Friday, February 12, 2010

Dinero #20, 2/12/10: A Bad Night for a Hot Date

Marco hides his hoochie in the bathroom just in time for Ale to walk in and start seducing him. He squirms and claims he has an early appointment the next day. Ale is not to be dissuaded. She dims the lights and smooches him while the lingerie model stifles her giggles.

Rafa is finally home after a long day at work and tells madre and hermana he didn’t even sell one car. He frets about making the electric bill but Leonor tells him it’s already been taken care of; Julieta paid for it. Julieta says she got a very good-paying job as a secretarial assistant at her college.

Leonor catches Julieta in a lie. “Didn’t you say you were in the library?” Julie stammers that she’s working for a secretary in the library. Rafa worries her job will affect her studies but Julie assures him she can keep up. She wants to do something useful for the family. Rafa is adamant that Julie’s only responsibility is school but he thanks her for helping out.

Someone knocks on the door and Rafa, knowing it’s Vicky, rushes off to change clothes for their movie date.

Marco is still trying to push Ale way and again says she isn’t well enough. Ale asks if he’s upset that she surprised him. Of course not! Marco lies. He can’t wait to live with her and have her every night. He hugs her and then rolls his eyes.

Meanwhile, Rafa is trying his hardest to swallow Vicky’s face as they fumble down the sidewalk for a taxi.

Ale is insistent on spending the night with Marco, a concrete statue compared to Rafa who can’t keep his hands (or mouth) off of Vicky. Too bad there is no cold shower as intense as Vicky’s brothers pulling up to the curb to harass them. Tweedle-dumb and Tweedle-dee invite themselves on the date and offer to drive the novios to the movies. Reluctantly, Rafa and Vicky get in the truck.

Ale tries to pull Marco towards the bedroom but he stalls by saying the room is too much of mess. Ale doesn’t care and rushes through the door. She clumsily sits on the bed and invites him to join her.

In the car, Vicky plots with Rafa to lose the tagalongs as soon as they get to the theater.

Marco says he’s afraid of hurting Ale. Ale is hearing none of it but does fall off the bed when she leans over to kiss him. She still isn’t put off and keeps on kissing but Marco flat out says no. Ale wilts. “You don’t want me?”

Marco says Ale is the most beautiful woman in the world; of course he wants her. He’s just afraid of permanently hurting her. Ale tells Marco to call her a cab. He offers to drive her home but she refuses. She calls for a cab and glares at Marco when the attendant calls her Yomi Serrano (the hoochie’s name).

Marco fast-talks that Yormi is a client who stopped by the day before. Ale doesn’t look like she believes him and scrambles for the door.

Vicky and Rafa arrive at the theater but their plot to lose her hermanos backfires when they dash off to buy the tickets.

Marco attempts to convince Ale he turned her down because he’s worried about her. Ale is more worried about them as a couple. She starts to cry and wonders whether he wants to marry her anymore. Marco gets down on his knees and promises Ale he adores her.

Ale cries she’s afraid Marco doesn’t want her and will go looking for other women to satisfy him. Marco tells her he is incapable of being with another woman. Ale leaves and Marco thumps his head on the wall, probably worried his gravy train just left the station.

Yormi, Marco’s bimbo, comes out of the bathroom and guesses that Ale is his novia and not a business partner like he said. She isn’t the jealous type (or the modest type) and Marco wastes no time in crawling into bed with her.

A short scene of Rafa and Vicky having a miserable time watching the movie while the hermanos are having a blast. Another short scene of Ale sobbing in the taxi as it pulls away.

The hermanos drop Rafa off and ask him to pay them back for their movie tickets. He does and has a fit about it once he gets in the house.

A strange cartoon clock tells us it’s 5 A.M. when Rafa gets a wake-up call from Ale. She asks why he’s slept so late and Rafa is outraged at her inhumanity.

A little later in the morning, Leonor surprises Rafa with ham and eggs for breakfast. She bought groceries with the money Julieta brought home. Julie wanders in and Rafa asks just how much she made at her job. Leonor says it was 700 pesos. Rafa is floored and says a job like that usually only makes 150 pesos.

Julieta says she does other work too; besides, she only brought home a tiny bit of the 300,000 she earned. Rafa is frustrated and says he is the only one who is going to take care of the bills. (This was a little hazy. Please correct if need be!) He calms down and leaves for work.

Susana asks Ale how it went with Marco and she says it didn’t. Susana is suspicious but Ale says Marco is a faithful man. Ale blames herself; he doesn’t want her because she is injured and unattractive. Susana tells her to get a grip and Ale changes her tune and says it’s all Rafa’s fault for making her so repulsive.

That very moment, Ale starts berating Rafa but he takes it in stride and tells Ale she may be tough but she is very beautiful too. She softens a little but then snaps at him to get to work. He isn’t to receive any phone calls that aren’t work related. All she wants him to do is make “money, money, money”.

Ale hobbles back into her office and gripes to Susana about Rafa having the nerve to call her pretty. Susana just laughs.

Vicky calls Rafa at work again. He hides under his desk to answer it and she screeches her usual complaints. She talks about them getting married again but Rafa says he doesn’t have the money to go through with it yet.

Ramiro ducks down and asks Rafa if there’s something wrong. He hangs up and explains about the phone call and why he has two bottles of whiskey under his desk. Ramiro leaves and Vicky calls back. She wants to try their date again over the weekend in a hotel in a different town.

Rafa hides the whiskey in a desk drawer and asks Ramiro not to tell anyone about them.

Julieta stashes several more whiskey bottles in her bag and is nearly run over when Jamie rushes in the house. He’s concerned about how legitimate her job is but Julie says she doesn’t have time and tries to leave. He grabs her bag and sees Rafa’s whiskey in it. Busted!

Rosaura arrives to work late and gives a phony excuse. Marino admires and converses with his “Employee of the Month” photo. Ale holds a business meeting and scolds everyone as per usual.

At the butcher shop, Vicky pokes at a piece of meat while whining to her padre. She wants to look for a job with her friend Janet over the weekend. (Her cover for leaving town with Rafa.) Her padre agrees but only if her hermanos go with her. “And Rafael better not be there or disrespect you because he has no idea what I’m capable of.” He stabs a nearby chuck of meat for emphasis.

Avances: Rafa is chased by a German Sheppard and gets stuck in a tree (?!?!), Marco tries to make nice with Ale, and Rafa and Marco scuffle.


Good morning Floresdeazul. The paper won't be here for another 21/1 hours so I love waking up and finding your recap. Poor Rafa, nothing he tries ever seems to go well. Ditto for Ale. Clearly they're meant for each other. Thanks for a smooth, well-written recap. Cute title.

Hi Floresdeazul. Thanks for the recap. Vickys brothers drive me nuts. I had a feeling that Ale was going to call Rafa at 5 in the morning. Misery loves company. The preview for Monday has me a little nervous with Rafa being chased up a tree. Should be interesting.
thanks again

Florasdeazul, thanks for the recap. Like two peas in a pod. Running into the same love problems. At least it sort of looks like Vicky was going to go along with Rafa this time, while Marco ignored Ale. Ale will just have to stick with work until her and Rafa hookup. :)

Pata, agree, those brothers aren't the best. That voice of Vicky, though... ugh. They have to change that somewhere along the way. Maybe when she turns bad. :)

That anvil still waiting to fall on Julieta. At least someone caught her with the bottles.

I haven't been watching this, but saw the Friday episode. I was surprised to see the actress playing Vickie in a comedic role. She was quite good as the abused wife in QUERIDA ENIMIGA, and very convincing in a dramatic role. I think she could be good and funny as Vickie, but agree with JEFFMN. The voice she is using has to go. It's absolutely annoying and distracting.
Thanks for such a succint recap.
NJ sue

Floresdeazul- Thanks so much for the recap. So both Ale and Rafa will remain frustrated, both at home and at work. I hope they have some success soon. Although I don't want Ale to sleep with that slimeball Marco, it was funny watching her try to seduce him. Especially trying to get on his bed. Lol! :)

Thanks for the recap, Floresdeazul. One thing I find interesting about this show is the heights of the characters. Rafa is not very tall, and Vicky would tower over him, so they usually put her in flats. Ale, however, is shorter. So Ale will end up with Rafa, based on height. (Okay, I forgot, size doesn't matter). :)

Hello Judy B.
Just stopping by to say Hi. I hope you are well, and I notice not many of the old "I love Juan" commenters are still around.

Is this a show I would like... you know what I look for in Telenovas

How about Export Red, have you heard from her lately....I miss the fun we had back then.

Anyway, take care...

Anon # 1

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