Tuesday, July 24, 2007

7/23/07 Juan Querendon

Alirio and Nidia are having a tete a tete about the will. Nidia calls Ana and gives her the news about the house and how everything that her husband once owned is now hers. Ana tells her that she has nothing to discuss with her. Ana tells her that she has too much time on her hands to be bothering people. Nidia asks her if she plans on moving out of the house and Ana replies "of course not!" Nidia tells her that if that is the case then she and her daughter will have to suffer the consequences. Ana gets angrier and tells her to leave her daughter alone and that she will turn Nidia in for making threats. Nidia tells her that she will be the one doing the denouncing so they can leave the house. Nidia is enjoying the heck out of this exchange between the two of them. Ana tells Nidia that she is truly sick in the head. Nidia tells her to pack her trinkets and get out...
Back at the office, CL and his wifey are making their exit. Ivonne wants to talk to CL, so he tells his wife he will catch up to her later and that he has some work stuff to talk over with Ivonne.
Pastor and Paula are in her office talking about the new position and Marely's interview. Pastor has a problem with Paula doing the interview because, afterall, he is in charge of HR. She tells him that since the person will be working with her, it is only natural that she will want to meet/talk with that person. She asks him if he has a problem with that. He says no. He does, however, need to look over the regulations of the empresa to see if there is some policy about family members working together. Paula asks if he has a problem with Juan. He says no.
Juan and Enrique are arguing about something, but I am not sure what...
Ivonne is in Pastor's office whining about CL. She wants the dirt on whats up between him and Paula. He is reluctant to spill, but she reminds him of how good a friend she has been to him. He admits that Paula and Cesar Luis had a liason in Taxco. She is livid and says he is quite the "desgraciado."
Ana calls Paula at work and tells her about her phone call with Nidia Cachon. She tells her about the house being in Paula's father's name. Ana says it was in his name because of credit, but she paid for it, each and every month. Ana tells her not to worry. She will find them an attorney who can find some resolution. Paula tells her that she will call her later and if Nidia calls her again, hang up on her.
Paula asks Ivonne to get her some information on Samuel Cachon. Ivonne is busy with her game of solitaire and says that she is not her secretary and maybe if she asks nicely, she may do it. They two gals are having a power struggle. Pastor tells Paula that he will get her the information she needs.
Ivonne and Pastor are in his office. He tells her that she must control herself. She says she was fine until Paula got there. He tells her to pick her battles. He tells her that Paula is getting a new secretary and that she will not have to deal with her anymore. He then goes on to show her some breathing techniques to help her chill.
Juan and Kike are having a drink and talking. Its a pretty dull conversation... I assume Juan is dispensing some advice to him which I didnt quite get...I think Enrique is hashing out his game plan to win his girl back.
CL and his wife are in the doctor's office. The doctor says that everything is progressing normally with her pregnancy. She asks if all her work and traveling will be harmful. He advises her to slow down.
Juan agrees to help Kike with his plan to win back Yadira.
Pastor is giving Juan a hard time about his tardiness. Pastor then inquires about his cousin applying for the job as Paula's secretary and was it the same cousin who he helped with the loan. Juan said it was a different cousin and that he does have a lot of relatives. He tells Pastor that his aunt and uncle didn't own a television. Marely appears and Juan introduces her to Juan Pastor.
CL's wife asks him if he is unhappy about the baby.
Marely asks Juan what the story is, is she his cousin, his grandma, aunt etc. She wants to get their story straight since she is not used to telling lies.
Ivonne gives Paula the information she requested. Ivonne is much nicer this time around...
Juan tells Paula that his cousin is there for the interview. He introduces Marely. The two ladies look at eachother and there is mucho tension. Juan thought bubbles that they are both probably jealous becuase of him...(he is so adorable:)
Paula tells Marely about how her mom is harassing Paula's mom. Marely swears that she had no idea what her mother was up to.
My recorder stopped recording at this point, so the rest of this summary is from memory...if I left anything out, please feel free to add.
Paula ends up hiring Marely to be her secretary. Paula asked her if she was really Juan's cousin. Marely, being the decent, honest gal she is, tells the truth and admits that she is not Juan's cousin and that he was merely trying to help her out. Juan indulges in some daydreaming and his thoughts turn to some girl boxing featuring Marely and Paula. He is abruptly awaken by Paula. She tells him that she knows the truth about Marely and knows that she is not related to him. She is furious.


Thanks! I especially liked when Pastor was showing Yvonne breathing techniques.

Lucy, I feel somewhat relieved that you also could not understand Juan and Kike. When those two have a conversation my head absolutely spins!

My favorite part was Juan's daydream that the girls were boxing for his love. That dude is absolutely clueless, but adorably clueless. I also liked when he was telling Pastor about all his cousins...his relatives have no TV and no other way to occupy their time except to make a house full of cousins. hee hee

Thanks Lucy! It's interesting that Paula and Marely are bonding. They have similar dispositions...BORING! (Although Marely seems to be perking up a little.)

Thanks, Lucy! I echo Sylvia's observation about being relieved that you (and she) are not understanding Kike and Juan. Whew, do they talk fast and in the vernacular!

It was a surprise to me that Paula and Marely seemed to bond almost instantly. I wish I had the first couple of half hour programs so I could go back and look at how they interacted at the funeral. It didn't compute at first for me when she and Paula bonded in Paula's office, but I suppose they both are pretty level-headed (okay, Sylvia, boring!) and even-tempered for the most part--unlike Nidia and Yadira.


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