Sunday, May 18, 2008

Yo Amo a Juan – May 16, 2008 – In Which the Real Fun with Laura and Paula Begins and your Recapper Can’t Think of a Snappier Title

Folks, feel free to add, subtract and correct any errors in this recap. All help is deeply appreciated!

Cap’n Sylvia Sharkbait came up with a brilliant system last night to identify the twins and so I quote her:

“In order to avoid confusion here is how I will deal with the twins:

CL = when CL is himself and out of disguise
Sandro = Sandro Arenas
S2 = when CL is disguised as his twin Sandro Arenas
"Sandro" = when people are talking about who they think is Sandro, but it's really CL”

Thank you, Cap’n Sylvia, and now on to tonight’s feature:

Sadly, the writers and producers have decided to make our very first review of last night’s episode a reminder of how Yadi can dribble herself all over just about any good-looking man. S2 is no exception. She dribbles while he looks over her proposal and declares there’s no problem with it—it’s a good proposal and the prices are attractive. Yadi simpers and gives no appearance whatever of being a competent businesswoman. She mistakenly calls him CL, corrects herself, and they do the now familiar routine about where he’s getting used to it. I guess he should be since he’s CL anyway. The old boy hasn’t lost his touch, because he seizes the moment and asks to tutear her, which totally makes her day. Her simpering reminds me of the fake orgasm Sally had in “When Sally met Harry.” Except Yadi really means it.

Paula snipes about Hillary Paris as Marely brings some papers she’s requested. Paula comments about what an arrogant type Hillary is. Personally, I can’t imagine who Paula’s talking about, but that’s her story and she’s sticking to it, obviously. Marely agrees, though. Paula doubts Hillary is taking Juan seriously.

“Sandro” can’t imagine why Juan wants to hire Laura. Juan doesn’t give him line, chapter and verse, he sketches out why he wants her and just tells “Sandro” to get the job done. “Sandro” is more than compliant. He’ll do whatever the boss-man wants. As a parting shot, “Sandro” congratulates Juan and points out how well Juan has done, moving from the bottom of the barrel to the top of the heap. Juan gets up, menacing—how does “Sandro” know he came up from the bottom to the top? “Sandro” notes how easy it is to come by information in this company. Juan wonders if “Sandro” is gossipy (bocón – big-mouth, boastful, backbiting, gossipy). “Sandro” denies it – and he’s not nosy, either (preguntón, one who asks too many questions) and briefly describes how he came by the information and that they’re more than willing to describe how Juan has come up the ladder. Juan stares at him, suspicious, and thought bubbles about how he thinks this guy is mocking him and how he likes this guy less all the time. He muses about how this guy seems like a wolf disguised as a Grandmother (un lobo disfrazado de abuelita) at times. [“Sandro” is at his snide CL best, which will trip him up in the long run, in my not-so-humble opinion.] Juan stops him and tries to send “Sandro” off on the task of the hour. Before “Sandro” goes, he tries to get Juan to go eat with him so they can “keep talking.” Juan weasels out—he’s going to eat with Hillary. “Sandro” mutters behind Juan that he should choke on his meal (que te atragantes en la comida- loosely translated, I hope you choke on the meal) while he’s climbing the social ladder (trepado). Juan swings around -- what was that? “Sandro” says that since they’re talking about food at the moment, he’s on his way to a little place where they have a spit roaster (asador). It’s a restaurant in Polanco [from “Polanco is located just in front of Chapultepec Forest and it is one of the most dynamic areas in the city. In this neighbourhood you'll be able to find the most sophisticated hotels, restaurants and the best shopping district. The main attraction of Polanco is being residential and commercial at the same time. Elegant flats and boutiques turn the area into a strategic business hub. Nevertheless it still has its original trendy atmosphere, great dinner options and at night it offers some of the best clubs in the city.”] It’s a great restaurant. “Sandro” walks in front of the bemused Juan telling him about “La Carne Atravesada” [which is delivered like an insult, so help here, anyone.] Juan is suspicious-impactado.

There are shoppers in the gallery whom Willy is busy serving while Ana grabs a moment to update Nidia on her love life. Nidia, the babysitter today, wants to know if Ana’s joined the team, flirting and sashaying. Ana shushes her and Nidia persists. The flesh is weak, death is a black hole and one needs to enjoy! [No doubt I mangled that dicho, so help here, all who can “la carne is débil, el muerto al pozo y una al gozo!] Ana ignores that and tells Nidia she and Willy prefer to take it step by step. [Well, at least Ana does.] They’re letting it all happen without forcing it. Nidia tells her that sounds about as exiting as taking an intensive English course in bed. “Good morning, Papi Rico, chami, chami, yes, yes” and Nidia punctuates this boring event with bounces on the bed to signify the action…..while she gives us one of “those looks.” Ana changes the subject altogether and asks how her work with Delirio in the home office is going. Nidia reports it’s been destined for failure from the get-go, and so it’s not going well.

Ivonne wants Pastor to know that she’s of the opinion that Juan’s not really very interested in Hillary Paris. She thinks it’s a scam to get Paula’s knickers in a knot. Pastor notes that the new VP is watching Paula carefully for her reactions. Ivonne is doubtful and Pastor continues that he’s taken Paula out to eat, sent flowers, doesn’t that suggest something? Ivonne thinks that was just for Paula to get some of his attention, but the one he really likes is Marely. [And you’re BOTH right, folks.] Pastor scoffs, but Ivonne points out he ate with Marely yesterday. Pastor is impactado. This guy’s a mystery! He notes that this guy seems worse than CL himself! Ivonne crosses two pencils at him to ward off the evil spirits of CL, may he rest in peace. [Anon #1, you’re right! There are pencils everywhere here!]. Pastor warns her to be careful with this guy, because he could be a wolf in sheep’s clothing (un lobo en piel de oveja). [¿Tú crees, Pastor??] How strange, Ivonne mutters, looking thoughtful.

Willy has come to chat with Ana at her desk. She tells him she’s worried about Nidia; she’s had problems finding work and her hubby is a zero to the left. [Two zeros, if you ask me.] Willy asks if Nidia will be able to pay the mortgage, and Ana confirms not only will Nidia not be able to pay that, but not even to live. Willy suggests that Ana ask Nidia to come and work at the gallery, they’ll have a lot to do for the exhibit and it wouldn’t be a bad thing to have a PR person. Willy says all this with a tad bit of reluctance; we are talking about Nidia here, after all. Ana is thrilled, is he willing to have this expense? She can’t believe he’d do this for her! She thanks him and gives him a kiss; he caresses her cheek and smiles lovingly at her.

Juan and Fern share a celebration in Juan’s office. This Hillary Paris netted Juan a 10! Seeing Juan when he got off the elevator with Hillary Paris….and Juan tells Fern he owes it all to his Juanito. Fern thinks after this at the very least he should be buying his son a bicycle or something. Man, such a beauty she is! Yep, she’s a goddess. A fantasy (aparición)! The boys dreamily discuss Hillary’s attributes. Everyone standing there with their jaws dropping….and Juan’s going to eat with her today. What? Yep, today.

Delirio rushes to his door with Nidia at his heels, possibly thinking he has a client—nope, it’s Gutis, sporting a beard and moustache. Delirio calls him a bad friend, a traitor and Gutis just chuckles at him. The boys face off and Nidia rolls her eyes.

As we return from commercial, we get a lead-in clip of Gutis laughing sleazily at us, which is Not a Good Sign. It probably means we’re going to have more filler and Gutis is central to the new filler. Delirio asks again why the h*** Gutis is there. Gutis wants to know what kind of greeting this is for an old friend. Delirio tells him it’s been a while and don’t count on any favors from him on account of “friendship.” Nidia throws her two cents’ worth in—he better not be counting on her, either. Okay, if they don’t want his friendship, he understands, but he has such a deal for Delirio. Gutis taps Delirio on the shoulder emphatically. What, Delirio wants to know, to end up in jail? Thanks, but no thanks. Business with you is of no interest to us any more because it always ends up badly. Nidia snarls that Gutis can get out of his own volition or Delirio can kick him out. She turns Delirio to her and asks, “right, Alirio?” Delirio, wuss that he is, backs right down. Nidia jumps in front and tells Gutis fine, if this rat of a husband of mine won’t dare to do it, I will. Delirio is much more comfortable throwing out the threats from behind Nidia. “Don’t force me, Gutierrez, to employ violence!” Gutis laughs with a scoff. He can’t believe Delirio after all they’ve gone through together. Well, he understands, and he’s leaving. After all, they’re good people, decent people. [Methinks I hear a sneer in this voice, folks.] Nidia agrees, although she knows he has to work hard to believe it. She tells him to go and never darken their door again. Nidia’s feeling pretty darn empowered after Gutis leaves quietly with no more discussion.

At the market center, Anga is excited that this is the beginning of a good commercial relationship with Farell without CL muddying things up. Yadi murmurs agreement. Anga continues that this really has promise to be a really big business deal. Yadi exults in agreement, and tells Anga they’ve gotten really lucky (killed the snake on Friday, one of my favorite dichos!). Kike joins them; he’s been waiting for them to go eat. She links her arm in Anga’s and tells Kike it’s a shame but she’s invited Anga to go eat. Anga smiles and tells her that’s not necessary. She insists it’s the least she can do. Kike is impactada and worried as Yadi says that Anga has behaved so divinely with her and Anga is embarrassed. He says she’s left him no choice but to agree. Yadi goes for some papers so they can do business over the meal. Anga wonders where she’s taking him and she tells him no taquitos or stuff like that, something much finer. She condescendingly tells Kike they’ll see him later. Anga tells him he’s in charge and Kike looks bien irritated, but what can he say? The pair goes off arm in arm and Kike scratches his head in concern and puzzlement.

Ana is still hard at work at the gallery, talking to Nidia. Ana wants to issue an invitation to eat. Nidia’s excited, how divine! She alludes to her misfortunes, but she’s not actually dying of hunger. Ana fondly tells her that Guillermo (Willy) and she have something to discuss with Nidia. Nidia’s pleased that the chomi-chomi will join them. She’ll make sure her gloomy old spouse and her granddaughter are squared away because her curiosity is piqued now.

“Sandro” gets a caller in his office—Marely wants to pop in. He invites her in, a trifle uncomfortable at her warm and welcoming smile. “Sandro” pushes at his glasses and goes back to his laptop while Marely brings him a pile of papers. Look at this, what do you think? What’s this, he wants to know. Marely tells him it’s the essay and she made progress the night before with his help. He scolds her –what does this have to do with your work at Farell? He hands it back to her with a scowl. Well, nothing, but….”Sandro” scolds even more that she shouldn’t think it’s right to be coming to distract him with this in the office. Marely looks like he slapped her and stammers that if it’s not a good moment……”Sandro” tells her it’s NOT a good moment. Sounding for all the world like his twin, he yells that he has IMPORTANT things to attend to and she comes to him with this stuff. He tells her to never interrupt him with such things and limit her work to things related to the office. Marely looks panicky. Are we clear? Yes, she responds softly. Excuse me. She frowns at him like he’s grown another head [which he has] and leaves quickly.

Delirio is napping at Casa Cachón in his favorite room, the office. A firm knock snaps him awake and to stand behind the desk. “Come in!” He calls a second time when no one enters. Running to open the door, he discovers he’s babysitting again. Nidia Micaela is ready for a walk in her stroller, a note pinned to the hood of the stroller. Nidia had to leave in a hurry and didn’t want to wake him. [A likely story, since she knocked hard.] Take care of this child as if she were your own. Delirio mutters in annoyance, then snarls in frustration at Nidia; meanwhile Nidia minces out as fast as her stilettos can carry her—right past a barely hidden Gutis stalking the house for the right moment. Gutis grins like the cat that caught a canary.

Sandro reads the paper at the kitchen table in the apartment. He remembers his lunchtime discussion with Marely. She told him when they ate that she didn’t remember a time when she’d had such a discussion with anyone, about something really important. He told her the same thing, and stammered his way through it until she asked if he was tongue-tied. He told her she made him a bit nervous. Sandro returns to the present with a happy smile on his face. [Ed. Note: Brother, are you in for a surprise about the damage your other half has done this morning at the office!]

Speaking of the Queen of Rome, Marely has to see Paula to unload about “Sandro’s” treatment of her moments ago. Has something happened to you, Paula wants to know? No, not to me, but to “Sandro.” What’s wrong? Marely describes how he offered help with her essay, including the book loan, and today he’s the biggest despot in the world about it when she wanted him to take a look and he told her to limit it to office work! Paula thinks he might be overwhelmed with work. Marely acknowledges she might have chosen the worst moment, but that doesn’t explain his strange attitude. Paula, our in-house expert on men, tells her they’re all like that. One moment they’re enchanting, and the next they’re making you feel way uncomfortable. Marely wants to know if Paula remembers the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? Paula chuckles. You know, one moment he was a serious and kind guy, and the next he was a rabid crazy man. Paula chuckles again. Marely wonders if “Sandro” could be bipolar or have a split personality or something. Paula laughs outright—she doesn’t think so….but she thinks again. She agrees that it’s strange, but concludes it’s for everyone’s good. [WHAT is for everyone’s good?] Paula advises her little sister to quit thinking in horror film terms and they’ll go eat. Off they go.

“Sandro” sees them come into the lobby and scoots off so they don’t see him first. The girls are going for sushi down at the corner, and want to know if Ivonne will join them. Nope, she’s going with Fern. Ivonne has noted “Sandro’s” odd behavior and that he’s still lurking behind a pillar waiting for the girls to leave. She sees his scowl as he stalks back to his office, and she gets a thoughtful look.

Gutis has found his way into the Cachón house and Delirio tells Gutis that it’s his fault Delirio suffered undeserved shame and humiliation. Gutis grabs him by the tie and tells him not to be such a liar. He knows that Delirio was only locked up one night. They told him. Delirio wants to know what about the joke they made of him? Gutis wants to make up for it by again offering the best business deal of his life—and helps himself to Delirio’s liquor. All the while, Nidia Micaela is mellow in her stroller. Delirio supposes Gutis is still a refugee from justice? Yep, he supposes right, Gutis tells him. Delirio declares that Gutis is NOT going to set himself up in this house, Gutis heard Delirio’s wife. Gutis reminds Delirio that his wife was in on the deal to alter that will in the first place, and while she was busy covering up, he was spending time in the jail. They argue about the affair of the will cover-up. Gutis figures it’s been working okay while she’s at his side—he insinuates that Nidia is only with Delirio because of the cover-up. Delirio asserts that Nidia has realized that she loves him. Gutis tells him that this woman’s not going to really love him even in his dreams. But, let’s get to the point about this deal that will be in our best interest here. Delirio doesn’t want to hear it and tries to throw him out again. Gutis mocks him about how he’s keeping Nidia at his side with a vile trick.

Juan is finally on his way in a taxi to lunch with Hillary. He gives himself a pep talk about his date with this beauty and how attractive all his charms are—she didn’t make eyes at him just because he was such a great impresario. He sings a phrase from a song by José Feliciano. What will it be? It will be what it will be.

Apparently Gutis doesn’t give up easily. He’s still at it, trying to convince Delirio about his deal. All Delirio has to do is open some new bank accounts, and Gutis’ clients will use those—they surely will be moving a lot of $$. Delirio nails it right off the bat—so, we’ll be doing laundry? [Okay, that’s a very loose interpretation..] Yep, with other people’s money and gaining millions. Delirio strolls Nidia M. around the living room as he talks. Dangerous, Gutis, very dangerous. Gutis persuades; “wouldn’t you like to let Nidia have the life she deserves, take her to exotic places, buy all she wants?” Of course I would, Delirio agrees. Well? Why would Delirio close the door on this opportunity. Delirio points out that all Gutis adventures so far have ended badly for Delirio. Gutis interrupts and reminds him that nothing ventured, nothing gained. Nidia M. begins to whimper. Me, too. Gutis assures Delirio this will solve all his problems and help him win the greatest love of his life. [Right.] Delirio is softening—it’s tempting. But….Gutis won’t take no for an answer. But if Delirio wants to lose this great deal, Gutis will make someone else rich.

Willy and Ana enjoy a leisurely lunch while she tells him how she and Nidia are opposites. Nidia is spirited, lively (jacandarosa) and extroverted, scandalous and naughty, but she’s a good person. For Willy, it’s enough that they are friends and Ana trusts her. They look at Nidia noisily making her way toward them. Ana adds a note—Nidia is one of the main promoters of her romance with Willy. Well, then, he’s eternally grateful to her! Nidia joins them and immediately proceeds to be herself, totally embarrassing Ana. He’s such a gentleman! The waiter asks what she wants to drink, and Nidia orders a tequila. Ana nearly jumps at her over the table and Nidia retracts the order to give a more appropriate order-a sad and boring lemonade. Ana has said nary a word and Nidia got the message; Willy sits looking down at his plate, figuring out what it’s all about and noting a depth of understanding between the women. Nidia babbles on—she’s at their orders, and since she left her house has been thinking and thinking about what could be on their minds. She’s got various theories. Willy starts to explain and Nidia bursts in that they’re probably going to get married and want her to be the wedding sponsor! (madrina de bodas). Nope, Willy tells her, but it’s a magnificent idea! He looks at Ana, who tells Nidia not at the moment (but doesn’t negate the possibility). Nidia speculates they ate the torta early and maybe Ana’s pregnant. Ana is distinctly uncomfortable. It’s not about us, it’s about you. Ana tells her they have a proposal for her, that she collaborate with them in the gallery. Nidia is soooo happy and the amigas smile widely at each other, with Willy joining them.

Delirio has foolishly brought Gutis into the office. [Okay, that’s a judgment call on my part.] Apparently, Gutis has him hooked, but Delirio wants his assurance that Nidia will NEVER learn of his involvement in this. You heard her a while ago, she doesn’t want to see you, Gutis, not even in a painting! Nope, she won’t see Gutis and Delirio won’t have anything to do directly with Gutis, either. [Ed. Note: I just noticed that Gutis has lost his curly lock in the middle of his forehead! He doesn’t actually look like such a naco any more.] Instead, Delirio will see Sr. Maloro. Who’s that? Gutis stands, shakes Delirio’s hand, and announces he’s at Delirio’s service. He explains how he’s going to arrange it so she never knows a thing. Delirio thinks this sounds just fine and pats Gutis on the cheek to punctuate his satisfaction with the arrangement.

Hillary and Juan are clearly having a good time, and he’s telling her tales that amuse her about Akito, the Japanese man he met on the way to Achichipico who left him with the anthurium business, and as they say in Juan’s home town, like a burro who plays the flute. Hillary chuckles at the story. [There appear to be bodyguards [or, they could be the valet parking guys] over his shoulder watching the two of them eating]. He babbles on and Hillary tells him she’s never met anyone like him. [No doubt.] Like this, straightforward, authentic. He thanks her and jokes –what are YOU drinking? They laugh some more. Juan remarks that she’s so cute and must have mountains of admirers, or no? Mountains, yes, but they’re not the same. They’re like a bunch of clones, all trying to impress me all the time, and competing. She and Juan clink their glasses in camaraderie. You, on the other hand, are so natural. Juan muses to himself—what’s up with this? Have you seen me au natural? [Ed. Note: Oh, Sheesh, Juan.] Juan says he doesn’t have two faces, WYSIWYG [Loosely interpreted, amigos]. Well, from time to time he tells some of those little Holy Lies. Hillary tells him in spite of that, he’s a transparent man. One whose soul could be touched. Juan thought bubbles that if they’re getting into these areas, they’re getting red-hot. She continues that he’s a special man—incredibly special. While she continues, he muses about her lovely red lips, silky voice; it’s music to his ears. She’s destined for him, right, Papa Dios? She calls him back to the real world. Juan? Juan! What’s up, I’m here! He snaps back to join her. She tells him she asked him a question, so what does he say—yes, or no? Chinches Bravas, what would she have asked? What if she proposed marriage? He tells her he has to think about it. What, you have to think about if you want to be my friend? Juan makes like he was messing with her—you believed it! You believed it! They both laugh and so do we. Of course he wants to be her friend! And whatever else you want, divine child, he muses to himself again. He tells her what an honor it is for him to be near such a woman, who is so rich and so straightforward, having such a wonderful heart and sharing so much with everyone! Juan kisses her hand and looks her straight in the eye enchantingly. He compliments her eyes and caresses her cheek. Hillary, like women everywhere who meet Juan, smiles shyly.

Laura Berrocal strides across the Farell lobby with determination, in an outfit that is leftover from the early 70s mini-falda and weird stockings days. What was it you said, Cap’n Sylvia? She shops at “Skanks R Us? Julia meets her. Laura is looking for Sr. Juan Dominguez. He’s left to eat, Julia tells Laura, did you have an appointment with him, or what? Laura declares haughtily that she needs no appointment with Juan. [We beg to differ; nowadays you might very well need an appointment, Laura]. She’ll wait. Julia points to where she can wait, but he might be late. Laura says it’s not important, and could Julia bring her coffee? Julia is intrigued, of course. She’ll bring it. Sugar or no?.....”Sandro” sees Laura and approaches, greeting Laura. Well, you must be the twin brother of CL. Yep. She notes that they’ve seen each other during the interviews and she learned about his parentage. “Sandro” self-effacingly tells her he’s getting used to people looking closely at him for the similarities. Laura congratulates him on getting the VP position. “Sandro” says that Juan’s told him about her. Really? Yep. And he gave me the responsibility of personally helping you. Suddenly Paula and Marely come off the elevator and as Sylvia said so eloquently last night—“Laura arrives at Farell + Paula sees her = Catfight!” Paula tells her to get lost, please. Laura just stares.

Hillary is bidding Juan goodbye at the restaurant—where’s his car? He left it in the garage. She offers to take him wherever he needs to go, but he tells her he prefers to walk to work off his full belly. [Ed. Note: Apparently Hillary doesn’t mind the tie that ends mid-chest level]. Her car appears to be something like a Lamborghini or Ferrari—[I don’t know the difference, I just know the basic shape.] Later, he’ll hail a taxi when he’s worked off the meal. Fine, she tells Juan, and it’s the best meal I’ve had in a good long while. Can we have dinner together? Juan takes her hand to kiss it and nods—what?? Shyly?? Well, then, she asks—until tonight? Hillary draws his face down with one hand and gives him a kiss. Or two. Or three.

It seems they didn’t get the job done during the break and there are more kisses. They stroke each other’s cheeks, kiss and flirt. Juan is thought bubbling while he kisses, which I am told is unusual for guys, about how he never dreamed when the day began that by afternoon he’d be testing the honey of her lips! This would be the moment when he should sweep her into his arms and turn it into a real kiss. But, he’d run the risk of her seeing him too forward (lanzado) and that wouldn’t speak well of him. Hillary breaks the kiss and asks if he thinks her too forward (lanzada). He thought bubbles no way and tells her it enchanted him. She was so spontaneous. She tells him it would only happen when she met someone she liked so much. He thought bubbles to himself—didn’t I tell you? You have your way! Hillary wonders why he’s so deep in thought. He tells her he’s not really thinking, but being sure he doesn’t forget the feel of her lips on his. She asks if they’ll see each other in the evening and he tells her he’s ready [Ed. Note: If I were a suspicious person, I’d be suspicious about the wording he used, but I’m SUCH an innocent schoolmarm type. He said he’s more ready than a sock. Or a French Letter.] You say frog, and I jump. She smiles and chuckles at him. She walks off toward her car, her entourage of bodyguards with her, and abruptly returns to Juan. Do you know what? She tells him she hasn’t asked him the most important thing. What would that be? Are you a free man? He affirms that he is. Hillary is pleased, because she’s free, too. She finally goes to drive away in her beautiful red Italian car. [Could be a Maserati, too, what do I know except that it’s Italian? FWIW, the taillights are not Lamborghini or Maserati, and look more like Ferrari Enzo taillights to me.]

Meanwhile our favorite harpy has declared war right in the center of the Farell lobby. Paula wants to know qué the heck she’s waiting for and Laura screams back that Paula can’t throw her out. Paula wants to know if Laura wants her to call security to eject Laura. “Sandro” tries to get them to calm down. He informs Paula that Laura is looking for Juan. Since he’s gone out, “Sandro” will see to Laura. Paula tells him not to waste his time with Laura, they don’t have to give her any type of consideration. Laura wants to know why Paula has such poor manners. [Ed. Note: Those boots and nylons are super skanky. Just my two cents’ worth.] The girls continue to exchange insults, and Marely tries to get Paula to let “Sandro” take care of Laura. Julia tries to intervene at Paula’s request that she calls security and Marely gently tells her to hold on. She tries to get Paula to back off, but Paula wants to know what Julia’s waiting for. Laura confronts Paula—she’s not the sole owner of this company and she can’t dismiss Laura like she’s a nobody. Paula lunges forward to confront Laura up close and personal. Marely drags her back to calm her down. She’s making a spectacle of herself! Paula will give Laura five seconds to get the heck out. Laura announces she’s not going anyplace. “Sandro” asks Marely to accompany the Licenciada Paula to her office and he’ll see to Laura. Paula is NOT to be swayed. She counts. One, two….Laura squares off with crossed arms and “Sandro” interrupts—he’ll SEE to Laura. Paula’s not buying it. It’s an order. “Sandro” tells Paula that Juan asked him personally to take care of this. Ivonne rushes over to grab Paula and drag her to the office. “Sandro” actually looks distraught as Paula gets hauled to her office by her sister and Ivonne. Julia approaches –he tells her to let security know their presence isn’t needed. He drags Laura off to his office. She apologizes for all the shouting, but this woman (Paula) is increasingly too unhinged (desquiciada). She asks his pardon, but his blessed brother left her like someone in a nuthouse. “Sandro” looks totally bemused by this declaration. Laura asks if she can tutear him. Sure, of course. Laura notes that they are actually like “political relatives.” Her cousin Monica was married to his twin. She was so happy until this social climber (Paula) crossed her path. “Sandro” gives her a tight smile. Laura wonders how he can work with such a woman? “Sandro” excuses her—Paula’s had a difficult day. Would that Laura can forgive her. Whatever. “Sandro” changes the subject—Juan’s told him that Laura wants to work with them. Yes, Laura understood that she could begin little by little. She doesn’t have much of that kind of experience. She hasn’t worked in a while. Laura has high hopes and is hopeful that Paula won’t be a hindrance. “Sandro” notes that from what Juan told him, she can count on his help. Laura remarks on what a great guy Juan is and offers “Sandro” her resume. He notes that she appears to be a very well prepared woman and there shouldn’t be a problem offering her a very attractive position in the company. Really? Yep. He continues that it was very rude of Paula to treat her like that in front of everyone. That’s what Laura would say, too—this woman has no manners. She tells “Sandro” how agreeable he is, nothing like his brother. He was hateful. “Sandro” squirms uncomfortably and mutters that’s what everyone says. But there’s a question that intrigues him. What? Why is Juan so interested that you work in Farell? Is there a personal relationship between the two of you? Well, Laura hedges, they’re not sweethearts but they’ve been going out. Nothing formal yet. “Sandro” asks if she wants a tea or coffee while she waits for Juan. Laura remembers she had asked for tea a while back. “Sandro” calls Julia to bring it. Without sugar, she reminds him, and he calls Julia back.

The Harpy has continued her rant in her own office, thank heaven. That’s all she needs is for Juan to force her to have this woman working for her here. Marely and Ivonne try to calm and reassure her—she doesn’t know for sure this is the case. The three discuss the dilemma of Laura at about 110 decibels—at least Paula is at 110 dB. Paula throws out that “Sandro” was tasked with seeing to Laura personally by Juan. Paula is in a full swing hissy as the girls try to calm her. Ivonne sees a way out and runs to get her a cup of tea to calm her. Marely is stuck with her sister, trying to calm Paula. [Ed. Note: What a colossal waste of time!] It’s the last straw! First Hillary Paris and now this! Juan isn’t going to work because he’s hunting women everywhere? Marely looks sooo sad.

Willy tells Nidia that Ana wasn’t mistaken, Nidia is very nice. Nidia thanks him sweetly, and tells him that Ana is her best friend. She warns him to treat Ana well, because if he doesn’t he’ll have to deal with her. She brandishes fists at him. Willy holds up a hand, not to worry! Ana’s told him a lot about Nidia. She’s embarrassed if Ana’s told Willy what a mess Nidia made of the will. She swears to him that she’s very sorry. He knows. And he’s aware of the mortgage she is paying for the house, and that she’s needing work. Nidia teases Ana about her chattiness. [Yes, folks, that’s apparently a word because the spellchecker let it by.] When do they want her to begin working? ASAP, Ana tells Nidia. Willy tells her the timetable on it is flexible, but there’s lots to do before the exhibit. Vivaldi’s “Spring” plays in the background. Nidia remarks she was born to this (painted for this); she’s always given Ana good ideas. Ana notes that they have to keep a tight rein on Nidia because she is sometimes very imaginative….and the cuckoos sound.

Laura is still bending “Sandro’s” ear. There are lots of areas where they can collaborate, right? You choose, he tells her, what’s important is that you like working with us here. She’d like to talk it over with Juan. Of course. Laura whines that he hasn’t shown up, so when will he? “Sandro” smiles sardonically—he has no idea. Laura thinks she should go; she’s been wasting lots of his time and has caused problems. “Sandro” assures her it’s not a problem and she shouldn’t worry. Laura thanks him for the coffee and the chat; they’ll be in touch. He’ll accompany her to the lower level.

Pastor congratulates Heriberto on the flow chart. [Ed. Note: Who prepared that? Inquiring minds want to know.] Wow, did he do that good? Pastor evades a bit—“I just have to say I couldn’t have done it” and comes around the desk to shake Heri’s hand. Heri gives him a nice, big hug. He wants to learn. Pastor is very pleased with Heri. Heri is with Pastor, too. [Ed. Note: One wonders if they are talking about the same thing.] Pastor pushes—really? What do you like most about me? Heri lists Pastor’s good qualities—he’s such a good friend, the patience he has with Heriberto, gee, he teaches Heri better than the teacher Heri had in grammar school! Heri hugs Pastor’s shoulder and Pastor is enraptured. Pastor says that’s what he wants, to teach Heri lots of things and eventually tell Heri his story and reveal his soul. Heri thinks he’s a joker. He saw Pastor’s soul from the first day; Pastor’s a good person. What’s more, he’s Heri’s Mexico City buddy (compadre chilango=buddy who is a native of Mexico City). He gives Pastor a polar bear hug, dislodging Pastor’s toupee and shaking his teeth so we can hear them rattle. Heri pulls back, startled by this new view of Pastor with hair down in his face. Ay! Pastor scolds Heri to not be so effusive, for the love of God, as he rearranges his hair. Heri asks what the heck is that? He never knew Pastor’s hair was made of lies! Look at that, it’s the first time I’ve seen a man with a wig! Pastor is miffed. His romantic moment is a goner.

As Laura prepares to take the elevator down to the ground level, it opens to reveal Juan waltzing off and she rushes him—he’s finally arrived. “Sandro” observes with crossed arms. Laura gives Juan a big hug, though he tries his best to evade her collapsing against him. He wants to know what she’s doing here and she reminds him he told her to call but she felt like coming by to see what kind of work they were offering her. He points to “Sandro” who is standing by with folded hands waiting to see how Juan will put his foot in it now—I told him to take care of it so it wasn’t necessary for you to come by. She reminds him he’s promised at times and not followed through. She’s learned with him it’s better to get close. “Sandro” reports the bad news that Laura’s had such a disagreeable encounter with Paula. Juan is impactado while Laura tells him how rude Paula was, yelling and all that. “Sandro” saved the day, though, all kind and solicitous of Laura. Juan thanks “Sandro” who tells Juan that he’s checked out Laura’s work preferences and paperwork with her. Great, thanks. Laura looks him square in the eye to tell Juan she was on the way out but she’d rather stick around and chat with him. “Sandro” looks at the floor, knowing Juan is in yet another tight spot. Juan assures her he always has time for her and ushers her to his office. Laura waves over her shoulder at “Sandro,” thanking him and telling him it was a pleasure. He mutters that the pleasure was his.

Heri and Pastor have returned to normal, sitting at their respective places in Pastor’s office. Heri is telling Pastor his plans to excel, and begin to earn more money, and make Ivonne HIS! Pastor rolls his eyes and tries to disabuse Heri of his plan. Heri points out that hope is the last thing that dies. Pastor has to admit that he subscribes to that notion, too. [Ed. Note: As we have seen repeatedly over the course of nearly a year, Pastor.] Pastor checks his watch, qué bárbaro, it’s time to eat. Want to go out with me to eat? Heri thanks him, but says he’s got a lot of work to do. Well, Pastor tells him, it can be another day. Heri talks about the assignments he has that Pastor gave him. Heri rushes off and Pastor watches him leave, a bit irritated. Then he adjusts the toupee carefully.

Delirio is a picture of abuelo-hood as he carries Nidia M. into the bank while he pushes her stroller. The teller asks if he can help, and Delirio says he can; Delirio wants to open an account with them. The teller begins to go through the list of choices.

Kike and Remolacho are still holding the fort at Anga’s market stall. Remo wants to know why he keeps checking the clock and Kike retorts it’s because his boss is out with his wife. [Ed. Note: seems like a good enough reason to me.] It sure is taking them a while to eat, right? Remo quotes him a dicho about when folks are sharing a table, time flies, right? Kike charges him, not wanting the lovely dichos. He reminds Remo that Yadi is HIS wife and she didn’t even ask him along! Remo remarks to Kike that this will keep him in good with the old man, right? And he’s going to the corner for tacos, does Kike want some? Kike pushes him. No, get out of here! He glowers.

Juan has Laura settled in his office and lets her vent about Paula a little. Paula’s the only bad thing about working here. She’ll run into Paula. Juan thought bubbles that he has the same problem with Sandro. Juan gives her a pep talk to be very strong. He’s sorry Paula has this ugly attitude with Laura. Laura can’t understand Paula’s rancor since it’s been such a long time ago! Juan comments that some folks don’t forget easily when they’re given trouble. Laura just smiles and tells him she has to go and let him work. He’ll call her to let her know more later. Laura tells him that she wants a good salary [Sheesh] and nothing out of the normal, except to be paid well. Juan thought bubbles about how Paula demanded he give Laura a real slap like he gave to “Sandro” with that salary –and he gives Laura a kiss. She gives him another hug, telling him she’s his new employee. He mutters thanks for her visit into her hair and she thanks him for receiving her while they hug, and Paula bursts in with no knock.

We are thankful to finally see the message that “any similarity to reality is purely coincidental.”

Monday: Will the catfight continue? Will we care?

Vocabulary: It’s embedded, folks. If I have time in a day or two to extract it and list it here, I will. Discúlpanme!



French letters!!!!!you were in a saucy mood, Schoolmarm. Even though we had more fillers I enjoyed this episode. I guess because it provided Cesar Luis with another uncomfortable moment...hearing how he was perceived by others and how his actions hurt his first wife.
And thanks for that information about the Polanco district. I didn't know any of that and will probably never get to Mexico City but do enjoy the armchair travelogue.
You noted some vocabulary that flew right by me...and I doubt that I would have found "compadre chilango" in my dictionary. "Lanzado/lanzada" we got from context but it's the first time I remember hearing that word and it's a useful one.
And "matando una vibora en viernes"...I can remember the first time that came up, and it still seems like such a STRANGE expression. Does Maricruz have any idea how it came to be?
The other thing that always strikes me in these telenovelas is the belief in the magical soothing properties of "té de tilda". It's the same in Guapos...everytime some character loses it, someone else rushes in with tea and it's supposed to make it all better.
Reminds me of those English mystery novels I used to read, where people in shock were always treated with strong hot tea with lots of sugar. Guess every nation has its own folk remedies.
Thanks as always for a detailed and thoughtful recap. You're a treasure.
PS It still blows my mind to see Paula, Ivonne and Marely all cozy and when they invited her to come along to lunch with them. What a sea change!!!

Thanks, JudyB! You're such a great cheerleader!

"French letters!!!!!you were in a saucy mood, Schoolmarm."

Moi? Nah. I'm just faithfully quoting my online dictionary source. ;-) See below, from the "Reverso" dictionary. Note that this definition is used mostly in the US. I think this might be the writers' subtle nod to their US audience--or maybe they're reading this blog to see if we pick up stuff.

calcetín sm sock
♦ calcetín de viaje
** French letter, rubber (esp EEUU) **


And I love seeing CL getting the full poop on how people perceived him, too.


Wow, that was a long one. I've given up on this show but I miss how cute it used to be before they padded it to death...

What fantastic vocabulary phrases and words you provided! My favorite motif of the moment is CL being forced to hear what everyone really thinks of him. This kind of reminds me of "A Christmas Carol". I wonder, will this eventually make CL a better person? Nah, what was I thinking?

Ha, "French Letters" caused me to raise a brow. What a clever double-entendre. I'm sure it's deliberate. The more I learn Spanish slang the more I realize how clever the JQ script is.

Could it be that Ivonne will be the one to figure out the twin swap? She probably knows CL better than anyone else at Farell.

Schoolmarm, I always tell myself that I won't need to see Friday's episode because you provide such thorough recaps, but once again I am lured into tuning in. I simply must see the scene with Pastor and Heriberto! I know this must be a funny episode because your recap was hilarious. Thank you!!

Haa. I don't get the french letter thing, maybe I'm too innocent?

Oh well, figured I'd comment here instead of on Thurs, but I have to mention actually, that Alexis Ayala is from San Francisco, not LA. Sharkbait will appreciate the importance of that distinction!

I have to say, I am super impressed with his acting as all three characters. The director must be fab as well. I really feel he's a different person as each of the three and that is super, and really hrad to carry off. Though watching the character annoys me, watching Alexis portray the characters does not. Did I already say ICK to Sandro and Marely though? I hope they don't end up together. I don't like him for her one bit. I know I'm dreaming, but I still think she's good with Fer and I can't get past the Sandro thing being silly and he's still CL's bro so not interested in them as a couple at all. Oh well.

Thanks, Sylvia and Kris--

I remember reading, like JudyB does, in some historical romance novels about "french letters." Who knows how they got that name. Very odd. But Sylvia, I agree, I think that was a very deliberate double-entendre from the writers. The slang is killing us but it's making us learn and making us laugh.

And yes, Pastor and Heriberto had a way funnier interaction than my humble fingers could document. These two, especially Heri, are sooo good at what they do--acting!

Kris, thanks for straightening that out for me about Ayala. I just knew it was someplace in CA, kind of like how most west coast folks think that Pennsylvania is in the Midwest. Ooops! I am NOT smarter than a fifth grader!


"Could it be that Ivonne will be the one to figure out the twin swap? She probably knows CL better than anyone else at Farell."

Yep, Sylvia, I think you are right. But, the twist here could be she'll have a difficult time convincing anyone.

"Haa. I don't get the french letter thing, maybe I'm too innocent?" Well, Kris, it could just be that you're younger..... ;-)


Glad to find another fan of Alexis Ayala's acting. In fact he's so good, I even have trouble disliking Cesar Luis.

But I agree, he really does make a change with each twin role he takes on.

I would say the main problem is Marely is that Sandro is waaaay too old for her. But at least he hasn't bedded her mother like Fernando.

I don't get the French Letters either :( but I can tell you that the dicho goes "estoy mas puesto que un calcetin" which lit translates I'm on (something) like a sock (is on your feet) "puesto" could be translated as on or ready. Juan meant that he is ready for everything. Now regarding what Nidia said about enjoying yourself while alive, the dicho goes “El muerto al hoyo y el vivo al gozo, which is applied to widows/widowers, you see? The husband/wife is dead and in the grave “hoyo” while the one that is alive goes and enjoys him/her selves. It’s mostly used as a criticism when the widow/widower didn’t respect the time of mourning before “gozar” which has a sexual connotation, however Nidia is being cynic using that dicho as encouragement to let go of Samuel and start “enjoying” life.
Judyb I’m not sure about “matar la serpiente en viernes” a bible reference maybe? All I know is that it usually means to get lucky, yes like in “getting lucky”, but I could be mistaken regarding this one. I hope this helps.
Jeanne I just wanted to add that this is a wonderful recap. I missed this episode, but after reading you recap is like if I had seen it. Thank you for your hard work.

Maricruz, thanks for the feedback and clearing up those dichos! I especially like the one for the widows/widowers enjoying themselves. I confess I got a little lazy with a few--the recap was long enough as it was, as noted by Melinama. I just can't seem to control myself to a concise one. It's a fatal flaw, I fear.

Also, Maricruz, the dicho about the snake was used last summer early in the show to mean "get lucky." That's when I hunted, and hunted and hunted to find it. So, this time I caught it almost instantly. You CAN teach an old dog new tricks!

Jeanne (trying out a new schoolmarm picture. I decided the other was cute but not me).

whoa... so based on these comments am I to understand that a french letter is a euphemism for a condom?

Kris-- would be guessing right, amiga.

You were so startled you hit the post button twice?



LOL, guess so! Fixed it now. How funny! That will be an interesting term to test others' knowledge on. Leave it to a Spanish show to teach me English slang!!! :)

Alexis Ayala was born in SF? Cool! I wonder how old he was when he moved away?

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