Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Acorralada #36 - Monday 3/5/07 The wedding looms

Monday's episode opens in the court room, where Diana is found not guilty, and Max is left in the court room alone saying "Diana forgive me..."

Camila is furious that Diana is not guilty, as she thinks that Diana is her only competition for Diego's affection. She doesn't think that Marfil is a worthy competitor, which is ironic considering that she calls Diana a "muerta de hambre." (How can a muerta de hambre be more of a risk than Marfil?) Sylvia is busy grooming a new wig to replace the ridiculous rasta wig she's wearing. She agrees with Camila that the trial was a disaster, and now they're ruined. Soon they won't have money for the rent. Camila consoles herself by calling Faux Marfil to tell her the news. Faux Marfil - who looks like she's getting ready for a St. Patrick's day parade in the green top and Mardi Gras beeds, is in total shock at the news.

Meanwhile, at Granny's house, Fedora, Paco, Caramelo, Diego, Gaby, Diana & Granny are having a refresco toast to celebrate. Diana toasts to Gaviota - "the best lawyer in the world." (I'll hold back my comments on that one!) Heartwarming flutes play in the background.

At Paco's bar, Emilio, Max, and Larry are drowning their sorrows. Max says he was stupid for not believing in Diana, Emilio admits that he's in love with Paola, and Larry's still in love with Pilar. Max announces that they're the three biggest disasters in love. They're three big disasters, all right.

At Granny's house, she seems to have forgotten the shame that Diana has brought her. Now she announces her support of Diana, regardless of what happens. Diego announces that he wants to get married soon - in the next few days. Caramelo agrees that it would be best. Diana faints.

Back to Camila and Sylvia: Sylvia's now dressed as Wonder Woman. This scene was tough for me, but as I understand it, Sylvia says that she's going to get paid $500 to dance for a guy who has a fantasy about Wonder Woman?

Emilio, Max, and Larry are still at Paco's bar tying one on...

At Granny's house, Diana is awake and Diego's already pressuring her to get married soon. Caramelo agrees. Fedora/Gaviota is the voice of reason - she asks them to stop pressuring Diana, but Diana is quick to agree with Caramelo. She was foolish to fall for Maximilliano. Fedora/Gaviota tells Diana that she's 1,000 times better than Max, and Diego chimes in with his usual stalker promises. Diana agrees to get married in a few days.

Back at the mansion, Octavia & Faux Marfil are discussing the acquittal. Faux Marfil is whining that Max will divorce her when he finds out about the baby. Octavia says that won't happen because she's going to see Diana tomorrow.

Dr. Evil is flashing back to the trial when Camila rings his doorbell. They commiserate over a few drinks and the scene ends with a kiss. These two deserve each other!

It's a beautiful sunny morning and Lala and Caramelo are waiting on their men. As Lala goes off to the kitchen to fetch some ham and butter, Caramelo tells Pancho of Diego's plans to marry Diana tomorrow. Lala returns to find Pancho telling Diego that she should not be marrying Diana. Deigo storms off and Lala tells Pancho that Diana is a good person.

Pan to Max swimming laps as Faux Marfil walks up wearing a bikini that appears to be made out of the same shredded paper that pinatas are made out of. She wants to know where he was last night - celebrating the acquittal with Diana, perhaps? Max has his usual clueless expression.

As Diana prays to the Virgincita, Octavia pays her a visit. Octavia looks around like a dog sniffing out a pork chop. Dramatic music plays and we cut to commercial.

We return to the pool, where Max is denying that he spent the night with Diana and Faux Marfil's screeches are getting louder and louder. Max tells her to stop screaming because his head hurts. He explains that he got drunk with Larry and Emilio last night. She works herself up into a frenzy and Max tells her she's crazy and leaves her screaming for him to come back.

Isabella tells real Marfil that she has a visitor. The surprising thing about this statement is real Marfil's calm response. Has she already forgotten about the visit from her evil twin that almost got her killed? Anyway... Bruna walks in and real Marfil wants to know why she's there.

At Granny's house, Octavia asks Diana who's the father of the baby she's carrying.

At Isabella's house, Bruna is saying that she's there because she always thinks of real Marfil, and she worries about her health. Real Marfil tells her that she'll never forgive her for what she's done. Bruna's crying and saying that she loved them both like they were her daughters. Real Marfil says that she would be ashamed if her mother was a servant like Bruna.

Diana tells Octavia that she can't tell her who the father is. Octavia calls her trash and says it must be one of the neighborhood boys. Diana says that she owes her no explanation and asks her to leave, but Octavia refuses to leave without knowing who the father is because she has suspicions. Diana confirms her suspicions. Max is the father. And we go to commercial...

Paola & Rene are at the warehouse, and Rene wants to know what she's doing there. She says she plans to stay there because she's had it with her mom and this way she can be with Panchito. Pancho arrives and wants to know why Rene is there. (I just love the fiera-fiera-fiera theme music that plays when these two are together!)

Yolanda enters Max's room to tell him that Paola has left the house.

Octavia is telling Diana that she got what she planned all along - she's pregnant and will convince Max to divorce Marfil. Diana tells her to think what she wants. Octavia says that Max will not take responsibility for this and the child will not take the Irazabal name. Diana says that she will raise the child and Max will never know that the child is his. Octavia is confudida. Diana tells her that she plans to marry Diego, who will be the child's father.

Pancho tells Paola that she shouldn't have visitors there. Poor Paola's always getting bossed around! As Rene tries to explain that he's harmless, the Police announce that the building is surrounded and they should all come out with their hands in the air. Pancho tells Rene and Paola to run.

Yolanda and Max have moved to the living room, where they're discussing Paola. Yolanda believes that she's in danger and wants Max to find her.

Octavia is thrilled to hear of Diana's plan to marry Diego, and offers Diana a check for $50,000 to never bother Max again. Diana rips up the check and tells her that she can't be bought, and tells her to leave and never come back.

The police give Paola, Rene, and Pancho 5 minutes to come out, but Pancho says he won't because there are thousands of dollars worth of jewelry there and the organization boss will kill him if he leaves. The police threaten to fire... Paola tells him that she loves him and begs him to leave.

Diana tells Fedora/Gaviota about Octavia's offer, and Fedora/Gaviota is happy to hear that she didn't take it. Diego interrupts them to tell them that the wedding will be tomorrow at 2 in the afternoon. Fedora/Gaviota and Diana share a worried glance.

The coven is assembled poolside at the mansion and Octavia is telling them that Max is the father of the baby. Yolanda says that Max must know the truth, but Octavia swears that none of her children will know the truth. Diana will be marrying Diego, and everyone will think the baby is his. Octavia tells Bruna to tell Lala that she needs to speak with her.

At the office, Max tells Emilio that Paola is a drug addict and has left home. Emilio offers to help because he loves her with all his heart.

Lala and Octavia are discussing the marriage between Diana and Diego. Octavia wants to make sure that nobody knows that the bastard is Max's. Lala tells her that the child won't be a bastard - Diego will be the father. She agrees to keep the child's true paternity a secret. She also tells Octavia that Paola won't be seeing Pancho anymore.

At Paco's bar, Andres does not get a warm welcome from Lorenzo, and Caramelo tells him that he should leave, and tells him that Diego will be marrying Diana.

Pancho's back home -- apparently he slipped right through the police who had the warehouse surrounded. He's telling Diego that he hopes that he's happy with Diana, but he has his doubts.

Gaby tells Diego that she hopes that she finds happiness with Diego, happiness that she didn't find with Larry. Diana is not happy to be marrying a man that she's not in love with. She hopes that baby is a boy, and if he is, she will name him Maximiliano! Gaby is sure that Diego will not like this idea (ya think?). Diana says that he will have to respect her decision.

At Dr. Evil's apartment, Andres and Dr. Evil are lamenting the verdict. Dr. Evil is glad to hear that Diana will be marrying Diego tomorrow, because he knows that she'll never be happy.

In the closing scene, Diana opens the door to find Max! He wants to apologize.

credits roll.


Great recap, Amy. I'm still pondering how they escaped from the police. But this show is set in Bizarro World.

And speaking of Bizarro World, the Wonder Woman costume was jaw-droppingly bizarre.

Anybody notice how O seems to have a permanent kink in her neck? Sometimes left, sometimes right but ever-present.

In other news... Too much hate for FM here. Sure, she's a conniving, thieving, soulless tramp. But she's smokin' hot. And the screeching/squealing thing... kinda sexy. Her sister's not too bad either.

Thanks again

Great job, Amy!

I wasn't able to figure out the Wonder Woman costume either. I'm glad I wasn't the only one confused.

Robert, I'll admit FM and her sister probably look muy caliente from a guy's perspective. I actually like FM's spunk, but with all due respect, that shrill whining has got to go. Peyote is a better bet :)

Thanks for the recap! =)

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