Saturday, October 19, 2013
PEAM #159-10/18/13: Fluffy Folderol, Venganza Rants and A New Character, Oh, My!!!!!!
Hola Peam Peeps! It's one of those dreary days here today, drippy and gloomy, you just don't want to get out of bed type of day. I am so lazy today, but I have my nice cup of pumpkin spice coffee, I make this homemade and will add the recipe at the end of my recap.
Xochi is talking to poor Ale who has a black eye. Ale got it from one of her clientle and Xochi is very upset and offers Ale her help.
Marta, in her guise as Marcia, visits little Luisa while Alma and Chucho are out. She tries to abscond with little Luisa, but big FAIL. Saved by Sebas the Grandpapa who gives MM (Marta/Marcia) the stinkeye.
Alma is visiting Pato in the hospital when Rog comes in all upset about his bebe.
The Fluffy Folderol: Chucho and Valentina are giving Luisa her first bath, and Valentina is really enjoying this new duty. Alma is so very proud of them she grabs the camera and takes pics of this event. Then Chucho takes pics of Valentina and Alma, then the camera is set on automatic so the whole family is in the pic. Fluffy filler! Val asks after her newly born bubby, as Chucho is tucking her in for the night. Chucho tells her he is in an incubator cause he was born prematurely, he's very tiny, and she asks for a piano keyboard, she wants to learn to play like Kiko. She goes to sleep.
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Mentir Para Vivir #10 Fri 10/18/13 New-Nes Confesses; Ric Eyes the Possible Male Competition; Padre Plaid Prays for Guidance
Lo Del Pasado:
At the hospital Oriana breaks down and confesses the real story to Padre Mariano.
She was looking for shelter from her
deceitful, scruple-less, and criminal hubby and the misguided long arm of the
Columbian law; not to mention that she only meant to bring a bit of happiness
into the old lady’s lonely life. He
advises her against telling the truth to Doña Paloma for fear the emotional
shock of True-nes’s washing up on the shore like a dead tuna post-deadly overdose would be too much for her.
Lo Del Nuevo:
While Padre Plaid (having actually changed into a red stripy something now) is
chatting with New-nes, Cesar and Racquel show up in the waiting area to check
on things. Ric sees another opportunity
to snooker information about NewNes’s past and any possible link to his dead
daddy’s murder. He immediately starts
giving Raqi the third degree. (Word up,
Ric: don’t try snookering a snookerer.)
Raqi’s way ahead of him here.
Nope, she’s got no idea what Padre Red Stripes and Ines discussed that
morning that supposedly set her off since they’re really not friends as such;
and nope, she’s not aware of any long distance phone calls to her hotel—except
(once he mentions that he paid the last phone bill for Ines) the time she was
calling about some little cheap stuff she left in the room and a hairbrush
which they’d given to Santos for the DNA test.
“—it turned out positive, didn’t it?” Yeah it was positive, he replies, still
mentally sifting her answer for a crack in her alibi. So then what’s your problem, asks Raqi with
another sparkling crocodile smile of hers.
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La Tempestad, Capitulo 60, Friday, October 18, 2013: Exclusive! Baby Michel Tells His Story: Life with Papi.
First of all, don't feel sorry for me. I know my mami is just using me to get at my papi. She's hanging out with her Mean Girl cousin and that creepy dude Hernán, not to mention the freak with the bad rug and the painted eyebrows. But you have to know that my papi is on my side.
We're not exactly living at the Ritz. Papi rented us a rooftop room after we got kicked out of the pensión. (My crying kept the other lodgers awake at night. What did they want from me? I'm a friggin' baby.) It's raining really hard outside. Papi has buckets set out to catch the water that pours in through the holes in the ceiling and the windows. It's chilly in here. Papi bundles me up and snuggles me. He gives me my bottle.
Padre Tomás is not expected to survive the night. His lungs are failing. I repeat, he may not live through the night. When questioned on the whereabouts of her daughter-in-law, ShutUpRosy reported that she is where she belongs -- in the house, doing the laundry.
Oh man. I don't feel so good. Papi! Wah! He hears me! He comes and feels my forehead and says I'm burning with fever. He gathers me up in my bunting, covers me with his own leather jacket and hustles me outside to find a doctor. A nice lady in the street points him to the Red Cross Hospital. Papi -- watch out for the traffic or you'll get us both killed!
The nurse in the Cruz Roja comes running when Papi calls for help. [I'm only a baby but even I know that Papi makes people want to help him -- well except for that creepy Hernán dude. Note to self: watch and learn.] They take me into the back and Papi goes to the chapel and asks the Virgen Morena to save me.
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Friday, October 18, 2013
Weekend Discussion: Virtual Feast
Virtual Feast
Food, whether we're talking basic,
ethnic, plain, or fancy, is what keeps us going. We see beautiful
kitchens in the homes of our fictional friends on TV: Big kitchen
tables are laden with gorgeous produce, garlic is hanging over the
counter space, spice shelves are loaded with jars, and wonder what
Maria, the cook, is preparing for our protagonists. I keep wishing
that Televisa would put out a cookbook with the recipes from each
Every once in a while we need to talk
about this universally-loved subject. Do you like to cook? Do you
tend to cook for parties, family, a special significant other? Do
you like to experiment?
As we get closer to the finale of PEAM,
there will probably be parties in front of the TV. What are you
planning to make? If you're not entertaining, what would you make if
we all got together?
I freely admit I make stuff that some
people think are real head-scratchers. Here is a dessert I've
brought to a friend's place for Easter; I even made it with
sugar-free filling!:
Now with fall in full swing and winter coming, what do you like to cook? How did you learn? If you have children, did you teach them?
Seriously, I have only ever known about three people who didn't like food. They all had other major issues.
Labels: Manda, telenovelas, weekend
La Tempestad, Capitulo 59, Thursday October 17, 2013 - Todos Los Padres
The Father of the
Pueblo – Father Tomas
Father Tomas is driving down the road to attend to a certain
Doña Rita when his car swerves off the road and down a short precipice. It
appears to be a mechanical failure—we know that Nareo did something to the car.
After the accident, the Father is bleeding and unconscious but he is pulled
from the burning car by some townspeople. The car blows up. Nareo did his job
well but the Father is not dead yet.
At the hospital, the doctor tells ShutupRosy, Laz and Lucia
some bad news. Sadly, Padre inhaled some burning fumes and has some bourns on
his body. He is on a respirator fighting between and life and death.
Damian Fabre, Father
At Large
Damian jumps out of the cab driven by sinister Macario and
runs through traffic to the church in order to recover his bebe. He enters the
church where we see Sweet Baby looking so cute lying on his clean blanket in a pew.
Damian swoops the baby up into his manly, muscular arms. Damian has never been
more beautiful than when he holds the little one who may or may not be his son.
Damian then takes the flowers out of a vase right in
the front of the church and fills it with a large black plastic garbage
bag full of money. Ursula is skulking somewhere in the church, hiding from Damian.
Damian hears her and she is almost caught whilst she is waiting for Damian to
fill the vase with money. She sheds a few tears but I cannot for the life of me
tell just why she would bother.
We jump to the Den of Iniquity, where Hernan, Macario and
Ursula rub their hands together in glee as Hernan shares out the money they
extorted from Damian/Mercedes. Ursula exults, Damian fell into their trap!
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Mentir Para Vivir #9 Thu 10/17/13 Preguntar para Angustiar
Ricardo explains to Inés about Maria, at least as far as he knows. Maria has epilepsy and some type of mental retardation. Inés doesn't like the idea of leaving Maria with her dad, but Ricardo doesn't want to have her institutionalized.
Paloma fills Padre Plaid in on what Inés told him about Lina's father. He thinks she might talk to a man of the cloth…tartan though it may be. Paloma wants her to be happy and she feels guilty about what Inés has suffered.
Inés is wondering why Ricardo told her about Maria. 'Cause he likes you, duh! He pleads for her to realize their kiss was for realz, but Inés denies it. Ricardo tells her that he wanted her to know about Maria because he wants her to trust him. Inés gets defensive and says he's just trying to get her to admit she's someone else, like maybe the woman who killed his father. She starts to leave, but Ricardo won't let her and insists that if they can't get it on, at least they can be friends. He figures she never had a lot of friends before, growing up as an orphan. He tries to coax her to tell him about her life of ho-ing by saying he did his own stupid stuff, as she's now seen, but Inés can't be forthcoming about that since she has no idea that's supposed to be her past. Raquel and Whatsisface (Matilde's husband) come in to the same restaurant where Inés is with Ricardo and start chatting about the lovely house they saw that would be just perfect for the new boutique hotel.
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CI # 113 -- Thurs. 10/17/13 -- Tonight’s Melodrama: MariCruz, the Plucky Rancherita
Allà en el rancho grande,
Allà donde vivia,
Habia una rancherita
Que alegre me decia,
Que alegre me decia.
MariCruz is speaking with the
smitten Mayor Morales, telling him she will fight the land takeover and plans
to file a class action lawsuit. He won’t
intervene because he admires her. When
he tries kissing her hand, she pulls it away and leaves. Although she’s beautiful and smart, he smirks
and tells himself that everything has its price. (Dream on, slimeball. If the
Emir couldn’t pull it off, neither can you.)
Alvaro, the engineer (aka Old Caterpillar
Face), confesses to Padre Julian he has a personal motive in his sympathy for
the displaced peasants. He’s in love with MariCruz and hopes the padre will
speak in his behalf. He’s an upright guy who can provide references if needed. (If
you need that much help, your case may be hopeless.)
Miguel uses his vast knowledge of
women to advise Octavio that Simona knows he loves MC more than his wife. (We’re surprised he’s not working on a best
seller to share his expertise.)
Plucky (but Unlucky) Heroine Fights to Save the Ranch
The hardworking accountant tells
Santa he really, really needs to see MC, but she’s never home. He hopes the tenants will help her save the
ranch and let her know how badly JA has cheated and betrayed her. She doesn’t
deserve her bad luck.
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Thursday, October 17, 2013
PEAM #158- 10/17/13- We May Have All Lost Some Hearing But Veronica's Baby is Born
The old:
We are the casino and Ricardo; the loser comes in with
Virginia. He goes to a table where
the minimum bet is $10,000 pesos. He
is going to bet blindly. What an idiot.
Alma, Jesus and Ferny arrive at the hospital to see
Paty. Rogelio arrives and is
informed that she is in critical condition.
Back at the casino, Ricardo bets it all. So do his opponents. I don’t understand Poker, but Ricardo
wins everything. Dumb luck!
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Corazon Indomable #112 So many Galans, not enough MC to go around.
I guess Solita is now sick. It breaks Perito's heart to see her that way. Perito can't decide if he loves Solita or not. He runs it by MC. Maybe he loves the painter? She asks if he wants to be with the painter in sickness and in health til death do they part. He's not sure. The painter was never sick when they were getting it on. MC says that if he finds out he doesn't love Solita, she wants him to leave her alone.
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Mentir Para Vivir #8 Wed 10/16/13 Sebastian gets busy throwing dogs (you have to read the whole thing to understand)
Ricardo asks Sebas what he'll do with his shares – is he
planning to sell them? SabeNada doesn't
know. With his share of the sale of the
house plus his mother's trust fund, oof, what a life he'll have! Ricardo warns him to consider this money
won't last forever (buzzkill). SabeNada
wonders sarcastically if Ricardo wants him to invest in the factory. Ricardo
suggests he would make a good profit if he did.
SabeNada tells him if it were anyone else, he might, but since it's
Ricardo, well, no – ain't gonna do it.
Ricardo tries to speak calmly with him.
It really doesn't matter to him if he invests in the company. But he does want to know why SabeNada
dislikes him so much. Sabe responds that
Ricardo has been bossing him around all his life, trying to run his life in
order to turn him into a puppet (monigote). Ricardo tries to explain he's never.....but
SabeNada refuses to listen to the same old song (cantaleta). Ricardo was
always the favorite son. If his mother
left everything to Ricardo and he got stuck with a miserable trust (fideicomiso) it must've been because
Ricardo nagged and nagged her to leave everything to him (Ricardo). Ricardo assures him he did no such
thing. He sincerely (de corazon) apologizes if he was too
strict with him or if he made any mistakes.
Too late, says SabeNada. Ricardo
continues to reach out, saying he would like nothing more if they could talk as
friends. He'd like to hear about his
projects, his friends, his girlfriends.
SabeNada tells him he has no interest in sharing anything with him
because he could care less about his opinion.
And one more thing, he wants a car.
He's tired of walking or taking taxis.
He had to sell his car to survive when Ricardo cut off his allowance. Ricardo stupidly, IMHO, says he'll speak to
the accountant and have him assign a car designated for the executives at the
firm. Oh heck no, SabeNada doesn't want
one of those carcachas (old
crock/jalopy). He stalks off and Ricardo
can only shake his head.
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La Tempestad Capitulo 58, Wed 10/16/13 - I will revenge my injuries: if I cannot inspire love, I will cause fear...*
* Frankenstein (Apply the quote how you wish. There are are so many options.)
Tonight we have two, two, two episodes in one! Missing scenes (some not all) are in blue.
So THAT’S her excuse!
Marina tells Becky she’s still got the blues because she’s separated from the DamHunk she loves. She’s so sad she can’t even think. Becky tells her to keep fighting. You go Becky!
DamHotEvenInACrappyTshirt paces and worries about the bebe. He ponders how much he loves his son and how important that relationship is. His daddy always told him how much he loved him more than life itself.
Another night in The Only Nightclub in Mexico City
In La Dama de la Noche Mercedes sings for a special guest, Marina Reverte (and Bea and Becky). Uni cuts her song short, “Es la Nostalgia”, and Marina sheds a tear, either at the song or the editing. We feel her pain.
Uni deprives us of tonight's sex.
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Wednesday, October 16, 2013
PEAM #157- 10/16/13: For A Good Time (And Trouble With Your Spouse), Call Alicia!
Recap By Pablo
This episode sponsored by cheap
POLLO LOCO (yes, that's what Martha eats)!
When Vicky enters AVON's headquarters time stops. She looks like she works there, she is wearing a dress probably made with the leftover material from the secretaries uniforms. She walks with pride looking at everybody over her shoulder. I have seen bigger towers fall down, she better have a plan ''B'' for when Ricardo a) runs out of money, or b) kicks her out.
Ya lo lamió el diablo
Now that Ricardo has money to burn, Marisela and Virginia, or Virgin-not, as Mari calls her, fight over him. One because she only wants to spend a good time swimming in luxury and expensive gifts, and the other one because she wants the best for him, and the best is not Virgin-not, that's for sure. With Elías out of the picture, Marisela is left without good suitors, and Ricardo left her like the dog with the two sandwiches, without Juan and without the chickens... Marisela annoyingly cries trying to make us believe it is because she suffers seeing Ricardo losing all his money in seconds, but the reality is that she cries because she wants to be with him, instead of Vicky. Then she could be crying too, but with happiness, because money and status is what she had always longed.
In a very over dramatic moment, Marisela asks Vicky if she has slept with Ricardo...
-Nooooooo!! Inga' su!
The bling ring
Patricia's ring's shine hits like lightning deep inside Verónica's heart causing a huge dose of pain. Ahem, envy. Like in the movie, if you wear it, you could die within a week. Guaranteed!
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CI: Octavio’s Golden Goose May Get Cooked If Miguel Can’t Make Him See How Badly They Still Need Those Golden Eggs
Capítulo 111
Lo del Pasado:
Octavio storms out the hacienda door despite Salmona’s ordering him to
stay put.
Lo del Nuevo:
Simona has to admit that her marriage has been a freakin’ failure. Make that a Freakin’ Failure with a couple
of capital F’s. Miguel tries to cover for his brother’s brash
behavior. Baby Brother and he are close
to getting the royal send off if he can’t finesse the situation. Salmona
angrily says she refuses to overlook the latest of any number of Octavio’s
humiliating insults [afrentas]. She’s
certain, she says, that Octavio only married her so that he could be near
Maricruz!! Migui tries persuading her
again with the idea of their leaving a while, taking
that long cruise he mentioned…cuz he’s certain Maricruz will be evicted shortly
and that she’ll be long gone before they return.
At the same time, Mr. Mining Company Big Shot tells Vargas that he
absolutely refuses to throw all those people off the Narvaez land, let alone
the woman he loves and who is certain will eventually fall in love with him.
(As Hubby has always said, even the homeliest hombre thinks he’s a ripped
Romeo. This guy’s no exception.) Big Shot’s job is on the line this time, but
he’s not going to be the one responsible for evicting all those people, and
especially not MC. (How many men has
Maricruz got drooling and madly in love with her by now, anyway?)
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Mentir Para Vivir #7 Tue 10/15/13 She Was Kissed Hard and Put Away Wet
Alternative Titles
- Never trust a big butt
and smile. That girl is poison!-Bell,
Biv, Devoe
- A Wicked Witch Steals
a Little Dog…I Think I’ve Heard This Storyline Before
- Devil in Some Pink
Skid Row: Ricky and Piero escort Berenice, Benigno and Maria back into
the doll hovel, located behind the train tracks on Skid Row. While the nurse and his friend, Piero, settle Maria
down on the couch, Ricky pulls Benigno into a corner and cusses him out. He pays good money for the mother of his child
to live in that dump and he expects Benigno to keep her locked up, out of sight
and away from himself and other decent people! Once the
pillows are fluffed and the dolls are arranged, Ricky tells Maria that she has
to stay in doll hovel because the streets are way too dangerous. Let Berenice take care of you, he says. Maria says that living in the doll hovel
creeps her out, but she will do whatever Ricky says. Maria notices Piero. I know
you, she says. Frozen like a bespectacled
cockroach exposed by a sudden flood of light, Pierro nervously “reminds” Maria
that she just met him on street. Ricky
eyes him suspiciously, but he says nothing.
Beverly Hills: Paloma wants Ezekiel to
continue investigating Orines’ background.
Although, she believes the DNA results, she would like to know how a
brothel-raised, drug-addict, single mother prostitute appears so refined and
educated. She knows that Alina’s father’s name is not
on the birth certificate. Paloma continues
to blame herself for the lives that Orines and Alina have lived. She wants Santos to return to Juarez City to
find out more information from Orines’ friends.
Once she has the complete background on Orines and Alina, she will
approach Orines and tell her that her background doesn’t matter to her. And NO! I DID NOT MAKE THAT UP! YOU READ IT RIGHT!
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La Tempestad Cap #57. 10/15/13 In The Words Of Maury Povich "You ARE The Father" Or Is It "You Are NOT The Father"
Where is Maury when we need him?
*Cut Scenes will be in this color
Marina wants to be alone. DamRespectful will respect her decision. He doesn't want to pressure her. He reminds her that he'll always be by her side and that he is hers. They kiss and embrace. He leaves. Marina cries.
DamFab tells Bea and Mercedes that he'll give Marina time. Mercedes thinks it is the best decision. Both Marina and DamFab need to be calm to face what is to come. Bea hopes DamFab can solve the PesterEsther situation. However, Bea knows that Pesthercita won't give up without a fight. DamFab assures them that nothing will stop him from fighting for Marina and his happiness. He leaves. Mercedes tells Bea that now was not the time to tell DamFab that she saw Pesthercita preggers. Bea agrees with Mercedes. Although she is aware that they are only prolonging this terrible blow.
Hernan reminds Pesthercita that NO ONE can know that it was he who brought her back to R-Laydee. Pesthercita's lips are sealed. It is also to her convenience that no one find this out. Hernan forbids Pesthercita from signing the DamDivorce. Pesthercita is sure DamFab will attempt to get a divorce. She supposes that DamFab will use Marina's money to hire a good lawyer. Hernan will make sure Marina does not intervene. And it is up to Pesthercita to keep her DamFineHubby by her side.
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Tuesday, October 15, 2013
PEAM, Tuesday 10/15/13 (#156): The Little Bird and the Lucky Duck
There is a sign on the wall in the courtroom: "SILENCIO." I only mention it because I don't think any of these characters read it.
In court, on the witness stand, Rogelio testifies that Vero began mistreating Valentina a few months ago. One morning she tried to hit her, but Rog prevented it. However, yesterday was worst of all. She hit Valentina and locked her up in her room without supper. (Does that make Rogelio a stool pigeon?)
Vero flips out and physically takes a swipe at Rogelio, at the same time denying that she ever hit Valentina. The judge calls an end to the session and says she'll talk to Valentina herself. "Great!" Vero snarls. "Let her tell you how much I love her."
After the judge leaves, Vero accuses Chucho of trying to take Valentina away from her. He says that's not what he's trying to do. I think Vero says that Valentina lies and/or exaggerates to get his sympathy. She also says Rogelio lied to get her in trouble.
"Don't you know how my princess is suffering?" Chucho asks. "I don't think you care. She's told me for months about your bad moods and mistreatment. What would you have me do? Just sit and watch it happen? I think not."
Vero threatens Rogelio again with that long-ago recording from Nick Donovan's hotel room. He replies, "Do what you want. I'm tired of your threats."
Vero tells Cinthia they will all pay. Cinthia too! "If I lose Valentina, I will tear you to shreds, you incompetent idiot!"
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Mentir Para Vivir #6 Mon 10/14/13 While some have to settle into their new lives, others don’t know how to get rid of their old ones…
Villa el Descanso Eterno
It’s night time in San Carlos and Lucina and Raquel invited the guy who
helped them fake Oriana’s passport for another round of Forgers Anonymous. He believes
Real Ines’ fingerprints were used for Fake Ines’ new passport. But he doesn’t
think the driver’s license prints will be checked for a match with the ones in
the passport. Get it? Good.
Raquel and Lucina
agree with him, but that Oriana is such a paranoid, she should just make a fake
driver’s license and relax.
And talking about Ori,
has Lucina asked her if the new family knows Ricardo Sanchez Bretton? Raquel
Casa Madrina/Abuela
While Alina is asleep,
Oriana is trying to learn how to write her new signature, for when she has to
fake-sign her new credit cards… Lucina calls just then to let her know the fingerprints
from the passport belong to Ines.
So, what do I do with
the driver’s license? Ori asks in a panic.
Make up something,
what else? Lucina offers a very good suggestion (not really); but her shrug informs
Viewerville that what she really means to say is: “Do I have to do all the
illicit work for you?”
Oriana complains about
the mess they got her into, but Lucina would like a thank you, instead,
for helping her stay out of jail. Before they begin to fight, Raquel asks for
the phone just to tell Oriana the exact same thing as Lucina did and to urge
her to use her smarts to solve the problem. Oh, and by the way, does your new
family know Ricardo? Raquel remembers to ask.
Oh, yes, Oriana
replies, and that’s another problem, he’s Paloma’s godson and he’s always here,
nosing around, taking me to walks around the city and gazing at me lovingly –
ok, I might’ve made up the gazing part, but Viewerville can pretend I didn’t,
because Raquel’s reply works best with my imagination: she warns her best
friend to stay away from Ricardo because he is HER man and if Ori crosses the
line with him, she (Raquel) might spill the beans, reveal the whole truth.
Ori threatens to do it
first and hangs up, hurrying to Alina, who’s talking in her sleep or something…
And here is how the besties become rivals…Just give it time!
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Corazon Indomable, Episode #110, Monday, October 14, 2013 “The Beginning of the End for Short-Lived Rancho El Abuelo”
Recap by LatinInMD
Simona is still sharing her headache with us, so Octavio does
himself (and all of Viewerville) a favor and prepares to put her to sleep with
an injection.
MC visits police chief Vargas to inquire about the investigation
concerning her rustled cattle. Sensing –
correctly – that Vargas is not giving it much thought because he figures the
loss is a small drop in the bucket for her (and just in case we forgot what the
narrator told us only five episodes ago), MC gives Vargas and Viewerville a
quick tutorial – illustrated with sepia flashbacks – on how she managed to blow
her father’s entire fortune in record time.
She’s done nothing but give without getting anything in return, she
points out. Now you understand my
situation, she asks Vargas? He’s
speechless – as is the rest of Viewerville, knowing how ludicrous all this
still sounds.
After putting Simona to sleep, Octavio comes down to the living
room to continue his endless exchanges with Miguel about how it upsets Simona
to have Octavio visit MC. Miguel insists
that Octavio and Simona should take a trip far, far away.
Simona awakens from her drug-induced nap just as Ofelia enters
her room. She asks the maid who replaced
her long-serving nana to prepare a bath for her, so she can make herself
pretty. (Good luck with that.) (By the way, what happened to nana? My guess is she had too many brain cells to
continue on this show.)
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La Tempestad, October 14, 2013. Capitulo 56. She's Alive! She's Alive!
Mercedes tells Bea that it's time to tell Marina the truth. Hernan has now found out.
Hernan wants to know why Fully was interrogated by the Feds. Nothing to do with the organization replies Fully. It's regarding the dead Fed. Hernan just wanted to make sure that Fully didn't say anything stupid. Fully snickers and changes the subject. He wants to know what Hernan's intentions are with Ursula. Why do you care, asks Hernan. I didn't think you cared about anyone, but yourself. Fully gets annoyed and tells Hernan that no one messes with this family. Sooner or later, this association of ours will finish. And I will have the pleasure of no longer putting up with your weird temperament. Ursula listens in when Hernan tells Fully that he would be the first to celebrate the end of their association. Ursula wants to know what is up with Fully and Hernan.
Mercedes thinks it better to tell Marina now, before she finds out from someone else. Bea finally agrees but begs her to find the right time to tell her. She doesn't have a long time to live and doesn't want to see Marina suffer.
Bea goes to see her Dr. Suspenders. She wants to know how much longer she has to live.
Marina is praising DamFine for bringing in more then enough fish to share with the poor. Hernan strolls up and tells DamAnnoyed that he is the talk of the town. I ask that next time you don't give away the fish. DamAnnoyed reminds him that he met his obligation to the pacadora. Isn't the fact that the freezer is full the most important? So what's the problem? That you used the fish that belonged to the pacadora replies Hernan. It was mine replies DamFine. “La Tempestad” works for the pacadora says Hernan. So I'm going to have to take it from your pay. If you read the contract it clearly states that all the fish belongs to the pacadora. Is that true DamFine asks Marina. Yes, it's true replies Marina. She tells Hernan what DamFine did was noble. And since he is going to take it out of DamFine's pay, you might as well take half from me too. I am completely in agreement with what DamFine did. DamFine tells Marina that it isn't necessary. Marina says that it's not a problem. It has to do with people needing it. Hernan agrees to take it out of both their pays. We are not in a good position to give away fish.
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Monday, October 14, 2013
PEAM #155 - 10/14/2013 - The Magic Time Machine Takes Us Back or Is It Forward to Hospital and Court
Two pictures from the France photo workshop: first an Arabian mix, Lucy coming out of the Atlantic surf, and the second a PRE (pura raza española) named Rubén. Rubén has been juried into the New Mexico photographers show to be hung in December.
Bebe Garcia appears a miracle of love as her Papa calls her. Maricela breaks up with Ricardo who has a fatal case of tickles and cries to the whole office who weren't too busy anyway so they discuss. Julio says let's treat him like an addict, he needs an intervention. Veronica is very pregnant and none of the madonna serenity has perforated her cranky snarling face. Jesús gets to announce in tongue tied bursts of joy, the arrival of another princess to Sebastian, Panfilo and Chatita.
We have the whining, crying track coming out of Maricela's pie hole when Pato gets the call from Jesús so she can torment everyone with gyrations and screams, yeah baby, yeah baby in rather faultless English. Veronica snarls something I missed.
Jesús brings a photo wrapped and framed in baby goo goo style of Alma and the baby in their first embrace. Jesús suggests they name the baby Louisa which confuses Chatita while they joke her into remembering that it is her name. Memory loss is so cute sometimes. Jesús and Chatita profess love and joy that the new Louisa is going to have a grandmother. Jesús then presents her with a gold saints medallion, didn't catch the saint…
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