Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Don Francisco Presenta Un Gran Noche de La Fuerza del Destino Lunes 12/26/11. La Fuerza del Destino Wrap Show.

By Urban Anthropologist

There is a Christmas tree in the back of the set and large wrapped gift boxes and poinsetta plants on the floor in front of the guest chairs.

Laisha Wilkins is the first cast member to be introduced, on set with Don F. She talked about how Maripaz' mother taught her to always get what she wants although Lucia turned out differently. She thinks that Ivan was the love of MP's youth. She wanted a man of means and Ivan just wasn't it when they were 19.

David Zepeda is via satellite from Mexico. He thinks that Ivan was attracted to Maripaz and it was a learning time in Ivan's life but that Alex was the light of his life. He was the greatest gift to Ivan. There are many angels that pass through our lives and that Alicia and Tony were his. Meeting Tony changed his destiny in a lot of ways.

DZ will be starring with Angelique Boyer soon. That should be interesting.

Here is where we find out that this program was taped before anyone knew about Pedro Armendáriz' condition.

Gabriel Soto via satellite, sitting on the same couch as DZ. He feels that Camilo was very conflicted. He loved and respected Ivan but saw an open door when he left with Maripaz. Later he merely weakened to Maripaz' sexual advances at a vulnerable time. “We're just men, after all.” However, in the end his friendship with Ivan won the day. Nothing new here.

Laisha thinks Maripaz learned the error of her ways just at the end.

Rosa Maria Bianchi joins them on the set. Speaking as Lucrezia she believes that she raised Maripaz as best she could. She wanted her to have everything (including the education Maripaz rejected). She favored Maripaz because she was more like her while Lucia was more like Gerry. Maripaz and Lucrezia were women “de mucho carácter.” Ambitious, willful, etc.

Delia Casanova via satellite: We were a family of “mujerones” [Will someone please explain that one?] Everyone makes mistakes they don't know are mistakes until later. She was always there for Lucia, who needed her the most. Tony appealed to Carlota because of his love of life. She thinks they did do the trip.

Laisha re the transplant story: Maripaz was desperate for the love of her son after the rejection of everyone else. She was too afraid to lose her mother (the only person who loved her) not to donate the kidney. Neither Laisha nor Rosa Maria would IRL accept a kidney from an offspring because you don't know what can happen to them in the future.

Kika Edgar joins DF on the set. She said that caring for a child makes for the maternal feelings that Carolina had for Alex. Furthermore, it was challenging to care for a child because Carolina was blind. She loved Antolin just as blindly. Her belief in him made him turn his life around.

Marcelo Cordoba via satellite from Mexico: Love changed Antolin, who previously did what he had to for survival. Gorgeous guy, but I prefer him without the beard.

I'm sure none of us agree with Don F's provocative comment on Antolin being the most evil character in the story.

There was a joke about actors feeling nothing during a certain type of scene.

Viewer questions submitted through Facebook: A viewer asks Laisha if she ever knew anyone like Maripaz or if she is anything like her. She answers “Thank God, no” to the second but to the first that she has known people worse than Maripaz, who had no regard for other people. Marcelo says that any person can change in life as Antolin did. Why not? DZ said that the most difficult time during production for him was when he was also doing promotional spots and had to exist on very little sleep and work in cold climates. He also felt he learned responsibility from playing Ivan.

Don F gave New Year's greetings and mentioned that Laisha will be on the New Year's program.

Interesting that the three ladies in DF's studio are all dressed in black with very modest jewelry. Is that because of the white chairs?

This must have been taped more than a week ago and I think the network should have had a disclaimer about Don Pedro's death before the beginning of the show.

More comments to come later.


La Fuerza del Destino #101 Mon 12/26/11 Confessions, revelations, incantations, invocations, and declarations. La Fuerza del Fraternidad, Amor, y Hierbas

Recap by Urban Anthropologist

La Fuerza del Destino Gran Especial Lunes 12/26/11: Los Mejores Momentos

Ivan Crossing the Desert: If he had walked to San Diego we wouldn't have this shot.

Alicia Arriving at Casa Curiel and meeting with Carlota for the first time. Not a comfortable encounter for either, but particularly for Carlota.

Teen Ivan meets Juan Jeil-Me or just bite me.

Ivan asks Alicia about his father and we hold our breath.

Alicia reveals Ivan to JJ as his son and JJ gets insulting, as usual.

Alicia asks JJ for help only to get sexual harassment in return and young Ivan takes a fall defending her.

Young adult Ivan plays with Pipo the Doberman showing us he can raise a loving dog. That usually scores with chicks.

Maripaz flirts with Ivan and coerces a kiss from him as young Lucia looks on and walks away crying. Ivan tells her that he and Maripaz have a thing for each other. Little does he know it won't last.

Maripaz tells Ivan she doesn't want the baby. We knew the second she said the “A” word she would come to no good.

Alicia has the illegal abortion. She didn't deserve this hell.

Lucrazia tells Ivan to get out. Little does she know.

Arcelia gives Ivan the bad news about his mother dying. On her deathbed Alicia tells Ivan she doesn't want him to get revenge for anything. She gives him the crucifix she wears and makes him promise to be a good and honorable man. He kisses her goodbye and she dies.

Commercial Break that leads with a promo for La Que No Podia Amar..

Lucrazia sics the ranch hands on Ivan and Antolin kills one defending him; the others run off.

Antolin talks to Camilo about not telling anyone who really did the killing. And we wonder about his character.

Antolin convinces Ivan to leave Mexico because he will be accused of the murder. Not that he has to be, as we know.

Maripaz tells Lucia she's going to get an abortion, trying to say that Ivan is a bad person. Lucia isn't buying this. This scene looks even more ominous in retrospect.

Ivan places flowers on Alicia's grave, knocking over the ones left by Gerry.

Camilo and Antolin talk again about the killing, with Antolin telling him to be quiet about what really happened. This is the most selfish we have ever seen him, since he seemed to think himself above the law.

Ivan crosses the desert. He looks both strong and vulnerable here.

Commercial Break that leads with a promo for ¡Feliz 2012!.

Ivan meets Benito in California.

Ivan works in the produce field.

Alex is born. Of those receiving the news from the doctor only Lucrezia is miserable.

Ivan saves Tony's life. Their first conversation is in English.

Baby Alex is home, but only for a moment. We knew that would happen.

Tony expresses his gratitude to Ivan.

Tony adopts Ivan.

JJ hears about McGuire and Sons.

Tony and Ivan look over Alamos and Ivan wants to know about Maripaz. Boy, will you ever change your mind about her.

Lucrzeia and Maripaz talk about her pending marriage to David. The anvil was being hoisted and how many of us knew that?

Ivan and Camilo reunite. Maripaz interrupts this meeting and everyone else's lives.

Commercial Break

Ivan and Maripaz talk about loving each other. But he is already on to her in a way he doesn't recognize.

Ivan and Alex meet for the first time as we wonder how Ivan didn't recognize him immediately as his son.

Maripaz accuses Lucia of stealing Ivan and Carlota makes her first threat at tossing Maripaz out on her ramera ass.

The fan and the doves. I think this was somebody's fantasy.

The dolphin pool scene. One of my favorites in the series.

Amusement park scene

Tony and Ivan talk about his feelings.

Maripaz tells Gerry she will get custody of Alex And why didn't Gerry take action here?

The judge gives custody to Maripaz. proving that good men can make bad decisions.

In LA Ivan tells Maripaz like it is and we knew havoc would reign for a while.

In Alamos Alex and Ivan encounter Lucia, Camilo, and baby Perla. and Lucia looked like she wanted to disappear.

Ivan and Camilo fight over Lucia. Maripaz catches a punch and we laughed.

Maripaz in the hospital to donate her kidney to Lucrezia. The last time Alex has to see her alive.

The doctor announces Maripaz' death. Carlota, Lucia, JJ, and the viewers son impactados.

Saul and El Gordo talk about their plot to kidnap Alex. Stupid crooks are biting off more than they can chew.

El Gordo shows up in his clown get-up. We never want to see another clown again.

Commercial Break leading with the promo for the finale.

Antolin fills Tony in on Saul and El Gordo. They discuss Bruno's ability to help and next steps.

El Gordo and Fausto talk about ditching Saul.. El Gordo disables the tracking device in his cell phone.

Ivan calls Lucia. The last call before his dangerous trek into the woods.

Camilo waits outside in his car and El Gordo calls Ivan just after sunrise with instructions.

Camilo watches Ivan's departure and starts to follow him out.

Antolin and Tony discuss next steps

Lucia and Carlota talk over breakfast.

El Gordo calls Ivan and tells him where to go. He and Fausto laugh and talk about meeting half an hour after El Gordo gets the money.

Antolin figures out what the kidnappers are up to and talks to Tony. Bruno is paying attention.

El Gordo calls Ivan who is still walking.

El Gordo walks out of the barn and mention is made of the rich guy with the yacht. Fausto looks like he's going to turn Saul against El Gordo, but that's possibly a trick.

Antolin, Tony, and Bruno rescue Alex and we get the satisfaction of seeing Antolin take Saul down. The second bullet could have shattered the femur.

Alex comes home to the maternal women who love him as everyone worries about Ivan and Camilo.

<b>La Fuerza del Destino Capitulo #101 El Gran Final,  Lunes,  12/26/11:   Confessions, revelations, incantations, invocations, and declarations.  La Fuerza del Fraternidad, Amor, y Hierbas</b>

Please provide any missing details. Gracias.


The kidnap, the plans, Alex's near-escape, the goading, the shootout, and Fausto's temporary getaway with the money and Camilo's cell phone.


Near the edge of the woods, after sunrise. A native mother and her teen daughter find Camilo lying across Ivan. The mother determines that both are alive (although barely) and sends the daughter to get her brother. El Gordo is dismissed as dead. Nobody's sorry about that.

Shack: The native mother – hereafter referred to as La Curandera – sterilizes a knife in a candle flame. Her son is paranoid about being accused of shooting the two white men, but his mother points out that he doesn't have a firearm. She gets her daughter to pour cold water, then gets Ivan to drink it. The woman chants as she removes the bullet from Ivan's stomach . [panza] Ivan screams out his pain.

Alamos Police Station: Commandante Aguilar informs Antolin and Tony that Saul has been found in Hermosillo. He mentions the three bullet wounds. Antolin said he had to do it and Tony backs him up.

Shack: The curandera's son isn't happy that Ivan and Camilo are there. Camilo has a high fever.

Hacienda Curiel: Tony tells Carlota what they found out from Saul. Alex's doctor has told them that nothing had happened to him (i.e., he hasn't been abused). Lucia is worried about Ivan and Camilo.

Casa McGuire: Tony comforts Alex without telling him what's really happening. He tells Alex that Ivan is on a business trip. I wonder how Alex will react when he learns the truth.

Casa Galvan: Arcelia prays to la Virgencita as Carmen sits at the table crying.

Shore: The curandera's children argue about what will happen when the police get there. Apparently they have been exiled because of something that happened on the Isla de Tiburón. The brother expresses the wish that the two injured men die.

Shack:: The curandera chants and uses maggots (ewww!) to help Ivan, and that they may have to gather more. The maggots [gusanos] will eat any dessicating flesh but may not work for everyone.

Hacienda Curiel: Tony tells the ladies that El Gordo has been found dead and Camilo's rented car has been found. When Lucia leaves the room Tony tells Carlota that there was other blood at the scene.

Casa Carolina: Antolin is trying not to lose it when Carolina asks about what's happening. She sounds more and more like a little girl.

Shore: We find out that the curandera's son killed someone defending his sister and he's afraid someone will find out. The curandera tries to make her son understand that his violent tendencies aren't good. Her daughter comes out to tell her that Ivan's fever is going down. Ivan wakes up and asks about Camilo. The curandera tells him that Camilo is alive but unconscious. She and the girl try to help Camilo as Ivan starts asking about Alex.

Casa McGuire: Alex talks about what happened to him. The kidnappers held him for ransom, they gave him food, and did not sexually abuse him. Lucia is on board with Tony about telling him that Ivan is on a business trip. Alex had a nightmare about a dark place. Later she tells Tony and Carlota that she thinks Alex will get over this with time. Carlota says that what the kidnappers did is unforgivable. Tony had gotten no news yet about Ivan and Camilo.

Casa Galvan: Antolin has heard about El Gordo's death, but that there was blood from two other people at the scene. That this means that Ivan and Camilo are alive but injured. He tells his mother and Carmen he will go to find out what he can. Arcelia cries as she blesses him and he tells her to take care of Carolina. Uh oh.

Hacienda Curiel: It's been four days and Lucia is starting to panic. Carlota and Lucrezia try to get her to calm down.

Police Station: Antolin argues with Aguilar. He wants to join the search party in Hermosillo but Aguilar tells him the local police don't allow civilians to do this.

Commercial Break that leads with a promo for La Que No Podia Amar.and tonight's cast reunion show on Don Francisco Presenta.

Casa Mondragon: Esther and David arrive to find JJ drinking tequila. He's in a sarcastic mood.

JJ: Ah, the traitors. Have you come to get more money out of me after leaving me in la miseria? Why have you come?
David: Have you heard much about Saul?
JJ: No. The newspapers and TV don't have much to say. Now I have a son who is a kidnapper of children besides being a rapist. Now I can't set foot outside the house.
Esther: Juan Jaime, David and I think that if you can use your influence –
JJ: What influence? I don't influence, money. Nothing. Where is this imbecile?
David: In the prison hospital.
JJ: I hope he dies. That will wipe out the family shame.
David: I agree that my brother is the worst. But if you talk to the governor, perhaps –
JJ: I thought I taught him to be smart, worthy of my name. But he's turned out a porqueria. Delinquent of the worst kind. Imbecile. I don't want to know any more about him. Damn Saul. OK. Are you going to defend him?
David: Let's go, Mama.
JJ: Go. Leave me alone. I want to be alone.

David and Esther leave. We know JJ is in for lots of solitary time.

Casa McGuire: Alex is having trouble sleeping. Tony tries to tell him Ivan is on a business trip in L.A. He reads to him from the pirate story book.

Shack: Ivan and Camilo are alive. The curandera's daughter talks about getting them to a hospital where the doctors can help.

Casa Carolina: She doesn't want to let Antolin go to resolve this. But he can't sit around with crossed arms because he can't sleep and his mother won't stop crying.

Prison Infirmary, the next day: Esther and David visit Saul, who knows he will face 40 to 60 years in prison. He hopes that Ivan died in the desert and ridicules his mother praying to God. Pendejo. God will get you for that.

Casa McGuire: Still no news. Tony is preparing to go out and search. Antolin will go with him. Alex talks to Carolina on the phone, telling her that he will be going back to school in a few days. Tony asks him if he wants to spend a few days with the Curiels.

Hacienda Curiel: Lucia insists on accompanying Tony. He agrees. Carlota assures Lucia that Perlita will be well cared-for. Lucrezia looks forward to Alex staying with them.

Shack: Ivan is awake and struggling to get up.

Ivan: Camilo, brother, it's me. Camilo, open your eyes. Camilo... listen to me.
Camilo: Ivan, I thought I was lost.
Ivan: No.
Camilo: Where are we?

La curandera and her daughter return with plants and roots.

Ivan: The house of a native healer. She took the bullets out of both of us.
Camilo: I don't remember. Alex?
Ivan: I don't know. I don't know where he is. (tries to get up, but slumps back in pain)
Curandera: Don't move.
Ivan: Where is my cell phone?
Girl (helping him lie down): We didn't find one. Just your clothes.
Ivan: I need to make a phone call. My friend is dying. Is there a town near here?
Curandera: It's very far.
Ivan: How far is Hermosillo?
Curandera: Many hours' walk.
Ivan: Señora, I can't let my friend die. I can't let that happen. You have family. Mother, siblings. You know how that is, don't you?
Curandera: Yes, we know.
Ivan: Besides, I have a lost child. A little boy. Help me, please. Help me.

The woman's son throws something down on the floor and exits. She notices.

Curandera: Yes. I will help you. (pats daughter's shoulder to get her attention) Take care of him. (exits and talks to her son) Hijo, I want you to go to the authorities to help these men.
Hijo: Ay, Madre. I will not go. (gets up and walks away)
Curandera: If you don't, I will.
Ivan: Save yourself, brother. Aunque la cueste la vida.
Camilo: No. Your life is worth a lot. You have a woman, a child –
Ivan: You have your mother, Camilo. You have a life ahead of you.
Camilo: An empty life. With nothing.
Ivan: Camilo, we've both made mistakes. I abandoned Lucia and you dreamed of her. That was for the best if I had never returned.
Camilo: She married me but kept loving you. I didn't count for anything. It's better this way. (The wise woman enters and listens.) I suffered my whole life for her love.
Ivan: You're thinking like that because you're weak, Camilo. You aren't thinking of other possibilities. You have to live, Camilo. You have to live to find them.
Camilo: I don't want to.

The music swells.

Commercial Break that leads with a promo for La Que No Podia Amar.

Hermosillo: Tony sends Antolin and Lucia into the hotel to register while he talks to the police chief, who gives advice about dealing with the local natives.

Hotel Room: Tony shows a map to Antolin, Lucia, and Benito, pointing out where El Gordo's body was found. He lays out the plan. Antolin and Benito will go on foot in that area while he and Lucia will take the copter.

Hacienda Curiel: Carlota and Lucia talk on the phone. Lucrezia is playing with Alex. Lucia tells her they will search in the morning. Carlota tells her to have faith. If Ivan could survive days in the desert in the US he's got a strong spirit. Lucia todavia is worried.

Shack: La curandera chants over Ivan, then tells him he has a strong spirit. She points out to Ivan that his bullet came out easily but that she had to work hard to get the two bullets out of Camilo's back and that he's lost a lot of blood. She is sure that Camilo can't be saved because he doesn't want to live and that nobody can save him because of that. She leaves the two alone. Ivan crawls over to Camilo and props himself up.

Ivan: Camilo, listen to me. You want to live, don't you? Camilo.
Camilo: I'm too tired. Leave me.
Ivan: Think of your mother, your people.
Camilo: I've lost them.
Ivan: You have to live for them.
Camilo: Ivan, when you went to the US, I got your letters, but I tore them up.
Ivan: Why?
Camilo: Because I felt guilty. [something about Antolin] When you came back rich and powerful I was envious.
Ivan: That's in the past, Camilo. It's over.
Camilo: It's over for you. But not me. It always stayed in my soul, this guilt.
Ivan: Don't say that. Things like this are part of destiny.
Camilo: On top of everything, you have Lucia.
Ivan: It's better not to talk, Camilo. You're too weak.
Camilo: But I want to tell you because I may not have another opportunity. Ivan, I won't get out of this.
Ivan: Don't say that, Camilo. We will. Do you hear me? We will both get out of this.

Edge of the woods: A local man leads Antolin and Benito to the spot where El Gordo, Camilo, and Ivan were found. They talk about what is in which direction. The helicopter hovers overhead.

Shack: Camilo tells Ivan how he came to marry Lucia.

Camilo: Dona Carlota suggested that I propose marriage to Lucia because she was pregnant. It was your child but that didn't matter to me. I was in love with her but she never was mine. She always belonged to you, Ivan.

Ivan hears the helicopter and runs outside.

Ivan (waving): Aqui, aqui! Aqui, por favor!

Of course, anyone with common sense realizes that nobody in a helicopter can hear anyone yelling on the ground because of the motor noise.

Ivan yells at the curandera that Camilo needs help and why doesn't she do something. The woman is amazingly understanding (by TN standards of general behavior).

The helicopter turns back. Both Tony and Lucia have binoculars but they don't seem to be close enough to see.

Hotel: Tony has words with the authorities and talks about going to Isla de Tiburón.

Hacienda Curiel: Arcelia cries about the possibility of losing her sons. Carlota tries to animarla. They embrace as the phone rings. Carlota answers and asks Lucia what's up.

Commercial Break This break includes the news report about the death of Pedro Armendáriz, Jr. Descanses in pax, Don Pedro. We will miss you big time.

Casa Carolina: After some suspense music, Antolin calls to let Carolina know he's alright, but that they aren't giving up.

Shack, a noche: Ivan tells Camilo he needs to get help for him.

Ivan: I need to get help for you. You've lost a lot of blood, but I can't leave you alone either.
Camilo: Why are you doing this for me? Better go. You saw a helicopter which I hope was looking for us. If you save yourself you might save me.
Ivan: I'm saying we're getting out of this together, brother.
Camilo: I don't follow in your footsteps, bro. If you find help you can come back for me. For all that you love, go. Go Ivan. And forgive me. Forgive me for everything I've done.
Ivan: The same has happened to me. We won't talk like this again. I love you, brother. I've always loved you.
Camilo: Go, Ivan. Go. You are our only hope.
Ivan: You're right. (He gets up)

The music swells as the curandera persuades him to stay until morning so she can give him another herbal treatment and get some medicines together to take with him. She tells him her son will accompany him because he knows the way. Furthermore that her son will obey her.

Shore: The curandera's son is paranoid as she tells him to accompany Ivan to the town.

Shack: Sad cello music underscores Ivan's leave-taking.

Ivan: Brother, I'm going.
Camilo: Tell my mother I love her.
Ivan: You will tell her that yourself.
Camilo: Kiss your family for me. Lucia. Perlita. Tell Lucia to forgive my selfishness and lack of understanding.
Ivan: No. She loves you (te quiere). She always did and you know that.

The curandera tells Ivan it's time. Ivan places Alicia's crucifix in Camilo's open right hand.

Ivan: Camilo, promise you'll get up and we'll see each other again. (kisses him and gets up. Camilo's hand closes over the crucifix.)

Outside the curandera and her daughter give the son and Ivan food, water, and herbs for the journey. She assures Ivan that her son is only a wounded soul who will be healed. She blesses him and they leave.

Casa de Vega: Fausto and his wife laugh over the money as the police enter to arrest him.

Police Station: The chief calls Tony to inform him that the leader of the native people has given permission for Tony to go to la Isla de Tiburón. Furthermore that Fausto has been caught.

Edge of desert: Ivan collapses in need of rest. The curandera's son gives him something to drink. Ivan gets him to talk about his behavior. He admits to having killed a man who attempted to rape his sister. Ivan promises he will not turn him in for this. We know Ivan understands him now.

Shack: The curandera chants over Camilo as her daughter enters.

Hija: Will he die?
Curandera: He has a powerful spirit watching over him.

Alamos, en Iglesia: Arcelia prays for her sons, saying she will die if anything happens to them. She also invokes her husband's spirit to look after them and Ivan.

Shore: The curandera and her daughter enter the rowboat.

Edge of desert: Tony's helicopter flies overhead; Ivan tries to get its attention. The boy rejects the idea of starting a fire and they walk on despite the pain Ivan is starting to feel.

Isla de Tiburón: The curandera and her daughter arrive to see El Jefe, who doesn't want to see them. She reminds him that according to their ways a person who takes a life earns a pardon by saving one. She is there about her son.

Commercial Break that leads with a promo for La Que No Podia Amar..

Isla de Tiburón: The two curanderas argue the points of their ways. El Jefe says that saving white men's lives doesn't count, but the wise woman tells him that all humans are children of Madre Tierra. The helicopter approaches and lands. Tony and Lucia come out and approach.

Shore: Antolin and Benito are headed to the wise woman's shack.

Isla de Tiburón: Tony explains about Ivan's disappearance. La curandera explains the bullet wounds and why they didn't alert the police.

Shack: Antolin and Benito arrive. Camilo's hand opens. He tells Antolin Ivan went for help.

Isla de Tiburón: The curandera tells Lucia that she and Ivan will have many years of happiness and will have children. Antolin calls Tony to tell him that they found Camilo and the ambulance is en route.

Shore: The boy tells Ivan they are near the road (carretera). Ivan starts bleeding again. The boy takes something out, but we can't be sure he can be trusted.

Hospital in Hermosillo: Camilo is rushed into the emergency room. The crucifix hangs from his hand.

Road: How did Ivan and the boy hitch a ride in this isolated area? The boy leaves Ivan in the back of the pick-up as it slowly heads for town.

Hospital: Antolin calls Arcelia to tell her he's found Camilo but that it doesn't look like he will live. Both cry as Arcelia insists on being there. Antolin tells her it's four hours away, but Tony has called David to arrange for his private plane to bring her there. A handsome young doctor enters to tell Tony and Lucia that Ivan has arrived. Also that he's bleeding, the wound is infected, and he has a fever.

Hacienda Curiel: Lucia calls Carlota to tell her that Ivan has been found. She tells the family. Alex is confused about this, but Carlota manages to not reveal much as they hug.

Hospital: The doctor tells Tony and Lucia that both patients are stable, but that Camilo is in very serious condition despite the blood transfusions.

Hospital, Ivan's Room: Lucia and Tony enter.

Lucia: Mi amor! (they kiss)
Ivan: Lucia.
Lucia: Welcome back to life.
Ivan: Alex?
Tony: Alex is saved. He's well. (They clasp hands)
Ivan: Thank God. And Camilo?
Tony: Camilo's condition is grave.
Ivan: Dad, they have to do everything to save him. Save him, save him please. I can't be calm if they don't.

Hospital, Camilo's Room: Ominous music as Arcelia and Antolin enter. Camilo is clutching the crucifix in the same hand.

Antolin: Be calm, mother. Be calm. (They stand at the foot of the bed as a nurse closes the door)
Arcelia: Son, here I am.
Camilo: Mama.
Antolin: Animo, carnal.
Camilo: Energy? I have no energy.
Arcelia: Son, don't say stupid things or I'll hit you. You have so much to live for. You're young, you have your lands, you have a family that loves you, and many people who respect you. Because you are Camilo Galvan. El Señor Camilo Galvan!
Camilo: What good is that without happiness?
Arcelia: Do it. Do it for us. You will get out of here. You know your brother did the impossible to find you.
Camilo: Thanks Antolin. I asked Ivan to forgive me.
Antolin: For what?
Camilo: You know. For envying him. For the way I tried to take Lucia from him.
Antolin: Ivan always loved you.
Camilo: They found him?
Arcelia: Yes.
Camilo: And Alex?
Arcelia: He's home.
Camilo: Therefore it was worth it. (he takes Arcelia's hand in his left). I love you, mother. I love all of you.

He flatlines as Arcelia keeps crying his name. The doctors rush in as Antolin restrains her.

Commercial Break

Isla de Tiburón: El Jefe pardons the boy and his family and they can return to their community.

Hacienda Curiel: Lucrezia and Carlota look at bridal magazines to plan Lucia's wedding. Carlota mentions that Lucia and Ivan are visiting Carolina and her baby girl in the hospital. We must have skipped six months without being told.

Hospital: Carolina and Antolin admire their baby girl. They agree that Ivan and Lucia will be her godparents. Lucia and Ivan come to visit, bringing a medallion of the Virgen as a gift. Antolin mentions being in the delivery room. Fatherhood looks good on him. All appear to be happy.

Prison: Ominous music plays as Saul prepares a noose. Excellent close-up showing a single tear falling from his right eye. He hangs himself. Good riddance.

Casa Mondragon: JJ looks at family photos as he takes a call from the prison. There must be an edit in here because the next part is too quick. He then calls David to tell him.

David: Yes, Papa. Tell me.
JJ (voice breaking and he starts to cry in the middle of the next line): I'm calling to tell you that your brother committed suicide in prison.
David: How did he do it?
JJ: Hanged himself. [colgar]
David: My god.
JJ: Call your mother and make the arrangements for the burial. I can't do it.
David: Yes, Papa.

JJ ends the call and we get shots of both men crying. JJ looks at formal family photos on the table while David stands still with his cell phone in hand.

Casa McGuire: Benito tells JJ he will get Ivan.

Ivan: What can I offer you?
JJ: Saul committed suicide. Hanged himself in the prison.
Ivan: I'm sorry.
JJ: It's my fault. I didn't know how to raise my children. I treated my wife worse than an animal. So they all left me. And you know what? That was just as well. I deceived and stole; the whole world knows I ruined my own family name. I've lost everything. I'm paying for everything I've done. You believe it's possible to start over? I don't. I know you're about to get married.
Ivan: Yes. In a few days.
JJ: I know you will be happy. Treat your wife and children well. (turns to leave, but changes his mind) A few days ago I visited your mother. I asked her forgiveness. It didn't help. How do they say it? Ask the son? And for what, really? (turns to leave)
Ivan: Señor Mondragon? (JJ stops and turns) Yo lo perdono.

JJ exits with a slightly ironic smile. Tony enters; he and Ivan embrace.

Commercial Break that leads with a promo for Don Francisco Presenta. The cast reunion show.

Iglesia: Ivan (suited in white) is escorted down the aisle by Arcelia, who looks very upscale dressed to the nines. Camilo awaits as best man and they do the man-hug. Lucia walks down the aisle in a strapless gown with a train. She and Ivan kneel before the priest.

Casa Mondragon: JJ sits alone looking at the photos. The maid tells him that Ivan and Lucia are being married.

Maid: They didn't invite you?
JJ: No.

The maid exits and JJ pours himself a shot of tequila.

JJ (raising the glass): To your happiness, son.

Iglesia: Ivan and Lucia kiss and walk back down the aisle to the Mendelssohn recessional and the applause of all their guests. Quick shots of some of the couples.

Wedding Reception: Everyone dances. Camilo holds Lichita. Lucrezia holds Perla, who looks bigger than when we last saw her. Alex is with them. Antolin dances with Carolina. David dances with Berenice, Judith with Carlos and without her bangs; Carlos proposes and Judith accepts. Carmen and Ezekiel encounter each other. It looks like she will get him. Tony dances with Carlota and they talk about taking a long trip. Benito with a plump lady whom we think is his wife. Camilo finally looks up and approaches an attractive woman with light brown hair. They introduce themselves to each other; she works for the McGuires. Yes, Camilo; there is a woman for you!

Shore: La curandera gives a prayer of thanks to her spirits for her son's salvation and the happiness of the others. To heal others is a great gift but the greatest of all gifts is love. Love and forgiveness are life itself. Did this speech come from an old episode of La Rosa de Guadalupe?

Another shore: Ivan and Lucia look out over the ocean.

Lucia: I never thought this day would come.
Ivan: But it did. We were destined for each other since a long time ago.
Lucia: You think it was destiny?
Ivan: Call it what you want. I love you. I desire you. I need you.
Lucia: I want to start every day of my life in your arms.

El beso final.


We break the fourth wall with production shots with the last time we hear this great theme song.


carnal mate, buddy
carretera highway
colgar to hang
gusano maggot
panza belly, paunch

Thus ends my stint on this series. It's been a pleasure and a privilege and I hope you guys want me back for La Que No Podia Amar


CME Monday 12/26/11 No Cuando Me Enamoro Tonight Either

See you all Tuesday night. Fuerza's Gran Finale is tonight.


Monday, December 26, 2011

No familia con suerte tonight...

... just two hours of the rather unlucky-looking family of Fuerzo. Tomorrow, Familia runs two hours from 8-10.


Sunday, December 25, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #100 Fri 12/23/11 La Fregadera en la Sierra or, Hassle In The Foothills: In Which Saul Becomes a Triple Cripple; El Gordo Gets It In The Gourd; and Bruno Is Numero Uno

[This was definitely a Yuletide yummy for those who had to wait till today to watch and/or to read the recap.  Forget that thrilla in Manilla!  This had enough unexpected suspense to satisfy and warm the Christmas cockles of even the Scrooge-iest of holiday hard-hearts.  –ed.]

As we head for the hills in the back of Ivan’s SUV in this episodio, Carlota is lighting a couple of candles at Teodoro’s shrine under his painting in hopes from wherever he is in Heaven, he’ll manage to finagle a couple of much needed miracles from The Guy In Charge.  Lucia walks in on her and tells her not to expect much in the way of miracles.  They have a brief metaphysical disagreement on the existence of miracles and the workings of fate.

Meanwhile, in town at the McGuire compound, Antolin suggests looking for Alex with Bruno.  These two are amateurs at kidnapping and more dangerous than professionals.  Look how they screwed up Sra. Lucrecia’s kidnapping, so who knows what they’d do with Alex!  Anyway, he’s made some inquiries and knows that El Gordo has an abandoned family farm somewhere outside of a town called San Isidro which, coinkidinkily, you get to by going through Hermosillo.  (Duhn-duhn-duhnnnnn!)  He’s found the area on a map and surely some old codger in town will know the family or Gordy’s grandfather.  Heck the guy lived there for forever! 

John Gringo supports Antolin’s plan since Bruno’s breed, according to him, is a crack tracker and sniffer-outer (and second only to Lassie, apparently, in the rescue arena).  Fine, but Anthony insists on going with them since Bruno doesn’t obey anyone but him and, he makes sure that Anto packs his pistol!

Unbeknownst to anybody but Carmen, meanwhile, Camilo is still behind Ivan on the highway.  He follows him all the way to Bahía de Kino, aka Kino Bay, in his rented, unassuming white truck.

El Gordo’s cuz suggests they should just divvy the money between themselves and leave Saul to suck eggs.  He’s nothing but a lazy boozer who’s done nothing but screw up and be a pain in the ass the entire time!  Naw, says Gordy.  Saul was a real buddy to him back during that fiasco of a kidnapping and didn’t give him over to the fuzz when he could have, so he’s not taking Saul’s cut no matter what.  Saul shows up in the meantime (after taking a bath and a leak—his words, not mine) and says a friend of his owns a yacht and he’s willing to give them-–for a price—passage to Guatemala; but Saul won’t tell them the guy’s name or tell them how to get in contact with him until after they’ve divvied up the ransom.  He wants to make sure there’s no funny stuff. 

Tony pays a visit to Carly’s to tell her that he is going to make a rescue attempt for Alex.  She’s not to say a word to Lucia for fear of worrying her more and of possibly letting the cat out of the bag.

Gordy calls Ivan and tells him to get some rest at a hotel since he’ll be making a big hike the next day.  He’ll wake him the next day and give him the directions.

Lucia tells Carly she is worried that they’ll kill Ivan. Carly gives her the same telenovela pablum as always: ten fe. [Have faith.]

Anto and Tony also arrive and check into a hotel, but a different hotel.  (Viewerville thus notes that this ain’t just some one-horse town after all, all things considered.  Just a casual observation to pass the time.)  After some lengthy discussion about Bruno’s being house-trained or not, the desk clerk remembers that Gordy’s granddaddy, Esteban Hernandez, was a friend of her father’s, and that he wasn’t exactly the kind you’d expect to see hangin’ at the iglesia on Sunday’s, either.  The rancho’s name was something like Saguaro/Zaguero [which may mean something akin to back-assed end of the boondocks].

Ivan calls Lucia just to hear her voice again.  He tells her what instructions the kidnapper’s given and where he thinks he’ll be heading—I think. 

Meanwhile, Cam camps out in the front seat of his truck and keeps a half an eye open just in case.

Gordy puts a new chip in his cell phone so that his calls can no longer be traced. El Cuz tells Gordy again that it’s just not right sharing the fruits of their illicit labor with a lazy pain in the ass like Saul.  He nearly lost them the kid and blew the whole deal, for cripes sake!  And now he’s refused to trust them with the name and address of the guy with the yacht.   Besides, the guy could just as easily throw them both to the sharks even if they do really get on that boat to Guatemala.  How do you trust a rich snob like him, anyway? Gordy decides El Cuz is right.  He plots now with Cuz to skip out on Saul. 

Next morning, Gordy calls Van again and tells him to meet him with the cash at a place called Lomita de Peñasco.  He’ll have to walk quite a ways on foot to get there.  It’ll take a number of hours. 

Cam notices Ivan packing his back pack with water and food and does the same a few minutes after, then follows him on foot from a distance.

At home, Carmen plays dumb and doesn’t let on where Cam has gone or why.  She tries calling him on his cell and nearly gives him away.  Cam turns his cell off and catches up to Ivan.

Back at Bahia de Kino, Anto and Tony finish breakfast.  Anto heads out to see what information he can scrounge up from the townspeople about the location of the abandoned Hernandez farm.

The Amazons of Alamos are half dead from lack of sleep due to worrying about Ivan and Alex.   Lucia mentions Ivan’s call. Tony calls to let Carly know that he’s with Anto who’s gone looking for info from the town folk.   So far they don’t have a lot to go on.  Lucia says Ivan didn’t either because they aren’t giving him instructions till today.    The women worry that the criminals will double-cross Ivan, take the money and kill Ivan then do the same or worse to Alex.

Gordy keeps Van walking, wearing him out on purpose and making sure Ivan doesn’t get there until dark falls. 

Cam continues to secretly–if not exactly silently--follow Van along the trek.   Alex overhears as El Cuz and Gordy discuss their plans to have Cuz fake out Saul and then leave Saul scratching his gonads and holding the bag (an empty one) along with the kid.  They’ll meet up and hightail it out of the scrub with the dough, though.

Anto takes a couple hours asking for information on the town square of San Isidro and discovers the general area where Gordy’s family farm is located.  When he returns he tells Tony what he learned from the people in town and thinks it’ll be best if they wait and then go once it’s dark out.  Tony asks where Anto learned to shoot.  “—In the street, but I have a dead-on aim!”

Anto calls Caro to let her know where he is and promises her that he’ll come back in one piece and with Alex to boot. 

In town, meanwhile, Juan Jaime proposes marriage to Lucrecia again, but she again refuses, saying that neither of them were made for marriage, considering how badly they both failed at it.  They prefer to stay simply good friends rather than badly botching their friendship by actually tying the knot.  (Well, nothing wrong with the two of them becoming FWB’s if they’re feeling “frisky.”  They’ve owned up to their mistakes often enough according to telenovela rules by now, and reaped enough of the familial whirlwind as it were.)  JJ tells her sincerely that she’s the only one left and he doesn’t want to ever lose her. 

Saul suspects Gordo is going to cheat him.  Gordo’s cuz says he doesn’t like the way things are shaping up either and he’ll go after Gordo cuz Gordy didn’t let him know where the rendezvous point was and could skip out on them both and pocket the whole pile of pesos!  Saul says to get a move on and catch up to the S.O.B. for the both of them.  Fine, says Cuz, you stay here with the kid.  He grabs his things and makes like he’s off to secretly follow El Gordo.

Tony and Anto arrive finally at the old abandoned farmhouse after nightfall.  Bruno is given the scent off one of Alex’s old shirts and let loose to track him down.  Alex hears them outside.  For once Saul isn’t sauced and snoring his head off.  He immediately hears the ruckus and goes for his pistol and a look-see around.  Anto sees Saul with his pistol in hand.  Saul turns around but realizes too late that Anto’s got his own pistol and means to use it.  Anto aims his piece and shoots first.  The shot makes its mark into Saul’s gun hand and afterwards, both kneecaps.  Boom! “--Owww!”  Boom! “--Owwww!”  Boom!  “--OWWWW!!!”  It’s a triple cripple play. “—This is what you get for getting my sister pregnant, for raping Lucia, and for what you did to Alex!  I’m not going to kill you.  I’ll let you experience what it’s like in jail for a guy like you!” (Viewerville thinks Univision is long overdue making this guy the galán in something.  He’s the only macho man really carrying this show right now!  Umm-Umm-Umm!)  They then free Alex and leave Saul sucking wind, flat on his ass, and hyperventilating.    

During the wee hours of the morning Tony calls Carly to let her know the good news.  Anto has him ask Lucia to call Caro to let her and his ma know all is well with them and Alex. 

Celia gets the call and is surprised since she didn’t have any idea what Anto was up to, let alone risking his life like that!  Carmen confesses that Cam was also following Ivan and that he also took a gun. 

In a three-hankie scene, Anto, Tony and Alex return home after sunrise to the waiting arms of Lucia, Caro, Celia and Carly.  (Viewerville cried, cheered, and cried again.)

Lucia and Arcelia still worry about what fate awaits Ivan and Camilo.

After the second sundown, Ivan finally arrives at the arranged meeting place. taunts Ivan by telling him that he’s already given him over to the American who wanted him.  “--That wasn’t the deal!”  (No duh!  Why do the heroes in these things always expect the bad guys to play fair???)  He throws the ransom on the ground and tries to rush Gordy who is one step ahead of poor, naive Ive.  A shot rings out and wounds Ivan in the ribs and afterwards, Gordy takes off his mask.  Ivan falls to the ground. 

El Gordo takes aim at the hapless and helpless Ivan.  Suddenly another shot rings out and it’s El Gordo who slinks to the ground, blood pouring out of each corner of his gruesome grimace.  Cam had arrived just in the nick of time and shot Gordy in the back (apparently through the heart).  He dies instantly.  He runs over to check on Ivan, but Ivan has lost consciousness.  Suddenly Gordy’s cuz arrives on the scene and Camillo is shot twice in the back.  He falls face forward over Ivan.  El Cuz sees that Gordy is dead.  He runs over, grabs the 6 mil, and then races off while Van and Cam lay bleeding in the dusty scrub.



Friday, December 23, 2011

El Mundo de Telemundo: Week of December 26, 2011 -- Discuss Amongst Yourselves

Wishing you all a joyous holiday! See you in a week!

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Una Familia Con Suerte #55-57 Fri 12/23/11 Abejita Come Home

First, a quick summary of last night's highlights (#55):

Pepe asks Pancho for help getting a new car. Pancho is sympathetic, but not THAT sympathetic. If he buys Pepe a new car, he won't learn his lesson. (To Pepe's suggestion to sell La Burra, Pancho replies, "I'd sell you first!")

Jess thinks Pancho said those hurtful things to Chela because he's jealous. Chela thinks she should just tell him that she's in love with him. (Oh, sure, NOW she wants to tell him??) Jess says no, don't use up all your weapons at once. He'll soon be eating out of your hand!

Candy takes Ana to Pina's house and says she'll be her assistant. Pina questions why Candy needs an assistant but at least finally takes the trouble to find out Ana's name. Meanwhile, Ana cheers up Abeja.

Pepe fixes Celeste's lamp at the Avon reception desk. The phones ring and ring while she flirts with him. She invites him out for coffee. He accepts. Mónica overhears and is bien enojada. They'll leave at 7.

Pancho is excited about the new cell phones with a better plan, etc. etc.

Rebe rehashes the latest kisses with Bárbara. She says it's one thing to feel and another thing to think. Bar says Rebe had better act soon, because the train's leaving the station.

Ana corners Chela and voices a lot of suspicions about the mysterious new boyfriend, who Chela says is named Luis Enrique. Ana says if she's in love with Pancho she should fight for him. If she doesn't act soon, Dad will marry la tísica.

Candy meets Vice for a date. "You were born of the foamy surf," he tells her. [Ocean spray? Seafoam? Take your pick, they all sound awful to me, but I'm not an ocean person.] Also, he's in love with her. She does not return his feelings, just asks for more champagne and says she feels guilty about Pina.

Fraud wants to have coffee with Mónica. She'd better get all dressed up because he's got something huge to tell her. Enzo remembers Moni's tearful declaration of love for Pepe, but encourages the tangerine anyway. Fraud arrives at their house at the appointed time, and she's still in sweats. Fraud complains, and Enzo tells her to change her clothes. ***fume!!!*** But she sulkily remembers Pepe making a date with Celeste, and goes along. At the coffee place, Fraud reminds himself that he's got to beat the mechanic. He apologizes to Mónica, says he only took Elena to Brazil in hopes she'd help him forget, but it didn't work. He loves her SO much, he wants to get married. She responds with angry disbelief. Yesterday you just wanted to be friends, now you want to get married?? He didn't even bother talking to her after they broke up... until Pepe entered the picture. And now he's allied with her father. Besides, she's 20, she's too young to get married, she doesn't love him, and she wouldn't marry HIM to save her own life. He says he wants to live with her and have lots of Frauddycitos. She says he is CRAZY and she doesn't believe him.

Pancho and Rebe daydream about one another and try to call each other at the same time. They both get a busy signal, try again, and get another busy signal.

Abejita is depressed. Tomás cheers her up. Pina invites him to stay for dinner. They have a grand time. She is charmed by his coarse table manners. I think Tom is about to tell Pina a dirty joke when Alex comes over to see Frauddie and get his cell phone. Pina tells him that Fraud is out with Mónica. Tom hears this, of course. And Alex wants to wants to know what Tom is doing there. Tom says Pina invited him for dinner and to cheer up the dog. He excuses himself.

Pancho has a big milk mustache. Gross. He tells Lupita he's not jealous of Chela's new boyfriend - just curious. Who is he? What are his intentions? Lupita says it's all because of the money and Rebeca. He points out that if their lives hadn't changed, then Chela would have just gone on loving his clueless self in secret anyway.

Monica's still ranting and raving at how crazy stupid Frauddie is to think she'd marry him. I don't want to be your friend, much less your wife.

Tomas is telling Pepe of his strange evening - consoling the dog and dining with Pina. Naturally, he also reveals that Alex came by and Pina said Frauddy was with Moni.

Frauddie and Alex. Frauddie is absorbed in his TV show as usual; Alex has to stand in front of the TV to get his attention. Fraud is happy to know that Pepe will hear from Tomas that he went out with Mónica. Alex thinks Fraud is pursuing Moni in the stupidest way possible. Maybe he's still in love with her and can't admit it.

Hey, what about Pepe and Celeste? Maybe their date will be some other night.

Next day:

Pina says Abeja has been whining since last night.

Frauddie revs Champi's engine outside Pepe's window.

Pancho is ready to throw in the towel with Rebeca. He can't be professional, knowing how he feels about her.

Bonus vocabulary word: sobredimensionado (oversized)

#56: The Case of the Smelly Secretary

Jess says Chela spends so much time at the new house, the only thing she doesn't do there is sleep. Lupita runs in, Temo ran away from school.

Fraud tells Pepe, "I found out why you lost the race. There was some crud in the gas line, but my mechanics fixed it all up and I'm gonna race your car day after tomorrow and win. Don't you want to watch?" It's only thanks to Tomás's big muscly arms that the tangerine remains unsqueezed. Anyway, Tom's got a plan that can't fail.

At the doctor: Abeja has emotional problems. Pina and Vice blame one another. The doctor says she needs a stable home. He wants to hypnotize her. OK, no hypnosis, but how about group therapy? Role-playing? Pina can be the dog. Vice can be Vice. Vice sweet-talks Pina. Pina responds happily. Vice is angry - all that sweetness was for Abeja, not her. Pina starts to quarrel. (I think the doctor is seriously considering calling the Humane Society.)

Temo's at Pancho's office. He hates school; they call him a naco with no mother. And he gave a kid a bloody nose and made him cry. Then he ran away to avoid punishment and because the kid's friends were coming. He wants to go back to his old school. Pancho sends him down to the cafeteria with Enriqueta for a soda. Temo gives Rebe a funny look on the way out.

Rebe says Fer won't will understand if Pancho takes him out of a school where the kids are so cruel. Anyway, they could have problems with the parents of the boy Temo hit. Pancho wants to call Chela. Rebe stops him and says she can help him pick a new school for Temo that has a better atmosphere.

Ana and Manuel. He's told her his life story, so now it's time for hers. At first she says there isn't much to tell, but then tells him about Chela and gets weepy. She is embarrassed by her crying. Miguel says she doesn't like people to see that she has feelings, but everyone has wounds and it's nothing to be ashamed of. He's an only child and it was hard to leave his parents, but he hasn't had any contact with them since. He likes Ana because she's talented and nice and pretty. It's her charisma, her style, her heart. He goes to kiss her mouth, then changes his mind and goes for the cheek. A platonic hug follows. Ana looks ambivalent.

Tomás has a plan to beat Fraud without violence. (Where's the fun in that?) But they'll have to get into the Irabiéns' garage. He'll need the remote control. Pepe doesn't want Tomás sabotaging his car. Tom says if Pepe won't help him, he'll do it himself.

At home, Abeja is crouching in a nook and whining. Pina has some kind of medicine for Abeja's nerves and promises it'll taste good. Candy shows up and coaxes Abeja out by asking if she wants to see Popeye. Abeja thinks she can trust Candy. Pina gives her the medicine. Oh no! It was all a ruse! Popeye's not here at all! Pina tells Candy that the dog's psychologist is also Vince's. She's drowing in the melodrama of her life. Tomas arrives; Abeja runs to greet him. "They're in love," Pina explains to Candy.

In the Avon cafeteria, Pancho tells Temo not to hit any more kids. Rebe joins them; Temo gives her another sullen look. Moni comes over wanting help needs help with something, Arnold's not there, Pancho says he'll talk to her in his office later.

Rebe and Pancho start to tell Temo about the other schools, but Chela shows up. Don't go around hitting your classmates, she tells Temo. She's not interested in the list of schools. She makes snide remarks at Rebeca instead, much the way kids at school tease Temo. Not that Rebeca lets a single remark slide, but Chela is definitely the aggressor. Pancho sends the boy up to his office. Poor kid, Pancho's always sending him somewhere else. Chela and Rebeca trade barbs about their personal philosophies about education and child-rearing. Chela challenges Pancho to take a side. The bitchery goes on and on. It seems that, because Rebe is in favor of taking Temo out of that school (that Chela did NOT approve of at first), Chela now thinks he should stay there and learn how to fight his own battles. (Some bullied children will tell you that it's hard to learn all the other things you're supposed to learn in school if you're always worried about the next battle.) Pancho does not. Chela leaves in a huff, griping that now Rebeca's going to raise his kids. Pancho assures Rebeca that he'll win her over.

Sandy prances clumsily into Vice's office clad in lingerie and fishnet stockings. He doesn't want any. He takes a call from Candy and sends Sandy out. He's sent Candy a pink cell phone so they can text one another all day. (It looks a lot like her old pink cell phone.) He wants another date tonight. Ana disapproves.

Adoración is looking for Abeja. She's afraid she'll be killed if she doesn't find the dog. Abeja is standing in the middle of the street, thinking that she just wants to escape. Ado finds her just in time to see her "almost" (i.e., not even close) get hit by a car.

Vice is on his cell phone, outside his car, telling Enzo he's hardly the one to be giving advice about love since the only woman he ever fell in love with was Moni's mom and that was a long time ago. Sandy sneaks into the seat of Vice's car and crouches behind the passenger seat while he takes a call with Arnold. He complains aloud that he smells like Sandy's perfume.

Chela is taking Temo home. She tells him she hasn't been crying, it's just that she walked past some onions in the trash. He doesn't believe her; he knows she's been fighting with his father, and it's all his fault. Pancho pulls her aside and says she only disagreed with him to disagree with Rebeca. She makes more sarcastic comments and Pancho gets angry. Temo is horrified. Chela and Pancho are horrified.

Abeja is playing dead in the middle of the street, but the man didn't hit her. In fact, he notes that she's still breathing. At his urging, Adoración gives doggie CPR and Little Bee gets up. While Ado praises God, Abeja wanders off again.

Vice picks up Candy. Candy smells Sandy's perfume. She gives him a good sniff, but realizes that the stench is coming from the back seat. Uh-oh.

Pancho tells Rebeca that he's confused. She feels that he's more indecisive than confused. He's more messed up by his feelings toward Chela than his feelings towards her. He says she cares for my children, blah blah blah. She thinks he still lets Chela manipulate him and he should put her in her place and if he doesn't, it's because he loves her. He tells Rebeca SHE'S the one who's confused. (Hey, why can't they both be confused?) He says she knows who he loves!

First of all, he feels guilty that he can't return Chela's love. Second, the kids are upset since she left home, and if they're upset it affects him too. Third, he's in love with her and her kisses tell him she feels something too, but doesn't have the courage to admit it. She says she feels that he loves his SIL and doesn't have the courage to admit it, and runs out of his office.

Candy, Sandy, and Vice have a lengthy but unimportant argument in the middle of the road while impatient drivers wait for them to get out of the way. Candy denies having an affair with this married man; they're doing a business deal. Idiot Vice invites Sandy to join in on the deal!

Adoración goes to Fernanda's house looking for Abeja. Popeye hasn't seen her, and he's sad about it. Ana comes up with a great plan.

Tomás takes advantage of Adoración's absence to swipe the garage door remote control.

Rebe finishes up on the phone with Fernanda just as Pancho comes in. Pancho wants an update. Rebeca coldly informs him that Fer's feeling fine and is writing a book. He apologizes for being so harsh in their conversation earlier and wants her opinion on a plan he's written up for the Japanese investors' money. She doesn't really reply, but then she gets a call - her apartment is on fire! They take off to investigate.

They didn't break between episodes, so I'm arbitrarily cutting #56 off here.

#57: The Case of the Painted Pom

At the office, Vince backpedals with Sandy - he invited her to HELP with the deal, not be a partner. She threatens to go to Pina and Pancho with the truth. Vice quickly agrees to a partnership. Arnold comes in with a head scarf and Vice calls him Bin Laden. (This episode aired in Mexico just a few weeks before he became difunto.)

Jess jokes that Chela sweeps so much, she might as well get a job. Chela says Pancho keeps sending her money. She asks if reading cards pays well. Jess says she's losing customers because lately they prefer horoscopes and telephone psychics. Chela suggests that Jess become an Avon lady. She goes back to her sweeping and complains about Rebeca. She thinks says their plan isn't working. Jess is sure that it will work. He's only temporarily dazzled by Rebeca.

Outside a pet store, Ana explains her plan to Lupita and Adoración: They'll buy an identical dog. OMG stupid, not to mention costly. That doggie in the window looks nothing like Abejita and doesn't have her necklace (nor a litter of buns in the oven) and is the wrong age, but that doggie is for sale, so they're going to dye her fur.

Enzo and Vice bring Arnold up to date on all the latest hijinks, i.e. baring souls with Candy. Arnold thinks it sounds like a telenovela. Hardy-har-har, that self-referential joke never gets old. Enzo asks Arnoldo's help to tighten their friend's loose screws (tornillos flojos).

Pina looks for Ado. Or the dog. Arnold is there. He gives her some lingerie from Paris to help with her marriage, which she thinks is hopeless. He tells her about the hot men in Turkey.

Speaking of hotness, flames are shooting from Rebeca's apartment. People are fleeing for their lives. A zillion fire trucks are there. So is La Burra. Rebe wants to go in. The fireman says it was a short circuit (how can they know that while the fire's still in progress?). The curtains and draperies have burned, and she's not going to be able to stay there for a while. Pancho offers to put her up at Fer's place. She wants to stay in a hotel. She keeps swooning.

Vice calls Candy and they talk about the color of their eyes. (Actually, he's reading his side of it out of a book.) Pina interrupts Vice to tell him about the missing maid and the missing dog. Missing dog? Vice panics. Candy is momentarily forgotten.

Rebe is at Pancho's after all. The doctor prescribed a sedative, she doesn't want that or the calming tea he wants to make for her. He says he knows what it feels like to lose one's home. She says it's not the same thing. She doesn't think it's proper for her to stay there. He agrees to take her to a hotel but she has to talk the sedative.

Fraud comes home. Yet again he's accused of having egg-eyes, this time in reaction to Pina's charge that Ado has kidnapped his sister. He jokes that she might be in a parallel universe. (Much cleverer than I would have expected from him.) Vice is not amused. Pina starts swooning all over the place.

Rebeca takes the sedative AND the calming tea and paces restlessly. Her eyes are all puffy from crying. Pancho tells Candy about the fire. Candy wants to make sure Rebe won't stay there forever. Pancho goes to check in on Rebe and she passes out, so instead of taking her to the hotel, he takes her to his room.

Ado shows up with Not-beja. Vice and Pina are so busy scolding Ado that they don't notice the imposter right away.

Half-conscious, Rebe asks Pancho to bring her to a hotel. Apparently, Candy is still unconvinced. She watches Rebe sleep in Pancho's bed and gloats that asleep, she looks like she couldn't hurt a fly.

Pina says the dog doesn't smell right. She smells like hair dye.

Candy's going out. Pancho is suspicious. She says she's taking Popeye for a walk.

Pina tells Ado to prepare a bath for the dog. Ado eagerly offers to wash the dog. Pina observes that Ado never wants to wash the dog. She's gonna dunk the pup herself.

Candy runs into Alex with a bunch of flowers. Lupita's not home. She tells him to hang in there, don't lose hope. Popeye starts barking. The real Abeja is here. They're happy to see each other.

Adoracion prepares to meet her doom as Pina demands the dog shampoo. Ado stalls and pretends it's stuck, but finally the bath is ready and the imposter is exposed. Downstairs (I don't know why the change of venue), Ado admits Abeja ran away and she lost her; but when she puts Notbeja down, the usurper runs upstairs to make herself at home! Candy arrives with Original Abejita and Popeye. Pina is overjoyed.

Rebe wakes up in Pancho's bed, confused, and finds Pancho sitting creepily at the foot of the bed in the dark. She wants to sleep in a different room. She doesn't think it's appropriate for her to be in there. But he disagrees and she's too dizzy to move. She passes out again.

Frauddie visits with Enzo. Enzo glowingly contrasts Fraud and Pepe. (Ugh, Enzo, you're single - if you like Fraud so much, why don't YOU marry him?) Fraud promises that Moni will become disillusioned with her bleach-blond mechanic and come running back to his arms. Then they'll get married.

Lupita and Temo come home with Chela. They beg her again to come back. They need her and if she doesn't, Rebeca will win. Lupita says Temo needs his mamá. She says she'll talk to Pancho.

Vice comes home and is upset to see Popeye. Candy credits Popeye for finding Abejita. Ado is ready to pack her bags and be fired. Pina goes upstairs to get Candy a token of her gratitude. She tells Vice to offer Candy something. Hah! He takes advantage of their moment of privacy to mash on her some more and nearly gets caught. Pina gives her two passes to a fancy spa. Pina tells Ado she's fired and take la usurpadora with her.

The wet, dyed usurpadora has ruined Pina's favorite pajamas and Vince's shoes. They call her the Tasmanian Devil. Vince says there's hate in her eyes. Pina summons Ado to get rid of this angel of death and clean up the room.

Moni tells Karina about Fraud's unexpected proposal. Karina agrees that it is ridiculous, but it's also ridiculous that she won't confront her father and she'll never forgive herself.

In the kitchen, Ana helps Pancho fix a sandwich. Temo and Lupita tell him that is waiting in Pancho's bedroom to talk with him.

Wait, where?

She seems to realize that someone is in the bed and assumes that it's Pancho, but it's not clear whether she thinks he's awake or asleep. Her speech is the usual self-pitying drivel about how he turned their lives around 180 degrees and it's soooo awful. She puts her hand on Rebeca's ankle, but strangely does not notice that it's not the big gnarly man-foot she's been rubbing for years, and continues with some choice words about Rebeca, "this little thing, es una... una...".

Rebeca has been awake through some of this. She and turns on the light and tries to sit up in the bed. "Es una qué, Graciela? Una qué?"

End credits: new going-to-sleep song, weird animation, Popeye's as big as Temo. No me gusta, especially after that sleeping pill Rebeca took.

Merry Christmas, and Happy Hanukkah already in progress!

Next time:
The kids give Rebe a warm welcome... roasting her over hot coals. Candy takes a steam with Vince... and Pina and Cathi!


Thursday, December 22, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #99 Thu 12/22/11 La Fuerza de desperation

Toni and Ivan retreat to the study. They'll have the money in 3 days. Plus Aguilar is going to grease the skids to get the money into the country. And he's going to start waving pictures of Saul around Hermosillo and see if anyone knows where he is. So now, they wait.

Lucia is missing Alex. She understands Ivan's desperation. Lucrezia is expecting the worst. She's watched enough Lifetime specials and episodes of La Rosa de Guadalupe to know that bad shit happens. Lucia says sooner or later "those people" will realize that they're going to lose everything in the process of trying to get a few bucks. Lucia overestimates Gordo and Saul's capacity for rational thought.

Lucia goes over to check on Ivan and Benito reports that Ivan is glued to the telephone and hasn't eaten. Benito feels guilty for not staying at the house, but Lucia reminds him that Alex sent him out for ice cream and he couldn't have known that someone was going to kidnap Alex. Plus whoever it was didn't work alone, so what was Benito going to do against 2 or even 3 armed men? Benito gets that, but it doesn't keep him from being upset.

Ivan sits behind Toni's desk, crying, but he jumps up to hug Lucia when she comes in. He's hoping the kidnappers will call and let him talk to Alex. He's got the money arranged, but he's still worried. "If Alex sees the faces of one of the kidnappers, the might kill him." Well, sure if it's someone who knows what they're doing, but this is Saul and Gordo we're talking about. They don't have a working brain cell to rub together between them.

Saul wonders what to do with the kid once they've got the money. Gordo suggests just leaving him by the side of the highway. Especially since Saul hasn't gone in without a "pasamontañas" (balaclava; ski mask). Saul thinks maybe the kid can recognize their voices, but Gordo scoffs that at that age, kids don't remember that kind of thing. Gordo says he doesn't actually dare kill the kid and Saul's not sure if he could do it either. Gordo doesn't even think his compadre would do it, since he's a coward and he has kids of his own. Gordo points out it's not a good idea to kill the kid, because with all the money the McGuire's have, they'll get INTERPOL involved and then they'll spend the rest of their lives running. Um, ok, if by that he means the five minutes before they find them and kill them because they refuse to put down their weapons like the idiots they are, then sure, Gordo and crew could spend the rest of their lives on the run. Fausto reports that things are pretty quiet in Hermosillo. He's brought back food and beer…and milk for the kid. He goes to give Alex his dinner, but has to be reminded to put the ski mask on before he goes in. Alex was listening at the door and jumps back onto his cot. He doesn't retrieve his dinner until after Fausto leaves.

Antolin has a plan…and Carolina doesn't even want to hear it. Antolin isn't worried, and says he doesn't plan to miss his child's baptism. Ay, Antolin, don't say stuff like that! It makes us all worry for you. And retire your Bedazzled angel wing shirt, too, por favor…it's just begging for trouble!

Lucia goes back home in the morning and reports there haven't been any further calls. Carlota supposes they'll call sometime that day, now that they've got everyone worried.

Camilo asks Ivan how it's going. No call, the money is on the way, and Ivan plans to hand it over personally. Camilo wants to come along, but Ivan says no way is he going to risk his son's life. He's sure they'll tell him to come alone. Camilo thinks this is a sign that Ivan doesn't trust him. "Do you have a gun?" Well, of course Ivan doesn't, and doesn't think it's a good idea to take one and risk his son's life.

Antolin does some more recon. The gossipy woman from the day before tells him that Gordo hasn't been there in a while. She tells him that Gordo was given a "granja" (farm) by an uncle, but Gordo never wanted to work it. The woman goes on and on about how much she'd love to have her own farm. Fortituously, she also happens to know where Gordo's farm is, "Over by San Isidro, halfway between Hermosillo and Bahia de Kino" (not according to Google Maps…San Isidro is east of Hermosillo and Bahia de Kino is west). And she sort of knows the name, too, "Santa Ines, Santa Teresa…it's definitely the name of a saint."

Antolin summons Camilo to lunch to tell him he thinks he knows where they're keeping Alex, and he plans to go after him. Uh oh. Camilo asks how he can be sure. "Well, I've got to do something!" Camilo asks what he plans to do, go in and shoot it out? How many guys are there anyway? He tells Antolin to forget it. Ivan's got the money and that's what those people want.

Antolin apparently makes the offer to Ivan, who shouts him down. He doesn't want to risk Alex's life, especially when Antolin doesn't exactly know where the farm is. He repeatedly tells Antolin "no."

Alex waits for his idiot captors to fall asleep and then starts checking out his cell. He finds a spoon and starts trying to use it between the door and the frame, but it doesn't work. He sits on his cot and cries.

Ivan is looking at the pictures of his and Alex's vacation.

Arcelia lights candles to the Virgen and prays a Hail Mary. She stumbles on the words "Pray for us now…and at the hour of our death." Aw, man, if they're setting this up for Antolin to die, I'm gonna kick somebody.

Benito ushers John into the house to meet with Ivan and Toni. He came over in a private plan and the authorities did, indeed, grease skids.

Bruno is still snogging Alex's shirt. John admires Bruno and pets him for a while. Benito is instructed to bring the big suitcase into the office and take the small one to John's room. John gives Ivan his condolences. He explains that he had to sell off company shares to get the 6 mil in cash. He says it's likely they'll lose the company. Ivan vows to work hard to get everything back, but Toni's not worried about that. He just wants to get Alex back home. Lucia comes in and is introduced to John.

Antolin is explaining to Carolina that even when money is handed over, kidnappers still kill their kidnappee. She doesn't think they could do it, but Anolin knows that Gordo and Saul are rats, and they'd totally do it if they thought Alex could identify them. He knows how much Carolina loves Alex. She sobs that Ivan already told him not to do it. "It's almost impossible!" Well, "almost impossible" means there's still a chance. Carolina worries that the kidnappers might not be Saul and Gordo after all, but actual competent kidnappers. Antolin is sure it's them, especially after they tried to kidnap Lucrezia…"Exactly! And killed Gerardo!" Antolin says they were probably following the family, they knew Alex would be visiting her, and they took advantage of their opportunity. "Besides, the costume show guy saw Gordo." Carolina still thinks it might not be them. "I'm afraid you'll do something wrong and throw it all away." Antolin swears if the situation is impossible, he'll get out of there. He won't stop thinking of her or their child, but he has a plan. Ay, Antolin.

David lets JJ know that Esther gave him her half of the ranch to take care of. He won't deal with JJ's half because he knows that JJ never trusted in him. He's going to give the actual management of the land over to Carlos, Judith's boyfriend. JJ suggests they ask Carlos to take care of his half of the land too, and David tiredly says he'll send Carlos over. JJ's still slugging away the tequilas and David reminds him he shouldn't be drinking. JJ defiantly takes another swig. He asks about Saul and David tells him they're assuming Saul is behind the kidnapping of Alex. JJ heard that from Lucrezia. He never wants to see Saul again. He asks to see David a couple of times a week, maybe have a meal. David says he's too busy and leaves. JJ goes back to hitting the bottle.

Ivan and crew are expecting a call in the next couple of days. Toni offers to walk John to his room. John is enamored of Bruno and says he's identical to his own dog, Winston. Toni explains that Bruno hasn't put down Alex's shirt down since he was taken. John says that that breed has an excellent sense of smell and direction…"they're ideal for rescues." Toni walks John out. Lucia comments that they're halfway there. "Yes," says Ivan, "we just have to wait for them to call and then pray to God that everything turns out well." Is it just me or is Bruno panting especially loudly? As if he's saying "Hello, idiots, search and rescue dog right here!"

Fausto and Saul are lazing about. Gordo comes in and says he's concerned that the kid knows Saul and maybe even Gordo. Alex listens at the door again. Gordo tells Fausto about the day that he and Saul approached Lucia in the park and Lucia flipped out. Gordo's really changed his tune since yesterday, telling Fausto that even with the mask on, he's worried Alex might have recognized Saul's voice. "I barely said anything that day in the park, but Saul has a very distinctive voice." Fausto says that's how it is with rich kids, they screw up any serious work. Gordo says they'll have to get rid of the kid. Fausto balks, reminding Gordo that he has kids. Gordo brushes it off, saying they'll see. They decide to go out to Hermosillo for food and maybe call Ivan later. Fausto doesn't dare to kill the kid, so Gordo suggests they just wait until things get bad and then tell Saul he's got to do it. He knows Saul's an idiot, but he's also pretty much a dog. Alex hears all this, then jumps back on his cot and covers up with a blanket. Gordo kicks Saul awake and tells him they're going to Hermosillo for gas and beers. Saul wonders what's up with the money, but Gordo ignores the question and tells Saul to feed the kid. Saul pulls his ski mask on and struggles to his feet. He grabs a coke and a package of chips. When he unlocks the door, he puts the lock on his belt loop. He tosses the chips and the soda to Alex and conveniently forgets to put the lock back on the door. Instead he lies down to keep sleeping off his hangover. Alex checks out the door and sneaks out, leaving the door closed behind him. He knocks something off a ledge and briefly wakes Saul, but Saul sees the closed door and blows it off. Alex gets outside and starts running.

Carolina comes over to visit Lucia. She reminds Lucia that she promised her friendship and support, so she's there to offer it. She knows how much Lucia loves Alex. She asks how Lucrezia and Carlota are doing. Lucrezia is out having coffee with JJ and Carlota is resting. Carolina says it's just been one misfortune after another. Lucia says Ivan's not doing so well, but he's trying to be strong and do what he has to to get Alex back. Carolina mentions Antolin has been thinking of going to find him. "What? But without any leads? Without any idea where he could be? Or did he find something out?" Carolina lies and says he didn't.

Lucrezia is surprised that Esther actually went through with it this time. JJ says he's not surprised and he had it coming for being such a jerk. "Tanto va el cántaro al agua, que algun dia tiene que romperse." (The pitcher goes to the fountain so much, one day it has to break). Lucrezia says he needs to start a new life now. "What? But I'm more alone than a dog! No one will come near me. You're the only one. I think it's my punishment for all the bad things I did." Lucrezia says Maripaz's death was her punishment. "Even though I already forgot Saul, I don't wish him any ill. After all, he is my son, though it pains me to say it." Lucrezia says they both screwed up with their kids--Maripaz and Saul. JJ hopes Saul didn't have anything to do with the kidnapping, because if he did, "he's going straight to hell." Lucrezia reminds him he still has David. "No, I lost him already."

David is telling Esther that he wants nothing to do with his father. "For me it's as if I never had a father." He reminds her that JJ treated him badly since he was a kid. "Well, yes, but you got over it." Lady, that does not make it ok! David says his father made him feel worthless, until he believed it. "And now that he realizes he's going to be alone, now he wants us to be with him. And you know what? That's not fair. He can forget about me and be alone."

Berenice and Judith come over to try to support Lucia and Carolina.

Ivan has been in the office all night and rejects Toni's offer to man the phone. Ivan doesn't want to get the details second-hand. "If we do anything other than what they say, they might get mad and then who knows what might happen." Ivan rails at them for not calling.

Alex runs, but he realizes he doesn't know where he is.

Fausto and Gordo come back and find out a passed-out Saul. They assume Saul didn't feed him and gripe about it. Gordo grabs a soda and a bag of chips and realizes the lock isn't on the door. Fausto wakes up Saul. Gordo gets in on the yelling, calling Saul an idiot and a good-for-nothing. He wants to whip out his gun and shoot Saul right then and there, but Fausto tells him they don't have time to waste. They need to find the kid before it gets dark. They walk out of the barn and look around, wondering where to even start looking, especially given that he doesn't know which way the road is. Gordo doesn't know how they're going to find him, but they have to. Saul: "What's the problem? We'll get the money and Ivan can find the kid." Gordo reminds him that if the kid reaches the road, he can hitch a ride, rat them out to Ivan, and not only will they not have money, but the cops will be after them.

Alex trips during his run, and though his hand is perilously near a scorpion, he doesn't get stung. Aw, shit. He flags down Gordo's car. Saul and Fausto get out and carry him back to the car. Alex screams at them that his dad is going to kill all three of them. To no avail.

Back at the barn, Alex cries some more, probably also over his hurt leg. He cries for his grandpa and his dad…and Bruno.

Ivan and Lucia are sitting up in the office, waiting for a call. Toni tells them to go to bed. He reminds them that there are phones all over the house. He realizes he's talking to a wall and goes off to bed. Lucia calls Carlota and tells Ivan she's staying with him tonight.

They get to his room, but he just sits on the bed. By morning, he's sitting on the floor. Lucia answers Benito's knock on the door. Camilo and Antolin are in the office waiting for Ivan. He says he'll be right there.

Antolin makes another bid for a rescue attempt. He knows where San Isidro is and he figures they can ask where the farm is. The phone rings and Gordo asks if he's got the money. He assures Ivan that Alex is alive and well. "Put the money in a canvas bag. Don't contact your family for any reason. Around noon, get in your car and drive to Bahia de Kino. Once you get there, wait for further instructions. I'll call you on your cell. If you call the police, you won't see your kid alive again." Ivan tries to ask when and how Alex will be released, but Gordo hangs up. Ivan passes on the instructions. Camilo wants to go with him, following at a distance, but Ivan refuses. He's going to go get a canvas bag, say goodbye to Lucia and be on his way.

Lucia tells Cleto there's been no news. She repeats the same to her mother and grandmother. Lucrezia says she knows "they" have committed a lot of sins, but this is just too much. Perlita is fine. Toni and Ivan are destroyed. Lucrezia complains, asking when things are going to be normal. She's never been very religious, but she wants to go ask for a Mass to be said. "For Alex?" "For all of us."

Ivan tells Toni and John his plan. Benito is out buying the canvas bag while Ivan goes to say goodbye to Lucia. Ivan leaves. John says that Ivan is nervous. "The only thing these people are interested in is money." Toni says it's possible they could keep the money and kill Alex. He doesn't even want to think about it.

Ivan tells Lucia, Carlota, and Lucrezia, he has to take the money and go to Bahia de Kino alone. He doesn't think they have any other options. Ivan says he'll do whatever they ask. He picks up Perlita, who's been fussing. He tells her he'll be back soon and the four of them are going to be very happy together. Carlota gives him a blessing. Lucia tells him to be careful and Ivan reminds her he has three reasons to come back.

Camilo is gearing up to go, complete with his gun. He tells Carmen he rented a car because his broke down. She begs to know where he's going. "Look, I'll tell you, but let's see if for once in your life you can keep your mouth shut. I don't want you to say anything to mom!" He says he's going with Ivan.

Ivan is ready to go, and the household staff have packed up sandwiches and water for him to take with him. It's about a five hour drive to Bahia de Kino. Ivan says he has an odometer in case they ask him to walk. Toni reminds him to stay calm and not provoke them, or allow himself to be provoked. "The only thing I have in mind is to rescue my child."

Antolin is also preparing to go, despite Carolina's objections. "What if they kill you? What's going to happen to me?" "Don't be so selfish!" "I can't live without you!" "Life had no guarantees. I could be dead tomorrow, just like my dad. You have something very important to live for. A child. And this is all my fault, because Gordo and Saul hate me." Antolin calls Toni to ask if Ivan has left yet. He asks to speak to Toni.

Another round of goodbyes out in the courtyard. John reassures Toni that Ivan and Alex will return.

So, that's it for my tenure. No daring rescue attempt today. I had high hopes for Alex's escape, but it wasn't to be. No specific previews for tomorrow, but we're down to three hours of show, so they'd better get to resolving stuff already!


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