Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Una Familia Con Suerte #54 Wed 12/21/11 Candy handles Yuri but can't handle herself.

Sandra and Candy demand to know what the hidden message from Yuriko meant! "Sarudos!" uh, Saludos. That signified "the coast is clear, the husband is gone."

Ana supports her dad: the heart rules. Pepe: still sulking about losing his car. Jessenia: lies to Ana, saying Chela is with her "galan." Actually Chela's walking in the dark and crying.

Pancho scoops Rebe by the waist and asks, "What will we do with these sentiments we have for each other?" She turns away and says their kiss was an error. "I'm not ready for this relationship."

Vince is afraid of Yuri but tells himself "you can do it!" He knocks on her hotel room door and hopes she isn't there; as he starts slinking away, the door opens - and there's Candy, looking spectacular! "Yuriko is gone - I told her, 'if your husband DOESN'T sign the contract, I'll tell him everything!' And I told her you aren't Pancho." Vince smiles a sickly smile and invites her to have a drink. They kiss instead, until...

... Candy's cellphone wakes them from their lust - it's Pina. Candy wails: "and I'm kissing her husband! When I'm with you I forget everything - including that you have a spouse!" Pina says "I need you Candy, more than ever." It sure broke the mood. Candy: "I feel guilty because your wife is my friend and you're the worst enemy of my brother." "I'm burning for you." "Is sex all you think about?" "Yes," nodding and nodding. Then Vince senses that was the wrong answer and says "No." He coos until she calms down; they coo together. Finally, she asks him for a ride - since they're both going to his house.

Monica moons about Pepe and greets her dad sadly. He says, confide in me, trust me! She tells him "Pepe lost his car in the race." He's happy! She is sad that Freddy is humiliating Pepe. Enzo starts complimenting Freddy again, but Monica wants to talk about Pepe: "I promised to stay away with him but I won't promise not to love him." "You aren't in love with him, it's a caprice." "No, I've never been so in love." "You like him because he's different. I know best." "No, I'm in love."

Whining again, Rebe points out: all the kids prefer Chela after eight years with her. Pancho interrupts: "and that's the reason I can't love her, I love you. You're just looking for excuses - now you use my family against me?" "Chela and Candy hate me." He says he doesn't care about that. Rebe: "Let's quit this before we begin." He leaves, bitterly disappointed. She drops a tear or two.

Alex tries to convince Freddy to give back the car. "No, I need it! It's the best machine I've ever seen. I have to admit he's a great mechanic. I have to find out his secrets."

Pancho tells Ana things are going badly with Rebeca. Unempathetically she says that makes her happy.

Vince and Candy roll into his driveway - she goes in, leaving him behind ("We can't arrive together"). Turns out Pina is asleep, dreaming about Tom the plumber washing the car without his shirt on while she "helps." Candy wakes her and asks, "Who were you dreaming about?"

Avoiding that question, Pina moans, "I don't want to share my program with you. And things are getting worse and worse with Vince. Right now I'm sure he's in bed with Yuri." "No, Pina, he is NOT in bed with Yuri." "How do you know that?" "OK, I'll tell you the truth!"

But Vince arrives. Pina: "Candy just assured me you weren't in bed with Yuri." "It was Pancho that told me," Candy improvises. "Then who WERE you with, my love?" "We will not have a marital conversation in front of others." Candy bolts, shocked that she was on the point of telling Pina "Vince drives me crazy with lust."

Pancho can't believe Chela would lie about having a boyfriend. He confronts her, saying "You abandoned your family." She cries some more.

Ana scolds Candy for her thing with Vince and is disgusted by his twee remark about "revealing our souls to each other." A huge batch of flowers arrive from Vicente.

"Our love is advancing on a spiritual level," Vince tells a disbelieving Enzo. "It's ethereal!"

Pancho wants to try out a theory on Rebe - "close your eyes" he begs, then gets nose to nose and then lips to lips and despite everything she's said, the second kiss is upon us. No better than the first, sadly.


La Fuerza del Destino #97 Tue 12/20/11 Farewell Maripaz, Que en Paz Descanse


Capitulo 97 Maripaz's Sacrifice/Descanse en Paz

At Alamos, Sonora-- Ivan,Lucia and Maripaz arrives while Cleto greets them. Maripaz asks for as minute of Ivan's time. Meanwhile Cleto asks Lucia how her mother is doing. Lucia says she's better,better. Thank you. She is calm and will have surgery soon. Cleto asks why what is it? Lucia responds by saying it is a kidney problem.

The scene shifts to Ivan speaking to Maripaz. He says of course but doesn't understand. Maripaz asks Ivan to tell Alex she is making a big sacrifice for her mother, Alex's grandmother and for him. She wants him to admire and earn her love. Ivan says very good and she thanks him. After Lucia finishes answering Cleto's questions, she thanks him for his concern. Ivan returns to Lucia and she asks what is it? He says he doesn't know. Truthfully he does not understand it.

Back at home, Ivan speaks to Tony about his conversation with Maripaz. Tony tells Ivan to explain to Alex that Maripaz is donating her kidney to her mother but not to tell him about her sacrifice,etc,etc. Tell him nothing about that nonsense. He feels the child may feel guilty if something were to go wrong.

They discuss at great length how generous Maripaz is by donating her kidney. Tony says generosity must come from inside her not because she is obligated to help her. They accept the generosity but not to make her a victim.

Meanwhile Lucia attends to the baby Perlita. There is a knock on the door and it is Maripaz who wishes to speak to Lucia. She asks if she could enter and Lucia says yes you can. Maripaz greets Perlita Hello Little niece. I think that Lucia is saying that she is wondering how Maripaz is the only complatible donor. Maripaz is saying that giving up one's kidney is not easy. They discuss Ivan,Camilo and Antolin willing to be donors. She says something about the both of them. Maripaz responds by saying that I'm the mother of Alex and the father of Perlita is Saul. Tjhey argue and bicker. Lucia asks "what she is talking about?" Maripaz says that it's her turn now. She goes on to say that Lucia was always been the only saint, the good one, Lucia who could do no wrong, generous Lucia. Now it's my turn i'm doing something significant for my mother. Saving their mother's life will be her and not you Lucia. As she departs the room,Maripaz says to Perlita goodbye pretty one while Lucia sort of rolls her eyes while dissecting all of this.

At the office, Ivan meets with Antolin and Camilo. He tells them that Maripaz is a match. Camilo asks if she accepts and agrees. Ivan says yes. Antolin exclaims his surprise at the turn of events. The talk turns to how Carolina is doing. Antolin says they are happy. Everything is all good. He asks that both Ivan and Camilo be the Godfathers to his son. Camilo asks if it's a boy and Antolin says yes Ivan congratulates Antolin. Antolin says something to Camilo, then turns towards Ivan who looks on awkwardly and uncomfortably.

At the Sacred Heart Hospital, we see Carlota sitting down and waiting while Lucresia lies in the bed. Lucia enters the room and says hello to her grandmother. She returns the greeting. Lucia kisses her mother on the forehead, and she wakes and greets her daughter with "my love". Lucia asks her what she needs. Lucresia says she doesn't need anything. The doctors are here ad she's sick. She asks where Maripaz is. Lucia says she's still at hime. Relax. Lucia says she will return. Carltoa touches Lucresia's arm as she bids goodbye. Lucresia weeps silently.

While walking out of Lucresia's room Lucia explains to Carlota how this sudden transformation into a heroine by Maripaz is because of her. She feels that Maripaz is competing with her. Later on Ivan goes into Alex's room where he is using his laptop. Evidently they are studying human anatomy and the functions of the various organs of the body like lungs,heart,intestines,kidneys. They talk about the kidney being used to filter blood and other waste products. He tells Alex that his grandmother is very sick with bad kidneys and that she needs a donor. Alex asks if she is dying.

Back at the ranch Carlota sees Maripaz sitting down with thoughts on her mind. She says it's good to rest. They revert to bickering and Maripaz states how Lucia is good and that they turned Alex against her, told him she's a witch. That she is a bad person. They talk about Lucia being good and Maripaz's mistakes and errors. Maripaz says she is not a monster and she would like to do good by her mother. Carlota regrets that Maripaz will donate a kidney to Lucresia to compete with Lucia. Back in Alex's room, Ivan continues to explain that his mother, Maripaz is donating her kidney to help save the life of his grandmother. Alex thinks she must be good to do that kind of thing.

In David's apartment, David with Berenice tells Ester that the divorce will soon be finalized with the division of assets, you're a rich lady. Berenice adds that they are all free. Ester says that she will live with her sister and Berenice adds that Ester is young and pretty and she might find a good man. Ester mentions something about making a will and adding David and Judith in it. David asks if she is alright and she says yes. He asks what about Saul. Ester quietly shakes her head to indicate no. They say something about the lands.

Night falls and amidst the backdrop of a fountain and 2 frog statues we see a lonely and forlorn Juan Jaime Mondragon. He walks quietly around the darkly lit mansion. He then quietly picks up the phone to call Lucresia. Carlota picks up the phone and they both share pleasantries. Juan Jaime asks to speak to Lucresia but Carlota says she is sorry Lucresia is not available because she is in the hopsital. Juan Jaime asks why? Carlota explains the dialysis failed and that she is getting ready for a transplant. Carlota adds that Maripaz is donating her kidney. Juan Jaime wants to wait in the hospital. Carltoa says that at this time only immediate family can wait. Juan Jaime asks if tomorrow is the surgery. Carlota confirms this.

At sacred Heart Hospital, Ivan goes to see Lucia whom is keeping vigil at Lucresia's bedside. He asks how she is. Lucia says she's a nervous. Ivan asks Lucia to get something to eat in the cafeteria. Lucia says she is not hungry. Lucia asks if he spoke to Alex. Ivan says yes. He told Alex that Maripaz will be the donor. They say something about it being good for both Alex and Maripaz. They then talk of getting married. Getting their own place....

At Antolin and Carolina's bedroom, they talk about the ranch and the job... It's not easy running the ranch. Carolina says she is a strong woman and then she flexes her biceps. They talk about Lucia's mother being sick and Antolin says yes. And tomorrow is the surgery. They express shock that Maripaz is donating her kidney. They hope all is well. They then proceed to play around in bed.

It is now the morning of the operation and we see Juan Jaime at the foot of Lucresia’s bed. He tells her not to worry. Lucresia says that she has been bad and that she is being punished and that she could die.
Juan Jaime says that’s nonsense. You’re a great lady. Lucresia says she doesn’t know about that. Juan Jaime wants to get together with Lucresia. Lucresia reaches out her hand and says that they are good friends forever. A nurse enters the room to say that it is time. The nurse tells Juan Jaime to wait in the waiting room. Juan Jaime kisses her on the forehead.

In Maripaz’s room, she says my God, I’m here really nervous. There is a knock on the door and Maripaz says yes. It is Lucia and she says hi to her sister. She thanks her for what she will do for their mother. She hopes that one day they both can have a relationship as sisters and not as enemies. Maripaz seems to look a little touched by this after being slightly defensive earlier. Ivan knocks on Maripaz’s door and both he and Alex enter with a single yellow rose. Alex tells her that she is so brave. She tells him she’s making a sacrifice. Before she could say more, Ivan cuts her off and speaks gently to her with reassurances. Before Alex leaves, she requests a kiss from her son and he obliges. He wishes his mother good luck.

Lucresia is wheeled into surgery. They say their goodbyes then Carlota and Tony look at each other lovingly from a distance. Then she walks over towards Tony and they hold hands. He says cheer up, have courage. Carlota says it’s her daughter. He says it’s normal to feel this way. Both of them will recover. Maripaz is now being wheeled in. Carlota looks and touches her lovingly. Despite what she might have done in the past, she is still her granddaughter. She loves her and she will be the key to her daughter living. Maripaz has a worried look on her face. Carlota thanks her. Maripaz says you’re welcome. Carlota says let’s go. Maripaz says let’s go.

Mother and daughter are wheeled in end over end and they clasp hands to get ready for surgery. Lucresia thanks Maripaz.

At the office, Camilo says they are at the hospital now. David says yes. They talk business a bit and David says Lucia and everyone are at the hospital. Camilo asks if they have any idea where Saul is. Conversation becomes a little heated at this point.

During the surgery the doctors are very concerned because something wrong is happening. A lot of blood is being lost. There’s hemorrhage. They cannot control the bleeding.

Ivan walks in the hospital. He asks how things are at home. Lucia says it’s better, better. Ivan says there won’t be troubles anymore. Forever. They kiss. Camilo walks in on them. Lucia looks at him then rushes to her grandmother. Juan Jaime walks towards them. At this time the doctor comes out and Carlota asks how the operation went. The doctor says they finished transplanting Maripaz’s kidney to Lucresia but they could not control the hemorrhage. He says he is so sorry but Maripaz had died in the process. Lucia starts to weep and Ivan sheds a tear. Despite all they had been through Maripaz was his first love, his former wife and the mother of his son Alex. Carlota now starts to cry. Lucia and Carlota embrace.

The doctor says Lucresia is well. She is in intensive care. Tony offers his condolences. Juan Jaime offers to take Lucia and Carlota to the house. They don’t want to go but Ivan convinces them that Mr. Mondragon is right. They should get some rest. Lucia thanks him. Juan Jaime says you’re welcome. Camilo says he is sorry. Lucia hugs Camilo. Tony tells Carlota to go home. There is no need for them to be here.

Carlota and Lucia go to see Maripaz’s body. They weep again. Carlota tells her to rest in peace. Lucia thanks her sister then kisses her on the forehead.

Back at home Cleto asks Ivan “what’s up?” Ivan says Maripaz died during the transplantation surgery. I think Cleto says My God in heaven. Ivan asks where they want to bury Maripaz. Lucia says right next to her father. Ivan says I’m here. Then after a brief discussion, Ivan has to go home. Carlota and Tony talk about how hard it is to lose a child. Tony says he lost his son and wife. Carlota is saying something about a high price to pay. Tony says that Maripaz demonstrated that there is goodness in her. Tony tells her to be strong for her daughter. He tells her not to have a great feeling of guilt. Be strong for your grand daughter and great grand kids, for Lucresia. They embrace.

Ivan has returned home and Benito asks how things went. Ivan says Lucresia’s operation was successful but they lost Maripaz in the process. She passed away. Benito does not know what to say. Ivan asks where Alex is. Benito says in his room. Ivan instructs Benito to pack some things since they will be going to the Curiel household. Ivan enters Alex’s room and says hello. Alex says hello. He talks about his grandmother’s and his mother’s operation. He says the operation is over. His grandmother is okay. But you’re mother….. She gave up her life so that his grandmother may live. He says she said she loved Alex very much. Ivan tells Alex about his mother named Alicia and how he loved her very much. He says that Alex’s mother loved him too even though she did not treat Alex well in the beginning. He tells Alex that Maripaz just did not know how to become a mother, but tried to overcome her fear so that she could be a better mother to him. She loved him but did not know how to show it. Alex says that to give up her life for his grandmother, she must be a good person. He then looks down into the picture frame with Maripaz’s picture in it. He looks sad. Ivan tells him that the best way to let her be at peace is to forgive her then let her go. He tells him to close his eyes. Alex says he forgives his mother, he will never forget her and farewell. He then hugs the picture and cries. Ivan also weeps by his side.

At the Sacred Heart Hospital, the doctor tells Juan Jaime that Lucresia is in room 305. He asks if she is awake. And he asks if she asked about her daughter. The doctor tells him to wait with the family and they will break the news to Lucresia.

At Lucia’s home, Lucia asks how Alex is doing. Ivan says well enough. She says good. Ivan asks about Lucia’s grandmother. She says she is waiting. Lucia gets a phone call. It is Juan Jaime and he says that Lucresia is now in intensive care and that the doctor needs the family to be there when he informs Lucresia that her daughter passed away. Lucia thanks him and says they will go there. Lucia relays this message to Ivan.

It is now night time when Lucresia regains her consciousness. The first thing she sees are pink roses with a yellow one in the middle. Juan Jaime says welcome back to life. Lucresia asks how Maripaz is doing. Juan Jaime says it was a success. She says she’s blessed and again asks about Maripaz. How is she? On cue, everyone files into the room. Lucia says how nice that you are well. Lucresia responds with “yes my love, thanks to Maripaz.” She again asks how Maripaz is. Carlota looks towards the doctor and he begins to explain. There was a problem in the operation. I’m so sorry. Lucresia says “I’m so sorry???” What are you talking about? She then realizes that her daughter died. She screams Maripaz is dead!!! Maripaz is dead! Why? She asks “why?” She become very inconsolable. Juan Jaime looks on sadly. Lucresia asks why her daughter died before she did?

A few days later, it is raining in the cemetery as Maripaz is laid to rest. The priest says a prayer for our sister Maripaz for the eternal repose of her soul. Carlota throws the first yellow rose then followed by Alex, Lucia and Ivan. Then the rest soon follow. Everyone is there. Even the servants. The only people absent are Lucresia who is still recovering in the hospital, Carmen, Lichita and of course the fugitives Saul and El Gordo.

Weeks later, Lucresia walks with Lucia and she wants to rest. Lucia says the doctor ordered her to exercise. Lucresia says she is tired. Lucia says a little more. Lucresia says that a little more and she will be able to visit her sister in the cemetery. Carlota remarks how nice it is that Lucresia is walking a lot more now...Lucresia asks how her granddaughter is. Lucresia says something about herself being a sinner. Lucia gives her daughter over to Lucresia to hold while she sits down.

In Hermosillo, Sonora we see Saul and El Gordo at a restaurant. They talk about being very desperate for money but to be very careful because they are worried about Antolin. They begin to put Alex’s kidnapping plan in motion.

End of episode 97.

Avances: Gordo, dressed like a clown (how appropriate), breaks into Caro’s house, holds her at gunpoint and ties her up, and takes Alex!


Cuando Me Enamoro #171 Tuesday 12/20/11 “The Long Goodbye,” with comments by Raymond Chandler

Posted by ElnaJune

Wine Country, Ensenada, Mexico
Hacienda la Bonita

"The French have a phrase for it. The bastards have a phrase for everything and they are always right. To say goodbye is to die a little”.
Raymond Chandler
The Long Goodbye

Jero is well and truly gone and Renata prepares to leave La Bonita for the last time. Thus, our sad little episode begins with Renata in the kitchen swirling her wine glass remembering dear moments with Jero. After she remembers (and we in Viewerville review) a number of impossibly romantic scenes, she bids farewell to Jeronimo’s memories and moves into the sala to say goodbye to all the staff. Regina, Matias, Adri and Fido (the puppy will always be Fido to me) wait patiently in the background as Renata says goodbye to each of the staff and receives a gift or remembrance from each of them as well—medallions, prayers, novenas, baby clothes, blankets and their love.

Renata commends the care of all of La Bonita into the capable hands of Super Laz. (Oh, NO! ¡No puede ser! When Renata goes to hug Lazaro your recapper notices for the first time that Laz is not very tall. Drat! He’s going to have to wear shoe lifts if we go dancing).

Carlos, who may just have a brain in his head, asks that she send him word of any news of Jero. Renata does not want to go. “Then don’t abandon us”, says Matilde. “This is your home, Renata”.  I am grabbing for grandma’s linen hanky when in walks Augustin, trailed by Anibal.

“He was grey blonde and he looked sticky”.
The Long Goodbye, Chapter Six

I could learn to hate this guy without even knowing him. I could just look at him across the width of a cafeteria and want to kick his teeth in”.
The Long Goodbye, Chapter Six

Renata says goodbye to father and son just as the camera cuts to Lazaro rolling his eyes at Augustin.

Back in D.F.

Antonio arrives in Mexico and meets with Isidro. They examine the original birth certificate of Roberta.  Antonio’s smile reaches all the way to his eyes as he recalls that he promised Regina that he would help her find her daughter. Now he is keeping that promise. They are so happy! All the folks who participated in the search for Regina, Jr. will be happy at this development.

A group of women stand outside as Ines makes a speech at the Grand Re-opening of the Centro. “Finally, all is clarified. We are back to functioning and now when Regina arrives we will inaugurate the Foundation in honor of Andresito (Ines’ son) and all who face the same difficulties. Here no one surrenders!” Ines has tears in her eyes as the women in the audience clap.

“There is no trap so deadly as the trap you set for yourself”.
The Long Goodbye, Chapter Twelve

Hons and Cons say goodbye to Trojan Baby Sandra and her Mom and Dad, who have now completely forgiven Coni and are grateful that she took such good care of Sandra, as Honorio says, as if she were her only child. Coni points out (not so helpfully, I might add) that her sister-in-law didn’t get her child back for 24 years! Coni says she was never a Mother but she is going to turn her mother’s love into a grandmother’s love. She offers Sandra’s family all the things she bought for Sandra as a gift and they accept. (What else was she going to do with them?) Ahhhhh.

Later Hons and Cons reaffirm their love for one another as they take a walk and Hons assures Constanza that she will be a wonderful grandmother soon to Matias’ and Adri’s little nippers. Coni says goodbye to the idea of motherhood.  “Te amo Honorio”.
This poor character; she just got over a bad case of the stupids and now hubby gets to gently gloat that he has her back to himself. Geez. At least she has moved out of her usual pink ensemble today into something rather Orchid colored.  Goodbye to Coni’s pink!

Later, Adri, Fido and Matias go to Hons y Cons. They give them the news that they are engaged, Renata is pregnant and Jero is missing.

Valle de Guadelupe, Baja California

Alison and Anibal are outside walking and talking when he offers her a grape to eat. She refuses the offering and he calls her out on her eating behavior. He wants her to say goodbye to anorexia. He asks her to tell Kari or Matilde at the hacienda about her problem and get some help. It’s goodbye to food dumping for Alison, “Te lo prometo”, she commits to Anibal that she will talk to Kari.

Mexico City
The Lust Nest Apartment (in Julieta’s building)

“There wasn’t a photograph or a personal article of any kind in the place. It might have been a hotel room rented for a meeting or a farewell, for a few drinks and a talk, for a roll in the hay”.
The Long Goodbye  (Chapter One)

Roberta and Fina are talking. Fina has just come in waving an airline ticket and she tells Berta to prepare herself to say goodbye to Mexico—they are moving to Switzerland.  Why Switzerland, you may ask? Roberta wonders this as well and asked her charming mother.

"She opened a mouth like a firebucket and laughed.  That terminated my interest in her.  I couldn't hear the laugh but the hole in her face when she unzippered her teeth was all I needed."--The Long Good-bye (Chapter 13)

Well, they do not have an extradition treaty with Mexico so Fina and Roberta can go there and live safely. “And where did you get the money to buy first class tickets to Switzerland?” asks our Berta. “I got it through my association with Blancita,” Fina smiles. Josefina also mentions that she used the cash to pay for Coni’s incarceration. Berta, pretending to be sophisticated and world-weary says that she supposed that Fina’s connection with Blanca was an economic one. “What if I do not want to go”? Roberta shoots back. “It is your decision, hijita. But I am the only one who is really there for you”.

“The girl gave her a look which ought to have stuck at least four inches out of her back.” Chapter One, The Long Goodbye

Roberta tells Fina she could learn to forget about her mother. Fina replies that there are millions of reasons why Roberta should remember her mother. Plus, they will also be VERY rich.

Later, back in la Cucina—the Center of the La Bonita universe—we see that Alfonsina has begun to soften her heart toward Ezekiel. She is talking with Kari, who tells her that Roberta lied about Ezekiel raping her. Kari tells her she was wrong. Alfonsina says that lately her feelings of anger and hate have been falling away. She says that she is nostalgic for Zeke and smiles sadly as she remembers her husband. (NOK, we need those t-shirts ASAP). She says “Nadie es perfecto, Kari.” Plus she wants the kids to remember their father kindly; he was an ordinary man but not bad man. She misses him. Alfonsina has come back into her body, thank goodness. For a while there I thought she has been possessed by a walk-in.

“I like Mexicans, as a rule, but I don’t like their jails”.
The Long Goodbye, Chapter Twelve

Padre Severino goes to the jail to visit a beaten-down looking Nesme. He came at the request of Kari. He tells Nesme about Ezekiel’s death. Nesme asks if Severino is SURE it was suicide? It seems to Alvaro that this was very convenient for Augustin Dunant. “Because,” Alvaro says, “With me in jail and Ezekiel dead this eliminates the testimony of those who know about Dunant’s dirty deeds!

“She had that fine-draw intense look that is sometimes neurotic, sometimes sex-hungry, and sometimes just the result of drastic dieting.”
The Long Goodbye, Chapter Twenty-Two

Roberta and some financial functionary are meeting in German’s offices. There is an amount missing (faltante de dinero) from the Moneterubbio accounts. “What is the amount?”, asks German. He immediately flourishes and pen, takes out his checkbook and writes a personal check to cover the difference. Roberta smiles.

“They say that lust makes a man old, but keeps a woman young. They say a lot of nonsense.”
The Long Goodbye, Chapter 12

After the clerk leaves, Roberta looks at German under her lashes. He assures her that nothing has changed. He is still delighted with her and her caresses. He says he would do anything for her. Like leaving your wife?” Berta asks. He is sure that he is going to give her everything she wants.

Somewhere in D.F. Marina answers her door and finds—to her surprise—Brother Antonio! Antonio wastes no time is confronting Marina about Jeronimo’s whereabouts; everyone knows that she and Linares came back to Mexico together. Her Uncle is very worried. Saul told them what happened. Marina swears that Jero is not with her and did not leave Tijuana with her.

Antonio looks very nervous as he grocks that if Jero is not with Marina, WHERE IS HE? Antonio fears that something very bad has happened. Marina calls Saul but he doesn’t answer his phone. Later they go to the Hospital where Saul is supposed to work, but, NO Saul! He is suspended for an indefinite amount of time.

“I had a mental picture of the kind of eighteen-room shack that would go with a few of the Potter millions, not to mention decorations by Duhaux in the latest subphallic symbolism.”
 The Long Goodbye, Chapter Three

Renata and her family return to the House that Fina decorated. It is time for the family to tell Renata that Josefina has escaped. Renata asks if they are sure that her mother got away? Matias says that she escaped in the confusion of the fire. Once again, Regina flashes on the maid’s reported sighting of Roberta and Fina together, outside the Gonzo Palace. She looks very troubled. Renata insists she is much better, very strong. She says she is fine as she buries her face in her papa’s shoulder and sobs. Again, Gonzo wants everyone to be very careful.

At La Cruz

“Inside he’s as ruthless as a Gestapo thug.”
The Long Goodbye, Chapter Four

“A sudden ferocious scowl twisted his face into dark knots. The blood darkened his forehead.”
The Long Goodbye Chapter Seven

“Where were you?” screams Augustin to Anibal. Today Augustin is wearing a white pig leather coat inside the house. With this and little other ceremony Augustin throws Anibal out of the house. Adding insult to injury Dunant throws his son a handful of cash on the way out the door so he can get back to Aguas Calientes safely. Anibal doesn’t want Auguie’s money, tosses the wad of cash on the floor and walks out.

Adri, Fido, and Matias go to Hons y Cons. They give H/C the news: they are engaged; Renata is pregnant; and Jero is missing.

“I’m sorry for her. She’s such an absolute bitch.”
The Long Goodbye, Chapter Four

“I have no doubt that I have a lot of luck,” says our brainless
Berta as she heads back into her office. “ I am going to have everything that I want,” she gloats as she leans back in the desk chair. The phone rings and it is Regina.  “I have to ask you a question,” says Regina. “Pepa has not contacted you, has she?” “Don’t worry, Mami,” Roberta lies through her teeth. “You are the first person I would tell.” Roberta chuckles as she rings off.

At La Bonita

Alison is caring for baby Luz when she confesses to Kari that she has a problem. “It’s about your eating”, says our prescient Kari. “I don’t want to be fat”, Alison replies, “That’s why I don’t eat.” But she is happy! “You can’t be happy if you don’t eat”, says Kari. “Alison, you need some special help. This is a very grave situation”. “But I don’t want to go to a clinic, cries Alison. “Then we will look for help in Ensenada”, Kari replies. They hug.

Antonio calls Padre Severino. Marina is not with Jeronimo. Saul lied.

“I don’t have any home life.”
The Long Goodbye, Chapter Three

Anibal comes to La Bonita and Alison with the bad news that Augustin threw him out of the house. Anibal has to go back to Aguas Calientes to look for a job. Alison asks Anibal not to leave. But Anibal feels he has no other option. Very sad music plays as the teens hug,

D.F., Two Balls Palacio
Renata, Coni and Regina talk at Gonzo’s Palace. Renata wants to work at the Center with Regina and Coni. They will work together!

EM Offices
Roberta is back on the cell phone in her office. She is talking with Fina and together they carress their recent successes with malignant pleasure. “Regina will not have rest quietly for the rest of her days,” Fina cackles. Roberta is telling Fina how happy she is that Jero has abandoned Renata when German walks in and eavesdrops on the conversation. “Jeronimo doesn’t even know she is pregnant. And you and I are seen to be doing nothing to Renata”, the little beast says, as German sneaks out the door without ever making his presence known to Roberta.

“They didn’t search the house, which seemed careless of them.”
The Long Goodbye, Chapter Six

“I love my husband,” she said simply.
The Long Goodbye, Chapter Twenty-Four

Antonio makes his way to Gonzo’s Palace of Two Balls, and gives Regina and Renata the news that Saul lied. Jeronimo never came to Mexico with Marina. Where is Jeronimo?

In the avances we see Antonio say, “No esta in Valle de Guadelupe”. We see a hysterical Renata order Carlos to call the police to start a search for Jero immediately. We see what appears to be an unconscious Jero being rolled down an arroyo. This does not look good, dear viewers.


Una Familia Con Suerte #53 Tue 12/20/11 Family is everything to Familia Lopez, family is the last thing on Vince's mind

Tonight Vince goes for a triple-down. Will he be able to hold it all together? Let's see how entangled in his lies he becomes...

Rebe admits to Pancho that Vince did wrong. Pancho accuses her of not trusting him to make presidential decisions. She says she had no option but to go along with Vince's charade but Pancho doesn't buy it. He thought she was a different person. Then he clicks his tongue and goes "Meh!" which was pretty funny.

Fernanda's doctor wishes her good luck in Germany. She mentions that her investigator hasn't found anything yet but she vows she'll find out the truth.

Pancho ambles around his old vecindad and thought bubbles some memories to his dead wife. He thanks God for his family; cue Lupita who arrives to give Pa a warm hug. She asks him what's wrong and he says trickery (chanchullo) is what's wrong and he explains a bit. She assures him he's a hunk (tipazo) and a big shot (señorón) in the neighborhood. They hug and say being together is the most important thing, awwwww...

Vice and Enzo drink and congratulate themselves on how well the meeting and overall foolery went. Enzo warns Vice not to lose sight of their objectives.

Fer waits for Pancho to get home so she can say goodbye. They recall when he saved her life and it changed both of them forever. She takes his hand again and tells him since she adopted him his happiness is hers. If he ever has problems don't ever give up, No se rinda! They hug and she calls him son. I think we know what tonight's theme is.

Vice practices his Panchoisms behind a desk FULL OF GREEN PENCILS. Yuri and her tatas sneak in and trap him in the office. She's in full-on seduction mode with a cute little red skirt and fishnet stockings. She says she's heard about the famed Mexican prowess and she wants a bite of his chimichanga. He manages to put her off but she says tomorrow when hubby goes to Columbia she plans to lag behind (rezagar) and expects him to visit her own private little mochi bar. Adios, arigato and see you soon mi amor!

After Fer leaves Rebe shows up to apologize yet again. She agrees she is a different person. Pancho was right, she can't believe she let Vince get away with his funny business. They are interrupted by the brat Temo who had a nightmare. He sees Rebe and squeals like a 3-year old, "what's SHE doing here? Wahhh." How old is this kid anyway? Rebe, no longer the center of attention, departs.

Pancho carries Temo to bed and they have a man-to-brat talk. Pancho feels about Rebe the same way Temo feels about some girl named Camila. They give the guys ñañaringas? Must mean butterflies in the stomach. Temo wishes Pancho got butterflies about Chela. Since pa can't get this record to stop skipping he gives Temo a big hug. They're so lucky to have each other!

We are in the DF and the scene opens in a market with multicolored chorizo (yes, chorizo verde!), fresh cheeses, tortas on the grill, and happy people stuffing their faces. Rewind. Pepe's got the blues and tells Chela that he lost his Champi to that slimeball (baboso) Frauddie. Monica arrives and gives the best consolation ever, a huge kiss right on the smacker. She knows his car meant everything to him and wonders if she can intercede on his behalf with Frauddie. He tells his Sirenita no way but he feels better that she came.

Pancho tells Kojak and Big Boy all about the meeting and how he pretended to be the waiter. He had everything under control at all times. He even managed to hog-tie (lazo de cochino) Rebe because she turned up at his house later. He really had the little piggy by the tail (la puerca al rabo) but Temo woke up and blew it.

Pina tortures Frauddie about Brasil and Elena until both Vice and Frauddie beg her to cool it. They're not happy about Tom the plumber snooping around the house. When Pina pipes up about having some compassion Frauddie and Vice split. Pina reminds Vince they have plans tonight. Ruh roh, Vice remembers promising to meet Yuri and tells Pina he can't make it. Hummmph, always alone, she gripes, like a dog! Abeja's ears perk up in offense.

Lupita finds Alex, still wearing the fashion scarf, and apologizes. He forgives her and sighs "I love you Lupita" after she leaves.

Candy waylays Vice as he leaves for the office. She gives him a smelly note with flowers and hearts that invites him to dinner tonight. Not tonight, he moans, staring at her shapely behind as she trots off in the distance.

Kojak tells Pancho he suspects Chela's boyfriend doesn't exist, he's pure Chinese bulls**t  (puro cuento Chino). I have no idea why the Chinese part is in there but that's what he said.

Pancho and Vice repeat their argument about Vice's charade. V says he did it to get the contract signed. P says it was dishonest. Blah blah blah. Vice says Pancho will never be in his class. Pancho retorts Vice had to use lies and no matter the reason, a lie is still a lie. Pancho chugs his brandy first to prove he's the better man. They conclude with some cute physical comedy, pretending to hit each other, and vowing they're not done eating this chicken yet.

Chela with her "new look" and lowest cut dress so far arrive to tell Pancho that Pepe lost his Champi. Pancho asks her about her boyfriend and she snips she's not interested in Pancho's Miss Anorexia and he shouldn't be interested in her boyfriend.

Candy bounces over to Pina's house. Pina and her producer Hector were having a meeting but he prefers to stare at Candy's tatas. And stare. And stare. He tells her the result of the focus group is that the audience loves her. She bounces up and down and Hector says the show will be split equally between the two of them. He'll tell her anything to get her to bounce some more. Pina's not as excited about the news.

Pancho starts to make a move on Rebe but Beto interrupts them with finance news. Pancho whispers to Rebe that he wants to see her that night.

Ana and her platonic band mates yuck it up at practice but the mood changes when Manuel pops in, kisses Ana and calls her Mi Amor.  Orale! Ana insists there's nothing between them. Manuel smirks and the other guys want her to explain things because it affects the band. Manuel was kind of creeping me out in this scene.

Pina tells Candy she's going to cancel her plans for tonight because it's more important for the two of them to get together to discuss the show. Candy squirms and admits she has a sort of date. After she leaves Adoracion gushes in envy that Candy's got boyfriends to throw around and them, they've got nada. Pina's gets annoyed and calls her Ignoracion.

Candy calls Vice to flirt but he tells her can't meet her tonight. He has to go with his wife to a media event. Candy's Peace and Love is split down the middle and she mutters he's a liar.

Pina suspects Candy wasn't being sincere with her. Pina Opina is very important to her, she fought for it. First some chica with curves and spheres shows up and now her public loves this Candy Lopez! Ado points out that Hector nearly had a cardiac arrest over Candy's spheres of influence.

Candy shows up at Vice's office and Sandrucha doesn't want to leave them alone. Candy accuses him of lying; Pina herself told her the truth about tonight. She demands to know where he was last night and he says with the Japanese. She's jealous because he was with that Chinese woman (China esa), errr, that Japanese (Japonesa...esa). 

Vice tries to appease her, it was only business and he doesn't want to talk to her about work. He'd rather play Cyrano de Bergerac. Candy thinks that sounds dirty. Vince moves in for a kiss but Sandra interrupts with a special message from Yuri. It's "Sarudos" with a terrible Asian accent. Nope, our consistently non PC telenovelas are not disappointing us tonight. More bad accent jokes before Candy and her UFO earrings demand that Vice tell her the truth!

Avances: Candy tells Pina she's going to tell her the truth, but something tells me nobody is going to tell anyone the truth. Not for a while yet.

baboso/a = slimeball (la babosa = slug)
chanchullo = trickery
no se rinda = don't give up, don't surrender
rezagar = to lag behind
señorón = big shot
tipazo = hunk


Monday, December 19, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #96 Mon 12/19/11 Wayward Daughters Find Their Way Home, But Will They Disappoint Again?

Carolina has just broken the happy news to Antolín that she has a bun in the oven and he needs to chill out with all the twirling he’s doing with her in his arms. He is sure that any baby of his will be big and strong, and able to take a few whirls. They are both over the moon and celebrate with kisses (and hopefully more).

At Rancho Curiel, Ivan has come to visit Lucia to come clean about the conversation he had with Camilo about his intentions towards Lucia. Ivan initiated the conversation because he wants to be friends with Camilo again. He tells Lucia that Cam has accepted that Lucia is not for him, but admitted that he is still really in love with her. Ivan’s hoping that Cam will get over it. Lucia isn’t so sure it’s that easy. Either way, Ivan knows this situation is none of their faults; it’s just life. He apologizes for getting jealous. He trusts her and she’s free to do what she wants and befriend whom she wants. He was just being stupid.

MP interrupts them to report on Lucrezia’s continued weakened condition and vomiting. She asks Ivan if she can come see Alex that day, but he will be at Caro’s. MP gets permission to visit him tomorrow instead. She does all of this politely and then immediately leaves, to all of Viewerville’s surprise. Lucia seems to be softening too, because she tells Ivan of MP’s seemingly sincere desperate need for Alex to start loving her. Ivan doesn’t know what to do because Alex is scared of her. “We each reap what we sow”, says Lucia. (Cada quien cosecha lo que siembra.) Ivan tells Lucia about Carmen and Lichita’s disappearance.

Camilo and Anto have met up at a restaurant to discuss the same thing. They’ve had no luck with their inquiries of taxi drivers. They are sure Carmen went chasing after Saul, and if they are together they are probably hatching some plan to get money, like kidnapping someone. Anto thinks Cam could be a potential target (with his new job and all) so he should get his hands on a gun for protection.

JJ meets with a lawyer to see about formally acknowledging Carmen as his son’s woman and Lil’ Alicia as his grandchild. The lawyer wants him to be careful of this young woman living with him and asking for money. And on top of it, she’s Antolin’s sister! It all might just be a scheme to get money out of JJ.

In their new bedroom, Carmen has more important things to do, like watching her telenovela and filing her nails, than listening to her daughter. Lichita wants to go to school, instead of being cooped up in a room all day. Carmen ignores a call from Celia and Lichita questions why she hung up. She lies to Lichita that it wasn’t her grams and tells her to shut up. (Mother of the Year material, that one.)

Ivan visits Celia and tries to assure her that Carmen wouldn’t do something stupid (ha!), and is probably just with friends. The Galvan boys return home with no news.

At Casa Less-Meandragon, JJ has brought back a bag of new toys for Lichita. She’s initially pleased, but then complains that she already has plenty of dolls. What she wants is a toy dish/tea set (vajilla). JJ says he’ll get on it. He then orders Carmen off her lazy butt to the kitchen to help the maid prepare dinner. He actually does it fairly politely (for JJ), but there’s no doubt it’s an order. Carmen is still in enough doubt about her position in the Mondragon house to agree and hops to it.

Anto gives Celia something to be happy about by sharing the pregnancy news. Hugs all around from his mom, brother and Ivan. They all think that Carmen is a grown woman (mujer hecha y derecha) and can do what she wants, but Lichita is the real concern. Ivan wonders if she has a galan elsewhere. Celia thinks it’s her fault Carmen left because of their last big fight. She’ll check Lichita’s school tomorrow to see if Carmen has taken her.

MP cuddles her mom in bed and whines about how no one loves her, and how Lucia and Tony are saying things against her to Alex. Lucrezia urges patience. MP swears she’s sorry for the things she’s done, but now SHE needs love/affection (cariño). She NEEDS people to love her. The love of Lucrezia, who has always loved her no matter what, is not enough. Lucrezia advises her to behave and do good deeds. Having never attempted good deeds, MP even needs advice on what those could be. Lucrezia shakes her head.

Gordo and Saul get together in a bar in Hermosillo and discuss the addition of Gordo’s cousin to the plan. Soon, Saul will be able to leave his little rat buddies behind and live in luxury. They discuss the kidnapping plan. Gordo thinks Alex staying with blind Caro (guess he doesn’t know about the surgery) so often is the key to getting their hands on the kid.

Judith comes home and for the first time meets Lichita, who is having a fine time playing cards with her abuelo. (It’s kind of cute actually. Never thought I’d say that about a scene with JJ.)

Judith is even more shocked to see Carmen emerge from the kitchen decked in an apron and announcing that dinner is ready. JJ tells Judith that the house won’t feel so lonely anymore and bids them all to go to the dining room to eat.

David is just as shocked to hear this news from Judith later on the phone. Ditto Esther, when he passes the news on to her. Esther wonders if JJ is messing around with Carmen, but even David thinks that would be going too far for JJ to get involved with his son’s woman. He thinks it’s more likely that Carmen is holding something over JJ to blackmail him. Esther agrees that he sure as heck is NOT doing it out of the goodness (bondad) of his heart. (They both are underestimating the power of loneliness.)

Camilo tries to calm her, but Celia can’t sleep because of her worry about her daughter and granddaughter. David pays them a late night house call to break the news about Carmen and Lichita being the newest additions to the Mondragon household. They all think Carmen must have done something or is holding something over JJ to convince him to take her and Lichita in. Camilo takes off immediately with David to bring them back home. Celia insists on going too.

Ivan and Lucia have a pre-bedtime phone call, exchange love talk, talk of marriage, and gossip about Anto and Caro having a baby. Lucia asks Ivan if he’ll make any distinctions between Perla and Alex and any children they may have together. Of course not! Ivan is all for making their own version of “Yours, Mine and Ours”.

JJ’s peaceful night is disturbed by Camilo and Celia barging their way into his home and starting a screaming match with Carmen. Both Camilo and David start interrogating him about his reasons for letting Carmen and Lichita live with him. He says he doesn’t have to give them explanations. (I agree with him. Carmen’s a grown woman and Lichita’s his grandchild.) Celia says that Carmen DOES have to give her an explanation. Carmen says she’s tired of being treated like a second class citizen at home. (I don’t think she’ll like being treated like a servant and the nanny of his grandchild by JJ either.) She refuses Celia’s and Cam’s demands and pleas for her to return with them. JJ tells them to get out and pulls a gun on them all! Celia yells at him to shoot (dispare)! Shoot so that he can be hauled off to prison! Lichita is awakened by all this noise and wanders into the living room. She looks on in terror when she sees her new grandpa holding a gun to her beloved grandma.

Saul and Gordo sarcastically toast to a long life for JJ. (Anvil alert?)

JJ immediately lowers the gun under Lichita’s fearful gaze, and says he only wanted a better life for the little girl and to fix Saul’s error. Celia doesn’t think the way to do it is by buying her off with gifts and toys, but not with love and affection, which he’ll never be able to give her. Camilo insists they are taking Lichita with them. Carmen begs JJ to let her stay on her own, but his only interest was Lichita. He tells her to pack her stuff and go with her family. He says farewell to Lichita and tells her to behave. Carmen continues to beg, but Lichita is ready to go home and also encourages her mom to pack their stuff. (You know you’re acting a fool when a six year old is acting more mature than you are.) Lichita hugs her uncle and grandma, and Camilo thanks David for his help. After they leave, David and Judith wonder what JJ could have been thinking. Judith thinks it’s loneliness and mentions JJ’s request that she and Carlos live with him. David says he offered him the same thing with Bernie.

In Casa Galvan, Lichita says JJ is a good guy, but she wanted to return home. She says goodnight to Celia and Camilo, who tells her he NEVER wants her to leave this house. Lichita drags her wayward mommy off to bed. Celia asks Cam what they are going to do with Carmen. Cam doesn’t know. She can do what she pleases, but they sure as heck won’t let her take Lichita with her again. Celia can’t help but be worried about them both. Cam decides to call Anto with the news so that he can stop worrying and just enjoy the news of his baby with his wife.

Esther talks to the McGuire family lawyer, who I guess is now her lawyer, about her divorce case outside the judge’s chambers. JJ arrives for the appointment. He doesn’t bring a lawyer, but asks for some time alone with Esther. JJ admits that he learned too late what he was losing. He accepts that he was a blockhead (torpe). She doesn’t let him off the hook and reminds him how he continued his old ways, even after she came back to care for him. And to top it off, he was willing to frame her for his fraud! It’s better that it ends this way. She asks him to not make it more difficult. “Our relationship (lo nuestro) is over forever.” JJ accepts this as the last word and goes with her and her lawyer into the judge’s chambers.

Saul and Gordo discuss how to avoid a run-in with Anto when they attempt to kidnap Alex. They both want to get rid of him. They figure that he must be working regular office hours at the Ag Association now that his brother is the president. They decide they need to contact Carmen to get the inside scoop.

Lucia hangs out with Alex in his room and asks him to give MP a chance- tell her his stuff, share his music with her, and such. Ivan comes in to tell Alex MP has arrived. Alex agrees to chat with her for only a bit (un ratito). Once he’s out of the room, Lucia and Ivan discuss the situation. Ivan adored his mother because she was good and loving. But Lucia also loves her mother, who is anything but those things. They chuckle about this. Lucia loves her mom because they’ve shared some good moments, and Lucia understands her faults (defectos). Plus, she’s her mother. Ivan doesn’t think it’s good for Alex to be afraid of his mother. If he can get over that, he will be better off for it.

In the living room, MP is asking Alex if Tony or Lucia have been badmouthing her. She presses him when he denies it and asks if he’s lying. “I don’t lie!” (A trait he did NOT inherit from her. Actually, his looks are the only thing he inherited from her.) MP tells him she regrets the things she did and wants him to love her, because she’s his mother. “And that’s the only reason why I should love you?” “All kids love their mothers!”

Ivan waits nervously with Lucia in Alex’s room for the MP-Alex session to end. He finds the picture MP gave Alex of herself, turned face down on his shelves. In the living room, things are going a bit better, as Alex has taken Lucia’s advice to share about his favorite things with MP. He wonders why she doesn’t like Bruno. Because, he’s an animal. “Bruno is not an animal; he’s my friend!” MP is not impressed by friendships with perros. You would think she would be, considering she’s a perra. (Oops! Did I just say that out loud?) Tony interrupts before this argument can escalate. He has Alex take Bruno for a walk and sits down to chat with MP. She immediately starts accusing them of badmouthing her, and that’s why Alex won’t warm up to her. She’ll show them all that she’s BETTER than Lucia! As she’s leaving, Tony freaks her out by pretending Bruno has wandered back into the room. MP jumps half a foot in the air, causing Tony, and most of Viewerville, to chuckle.

Gordo stuffs his face as usual while he keeps an eye on Casa Galvan. Also as usual, Celia is cooking up something delicious in the kitchen. Camilo kisses her goodbye, and Carmen gives her plenty of sass before going out. Gordo follows her. She’s not happy to see him or to know anything about that good for nothing rapist Saul, but Gordo tells her it wasn’t like that.

MP is cuddling her mommy and whining, AGAIN. Lucrezia tells her to resign herself (resignate) to the situation, but MP refuses to let Lucia “win.” Everyone sees Lucia as being “buena, noble, generosa” and MP is sure she can be those things too. Lucrezia wonders what it is she wants—to win Ivan back by winning the heart of Alex? No, she just wants people to think she has changed and that she’s not a bad person. Lucrezia says she never thought she was a bad person. She just thought she was a bit wayward (descarriada) and different/odd (rara). She kisses her favorite child on the top of her head as they cuddle.

Speaking of wayward daughters, Carmen has decided to believe Gordo and Saul, of all people, above Lucia’s version of events. She knew Lucia offered herself up! She complains about how hard her life is and then readily offers up gossip about her brothers. This includes the news that Anto is married, that Caro now has sight, and Anto is working on Camilo’s ranch.

Gloria can’t lure Lucrezia out of bed nor tempt her with Jello and chicken soup. Just as Gloria is taking the tray of food away, Lucrezia cries out in excruciating pain and clutches her side while writhing on the bed. Lucia and MP come running. Lucia goes to call an ambulance as Carly comes in on the upsetting scene.

At the hospital, the Curiel women, minus Lucrezia, and with Ivan, meet with the doctor. It’s not good news. The treatment is no longer effective, her kidneys have totally failed, and a transplant is needed as soon as possible. Carly offers hers up. The doctor rules her out because of her age. Ivan and Lucia next offer their kidneys. MP seems to feel the peer pressure and hesitantly offers to donate hers. The doctor asks if she’s married or planning on having kids. Nope. Since Lucia does plan to marry and have more kids, the doctor warns her about all the dangers having one kidney poses on a pregnant woman. He warns her to think about it carefully. Ivan says they can also find other potential donors. They’ll begin to test everyone for compatibility. The ladies go in to see Lucrezia and Ivan gives Lucia a kiss for luck.

Lucrezia is in bed and on pain meds. When they tell her about the need for the transplant, she says she doesn’t want them sacrificing a kidney for her, given what a bad mother she’s been. Lucia says she’s made mistakes like everyone else, but she’s not a bad mother. (Lucia is a far nicer person than I.) MP says she has nothing to complain about. (Very true.) Lucia says they love her and they’re family. Lucrezia’s having a real redemption moment now. She is tearful and feeling very unworthy, especially considering how she tried to manipulate their lives. Lucia reminds her that she gave them life and stayed by their sides. MP says they need her. Carly urges her to be strong and fight. She’s important to all of them. She kisses her only daughter on her head and strokes her face.

Ivan accompanies Lucia and MP home. They will go do the compatibility studies tomorrow. If he’s a match, Ivan would much rather donate so that Lucia can be healthy to have children in the future. He’s sure Camilo and Antolin would also be willing. He knows she has the last word, and he’ll support whatever choice she makes. It doesn’t change their love for each other. They already have two kids anyway- Alex and Perlita.

Gordo reports on the conversation with Carmen to Saul. The fact that Anto is now living with his wife Caro, and therefore sleeping in the house at night, complicates things. Anto might recognize him, even if he’s masked. Considering his girth, Saul doesn’t think this would be so difficult for anyone. Saul thinks they should just kill anyone who gets in the way, and just be done with it. They think about what a good time they’ll have with lots of women (viejas) once they have their money.

Ivan discusses his desire to have a baby with Lucia with Tony; it’s his dream. To have a child with the woman you love is a blessing. But he is also pleased with the children they already have- Alex who is his, and Perla who is Lucia’s. “And like they say, what’s yours is mine.” Tony points out how he lost both his only child and the woman he loved, but look at him now. He has the son he chose. If all fathers could choose their sons, Tony bets JJ wouldn’t choose Saul. Benito announces Camilo. Ivan called him over to ask him something important. First, Cam tells him where they found Carmen.

Carly asks MP about her hesitation in offering to donate her kidney. She’s pretty sure Lucia is going to be the one ending up donating hers. MP gets offended. “Lucia, Lucia, always Lucia!” Doesn’t Carly think she’s capable of doing something so noble (digno)? “Well, are you?” MP wants to show the whole world that she can be better than Lucia. Carly doesn’t understand this obsession with competing with Lucia when Lucia has always loved MP. MP says it’s not true; Lucia has always envied her! She took her man and her child! “Ay Maripaz, Maripaz.”

Camilo accepts getting tested for compatibility; Tony’s age and heart condition prohibit him. Camilo is concerned for how much Lucia must be suffering.

Well folks, time has passed, and the results are in! (Drum roll please…) And the lone compatible person is…..Maripaz Lomeli!! Come on down!!!!! Oh wait, MP’s face does NOT look like someone who has won a coveted prize. She looks downright terrified, in fact. Lucia asks about her own compatibility, but she is not a match. Ivan offers himself, Camilo and Antolin, but MP seems resigned to her fate. They’ll get started on the paperwork right away.

Carly checks in on Lucrezia and gives her the news about MP’s compatibility. Lucrezia starts to cry. She would prefer to die than have her daughter go through that. Carly gives her a pep talk. She and MP will be fine soon, but of course they will then have to take certain precautions. MP will give Lucrezia life, just like Lucrezia gave her life. “It’s not fair mama. It’s not fair.”

Avances: MP thinks she’s won the nobility game and gloats to Lucia. MP kisses Alex, who wonders if perhaps she isn’t as bad as he thought, and he visits her in the hospital. MP and Lucrezia hold hands before surgery. Something goes horribly wrong during the procedure and the doctor says we’re losing her! The doctor comes to the waiting room with a grim look on his face. Did one of them not make it? Who could it be?


Una Familia Con Suerte #52 Mon 12/19/11 In which Vins does a pretty good "Pancho..."

... and Pancho does a pretty bad "sleazy waiter."

Pancho reveals that he isn't just going to sit around while Vicente (maybe "vice" would be a better nickname) plots against him. He, too, has a plan. Which he will not reveal to everyone (though everyone is clearly concerned that this will be a hairbrained scheme).

Chacho bursts in and informs everyone that Chela's got a boy. His buds circle round to chatter and gossip. Pancho says they need to find out who that suspedocho is.

Meanwhile, Chela is rehashing the jealousy plan. She swore Chacho to secrecy, so half of Mexico knows already.

Lena is still moaning. It's been days. One new detail: she swears she'll have vengeance, which I take to be a positive sign.

Vice is shocked to see "Tomas Plomero" in the house again and tries to show him off, but Pina flounces down the stairs and tell him the sob story about T's family. Meanwhile, Tomas heads off to snoop around the house. Adoracion races off to gawk at him or something.

Monica is with Pepe, rehashing her chat with Fred. Nothing new, but they're pretty cute.

Tomas carries his tools into Fred's room and sees the racing trophy. He begins stroking it and dreaming about what would've happened if he'd been born rich. He sees the plumber off with some rudeness, then sits on the bed inexplicably clutching his heart.

Alex is wearing a ridiculous scarf. He's trying to get back in Lupita's good graces... he claims he can't be held accountable for Fred's actions. She asks why is he still friends with the Fraud? Good question. One explanation: the gayness of his scarf is a clue that Alex and Fred will end up together in the end of the show.

Vice and Candi are at the Avon offices, smooching in the elevator. "How many times have I told you that you drive me crazy?" "Not enough." They stumble into a handy office, and Vice once again admits his mistaken identity scheme. Just like the Emperor spinning his chair to reveal his presence in "Return of the Jedi," Pancho spins around in his huge office chair with a raised eyebrow and a cough of indignation.

Vice claims that this was all to protect Pancho... Seeing as to how we've seen no indications of any other motive, I'll go with that. Pancho is not convinced. As they yell at each other, Beca appears in the doorway just as Vins accidentally blurts out that he's got something going on with Yuriko. Jealous, Candi flounces out as Beca flounces in. She's not happy, but doesn't really support Pancho, a viewpoint she carries through the episode.

The only other thing that happened that really interested me was the hilarious meeting with the Japanese. Fake Pancho and Beca sit down to the meeting, and in walks... Pancho, with a greasy ponytail and a waiter-suit. He attends the meeting, running back and forth whispering in peoples' ears. Then he tell's V that he's actually doing a pretty good impression, but he just needs to laugh more.

The Japanese want 20% of Avon, but Pancho disagrees. He doesn't even want to settle for 15%. He also doesn't want V to sign any documents, so he spills coffee all over the papers. Everyone yells at Lamberto. I'm falling asleep.... Good night, guys!

Also, could anyone cover for us tomorrow night? Thanks!


Una familia con suerte: we need a guest recapper for Tuesday night!

Hi all,
Your Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday blogging team Melinama and Ezra are both going to be out tomorrow night. Anybody want to do the tuesday recap for us?


Cuando Me Enamoro #170 Monday 12/19/11 What’s Black & White & Red All Over? A Dark Plot with Teeny Rays of Hope, but Still We Are Served a Big RED Herring

It was a dark and snowy night with icicles everywhere and roads blocked, but hey, that’s real life in New Mexico and old news. Let’s get on with our review of the last CME: Honorio gets the news in his office that Constanza will be released due to the confession of Corina. He promises to take care of Beth’s complaint about sleazy Germy’s proposition as soon as he gets Consta sprung. At La Bonita, Antonio questions Regina if she has ever doubted that Roberta is her daughter. You never ask anything for no reason, what are you getting at? Renata brings the box of pictures and papers into Jero’s office and shows Regina that they are Roberta’s not hers although she is is some of the pictures. Antonio pockets the real birth certificate with Roberta’s name on it proving she is Fina’s evil spawn.

The crib scene, mystery suit puts mobiles up with Maritata saying how much her twins will love this bedroom with the balloon mural and the matching cribs with mobile arms over them. But we don’t see who it is. This is a very mean, very nasty, very cruel, very RED HERRING in a black suit jacket! And Red Herrings never, never look as good in a suit jacket as Jeronimo does. But at least we know where the Tata is hanging these days.

At the police station, the nylon coifed Corina spills that the director of the manicomio hired her to pose with the Trojan baby and it was for money (anyone surprised?) She further reveals that his office attendants were inmates named Blanca and Fina who prompted her to present the baby at the Centro Regina and to roll in the Trojan stroller to leave with Constanza. Honorio tells the lawyer that he will go give good news to Consta while the paperwork is cleared up. After his cell phone call, Gonzo tells that Blanca’s body was found at bottom of a bridge but with ligatures around her neck so they know she was strangled. And, Fina’s teeth don’t sync with any of the bodies found so Fina is still missing. Gonzo and Hon compare notes that they are all in danger if Fina is at large. They both know that with all she has done she is capable of anything. Gonzo fears that Renata‘s newly revealed heart condition make it necessary to hide news of Fina from her until the appropriate time. Hon realizes that Renata’s heart condition is too much of a coincidence. In parallel discoveries, Augie and Roberta talk about the same thing. Augie is sure he knows the truth, he already knew Renata had heart problems when he sniffed her unconscious body at his hacienda after her accident. Remember that sickening scene? Roberta lies anyway maintaining her public image as Regina’s daughter. Something in this estupida tells her not to totally trust Augie’s invitation to tell him everything. Augie admits he would rather have a jailed Fina be his mother-in-law than Regina who is too honest for his taste and a great friend of Jeronimo’s. She would cause more problems in the long run.

Padre Severino at La Bonita in the chemical room, gets the truth from Carlos that PrissyPants kissed him, you know how women are he says with more irony than he realizes. It seems it was momentarily exciting but she is a part of my past while only Matilde is part of my future he swears. Matilde overhears and grins behind the door. Finally she has heard a complete sentence of truth.

Anibal shows up at La Bonita with his wounded paw which Alison notices. Anibal says at first, oh it’s nothing, then tells how badly Augie hurt him when he discovered the computer hacking. They both decide it is time to tell Renata the truth. Augie decides with Melecio that it is also time to move forward with his next step. He demands that Melecio find out who at La Bonita knew that the vines were taken to Cruz Sin Amor.

Matilde tells her side of the story to a confused Padre. She doesn’t think the wedding is off. So she takes Padre in hand to go talk to Carlos out in the chem room. We draw a quick breath before they appear as Prissypants shows up and tries to woman handle her Charlie. Now she is wearing alluring dresses with frilly décolletage. Finally, for crying out loud, Carlos backs away without an audience to impress and when Matilde arrives moments later she confronts him sweetly, Padre says that we are not going to get married! Carlos, did you say that? Of course, he stumbles and stutters, I still want to marry you. They play back and forth with who feels what all the while, PPants is listening outside the door. Carlos finally gets on bended knee to ask her to marry him once again. This time Matilde is the one getting kisses while the green PPants looks on and finally leaves in a pouty huff as Matilde and Carlos squeal with delight and kiss in front of the Padre.

The seeds of doubt are in Regina’s talk with Antonio about her bad feelings about her daughter Roberta. She believes she is her daughter but is haunted by Panchita’s story of seeing Roberta and Fina outside of the house handing off that box. So she still has only drops of doubt, but Antonio says casually well, let’s show the photos to Gonzo because he will know which girl is which. He lived with them from the time they were nine.

Matilde gets to show Carlos love and kisses in front of her rival. But Ppants thinks a lot of her pants and swears this gata will not get over on her. We will see who will win this she says as she stomps off.

Anibal shows his hurt hand and reveals his fears of Augie. Padre thinks Anibal must stay away from Augie who is clearly dangerous. Marina must be found then she can tell them whether she left town with Jero or not.

Augie has a sword fight with himself and that menacing sword in a steel arm on the wall, as he swears vengeance is his. He threatens to rid all those against him especially now this means Anibal better find a new place to sleep. Well, who is going to win this match? Augie is talking to himself way too much.

Renata is sad in her room in such a real way, this is hard to watch. She remembers so many loving moments between her and Jero, in jail, on the beach, around the hacienda. We hear him say she is the only woman he will love for the rest of his life. As the lyrics repeat, no me abandones accompanies raucous laughter, rending of clothes and fun wrestling on the bed. It still doesn’t add up. She cries on Adriana’s shoulder who reminds her that it isn’t time to jump to conclusions.

Carlos is getting smarter by the minute now that his head seems to have cleared. At his side, Bitchybritches points out that Matilde is voluble (voluable) and not to be trusted. She argues her point of superiority with Carlos, sometimes we lose ourselves and we are so crazy in love we forget who we are says Bitchybritches suggesting Carlos needs a high class piece of pants like her?

Back to the hysterical scene with Adriana trying to get Renata to await final judgment since they don’t know really what happened. He may not have left, he might have been kidnapped. Renata anguishes but he might have had an accident then Adri begs her to calm herself and think of the health of her baby when she is so upset herself.

Anibal and Alison are eating in the kitchen when Alison becomes almost as disgusting of Bbritches as she spits food into her napkin then drops the filth on the floor. Anibal sees her do it and says well you are not eating and she protests that she can’t eat because she is ugly, fat and unworthy. He thinks she is sick and so do I This is another hard scene to watch. I am not so interested in teen angst and realize the psychologists will have a field day with this important public announcement but it makes me feel dizzy. Let’s get on with the detective work, please.

Back at the only jail cell in Ensenada, Hon explains Corina’s testimony to Constanza and that Blanca has been found but when she asks about Fina, he says no, neither Fina nor her remains have been found. They have to assume she is still out there threatening the peace.

Fina steps into a cab in her new hairdo and clothes. Gonzo alerts a surprised Roberta that Fina is loose and all of them have to be on guard. She plays dumb surprise with real energy. He brings up the Germy trip to finish his project. Roberta plays kitten, gee Pa is it important that I go with Germy? Gonzo thinks that she will learn a lot about the business (Germy will give her the business). She says what ever you like, Pa. I wlll go if you think I should. Gonzo hands her her alibi: It may be safer for you to be out of town for a few days with that wicked Fina lurking about.

Fina in her little fur shawl enters the post office where she retrieves two huge envelopes both filled with lots of pesos, dollars and euros. She grins and counts and grins and sniffs right at the boxes which seems stupid but no one else is watching her and she does look over her shoulder often but grins more than we have seen for along time.

Constanza is popped out uf the slammer and hugs her husband and brother with relief and joy. She wants to go home and find clean pink clothes and a pink bubble bath, well at least a bath. She tells the lawyer who says all the paper work is finished and she is free to go. She asks him that if he talks to the baby’s parents, they will know now that she was not at fault, but they should also know that she took excellent care of their baby while she was with her.

Padre Sev comes home with Antonio whom he asks to go to D.F. to look for Marina. He has to know she arrived safely but he has been out of the parish for so much time with his illness so he wants him to go soon. Antonio agrees to go at the end of the week. Padre goes to get a drink of water while Antonio opens the purloined birth certificate.

Renata and Matias and Adrina eat while discussing that Julieta saw Roberta kissing Germy down the hall from her apartment. Renata is surprised but Adriana pushes on with the news that they doubt if she was raped by Zeke when he took her back to Augie’s after the Padre’s party. This is a pure lie, insists Adriana while Kari listens intently outside the door.

Regina hears by phone from Gonzo that Constanza is finally free. Everything is returning to normal she declares. Well not everything say Gonzo. Fina has disappeared so they have to all be alert. (Something tells me that with this much insisting they are not going to be alert..) They decide that Renata must be told about Fina but Gonzo wants to tell her in person. Regina then asks him does he think he can tell Roberta and Renata apart in photos when they were children. Of course he can.

Antonio reads the birth certificate with satisfaction then calls Isidro to discuss that Renata is the true daughter. Antonio wants to tell Regina right away but Isidro wants to get the other proofs together to present all the evidence to Regina and the authorities at one time. Antonio says, she is coming to DF tomorrow so we need to get everything together quickly. Isidro gets off the line to update Inez and they laugh that the proof is finally clear. The birth certificate made a day or two after Roberta was born was made out with Fina as Mom and Roberto as Pa It was her original name and has finger prints too. So Fina must have changed baby Regina’s name to Renata. She later passed Roberta off as Regina’s daughter so she could get close to the inheritance and all will be revealed now they are now sure they have solved the mystery. At least someone is laughing tonight.

Antonio tells Padre he will go to DF tomorrow on the first flight. Why not the weekend like you planned? Well I have other things to do. Padre writes out Tata’s address in the city so Antonio can go look for her.

We get more bittersweet romantic scenes in Renata’s memory of kissing, laughing and again, Jero’s and her words at the jail that nothing else will ever separate us again. Jero keeps swearing his eternal love, even all the way back to the heart carved into the tree. A few bad moments are revealed of Jero’s rejection, but mostly lovely ones fill the screen. He teases her freckles that he can’t do with out. She grips her stomach and remembers. She sinks onto the bed of so many passionate scenes, candles but only has pillows to hug. She looks longingly at the door as though he will suddenly appear through it.

Next time or so: Constanza joyfully learns Renata is pregnant. Fina at last has money. She seems joyful too. Antonio reaches Marina de Tatas’ house. She swears that Jero did not leave on the plane with her. So Antonio asks the question we all have, if he didn’t come with you, where did he go? And I want to know, who Augie paid off to falsify the manifest of passengers then?


Sunday, December 18, 2011

Una Familia Con Suerte #51 Fri 12/16/11 Frauddie applies to Jerk University's graduate program

Enzo is not happy with the sight he comes home to. Frauddie snaps his fingers at Pepe. Pepe tells Enzo he's leaving, but only bodily. And he gives Mónica another kiss first! Enzo again pressures Moni to promise never to see him again. This time she screams in his face! "We have a big problem, Super-Suegro," Frauddie tells Enzo.

Back to the restaurant. Vince confesses to Candy that he's been pretending to be Pancho with Yuri, but swears he's not having a thing with her. Candy's mad, but he begs her to help him out. (Since Candy's been saying all along that she wants to get revenge on Vince, this would be the time to throw him under the bus. Well, the latest of many, that is.)

Yuri and Pancho have been seated in the lounge because the regular dining area is full. Yuri, who is still convinced that Pancho is a chauffeur, tries to get him to wait outside in "that thing." Pancho defends La Burra's honor. Candy comes over and pretends to be with the restaurant and tells Yuri that her table is ready and Mr. Lopez is waiting. Yuri again ignores Pancho when he says he's Lopez and she goes to Vince's table. Candy tells Pancho she works here now and didn't want to tell him. He doesn't buy her story, but she promises to explain everything when they get home.

Manuel tells Ana his life story. His family had some money, but they wanted him to study business administration and he didn't want to, so he left home at a young age to make his own life. Turns out his family owns a record label! Ana's eyes get very big.

Vince has had a lot to drink. He keeps up the Pancho pretense - he's got the vocabulary down, more or less (at least to where a Japanese woman can't tell the difference). She wants to hear more of his folksy talk. He keeps trying to sidetrack the conversation to business. She wants to skip dinner entirely, take him to her room, and do something else. Her husband arrives in Mexico tomorrow. He trusts her blindly, and if she tells him to sign, he'll sign.

Adoración tries to make nice with Tomás. Pina tries to get her to do some housework so she can have Tommy all to herself. Tomas wants his job back. He explains that he and his sister are orphans, their parents died in an accident, and they really need the money. Pina is touched and promises to convince her husband. Tomas is so grateful he almost kisses her face, but then backs off and kisses her hand. Ado is jealous! "Where's my kiss?"

Yuri wants Vince to talk to her in "Mexican;" he can say whatever he likes. He says all kinds of crazy stuff, most of which goes over my head, but I do get something about rocking the cradle and making the baby dizzy, and "ay mamacita, you're so curvy, and me without brakes." (This reminds me of that movie where Jamie Lee Curtis would go crazy whenever she heard someone speaking Russian. I wish I could remember the movie.) She wants to rip his clothes off. Flustered, he says (in English) "Business are business." She'll speak to her husband on only one condition: that she and Vince spend the night together. Vince whimpers. Yuri offers him a massage - in her suite, of course.

Pancho is at home with Candy. Finally she explains that Vince is posing as Pancho. She assures him, however, that Vince is going to close the deal. He needs the deal just as much as they do. But Pancho is not assured at all and goes back there to make sure.

Back to Enzo and Frauddie. Enzo mentions Frauddie's recent trip to Brazil with the plumber's sister. Frauddie says he shouldn't have done it. "You're just like your father," Enzo says. "Mónica doesn't deserve that." Apparently, however, it's not a deal-breaker in Enzo's book. F tells E that SHE broke up with HIM. She's super-obsessed with Pepe. He says there are thousands of "girls like Mónica." Enzo takes offense and gets a bit intimidating with him and says Mónica is unique. They agree that Frauddie will fix this because he and Mo are in love.

Moni calls Pepe from her room. She says she doesn't know why he loves her. "Do you love me?" he asks. "I adore you." "That's all I wanted to hear!"

By the time Pancho gets back to the restaurant, Vince and Yuri have already been gone for an hour. He calls Vince, who is now in the hotel lobby with Yuri. Vince doesn't answer the phone, but tells Yuri he has to go home to a sick child. She thinks his servants should take care of that. Then he says he has a problem "muy embarazoso." (Not to be confused with "embarazada"!) She says he's never been with a Japanese woman before, but they can always buy one of those little blue pills. He backpedals and says that's not it. She kisses him and says he will be hers - the deal depends on it!

Enzo wants Moni to talk to Frauddie. She doesn't want to be with a guy who's only interested in himself. Enzo says better that than the son of a greengrocer. She asks Enzo why he isn't putting her happiness first. But she agrees to talk to Frauddie.


Pancho visits Pina; or as he calls, her, Quina. (She tells him it's Pina with a P; he later calls her "Tina with a P.") She calls him Sancho. He says he's looking for Vince. He puts a lot of doubts in her mind about Vince and Yuri.

Frauddie tells himself Daddy and Enzo are right, he can't let Pepe have his chick. Moni comes in and tells him to leave her alone. He says he's sorry and such. He says all the right things, but his tone barely approaches wheedling, much less begging. Then he suggests that they could just be great friends, no strings attached. She says she's in love with Pepe. He says she deserves better. (Well, that still leaves Frauddie out of the picture!) Moni says if he wants to be friends, then fine, but that's all it will be. She doesn't even want him kissing her hand.

Pancho goes home and talks to Laurita's photo. Then Fer comes in and he tells her what Vince is up to. She is impactada.

Tom and Pepe at the garage... Pepe is rehashing everything to Tom, and Tom warns that Pepe's going to fill up the car with "melcocha" - far as I can tell, it's some kind of gooey sweet like treacle or possibly taffy or toffee (not that taffy and toffee are much alike). As for Tom, I guess he feels like he pulled one over on Pina.

Candy is at the old house, scolding Chela for leaving without saying goodbye. Chela tells Candy how bummed she is about Pancho being in love with Rebeca. Candy's a bit put out that Chela turned to Jess instead of her, too. Chela says fixing herself up for Pancho didn't work anyway. But Jess told her she should try making Pancho jealous.

Meanwhile, Pancho is telling Fernanda that he loves Rebeca, but it's making things very complicated. He's not sure he's doing well at his job, what with Lamberto always crying doom (hecatombe). And Rebeca's off dealing with a problem at one of the plants. Fer says Rebeca is afraid, but not because of work. It's fear of surrendering herself, fear of losing control, fear of loving him unconditionally.

Alex is visiting with Frauddie. Frauddie wants to split up Mónica and Pepe... and he wants Alex to help.

Next morning, Lambi says the employees' phones aren't getting good signals. Pancho says they need good tools to do their job and promises to take care of it. I cannot imagine that this is a plot point. I smell a product placement on the horizon.

With a smirk, Pina tells Vince at breakfast that he came home so late she didn't hear him. Also, Pancho came by last night. He told her that he was supposed to be at dinner with the Japanese woman, but they weren't there. And he said something very folksy that she didn't understand. She even does a really feeble impression of him.

Popeye barks at breakfast. Oh good, he's still alive. We hadn't seen him in a while. Maybe he was getting fixed. Anyway, Chela's there. Everyone wants her to stay this time. She doesn't say yes but she does agree to help out in the kitchen. Candy tells the others to be patient.

Vince asks Ado what means "hacer de chivo los tamales" (the folksy expression Pina didn't understand, it's literally "to make young goats into tamales"). She says it's like giving a cat for a hare, or giving something that's not what it seems. Frauddie comes to breakfast.

Chacho's in the kitchen with Chela. Somehow in that shirt, he looks like a little bald kid. She wants to tell him a big secret.

Nico is at the office, asking what's Pancho going to do about Vince's deception. Pancho says he has a plan that can't fail. Before he can say what it is, Chacho comes in with Chela's big secret: she's got a guy!

Next time:
Beca comes back.


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