Friday, May 18, 2007

Destilando Amor 5/17 Rod gets hit on the head and decides to go back to DF

We return to the escalation of the fight with Rod and the workers in the agave fields. One of the workers accuses Rod of not appreciating their work. Rod lunges toward him, and the worker accuses Rod of just being interested in the jimadoras. How many of them have you gotten pregnant?

The fight is on! SanJuana runs off.

In a carefully staged fight, Rod and the worker beat on each other and roll around in the dust. Rod beats the pulp out of the guy holds him in a half Nelson. Blood is streaming out of the guy’s nose.

Back at the Casa Montalvo, Dona Pilar and uncle Bruno are meeting with Mariana/Gavi to talk to her about some urgent matters related to the business. When Pilar talked to Nestor Videgaray, and she became alarmed that Nestor refused to come back to the corporativo Montalvo after his dispute with Aaron.

The corporativo is going through risky times. They need someone sensible, with good judgment. They turn to Mariana: someone like her. They trust Rod with matters related to cultivation, etc. , but he doesn’t have the depth of knowledge about administrative functions… And he is going through a rough time in his life, which prevents him from being more effective in his function at the corp. They need Mariana to help him work more efficiently.

Bruno steps out to take a phone call, and Pilar tells Mari/Gavi to come sit with her on the couch to learn about some history related to the family. Pilar tells Gavi that they tried for a long time to get Rod to come to the city with his wife to help at the corporativo, but with no success. So she’s not totally surprised that Rod has left now.

Bruno comes in and tells them that Rod has gone completely crazy. He’s gotten into a fight with the workers at the hacienda! Gavi is alarmed…they’ve got to do something! Bruno says he told the staff to call the police, there’s nothing else the family in DF can do at a distance.

Back at the fight, Rod has blood streaming from his mouth and he’s leering at the group, ready to fight the next person. Hilario and Roman try to stop him. Rod is going to teach the workers a lesson about insulting his Gaviota! San Juana runs up, she’s called Bruno, who’s advised them to call the police. Rod tells San Juana it’s his business, not hers. He yells, who’s next? A little guy runs up to fight Rod!

Hilario picks up a stick on the ground and stares at it with intention. He smacks Rod on the back of the head with the stick, knocking him out. Hilario shouts to everyone that the fight is finished. They pick up the big guy, Rod’s first knock out, and drag him off. Rod is out cold in the dust.

Back in DF, Minnie and Fedra are conferring about the shocking news of Isa’s planned artificial insemination in order to have a child with Rod. What to do? Minnie’s worried what will happen if her planned fertility treatment in the US doesn’t work out. How will Aaron react? This turn of events puts Minnie’s marriage to Aaron in danger. Fedra pats Minnie’s head and rolls her eyes.

Isa answers a knock at the door to her apartment – it’s Aaron. He wanted to see her again before he leaves for the states. No, she says. I’m not going to make that mistake again. He asks why she had come to his and Minnie’s apartment earlier. Doesn’t she desire him? She gives in and they start to kiss.

Back at the hacienda, Rod has an icepack on his head and Ofelia is dabbing a wound on his face with a cloth. He is talking to Pilar on the phone while Bruno and Mariana listen to Pilar’s end of the conversation. Pilar tells Rod that he could gave gotten himself killed. Rod says he’s not coming back to the city. She tells him to sleep, and they’ll talk about it tomorrow. He tells her she’ll just hear the same answer: he’s not coming back. He hangs up the phone and gives Ofelia a dirty look.

Mariana asks Pilar if they hurt Rod a lot. Yes, but it was not serious. Bruno suggests that they talk to a psychologist. Mariana takes her leave in a rush. Pilar comments on how sensitive Mariana is. Bruno agrees. It’s amazing that she’s as upset for Rod as they are!

Rod comes down the stairs at the hacienda. Hilario offers him some raw steak to put on his face. Rod looks at Hilario and the steak with disgust. Rod tries to put on his hat, but winces at the pain on his head. Rod asks, who was the coward who hit me from behind? Hilario apologizes and admits he hit Rod. Rod looks at him blankly, then asks for the keys to the truck. Rod punches Hilario and tells him they’re even. Hilario is on the ground, then starts to laugh at the situation.

At Isa’s, she and Aaron start going at it on the couch, and there’s another knock at the door. Could it be Rod?!

At a cantina, Gavi cries on the phone to her mom. Rod got into a fight with some guys at the hacienda! She feels so bad for Rod and what happened, she wishes she could protect him.

The doorbell at Isa’s rings again, as Isa and Aaron are scrambling. Isa tells Aaron to hide in the bathroom. Sophia is shouting from outside the door. Aaron runs with a grin into the bathroom. Isa opens the door to Sophia, as Aaron listens from the bathroom.

Sophie tells Isa that Rod has gone completely crazy. He got into a fight with the workers, he quit his job at the corporativo, and he told Dona Pilar that he’s not coming back. He’s not a man of his word. He says one thing, then does something else. What could be wrong with him?

Isa thinks that Gavi could be back. Aaron is listening intently from the hallway.

At the cantina, Margarita arrives and asks Gavi what is wrong. Gavi tells her not to ask any questions. Gavi confirms that Margarita knows how to drive, and then knocks back a tequila. Margarita tells Gavi not to look so dejected.

Isa is on the phone with San Juana. Where is Rod? Tell him to call me when he gets back. Sophie wants to use the bathroom. Isa panics, and directs her to the back bathroom. The main one isn’t in order. Aaron makes his escape.

At Arroyo Seco, Meliton is drunk at the table outside and calling for Acacia. She tries to force him to drink more and he falls to the ground. Rod drives up in his truck and picks Meliton off the ground. Rod asks, where is James? Rod leaves as Acacia and Meliton start their nightly routine.

James is sharpening a big blade….and is thrilled to see Rod! James asks Rod how he got hurt. Some workers insulted my Gaviota. James is down that there is no new news in the Gavi search…Rod tells James that he has seen Gavi, but it’s not good.

At the cantina, Gavi is singing a sad song about breaking up, with tears in her eyes…

James is shocked that Gavi is the famous Mariana Franco. Rod says Gavi’s all classy and educated and surrounded by men. She’s not the same. I’m sure she’s been with another man, I’m desperate, I feel that I’ve lost her.

James asks how Rod knows she’s been with another man. Rod says, a guy called her when I was there! James wants to know if Rod is sure about what he says. Rod says he doesn’t love Gavi any more, she’s not the same.

Rod’s going to give Isa the child she wants. Even though Rod doesn’t love Isa, she’s been so loyal to him… James is shocked! Have you had relations? Rod explains the artificial insemination idea.

James tells Rod to think very carefully before he takes this step. Don’t make a bad decision, like the marriage to Isa was. It could be the end of his relationship with Gaviota. This could have fatal consequences! Rod should talk to Gavi to find out from here about what is really going on. Rod looks puzzled, like why would he want to do that?

Aaron comes home to Minne, tells her Rod’s gone crazy, and gives her the brushoff.

SanJuana tells Rod to call Isa right away, she sounded worried! Rod sits down at the desk in his office and has a flashback to the rainy night in the worker’s shelter. Gavi, with tears in her eyes told him that he was her first and only man. No other man has touched her. Rod picks up the phone and dials.

Clarita is asleep on the couch and wakes up to answer the phone. It’s Rod. Gavi’s not in. Rod apologizes for calling so late, he’s not even sure why he’s calling. Clarita says, no worries. Rod pounds the receiver down and has an anger management moment. He’s sure she’s with another man!

Clarita is pacing in the apartment when Gavi gets home. Not to worry, Margarita drove them back. Clarita tells Gavi that Rod called, he and Gavi miss each other so much and are suffering for being apart, how long is this going to last? Gavi is angry, he’s married!

Rod is asleep on the couch, as dream smoke fills the air. Roman runs in. Wake up boss! I have a surprise that you’ve been dreaming about. Come see for yourself! Rod runs into the next room. Gaviota! No one is there, then he turns to see Gavi reporting for duty with a cheery smile on her face, a pink flowered dress and sandals. You came back! I couldn’t live without you! We’ll always be together! They kiss passionately.

Gavi is sleeping. In her dream, she and Rod are at the reception and dream smoke fills the air. She is in the blue dress, looking elegant. He looks sharp, in a suit with his hair slicked back. He tells her, you’re just the same, I love you. They kiss (with more restraint than in Rod’s dream)… Gavi wakes up and tells her mom she just had a real dream, a good one.

At Isa’s, she is screaming to Rod on the phone. Have you lost your mind? Why haven’t you returned my calls, I don’t know what’s going on. Rod says that he has problems. Aaron and Minnie are there. Aaron wants to talk to Rod. Aaron says they are not going to tolerate his irresponsibility. There’s a breakfast for Aaron planned at Pilar’s, and Rod’s issues will ruin it for everyone. Rod tells him not to be so dramatic and hangs up on him.

Gavi and Clarita are watching a telenovela. Marlene Favela is telling Sebastian Rulli how their love was a trap for her. Clarita is crying, Gavi is trying not to cry.

Rod and James are at the café. Rod’s dream was so real! James tells Rod that he knows Rod loves Gavi and can’t live without her. But Rod’s sure that she’s been with another man…James tells him that it’s not a coincidence that Gavi was working at the corporation and kept the watch Rod gave her. James says that Rod has to let go of his macho issues and realize that he didn’t keep his end of the deal with Gavi when he got married, Rod’s not in a position to demand anything from Gavi now! Rod says he won’t forgive Gavi if she’s been with another man. James tells Rod he has to talk to Gavi, or he won’t get out of the hell he’s in.

Gavi is drinking her breakfast juice, crying, and having a flashback to the car scene with Rod. Rod tells her that he has ended the agony of not knowing about her, he is glad she is doing well, he wants her to succeed and doesn’t want to hold her back with his sick jealousies. The phone rings. Goodbye ….Mariana Franco!

At a cantina, Crispin tries to tell Rod and James that they found Gavi in the mountains. Rod tells listens intently, then tells him off!

At Pilar’s the family is having breakfast. Pilar wants to know about Patricio, where is he? Aaron assures her that he won’t be there. Pilar leaves to take a call. Bruno demands to get the balance/transaction information from Aaron, who puts him off. The balances won’t be available until the middle of the week, they’re not ready. Bruno threatens Aaron that he needs to provide the details, Bruno’s not going to back off like Nestor.

Pilar comes back. Good news, Rod has agreed to come back to the corporativo! The family is surprised and thrilled.

Aaron wants to talk to his mom in private. He tells her that he wants her to convince Patricio to go in on his dirty deals. She asks if that won’t run some risk for the corporation, what will happen if the truth comes to light? He says not to worry, Rod and Mariana Franco will be the ones signing off on the transactions. Fedra raises an eyebrow.


Good stuff! Thanks Susana!

You're welcome! There were a few details that I forgot to add in, but I think it will all come to light shortly. :)

Thanks Susana! I liked when Hilario hit Rod over the head - and then Rod punched him back - and then Hilario said, it's just guy stuff. Heh heh.

ThAnks for the recap. I must say I enjoyed really seeing Rods body when they were fighting. I thought Rod punching Hilario was funny also. I am very saddened though because at one point I thought Aaron could have been redeemed but not now. I cannot believe he is setting up Rod and Gavi to take the blame. We all know it will be Gavi who will get the burr of it though. I used to feel sorry for Ice but now feel like she deserves it. She has just went to far with Aaron, and granted she is lonely but Hilario is willing why not him again?

Thanks so much for the recap! I know...Rod is acting stupid again but every time he smiles I forgive him!!

I cracked up when Gavi and Clara were watching the novela!

Aaron, as usual in pure evil. He almost always plays the bad guy in the novelas I've seen him in.

''They need someone sensible with good judgement.''---Wellll, good luck with that one ,folks ! ''[Rod] is going through a rough time''---What gave him away ??? ...the rumble in the agave field, the mucho mucho shots of tequila, or the yelling at the guests at the big soiree??? I hope HotRod gets the drinking, fighting, and temper tantrums under control soon. It's getting more and more difficult to shake my pompoms and be a perky Rod Rangerette..come on, Big Guy, let's start being a problemsolver.

As frustrating as Rod is, I still like him!

Duuuhhhh! I am not spelling well today! I meant to say that Aaron IS pure evil!

Susanlynn, I know, Rod does need to be a problemsolver. I hope he doesn't turn into... Emiliooooooo!

Thanks for the recap Susana. Yes Rod needs to get a clue but that smile of his can make you overlook some of his stupidity.

I'm loving the amusing turn of characters - first as Melinama mentioned on Wednesday Clara makes sensible statements and last night James. If James could be as insightful as he was with Rod to himself, I guess his storyline would be done..oh well. I truly hope Rod starts to understand the whole you have no claims on Gavi since you're married. You need to give her more than nice words, meaningful looks, sad eyes and your hot body (at least long term).

On another note, its sad the producers are wasting poor Jan/Patricio currently. Gavi needs to have a best friend female who helps her sort through the Rod mess and the friend's prize is Patricio.


thanks for the recap..

Susanlynn..I'm using my pom-poms to dust mini-blinds...

Oh Rod........

Beckster---Don't give up just yet. Rod could get his head back in the game and score the winning touchdown yet ! See you at the pep rally. ^^^Susanlynn, yelling ---give me an R...give me an O...give me a D

HeeHee!!Susanlynn and Beckster!!!I'll dig up my daughter's pom poms and join ya!

Can't help it, I am in LOVE with the Rod smile!

It just occurred to me that Rod is probably not fully capable of true love as are normal adults with mental faculties intact, and instead the only thing that can drive him is the same primitive obsession that compelled John Hinckley Jr. in his pursuit of Jodie Foster. Add to that his Menendez charm and you've got a dangerous mix that has potential to bring about one day a catastrophic event. Fortunately he is severely limited in his inability to think abstractly, or with creativity and cunning. Aaron is a mujeriego and always appears as if suffering from an unending empacho, but I can see his tesosterone levels settling down within about ten years. That, combined with a reflexive period brought on by a mid-life crisis, and who knows, he might turn out to be a great guy some day.

Contrast Rod with Tiberio from Mundo de Fieras. Tiberio was similarly emotionally and mentally underdeveloped but all along possessed a latent potential for development and growth. I believe Rod is forever stunted by comparison. Even 24/7 care and oversight by Dolores would not suffice to re-inflate this flat tire.

I like the receptionist at the front desk.

WoweeWow..Liam...SNAP...''[Rod] is severely limited in his ability to think creatively or with cunning.'' Yes, but...did you see his really broad shoulders ??? I'm just saying ! I enjoyed your comments. You are cunningly creative. Your observations about AAron were also insightful, but I think ''once a womanizing , amoral cad...always a womanizing, amoral cad . Andrea, I liked the ''Isadora the Explorer'' nickname---perfecto ! I also thought that your point about the difference in Gavi's dream and Rod's dream was very interesting. Thanks to you both for the thoughts.

Liam, enjoyed your thoughts on Rod. I was wondering if Rod was really capable of loving Gavi who has grown into a more "mature, capable, worldly" person. Rod hasn't grown and is completely focused on his needs and ego. Reminds me of Don Loco...

Liam, glad you've joined our panel of experts. Aaron will never be rehabilitated because according to telenovela rules as I experience them (1) SOME villain has to die at the end, one at the very least, and Aaron is our obvious candidate and (2) they would never rehabilitate somebody who slept with his sister-in-law.

Rod's character flaws are so excessive at the moment that even his "broad shoulders" can't compensate for them in my opinion. Doesn't mean I don't enjoy his smile when he flashes it.

Andrea, sorry, but I have deleted your comment because it violates my guideline about posting real-life news (true or gossip) prejudicial to our characters.

Here's the rest of Andrea's comment:

IsaDora-the-explorer just can't stop cheating on her husband. Which is sick considering she pulls that "wife's rights" argument for artificial insemination.

it was funny that Gav dreamed of reconciling w/Rod at the cocktail party in her blue dress- where she's a respected business woman
whereas Rod dreamed she was back in her hacienda dress as a jimadorae

Wonderfully detailed recap Susana! Although Rod's immature behavior is annoying, I remind myself that our telenovela characters are always extreme characterizations of a "type."

I also thought the differing dreams were very interesting. It shows that much of what Rod and Gavi love about each other is what they each perceive the other to be, not necesarily who they really are. They actually don't know each other well enough (yet) to make a long term relationship work. So far their relationship has consisted of emotional outbursts and not much beyond that.

Thanks, Susana. Great recap!

Sylvia, I had similar thoughts concerning our two lovers' reality vs their perceptions of each other. I wonder if that isn't how love takes hold of us for the most part. Once it grabs us, generally, the faults we find out about later are either smoothed over and considered "acceptable" and "manageable" or the two in love separate eventually. It seems Rod has begun to realize how different his perception of Gavi vs. what she has become and truly is now is hitting him smack in the face and he is having to deal with it "maturely" which, I have to admit saying, Rod maturely responding to anything seems rather oxymoronic......


Welcome! It is nice to have access to another male perspective on this site and with this particular telenovela.

For the sake of discussion, let me say I might agree that your darker conception of Rod, were this a darker type of plot, would be quite an interesting and frightening storyline to run with. However, I would say a comparison of Rod to Hinckley is a bit drastic =/; ? )considering the nature of this particular story, though the charcter flaw of "immaturity" and the tendency for a weak-willed character to show growth by the end of the story ala Tiberio is always valid according to telenova rules. Rod's actions to this point with all the hyped-up, ad nauseum, recognition of true work-place harrassment over the past decade and a half might well-be construed this way, except that the majority of people are not that sick. Otherwise, the evil and vile aspects of a lover's pursuit of his beloved would be the rule rather than the exception I should think.

So for me, I say I find this a desperate and healthy attempt to win his true love over again. That is true romance, which I truly believe exists. We've all kidded around with Rod's "latent sexuality" and his country-boy, macho attitude towards woman despite his so-called worldliness. Part of the frustration/ natural confusion is due to the age of the actor (46) playing a character who was written as a more believable 20- something.

I believe that Rod is beginning to make the journey of self-realization as dictated by the rules of a formulaic telenovela(just like Tiberio).

I know Friday's recap hasn't been posted yet but who is the make-up artist? The lipgloss/stick Gaviota is wearing in the office scenes is a perfect color..What brand and color?
I realize 2 weeks ago, I bought eyeliner and started to wear it again.. all because of this show.
BTW, I have a friend who is speaking with his friends in Mexico..His wife doesn't want to know the 'future' and he is chopping at the bit to tell someone.. and I am that someone. Whoa!!
Rod is emotionally stunted.. Reminds me of some Special Ed High School boys I teach

Well, I can't wear any makeup, but I did start curling my (completely grey, waist-length) hair into long ringlets after just a few weeks of watching Joselyn toss her extensions around last season. My husband is quite tolerant. I insist it is all in order to learn Spanish. HA! I'm hooked!

I adore this website and my highest aspiration is to get good enough to contribute to the recaps. Alas, I'm a long way off. Keep up the good work.

I've only started watching Destilando about a week and a half ago anyways i was just wondering is the guy that plays James faking his American accent or is that real. I'm pretty sure he was same guy on La Fea named Edurado(?) But that was so long ago i can't remember if he had an accent or not


oh no sorry Melinama for the prohibited post :-(

I did not intend to break the rules. Thanks for letting me know


Yes, Mr. James was Eduardo on LFMB. Mr. James is supposed to be from the UK, not the US - I think that is why they keep him in argyle sweaters so much of the time. But I find his fake accent to be very US and not very UK. (When Gaviota was recuperating from her accident in "London, capitol of England," I noticed that the British nuns' accents were very different from Mr. James's.)

The actor (Carlos de la Mota) was born in NY, but I think he's actually Dominican. I liked him a lot in La Fea, and was bummed when he didn't come back.

Andrea, I thought it was neat that you mentioned the different dresses in Gavi's and Rod's dreams. I hadn't noticed that.

Thanks Julie, I always thought Man for Spanish being his 2nd language he speaks it very well! He still gets the English accent very good in his words though :)

Oops I forgot,above comment is mine


I find it interesting that Mr. James is portrayed by an actor named "de la Mota". Mary Jane's influence would help explain why an Englishman speaks with an exaggerated American accent, as well as how he might endure traipsing around in blistering heat wearing an argyle sweater. Granted, Guadalajara is known for relatively mild weather, but even in the winter months highs are around 70s. I’d go nuts just wearing the bow tie. Although I must say I feel some affinity for the guy.

Welcome, Liam! Good to have your perspective in this novela.

As much as I like Rod, I am worried that he does not have as much capacity to be rehabilitated. At least Tiberio in Mundo was highly motivated to please the people he cared about. Rod is stuck in the lizard brain mode.

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