that he can’t hold his own drinking cup now.  Mr. Meandragon’s fire breathing tantrums have ebbed to a trickle of smoke from a single nostril. The doctor walks in on them and assures Esther that with help from family and friends that with practice JJ can recover his lost coordination.  He’ll probably still have a bit of memory loss, especially with things that happened right before the stroke.  David and Judi join their mom. He feebly tells them that he doesn’t want to go on living if he has to live dependent on others’ pity.  He doesn’t remember David or Judith. 

Cam is dressed now and giving MP grief for getting him into this mess!  Because of her he’s going to lose his divorce case and custody!   Who the heck gives a rat’s rump end, screams Merry Piece!  He does, he yells back!  He still loves her sister!  Why???  How could he want her sister more than her?  “--I’m beautiful, sexy….She’s just an unsophisticated sad-sack!  She doesn’t even take off her nightgown to make love!!!”  She tries to keep Cam from going, but he doesn’t want to listen to it and slams the door in her face.  MP is furious and kicks the tray of food on the floor as she storms back to her empty bedroom.   Fornication-ally foiled again!

That night Carmen gossips to Mama about the way Cam went to Lucia’s party and couldn’t face up to the fact she doesn’t want him anymore.  He walks in just then.  Celia tries to discuss Lucia’s party but he ignores that and tells her instead what happened at Antolin’s hearing and that he’ll probably be freed soon.  Lara calls the house then with word for Cam that the judge will be giving them the verdict the next day.

Over at Suckers’ Ranch, Lucre-zia is complaining to Carly about the circus that is her daughter’s love-life and the humiliation of it all.  Carly tells her to buck up and be proud –of what, asks Lucrazia?  That they’re all still close and love one another (–well, not exactly where Merry Piece is concerned, ¿verdad?  But why be splittin’ hairs here?)  They’re the Curiel Family—still honorable after all these years.  Lucia overhears the conversation and heads back to her room with her head hung low.  She agrees with Mama, not grand-mama.

David shows up at the house and finds Saul all smiles, sitting in JJ’s big chair and drinking tequila, celebrating the unhappy circumstances.  Rotten luck he’s recuperating.  “—He should have died!”  David wonders why he says that when he was always the man’s favorite.  Favorite what?  Why?  David was a fruit and he was a brainless twit to the old fart!  Well, he should have gone to see their mother at least.  What for?  He doesn’t owe that holier-than-thou female [beata= churchy, prudish, pious] anything!  Davy tells him he’s pitiable.  Saul says he should talk, hiding his homosexuality behind the pretense of a childhood trauma!  Davy sneers back an answer about Saul's being worthless and shiftless.  Saul tries egging him on by calling him a fag.  David says he doesn’t fight brothers or cripples then pops him in the chops and knocks Saul flat on his crippled backside.  (Yeah, the jackass deserved it, but that cold-cock didn’t satisfy.  Davy would have been more credible keeping his fists to himself.  Ya really don’t sock a real lame lame-ass, no matter how much he deserves it--cuz yeah, the ass really IS lame.)
Tony informs Ivan that he’ll be taking Caro to Mexico City for her follow up exam and wants to invite Lucia along since Caro really trusts her.  Ivan says great and since they can’t fly back, he’ll come up with a car and drive them all back.  Tony tells him that he also needs to head to the hospital to see his real dad.  Ivan doesn’t want to at all but Tony reminds him it’s the humane thing to do, no matter how he really feels.

Ivan calls late that night to ask Lucia if she wants to join Tony and Caro cuz she’ll have to be ready at 7AM the next morning.  Sure, she says.  She’ll be ready.  He says he wants to talk to her about the divorce thing when she gets back into town.  She sounds upset about something he feels, but Lucia says it’s just she’s tired of the subject right now and doesn’t want to wake the baby. 

Back at the prison, the next day, Anto nearly gets his face cut up this time by the same pack of goons.  The guard calls over to him just then and says he’s got to appear at the cage [rejilla de prácticas = the bars in Mexican courtrooms behind which dangerous prisoners stand during their court session].   

Carolina finally gets her bandages off and yes she’s able to see this time!  The first person she notices is Lucia.  Tears of relief all ‘round. 

Back in Alamos, Antolin is finally declared innocent and free to go.  More tears of relief.  ¡Bendito sea Dios!


Cuando Me Enamoro #159 Friday 12/2/11 With Agustín... It Was the Thought that Counts

Our Blue Flower must take the night off so you guys are stuck with grumpy old Dr. Carlos to guide you through tonight's festivities. Not to worry though, because tonight I'm joined by lovely bottle of Monte Alban Mezal, aromatic slices of a small lemon, and a tiny dish of black volcanic salt. The little worm, so far unmolested, is crouching nervously on the glass floor trying to make himself invisible... I'll get to you later little fellow.

Before I begin, allow me to welcome Mary, our latest study group member who admits to the occasional impure thought involving Juan Soler (Jerónimo Linares)... really? Juan Soler? Ummmm... OK... let's see what kind of sandwich you have there...

Renata, who was rummaging through the box of Fina's odds and ends that Regina turned over to her, is joined in Jerry's office by Manuela. Nata announces that she has a date with a newly religious reptile involving fingerprints as soon as she tidies up. Manuela, recognizing an opportunity to pry a bit, offers to take care of replacing the stuff into the box. Nata scurries off as Manuela inspects a document, "Acta de naciemiento de la niña Roberta Gamba Álvarez..." She recognizes that as Renata's sister's name. Heck, she's putting the lid on the box. Too bad it wasn't Matilde that offered to help.

Meanwhile, in his cell, Jerry is doing a little math to pass the time. He comes to the brilliant conclusion that Roberta has usurped Renata's position as Regina's daughter in order to inherit the trust fund left by Roberto for the infant Regina. Good job. But the poor guy admits that it's driving him nuts trying to figure out how Roberta was able to accomplish such a nimble feat, "Roberta, you're just not that smart."

Too bad they don't serve Honeynut Cheerios for breakfast here or he might have even thought about Fina having a role in all this.

Pris is a lady with a plan. She adds a toxic supplement to Carlos' Thermos. "Ay, mi Charlie, Sorry, but it's for your own good... and mine."

Roberta is up early depositing that check, meant for the empresa but made out in her name, into her own account. She marvels at how easy it was. Well yeah, you're doing business with idiots.

The La Bonita bunch are enjoying a moment. A smiling Alfonsina holding a disinterested Luz, has joined Manuela, Alison, Matilde, Kari , and Laz as they discuss the sudden marriage. Alison thinks there should be a honeymoon, but it all happened so fast there is no time. It's back to work. Alfonsina is going to see Augie about his promise to continue Zeke's salary. Alison offers to go along for the chance to see Aníbal.

Augie has decided to give his son some fencing lessons. Aníbal gets to wear a mask. Apparently Augie doesn't need one. The lesson doesn't last long. Augie shows him how to hold the épée, they face off, then Augie all but carves a Z on Aníbal's belly. Next!

Saúl has come by the parsonage to pick up Marina for her Dr.'s appointment. padre S must not have been advised. He offers a less than warm reception. Marina, is wearing boots that have perilously high spikey heels for a pregnant lady trying to take it easy... but they look warm. They don't need the nurse to come along. By the way, the clinic is next to the jail. Convenient.

Outside, Renata, munching a taco, meets up with Tony. They spot Marina and Saúl. Renata's curious about Saúl. Tony tells her that it's an old novio there to win Dr. Tatalicious back. Renata smiles and approves. Her cell phone rings... "Oops! Gotta go! Later!"

In Taxco Guerrero the spiffy-looking honeymooning couple, Regina and Gonzo, stroll in a lovely alleyway. They chat. He wants to take a year off and travel... maybe even take the kids. They kiss. Cute... and borrrring... next!

Ben, Julieta, and Adri are at Chema's restaurant. Ben thinks they should keep Chema's dream alive. Looks like Julieta will run the place. She'll think about it.

Say what you will about Germán, this guy doesn't waste time. He presents Roberta with keys to an apartment he's rented for her... er... uh... them. She'd rather own it. All in good time my dear.

Isidro and Inés fret about Coni and the baby. Inés is sure that Coni has been lying and has a plan to expose her. Yawn.

Carlos and Pris are playing with the grape juice chemistry set. Mati arrives with coffee. Pris, respecting their privacy, leaves, "Adíos, Mati." Mati mocks her. Watch out for that coffee, mi Charlie.

Alfonsina expresses appreciation for Laz' and Kari's support as they accompany her, Alison and the baby Luz to the car that Laz has loaned her to use to pay a visit to Agustín.

Killing time until her poison takes effect, Pris asks Manuela for a glass of water. Never mind, here's Mati sounding the alarm. "Carlos is choking!" She gave him a coffee and suddenly he couldn't breathe. Not to worry, Pris runs off and hurries back with a pill.

No wonder Renata was in such a hurry... Jerry's been sprung! She rushes up the municipal building's steps and gives him a super Renata-style greeting and there to witness this joyous reunion is she of the bountiful bouncy bubis in the company of Shady Saúl.

After commercials, Marina identifies the happy couple for Saúl. Jerry tells Renata that it was her intervention with Alvaro that tipped the scales. She then tips him over and begins to ravish him right there in front of God and... well... Marina.
Saúl is very perceptive, "But he looks very much in love with her." Sadly, Marina already knows. He's disgusted with the cad, Jerry, but tells him that Jerry never lied to her. "Then why did you go out with him?" I told you that he's very perceptive. "Let's go," Marina pleads.

Finally, Renata and Jerry get into the SUV, but they look like they might have to pull off to the side of the road on the way home.

Good news travels fast, but Augie doesn't seem to be rejoicing.

Drat! Not exactly the most propitious moment for Alfi to arrive asking for money, but she goes on in carrying Luz with her leaving Alison free to mingle with Aníbal who is practicing with his sword. which he drops when he glimpses Alison. They chat amiably about her work as Luz' babysitter. He didn't think that granny wanted her seeing him but she assures him that it's OK since coming with Alfi and the baby is part of her job. He hopes that Alfonsina has to come often. So does she. They kiss.

As we noted, Augie is grumpy. Alfonsina knocks.

"May I?"

"What are you doing in my office?"

"Perdón, don Agustín, I was told that you were here, that I could come in to look for you."

"I don't like interruptions and much less by people who don't work for me."

"No, no, no, I didn't want to bother you. I came because you told me I could come by on payday for Ezekiel's salary."

"I can't believe it. Your husband just died and you only think of money."

"But you said.."

"Come back another day. Don't just reach out your hand for money."

"I repeat, that if I'm here, it's because you suggested it."

"Well, now I suggest that you come back another day and that you wait outside until I decide to receive you."

"Don't worry, that won't be necessary, I won't return and trouble you."


He then says, "Turns out that the idiot has pride."

He looks out the window and sees the kids kissing and goes ballistic. He looks as though he could devour a live puppy.

The girls and baby leave as Augie shouts for Aníbal.

Alfonsina is devastated. Alison notices that she is crying, but as Alfi agonizes and lashes out at poor dead Zeke, Alison retreats into a prettier world of remembered boy smells and tasty kisses.

Augie viciously scolds Aníbal for the crime of giving his heart to a servant girl. Aníbal boldly holds his ground saying that he has no doubt that Augie is his dad but he will not be manipulated like a puppet. He's going to gather his stuff and leave.

As we break for commercial I picture Augie skewered on one of those pointy sticks:

"Gee officer, it all happened so fast. One minute he was showing me how to fence and the next... well look for yourself..."

Well thank goodness, Carlos is all better. He gave us all quite a scare. Pris says it must have been the coffee. Good thing that Pris knew to give him that pill. "Saaay..." Carlos is thinking the same thing we are, "Priscila, how did you know what to give me?"

She's good... while they were dancing the flamenco in Seville, ("Remember?" "How could I forget?") he had a similar thing happen and she had to give him an antihistamine. "I remembered that you are allergic to some things." He remembers too, "walnuts, cinnamon, sulfa." "And saffron," she adds. Prissy looks accusingly at Mati, "You didn't know?"

I get a little break to sip some mezcal as the well-dressed newlyweds tour the beautiful city of Taxco to the strains of Cuando Me Enamoro.

Back in DF Adri confronts Coni about the baby. Coni responds by inquiring about Benjamín. Well played, Coni. They commiserate about Chema, Adri tells her about the plans to go ahead with the restaurant but when she pauses for a reply, she sees that Coni is lost in a tiny maternal world inhabited by only her and little Amparo.

Renata and Jerry have arrived home and seem to be looking for a soft spot to consummate their reunion when Lazaro spots them. He drags them inside and gathers the crew. Sorry, Renata and Jerry... maybe later. Oh well, gratification delayed is gratification enhanced. Everyone is happy. Jerry congratulates the newlyweds then offers to send them to DF for their luna de miel. RIGHT NOW. OK that's two down. Mati happily tackles Jerry. Renata is collateral damage, being knocked to the sofa. Carlos floats in riding his antihistamine followed by Prissy. "An allergic reaction," they explain. The Curse of Matilde!

At the OB clinic, there's good and bad news. The abruption has healed. Marina can walk again (but I'm guessing... not in those boots.) Unfortunately her blood pressure is up. Preeclampsia? Perhaps just all the stress. The Dr. doesn't seem too worried. She needs to relax and he'll write a prescription. She assures him that she is taking her folic acid.

Saúl senses an opening. She needs to get away from here... either with him... or not... but she needs to get away from this place and guy who makes her so sad.

In the La Bonita kitchen, Kari and Laz are excited about taking their first plane ride. Manuela gives them a special blessing as Mati looks on. They all kid around a bit. Laz and Kari leave. Manuela takes the opportunity to advise Mati, "Stay close to Carlos and keep an eye on Priscila." They both trust Carlos, but neither trusts Pris. Herminia interrupts. Papers have arrived that must be signed for.

Well thank goodness. Jerry has bathed with his own soap and shampooed with his own shampoo. Renata is relieved. The documents are delivered and signed for. They're from the Tribunal Eclesiástico. News of the annulment! Worried looks and speculation. Meintras tanto, Matilde strategically inserts herself between Pris and Charlie. Everyone looks to Jerry who is reading with a worried look as Renata asks pointedly, "Jerónimo, are we still married within the Church... or not?"

Marina arrives home and tells her uncle that the babies are fine, the bleeding danger is past, and as he grouses about Saúl, she wheels into her room to weep and whine as I try to rescue that little worm from the bottom of this bottle.

Cheryl... next!



Friday, December 02, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #158 Thursday 12/1/11 So Here We Are In The Tijuana Jail*

*The Kingston Trio (anyone remember them?)

As always, if I missed something important or got a scene or detail wrong, please weigh in. Thank you. The finance stuff having to do with Roberta is still rather unclear to me.

Sadly, Chema died last night, and tonight the grieving Hons/Cons family arrives home and are surprised by the mewling of an infant. Hons is predictably irked and gets on Con’s case. Again. But wait, there is a note! Honorio angrily reads: “Please excuse me for imposing on you!! Please don’t be mad but I had an emergency!! I’ll be back in a few days!! I couldn’t think of anyone better than you to take care of Amaparito!! Thank you!!! Corinna!!!!” Hons pitches a fit and hurls the note down. Cons tells him to chill but he asks what was that woman thinking, leaving the baby there not knowing when they would return home? (Dude’s got a point.)  Cons tries to justify but Hons stands firm. How irresponsible!! Cons, firmly in denial, coos at the baby girl.

Berta is doing a laptop background search on Germy and wife. She reads that Gema is “one of the few women entrepreneurs and millionaires in the country. Heiress of a great empire, she married Germy despite his being 10 years her junior, turning both into hugely successful entrepreneurs.” Her face when she reads Germy is younger than Gema is priceless. She smirks and says she knew there was something fishy (un gato encerrado) going on with old Germy and he didn’t marry Gema for her pretty face. She bets he has no intention of least that’s what Germy thinks, bwahahahaha!

Over at La Bonita Lazaro and Kari are getting married by Padre Severino. I love how these two refuse to wait for anyone and anything. Our favorite romantic song plays in the background, everyone is all smiles, and Laz lets out a huge sigh of relief and of course his signature victory whoop of joy when Padre is done. Nata toasts to them, a beautiful example of perseverance, PATIENCE, and love. Nata grabs a bouquet of flowers out of a vase so Kari can toss it. Mati tells her cuñada, “Here I am!!” and ruh roh...Prissbutt catches the bouquet! A collective “drat” escapes the crowd but Nata, the perfect hostess, applauds the catch. Pay no attention to Pris, the crowd demands a beso and Kari and Laz comply with gusto. I’ll bet the temperature in the Valle de Guadalupe goes up a few degrees tonight, woohoo!! I’m getting warm just thinking about it.

Meanwhile Jero, white teeth gleaming in the dark, tries to keep warm by snuggling under his blankie and thinking of Renata.

Cut to another lonely soul alone with her thoughts. It’s Maritata of course, whining about the love she feels for Jero, so strong, so great. She thought Saul was the most important love of her life but compared to Jero it’s so tiny (meaning the love she feels, ahem). Oh why couldn’t she have met Jero earlier in her life, before Jero met HER, RENATA? Gah! Give it a rest girlie.

Let’s leave Doctora Dreary and get back to the party. Anibal and Alison flirt and talk about whom Ali might someday marry. Prince Charming (El Principe Azul) only exists in fairy tales so Ali just wants someone who will make her happy and make her laugh. They conclude by smearing each others' faces with cake; they almost forget they are not alone. Cute.

Laz and Kari thank Nata from the bottom of their hearts. Nata gets a bit over-excited and supposes they can’t wait to consummate the marriage, heh heh, then backpedals as Padre S feigns shock. Kari cracks up at Nata’s lusty glee and Laz says what Nata means to say is that they can’t wait to spend the rest of their lives together. He quickly excuses them from the conversation so they can sneak off to...spend the rest of their lives together of course.

Padre sees the two young folk and Renata explains they are Manuela’s nieta and Augie’s kid, this latter piece of data shocks PS.

Antonio approaches and comments on the bitterness that must have led up to such a happy ending for Laz and Kari. PS says at least Alvaro is safely in jail and can no longer harm anyone else. Renata stuffs her face with cookies and rolls her eyes at such an anvil-laden comment. Dang, those must be some yummy props because she can’t seem to get enough. I wonder what they are?

Nata tells Tony that tomorrow she’s going to Tijuana to visit NastyN to give him money to tell the truth and get Jero out of jail. She asks Tony will he accompany her?  She asks him to keep it confidential. Only she, Jero, Carlos and now he know. He tells her Regina instructed him to keep an eye out for her and Nata basks in this, saying she can understand Gonzo and Jero caring for her, but Regina...well her love and care is more than she got from her real mother.

Anibal bids adieu to Manuela and wants to take Ali aside for a private goodbye. “Don’t leave the room”, Manuela sternly admonishes. He takes Ali’s hand, tells her she’s very pretty and gives her a pink rose. They plan to meet up tomorrow. Ani reveals to Ali that he doesn’t feel comfortable with Augustin, especially with the way he acts toward Renata. Augie is the one who told her Jero is in jail and he knew perfectly well Jero didn’t want her to know. Ani’s mother warned him about Augie and Ani doesn’t know if he can trust him. Alison doesn’t really seem to care much about Anibal’s problems, she just wants him to stick around so she doesn’t get bored. (I paraphrased a bit at the end.)

Wedding night at last!! Laz carries Kari over the threshold to their love nest filled with flowers and candles. He huskily whispers that he thinks this will be an unforgettable night.  He kisses her forehead, her nose, her lips, calls her his wife, and starts to undress her. Kari can’t wipe the teary smile off her face and frankly, neither can I. “Te amo,” she silently mouths to him. Let’s give these two the privacy for which they have waited a lifetime. Sigh. Rewind.

Tony tells Nata he would do anything for her. She says the same thing and actually he has a favor to ask her. He has this idea to fingerprint all the kids in the parish in case they get lost or stolen. Nata thinks it’s a great, great idea and can identify completely. She agrees to let herself get fingerprinted as an example to the children. Who knew Antonio could be so clever? Frankly I’m astounded.

Anibal is back at Cruz sin Amor and goes into Augi’s office. Daddy Dearest asks the kid did no one ever teach him to knock? (What a rude jerk.) Ani says not much to report from the party, Laz and Kari got married and Renata threw a dinner party, she’s very generous and the workers like her a lot. Augi doesn’t get why Nata would do this for workers. After Ani leaves Augustin juts his jaw and asks “Renata how is it possible you prefer to be with these people rather than with me?” Maybe because you are a snobby, controlling, devious wet blanket? Oh, and a sadistic murderer too. Oh, and that windbreaker.

Next day Nata and Tony are at the Tijuana jail. Dr. DreadfulShouldBeDeadful drools on the money that Nata passes to him and says he’s not turning back (echarse atrás) now. Nata tells him he’d better not or she’ll take the money back. “Are you threatening me?” he asks. Nope, not a threat just a warning she says. Tony councils NastyN that this is a good opportunity for him to help his fellow man (projimo) by just telling the truth. Nasty doesn't quite compute this and asks about Karina. Nata tells him the truth, Laz and Kari got married last night and Padre S gave them his blessing. No puede ser!! Yes puede ser, says Nata, Kari deserves happiness. Tony tells NastyN to learn from his own experience. He did bad things and hurt a woman he loved, but he has now found peace in the Lord’s service. Maybe Nesme could do the same. Good luck with than one Tony.

Carlos visits Jero to cheer him up with the Laz/Kari wedding and party chisme. They discuss that Nata and Tony are at that moment working on Nesme to get him to tell the truth and declare Jero innocent.

Prissbutt is at the pharmacy buying something special, saying with it they’ll see if Mati’s curse is really over. She’ll get Mati out of the way and Prissbutt will end up marrying her Charlie.

Saul arrives with gifts for the babies, cute little clothes. Mari whimpers it’s the first gifts her babies have gotten. He asks if she’s thought about his proposal and she says it’s still all so sudden (tan repentino). He explains it’s part of his rehab, to ask forgiveness of those he’s hurt. Maritata says “Dude, it’s your process, not mine.” Good answer! Are there still brains in there? He says true, but now his dream is for them to rebuild what they had together. Tata’s not looking quite on board with this plan.

Gonzo, still on his honeymoon, gets a call from Matias. Gonzo sadly relates to his bride that Chema passed away practically right at the opening of his restaurant. Lots of tears and crying about dying too young. I’m trying to feel bad but honestly, the view is fabulous and I can’t take my eyes off the vista. Good choice in honeymoon locations.

Oh dear, I spoke to soon, because now my view is of Chema’s memorial. They are all wearing white, nice touch. Papa Ben scatters his son’s ashes around their special tree, the sad song plays, and Adri, Matias and Julieta cry and reminisce. I guess Hons and Cons are stuck taking care of the baby.

Dr. StillWearingTheBadToupee gives his statement. He says he tried to operate on Rafael but he’d lost a lot of blood. Augustin Dunant told him to dispense with the autopsy to avoid having to deal with problems. He admits having drunk with Augustin earlier in the night. Then he admits to stealing the vine cutting and he explains why. Time passes. The Comandante is calm but his sergeant is having conniptions in the background. I think NastyN says only he and Dunant stole the cutting, Ezequiel had nothing to do with it. NastyN goes on to say Augustin put a hit out on him. The Comandante asks a bunch of questions about NastyN pretending to be dead. What was the prison director’s relationship, how much did they pay him, why did he do it? We don’t hear the answers.

Augustin is on the phone playing with his balls. The crystal ones on his desk that is. He yells at some guy at the jail that he’d better complicate matters so Jero doesn’t get out of there any time soon. The jail lackey says the only way is for some doctor (the prison doc?) not to change his statement but he thinks it’s too late. Augie hisses he’d better figure out a way because in addition to the charges they’ll accuse him of falsifying a statement which is a federal crime. He hisses that he doesn’t care who he has to bribe or how far he has to go, Jero is not getting out of jail!

Nata prays to the Virgencita that Jero gets out of jail soon. Take that Augustin.

Augi molests his Renacer En Ti poster and gleefully tells Jero he’s not going to win this time. He’ll leave no stone unturned and most assuredly this story is going to end with Renata and Augustin together. Too bad Jero won’t be around to see it.

Coni calls Ines at the center to say she’s not feeling well and can’t come to work. Liar. Ines whines she needs help what with Regina gone and all. Amparito cries and blows Coni's cover. Coni says it’s the TV but Ines doesn’t believe her for a minute.

Over at Empresas Monterubbio Hons is whinging to Matias about his little house guest. Worst of all, nobody at the center knows about Coni’s dealings with Corina and the baby. Because of her personal involvement she’s breaking the rules of the Regina Center. Oh man, that wall behind Matias is making me dizzy. Matias says he sure hopes this woman comes home and takes her baby before Gonza and Regina get back.

The three crazy people in white (yes I do think the doc is crazier than BSCBlanca and Malafina) pay Corina for a job well done. She assures them Coni loves the baby like her own and cranky old Hons doesn’t like sharing his wife. Corina, somehow managing to speak through the huge wad of gum in her mouth, promises to disguise herself, cut her hair the way she wants to, and go far away. Blanca and Fina cackle that there’s nothing better than vengeance. It’s marvelous, no? Yo witches, I'm thinking that the sizzling hot amor between Laz and Kari might be better than vengeance. Those cookies at the party?  Probably better than vengeance. A bottle of La Bonita wine? Yep, better than vengeance. But I digress.

Roberta calls the bank I guess, tells them she is Gonzo’s daughter working at EM, and her daddy who is on his honeymoon has requested she call and have her signature registered so she can be a proxy for him. I think that’s what she said, all this finance stuff confuses me. 

At LaB Nata is inexplicably going through some photos in Jero’s office. I think they have to do with Regina. How odd, she finds a birth certificate but before she opens it Manuela enters to tell her the truck is ready. Manuela says she’ll straighten up so Renata can run off and help Antonio. Manuela reads the certificate, it is for Roberta Gamba Alvarez.

Jero’s still behind bars and now he’s driving himself crazy asking an invisible Roberta how she could supplant Renata with with proof of DNA? He should have known what she was capable of after accusing Renata of being with Rafael. He doesn’t think Roberta is intelligent enough to pull off a complex DNA switcheroo.

Back at LaB the Prissbutt doctors Mi Charlie’s thermos with her Love Potion Numero Nueve, smirking that it’s for his own good and hers too.

Roberta is somewhere, the bank maybe? And I’m still not sure exactly what’s going on, but Berta hands the nice girl a check and assures her it’s the same bank (as EM?). Nice girl says no problem then, the deposit remains firm and Roberta can have her money whenever she wants it. I’m kind of getting the idea that somehow the company will cover any checks she needs to write from the account. Anyway, Roberta grins and thought bubbles that was easier than she thought.

Avances: Marina gushes that Jero is free! Then she gets to see him run to Renata, hahaha!! Saul is all goggle-eyed when our lusty heroine Nata dips Jero and lays a big one on him. Augustin’s not happy.

echarse atrás = to back out, to turn back
El Principe Azul = Prince Charming (Lit. the blue prince)
Hay un gato encerrado - there is something fishy (lit. there is a locked-up cat)
no es una amenaza, es una advertencia
projimo = fellow man, neighbor
ramo = bouquet
repentino = sudden


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