Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Guapos 07-29-08 "Someone get that Lady a Drink"

Welcome to the party….Fasten your seatbelts cause it is gonna be a bumpy ride.
Quick refresher..Now that Nestor has taken a hike, Consti is no longer interested in boinking Luci.
See it was all about screwing Nestor not Luci, figuratively of course.

Mili and Al lock lips, tongue wrestle and put three years of pent up frustration into one grinding kiss. Then separate to opposite sides of the little homey setting of carefully arranged living room furniture.

The Padre reappears with Hugo and Flor. Now everyone must follow the rules, it is hands off. There is some eyerolling there as well as in my own living room. Padre tells Mili to round up Gloria & Chamaco manana for some belated relationship advice. Hugo mentions he thought it was Lina that was pregnant, okay bring Lina and Bobby in also.

The Padre looks all flustered like how did this happen? Well Duh, Dude…A little life preparation would have been nice; but back to that later.

----Say I have been wondering how Padre Manuel told Nestor all Luci’s little dark secrets..I mean if you watch Fuego, you know (it has been much debated), that a Padre can not tell anything…like Luci would have whacked Mili if she would have married Al. I am so confused, does this mean it is okay if you only tell your family like your brother Nestor? Well over on Fuego, then maybe Father Tad is a spawn of Bernando’s (isn’t everybody?) then he could tell.----

Flor tired by the pregnancy and carrying around all that deep dark hatred, retires for the evening. Hugo goes off to paint more scary goth pictures of crazy Al. Mili goes to tell the Chiclet Posse, they have to go see Padre Manuel tomorrow. Mili finds out that Lina and Karla are now Buddies, bonded over the evil, despoiler Fernando the Dead. Lina is willing to give Karla the benefit of the doubt. The other chicas don’t seem so sure.

Matt the Ratt is lying in bed with whatever the hell, Flor sister’s name is. He is having disturbing memories of his best, if somewhat AssHat friend being whacked. Where Lobo, VillaLobo, says Fernando no longer exists. I believe Matt should sleep in pull-ups cause he looks like he is about to pee his pants.

Next day….
Looks like Luci has been nursing a big heaping helping of Buchanan Scotch, this is day two of her drinking binge. In Mexico this is a great favorite, I was at a Wedding…yes a rural Wedding with liberal bottles of Buchanan Scotch, which was drunk with a orange soda and a healthy squirt of soda water…Hmmmmmmm, I stuck to beer.

Consti comes in and starts screaming at Luci to take a shower and get dressed and show up for his big political luncheon. Luci is all not gonna do it. Yes you will. He calls in Brau for back up. Now Brau has to get Luci ready for her close-up. Brau seems rather horrified by the whole thing. Luci tells him she will, but first…how’s bout a heaping helping of Buchanan Scotch. “No No No, it is too early,” Brau says and he doesn’t drink while he is working. She grabs a couple of glasses and pours him a drink. Luci, class act that she is forgoes drinking out of the bottle in front of the servant. Luci also realizing the value of Scotch, does not dampen that “heated in an oak barrel, by strapping men in kilts over a peat fire” taste with naco orange soda. We just see the bottle being pour again and again and again.

Meanwhile, over at St. Deceptions, the Padre greets the Chiclets and Chico. Padre wonders where Bobby is. Lina says he isn’t the father. Poor Padre, so much sin, it is hard for him to shoulder the world of sin.

Mili slips off to talk with Chunky Nun.
She gives the Chunkster a little background on the whole Lina debacle. Chunky gets all Medieval about rotten men. Methinks the Chunkster has not always been a Nun.

Padre grills, poor Chamaco about how he robbed Gloria of innocence. Chamaco says he used precautions. The Padre is appalled birth control is also against the Catholic belief system. Damned if you do and damned if you don’t. “Well, Chamaco asks, “What’s a boy to do?” Padre answers with eons old oft quoted refrain, “Remain chaste tell married.” Chamaco smirks and it looks like the Chiclets are smirking.
What is a Padre to do?

Now back to Luci’s always open bar, she starts singing. (Sorry I tried to look up the lyrics, but I don’t remember enough of them. But big emphasis on lies) Luci is crooning a Brau is up on the bed drunkenly singing along. Luci starts in on Brau about what a total ratbastard the Consti is. She tells how he has thrown away everything for his political career. How Brau’s Niece has suffered. Oh damn drunk or not, she is good. Luci continues, “Now today is the day to end this…to make Consti suffer”.
Luci brings out her little lavender outfit and asks if Brau likes it. Why yes indeed, Brau caresses the fine feminine fabric.

Al and Val are out for a stroll, basically Al is happy that Val is so happy, but alas Val is sad cause Al is so sad and trapped in a loveless marriage from hell. They lament their crappy parents.

Over at St. Deceptions, Chamaco says he will marry Gloria in six months. Padre says no way, you will marry in one month. Gloria is all excited. Padre laments that Lina doesn’t have it so good, but being one big happy unprotected family, they will rally around and help her out. Chamaco says that is cool, he could marry her too. Padre is so not impressed with Chamaco’s prior religious instruction.
---Oh if only these people knew what we know, Fernando may be gone, but his gifts just keep on giving---
A moment of silence for Fernando….Okay carry on.

Luci wanders downstairs, nice outfit. She is kinda rich bag lady. Big oversized sweater, shirt and, say it isn’t so, sweatpants? Her lipstick is all smeared. Eureka, like a bloodhound, she has located another bottle of Buchanans. Al & Val wander in and they are appalled at her state. Luci starts in with “Hey I got some really great news, today along with destroying my three remaining healthy liver cells I am going destroy your father.” Then looks from Al to Val and directs to Val, “Well your father”. This leads to the game that sober people always get caught up in when dealing with a drunk, I like to call it the “Logic and Reasoning Game”. Al starts yelling at Luci, “You are so disgraceful, you ruined my life, you are terrible”. Val follows with, “I will not let you ruin my life, the same way”. This little game leads to smug drunken ramblings about, “I have sacrificed my life for my Hijos, no one loves you like Mama”. Al says, “she lied and he lost his love Mili.” Luci smirks with a look that says, oh my beloved if I wasn’t your “I only live for you, noble Mother”, I’d be forced to laugh. She counters with a, “I wasn’t going to let you ruin your life by marrying that dirty, low class, fly”.

Now over to the big politico. It is the PUN party. I guess a play on the PAN party in Mexico. Hey, I am not trying to draw any comparisons here, but this seems like maybe in this country, these folks would be in the ahhh wealthy, most light skinned, ahhh family first, most likely to be caught in an airport bathroom party. Hey I’m just sayin. Perleta, introduces Consti as the man with great family values, honorable and so on. Consti tells Damien to go look for Luci and get her ass in there.

Consti goes to the podium and begins his speech about fine noble causes, how he loves his family. He is so proud of his children, why his son, Al is right there by his side at the company. His daughter is a treasure. Now about that fine woman that shares his life. She is just the best thing since Cortez conquered Mexico City and gave the natives a reason to live. He calls for Luci to come forward.
--We see that fine little Lavender outfit move thru the crowd. Luci looks really tall.
OMG, it is Brau in full drag. Const doesn’t know what to say, and all those fine upstanding persons look like they just smelled something on the bottom of their shoe. Andrea jumps up and pulls the wig off Brau.
Andrea always the helpful Andrea. Perleta jumps up and tries to play it off as a joke. Reporters start asking if Consti supports that kind of life style. Brau runs out as do all the reporters and other fine citizens.

Back home, Al & Val continue the futile Reasoning Game with Luci. Al is just spitting hate and venom. Luci says she is a good mother. Al fires back with, “A hyena is a better mother thant you are.” Val says you won’t ruin my life with Rocky like you ruined Al’s. “A chofer, a dirty chofer?” Luci can’t believe it. Val says, “you tried to have Rocky killed.” Luci denies this, and truthfully it was Andrea, but honestly Luci probably can’t really remember if she did or not, by this point. Val follows up with a “He is the only man in my life and I am a mujer.” Al & Luci’s mouths drop. “Yeah, Ma, that’s the deal, we did it like two monkeys with only seconds to live”.
--Well I threw that in, but you get the idea—
Luci now starts in with what a thankless child Val is, “Where do you get your ideas?”. Val follows-up with, “Don’t point your finger at me, you were living in our home with your Amante”.
Luci draws back and gives Val an awesome smack across the face. Al grabs her arm and says enough. Val screams, “I hate you, I hate you.” And runs off.

Over at the business, Consti is furious, Brau comes out in a suit of Consti’s which is way too big. He tells Consti that Luci got him drunk. Consti wants to hit Brau, but Andrea stops him. She says putting up with drunk Luci and hiding everything has caused this. Brau nods in agreement. You go Brau, I’d direct the blame elsewhere too.

Al is not done with his mother. She begs him to help her keep that rotten chofer off Val. Al has had enough, he says he will help Val, he won’t let crazy Luci ruin her life..like Luci ruined his.

Just so you know, Luci has been drinking full throttle through this, which just makes her get a more intense drunk face, of why can’t you idiots follow my reasoning.

Mili walks in on this, and even she is a bit shocked by Luci’s bold fashion statement and drunken state. Luci, seeing a new victim starts in on Mili. She says how Mili’s mother was a rotten, slutty servant. Al tells her to shut-up and Mili has that hurt little girl look on her face, she starts to walk away….but feeling the draw of the “Logic and Reasoning Game”, comes back. She says, “Your are a drunk and My mother was good and true and gave her own life for me”. Luci with the drunk reasoning counters, “Well I am a good Mother”.

Now then kids if you think this was fun…looks like this episode of “Dr. Phil’s Family…A family in crisis” will continue tomorrow. Looks like Luci dares Consti to admit that Mili is his spawn…Everyone has an AWKWARD MOMENT look on their face. Luci is still dressed in the same becoming outfit and has not mussed her misapplied lipstick.

Now all I can say about Luci is this…damn that woman can drink, I would have seriously passed out several Buchanans prior, and probably been puke sick too. Now I must say, while I hate to be caught in the “Logic and Reasoning Game”, watching it on TV is pretty funny, cause like real life; you can’t move Luci onto a new theme, she just keeps repeating what a stellar parent she is. The others have gotten caught in the game and keep trying to reason with her. That so isn’t gonna happen.


Thanks for the barrel of laughs Beckster! This was a bumpy ride
indeed. I agree with your theory about Sor Cachete having a past, a deep dark sexy past... Quick adds - 1) Al wants to tell Bobby about Lina, but Mili makes him promise to keep mum 'cause Lina doesn't want him to know. 2) Mili almost tells Sor Cachete about Gloria's ruse, but then stops 'cause she promised. 3) Lina also almost spills those beans, but Gloria stops her.

Re: Padre being able to tell Nestor the secrets - it wasn't under the seal of confession!!! He couldn't tell people what Connie told him in confession, but he could tell what Luci told him because she didn't say "Simon says," I mean, "I want to do this under seal of confession." He kept his yap shut about Al being illegitimate because Luci threatened to kill Mili, and about Mili being Connie's kid because he promised Mili, but once Nestor had added two and two together it was just a matter of adding the "=" sign, so it didn't matter and none of this was told in the little confessional booth. Pad Tad in FelS heard both "confessions" in the confessional, so it's technically a sacrament. HOWEVER, Feo didn't start with the famous words "bless me father for I have sinned..." or "I'd like this to be under the seal of confession..." or any such wording, so the only thing that hints at confession is the fact that it was in the confessional booth, so I think Pad Tad could tell on the second one, but it would be a technicality, so he might still be in danger of excommunication if the bishop didn't buy the loophole.

On yesterday's question about marriage in vs out of the church. The RC (Roman Catholic) church disapproves of divorce regardless of whether or not they blessed it. HOWEVER, in the eyes of the church, Flo is still married to Rigo, her ex, so her whole marriage to Al is one big illicit affair and that divorce would probably be ok, especially if it meant she went back to her original hubby. Mili's marriage has yet to be consummated, so an annulment would be a relatively easy thing.

Ah, Fernasty, couldn't have happened to a more deserving guy! His true legacies: 1) A baby for Lina that will hopefully get her together with Bobby after all. 2) Lina and Karla actually have something in common and may actually start to get along. It was so sweet how they were one-upping each other Monday night on how Fern wronged them and Karla gave Lina a hug that said "you win."

I looked up the lyrics for "Metiras." Not sure who wrote it, but the earliest version I'm aware of was circa 1983 by Lupita D'Alessio. I'll try to translate it at a another time.


Ven si eres hombre ven a verme
y hàblame cara a cara,
frente a frente dìmelo,
un cobarde y mentiroso como tù,
sin valor, sin dignidad.

Yo que he dejado todo
por seguirte a ti
y te dado mucho màs
que a nadie di,
te entregado de mi vida lo mejor
y hoy me llamas y me dices
simplemente adiòs.

Mentiras tù me enamoraste
a base de mentiras,
tù me alimentaste siempre de mentiras
que estùpida que siempre te creì,
mentiras que me queman como fuego,
mentiras que se clavan en mi pecho,
mentiras que me matan
que se rìen de mi.

Yo que he dejado todo
por seguirte a ti,
y te he dado mucho màs
que a nadie di,
te entregado de mi vida lo mejor,
y hoy me llamas y me dices
simplemente adiòs.


Beckster and Margarita – you are both cracking me up! And Beckster, I don’t know how you get your recaps posted so fast … AND so funny. This was a hot hot hot episode which I just watched on tape. I’m going to bed now, but thank you both (Margarita for the lyrics too) and I look forward to tomorrow’s comments.

Wow, I hate the tastes of Scotch and orange soda individually, but together! Yikes. How could the Mexicans come up with such good taste sensations like tacos and also come up with this?

Anyway, one of my favorite parts was learning that Chamuco used "precautions." Usually that aspect gets left out of these shows, so that is a sly PSA, because Gloria is the one that managed not to become pregnant.

Always enjoy your style, Beckster, and especially your asides. Yes, Constancio was really screwing Nestor rather than Luciana, when they copulated...was a smart girl you are!

And oh yes, since most of us have an alcoholic somewhere in the family tree, how well I know that Logic and Reasoning game. Nice call on a hopeless procedure.

Chunky Nun was funny enough, but now....the Chunkster!!!! So fine. Hope she did have a sexy past. We need memories to savor now and then. It can't all be Hail Mary's.

PS Enjoyed your political analogy too.

BTW, what's up with Hugo blurting out the secrets all the time? This time he revealed Lina's pregnancy--oops! What an idiot. Or else the writers are lazy and they have to have someone say it out loud and they picked Hugo's name out of the hat.

Hey, you know Laura Flores of the pink eyes, has never been one of Fav's, but seriously she is bringing the bitch, without going over the edge into a total Edith Gonzalez, cooking your own kid in a therapy tub. Oh the things Cesar Evora has driven women to. Yeah I still love you evil Damien (Cesar Evora) as the evil twin, killer 80's hair, eyepatch, wooden leg and a hearty chuckle at each sadistic crime. Be still my heart.

Maybe that is why I was never fond of Laura Flores, she was Damiens weak spot.

Anyhoo, I dare to say Adele whats her name (Sofie in Fuego) will never be able to play a twisted middle age woman, with a drinking problem and to fall on her back.

Beckster: You have produced another masterpiece. Yup, we know Luci's an alcoholic, but, this is carried way too far. No one, even with years of practice, could still stand up after drinking as much as she does - or, should I say, pouring it down her own throat.

Will Consti still love Andrea after she gave the deal away? They almost pulled off the "joke" deal until Andrea spilled the beans.

So, if Consti's political ambitions are ruined, will he repent? It seems we have too many chapters left for him to do that now.

From lower Ala

I wonder what they have Laura Flores drinking instead of actual alcohol. That and how many pee breaks she has to take all day.

Brau was fabulous in drag!

I missed that "best thing since Cortez" remark the first time...nice historical snark there :)

It was kind of weird having Mr. Attención (Damian) on Consta's good side, but then I remembered that Consta still doesn't know that Fernando ruining the wedding was a conspiration with Damian. Wonder how long before Karla spills the beans to el Dón.

I was surprised at how much Braulio-in-drag resembled Luci. Well, his face. Nice to see Consti's speech go to pieces, anyway. I've never understood why certain politicians try to play the "family values" angle. Like, if they don't have those values, maybe they should just go with an "economic development" platform or something.

I think by now PM has heard about Luci's crimes from so many people that even if they had once been confessional secrets, they sure aren't anymore.

I thought for sure that at some point in her drunken ranting Luci would let slip to Val that Mili is her sister. I hope she finally finds out tonight.

Would someone please print in English the words to the song Luci and Brau were singing?I don't speak Spanish but thoroughly enjoy this show.It is by far my favorite. I thought the scene between Luci and Brau was soooooo funny.They have always been good together.Thanks for all the help with translations.

How funny is it that there are TWO bar trays in the foyer confessional? Because one wouldn't be enough. I have never seen a house with so much booze stashed EVERYWHERE. Braulio must spend his entire day just restocking and filling the ice buckets.

Julia, that IS funny how there is always ice!

Peinado, I’m feeling pretty sure Connie knew that Damien had set up the whole thing at the wedding. He was smiling like “hey, good one, cunado!”

It looks like Fernando is going to join Jimmy Hoffa and Judge Crater. Will Mat eventually reveal that Fern is dead? Otherwise, Lina and Soco will be looking for him.

Someone late yesterday posted about Padre Manuel saying "hacerse de la vista gorda." What does that mean?

"Hacerse de la vista gorda" means to turn a blind eye, NinaK.

And the whole thing with "gorda" is a mystery to me.

Like why would "me cae gorda" mean you don't like someone.

The last time I saw" hacer la vista gorda" was in an article discussing how Queen Elizabeth turned a blind eye to Prince Philip's indiscretions during the mid-point of their married life. (Presumeably he's slowed down now!)

Looks to me like Lucifer is going to rehab, and maybe a lockdown facility this time. Yay! Happiness all around! Except for her. It occurs to me that if she were not properly medically supervised FOR WHATEVER REASON, she could die from the withdrawal. Heaven forbid.

Thanks for the definition--that's a true idiom, where the words don't have their usual meanings. I couldn't find it anywhere, so I thought it might mean "fat face," and I felt bad since Padre Manuel has such a round face.

lol, Julia...as much as she drinks, yeah I'd be nervous not to have her detox medically. Plus she needs to be around people who have seen it all before and won't be swayed by her pleas for more booze.

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