Friday, February 05, 2010

Dinero #14- 2/4/10: One Big Happy Family

From yesterday: Chavez convinces Marco to come to his party where there will be many lovely “Viejas”. He doesn’t have to twist his arm. Susana begins to introduce Rafa to the other Auto Siglos sales team, starting with Marino, the most successful salesman. Marino is more interested in the list of clients Rafa is clutching (Lopez’s list) than in shaking Rafa’s hand.

We then get a feel for the characters of each salesperson as Susana introduces Rafa to them one by one:

Rosario: Formerly a rich housewife. When her husband lost his job, she needed to work and came to Autos Siglos. She seems to get most of her clients from her circle of rich girlfriends. She asks Rafa if he is one of “those” Medinas, but Rafa is obviously NOT from the same circles she runs in.

Ramiro: Worst salesman on the team. Lost his job before coming to Autos Siglos and it doesn’t look like this job is doing much for his self esteem. Ever cheerful Rafa urges him to cheer up and offers him some of that fine whiskey he still has stashed in his house. Unfortunately, Ramiro doesn’t drink. He really should start, given what we’ve seen of his wife and mother-in-law.

Don Ismael: The oldest salesman, who seems to specialize in selling big old cars to little old ladies. Unfortunately, his sales seem to be affected by his forgetfulness- very similar to Ale’s dad and also very cute. He, unlike the other salesmen, kindly offers to help Rafa any way he can- if he can remember that is.

Isabel: She’s called the General because she tells it like it is, even to the customers- no bs and by the book. Sort of like Ale, but with even less people skills.

Ramirez: A former college professor, who has published books on “the process of selling”, he seems know how to talk about selling, more than he seems to know how to actually do it.

Claudia: As Susana says, her legs are her best selling point. Well, her legs, and her boobs, and her derriere as she leans over to helpfully “inspect” some tires for a customer, and…well, you get the picture.

Nelson: The Dandy seems to be the male equivalent of Claudia, using his big white smile, gelled hair and stylish pink striped tie to reel in the lady customers.

Susana finally deposits Rafa at his desk. Apparently his recent tour through the Valley of Lost Souls and Ambitions has not dampened Rafa’s spirits at all. In fact he is doing a little happy dance to have a desk and computer and office phone for the first time in his life. He does what most of us do the first time we have a real, “grown-up” job with our own office/cubicle. He calls his mommy to give her his office number and talks about what great co-workers he has. Leonor asks him to please call Vicky, who has been driving her crazy calling the house all morning for updates on Rafa. Meanwhile, Vicky is having a little chat with a friend from the barrio, while holding a BIG knife. This friend is not vey smart, or doesn’t know Vicky very well because she: 1) talks about what a hot commodity Rafa is considered among the ladies of the barrio; 2) confirms Vicky’s fears that yes, by working in a fancy car dealership Rafa could meet and be interested in other women; and 3) asks if Vicky has a pet bird and what the heck she is talking about when she talks about her “pajarito.” Vicky clutches her knife and declares that Rafa is HERS.

Rafa’s introduction to Autos Siglos continues when Susana sits him in front of a tv to watch the propaganda, uh…orientation video. Rafa has clearly drunk the Kool-Aid because he doesn’t barf when the video version of Licenciado Francisco says they are all one big happy family. In fact, his megawatt smile grows even bigger. Poor devil.

Meanwhile, one of the members of said big happy family is sneaking up behind him, already looking for a way to stab him in the back. It’s Marino, and seeing that Rafa is occupied, he decides this is the perfect moment to get his hands on that much coveted list of clients. Unfortunately for Marino, Don Ismael chooses just this moment to pause at Rafa’s desk to work on his receipts, right on top of Rafa’s inherited list of clients. Marino raises such a ruckus trying to get rid of Don Ismael, that he raises the attention of all the other salespeople. Soon everyone is at Rafa’s desk, fighting over whether or not they should be looking at the list, whether Rafa deserves to have it, and which one of them deserves to have it. Obviously, each of them thinks that they deserve it. They don’t reach an agreement over which one of them should have the list, but agree that it shouldn’t be Medina (Rafa), as someone like him, with his fancy qualifications, surely already has all of the contacts he needs.

Rafa’s little sis Julieta seems to have also been thrown into a den of lions today. She’s gone to a college classmate’s house to work on a project with a group of students. Not only is the house more luxurious than any she has ever seen, her classmates seem intent on encouraging her to enjoy the pleasures of that luxury rather than studying. In particular, two of the three “boys” seem a bit too flirty and a bit too handsy with her, and Julieta is uncomfortable. Since one of them is the guy who played rapist Aaron on En Nombre de Amor, and is creepily rubbing sunscreen on her back, I am particularly worried about Julieta. Run, Julieta! Run!

On to another woman who should run, not walk, away from a man…Ale is speaking to Marco on the phone, calling him the most wonderful man in the world. Hah! Apparently, despite the neck and leg braces, the doc has cleared her to resume congressing with Marco, if she so desires. And she does. Marco, however, is more interested in talking her into buying a new car so that he will be able to drive around in the style to which he has become accustomed once again. Of course, this is for her own good, so that Marco can pick her up every day and she won’t have to ride in those disgusting taxis each day. Despite her good sense, and her crushing debt, Ale relents and decides to buy a new car. This increase in her debts reminds her of Rafa and how much she hates him. She will make him pay. She will make every day he works for her a living hell!

She decides to begin right away by giving Rafa his first lesson on the basic process/principals of the sale. Rafa’s first attempt to outline the process seems pretty good to me- first you greet the customer, make them feel welcomed and look your best (for which he always carries a pocket mirror); second you showcase the merchandise; third…He doesn’t get to finish as he keeps getting interrupted by Vicky calling him on his cell phone, and Ale angrily yelling at him and calling him an idiot. It’s the method all the best teachers use, right?

Ale finally decides on a more proactive approach to the lesson, teaching Rafa that the process of the sale involves seduction, convincing the client, making them imagine that they are already driving the car at high speed down the road, but NOT running innocent people off the road like someone she knows. And finally, of course, getting them to BUY (COM-PRE). While Ale is lecturing him on this, Rafa is drawing a pretty funny picture of Ale, neck and leg brace and all, hanging from a rope. When Ale hobbles closer to yell at Rafa from a more intimidating distance, she topples over his desk, right onto the drawing. BUSTED!


Once again tried to tag this. Not sure if I was successful. My neighbors teenagers are playing their music loudly, already celebrating the snow day they will have tomorrow. Looks like we are about to be hit by a big storm that will have us cloistered in our homes this weekend. I hope my Caraymates keep me entertained with good comments this weekend. I dvr'd all the shows. :)

I posted to the sidebar for you.

Did you notice that the nice but incompetent salesmen shook Rafael's hand, but the conniving but successful ones didn't?

Thanks so much Paula. Still not sure what I'm doing wrong. Oh well!

Yes, I noticed the handshake thing and the difference between the "bad" salemen who were nice, and the "good" ones who were rude to Rafa. I think they see him as a threat.

Hi Vivi,
thanks for the recap. That Marco is such a jerk. The face he made when Ale was giving him her good news made me want to punch him.

I cant figure out how to tag either. I keep loosing my whole recap everytime I click a button.
thank goodness for Paula.


Hi Vivi...nice recap. Well-organized and I liked the italicized personal reactions. I don't watch this but your recap gave me a real feel for what is going on. Sounds like our poor Rafa is surrounded by enemies, but I'm sure he'll triumph in the end (and win the girl).

Stay warm, snug and safe today. It's not too bad here yet. Beautiful snow. But was out teaching an early class and then to the grocery and the place was really crowded!

Thanks for the recap Vivi. Stay home and outta the snow. Sounds like you will get a lot. Stay safe.

Susanna had some good ideas/thoughts on everyone. Not the nicest bunch. Seems like they should have got together on that list and just split them up between themselves instead of fighting.

I don't like old Marco, but I think he looked better in the cowboy hat than without it. :)

I saw old Aaron (ENDA) there and I thought he looked better and nicer than in ENDA. Then later, when he was putting on the sunscreen.. ooo ick, looked like our old buddy Aaron de ENDA.

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