Thursday, March 04, 2010

Gancho Wed March 3 - Gabi get your gun!


The two macho M's continue their discussion re Isabel and protecting Valentina and her Ma not hurting her etc. Marcos promises his apoyo.

Back with Oski swearing to Mona (now finally in black) that he didn't tell her anything because there is nothing to tell. He had nothing to do with Sal's death, he asks her if she has any proof.

Jero is at the house with Jacqui he looks for Coni, she's training. Jero isn't there for either chica though, he's looking for that esquincle Aldo. But first he wants to remind her that she made the worst mistake of her life sending him to the devil (letting him go) blah blah, she's not convinced. They turn to talking about Coni and Jac is in agreement that Jero should screw her. What? He is surprised that she wants the worst for her daughter. She says nope I want the best but to get that she has to lose everything first, including the money she won in the divorce. So do what you plan to take it from her. OK...

They continue pot shots at each other basically until Aldo shows up. Jero gets a hell of an eye tick when he tells Aldo that his Dad wants to see him. Outside we learn really it's Oski. Jero says because all is ready for his wedding. He wants his papers and thinks he should change first, no? Jero says, uh yeah ok.

Nieves, Estrella, Paula and Gabi talk about the Isabitch (thanks Julia)/Mona situation and how horrible it is that she believes her Ma to be good.

Mona and Ma are still chatting with Oski over the Sal situation. Mama defends her hija. While she is alive no one touches her daughter...anvil? Pau is listening in and hears the part about him having nothing to do with Sal's death. she gets impactada and leaves.

We are back with Gabi, Nieves and Estre waiting for Pau to return. She does and tells the gals that Oscar is there. Gabi says he'll listen to her but first begs Pau to get her Dad's pistol. Estre and Nieves beg them not to do something crazy and note that no men are around. Ha as if men are required. Hrmph.

Now to said men, looking quite competent sucking back their cervezas, yep, these guys would do me proud, eh, no. They are slurring about viejas when the doorbell rings. Beto and Cesar make Cris answer. It's everyone favorite usurper Tano!! He wonders where Mau is, he doesn't live here anymore? Well sort of... they want him to drink with them, isn't he a broken heart too? Oh yeah, he is ok, he'll throw some tequilas then.

Mau and Marc again toturing themselves over the Mona Ma situation. The gist of this one is that Marc had no idea he had a daughter, he certainly wouldn't have turned his back on her.

Mona and Ma are walking out Oski yelling at him to leave when uh oh, what's this? A shiny silver barrel of a pistol attached to Gabriela's hand. She tells the animal Oski not to move. Everyone begs her to put down the gun. Gabi begs him to confess his crime.

Mau and Marc again about issy, she's sick in the head, etc... Marc then begs Mau to take him to Val, it's time he speaks with her.

Back to the gun scene and Gabi still giving Oski the third degree. Mona begs Gabi to give her the pistol telling her she needs to calm down and this guy is not worth it. Finally Gabi releases and Mona takes it. She turns around and holds it to Oski instead now! She tells him now he really won't escape.

We go to the ring where Coni seems to enjoy punching the bag. Her trainer however is not so certain of her talents and tells her it might be best she continue the fight to later on. Yeah, that doesn't go over well and boom, he turns into the bag and suffers a punch. Ouch. He'll submit, Coni will train night and day if that's what it takes. OK, his enthusiasm is renewed. That or he remembers how much she is paying him.

Ok back at the vecinidad, Mona calls for them to call the police and for some reason Estrella runs at Oski but he too has a gun and pulls it on Estre. Oh jeez here we go. He tells her to drop the gun, she tells him Estre has nothing to do with it and she's preggers and oh now Gabi understands and then the next thing you know...Issy runs in front of Mona to protect her and boom!!! Oscar shoots and hits Issy!!!! Yowza!! He runs off with Estre and Issy lies on the ground with a bewildered look. Mona calls for an ambulance. Univision calls for a commercial.

We're back with Jero driving a very well dressed Aldo who is all excited because he's getting married today. Jero thinks maybe he should reconsider this idea of being with one woman for the rest of his life. They are going to meet Oscar who went to get Estre.

Back to there where Mona is still crying that there is no ambulance. Issy seems to be holding her own. Would we expect anything less from an alien with ice blood? Nah, actually, I don't even see her bleeding or wounded or anything. Hmmm.

OK now we go to Oski doing an excellent job of driving while aiming. He's pretty good at managing the wheel and the gun. Heh, and folks are worried about cell phones!! Next down the pike is surely no firearms while driving.

OK the ambulance finally arrives and Mona and Ali go in with Issy. Nieves is perplexed. Gabi thinks too maybe she's not as bad as Nieves said. Nieves doesn't get it and thinks there's something else here. Gabi thinks the blood is stronger than they think. Gabi thinks with no men around they need to take up martial arts or something.

OK, so of course we go to the men who are now much further along with the cervezas and tequilitas. They are playing dominoes and whining about women.

The gals are trying to describe to a new police officer what happened when Mau walks up, they tell him what happened. Marcos is there too and Nieves tell him to beat it. They then beg Mau to help them because Estrella is now in the hands of that killer and she's pregnant and all and WHAT????? Mau stops them....she's what? Uh oh...ah, yeah pregnant. By Aldo? reluctantly they say yes. Mau rolls his head back as if to pass out cold.

Commercial :)!!

Now we go to the hospital where Mona is crying over her Ma and Ali is not really much better, but she tells Mona to calm down. Mona is amazed at how her Ma protected her. Of course she decides now is the time to trash her new found father. Of course her Ma is right and Marc is responsible for everything. Ali adds that's why Nieves and Issy hate each other.

Go to Marc chatting with Nieves. He saying he can't leave Mona alone, and Nieves saying she doesn't need him. Nieves is mad he impregnated Issy. He still swears his love for her, that Issy was a mistake and a stupid way to get back at her for lies. Nieves wants to know why with her exactly. He wants to give Mona his name. Nieves thinks she won't accept. Marc mentions that Mona is in danger. Nieves is like, what what danger?

Now we go to Mau's house where he finds out Aldo was taken by Jero. Mau is now worried because of course he didn't send for Aldo. He's also pissed off to find out that Jacqui knew about Estre's pregancy. She said Estre even asked her to help her get rid of the baby. Luisa stands off in the wings eaves dropping most impactadaly.

Mona goes in to see Issy who apparently is fine, just an arm in a sling. She tells Val she had to protect her, she's her daughter, don't doubt her love anymore. But wait, what's this, a black and white flash back. Oh for Pete sake, they are in cahoots!!! Ma is meeting Oski and wonders if he was the killer of Sal, and if he is well, she offers that they can be of mutal assistance to each other. Looks like the whole thing was staged. We go back to the present and Mami dearest and unsuspecting child hug. Blech and that's it. Wow folks, didn't see that coming, though I should have, I guess!


Wonderful title. Love all the songs from that Broadway show. And an interesting episode. So now Tano is "our favorite usurper" eh? Poor guy. Remember, Emilia and I are still rooting for him.

Very slick transition with "Mona calls for an ambulance and Univision calls for a commercial". I'm always looking for new ways to bridge. That was nifty, Kris.

That Isabitch! cold-blooded indeed! She'd have to have a lot of trust in Oscar's aim to stage that coup, I must say.

The twists and turns in this one never stop coming. Fun recap of an interesting episode, Kris. Also loved your riff on driving with cellphones or firearms! Cute. Have a good day...

What an episode! What a recap!

Kris, loved the title. This was stellar - you had me on the edge of my seat. I so appreciate your providing all of the exciting details.

So many bright spots, "alien with ice blood" and as Judy already noted, "everyone's favorite usurper" was wonderful!

Tough love from Jacqui. She's right though - Coni needs to hit rock bottom if there is any hope for her salvation. Losing the money she doesn't deserve is a necessary first step.

Expect the unexpected. Can Isabel get ANY more monstrous? Speaking of rock bottom, except for devouring her young, is there any lower level to which she can sink?
You said it perfectly Kris, "Blech". Ditto.

I love that the writers have kept this fresh and exciting, a marvel after so many epsiodes.


Woweee, I was muy pero muy impactada at Isabel's treachery! Oski really does NOT have a clue who he's dealing with. I think he may have met his downfall and ultimate demise in Isabel.

Kris, you always nail the titles, this was perfect. And yes hooray, the girls changed their clothes, finally.

Finally we get to see Coni training, however I thought her punches looked a bit anemic compared to Monita's. Ah well, this is telenovela land so anything can happen.

"...eaves dropping most impactadaly", I love that!

Excellent recap Kris, your fun, hilarious style is a joy.

Looks like the Xime/Arni kiss happens on my recap, whoopeee!!!!

Thanks for the recap Kris. I was wondering where Moni got the gun she had in the avances and then Gabi shows up with it. Wow, Hissy does it again. I was thinking, well we never saw her talking to Oski, so I guess this is real. Not! Thing is, I can't see what Oski gets out of this deal? We can help each other, how is Oski helped? In front of witnesses, he has kidnapped someone and attempted murder! Que? How is he helped? Also, Hissy better make sure he's an excellent, fantastic shot. Hmm, I suppose he could have missed, she just needed to get in front. Maybe he messed up and hit her? Good job Oski. :)

Capn.. Yes, finally saw Coni in training. I think she has to move her feet more, to flat-footed, and keep her hands higher, protect that glass jaw. Why Moni knocked her out that other time. :)

It's been so sad seeing Moni and Alicia falling under Isabel's spell. Come on, snap out of it!


I'm with Judy, Diana, and Sylvia. This was an inspired recap. Peppery, staccato, sly, and extremely funny. Your title is one of those, "Gee, I would have loved to have thought of that. When I first began my tutoring with Adriana, I had read approximately zilch in Spanish. She started me off with microcuentos by Borges, little short stories full of meaning yet frugal with words. Your style reminds of those. I'm amazed at how much detail you present with such biting humor and imagery, and yet with an economy of words. Today's recap is a minimasterpiece. Thanks.

I cracked up at how well Oscar managed to stay focused on his driving, all the while, holding the gun on Estrella. What a multitasker. Mauricio can only dream of such dexterity.

Wasn't Coni's trainer Moni's ring man? So much for loyalty. I was impressed by Coni's determination if not her skill. I thought that she was very appealing in her white tee shirt with the rolled up sleeves. I think that the discipline that training as a boxer demands may be transformational for her.

Just when we think Isabel can't get any worse, she smacks us in the face with a new low. I think that hope of being Mother of the Year just slipped from her grasp. No World's Greatest Mom for you, Issy.

The Girly Bears won, but Brittney got herself ejected for throwing a punch and is probably in hot water. I wounder if she's been watching too much Gancho. That does not seem in character for her at all.


Ohmigoodness...Brittney threw a punch!? Well, I'm sure she was provoked beyond all endurance. You know how folks like to bump and slap star players. Still, she'l have to get a handle on that temper to progress in the NCAA Women's tourney. Looking forward to watching once Big 10 Tourney is over.

Wonderful recap, Kris. Reading it felt a lot like riding in the car with a gun in one's hand, it just barreled along, very exciting!

I did suspect Oscar and Hissy set it up, but I thought they didn't even know each other, did they? But of course they did. I agree with Jeff, though, about what's Oscar getting from this, how he had to be an excellent shot, etc. The only things I can think he might get would be the intimidation factor- people might be afraid to challenge him now, and maybe some money, somehow connected with Marcos, as Isabel could extort some money from him.

I hope the ladies do take up martial arts, and surprise the boys by stopping a crime or protecting them.

Guess what? The Maryland Terps beat Duke! Maybe I WILL start watching basketball.

I didn't get to see this episode (blast you, Comcast, and your wretched outage!) so was looking forward to this recap like a crack addict looking for the next fix. And it didn't disappoint.

It's hilarious to me that these ladies think they need men around to protect them. We've seen time and time again that the Gancho women can all knock out a guy with a single hit, whereas most of the men are pretty useless in combat.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Ah, Julia, so sadly true. Here's some video of the latest in Women's Combat Training!

Mike, that is horrid. Nice camera angles.

Nice how the recap title suits my point. I loved that play. "Anything you can do, I can do better! I can do anything better than you!"


Wonderful title, wonderful recap. Gabi get your gun! I just love saying it.

I have a really dumb question. Did Hissy really get shot? I did not see any blood. but she did go away in an ambulance, so I think she took one for the sake of her offspring. For the sake of manipulating her, anyway. But I cannot figure out how Oscar knew where to shoot her and the timing and all that about the plan.

My TN beanie is currently unavailable as it is being fitted out as a Corazon Salvaje Velvet Pirate Tricorn, with accessory pockets. So far, one pocket is filled with Xanax, to deal with the panic disorder brought on by the anachronisms and incongruities of CS. It's moments like this that I wish my mind was soothed by the massive amounts of cleavage so far on display in the novela.

Faithfully your Elna June, still trying to figure out Hissy's plot.

Hi, Julia:

Howz the weather in Seattle? Just a quick note to say how much I enjoy your comments.

Aren't you recapping somewhere else? ENDA maybe?


Hrmpf...I left a comment earlier and blogger did weird things and my comment was gone, as was Caray Caray for a while....very weird. Anyway I'll try to remember what I said:

Hee Hee....yes I had fun with this one. It's completely implausible though, that this prank with Issy got pulled off, I mean, how did they know Gabi would get a gun or make it such that Oscar had to pull his in order to shoot Issy? Crazy, time for TN beanie I guess. Oh well. I guess the funniest was the guys drinking scene for me...that and Mau's head roll...too funny...he actually emoted!!

I think I never commented but Judy I read your cap of course and I loved the title and comparisons you made....wonderous.

Sorry for team Tano folks, but alas, that's how I see it...

Yes, I'm recapping ENDA, and starting on Mi Pecado next week.

The weather here is FINE. I don't know what the excuse is for the cable issues. It's been a really nice winter actually; I've hardly had the heat on at all.

I like your beanie upgrades. I may have to send mine in for some tricking out as well. I saw part of CS last night; WHAT A HOOT! The cheesy fake scenery and bizarro hair had me shaking with laughter. And what exactly is the point of having one actress play two nonidentical characters, except to make the whole filming process more tedious?

Mike...oh my...I can't even imagine...

Oh another favorite was Oscar's driving skill...he must be right handed want the dominant hand for aiming weapons, undominant for merely directing transportation... HA!!

Kris, I confess Cole Slaw was a new twist. Mud and jello have been around for years, but Cole Slaw??

Great recap Gancho. Heh, your usurper description of Tano made me laugh. This character is the least colorful in this telenovela and yet one who has awaken strong opinions in this line.

Isabel is sneaky and smart. Poor Oscar has nothing on her.

Are you all aboard for the storyline between Ximena and Arnie? I love Ricardo Margaleff, but for some reason I never wanted his character with Xime.


I'm looking forward to the end of the stalemate in Ximena and Rolu's war. I'm not so sure how I feel about Xime and Arnie together but I love both these actors and if anyone can sell it, they can.

I'll support anything that will get Ximena away from her dirtbag of a husband.

Mike, I'm speechless.


I'm speechless.



Sorry, I didn't see the last part of your comment. I'm not above plagiarism, but not quite so blatant.

The Lovely Linda and I spent an adventurous afternoon visiting the Latino markets in our area. We never did find the naranjas agrias, but with advice from folks we met in the stores we visited, I think we'll come close to producing something close to cochinita pibil. My left hand is tired from grinding the spices with the mortar and pestle. A number of the nice ladies I talked with seemed bemused that a Spanish-speaking gringoid was so intent on producing a Mayan dish. Every one of the stores smelled exotic and wonderful. By the way, did you ever see Once Upon a Time in Mexico? I hope if my version turns out well it doesn't get me shot.


Hi Carlos, I don't think "I'm speechless" can be considered plagiariasm because, well, we all say it so much! Any way, Mike's hilarious video left us nothing but speechless. I don't think I'll be able to eat cole slaw for a while though.

You are very ambitious. I'll admit I'm a bit lazy, at our local farmer's market there is a booth that sells some delicious moles and pastes, achiote being one of them. I have seen the naranjas agrias before but for my pibil I used some from a bottle. Next time I see some fresh ones I'll buy them.

No, I have NOT seen Once Upon a Time in Mexico yet, but after Lady Xoc's recommendation I'm going to get it.

Good luck with your Pibil and let us know how it turns out.


I am not speechless, I am inspired. Should I fail in my current undertakings, I might become Elna the Killer White (and I mean REALLY white) Whale. I would go for the sleek bathing suit look—imagine the coleslaw wedgies those girls were having who were wearing shorts!

Two questions:How does the fair Emilia feel about these habits of yours...and, How'd you like to see Monita and Coni get down in the cabbage?

EJ, all I can say is that we should all hold a thought for all the barbecue sandwiches that had to go without cole slaw on account of this wastefulness.

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