Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Acorralada #41 Monday 3/12/07 Camila drops a bombshell on Octavia

Andres is shocked to find his missing wife in the driveway of the Irazabal mansion! He wants what she's doing there and she evades the question by asking him what he's doing there. He grabs her and she puts on her best scared face (although this emotion appears to be out of her range of acting skills).

At the perfume co., Octavia is asking Fedora's attorney friend why he wants to risk his career by defending Fedora. He responds that he has a new witness. She tells him he's crazy, that he will need evidence. With a smug look, he responds "who says that I don't have it?"

Back at the mansion, Ignacio tells Max that the injection he gave Dona Santa should reduce her fever, and tomorrow when the blood tests are back they will have a diagnosis. Larry, Yolanda, and Paola are huddle together in a happy little group hug when he assures them that it's nothing serious. Max walks Ignacio to the door.

Octavia is assuring the lawyer that she's above suspicion. She's an honorable woman with a good name, Fedora, on the other hand, is crazy. He responds that he only wants to say that the thief should be in jail. Octavia asks if he's calling her a thief, and he wants to know why she thinks he's talking about her.

Camila's counting change and telling Sylvia, who's busy eating a banana, that they owe four months rent and are bound to become muertos de hambre. Sylvia laments that Maxi and Larry got away. Camila announces that she's going to pay Ignacio a visit, which prompts Sylvia to remind her that he hates her for giving away their baby. Camila convinced that he will lend her $5,000. (Hello? What crazy person would lend these two airheads money?)

As Max walks Ignacio to his car, he reminds him of a talk that they had several months ago regarding Diana Soriano.

Meanwhile, in the driveway, Andres and Faux Marfile are still arguing. She's trying to get him to be quiet so that he can explain.

Max is asking why Ignacio let him believe that Diana was a lost woman. Why did he "mancharla de mis ojos." (what a great phrase!) Ignacio admits that what was said at the trial was true, he did try to drug her so that he could acost her. He just didn't expect her to be a fiera! Max responds with a right hook to Ignacio's face.

Back to the struggle between Andres & Faux Marfil... Marfil manages to push Andres down in the grass and run for the house in her 4" heels. He chases her and forces his way into the mansion.

Octavis is nervous. She's telling Yolanda that everything - her money, her house, her perfume company - is at risk because of Fedora.

Max is telling Ignacio that the punch was a small payment for what Ignacio did. It was Ignacio's fault that that he broke it off with Diana. Doc stutters in response and Max tells him to leave. Max asks himself why he didn't believe in Diana.

Andres & Faux Marfil are now fighting in Max & Marfil's bedroom, and she tells him that she's the wife of Max Irazabal!

Nancy's come to visit Diana and tells her that Max is not happy either. She can see the sadness in his face and his eyes, and she's sure that he's still in love with Diana. Diana & Max's theme song takes us to commercial.

Andres is still screaming at Faux Marfil when Max knocks at the door and says "Marfil?" Andres is confused by this. *Geez! This guy's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, is he? Has he forgotten about the woman named Marfil who his aunt was taking care of, whose sister had stolen her identity? He can't piece this together? Yikes.* Faux Marfil tells Andres to leave.

As Paola watches over Dona Santa, she tells Yolanda that Dona Santa's fever is going down, and asks if Yolanda is nervous about something.

In the bedroom shared by Diana, Diego, and Gaby (how kinky!), Diego is painting what looks like a charcoal drawing. Diana invites him to go shopping for the baby, but he says he doesn't want to go because everyone will look at him with pity. He'll just stay in the room and paint hideous paintings. He asks Diana for her opinion on his latest monstrosity, and she mentions that it's very dark, which sets him. He screams and throws the painting across the room.

Faux Marfil convinces Andres to leave, and he exits through the bathroom. (HUH?)

Yolanda tells Paola that Octavia has serious troubles. There is a woman who's determined to destroy the Irazabals!

Diego has recovered from his hissy fit and is calm for about 30 seconds before he learns that Nancy was there. He doesn't want Nancy there bringing news about Max, who never believed in Diana. She assures him that she hasn't forgotten that.

Faux Marfil is telling Bruna about her encounter with Andres. It's colored with the usual hysterics and name calling.

Sylvia and Camila are at Ignacio's apartment. Crazy Sylvia is wearing her pink wig and carrying a puppy dog purse. Ignacio tells them about Max punching him, and that Max is still thinking about Diana after all this time. And he doesn't even know the secret - that Diana is going to have Max's baby!

Diana is sewing... she thought bubbles back to Nancy's words about Max. She says to herself that she loves him more every day... and in a few days she'll have their baby. Cut to commercial.

Back to Bruna and Faux Marfil. Bruna suggests a solution: Deborah (Faux Marfil) should leave the house forever and they can bring back the real Marfil. Debora reminds her that they don't know where she is, and then screeches that she's not giving up all of the Irazabal money and going back to being a thief.

Ignacio tells Camila that Octavia and Faux Marfil know about the pregnancy. (And he knows this how?) Camila loves this information, but Sylvia doesn't understand the significance. gnacio tells her that the wigs have stopped her ability to think. LOL! Camila tells them that she will extort money from Octavia to keep the secret from Max.

Octavia's flashing back on the the murder of Fedora's husband and thinking that nobody can ever prove that she was involved because she murdered the only witness when she poisoned her husband by putting a poison that would cause an instant heart attack and be indetectable!

Diana is telling Fedora about what Nancy said, which sends Fedora off on a rant about the evil Irazabals. Diana's not sure that she still wants revenge.... break to commercial.

Max is telling Emilio that he can't believe that he listened to Ignacio and Camila's lies about Diana, and he still thinks about Diana after all this time.

Andres is at Ignacio's apartment telling him about his encounter with Deborah (Faux Marfil). Neither understands what's going on, so Ignacio tells him that he needs to call her and find out.
He calls her and tells her that he wants to see her. Zoom in on Faux Marfil, who looks like she just smelled some bad fish.

Yolanda rushes into Octavia's office saying that Octavia's phone call made her very nervous. Octavia tells her of Fedora's plans to reopen the case, and Octavia has a bad feeling about it.

Fedora returns to Paco's bar and learns that she received a very important call from her friend the lawyer while she was out. Fedora looks perplexed.

Diana telling herself that she will never forget Max, as the glycerine tear of pure dolor falls from her eye. Theme music plays as we return to Max's office where he's saying that he's sure that Diana loves Diego. Emilio advises Max go to see her, because his love for her is so big. *Max acts like this is a such a novel idea! He never would have thought of that!* Go see her? After all of these months? I miss her presence, her movements, her beautiful green eyes, her innocent kisses.... *what a drip!*

Faux Marfil and Bruna arrive to talk to Andres. Andres tells Bruna to leave, but she's not leaving her "nina Deborah." He throws her out and Andres tells her that she will tell him everything he wants to hear. Cut to commercial.

We return to Paco's bar, where Fedora is trying to reach her friend. Paco tells her that he told Paco that what he has to tell her could change her whole life.

Diego & Diana are enjoying a bowl of ramen noodles and discussing the baby. She wants the best for her son, she wants to dress him like a prince, he's her son. Yes, he knows... and he's also the son of Maximilliano.

Ocatavia is all curled up in her chair, fidgeting as she tells Yolanda that they must be more alert than ever. *I guess the fidgeting is her attempt to look nervous since the Botox injections prevent her from wrinkling her forehead the way that most people do when they're nervous!*
Yolanda agrees and says she will need a good lawyer. Enter Camila and Sylvia. Camila admits to Octavia that for almost three years, her family has been living off Emilio's salary because their family is broke. She planned to marry Max (Octavia tells her that was very astute), but now that won't be happening, so she's sure that Octavia will give them $50,000 out of the goodness of her heart.

Adres is trying to wrap his head around Deborah's story about her identical twin. You can almost see the smoke coming out of his ears.

Diego asks Diana if she still plans to name the baby Maximilliano, and she says yes, the baby will be named after his real father.

Fedora learns that her lawyer friend has found the accomplice who helped steal her daughters.

Camila tells Octavia that this is not a joke, she knows about Diana's pregnancy and she wants $50,000 to keep the secret from Max.

Max opens the door and asks what secret she's talking about.

Credits roll.


Great recap, Amy. I was really laughing out loud. Can someone explain why Octavia is talking to Fedora's lawyer? And my jaw dropped at Diego's paintings.

I have no idea why she's talking to him. They're acting like he's the D.A. or something. Has anyone caught his name? Is it Reinosa? I've listened to it repeatedly but I'm not sure, and I can't get my closed captioning to work, so I don't have a crutch!

Well, I'm glad you're as baffled as I am. My closed captioning says "Reynosa." There are also some Latin American usages that make no sense here, because this show is supposed to take place in USA.

First, they call him Dr. Reynosa, but this makes no sense because he's supposed to be a lawyer. Although lawyers have a JD, they aren't called "Dr" here. Then sometimes they call him "licenciado," which is another term that has no equivalent here. Licenciado/a can be a lawyer or an honorific for other college graduates.

Thanks for the recap, Amy. I'm a little behind in my viewing, so this was a great help.

'Although lawyers have a JD, they aren't called "Dr" here.'

According to the Real Academia Spanish dictionary, anyone who has reached the highest level of education in a given field can be addressed as "Dr." (They do something similar in Italian, except the degree needn't be a Ph.D.)

As for Reynosa paying a visit to Octavia, I just assumed that Gaviota sent him, but maybe not.

Diego should stick to music. Those paintings were ghastly. And apparently all that stuff he told Gaby about being happy to marry Diana and raise another man's child was BS. He's being a real jerk about the whole thing.

Looks like for once I was on the money when I referred to Diego as a stalker and a creep. I hope they're not trying to portray him as a good guy, because I have no sympathy for him.

Those paintings are indeed ghastly. Are they supposed to be that creepy?

I'm not quite clear on the Reynoso/Octave/Fedora relationship either. Time will tell, I suppose.

Thanks again for the great re-cap, Amy!

I agree, Karen. Diego really is stalker/creepy, but they still seem to be trying to portray him as a good guy. More of the illogic of this show.

I don't think that they want him to stay nice, he's starting to get violent(Who throws a painting just because someone says its 'dark'?) and he seems to resent Diana's baby, a sin she would never forgive him for. Plus, if they continue to make him the nice guy it will be harder for Diana and Max to get back together as they inevitably will.

Maybe Diego will go to Houston to get rehab with Real Marfil, and he will undergo a miracle recovery. He will then marry Nancy.

I'm thinking Diego is even too creepy for Nancy. She needs a nice guy like the young stud at Paco's bar. Right now I'm liking Diego and Debora together; they can yell at each other and throw things.

Thanks for the recap! =)

Thanks for the recap! =)

I Agree- they sould put the two annoying creeps together. But where are the reat of the recaps!!??!! I'm dying to know what happens!!!

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***I had to delete my previous comment due to a typo***

Sorry we haven't posted the recent recaps yet. We've undergone some changes and we're still trying to coordinate among ourselves. Rest assured, I've got all the episodes on TiVo and they'll get posted one way or another!

Sat Mar 17, 09:35:00 AM EDT

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