Friday, June 20, 2008

La Traición, Thurs, June 19 - Alcides' confession that he is not Hugo does not get the desired effect; Soledad confides in Eloisa

Alcides and Soledad before

My God, I've made the worst mistake of my life!

Somebody stole the Judge's boots?

Eloisa is surprised to learn that Soledad was with Alcides

Soledad tells Alcides/Hugo that this is crazy.
Some nice dialog-free lovemaking scenes.

Andres gets a telegram. It says that Hugo is coming to see Michelle. Andres is confused, of course.

Boris says that he should leave. He says that he will come tomorrow to see Lucas about visiting Ursula. Antonia says that they will come with her and talk to Lucas and Ester right now.

Eloisa rubs salt into Dr. Dan’s wounds by saying that what he had done will separate him from Soledad forever. Dr. Dan says that it was enough what Soledad told him, Eloisa doesn’t have to make it worse. Dr. Dan says that even though Soledad doesn’t want to see him now, she will change her mind. Eloisa replies that she doesn’t think so since Soledad is very stubborn (‘terca’). Paquito comes for Eloisa. Before she leaves, she tells Dr. Dan that she hopes he gets Soledad back and kisses him on the cheek.

Paquito takes Eloisa into the back room and she sees the sleeping Judge. At first she thinks he is dead but Paquito assures her that he is only drunk. Eloisa recalls that Margot was drinking with the Judge. Eloisa wonders if Margot killed Deborah but Paquito rejects that idea. He says that Margot isn’t a killer. Then he says, “She doesn’t bray (like a donkey) because she can’t (‘No rebuzna porque no puede,’ meaning, I guess, that you can’t be something you’re not). Paquito says that it is very strange. The judge wasn’t robbed. He has all his money, jewelry, etc. except his boots. “Margot stole his boots?” says Eloisa.

Arturo says that Margot can go home and rest. He should be free tomorrow and she can come and visit him at his house. They bid each other goodnight and Margot leaves. When he is alone, Arturo says that now we will see how Alcides proves that he was behind the kidnapping of the baby. He says that he wants to see Alcides’ face when he finds out Arturo is free.

A: (to himself) You are so beautiful, so delicate, sweet and soft. The scent of your hair, your skin. The taste of your lips drives me crazy… crazy.
S: Today I realized… I can’t escape you. I love you above all things. I love you as the father of my daughter and as a woman, with passion and craziness of my very first love because you are my first and only love. Why so silent, my love? What’s wrong? Why do you torture me this way.
A: (with tears in his eyes) Because … because (he undoes his hair) I’m not Hugo, I’m Alcides. I’m sorry Soledad. I’m not Hugo. Believe me that I’m sorry Soledad. But I’m not Hugo.
S: Alcides? It can’t be. My god, the story repeats itself.
A: No, my love. The story doesn’t repeat itself. This time it was different. I just confessed that I’m not Hugo. I am showing you that I am a different Alcides.
S: But I hugged and kissed you thinking you were Hugo and you kept quiet..
A: I could have kept quiet. I could have kept quiet and gone all the way. I could have gone all the way but I didn’t. I didn’t and you know why? Because I’ve changed. I’ve learned. I’m a different man now who is incapable of deceiving you. A man who doesn’t want to hurt you. I want to win your love cleanly, Soledad. Because of that I didn’t make love with you.
S: You pulled back you hair like Hugo and you took off your necklace so I wouldn’t know you were Alcides.
A: That was pure coincidence. My hair was getting in the way while I was checking the footprints and all I had at hand was the cord of my talisman so I used it.
S: I was on the point of giving myself to you. Today, the day I decided to start over with Hugo. My God. I’ve made the worst mistake of my life.

Ester says to Boris that his boss, Hugo de Medina, is pursuing his daughter and now you’re courting Ursula. “And in hiding,” says Antonia. Boris tells them that he was going to tell them about their relationship. Ursula says that they were waiting for the right moment. Lucas says that he doesn’t think it is fair that Boris and Ursula have to sneak around just because Boris works for Hugo. Ursula asks if that means Boris can come and visit her and Ester replies that the relationship between them cannot be.

Marina is back to al fresco bathing. She flashes back to seeing Boris kissing Ursula. “Damned Ursula,” says Marina, “I won’t let you be happy with Boris. You’ll be with him over my dead body.” (Happy to arrange that, Marina)

Dr. Dan comes home to Dr. Max’s. He hears Antonia as ‘George’ telling him that he should have been honest with Soledad. He hears Soledad saying that he has made a huge gulf between them. He says to himself that he has lost everything. He says that he has to learn to get up. No matter what it costs, he will get Soledad back. She’ll see.

At the cabaña, Soledad and Alcides are up and dressed.
S: You and your brother will drive me crazy.
A: Don’t say that. Destiny brought us together to meet here. (Soledad slaps him.)
S: You should have told me you weren’t Hugo the moment I walked in the door. But you kept quiet like a coward because you wanted to take advantage of my vulnerability, Alcides.
A: My love, it was a mistake. I admit it. I admit it. But your scent drives me crazy, that angelic face of yours. My love, a kiss from you is heaven. Forgive me. Besides, you kissed me first. I just went along with it. I am dying for you.
S: Shut up. Don’t say that because we will never be together, Alcides.
A: No, my love, don’t say that. I’ll fight for another chance. Especially now since I’ve tasted your kisses, that I was able to smell your perfume. Especially now that I drank from your breath, felt the sensualness of your skin and the heat of your body.
S: Shut up. Can’t you see that I’m appalled at what I just did? I was on the point of being yours Alcides!
A: That never would have happened. I never would have taken advantage of this innocent confusion. You know why? I’m showing you that I can win over your heart cleanly. My darling, I love you.

Ester tells Boris that he still a married man and they’ve had enough of that in this house (‘ya tenimos de esa tela una buena colcha,’ literally, ‘we’ve already had a good quilt from that fabric). Boris says that he will start divorce proceedings immediately. Lucas says that he can visit Ursula when the divorce is final. Lucas asks where Soledad is. Ester says that she was in the garden but Antonia says that she did not see her there. Ursula says that Soledad went for a walk. She wanted to be alone. Lucas tells Ester that they need to talk privately and they leave. Boris wonders else there is to say about him and Ursula. Ursula says that it doesn’t matter. She tells Boris that Soledad isn’t taking a walk. She went to the cabaña to see Hugo. Boris tells her that Hugo isn’t there. He went on a trip. Ursula wonders why Soledad hasn’t returned and who she is with.

Alcides and Soledad-
A: Do you know why I’m convinced that it was fate that brought you here today? Because I came here today because of your daughter.
S: I won’t permit you to draw my daughter into your wickedness (‘bajezas’).
A: I’m investigating Arturo de Linares as the principal suspect in the kidnapping of your daughter.
S: What are you talking about?
A: Look. See these footprints. They’re of the man who kidnapped Aurora. I came to find evidence to incriminate Arturo de Linares as the principal suspect in the kidnapping. I want him to pay for what he did.
S: I don’t believe you.
A: You’re upset and I understand. Please, my love, accept my heartfelt apologies. If you don’t believe me, you can ask Boris, Hugo or the judge. Realize that fate brought us together to meet.
S: The only thing fate has taught me is to stay away from you and your brother forever or I will never find happiness. (Soledad moves to leave.)
A: My love, Please don’t go.
S: Alcides, don’t you understand? What just happened makes me feel dirty (‘sucia’), I just kissed you thinking that you were Hugo.
A: Soledad. I confessed. I’m not Hugo. I told you the truth. I didn’t let anything happen. For God’s sake, understand, your kisses and your aroma lured me. (Soledad tries to leave and Alcides grabs her) My love for you was stronger than the passion I felt for you. Forgive me (she leaves). (Alcides sighs) I couldn’t restrain myself (‘no me pude contener’). I couldn’t. The love I feel for her is much stronger than my will. Ayy, my God, I love her so much. I love her so much (‘cuanto la amo’).

Soledad is walking and crying. She flashes back to Hugo telling her that he wouldn’t seek her out again and that she must come to him. Then she hears Alcides giving his justification for what he did.
S: How could I confuse Hugo for Alcides? How? My God. I need to get away from both of them. My mother was completely right – only misery and disgrace awaits me by their side. But I can’t. I love Hugo.

Back at the cabaña-
A: With time and a little luck, Soledad (‘con tiempo y un ganchito) you will be mine.

Boris comes into the cabaña. He asks if Soledad is ok. Alcides says that Boris has come too late. Boris says that he doesn’t understand. Is Soledad ok? Alcides replies that Soledad is fine. She just left. Alcides says that he needs to talk to Hugo. Boris tells him that Hugo went to find Michelle. Alcides says that isn’t possible. Once again, Boris says that he doesn’t understand. Alcides says that he has to leave. Boris asks if Soledad is ok again. Alcides replies that for a servant, Boris meddles too much in things that don’t concern him. Alcides leaves and Boris says to himself that he only hopes that Soledad is ok.

Dr. Dan is writing a letter to his wife. He says that he is not reproaching her for her betrayal of him that happened so long ago. He tells her that he has found a wonderful woman that he wants to marry and spend the rest of his life with her. He hopes she will sign the enclosed document so that he can initiate divorce proceedings. He keeps looking at a picture of Soledad.

Soledad has come to see Eloisa (this isn’t good) at Rebeca’s house. Soledad says that she needs to talk to someone. She says that she is dying. She is in pain, she’s angry. Eloisa says that they are friends. Soledad can tell her everything.

Lucas wants an explanation from Antonia as to what she was doing away from the house in the middle of the night. Why didn’t she tell him that she was working out of the house at night? Are they trying to make him feel more ashamed of his inability to support his family? Antonia says that she is sorry but she can’t stand around doing nothing when the household needs money. Lucas says that it isn’t her obligation. Antonia disagrees. She is prepared to sacrifice for her family and she has to expiate her sins somehow. She flashes back to burning Soledad’s baby clothes when Soledad’s gown caught on fire. Then she flashes to playing the piano in the bar. Ester asks if she ok and Lucas wants to know what sins she is talking about. Antonia asks them not to question her anymore. She only asks to help with the household expenses.

Eloisa says that she ran into Dr. Dan at the cabaret and he told her everything. Soledad says that that was bad too. But it wasn’t only that. Eloisa says that it must be about Hugo, then. Soledad says that it’s about Alcides. Eloisa is surprised. Soledad says that she was almost intimate with Alcides. Eloisa is super impactada. She says that she doesn’t understand anything. Soledad explains what happened with Hugo and then her decision to go to the cabaña where she mistook Alcides for Hugo and almost had sex with him but fortunately he told her the truth. Eloisa says Alcides used to be a pervert but he has changed. What happened speaks well of him. Soledad asks what she means. Eloisa starts pitching for Alcides. She says that he is a man who respects Soledad and loves her deeply or he would have said nothing and made Soledad his. She says that she can tell Alcides would do anything for Soledad’s happiness. (Soledad turned her brain off some time ago so she struggles to process this.)

Lucas decides that he can’t tolerate being supported by his women. He has to do something that doesn’t require physical strength. Ester notes that he wrote her the most beautiful love letters when they were courting. He could write letters for people who can’t express their own feelings. (That’s going to bring in a lot of money.) Lucas is happy with that idea.

Margot reads a note from Hercu-less saying that he’s gone on a business trip. Margot says that is good. She can help Arturo without making Herc jealous.

Soledad does not agree with Eloisa’s characterization of Alcides’ behavior. Eloisa says that Alcides is in love with Soledad. She probably drove him crazy and people in that condition do crazy things. The important thing is that he stopped to think about it. Soledad is wondering what she should do when the doorbell rings and Alcides announces that he has come to see Eloisa. Soledad asks what Alcides is doing at Eloisa’s house. Eloisa goes to open the door, pretends outrage to see Alcides at that hour and manages to warn him that Soledad is there.

Back at the tavern, the judge wakes up. Paquito says that it’s almost dawn. The judge has a headache. Paquito says that he drank too much. The judge flashes back to being with Margot and says that he remembers. Paquito tells him not to worry. His cabaret has a motto (‘un lema’) – prefiguring that of Las Vegas - what happens in the cabaret stays in the cabaret (‘Lo que sucede en le cabaret de Paquito, se quede en el cabaret,’). The judge notices that his boots are gone. Paquito goes to lend him a pair of shoes.

Margot and Arturo are having sex. This has to be somebody’s dream. Arturo says that he wants to marry Margot and have sex with her every night. It’s Arturo’s dream. He wakes up in prison and says that one day Margot will be his.

Alcides pretends that he came to Eloisa’s house to apologize to Soledad for what happened. Soledad says that they discussed this already. The only thing she wants is not to be near him. Soledad leaves. Alcides says that he is going to follow Soledad to make she gets home ok. Now more than ever he wants Eloisa to use her friendship with Soledad to convince her that Alcides loves and and respects her. He leaves. Eloisa laughs.

Ursula is holding the blanket named Aurora. Soledad comes in. Ursula says that she was worried. “If you only knew,” says Soledad. Ursula asks where Soledad was. Soledad says that she was at Hugo’s cabaña and that Alcides almost deceived her into making love with him. Antonia interrupts to say that Soledad has to get away from both Hugo and Alcides before they destroy her life. Soledad doesn’t want to talk about it.
Antonia says that she wants to ask Soledad’s forgiveness for all the bad things that she did in the past. She is very sorry. She wanted to be the judge of her own family and she has ended up accused in the dock (‘el banquillo de los acusados’) herself. Soledad asks what she is talking about. Antonia says that it doesn’t matter. She is sorry. She says that what made her think about this was Dr. Dan. The credits roll.

Tomorrow: Hugo arrives at Michelle’s house and Dr. Dan resumes courting.


Don't watch the show or read the recaps, but Jean...I LOVE YOUR PICTURES!!!!!

Have no idea how you do that, but they are a treat for everyone. Thanks.

Hi Judy: Glad you enjoy the pictures. I have TiVo and software that can import a TiVo recording onto my Mac. Then I have another program that can take a screenshot as a .tiff file. I convert that into a .jpg and eblogger lets me upload up to 5 pictures to each post. Pretty simple!

Well, it was a bad day for Soledad all around. First she discovers Dr. is “casado”, then she almost makes love to the wrong twin, and finally, to top it all up she confides in Eloisa. My son said “Soledad is a woman with very bad luck.”

Soledad must be brain damage from the things that have happened to her. Why didn’t occur to her how Alcides knew she was with Eloisa? She left way before him. He didn’t know where she went.

Anyway, I was thinking how neglected Aurora is. Soledad is always running around doing stupid things, Antonia never stops by to see the baby, grandma seems couldn’t care less, grandpa is useless. The only people who seem to care are Ursula and Hugo. We all know Hugo is not allow to see her as often as we would liked and Ursula now is running around after Boris. Even if it the blanket and not the real baby, I would like to see more of her.

Jean, about the pictures I also wondered how you did it. I gues is easy as you said if one has the right tools.

Hi Sue: I know what you mean about Aurora but it is difficult to shoot the baby and telenovela mothers are always running around and leaving their babies.

Your son says Soledad is a woman with very bad luck. I would say Dánna is in a role with very bad writers. They have made her into such a whiny, crying all the time,can't make a decision, brainless human being that it is totally incredible that all these men claim that they can't live without her.

I guess the purpose of the whole Alcides thing was to give him a Soledad teaser, as it were, before they kill him off. I'm glad he got to hug and kiss her a little.

Margarita: I totally agree with your comment to yesterday's post about this lobotomized Hugo. It's like he's gone to the Dr. Dan school of acting.

From the teaser, it looks like the most exciting thing to happen in tonight's episode is that Dr. Dan will try and get Soledad back. Yawn.

Pretty Simple!!!! Oh my word, I admire you techies but I still break out into a cold sweat pumping my own gas.

Glad you've got the skills and we all get to enjoy them.

Jean, I know what you mean about Danna’s role. It has evolved for the worse. When LT started she was very strong willed. She was in love with Hugo and she pursued him until she got him. She didn’t care what anybody had to say about him. She was going to marry him against all odds.

Then she became careless and impulsive when Hugo “died” and she was pregnant. She put the baby’s life in danger more than once.

Now, she is a brainless puppet that dances to the rhythm anybody is playing. She is incapable of making any wise decisions.

I really, really hope that Soledad gets to do something -anything - to re-assert her intelligence and independence before the end of the series - preferably, telling off Esther. I can live with all the stupid things Soledad has done, if it's clear that ¡Intelligent!Soledad is the "real" Soledad and that ¡Weapy, indecisive!Soledad is just a product of all the trauma she's been through and being brainwashed by her mother and Antonia.

On a side note, I've been watching PdG and couldn't decide who was in the lead for the "Worst Parent of the Year" award, Gabriela or Esther, but now I'm pretty sure it's Esther. Gabriela may be super-controlling too, but I think she actually does care about her daughters. Esther just cares about the family's social position.

Great recap Jean, thanks. I too love the pictures!

I have to agree with everyone that Soledad is acting weak, whiny, and brainless. And apparently blaming Hugo & Alcides for being that way.

And how could she not tell Hugo & Alcides apart? How can she have such bad judgment as to think Eloisa is her friend?

I haven't watched the whole series but from what I have read, I can sympathize with Soledad in that what she went through with Hugo is not something one can just "get over" in a short amount of time. I wouldn't be surprised if a person NEVER recovered from such a traumatic experience, thinking your true love is dead, and then finding out they were living a lie right under your nose. I know it has been frustrating waiting for her to forgive Hugo, but she finally DID it! She made the decision after all those months of agonizing and wrestling and TRYING to work things out in her mind. So she did make some progress. And when she went to make up with Hugo, she was still in that "listeing to your heart" mode, blinded by love and emotion. And after all, there was this man who looked exactly like her true love, in his own house, so what was she supposed to think? He did not speak so she couldn't tell from his voice. Although I think the hand-sucking should have been a tip-off, lol. That doesn't seem like Hugo's style, but then how could she know this was more something Alicdes would do, if she had never been with him? And he was kissing her more like Hugo would, being more romantic and loving, as compared with the way he was in bed with Eloisa. So anyway, I can see why Soledad made the mistake. And she had every right to cry afterwards. She went there happy and left traumatized. I am soooo glad Alcides confessed, though. I know he is a bad boy but not THAT bad.

And now it looks like she is giving Dr. Dan another chance--ugh. Yes he is nice and good and all, but still...

How will she EVER get back with Hugo in just 6 short episodes??? Oh I can hardly stand the suspense!!!

Cindy- Soledad can get back with Hugo in 5 minutes- She does just what she did with Alcides only she does it to the correct twin. Bing bang, they're back together.

We've only got 6 episodes and Dr. Dan is obsessed with Soledad and isn't doing squat to find a cure for Aurora's catalepsy. I hope they aren't going to leave that hanging.

Anonymous 12:01 - PdG is only half over and from some things I've picked up over on TW, I think Grabi will turn out to be a worse mother than Ester. Right now, I think they're about even:

They both wanted their daughter(s) to marry to preserve social position (Grabi: Norma/Fernando & Jimena/Leandro)

They both lied to their daughter(s) to try and separate them from men they didn't want them to marry;

They have both felt remorse about what they did.

Neither of them will give up hating the suitor that they don't approve of even when it's clear that the daughter isn't going to change her mind.

Howdy ;)

Jean, it was actually Marie Celeste who talked about Hugo's brain being out to lunch. However, I have to agree with both of you. Dunno what's happened other than Mario looked at the scripts and said "nope, can't polish a turd" and started phoning it in. It is a shame because this TN had so much promise in the beginning. Hopefully they'll get their act together before it ends.

That crazy Soledad, Ursula has been her confidant since day one, and is probably the only member of her "advisers" that has ever made sense. For her to run to ELOISA after what happened is completely out of character. Guess they wanted to start planting that seed of doubt soon, but they could have done it the next day.

I was surprised Boris didn't go look for Soledad to make sure she was OK. Finding Alcides in the house after hearing from Ursula that Soledad had gone to see Hugo should have raised all sorts of red flags. Guess he's still recovering from his make-out session with Ursula.

Looks like we're getting Andres back for a while. He and Hugo will probably be back in San Marino looking for what happened to Michelle. What I can't fathom is why it took so long for him to get Hugo's telegram. Maybe they wrote it but kept canceling it every time Hugo changed his travel plans.

Mabou, over on TW corrected my interpretation of the expression, "No rebuzna porque no puede."
She said that it means that Margot is as intelligent as a donkey, and to be a complete donkey she only needs to bray, but she cannot do it.

I'm trying to think of something equivalent in English but so far I haven't come up with anything.

Well, LT really lost me a few weeks ago, but it's still fun to read the recap and comments. Of course it's great eye candy and I'll watch to the end.

Some of the characters are out of character: Hugo, Boris, Soledad. Most are out of their minds: Alcides, Eloisa, Arturo, Marina, Pacquito, Hercules, Margot, Daniel, etc.

I believe LT is set about 1890. Here are a few things I found from the year 1908:

The average life expectancy was 47 years.

Only 14 percent of the homes had a bathtub. Fewer were in a lovely jardin.

Alcides is a big spender! The average worker made between $200 and $400 per year .

Most women only washed their hair once a month, and used
Borax or egg yolks for shampoo.

Five leading c auses of death were:
1. Pneumonia and influenza
2. Tuberculosis
3. Diarrhea
4. Heart disease
5. Stroke - Lucas was lucky.

I'm surprised they gave up on this novela. It seems like the ones I like the most are the ones that are the least popular with the ratings...

Wow, those are really interesting facts, jb! It makes one appreciate the way we have it today. It's scary to think that if I had been born in that era, I'd might be dead before I reached the age I am now, possibly of a bad diarrhea attack and with really dirty hair.

LOL, Cindybin! Can you imagine how stinky everyone and everything was? I'm sensitive to strong odors...

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