Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Pasión 12-26: "What are we, white doves?"
Justo tells Ofelia, Saintly's mom: surely Saintly will give in to temptation. "Oh no, they're well brought up, they know what's proper, they'll just exchange a few words occasionally, after all, they're in-laws." "Ah, but when the blood boils..." muses Justo in an unhappy foreshadowing manner.
Ric crosses the square, where TWO MULES can be seen, and pays his respects to the regidor, our old failed satyr Don Jorge. Ursula, whom I would enjoy calling "Pinkie," likes the looks of our Ric and takes him in to see daddy. Like father, like daughter: they both think Ric would make a fine husband for her, he's rich, a gentleman, has good recommendations... she flirts on the way out and invites him to the party she's throwing on the coming weekend. "Party?" inquires her dad blankly. "I just thought of it," she says as she sweeps out.
Ric gives a weak story about being in town for business and then says he was a personal friend of the Salamanca family, that old Timoteo in his senility left his money to his young widow and left his daughter with (almost) nothing, he's here to do something about it. Jorge invites him, and the aunt and cousin, to stay at the palace as long as they like - life in the provinces is so boring and most who pass through are just merchants...
Ric tells Marcos the suckup regidor and his daughter are hypocrites - "like me." Marcos tells the story he learned from the codger at the inn and Ric is struck with pity for the widow - "I understand her attitude now, she wasn't arrogant, she was desperate!" - and now he doesn't want to take her money. He reiterates he has enough moolah for Lisa to live like a princess and have a good dowry. Marcos wonders who'll have her. Ric says she's pretty and well-bred, she'll have suitors "Not if they catch her sniffing YOU, she won't," Marcos sort of says, "you know she's madly in love with you." Ric says it's just affection. Marcos teases him for liking Camila. They discuss setting up a pirate refuge and going back to business stealing Spanish gold.
Doña Sofia is unimpressed with Jorge's story about the well-bred visitor being a good suitor - she doesn't trust in his credentials - but Ursula rejects the whole current list of suitors and insists Ric is the one for her.
In their new home Camila and Jimena are discussing the Antillano's lies - he'd said he'd buy freedom for Claudio and Angel, but he didn't... Jorge arrives, Camila doesn't want to let him in but she does anyway as the maid and Jimena melt away. He asks if she needs anything, she says no rather stiffly. "Hey, I know you're holding a grudge against me, but you and I both know nothing happened." "Nothing? Because of you Santiago almost died and I was kidnapped." "Well, he's ok now, married, he'll no doubt be a daddy soon, and you're not doing so badly, you rich widow you."
He gets down to it: there's a blind woman in town, with Timoteo's nephew, planning to get Timoteo's coffers back. Jorge says he'll help Camila thwart that. Camila says she heard Timoteo's nephew was a pirate. Jorge poo-poohs that.
He leaves and Jimena says Camila needs an important man (like Jorge) to help her. Camila says heaven forfend.
That mean old friend of Jorge's, is it La Font?, yells at his daughter who's supposed to be spying around town, especially on Ursula, but who hadn't told him about Camila being back in town. The daughter redeems herself with other gossip: Vasco is out - Ursula's mad he hasn't been in touch and plans to dump him - and Ric is in.
And what do you know, Vasco lets himself in to Ursula's bedroom that night but she says it's over, she wants her keys back, and she's gonna marry the rich out-of-towner. Vasco calls her a whore and stomps out sulking.
Ursula is mean to her cute daughter and derides her doll's singing. Grannie Sofia says don't be so hard on the kid, and besides you neglect her. Sofia reiterates that recommendations can be bought and she doesn't trust the stranger. Ursula: "I'm going to marry him." Mom: "What if he won't have you?" "He'd have to be a fool not to want the rich daughter of the regidor - and he's no fool. Besides, Daddy likes him."
Sofia mutters: "People my husband likes are never decent people."
Marcos goes to the blacksmith's shop and asks Saintly to take care of Ric's horseshoes. Then he peers over the wall at Camila's place and watches the four musketeers discussing the departure, next morning, of Ascanio and Claudio. He reports back to Ric, who's surprised to hear Camila bought Claudio -- he'd thought his own henchman Lazaro (the same one he reamed out for borrowing a boat for a joyride) had bought the two kids on Ric's order. They surmise Lazaro just said he bought the kids and kept the dough for himself. "I'll quarter him!"
Rita and Saintly are sitting in a deadly silence in Ofelia's kitchen. Santiago leaves. "He's going to see HER," Rita whinges; Ofelia says "You shouldn't doubt your husband, and I've told you to conceal your jealousy." "He's not the same since she's back, we don't talk, he doesn't fulfill his Marital Obligations, how long must I tolerate this?" Ofelia suggests she should go talk to her sweet, reasonable sister Camila.
Jorge explains his little plan to La Font: he'll help Camila against the outlanders, and then in gratitude she'll become his lover. La Font sides with Sofia: don't trust him, recommendations can be bought. "Well, what are we, white doves? And by the way, how's it going with Foreman the Pirate King?"
Saintly is moping at the bar. Vasco comes in with a mope of his own: Ursula threw him out, just like a hired hand. "You knew it would happen." "Not like that, though! But she'll be back, she'll get tired of the new guy, and if she's pregnant, they won't know who the dad is. That new guy doesn't know her, it must just be business."
Saintly leaves the bar and tries to knock on Camila's door. The town crier asks what he's doing, "oh nothing," he limps away.
Marcos sees Ric doesn't want to go with Lisa and Tia's program of wealth-extraction, but he doesn't want to fight with them either. He says he'll go to Camila in the morning after Claudio and Ascanio have left.
Labels: Pasion
Juan Q-12-26 CL is back to his old habits, Ang searches for new habits, Erlinda is out of habit, and Juan has a habit of getting himself in a bind
Kike is on the phone and I think he tells Susanna that he might know where she can find Akito, because later on in the program we see her and Sung -Ju on a bus, presumably heading to Achichipico. Some guy in the background is watching Kike on the phone in a suspicious manner.
Juan is first on the bus heading back to Achichipico. He catches the eye of a lovely peasant girl and he asks God why he is so irresistable. He is looking forward to getting back to see his son he tells himself, along with something about the DF.
Along the way we see the bus break down and everyone gets off of it. Juan offers to help the driver fix it. The driver isn't so sure but Juan assures him that he studied mechanics and knows what he is doing. The guy says well fine, as long as you know what you are doing...
All of the Cachons are sitting around the table, very forlorn. Alirio remarks that this has to be the first time a guy who isn't even dead yet, has had two wakes, and says something about another funeral. He wonders, accordingly, if there will be another party if Juan shows up here again. Nidia tells him so what if there is.
Somehow CL is seducing Ivonne again, and she agrees that she'll finally give him another chance. He takes her home to his apartment.
Upstairs at Casa Cachon we see Marely crying. Nidia goes in to console her and this time isn't letting her off by her saying there's nothing wrong. Nid tells her that she can't hide it, that she needs to get everything off of her chest, and that Nid knows she is upset because Juan left again. FINALLY, Marely breaks down and proclaims how mad she is at herself that she will lose him for being stupid and proud; that she should have taken the chance to tell him how she felt while he was here, but now it's too late. Nidia tells her not to beat herself up, that there are plenty of nice guys in the world and she will meet one, because she deserves to be happy, she's too great of a gal to be a solterona (old maid or unmarried lady) and her time will come; so not to give up on herself.
Pau and Ana are talking, and Pau thinks she's made the decision, that she's left with no recourse but to ask for a divorce because things have degraded from bad to worse between her and CL, so she's going to go see him at work. Ana wonders if work is the best place and Pau says she needs a neutral place. Ana worries about the gossipers there. Pau says they will already find everything out anyway.
Pastor is assuring CL in a very sad demeanor that Juan is definitely not coming back and that he is out of the way of CL. CL wants to know how he is sure and Pastor tells him because even though it was really hard for him, he personally convinced Juan not to return, despite the great offers that were being made to him. Pastor takes this opportunity to remind CL how fiercely loyal he is, even when his own interests conflict. Cl is pleased that he may be rid of Juan.
Pastor also tells Monica the same news, and of course she tells him he screwed up to let Juan get away. He insists to her that he could say or do nothing to change his mind. I think this Jekyll /Hyde stuff has to be getting to him. I do not envy Pastor.
It's clear that back at the apartment, CL and Ivonne have rediscovered each other. She stays over but has to make a call first. She calls Fer and apologizes that she's going to have to cancel there get together. He knows that it's not something that came up, but rather someone. She says she'll see him tomorrow at work though.
Back on the road, the bus riders get impatient with Juan who has managed to make himself look authentic, by putting things all over the place, yet still the bus isn't running. He tells the riders that he has covered himself in grease for them and they are not even grateful. The driver tells him he has fixed nothing and now he's going to have to go find a real mechanic and they force Juan out of the way. The peasant girl takes his side though and she walks off with him.
In Achichipico, Buddy Dark One (Negro) sings another song and Delfina comes in. They wonder what to do about this situation with Juanito running off. I don't think they have to wait very long because the Chavez show up. They begin interrogating the two as to where Juan went. Both Delfina and BDO refuse to tell them anything. They keep trying to get it out of them. Later we see them tied to chairs with their feet in dishpans and one of the Chavez about to pour maybe boiling water into the bins.
Kike gets a call from Angarita and Kike wonders why he isn't coming back. Don Ang says something else came up down here regarding the business and so he's going to stay a little longer and see what else he can arrange.
We see Moni talking to Chelo, who confirms that things are really bad, that Pau isn't sleeping at the house anymore, and asks her not to think she's half crazy, but Chelo swears Cl had another women in the apartment.
The next day at the office, Fer comes in and berates Ivonne for blowing him off because he pretty much knows what she's up to. The whole office kind of hears this and gives her funny looks, including Marely who manages a smug smile.
Moni and Ivonne have a nice little conversation. Ivonne attempting to show loyalty tells Moni that she knows CL has taken up with a lover again, and Pau isn't in the house. Moni says she already knows this, and oh, do you know who the lover is? Ivonne says more or less. Moni of course knows it's her and Ivonne admits that she stayed the night with him, and that he will always come back for more because they are like associates and it's only a matter of time and patience because he needs her. Moni is not terribly pleased.
Back in Achichipico, just when the Chavez are about to pour the water, Juan busts in the door and wonders what the heck is going on. He argues with the Chavez about this not being the way to solve anything and wonders what they were pulling. He says they should be ashamed of themselves and that they are torturing innocent people and that he gave them his word he would come back, and he did, and they should leave others out of things. They say that they were protecting their interests or something but they end up leaving.
Both Delfina and Dark Buddy call him Saint Gabriel and are thankful that Juan arrived when he did and don't know what would have happened if he hadn't come right then. Juan is all excited and tells them of his long trip back and the bus breaking down and pulls out a truck to show them what he brought back for Juanito. He keeps on describing it, and they try to interrupt him that Juanito is gone, back to his grandmother's, because he thought that Juan abandoned him and he doesn't want to see him anymore. Juan is upset and says he has to go right away to tell Juanito he would never abandon him for 5 minutes even.
Back at the Chavez home, Elder Chavez yells at younger for having such a dumb idea and that he should never have listened to him. Just then Erlinda shows up and her Dad tells her the good news that Juan did come back, and now it's her turn to work her charms and reel him in. She gets a hopeful smile.
Ivonne is talking again to Pastor and telling him what happened with CL. He has this piece of advice, that she's not a guy and that this little display of love is going to cost her dearly.
At Casa Davila, Pau is getting ready to go. She tells Ana that CL is a reasonable man and that he will understand that they need to take this step. Ana laughs and does not believe CL to be reasonable. Pau dresses nicely to go to see CL - I liked the outfit a lot actually... just as she opens the door to leave, Nid has arrived. She wonders where Pau is going so nicely dressed, and Pau tells her that she has to go but come in and Ana will tell her the gossip. Nidia says she should throw away her shoes so that Nid can go and retrieve them, essentially she thought the shoes were really cute. FYI, they were peek-a-boo toes I think, so that would counts as open...
Dark Buddy and Delfina want to go with Juan to see Juanito, but he says this is his problem and he needs to go alone. He strikes out. In the street on his way, who does he run into but... Don Ang who detains him for a drink and a chat about what's going on, and why he left, and the business etc. Juan tells him that he already knows about PAu and the whole bit, and says he'll only tell Ang the rest if he doesn't tell anyone. Juan also doesn't want to be rude but after listening to Ang for a while he says he's in a hurry and has to be somewhere.
Pau shows up at Farrell and Ivonne asks her what she wants, to which she replies to see her husband. She goes in to CL's office and he offers her some hard liquor. She declines saying that they have to talk seriously and reasonably.
Ivonne calls Moni to alert her to Pau's presence in the office. Of course Moni is impactada.
After Pau gets CL to react seriously she confirms that yes, she's there for an important reason. She wants a divorce.
Wishing everyone (if anyone is still reading) a wonderful NEW YEAR 2008....PROSPERO ANO NUEVO A TODOS!!!!!!!!!!
Labels: Juan
Monday, December 24, 2007
Yo Amo a Juan- Mon.12/24/07 -No Juan but Feliz Noche Buena a Todos
Juan Q, Friday 12/21. Oh, tangled webs Juan weaves!
Ms. Yamamoto tells them that she thinks that somebody kidnapped her father.
Fernando translated the documents in English. They are still looking for somebody to translate the ones in Japanese.
Angarita arrives to Achichipico. Casimiro happens to be standing next to the bus stop. He offers to take him to one of the best hotels in town. Angarita asks him if he knows the important people in town. He has a good business proposal.
Juan, Kike and Fernando are eating in a Japanese restaurant. They had the waiter translate the documents. Fernando is very excited about them. He says this documents are business proposals, budgets, clients contacts (me wonders, how did the waiter do all of this in a few minutes when it takes me 3 hours to translate a very straight forward novela ;-?) he says that Farell is doing exactly the same things and they are not as advanced as this proposal. Maybe Juan should do the business himself?
At Achichipico, Doña Delfina and Juan’s friend are still trying to call Nidia’s house, but the number is still busy, they decide to go back because they don’t want to leave Juanito by himself. They’ll try again tomorrow.
Casimiro takes Angarita to Juan-almost-father-in-law. Angarita proposes to become bussines partners in the Anturios exportation business. Juan-almost-father-in-law informs him that they are already in talks with another heavy weight in exportations, perhaps he has heard of him? Juan Dominguez.
In the restaurant After Fernando’s revelation Juan is very pensive, he decides that it is better if he returns to Achichipico ASAP because he doesn’t want to have to lie anymore.
Angarita admits that he knows Juan, but he insists that they can still do business together. Mr. almost-father-in-law says no, because Juan is almost a member of his family.
Delfina arrives to her house and she can’t find little Juan (Juanito) She and Juan’s friend look everywhere and can’t find him. They panic.
At Industrias Farrell, when Marely sees Fernando, she asks him about Juan. Fernando doesn’t want to say anything. Finally he says that Juan has a lot of plans now that he owns his own business. Marely laughs and tells Fernando that she doesn’t believe that Juan has his own business, she is sure Juan lied (again). Fernando insists that he can’t say why, but this time he is sure Juan is not lying.
Casimiro and his father are talking about Juan. Mr. almost-father-in law is convinced that Juan is the best candidate for his daughter. Casimiro doesn’t understand why his father wants to marry Juan and his sister; he wonders that maybe his father is not as rich and powerful as he was before.
Kike gives Juan his share of the transportation business. Juan is touched and doesn’t want to take it, but Kike insists.
Susana and Ms. Yamamoto talk to the police. They are going to help them find Mr. Akito.
Juan says goodbye to Yadi, her daughter and Nidia. He asks them to please say goodbye to Marely, and everybody else. Are you sure you don’t want to do it yourself? No I have to go.
Kike takes Juan to the bus terminal. At the same time Marely is crying in the bathroom of Industrias Farrell. Yvone enters and gives her advice. In stead of crying you should go and tell Juan how you feel.
Nidia notices that the phone is off the hook, as soon as she puts it back on, the phone rings. It’s Paula, she asks for Juan. Nidia tells her that he is gone. Paula can’t believe it. She is beside herself, and hangs up on Nidia. The phone rings again and this time is Marely. She wants to talk to Juan too. Nidia tells her that Juan left. Marely is very disturbed and hangs up on Nidia too.
Pastor asks Marely if she knows where Juan is. Marely tells him that she just found out that Juan left. Pastor urges Marely to come with him and help him stop Juan form leaving. They ask for Monica's Permission, of course she lets them go, when Marely and Pastor leave, Monica asks if Fernando knew about Juan's plans to leave. Fernando assures her that he didn’t know that Juan was leaving.
Paula wants to go and find Juan. Ana insist in going with her. At the same time in the terminal, Juan and Kike are shopping for something for little Juan. Paula is driving so fast and crazy that she ends up with a flat tire. Paula being her charming self orders her mother to change the tire. In the mean time, Pastor and Marely get in a taxi and are arguing about the taxi being very slow.
Finally Marely and Pastor arrive to the terminal and find Kike. He tells them that Juan has already left. Paula and Ana arrive to the terminal too, but can’t find Juan. Paula is desperate, but alas it’s too late, Juan is really gone.
Juan is in the bus with Yolanda, he is still thinking that maybe he should have stayed. Yolanda tells Juan that she understands now that Juan is really in love and that she (Yolanda) doesn’t stand a chance. She says she’ll leave Juan alone. She just wants a little something to remember him by. Juan says whatever you want. Yolanda asks for a kiss.
Marely is trying to get Kike to spill the beans, but his lips are sealed. Pastor asks if Kike knows at least an address where to find him. Kike says no.
At the office CL is very mad. He calls Ana’s home and nobody answers. He slams his phone (He is getting as good as Aaron Montalvo in torturing phones) Yvonne enters and tells him that there are some Purchase Orders that he needs to check. She notices his bad mood and being true to her new roll as the lonely voice of reason, tells him that Paula will come back to him whenever he stops chasing her. CL likes this and asks Yvonne if maybe she wants to “help” him wait for Paula to come back. Yvonne says maybe later, after work.
Guti has a new business in hand. He is selling pirated software, and tries to convince Alirio to help him persuade Industrias Farrell to purchase it. Alirio doesn’t need much encouragement, and agrees to convince CL.
Monica tells Fernando about the problem they have with Yamamoto. She asks him to help Miss. Yamamoto find her father. Fernando asks casually what Mr. Yamamoto first name is, I think he suspects that Juan’s Japanese business man is the same as Farrell’s Japanese business man.
Alirio goes to talk to CL about the software, he is sure he’ll convince him since he has the perfect strategy; he’ll annoy CL to death until he gives up. Sure enough CL accepts to purchase the software.
Ana and Nidia talk down stairs while Paula cries in her room. Nidia tells Ana she should understand, after all is not every day that one looses the love of one’s life. Ana doesn’t believe this. She thinks (And I agree) that Paula doesn’t know what she wants. Nidia retorts that Paula behaved like a woman in love. Ana shushes her; she doesn’t Paula to hear her.
Kike arrives to the market place. Remolacha (Angarita’s helper) scolds him for arriving late. Kike tells him to calm down because “mis chicharrones son los que truenan” (he is the boss now, lit. his toasted pig skin is the crunchiest) Remolacha is not that sure and informs Kike that Algarita called and got very upset because Kike wasn’t there. The phone rings and Kike answers; it is Fernando. Fernando wants to know the name of the Japanese that died in Achichipico. Kike tells him. Fernando wants to talk to Juan to let him know about Miss Yamamoto, but Kike won’t tell him where to find him. Fernando tells him it is very important that he talks to Juan because Mr. Yamamoto’s daughter believes that her father has been kidnapped and the police are investigating. Finally Kike accepts to call Susana (Miss Yamamoto’s representative in Mexico) and let her know what happened to Mr. Yamamoto.
Delirio is telling Guti that CL accepted their proposal he has “carta blanca” (carte blanche) to do whatever he wants. He wants Guti to assure him that the company is not going to be negatively affected by the software purchase. We can almost see Guti crossing his fingers in his back before reassuring Delirio that everything is going to be fine. Guti wants to celebrate, but Delirio tells him that they are not out of the woods yet. They still have to follow the normal purchasing procedure and obtain approval from other departments.
Monica is furious at Pastor; she yells at him and tells him in not uncertain terms that he is an inept. Pastor tries to defend himself. He tells her he offered Juan “La luna y las estrellas” the moon and the starts, but he didn’t accept. Monica doesn’t understand why Juan didn’t take a chance like this. Pastor says that Juan is different. Monica doesn’t want to hear it and tells pastor to leave her office.
Kike finally gathers the courage to call Susana. He tries to disguise his voice, and tells her that he has information about Mr. Yamamoto. She asks him not to harm him and wants to know where is him. Impacatado face from Kike.
The end.
Merry Chirstmas to all!!
Labels: Juan
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Pasion Friday December 21 - Not much crying today
On the boat to
Ric and crew have arrived in
The ad for the Desperate Housewives show says it will start Thursday, Jan 10 at 10/9 central. Don’t the shows at that hour change from day to day? Maybe that will just be a weekly show.
Ric and Mario try and figure out how to sail closer to
Lis and Francisca walk on the beach, Lis is obsessed with the fact that the other boat is named Camila. Francisca gives a million reasons why that might be the case, Lis doesn’t buy it. I would normally call her psycho for how she is thinking except that this is novelaland and she happens to be right that the boat is named after our protagonista. Lis claims to not be jealous of Camila, which is of course a bunch of crap, especially since she then asks Fran to describe what she looks like. Lis is worried that word of Captain Ric may have spread, but Fran says Tim never talked to anybody and Ric is going to use a fake ID anyway.
Ric says the fake papers are in his true name, so that should help. He says he needs to work on the signature and sends for pen and paper. Ric also says he needs to notify Foreman that he’ll be off for a while taking care of personal business. The girls arrive at his shack and say the place is lovely and they’d like to come back some day. Ric tells the ladies that he will be using the name Ricardo Lopez de Carvajal. His cover is that he is a friend of the family in charge of taking care of Lis. Lis asks, why isn’t your story that you are my fiancé? Ric says something like that would draw too much attention. Fran wants to know how they are going to get the money. Ric says if Camila was pregnant, there isn’t anything to be done. Otherwise, they’ll present the facts to her and have her make the logical decision. That sounds a bit like ‘make her an offer she can’t refuse.’
Dona Sofia asks Ofelia how Camila reacted to Saintly being married. They rehash. They both agree that Saintly still loves her.
Across the square, Jorge stares at Ofelia. He is interrupted by some stammering flunky who updates him on the earthquake relief efforts. Yet another funeral winds through the square. The stammering dude follows Jorge into his office to tell him more. The guy then goes on with tax collection details, finishing with the percentage to be earned on the sale of some house to, you won’t believe it, Camila. The guy peppered his info with “you won’t believe it” and “you’ll never guess” which irritates Jorge. Jorge is impactada, then the guy says she now is Camila de Salamanca.
Al Diablo con los Hombres is only “Muy Pronto”, no exact date given. I suspect now that this show will be what follows Amar.
Over dinner, Camila tells Ascanio that she did the accounts and Vasco spent more money than he should have. Ascanio makes some excuse and Camila says he isn’t in trouble, she knows how Vasco is with money. She understands but she won’t throw away money. She says the home purchase is almost done. The kid (I can’t remember his name now either) says he’s ready to go see his mom, he doesn’t want to wait for Ascanio to check it out first, he wants to tell her about Angel. Camila says to wait a couple days, Ascanio agrees and explains how they’ll do it. As they discuss it, Don Jorge arrives. He asks to sit down, Camila delivers a good burn on him by saying she didn’t think he needed permission to do what he wants. He sits and says it is good to see her. He is introduced to the others. Ah Claudio is the kid’s name. Jorge is glad that she is alive and she looks so pretty.
Later as they go upstairs, Jimena says she thinks Jorge is nice, she had the impression that he was old and fat. She even calls him handsome. Camila reminds her that he is the one who did that bad thing. Jimena says no, the kidnappers did that. Camila says Jorge started it. Let me get this straight – Jimena knows the whole story and now is saying “oh whatever, he’s so hot”? wtf. Camila says she’s just nice because he is the boss and she doesn’t want him as an enemy. Jimena says that Jorge still seems to like Camila, Camila says he likes any woman, Jimena says oh, then she has a chance! Camila says if she does that their friendship is over. Jimena plays the old “oh, I was just kidding” card. Then says someone like him wouldn’t like someone like her. I disagree, Jorge would like her just fine. As we all know.
Alberto grumps his way across the town square and comes to Jorge’s office. Jorge tells him that this super hot chick who happens to be rich and widowed is buying that house. Alberto laughs and says Jorge has decided he must have her, right? Jorge says yes, and she owes me. Jorge finally fills him in on the whole truth, that he couldn’t get it up for Camila way back when. Alberto finally puts two and two together that Camila is the widow.
I guess Camila and Jimena didn’t see the house before, just the boys. They come to the new house and are so happy, Ascanio and Jimena both say they can help work there, Camila says no, they are her brother and sister now. She tells Claudio that she would love him to stay too. He promises to come back some time. They all dance around happily like idiots.
Captain Ric now has his new short hair and nice clothes. He, Mario, and some others are riding through the forest towards
Saintly and one of the porno twins come to Camila’s house to help her for something. She comes out to greet him and says sorry for calling but he is the only one in town who knows how to do that stuff. She needs some repairs done on the house. He of course is all too happy to help. Some lovey dovey song plays in the background.
Later Saintly is working in his shop, Camila stops by to pay. He doesn’t want it, but she says he has to accept payment or she will feel very uncomfortable. I agree. He says they are friends and he wants to be able to help her. The porno twins look on confusedly. She says if he doesn’t take the money she won’t ask him for help again. He still says no. She says take it, she has money. He says how funny, if she stayed and married him, she wouldn’t have all that money. She starts to say she’d give all the money back if…, then stops. She then says she’ll use the money to buy fabric for a new dress, Saintly says sounds like a good idea. He then inappropriately watches her walk away longer than he should.
Rita rants and raves to Justo about Saintly spending time at Camila’s house, etc. Justo has nothing to say.
Later, Justo visits Camila and says thanks for her help the mill is almost fixed. He says he’ll repay her, but she says no way. He insists. I say whatever, just wait and see if he does. He changes the subject and asks if
Ric and his crew arrive in
At Camila’s house they discuss Claudio returning home. Ascanio is going to leave him somewhere close, then go see his mother and explain everything and see if it’s true that they were trying to kill him. If it’s safe he’ll tell them where Claudio is. Camila gives some money. Claudio says he’ll pay her back for what she paid for his freedom, she says whatever. They are going to leave in the morning. She says she’ll miss them and again somehow we are spared her crying. It’s almost as if she got as tired of her crying as we all have. All I can say is thank you writers for giving us a break.
Justo visits Saintly at the mill. He wants to talk. I’m sure about the same thing he told Camila.
Mario enjoys a post-coitus drink. He sees a guy drinking at a table and asks if he can join him, as he is new in town and doesn’t like drinking alone. He tells the guy he is looking for a woman and the guy says ah, to be young again. Mario starts spinning his tale, that his woman left him. The old guy says they’ll betray you every time. Well now we know why he is drinking alone, he is a bigot. Mario says his woman arrived with another, a young widow named Camila. The old guy says oh yeah her, we all thought she was dead after the horrible thing that happened, Mario says what thing? Thunder starts, a storm is coming. Old guy says it’s a long story. Mario says he’s not in a hurry, he’ll stay here until the storm passes.
Lis wants to know if they can go out, Fran says they have to see what Ric says. Knock knock, it’s Ric at the door. He is going out but wants to go alone. Fran says they want to go walk around. Ric says fine, but remember Camila is around and you might see her. Fran says she hopes so, so she can tell her off. Ric sighs and says not to do that, it will ruin everything. Lis asks if she can touch him to see what he looks like now. She feels him all over his face while Fran rolls her eyes. Ric leaves, Lis swoons and gets horny thinking about Ric. Fran impatiently asks, “are we going outside or what?”
Saintly, who has made sure to have his shirt hanging open for you ladies, tells Justo that he’s sorry to give the impression of impropriety. Justo wants to know what
I give this episode an A- for having almost no crying. How refreshing.
Wednesday – Ric meets Jorge. Ursula sees him and wants him.
Labels: Pasion
Amar Sin Limites- Fri.12/21/07 - Out of the Mouth of Babes, Frijolito Listens & Learns
Caty is flirting with Mario and Ceci at lunch, she tells Mario the girl robbers only steal the pretty ones. Ceci takes a minute to inquire if she can ask Mario something personal, and when he quips that he is a Sagittarius, etc. she cuts in that it is about Luis Felipe's private life. She wants to know who he is in love with.
Back at the orphanage, Madre Maria is scolding Luis Felipe, wanting to understand what kind of relationship he has with Azucena after she catches them kissing in the infirmary and insists on walking him to the door. He will be banned from coming if he keeps it up.
Diego has half a clue while he questions Silvana's repeated trips to the orphanage and wonders about her relationship with this Azucena person. Silvana thought bubbles that now is her chance to tell Diego the truth but if he discovers the truth later, he will hate her forever, what to do... [Oh hell, kiss now think later.]
Madre Maria counsels Luis Felipe that he could be committing a great sin if it turns out that Azucena is married. LF says he is crazy in love but we'll wait for her to recover her memory. Madre Maria is stern and not fooled for a minute, If Azuc falls for his game, she will ask for his keys back.
Silvana is desperately ad lib-ing a rationalization for her sudden concern for this unfortunate crazy girl staying with Madre Maria. She wants to help to add to Azuc's happiness and theirs [yeah sure.] Diego finally falls for the story apologizing to Silvana for not being more supportive of her generous, admirable acts of charity. Whew!
Madre Maria continues her lecture to LF that he must not work against the designs of God. Azuc is so special and has worked wonders with Frijolito and the other children, she is a good nurse and has brought her special light here, it's a blessing but she will not let them change the serenity and sanctity of this place.
Back to the restaurant, Ceci is continuing to pressure Mario to tell her about Luis Felipe's new love interest. Mario worries that she is threatening him that she won't go out with him again but he can't break the sacred trust of his friendship with LF. He further pledges that his big goals are to cure the sick, dance the mambo, and not sing ranchero songs badly. She applauds his loyalty. [Your editor thinks she's a fool to be hung up on someone she dated twice when this great guy is pitching himself to her, he's hawt and LF is cute but not, IMO]
Madre Maria comes back to Azuc and tells her to go to the chapel and pray for light from God who knows all about her and perhaps she will learn what he has in mind for her and her memory will return.
Silvana is getting very snippy with Gloria about going to the orphanage as her personal business. Silvana is becoming a very busy girl trying to keep control of everyone especially all access to Diego.
Azuc is praying at a little altar hoping to discover who she really is , who is her true love, is it LF or someone else, are there children? She asks for help and says send me a sign. [ I'm humming that great tune by Maná, "Manda un Señal]. Azuc faints and falls on the floor. -BREAK- Frijolito rushes into Madre Maria to report that Azuc fell over like she was dead in the chapel.
Lidia, Clemencia, Anibal and soon Tavo gather to discuss Lidia and Tavo's wedding plans. Lidia is sorry the news came out during the memorial mass for Azul but Tavo is dying to get married and Clemi adds that she has discussed this with Diego who is not opposed to the plans going ahead. He is the only one who could rightly be offended since his wife had just died. They plan a meeting soon so Tavo can ask Diego for his sister's hand. [Guess this is the latest snub to Manuel who so deserves it. Nice to see people getting what they have earned.]
Azuc is propped up in a bed with the dozen or so moppets and Madre Maria hovering about. MM tells the moppets to back off they are robbing Azuc of oxygen.
Manuel and Silvana are talking at the orphanage about hiring someone to grab Azul and hide her, and who should be listening in again but Frijolito. Manuel can get someone to do this job, but Silvana insists that there be no more screwups, she repeats that if Diego finds out about this scheme, he will hate her forever. Eventually Diego will find Azul at the orphanage, but before that Silvana will convince her to formalize her relationship with Luis Felipe. Then Silvana is gleeful that Azul will have LF and she, Silvana will then be home free with Diego. Manuel is a bit taken aback that Azul has a new love interest, it was an quick replacement. Then he lays out that his part in the arrangement to get Azul out of the way will now cost double, but that includes that when it is over, he disappears and won't return to ask for anything more. Silvana reluctantly agrees but dodges Manuel's greasy attempted kiss. Frijolito does a great spy job around the corner. He thought bubbles: What is this talk about Azul, what are they planning, i have to verify this, it is a job for "super agent Frijolito".
Azuc in her infirmary bed is still surrounded by kids who want to help. Dr. LF is there worrying over the fainting spell and of course holding hands in his very best bedside manner.
Gloria tells Silvana her bedding Diego was stupid and she needs to repair the damage. Silvana insists that the relationship has already started. [Well, we know Silvana started a long time ago.] Silvana thinks Gloria should just support her daughter's actions, after all it is all for the good of Diego and Caty and they need her,[ gag!] Her moment has arrived and she is not letting go of it. Silvana and Gloria argue for the rest of the scene about whether Silvana is a viper on her own or whether she learned at the foot of her mother.
The great science meeting begins with Mario, Luis Felipe and GSD who tries immediately to get away with lighting up a cigarette. He deeply sucks in as much smoke as he can while sheepishly and slowly putting it out. GSD is very interested in the multi disciplinary project to study babies and mothers with AIDS using his interferon developed for curing the African retrovirus. LF is mightily impressed with GSD's reputation and [HEY WAIT A MINUTE: How can LF not know who Azuc really is, when he met Ceci at the award ceremony for GSD, Azul was there!! I just remembered that while watching this episode] Mario thinks GSD and LF will make perfect study buddies since both are perfectionists who work night and day [another tall tale, GSD watched Azul almost die while he smoked and wrung his hands not going to the lab very often, but telenovela memory is short]
Silvana continuing her Mother Theresa work, shows up at Emilia's with a baby zoot suit to cheer up Emilia. Emilia gets to tell her problems for about 30 seconds, how her life has taken a 180 degree turn and she never expected to have children and now it is so late she is confined to her house [with that idiot GSD blowing smoke on her every chance he gets.]. Emilia talks on about how she and Silvana used to be such close friends but now not so much. Silvana is just so busy with taking care of Diego and Caty. She pretends to seek Emilia's advice but is clearly in projecting mode only not receiving. Emilia valiantly tries to warn her about not respecting Diego's need to grieve for his beloved wife. She tells Silvana to take care, Diego may not continue to fall for this pity-love as time goes on.
Diego is indeed complaining to Arnaldo that he is feeling the pressure from Silvana and he cannot forget his love for Azul. He feels admiration for Silvana and gratitude for all her help. Arnaldo suggest he go seek counseling from Emilia. She is confined to the house and it would help both of them for him to visit her to discuss his readjustment problems.
Madre Maria is now talking with Luis Felipe's mother [sorry I haven't caught her name] she now gets the rundown on the big kissing scene. In another room Azuc is giving a lesson to the children on the use of cleaning and disinfecting with alcohol, something every 8 year old should have a firm grasp of for sure. She gets wobbly dizzy again. Frijolito again takes the high road and suggests that Azuc was told to stay in bed and take care of herself but won't and if she tells them to take care of themselves how can they believe her. Thus again Frijolito displays an intelligence superior to any adult's around him.
Luis Felipe goes on about the African retrovirus that Azul suffererd from and that GSD cured with his interferon. GSD says he saved her from the retrovirus but not from the monster that gave it to her. She died and he doesn't want to discuss it further. He worries that his son in law isn't recovering from his grief either.
Diego looks surprised as Silvana barges in with two large suitcases. She asserts that she has given up her modeling career to stay to take over, err I mean take care of Diego and Caty. -BREAK- No, Diego can't permit her to give up her career that is so successful. Silvana persists that she has given up her hotel room and she is moving in because Diego needs her. The moment will never be right but she knows that if she stays right close and keeps the iron grip on that Diego will cave eventually [okay, I made that up but it's a real description of what Silvana is doing.] Caty wants her to be there, when Diego questions, did Caty say that, Silvana doesn't miss a beat but says yes, in so many words. Caty needs to see us together so she will feel like part of this great family I have planned for you for the rest of your life. She claims it is her own decisions to give up the career, money, fame and all for Diego and Caty who need her so much. [Silvana is like a battering ram here, never letting up for Diego to take a breath.]
Luis Felipe presses more about Azul's death but GSD resists so LF talks about his great new love who is only a little damaged but as soon as she is well, he is so in love he wants to marry her and by the way GSD is invited to the wedding. What's her name? Azucena! Oh that's interesting [yeah, it'll be really interesting if it comes to that before this charade ends.]
Luis Felipe's Mom is giving water to Azuc and asking if LF knows she was sick, yes he took blood samples [Is this another pregnancy scene with the nausea and fainting? I'm getting suspicious here] Anyway Mom lets Azuc know she heard about the kissing scene from Madre Maria. What is happening here?? Azuc who professes love for LF, but plays innocent, NADA...
Silvana coaxes Caty into saying she wants her to move in but Caty misses Azul. Silvana says she understands and reminds Caty of Nico's death [like this child needs more trauma every day.] As Silvana starts to take her luggage toward Diego's bedroom Caty screams, not to my papa's room. Diego finally gets a backbone momentarily and explains that Silvana will of course stay in the guest room. Silvana is plenty pissed and hisses that Diego or she is going to explain to Caty that they are now a couple. But Diego isn't biting. The guest room it is, we'll get Chondola to prepare it for you . She repeats that he should support her in front of Caty and he holds back that he isn't in a mood to be intimate with anyone. Silvana never stops pushing on Diego but finally the luggage heads toward the guest room with much pouting.
LF and his mother discuss his impulsiveness. She wants him to wait, he wants to move forward. The neurologist may help things along. Good grief, this is getting on my nerves. LF and Mom are going back to the ranch for the night.
Ceci pops into Diego's for a chat after she determines that Silvana is not home.
Silvana is criticizing Frijole in front of Azul who does nothing to protect the moppet, she tells him he is impolite to listen to adult's conversations but he says it's the best way to find out what is happening. So right. Frijole is so on the ball, he listens again outside the door.
Ceci listens to Diego talking about being depressed and confused. She admits her antipathy for Silvana but cautions him like everyone else has that he shouldn't give in to the extreme pressure of Silvana but he should listen to his own heart about when it will be right to move on in his life. Caty appears and wants to know if Ceci has heard that Silvana moved in. Caty wants assurance that she can still go places with Ceci so they plan a trip to the park. -BREAK-
Silvana is applying pressure now to Azuc again. While she says Azuc should want to get out of this orphanage that is for children and realize her dream to be with LF, she is thought bubbling how Azuc can be busy with LF and she can have Diego all to herself. She then turns up the heat with perhaps this handsome man will be snapped up by another woman, Azuc shouldn't dally. Sheesh!
Diego gets to cry again with Emilia about his anguish at being pushed into the Silvana relationship [spiderweb] when he feels grief for Azul. He is so kind and understanding about her confinement woes. They decide they are really good therapy for each other. After all, Silvana isn't listening to anything he says.
Frijolito listens once again as Madre Maria, LF, his Mom, and Azuc stroll down a hallway. How Azuc get more visitors than anyone else including the saints.
Emilia counsels Diego that he needs to decide where HE WANTS this relationship with Silvana to go. It should not be a substitute for Azul. He goes over again that Silvana is willing to risk that he may not love her she is so sure of herself but he can't forget his love for his wife. She was everything to him. Emilia assures him that he will assimilate this with maturity [me, I'm not so sure.]
Silvana is telling off Chula (sp?) that she should have advised her of exactly what Caty was doing alone or with whom. Chula says she has had no orders from Señor (Diego) to this effect which infuriates Silvana who adds that she will decide who Caty sees especially if it involves Ceci. Diego's Mom Clemi steps into the room listening to this rant and asks dryly, are you also authorizing visits from Diego's family???
Frijolito, clearly tonight's big hero, is in the chapel remembering the Manuel/Silvana discussion about Diego, Azul, Azuc and Luis Felipe and suddenly cries out to the virgin, Azucena is Azul!!
-FIN- Ultimos capitulos! Scattered scenes, I can't figure out Monday's schedule either.
Labels: amar
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Amar Sin Limites: Thursday Dec. 20, 2007- "Diego cries over spilt milk & Silvana's web gets even more tangled"
Next morning, Diego wakes up with Silvana in his bed and is shocked. He wonders what happened? What he did? He is in agony and angry with himself. I’m actually thinking that most likely, in true novela fashion, nothing actually happened. He was too doped up to do the deed and Silvana has no problem letting him think it was a fait acompli because what better way to trap a man. I could be wrong, after all back in the beginning when he was all in love with Azul (the future mother of his children), he had no problem sleeping with Silvana. However, if the writers are willing to fall back on the amnesia plot line, why not pull out all the stops and use the drunken almost-sleeping together device as well.
We see Flaquito and Azulcena cleaning the church. They are getting rid of the flowers from Azul’s memorial. They keep the sash from the flowers and drape it over the statue of the Virgin Mary holding Baby Jesus.
Julio and Arnie are discussing all the changes with Alfredo—how he’s accepted their relationship and wants Arnie to be a part of the new baby’s life. They have a psychological discussion on the differences in parenting when you are young versus when you are more mature. Arnie’s just glad that he and his father are becoming friends.
Ceci visits with Caty and “cries” on her shoulder about her lack of luck with men. Ceci tells the moppet that she always cheers her up. Ceci asks Caty what she would like to do for the day and Caty decides to go see her abuelos.
Emilia and GSD discuss the future and their baby. She’s feeling a little nauseated this morning and has a call into her physician. They talk about how UNAM has a new investigation into childhood AIDS and GSD is interested in the project.
Coincidentally, Mario and Luis are discussing GSD’s work and their new investigation into curing childhood AIDS. Mario tells Luis that he’s actually Emilia’s obstetrician and how with her advanced age and being her first pregnancy, he might need Luis to be there when the baby is born.
Azulcena reports to MS about Flaquito’s progress.
Diego goes to the church and prays for forgiveness. He sees the sash on the Virgin Mary and takes it into his hands, then falls to his knees. He has some flashbacks to last night and the first time he and Azul slept together. I’m thinking that impure thoughts in church, not such a good thing---but if it is directly related to what you are seeking forgiveness for, perhaps it is allowed. While he’s on his knees at the front of the church, Azulcena steps into the open doorway at the back of the church. COMMERCIAL
Luis shows up and gives Azulcena a hug. She lets out a little giggle and Luis pulls her away as to not disturb the man praying at the front. Diego hears the giggle and looks spooked. He turns around and only catches sight of the back of Azulcena. He takes off in pursuit, but he doesn’t get a good look as Azulcena rides off with Luis & Mario in the truck. Diego goes to MS and asks her about the woman hanging around, the one in the gray dress (it looked more off-white/pinkish to me, but what do I know, I’m not a fashion designer). MS tells him that’s got to be Azulcena. She’s come to stay with them, but poor thing, she’s not quite right in the head. With almost Marcia(from La Fea)-like timing, Silvana calls on the cell phone at that exact moment. Diego, a product of the modern world and slave to technology, doesn’t ignore the call but takes it---because let’s treat the person who is present as if they are not as important as whomever it might possibly be calling (you see I have issues with this). Anyway, Silvana freaks when she hears that Diego is at the orphanage. She hangs up with him and calls to cancel all her plans for the day.
MS and Diego discuss Silvana. MS wasn’t so sure about Silvana in the beginning, but she seems like someone who really wants to help (at this, I say stick with your first instincts, they are usually right for a reason). MS tells Diego how Silvana wants to help Azulcena, blah, blah. MS thanks Diego for all he’s done to help the kids. Diego says he does it for Azul.
Back at la casa de Diego, Ceci is waiting for Caty in the salon and Silvana walks into the room. Ceci comments on Silvana’s early arrival and Silvana says no it is more like her leaving late. Oh yeah, by the way Diego and I are now a couple we made passionate love last night because I put a Mickey in his drink. OK, she only mentioned the couple part, but Ceci can read between the lines. Ceci tells Silvana that she’s been waiting for the first opportunity to slip into Diego’s bed. Silvana says that Diego knew what he was doing (lie!) and that he knows she’s in love with him. Ceci makes a crack about Silva’s trickery and that’s probably how she got ahead in the modeling world. Silva slaps Ceci and tells her that is none of her business. Ceci doesn’t get into a “Dynasty” type chick fight, but remains dignified and tells Silva that Diego and Caty are her business. Silvana says she doesn’t have time to waste on Ceci, she’s got important things to do. The moppet comes running out, ready to spend her day with Ceci. Silvana is jealous and tries to act like she’s Caty’s mom. She doesn’t think it is right that Caty is missing school to spend time with Ceci. Caty tells her that it is Saturday and she succeeds in making Silvana look stupid.
Mario shows up at Emilia’s and GSD lets her in, just missing sight of Azulcena in the truck with Luis.
Diego is at the boutique and Manuel is impactado to learn that Diego was at the orphanage that morning. He asks Diego if he saw her? And Diego wonders what his dad is talking about. Manuel does a bad job covering up---he meant Silvana, but Diego is clueless, so it works.
Silvana goes to the orphanage and grills MS on Diego’s visit. Did he see Azulcena? MS tells her no, but he was asking about her. Silvana feels sick.
Julio and Diego discuss what happened with Silvana, and Gloria listens from outside the door. Diego can’t believe what he did. Julio says there is no sense in crying over spilt milk—he did what he did and he can’t go back and change it. What he needs to do now is decide how he wants to proceed with Silvana in the future. Diego says that’s what’s got him upset. He doesn’t see a future with Silvana but knows that she’s going to take what happened as a sign that they are getting serious. He’s not prepared to get into a relationship. Julio says that she knows this. Diego says he doesn’t want to hurt her. Julio says well why don’t you go ahead and see in time if Silvana is someone he wants to be involved with. Julio speculates that once Diego sees how Silvana really is it won’t work. Diego looks confused, what’s wrong with Silvana he wonders. Gloria comes in the room at this point and breaks up the conversation.
Mario gives Emilia her prenatal vitamins and tells her that she needs to avoid alcohol, medications, and tobacco. Emilia emphasizes that last one to GSD, who then promises to not smoke anymore….in her presence (yes, the end of the show is near, plots are wrapping up and here is proof---GSD is working on quitting the nasty cigarette habit.) Mario mentions that he’d like his colleague and friend, Luis Pena, to be present at delivery because he’s a neonatal specialist. Just then, Caty and Ceci arrive. Mario eyes up Ceci (and just a note, I agree with Mr. 5ft. that these two would make quite the cute couple, so Ceci should go for it!). Ceci seems uncomfortable. Emilia learns that Mario and Ceci are acquainted via the aforementioned Luis Pena. What a small world. They discuss how the baby will be Caty’s tio or tia. Caty is a little confused about having a tio younger than her, but says hello to her new tio/a inside Emilia’s tummy.
Azulcena and Luis return to the orphanage and learn that Silvana is visiting. They show appropriate concern over Silvana’s health and Luis offers to give her a check up. MS and Luis leave Azulcena and Silva alone. Silva starts campaigning for Azulcena to hook up with Luis and forget about tracking down her past. Silvana thought bubbles that if she can get Azul to hook up with Luis, it will leave it open for her to be with Diego. Azulcena is thankful to have someone to talk to about Luis and she’s thankful for Silvana’s interest and friendship. Silvana just wants Azulcena to be happy and she thinks that Luis is the man for the job (what a crock).
Gloria worries to Chuco about what Silvana’s doing to Diego. She speculates that perhaps she wasn’t the best example to her daughter (You think?). Chuco pooh-poohs the notion that Gloria wasn’t mother of the year material. That man has blinders on when it comes to women in his life.
Ceci chats alone with Emilia and tells her what happened with Luis. How they met a couple times, Ceci wrote and nothing happened. Ceci admits that the relationship was pretty one-sided and Luis never promised anything to her. She just built up this fantasy and he’s gone and given his heart to another. Ceci tells Emilia that she’ll forget, but it will be harder with Mario hanging around reminding her of Luis. (I wonder, does Emilia ever get tired of playing psychologist to everyone w/o getting any billable hours).
Out in the living room, GSD tells Mario he’s interested in the AIDS project and Caty plays with her dolls. Ceci comes to collect Caty and leave. She gives GSD a kiss on the cheek and only offers Mario a handshake, although he went in for the kiss. Mario hurries and wraps up his conversation with GSD and heads out after Ceci & Caty. GSD looks a little confused with the brush off. He goes in and tells Emilia about his agreeing to work on the AIDS project. Emilia is happy for him and they talk about how happy he is to be staying in DF and being there for her and the baby.
Mario catches up to the girls and invites them to lunch. Ceci needs to be convinced by Caty, but the moppet’s cuteness is successful in getting her what she wants. At lunch, Caty plays matchmaker—pointing out how cute Ceci is. Mario agrees. Caty tells Mario that Ceci’s had her heart broken recently by a man who’s half stupid. Mario says if he broke Ceci’s heart, he’s got to be entirely stupid (way to flirt and get in a good dig at your best friend). Caty goes off to play and Ceci asks Mario to tell her about the new woman in Luis’s life.
Luis returns to the clinic and Azulcena, fortified by Silvana’s encouragement, tells him that she wants to forget the idea of finding her past. She’d rather concentrate on the now. She kisses him and he’s all for that. MS walks in and catches sight of the embrace. She breaks it up and orders Luis to come talk to her. She scolds him for what she witnessed and demands to know what kind of relationship he’s having with Azulcena.
Gloria tries to talk to Silvana about what happened with Diego. Silvana blows her off. She’s going to see Diego.
Diego tells Silvana last night shouldn’t have happened and he wonders what would have happened if Caty caught them. Silvana’s not worried, besides last night was so special. Diego says he feels badly about what happened and he takes full responsibility. Silvana says no need to feel bad or take responsibility because it was something they both wanted. Diego says no, he feels like he betrayed Azul. He tells Silvana he doesn’t want to hurt her or give her any false illusions about their relationship, but it was just lust not love. Silvana assures him that she’s aware of the situation, and she’s just glad to have the opportunity to express how much she loves him. He says he can’t offer her anything and she tells him that he needs to live his life, keep your memories of Azul, but live in the now. She kisses him and promises him that she’ll help him become happy. He needs to do it for Caty’s sake. After a commercial break, we are back to Diego and Silvana. He’s talking about the orphanage and Azulcena. Silvana tries to tell Diego that he doesn’t need to go to the orphanage anymore, she’ll take on that responsibility. He doesn’t want to stop going there, he does it because of Azul. Silvana starts to stress & thought bubbles---she better fess up now, because if he finds out that she knew Azul is alive and is currently running around as Azulcena, Diego will never forgive her. What should she do? END OF THE EPISODE. MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU ALL!!
Labels: amar
Friday, December 21, 2007
Pasion - Dec. 20, 2007 EARTHQUAKE! Family reunion, and a fake ID for Rico
* Cami sits and looks out the window in her hotel room. Jimena talks with her, but Cami doesn't seem to pay any attention. Jimena answers the door. Santo asks to speak with Cami. As Jimena tries to shut the door and get rid of him, Cami stops her and says it's okay, he can come in. Jimena leaves. Tearful reunion! Cami scolds him about the four years they have been apart, he sought comfort with her own sister! Santo has to explain, defend himself (with tears in his eyes). Cami breaks down crying over all the struggles and hardships she had to endure, and still remain loyal to him. Santo hugs her - they cry together - he falls to his knees and wails and begs for her forgiveness.
* Family discussion around Ofelia's dining room table. Rita is pacing back and forth. Vasco is content because now Santo and Cami can talk together. Rita snaps and yells her fear that Santo and Cami may become lovers. Justo gets up, slaps his daughter hard across her face - so hard she falls on the ground and cracks a bunch of eggs with her fall. Justo and Rita argue - Rita runs inside crying. Justo is in disbelief and bewilderment. Ofelia and Vasco try to put a positive spin on what's happening, as they thought-bubble together what is going on with Cami and Santo right now.
* Cami stands by the window; Santo sits on a bed. Cami realizes that maybe they aren't meant to be together. Santo walks to her and tells her if he had received any letter or anything at all, he would've waited. He wonders why she didn't try to get home or even contact him. Cami explains how from the moment she was auctioned off to her marriage to her owner, she was basically under house arrest without anyone to help her. Santo understands better and repeats to Cami that she is the love of his life, always has been. Cami reminds him that he is married now. Santo says it's only because of their families insistence about her never returning and that Rita had been doting over him the whole time. Cami asks if he's been a good husband. He reluctantly says that he tries to be. Cami cries, sits on the bed and tries to break it off with Santo. Santo kneels and hugs Cami and cries, he doesn't want to let her go.
* Crispin stops by sewing room to tell Ines and Ofelia that Santo left the shop and hasn't returned. Ines and Ofelia thought-bubble to themselves, where could he be?
* Rita cries in the bedroom. Ofelia enters - they discuss Santo being with Cami right now. Rita is scared and nervous - she loves Santo, but realizes that he still loves Cami. She thinks he may return to Cami, and dump her. Ofelia says that neither Santo nor Cami are that type of person to do that. Rita is scared. Ofelia gives her some advice - change her attitude, don't talk badly about Cami, and treat her sister with the respect she deserves. Ofelia leaves. Rita cries.
* Ascanio and Claudio return to Cami and Jimena's room, they have found a mansion available to purchase. Cami stares out the window as Claudio talks. Claudio asks about arranging a tour of the mansion. Cami okays the plan. The guys note Cami's mood; they don't press about details instead they leave. Jimena talks with Cami about Santo and their reunion meeting earlier in the room. Cami cries.
* As Ascanio and Claudio go downstairs and passed the front desk, they wonder about Cami's sad mood.
* In La Mariana church. Mercedes' funeral procession is leaving the church. Friar Rico brings up the rear.
* At the house, Mario gives his sympathies to Rico over his mom's death. Epi tells Rico that Padrino Gaspar wants to see him. Epi leaves. Fran helps Lis sit at table. Fran, Lis and Rico discuss plan to get inheritance back from Cami. Rico asks Fran if they are positive the marriage was never consumated. Fran is very sure and cites Tim's doctor as proof. Rico and Mario exchange glances.
* Rico meets at monastery with Padre Gaspar. They discuss Rico's successful trip (Rico now has the funds needed to retire from piracy). Gaspar is sorry about Tim's and Mercedes' deaths.
* Fran yells up to Epi - where are Rico and Lis? Epi answers. Fran goes inside.
* Fran finds Lis going through Mercedes' personal effects. Fran has Lis sit down. Fran sits and explains the folder and papers she just found in Tim's boxes - the letter from the doctor about Tim's health. Lis is so excited. They hug.
* Gaspar and Rico discuss Rico's deathbed promise to his mother. Gaspar says these promises are sacred and can't be broken. They discuss Cami, where she is now. Gaspar comes up with idea = motive and plan - to meet Cami and complete his promise to his mother. Rico listens intently.
* Rico returns to house and talks with Mario in private sitting area. Rico explains Gaspar's plan and shows Mario the new identification documents for him to use (fake ID). Mario wonders what they will do if Cami sees them. Rico says like in any battle, the best way to win is to know thine enemy really well. Mario agrees. Fran knocks and enters the salon. She shows Rico the medical letters in the folder. He wonders what she would like to do with them. She says that is up to him. He hands the folder back to her and says, get everything packed and ready to go - they are leaving tomorrow.
* Ursula and her friends are having archery practice with pineapple targets in the patio. Alberto watches from the side - Manuela whispers to Ursula that Alberto wants to speak with her. Ursula walks over to Alberto. He asks to marry her. Ursula says no, too old. He wonders about her interest in Vasco. She says may be, may be not. Alberto tries again with forcefulness and threats to get Ursula to say yes. She doesn't like the threats and tells Alberto off. Alberto watches Ursula return to her friends - Ursula shoots off one arrow then turns and exchanges evil glances with Alberto.
* In the hotel lobby, Jimena tells Claudio and Ascanio about Santo's visit with Cami earlier, that Santo is married to Cami's sister Rita now. Claudio and Ascanio understand. Cami comes down and the group leaves together.
* Claudio presents Cami to the house's head maid. The maid lets the group inside the courtyard. The maid asks Cami about her father, Justo, then mentions how the whole town thought she was dead. Ascanio thinks fast to stop the maid and change the subject back to touring the mansion. The maid escorts them through the place.
* Vasco and Justo are at the market store, talking about Cami's return. EARTHQUAKE!!!! Everything shakes, rattles and falls on the floor. Everyone starts to panic and runs to the street. Cami, Ascanio, Claudio and Jimena are on the street - Cami runs over to Justo and Vasco - make sure they are alright, and keep Justo from re-entering the store. Cami and Vasco hug. Rita runs down the street - she stops in place when she sees Cami with their father and brother. The sisters hug. As Rita says, it's a miracle, Santo hobbles up to them. Cami says we need to talk later. Cami returns to the family huddle. Santo asks Rita where his mom and sister are. Rita tells him. He hobbles quickly away. Rita joins the family huddle. Soon a small group bring a wounded boy into town. Vasco takes off his shirt and carries the boy to the medical clinic.
* Santo finds his mom and sister in the fields/woods looking for herbs. They return to town to check on earthquake damages.
* Cami, Justo, Vasco, Ascanio, Claudio and Jimena arrive at the family mill - which is in ruins now. Justo is shocked and distraught. Vasco and Cami try to stay positive with future. Cami offers to use her inheritance to rebuild. Justo refuses to accept it. She begs and convinces him to accept. She says that he, Vasco and Paco are the most important people to her. Justo wonders about Rita. Cami walks to stairs and sits down; Justo apologizes; Cami still is having a hard time accepting the marriage. As Santo arrives, Cami runs up the stairs - she looks down at Santo with tears in her eyes before going inside.
* Mercurio gives Jorge and Alberto the mansion damage report. Sofia and Fortunata come down to talk with Jorge about the same subject - they leave to help out in town. Jorge sends Mercurio to town. Jorge and Alberto stay in the salon and discuss the search for a husband for Ursula - and that Alberto's offer had been shot down flat. Jorge changes the subject and asks about the husband search for Manuela - Alberto doesn't have time to do it. Jorge offers to have Sofia help.
* At the house in La Mariana, Rico and Mario discuss the delicate plan on the balcony patio. Lis interrupts to asks questions about what to pack, when they will leave, and how the trunks will be transported. Rico and Mario explain. Lis leaves. Mario chuckles with the thought bubble about Rico and Cami meeting again. Rico on the other hand is very nervous about that moment.
* Sofia, Fortunata are helping Ofelia, Ines, Ramona and Carmela in Ofelia's kitchen prepare the food for the townspeople. Ofelia tells Sofia and Fortunata that Cami has returned, where Cami was all this time. Sofia is shocked; Fortunata is happy Cami has come back home. Justo arrives; Sofia and Justo discuss all the damage to town, the mill and the displaced townsfolk due to the earthquake.
* Justo escorts Sofia and Fortunata back to the mansion. In the courtyard, Justo and Sofia finish their discussion about her offer to help rebuild the mill - he refuses to accept it. They discuss Cami's return. Justo leaves. Sofia calls Fortunata a busybody gossip as they go inside.
* Fortunata finds Ursula bored in her room. Fortunata tells her the latest gossip about Cami. Ursula is happy for her, but is really bored and depressed. Fortunata asks about Tita; Ursula supposes she's with her nanny. Fortunata mentions the husband search. Ursula tells her to stop it, she doesn't wish to discuss it. Fortunata asks about the young handsome fellow the other night (Vasco). Ursula feigns ignorance, then vents her outrage over her father's order for her to remarry - she vows that she will decide when and with whom she will marry.
* Jorge talks with Sofia in the patio garden about Ursula's husband search. Jorge shocks Sofia that he offered for her to play matchmaker for Manuela also. Sofia stops going through Tita's dresses to express her outrage. Jorge leaves. Sofia grumbles. Fortunata enters. They talk about the husband search for Ursula as they sort/pack up the dresses.
* Jimena sits by window with sewing, as Cami gives Vasco three bags of coins to be used for rebuilding the mill. Vasco and Ascanio leave. Jimena mentions who handsome Vasco is - Cami mentions his problem with gambling. The subject turns to Cami's family and especially her feelings towards her sister Rita. Cami can't understand how or why Rita married Santo. Jimena wonders if Rita always had feelings for him. Cami isn't sure about that. Cami looks in her hand mirror and wonders if she's ugly. Jimena says no, she's just tired. (Ed. Note: No, actually Cami you've been crying so much, it's starting to show on your face.) Cami starts to say her plans to purchase the mansion they toured and the plan for rebuilding the mill, and then Cami starts to cry again. Jimena consoles Cami.
* Santo is outside his house, at night. He puts on his shirt and wonders whether he can stop thinking about Cami now.
* In the bedroom, Rita is laying in bed. Santo enters, takes off his shirt, and gets in bed. Rita asks Santo about Cami's return and what it means to their marriage. She cries. He rolls over and says that he intends to stand by the marriage vows they took. They hug. He thought bubbles a prayer for help and guidance.
ADVANCE: Can Santo be a friend to Cami and be a good husband to Rita? What will happen to Cami now that Rico and his family have arrived in San Fernando?
Labels: Pasion
I Love Juan - Thursday 12/20 - In which Juan tells the boys a secret, so his secret's not a secret anymore.
Meanwhile a cranky CL drives and swears that he will not get jealous over that cat Juan Dominguez.
The baptism is over and it's fiesta time at Casa Cachón. Nidia asks who wants to join her in a little snort of tequila? Yolanda's hand shoots up and Juan tries to stop her. Marely and Yadira disapprove of tequila at a baptism, and possibly tequila while pregnant, but Nidia ignores them and leads a conga line of guests to the tequila.
Achichipico, land of Juan Dominguez - the chubby angry guys in tight pants (I can't tell them apart) gripe that they haven't seen Yolanda in a couple of days. Casimero teases the other guy that she must be with Juan. He does this because his own ex-novia is also in love with Juan. These guys seriously need somthing constructive to occupy their time.
Back at the fiesta Juan begs Yoli not to drink too much. Too late; she teases Juan about his "impossible love" (who happens to be perched on a barstool giving them the evil eye). Yoli staggers off. Juan takes this opportunity to horn in on Paula and Marely's conversation. Poor Mari, ever the third wheel, splits.
Juan and Paula make uncomfortable small talk. The dreadful Paula manages to dumb down even conversations with our vivacious Juan. They have a stupid discussion about why they are not going to discuss CL.
Nidia, watching them, says to Ana that they are still in love. Drippy Ana dolefully comments on the futility of their love.
Paula asks what would Juan like her to say? Juan admits he wants her to say her marriage is no good for her, it's hell and she cannot forget him. He has never forgotten her. "Is that why you brought your girlfriend to the capital?" she asks pointedly. She caresses his face, his hands. Ding dong! My my, who could be at the door?
CL enters the party and everybody throws meaninful, impactado stares around the room.
CL lays a big wet one on Paula and pretends to be surprised to see Juan. Mari sees them and rushes over to save Juan, "Juan, your girlfriend is sick in your room!"
Juan scolds Yoli who is sprawled unladylike on his bed. Good thing she's wearing culottes. "Drunk again," he observes, "it's the same old song with you." Yoli blames Nidia for pouring tequila down her throat. By and by she passes out.
CL and Paula arrive home. He wants to know why she was specifically with Juan. She accuses him of spying on her, how did he know she was there? They argue tirelessly.
Pastor explains to Juan that CL came to cause trouble because Paula hid the baptism from him. Juan is surprised, why would she do that? Pastor's theory is that Paula wanted to see Juan alone. Pastor insists that Juan cannot leave the city.
Paula and CL are still arguing. I'm ashamed to admit I find myself fixated by Paula's hard, globe-like breasts. They twitch when she gestures angrily, but
they never actually move. They're weird and separate. Yikes, CL screams and I snap out of it. He wants to know why Paula didn't tell him about the baptism. (Ummm...maybe because you're a screaming control freak wet blanket who ruins all the parties?)
Pastor tells Juan to open his eyes. Paula is still in love with him and that is the problem between her and CL. Pastor gets back to the subject of Juan not leaving...he can guarantee Juan a high and magnificently protected position in the company. (At this point somebody peeks around the doorway to listen. Who is it?) Juan asks why Pastor wants him to stay. "Your happiness," insists Pastor, "this is your opportunity to get your life back!" We see that Nidia is the eavesdropper.
CL accuses Paula of loving that hick, that chauffeur. Paula starts to stomp out, her melons, concrete and unmoving, are held high in defiance. CL tells her that if she leaves she can't come back. I guess that's a threat, kind of like in high school when you cut class and they punished you by suspending you. It's that briar patch thing.
Paula runs home, sobbing to mama.
Juan, Paula and CL, all in their respective beds, toss and turn in tortured unrequited love.
Poor Marely weeps to Nidia that she'll never have a chance with Juan, he just looks for love in all the wrong places so he can forget Paula and Paula is too proud to admit she loves Juan. They agree it's a dismal situation all around.
Back in Achichipico Juanito also lies awake. He tells Delfina his papa will not come back, he knows it. His grandma says that once a person goes to the big city they never return. Defina tries to reassure him but Juanito's not convinced.
Next morning over breakfast Nidia tells Juan about Paula's rotten marriage, they fight like cats and dogs. Juan says not his problem, he's gonna get married. Nidia tells him to fageddaboudit, he should seriously consider Pastor's proposition. Juan looks at her like 'how do you know?'
Paula tells Ana her life is not what she wanted, she wants to separate from CL. Ana asks, does Juan have anything to do with this?
Consuelo shows up late for work. A cranky CL admits that Paula hasn't been there this morning. Chelo smirks, more juicy info for Monica.
Yoli lies to the Cachón women over breakfast. Just last week she and Juan were in Miami, Miami is great lots of tall gringos and one has to speak English all the time they met at work in Veracruz it was love at first sight, hablablablabla...que, you don't believe me? The Cachón women roll their eyes.
Back in Achichipico Molondrón is worried that Juan won't return, and what about the kid? Juan is his best bud but if he abandons the kid... Delfina defends Juan, he'll be back!
Juan and Juanito, in different towns but both wearing bright orange shirts, pine for each other. Juan tells Kike that Pastor offered him a good job but people in Achichipico are depending on him. Kike accuses Juan of hiding something, what is it? Juan gets a goofy look on his face, "I'm a papa!"
Fernando is Moni's assistant at last. He diligently takes notes on the Japanese customers. He asks for a little time off to see Juan. Moni tells him no problem, take the whole day off so you can convince Juan to stay. Fer can offer Juan a job working with them in her office. Fer looks surprised and a little confused.
Fer leaves and sees CL arrive at work. CL tells him if he sees his friend Juan would he please convince him to get out of town and never show his stupid face again? If Fer does that then he can count on a big bonus. "Que the hell?" wonders Fer.
Kike is blown away by Juan's news. A son? What's his name? Juan tells Kike the story, the mama disappeared without saying anything then she died. This kid has changed his whole point of view and that's why Juan has to go back. Also, the people of Achichipico are depending on him for that anthurium deal.
Yadi places a milk order and leaves the phone off the hook. Delfina and Molondrón are trying to call Nidia but keep getting the busy signal.
Pastor reports to Monica that CL showed up at the party and got mad because he found Paula with her hands in Juan's masa. He could do nothing but kill Juan with his eyes. He practically dragged Paula out in front of everybody. Monica is delighted.
Ivonne tries to talk business with CL but he can't concentrate. He complains that he didn't sleep a wink, his marriage is a complete disaster, saying 'I do' was like raising the chequered flag.
Chelo calls Moni and reports that Paula didn't spend the night at home. She predicts the bomb is about to explode. Moni agrees and says the fire that lights the fuse has already arrived.
Ivonne asks CL what he intends to do. How can she help? She lets him rant and they stare at each other suggestively.
Fer, Kike and Juan are at a cafe updating each other about their lives. Fer reports that Monica wants to offer Juan a plumb job but CL wants him to disappear from the map. Juan asks Fer if he can keep a secret. Juan narrates to the audience that he told Fer a modified version of the truth, not out of malice but out of precaution.
CL asks Ivonne to pour him a cognac. "So early?" she comments, "and what else can I offer you?" He tells her he needs someone to hold him, to love him. He grabs her hand and their sleazy music plays. "I need you Ivonne."
Ha! Monica enters and interrupts this tender scene. "Gosh, are you busy?" she asks, as Ivonne quickly leaves. CL tries to pump her for info about her hot date this weekend. "Do I know him?" asks CL, "Don't tell me, it's Gustavo Rivas, he's a parasite."
Moni suggests they keep the talk to business. Can CL update her on the Japanese business? He says they loved the proposal but they have to consult with a major partner who appears to be lost. They haven't heard from him in some days and they fear the worst.
Juan, Fer and Kike are in a Chinese store. Juan attempts to force the owner to read Japanese. Kike sees a buddha and does a pretty good impression of his brother buddha belly. The owner asks Juan what is he thinking? He is Chinese and the papers are in Japanese. He shoos them out, silly men.
Back at Farell Industries CL and Moni are interrupted by visitors. One is the striking Susana Vielma, Latinamerican rep for the Japanese business. With her is the lovely Sung Yu Yamamoto, daughter of Akito. Susana announces that Sung Yu has come personally to look for her father and if he doesn't show up they cannot do business with Farell Industries. CL is impactado.
Tomorrow: Juan bids farewell to la familia Cachón, he must return to the pueblo. Paula drives like a crazy woman.
Ahoy all, this is my last recap of 2007 and I would like to thank my fellow recappers and beloved commenters for a crazy fun telenovela year. Amanda will sub for me next week so I'll see y'all in 2008. I wish you all a wonderful holiday filled with fun, love and cheer!!

Labels: Juan
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