Thursday, March 08, 2007

Donde esta Fernando?

On our local station here in Nueva York, the channel is running spots during the show asking viewers to call in if they recognize where Fernando is walking. The first callers win two tickets to a concert of some singer I don't know at Madison Square Garden. So far I think he is walking near Grammercy Park and Battery Park. I am still not sure he is really in New York or they are scenes of him in front of a blue screen image.


My daughter used to live near Gramercy Park. Doesn't it have a high wrought iron fence and gates? Is that in Chelsea?

It has a fence and gates, and that's what one of the scenes looks like; also the nearby building looks like Grammercy Park area. It's not in Chelsea, which is on the West Side--Grammercy Park is on the East Side. The whole neighborhood is known as Grammercy Park.

It'a looks like he is talking to Marcia on his cell in Central Park and then the next minute(same conversation,) you see the Brooklyn Bridge in the backround and the skyline. I think he was in Brooklyn Heights (maybe it was easier to film there)I could be wrong, I'm directionally challenged sometimes.

Hi, all....I thought that looked like Gramercy Park,and in another scene I thought I saw the Plaza. I worked in New York for five years (but lived in MD and didn't have to go to NY except a week a month or so). I once stayed at a hotel near Gramercy and my boss lived in Stuyvesant Vlg (probably spelled that wrong) which is HUGE. Our office was at 15 W 16th. Nice neighborhood, Chelsea!


I also thought he was in Brooklyn Heights when he spoke to that group of high school students (who said "what a beautiful man."
I also saw the Plaza Hotel. I think they have him all over the place, and there's no logic.

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