Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Juan Querendon 6/12 Johnny Q falls in love

I can’t figure out what’s shorter. That woman’s dress or Juan’s shorts. Juan checks out her view from the rear while she pays the cab. She turns to him and admires those oh-so-short shorts. Juan thanks her for paying for the taxi. The lady feels Juan’s chest and says that her cousin recommended him well. The lady leads Juan into the house and says that it’s his.

The woman leads Juan into the house. She says that her husband is more or less Juan’s size. She says that she look for something for him to wear. The woman introduces herself as Nidia. She says that they’re going to celebrate his arrival with some tequila. She rushes over to the tequila. While she pours, Juan admires her “form.” He also thinks to himself that these people must be wealthy, considering the house. Juan sees a photo of Nidia with Joan Sebastian, who Juan considers to be the most famous Mexican poet. (Joan Sebastian is really a songwriter of pop songs. Kind of like the Mexican version of the guy who wrote all those Britney Spears/N’Sync songs or so I gather.) The woman just stands there holding the tequila.

Paula asks her mom if her father is sick. The mother says no. She even accompanied him to all his medical tests and nothing was wrong. Paula says that he talked as though he was going to die. Ana thinks it’s because of what he did to Paula. Paula thinks she was hard on him. Her mother just wants them to reconcile. Samuel is Paula’s father and that will not change. Paula can’t believe that her mother still defends him. Her mother thinks that Samuel is a good man. Paula thinks he wasn’t there in the way she needed him to be. Her mother begs Paula to give him a chance. Paula says that she will one day, but not now. Ana reminds Paula that Paula came from Ana and Samuel’s love.

Nidia sings and dances for Juan. Juan says that he can tell she’s very caring. She approaches him and says that he’s practically a part of the family. At that moment the family enters. Their names are Yadira and Mareli, and Juan likey likies. Nidia introduces Juan as the friend of a cousin, so he’s practically a cousin himself. The women squirm in their spots while Juan checks them out. He likes them all, but finds the youngest (and blondest) to be the most beautiful. The older sister asks Juan if he’s a mute. Juan takes his shot and introduces himself to the girls. Nidia shoos the girls away so that she and Juan can talk. The girls stay in a spot where they can watch. Nidia re-approaches Juan. At that moment, the husband enters. It’s Samuel. Nidia introduces the gentlemen, but Samuel’s a little cold. He asks Juan to accompany him to the study so that they can talk. Juan reluctantly follows. The girls run down the stairs and asks if he’s really their cousin. Methinks they like him. The only one who doesn’t seem that impressed is the youngest.

Juan and Samuel sit and talk. Samuel says he’s very happy that one of his wife’s relatives has come at this time. Samuel goes into a seriously depressing spill about how all of his efforts were in vain. Juan congratulates Samuel on having such a nice family, and such a lady for a wife. Samuel stands and says that his wife is a nobody. Juan looks a little nervous. Samuel pulls out a gun. Juan asks Samuel to put the gun down. Juan tries to run out of the room, but Samuel points the gun at Juan. Samuel tells Juan to take care of his children. Especially, Mareli because she is the only one that can be saved. He asks Juan to also take care of Paula. Juan says that he doesn’t know Paula, but Samuel just tells him to take care of them. Samuel shoots himself in front of Juan. The women rush into the room to see a dead Samuel and Juan shaking his head no. Wow. What a nice, happy novela.

Juan’s in the interrogation room. The police want to know who he is and how he was related to the deceased. Why did he kill Samuel. Juan was sure that he would be put away for life. Oh, it was just a daydream. In real life he’s sitting with Nidia talking to himself about what just transpired. The police want his statement and Nidia’s. Juan understands why they would want his but not why they would need one from Nidia. The policeman explains that they’re going to initiate an investigation. Yadira runs over to the couch and says that Mireli wants to enter the room to see her father. The family rushes to the door and stops Mireli from entering. Mireli cries for her father. Nidia pushes the women away.

Ana comes downstairs to see Paula cooking. Paula explains that when she lived in New York she cooked in a restaurant where she learned many things. Ana thinks that Paula’s going to make her fat. Paula thinks her mom still looks great. Paula tells her mother that she thought about their conversation. She wants to go to the office with her mother today and speak with her father. She wants him to know that she cannot hate him. Ana hopes that Paula’s heart can pardon Samuel. Paula wants the same. Ana thinks that Samuel will die of happiness if he sees that Ana brought Paula to the office.

Paula can’t believe how big the business is. Ana explains that Samuel has prospered. Paula says that she’s very proud. They women enter the office and Paula marvels some more about the office. Ana greets Charito, who is on the phone and crying. Charito explains that Samuel committed suicide. Ana passes out in her daughter’s arms.

It’s the day of Samuel’s funeral. Nidia thanks Juan for all he’s done, but he won’t hear it. Nidia seductively hugs Juan. He just wants to offer help. Mireli thanks him. Yadira and Nidia launch into a tirade about Samuel not caring for his wife and children. Mireli can’t believe they’re talking like this when they’re father is dead. She thinks the other should have more respect. Juan tells us that this is the day that he fell in love with Mireli because she was the only one who really felt the death of her father.

We see the guy from the beginning of the novela, who was about to marry Paula. He’s with his wife and hands her a package for the family. He’s going to Madrid. The pair talk lovingly to each other. The man with glasses enters and he’s crying. (Pastor) Pastor announces that Samuel Cochon is dead. He killed himself with a pistol. The man and the woman can’t believe what happened. (I do believe the man is Cesar Luis.) CL wants to send flowers. Pastor takes charge of this.

It’s the time of the viewing, and all Juan can focus on is Mireli and her grief. He wonder what he should do, say. He decides to console her, but she cuts him short and asks him to leave her in peace. His game is slowed but not stopped. He likes grumpy women and as the moments pass he’s falling more and more in love. He wonders what will happen.

Tomorrow: Johnny Q & Paula meet again!


I love love Juan's voice. Hmm. Thanks for the recap!

Another blazing fast recap!

Okay, I know that this is only my 2nd novela (after LFMB) and as a rule the drama tends to be quite high, but I thought this was going to be comedic. In the first hour we've had harsh recriminations, uncontrollable sobbing, true love willfully denied and a suicide. Any chance the funny will kick in soon? Apart from Red Panties and his mullet extraordinaire. No doubt, the panties are way shorter than the dress. And I thought Aldo's Daisy Dukes were bad. At least Juan fills them out better.

I really like this...& I think it is pretty funny..
Kudos to Cesar...Bwaaaahhha I was "No Puede Ser" all over myself as soon as you pulled out the gun...

Thanks for the recap Amanda. I too was shocked at the suicide (at least the death in LFMB was an old man of "natural causes"). Juan is quite funny though and I've liked the actress who plays Paula also.


Great recap! Melinama, I agree with you, Juan's voice is cool:)

Yikes, I was also blown away (sorry for that) by the suicide. Completely unbelievable that any man would confide in a guy with a mullet and cheek leak shorts; only Evora could have pulled that one off. But hey folks, so far no gratuitous smacking of women like what happens every friggin' five minutes in Duelo. I adore Nidia. These actors look like they're having too much fun.

Thanks Amanda!

Hi. Has anyone else noticed that Paula looks a lot like the cooking host Nigella Lawson. I noticed the difference about 20 minutes into the first episode. I don'st know if I will enjoy this novela as much as LFMB but I will try.

Now I realize that the bad guy Caesar here was also the bad cousin (Federico) in "Barrera de Amor."

Amanda, thanks for the great, and as everyone has noted, speedy, recap!

“She turns to him and admires those oh-so-short shorts.” The thing of it is, there wasn’t that much there to admire, was there? ;-)

” Wow. What a nice, happy novela.” Yeah. Really. I think Televisa/Univision led us astray here.

Juan’s voice is very nice. I hope he talks to himself a LOT in this one. He’s amusing. The rest of it…..well, the jury’s still out. I already don’t like the guy who was going to marry Paula at the beginning and is saying goodbye to his wife at the airport. He already hits me as sleazy.


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