Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Cuidado Con El Ángel #27, 10-28-08 Though Your Sins Be As Scarlet, They Shall Be As White As Snow…But Probably Not Until a Few Months From Now

Reprise from last night:

Marichuy is lying on the sofa in Juan Miguel’s office as he sits in a chair and asks her why she left the hospicio so young. She says she wanted to find someone to love, who would love her. She tells him how she survived, working as a street performer and cleaning bathrooms, and lived with the other street children. He is looking very empathetic as he listens, with his eyes all red-rimmed and full of tears. When she starts to mention leaving the other kids, she can’t go on and clutches JM’s arm. They sit that way for awhile, JM rubbing her back and looking agitated.

Stef sits in her fancy convertible with a stupid bow in her hair and is annoyed when JM’s maid tells her JM and Mari left together. She drives off.

Marichuy is lying down again, telling JM that she left and headed to the country, still looking for tranquility and a family, but she didn’t find them there either. One night… she freezes up and doesn’t want to talk anymore, and Juan Miguel goes with the classic “tell me tell me tell me” method of therapy. He does reinforce that he really wants to help her. She tells him that she was in the boonies and a man was following her, and she ran, but he caught her, and was kissing her, and hurt her. Juan Miguel has tears in his eyes and a look of Extreme Consternation, and thinks to himself, “¡Dios mio! ¡No puede ser!”

New material:

Mayita sneaks into Marichuy’s room to play with Cuate. Poor kid is learning all kinds of skills to evade her horrible grandmother. She talks to Cuate for awhile, and it’s really cute, and she says she’s going to ask Rocío to buy a ball for them to play with. She goes to Mari’s closet to look for something to play with now.

Marichuy tells Juan Miguel that she came back to the city and wandered around until Candelaria found her on the street, tired and hungry and scared, and she tried to forget the horrible incident, but she couldn’t. They are both gushing tears, and my allergies are acting up a little. JM asks whether she knows who the man was, and she says no. He has a cute picture of Mayita on the end table next to the couch.

Isab!tch lounges on Estafa’s bed and reads bridal magazines. Does she have a room of her own? It would be really funny if she had to sleep in a dog bed in Estafa’s room. Estafa herself enters and is mad as heck that JM went somewhere with Marichuy. She is in no mood to look at wedding dresses. Isab!tch asks where they could be, and, like a good stalker, Estafa calls the office to find out. The secretary whose name I can’t remember answers, and Stef demands to talk to Juan Miguel without saying please. Secretary and Israel require a moment of conspiring to decide to tell her that JM isn’t in, and what they will say if she comes into the office. I see they are new at this game. Stef hangs up on her. Israel says Stef is soberbia (haughty, arrogant, uppity) and comments that she is low-class.

Mari tells JM that that horrible experience is what she keeps reliving in the nightmares; it’s always the same. She hugs him tightly. By now he looks much worse than she does, so we know that he is feeling mighty guilty. She asks him to help her; I think she wants him to hypnotize her so that she can see the face of the man, so that she can find him and hurt him back or maybe kill him. Juan Miguel looks pained and says he can’t help her.

In twinkle-twinkle land, Mayita brings Cuate for a visit with Abuela Mariana. They talk about how mean Ornerylia is for hating animals.

Nelson and Elsa hug and twirl around and repeat many times how happy they are to be married, after all they’ve been through. Call me unromantic, but all they’ve been through is her procrastination over dumping her other fiancé, whom she never much cared for. And, who knows, maybe the intense suffering caused by giving up her allowance until she gets back in Mommy and Daddy’s good graces. Whatever, they’re happy honeymooners.

Marichuy is rather irritated that JM says he can’t help her, after all that asking to hear what happened and finally getting it out of her with the understanding that he would help. She blames her mother forall this, for abandoning her. JM says no, we’re all guilty. Huh? She asks him what happened, what’s wrong, why won’t he look her in the face?

Over at the church, Padre Anselmo cleans the angel statues while telling Adrián that JM asked about Marichuy, and he hopes that she tells the curalocos about her past so he can help her. Adrián is jealous that she’s spending time with JM, but PA tells him this is good for him…maybe if she gets over her fears, she will want to be with him. Adrián wiggles his eyebrows.

Dr. Ed enters JM’s office where there are still tears all around. JM asks him to take Marichuy back to the house. Mari thinks to herself that JM has a low opinion of her now.

Estafa and Isab!tch discuss their failed stalking of JM. Stef wonders if all these material comforts are worth all the effort and torment. Isa looks like she’s wondering whether she could get a good inheritance if she offed her flaky sidekick.

JM goes to the church to talk to Padre Anselmo. He tells him that he thinks Marichuy believes more happened than really did. (did I get that right?) PA wonders why he is so upset by Mari’s story. JM says, “that man was me.” Then he has black-and-white memories of his blissful moments with Marichuy, set to swoopy music.

PA doesn’t believe it, but JM swears it is true, and he can hardly believe it himself. He says he deserves punishment. PA stands up and looks like he may throttle JM then and there.

Estirada Estafa shows up at the office (she has not given up on stalking after all) and she and Israel are rude to each other, and she sees that the doctor is not in. Israel tries to leave, and she blocks his path. Methinks she liked that naco smooching last time and is hoping for seconds. She looks at him intently.

Juan Miguel tells Padre Anselmo that he was very drunk that night, and it is some sort of divine punishment that the woman he is in love with is the same one he hurt.

Marichuy arrives back at the castle with Eduardo. Onelia demands to know where she’s been and when Mari won’t answer she just gets even more rude and grabs her arm. Eduardo just stands there. Eduardo, you disappoint me.

Stef tells Israel she enjoyed the kiss yesterday, then she plants another long, sloppy, face-smushing one on him. Seriously, what’s her game?

Juan Miguel tells Padre Anselmo that he is completely in love with Marichuy.

Eduardo has finally stepped in between fang-baring Onelia and timid Marichuy and told the old hag to leave her alone; she’s very upset. Marichuy goes up to her room.

Stef tells Israel he’s hot; too bad he doesn’t have money. Israel laments that without money he can’t win the love of a classy dame like her. He’s just messing with her, right? Either way it’s funny.

Juan Miguel goes on and on to PA about how he loves Marichuy, but he doesn’t deserve that kind of happiness. It’s rather flowery. He says he was already married when the notorious incident occurred, but he didn’t love Viv much and they didn’t get along; that’s why he drank so much. PA says, aren’t you engaged to the judge’s daughter? He says yes, but that’s just because I don’t deserve real love with Marichuy. JM thinks God has sent Marichuy into his life to punish him, but the padre thinks it is because he has forgiven him. JM looks thoughtful.

Marichuy runs into her room crying, and Rocío follows her and hugs her. Rocío thanks her for introducing her to Vicente, and says they’re in love and she’s so happy. She asks what’s up with her and Juan Miguel, and Mari tells her what happened at his office.

Padre Anselmo tells Juan Miguel that when you have repented sincerely, you are forgiven, and he should go right now and tell Marichuy the truth. JM looks doubtful.

Stalker Stef calls the castle as she drives home in the rain and she and Onelia gossip and speculate about where JM and Mari might have been, and why Ed brought Mari home and she won’t talk. I don’t think it rains at any other time or place in the episode, so I like to think that killjoy Stef has her own personal raincloud.

JM tells PA he is worried because Mari really hates the man who attacked her, and so she will hate him, and he doesn’t want to lose her. PA asks if he thinks Marichuy loves him, and he says in some ways, and yes, maybe she does. PA thinks if she loves him she will forgive him, and it will be like a test of their love, and JM should have faith. JM departs to the dramatic sound of church bells.

Marichuy tells Rocío that she shouldn’t have told Juan Miguel the truth. He just sent her home with Eduardo; he must not think much of her anymore, she is so ashamed and feels like garbage, like a cockroach. Roc hugs her some more.

In Madrid, a butler carries Viv’s bags into shrieky Leticia’s living room. Leti is super excited to have her as a guest. Viv tells her that she and Juan Miguel are having marital problems and she is traveling while she decides whether to divorce him. Letting your spouse think you are dead is certainly a marital problem.

Ornerylia calls JM onto the carpet and demands to know where he went with Marichuy in the afternoon, as though it is any of her business. High time she got thrown in the dungeon. He tells her he took Marichuy to his office, and she asks if she’s mentally ill. Rude. He says she has suffered traumas that influence her current behavior. A civilized person would have taken the hint to back off, but if Onelia was a civilized person they wouldn’t be having this conversation in the first place. She tells Juan Miguel that Stef is waiting for him to call. She probably is, too, next to her pink princess phone.

JM goes upstairs and Onelia calls Stef to report on JM’s movements.

Padre Anselmo reflects on the painful session with Juan Miguel and prays for him.

Juan Miguel enters his bedroom, where Marichuy has been waiting for him in the dark. But just sitting in a chair, not sprawled on the bed in skanky lingerie like slutty Stef would have done if she’d thought of it. Marichuy wants to know what he’s going to do with her.

He wonders why he would need to do anything with her. She repeats her lines about feeling worthless, and now he must despise her. He says of course he doesn’t, and she has nothing to be ashamed of. He asks whether she can forgive the man, and she says no, never, not even if he’s repentant. She still thinks Juan Miguel doesn’t like her anymore, but he says he loves her, and he says it in his best bodice-ripper voice with romantic music accompanying him as he repeats it. Not as a friend, either, as a man. He leans in for a kiss, but she walks away.

She sits out on the steps outside. Juan Miguel comes outside and asks whether she feels the same way about him. She says yes, but she’s afraid, and when Adrián and Amador tried to kiss her she went crazy and hit them. He asks if she wanted to kill him when he kissed her last night, and she says no, so he asks if she wants to try again. It is all very romantic as they lean together until creepy stalker Stef ruins it by appearing there like some ugly demon and clapping rudely and saying it is just what she suspected. Stef and JM stare at each other while Mari snaps out of the swooniness and into eye-rolling.


Oh. Dear. God.

Well, I had to go back to the synopsis before I burst a blood vessel. It says a man attacked Chuy, not a man raped Chuy. And they have been very nonspecific about it in flashbacks, showing an attack (assault) rather than a rape. This better be the way it is, OR JM needs to be mistaken (he was drunk and out of it) and someone else have committed the rape, or they've just flushed JM down the toilet as far as I'm concerned. And on that note, unless JM has some specific flashbacks showing him on Chuy in the woods with his face completely recognizable, and soon, I'm going to consider myself as being set up.

Y'all just don't know how enraged I am. I feel like I'm foaming at the mouth. I ABSOLUTELY HATE plots with rapists and their victims thrown into some messed up LOVE affair. Could you disrespect me and women like me anymore than you already have, writers (and I use that term loosely)? Puh-leeze!

*getting a grip*

Again, Stupid Steffie was rocketing around on her broom, back and forth, hither and yon, like one of those ducks you shoot at in the arcade. If only I'd had a gun. Slobbering all on Israel in the midst of it--tramp. So now you've found your "man" in Chuy's arms trying to find her tonsils. Do what any self-respecting tramp would do. Call off the wedding, hop on your rocket-sled and fly thee home. Don't forget to ricochet off a few buildings on the way.

Cuate got to go into CandyLand! How cute. Too bad the poor pooch only saw an attic around him, what with not having Mayita's imagination. (But you never know... in their innocence, animals and kids see things we don't...)

I don't think JM could have looked more miserable when confessing to the Padre. Levy sure can turn on the waterworks.

Isab!tch, and Onerylia! Genius, Julia. :)

Someone commented on JM's marrying Steffie as an act of self-loathing on his part. Good call.

Did anyone see a wedding ring on Elsa's finger? Please say so, because I didn't. Come on, Nelson--you're a struggling artist, but you can't even get a cheap band for the woman you love?? Loser.

Thanks for finally stepping in and getting Chuy to her room, Ed. (Took you long enough.) Who the hell does Ornery think she IS? She's not the boss of that house! You don't say who lives there and you don't say who cooks what. If you don't like it, take your ass to a restaurant and preen to the lower classes, you crab!

Well, at least I got all of that off my chest. Ugh. Thanks soooooo much for the recap, Julia. GREAT job.

Julia: Wonderful recap. Thanks.

So, JM confesses - no admits that he was "the man" to Padre Anselmo. What is extremely annoying here is that we have no circumstances and are left to guess like what the H*ll was he doing in the countryside at the same time as Mari? Are we supposed to believe that this wealthy, educated man was just wandering around one night and turned into Mr. Hyde - or, was it Dr. Jekyll?

Great name for Isa!btch. Pure genius.

Stephe - really what's the point of the Israel/Stefi mating up? I hope it's a plot by Israel to pull her down the drain. No, make that the sewer.

Yeah - what's with this Onelia character. Ed and JM turn into zombies after getting tongue-lashed by her. Just open the door and push her out. One little anvil would do it here.

Excellent recap! I love the image of Isa sleeping in a dog bed. Looks like Stefi is becoming tired of keeping up the deception.

But I'm in agreement with Stephe (good Stephe). I hate this type of attacker plot line, and also JM has now confessed to Padre Anselmo, so it becomes another one of those confessional secrets that the priest can't reveal (remember how many of those we had in Guapos, to very ill effect).

I guess we are supposed to believe it is some kind of drunken mauling attempt at something that is foiled by teh girl running away. . . Still makes me uncomfortable.

Great recap, Julia, thanks!

Wow. I don't know what to say about JM. Not a good turn to the story. Hopefully we'll get more information later that puts it in a better light, but for now ... I'm with Nina, makes me uncomfortable.

Mayita and Cuate are super cute together. It's nice to have something to smile about in all this.

Stef really is a heifer/ho/tramp (thanks Stephe!) but I think she really does share some kind of weird chemistry with Israel, I think it's kind of interesting. I'm jumping way ahead, but maybe it could even lead to her redemption. So far it's been Isa driving the broom of witchiness in search of money with Stef riding shotgun. Stef seems like she might be open to real love while Isa is completely focused on the dinero.

Despite JM's confession, I enjoyed his scenes with Marichuy at the end of the episode. And Stef catching them was great.

Hi All,

Thanx for your usual on-point and witty recap, Julia.

Like (Good)Stephe, my blood vessels were in danger of bursting during this episode. The maybe-rapist aspect has already been covered here so I'm limiting my rant to JM's atrocious "professional" manner.

First, it is totally inappropriate for him to be treating Mari because:

1. She is his ward and is living in his home; therefore, the line between therapist and benefactor is blurrred.

2. She is a vulnerable, needy young girl who is emotionally dependent upon him and has lodged much of her need for affection in him. This is called transference in mental health terms.

3. After The Kiss, he cannot deny his feelings for her. Any therapist worth his or her salt would at least question whether these feelings were countertransference on his part.

4. His session with her over the nightmares was badly done. He pressured her to tell him all the details, even though he saw how traumatized and frightened she was. She didn't feel ready, safe enough, to tell him everything, but eventually she did. He then left her without her defenses, exposed, and made no attempt to calm her or reassure her. He passed her off to his colleague, who should not even have been allowed in the room at such a sensitive time. Mari, quite naturally, believed that he had rejected her because of her revelation and was even more traumatized than before the session. He then runs off to church to deal with his own feelings.

5. After finally reassuring Mari that she is not to blame for what happened (#1 priority for any victim of a sexual assault), he confesses his feelings for her at a time when she is way too emotional and confused to handle it.

Secondly, he is a psychologist and has the insight to know that he married Viv and engaged himself to (Bad) Stef because he doesn't "deserve" love. He should have been trying to work out his guilt issues in therapy instead of involving himself and others in a loveless marriage.

End of rant.

And, after all that, I still find JM a hottie. Is it wrong that I was ogling his fine body while he was standing in front of the church altar?


I can't believe JM could actually be a rapist. Either he grabbed her and pushed her and that was it (but Marichuy was still traumatized, and I completely understand that), or someone else (Amador?) came in after JM blacked out and did rape her. The whole thing doesn't make too much sense. It's similar to one in Fuego en La Sangre as to how Juan's parents were killed (we still don't know, and it's over 100episodes in!).

But I definitely think JM should tell Marichuy the truth now, although he probably won't until way, way later (like when they're engaged, at the altar, etc.). Then we'll probably have to wait more months for her to forgive him, because she'll be mad that he didn't tell her earlier.

The title of this recap expresses it perfectly. Thanks again for an excellent recap, Julia.

novarcuJulia: I just like to say THANK YOU! for the recap. It must have been difficult to recap especially with all the emotional distress of Marichuy and Juan Miguel confessing to the Padre.

For me, this explains a lot to the storyline. As a social worker, I see now more clearly why Juan Miguel is drawn to severe and tragic cases in his profession. I think Juan Miguel has his own history from childhood that he experiences some issue of trauma. He claims that the notorious incident happened while he was drunk after a fight or continuous living in a marriage with Vivana. It would be a couple of years in the past. He might have been a psychoanalyst already or about to.
I think that this incident along with his past childhood trauma made Juan Miguel become psychoanalyst. He wants to save lost soul or victims.
One, you fellow commenter, was right. Juan Miguel was marrying Estefania because he don’t deserve real love with Marichuy. JM thinks God has sent Marichuy into his life to punish him, but the padre thinks it is because he has forgiven him. JM looks thoughtful.

Juan Miguel says he deserves punishment. Juan Miguel goes on to tell the padre how he loves Marichuy, but he doesn’t deserve that kind of happiness.

This storyline really has give thinking as a social worker past counselor and as a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. I am ok to see these kinds of shows, films or movies. I have had many years of counseling and working on my own childhood trauma issues that it doesn't affect me as much. It just makes me think.

Personally I wouldn't continue with Juan Miguel even if we were married even though I might forgive him, but the memories that are in one's mind are hard to erase. A person just finds their own way to deal or resolve the memory. But I know as a past client, counselor, and domestic violence advocate that some survivors return to their abusers. Some abusers do rehabilitate and go on to lead more profound lives.

Like I said this storyline will have me thinking and commenting a lot. To me, it is interesting how the writers will write out this novela or story. I hope it is realistic and not just romantic. It is disturbing, but I know that I will continue to watch to find out what happens.

MAYBE WHAT i SaID yESTERdAY, Stephe, Juan Miguel, might not be the real final hero of this story. There is still the introduction of "El Leopardo"(The Leopard) portrayed by Rene Strickler. I am waiting on pins and needles for him to show up in this novela. He will add interest and mystery. I like Rene Strickler and seen him in other novelas.

Stephe, hang in there with us. I like that you are a fellow viewers that can't stand those stupid two scheming witches (stefi & isa). I despised them.


To me, Rene Strickler would be way too old to be a proper love interest for Marichuy.

J.J. I enjoyed just reading your comments and how you analyze the situation. As a professional psychologist, Juan Miguel is not a good one that I would personally recommend to other clients. You are right he breaks a few code of ethnics under the APA. The bottomline is he was totally unprofessional. J.J., good recognition of transference and countertransference.

Juan Miguel should have referred Marichuy to another counselor or psychologist.

Maybe psychologists, psychotherapist, psychoanalysts, counselor, and social workers are different in Mexico. Maybe they have different code of ethnics. I wonder.


From Genevieve, fellow social worker

I look forward to seeing Rene Strickler also, but I can't help thinking he will be another Aldo character--the rebound guy who loses the girl in the end while helping her to recover.

Only in Pasion have I seen a story where the heroine leaves the first guy and ends up with the second guy. And that happened pretty near the beginning.


I know he is older, but they have Ana Patricia Rojo playing Estefanía. I recently used to see Victoria telenovela starring Victoria Ruffo as older divorced lady fall in love with a younger man played by Mauricio Ochmann.

We will just see what happens. I just hope that we don't lose some of our fellow viewers and commenters here because I personally enjoying all the comments that you fellow viewers write - the more the merry.

I just say please hang in there!



What about Querida Enemiga? You would think from the previews and promos that Gabriel Soto as Alonso would get the girl at the end, but if you are a fellow watcher of this novel you will see that he is in competing with Jorge Aravena as Ernesto for the love of Lorena. Lots of the fellow watchers of that novela are crossing their fingers that Ernesto will won even though Gabriel Soto is the higher earning actor in that novela.

What I am saying it that this might be a direction of some of our upcoming novela storylines with be as regards to heros.


Well, since Juan Miguel told Padre Anselmo that what happened wasn't as bad as Marichuy and the Padre thought, that means (fingers crossed, hoping hoping) he did not rape her. THAT I do not think I could get past. Like someone mentioned, maybe he attacked her, then someone else (my money's still on Amador) raped her. Still awful, but not as unredeemable for JM.

Onelia is completely over the top. I hope at some point JM's psychology training kicks in and he does something about her. JM and Ed both seem to treat her like some case study they are merely observing...they just stand back and let her keep going on her abusive rants.

Thank you for the outstanding recap, Julia! I was laughing all the way through. Good stuff. Oh, and great title, too!

I’m feeling pretty sure JM is not a rapist or even would-be rapist. He said it wasn’t what Mari thought. Probably he chased her and grabbed her arm and kissed her. Now if so, wouldn’t HE remember her face? And isn’t it just beyond belief that she would say she was in the campo (could be any number of places) and JM is sure that it’s the same campo he was in on the same night he was on his drunken spree? Oh! Maybe it could turn out that what happened to Mari and what he did were two separate incidences. Hmm.

Anyway, the padre is a way better psychologist than JM is.

I’m sorry they didn’t drag out the plotline of Nelson being reluctant to marry. The writers could have gotten a few months’ material out of that one.

That was very weird with Israel and Stef. He looked like he really was jealous of JM that he could get a fancy woman like Stef. Why would he want someone like that?

Oh, and also I liked the PSA about being kind to animals. Cesar Milan, the Dog Whisperer, had an episode where he went to Mexico and showed how poorly dogs are often treated there and it was heart-wrenching.

Genevieve, very interesting. I am not watching Querida Enemiga, so I did not know that.

JJ, I agree, your psychological insight was very interesting. Unfortunately, I don't think the writers attended graduate school.

Thanks for the recap Julia.

I'm with Stephe. I am trying to over look the whole JM's her psychiatist plotline but last night made that very hard (see all the great reasons listed JJ's post). While I love watching romance quite I bit, I don't know why writers think its good to have men fall in love with women whom they have more power than in the relationship (teacher/student, executive/secretary, doctor/patient).

So now I have to hope (like others) that JM only assaulted her ...ugh. This type of storyline really needs to be removed permanently from novelas.

And JM does need to get Oneila out of his house. For the sake of his child, his ward and himself. I can understand his guilt driving him to marry badly but for crying out loud your daughter and Mari and your sister need protection from that witch. Be an adult and do something about it NOW.

Julia, Thanks for the wonderful recap. I appreciate you efforts. Love the title too, how poetic. Is that a biblical quote?

I can't deal with a rapist plot in the middle of this fairly benign story. I hope it was just a drunken chase through the dry-ice forest. (Looks like they have used the same one they use on Fuego here) and not the deadly deed so to speak. I agree there should be a moritorium on rape as an interesting plot device, it just is not.

UglyEstefania's tactics with Israel are totally weird, they are trying to make her repulsive when she was already a nasty piece of business as a character.

It is also intersting to see nasty Isabel when we last saw this actress as the saintly Ofelia, mother to Saintly Santiago on Pasion. Here talent is obvious that she can pull our heartstrings in so many directions.

hi everyone, I'm new to posting here, although I posted a few times on Guapos and started reading this blog with Pasion. I think it was JJ yesterday who mentioned not knowing other people who watch novelas, and the same is true for me, so i also like reading everyone's comments here. The last couple of episodes have been very uncomfortable for me too. Not only was the "tell me tell me" stuff disturbing, but also that it was conducted after he lied about why he kissed her (something about he wanted to show affection and was going to kiss her on the cheek?). Not that the "therapy session" would have been ok if had been honest before that, but what's with brushing off the question as though all doctors go around kissing their patients? He was so nonchalant about it.

Cheryl, yes, the title quote is from Isaiah.

I think all the actors here are doing an amazing job. They're all very believable in their roles. The only thing I have trouble believing is that Juan Miguel is a competent shrink.

I will say, though, that inappropriate counselor-client relationships certainly don't only happen in novelas. One of my mom's clients was having difficulties with his wife, so they went to a marriage counselor, and shortly thereafter they divorced and the wife married the marriage counselor.

Also it occurs to me that maybe I should give the translation for my new nickname for StupidStef. Estafa means swindle or trick.

Debbie, welcome!

This may just be how I saw it, but I thought it was pretty well understood that they both knew he was lying when he said he meant to kiss her cheek. They were both looking flirty as they talked about it. It's hard to miss when you move that slowly, and an accidental lip-kiss wouldn't last five minutes.

thanks Julia! I was glued to the captions and so didn't catch all the flirting. Either way, it's icky that he went on and questioned her after that in his office--but what am I doing expecting a novela doctor to act professionally?!! :)

Julia, thanks for sharing that real life story.

And welcome Debbie.

Unfortunately inappropriate behavior does happen in real life but it seems in novelas this stuff happens with the protagonists. Though the main characters may not be perfect, we also expect them to have a basic morality. The writers really push viewers, who generally seems to have this type of morality as, with plot lines where these type of moral issues are violated.

I don't care about Juan Miguel...I love William Levy!!!! I heard he might be coming to Hollywood to do a film with K. Costner!! yaaya

In the last couple of episodes, Estef has really gone off on Mari with vile slang insults. Any idea where I can find translations? Some I can follow, but what is "muerte de hambre"? Literally it is "killer of hunger." Guess colloquilly it is something like "repulsive" or "disgusting"?

She throws around a lot of "naca's", "infeliz's", etc. but those are pretty standard.

And of course, old Ornerilia is no slouch with the abuse, either. Why is it that only the rich people are so abusive?

I was so amazed by the rants, I may go back and watch them again on you tube!

I don't believe JM raped MC. What he told Padre Anselmo yesterday was that Marichuy, being so young/innocent, might have thought something more had happened. JM apparently had too many drinks that night. He said that he was not happy in his marriage. I agree with the poster who stated that she believes that JM studied psychiatry so he could help people, especially young people who might have erred like he did. This leads me to think that at the time of the attack, he might not have been a psychiatrist yet. MC was definitely traumatized by that night and the novela has to portray JM as very remorseful and repentful, otherwise the couple won't work.

By the way, I read that they filmed MC's nightime attack, the nightmare she has, at the Belarde estate.

"Muerta de hambre" is a lowlife or low-class person. They used to use it a lot in Acorralada. The rich people there were really evil.

Yes, I would love to have a translation of all those insults too.

"Muerta de hambre" basically means she's poor and has nothing.

Very insensitive to say but....if it were JM.....I can learn to forgive. ;D

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