Thursday, March 10, 2011
Eva Luna #87 Wed 3/9/11 A step closer to the truth
A secretary is fielding calls and is telling someone that Daniel hasn’t arrived yet. At that moment Dan’s assistant gets off the elevator and is told that the bank manager needs to talk with him urgently.
Victoria shows up and wants to know where in the devil Bruno is. She is told that he is on a trip. She asks when he will be back
Lily tells Leo that Bruno is Vicky’s lover. He can’t believe this. He is quite angry and starts to leave stating he will kill him. Lily tries to stop him saying she asked him to be discreet. She tells him if he causes a scandal Vicky will find out it was her who told him. Leo is now saying he knew Bruno would cause problems. He can’t understand why Vicky would get involved with Bruno. Then he asks Lily how Daniel found out where they were and he warns her it better not have been her who told him. She lies and tells him of course it wasn’t her. He then says this divorce business doesn’t sit well with any of his plans with Eva.
Eva brings fruit and tea to Tia. She tells her she made a an appointment to see the Dr. for her tomorrow. Tia asks about her day. Eva tells her it was quite original and tells her about the fight Leo and Dan had. Tia wants to know why they were fighting. She tells Tia that Dan told him he was going to divorce Vicky. Tia is surprised. Eva tells her Leo didn’t like that one bit. Then she says “You know how he is so concerned about his sister’s happiness.” Tia tells her she thinks it is for another reason. What he is really worried about is that her Dan will try and get close to Eva again. Eva gives this some thought than dismisses it and tells Tia to finish her fruit.
Renata is on the phone with Carlos. He is still wearing that crazy hat.

He asks her if Alicia is there. She tells him she isn’t there right now. He wants to know when she will be home. Renata doesn’t have a clue and asks who is calling. Carlos tells her he is a friend who was away for awhile and would now like to see her. Renata tells him she never knows when she will be home and in general is always late. He then asks Renata not to tell her he called. He wants to surprise her.
We find out where Alicia is. She has gone to visit Marisol. She whines about all her problems than she tells her that Carlos is out of jail.
Eva is checking in on Pablito when Leo walks in. He tells her she has no idea how emotional it makes him to know that soon he will be his father. Eva tries to look pleased but is having a difficult time.

More Marisol and Alicia banter. Marisol doesn’t understand why Alicia would be so nervous that Carlos is out of jail. Alicia reminds her that he told Alicia when he was out of jail he would get even with her. (desquitar) She tells Marisol that he attacked her and threatened her. Then she says at least Tony was there and nothing happened, but she was really scared.
Leo has now followed Eva into her office and apologizes for the fight with Dan earlier. Eva tells him not to worry about it. Than she says “Did you talk to Vicky? Is it certain about the divorce?” Leo is not pleased with this. He asks her “What are you more interested in? My sister’s divorce or Dan’s divorce?”
Eva calmly says “well they are the same aren’t they? I don’t understand your tone?” Leo gets a bit snaky and tells her she understands his tone perfectly and he doesn’t like her curiosity one bit. She tells Leo it is just curiosity. He tells her he hopes that is all it is and reminds her that she is his fiancé. She looks up at him and tells him he doesn’t have to remind her about that.
Leo than walks over to her and starts pressuring her to get married right away. He wants to move the date up sooner. Even today. Eva looks a bit freaked by this. Leo keeps on begging. Eva asks him why he is in such a hurry and why don’t they just keep the date they already decided on. She has walked away from him and he walks over again to her and tells her he is afraid of loosing her and that things could change. That something could happen. Eva tells him nothing will happen. He continues the pressure and tells her if they got married sooner he could give Pablito his last name sooner in case Dan tries to legally take Pablito away from her. Eva tells Leo Dan would never do that. Leo has not let up on the pressure and tells her he doesn’t want Daniel to be that father of her child. Eva is still not buying any of this.
Then Leo reminds her about the time when Dan accused her of being a thief so she wouldn’t turn him in for killing her father. He is pushing all the right buttons. He tells her that Dan is capable of anything at this point, even at trying to stop their wedding. He tells her that’s why they have to act fast. For her well being as well as Pablitos. He continues to pressure her and finally Eva caves and says “Yes you are right. It is best we get married as soon as possible.” We get one of Leo’s snakey smiles, as he hugs Eva and we see a distressed look on her face.

Marisol and Fran. The honey moon is over. She is off and he is disappointed that she doesn’t have breakfast ready. FF>>>
Vicky shows up to visit Marcella. She asks Renata if Eva has left. Renata tells her she took her aunt to see the Dr. Marcella is having breakfast in her room. Vicky tells Renata not to let anyone interrupt them.
She is pacing and whining to Marcella that she swears she was going to tell her but didn’t want to worry her. Marcella not paying too much attention asks her what she is talking about. Victoria spits it out and tells her Dan asked for a divorce and wants her out of the house. This has caught Marcella’s attention. She is now quite alarmed and tells Vicky that this can’t happen. Vicky tells her she knows and is willing to do what ever to stop him. Marcella sits her down and tells her, first of all don’t even thing about leaving his house. Vicky says “What do I do if he starts throwing my things out?” Now Marcella is pacing about and tells Victoria that they have to think off something fast. They have to put all there cards on the table.
Marcella asks Victoria what caused Dan to ask for a divorce. Vicky now whimpering tells her she rather not talk about it. Marcella is quite angry now and demands she tells her what’s going on. She wants to know what stupid thing she did now. Victoria swallowing hard tells Marcella “Daniel found me with my lover.”
Fran is over at Dan’s house looking for him. Jacky tells him he is out on a shoot. Fran then wants to know if she is going to offer him some coffee or breakfast. FF>>
Marcella is now screaming at Victoria calling her stupid and crazy. She asks how she could possibly think about throwing her marriage away. She tells Mama that she tried to tell Daniel it was just a fling and nothing else. Marcella now pumping her fists and screaming “A fling that is going to cost you a lot!!”
Victoria is still crying and says she knows and begs for her mother to help her, because she knows Daniel will take advantage of this and go running over to Eva. Marcella shouts at her and tells her she has just given him the best reason to go looking for Eva and to leave Victoria. She is now begging again for Marcella’s help so that Dan won’t leave her.
More Fran and Jacky. She asks how is honeymoon went. He lies a bit. He tries to soften Jacky up and she isn’t buying. FF>>>
Alicia is out poolside sun bathing. She has the baby monitor with her. She is surprised by a hatless Carlos. He actually looks quite good.

Next we see Victoria looking like a zombie headed towards Pablito’s room. He is awake and cute as ever playing with a remote control.

Victoria walks over to the baby monitor and turns it off. And quick as a flash the remote control has turned into some green plastic toy.

Little Pablito is smiling at her as crazy Victoria introduces herself to him. She tells him she is his Daddies wife. The man that his mother wants to take from her.
Alicia is now taking the towel and wrapping it around herself all nervous like. Carlos tells her to calm down. She tries to get him to leave. Carlos tells her no way. They need to talk. She tells him they have nothing to say to each other. He tells her yes they do and to sit down and listen to him.
Victoria now crazier than ever reaches into the crib to take Pablito as she says “Do you want to take a little walk with me?” She has lifted him out and tells them they are going on a trip far away where no one will find them. She gets to the door and suddenly stops with a startled look on her face.
Alicia is telling Carlos she doesn’t want to listen to him. She then stands up and starts screaming for Tony. Carlos stands and tells her to calm down. He asks her who she thinks he is, someone that wants to hurt her? He tells her no it is the opposite. He just want to say he was sorry for what he did yesterday. Alicia looks surprised to hear this. Carlos tells her he know he behaved badly and lost is head and is very sorry. Alicia tells him that’s too bad because he grabbed her forcefully and scared her. He tells her he is really sorry for what happened. She rags on him some more and tells him to leave and not bother her any more. He tells her okay he will leave but asks her to give him a chance. (He seems very sincere) He wants to meet her someplace where they can just talk. Alicia tells him no. He asks her to think it over and to call him. Then old Tony walks over and asks Carlos what he is doing there.
It is Leo that has surprised Victoria. She tells him to get out of the way. Leo asks her if she is crazy and wants to know where she is going with the kid. Victoria tells him he was a lone and bored and she was just taking him for a little walk. Leo isn’t buying this and tries to take Pablito away from her. (This is one great baby. He isn’t fuzzed a bit by two crazies tugging at him.)

The struggle continues and Victoria snarls that this kid is the cause of all her problems. She isn’t handing him over. Dan knows it is his child. He wants to leave her now and go back to Eva. Leo is shushing her and Victoria tells him she is leaving with the kid. Now old Mama bear walks in and tells Victoria to stop all this stupid stuff.
Carlos is telling Tony to calm down. He just came to make peace. Tony tells him he knows he tried to harm her yesterday (or something like that) and he isn’t going to let that happen. He tells Tony he knows he did a bad thing, he lost his head and that is why he is there to ask for forgiveness. All flusterhead Alicia grabs her things and says she has to leave and check on Pablito. She tells them not to fight.
Tony is chewing him out. He doesn’t believe that is why he came. Carlos tells him that is all he wanted to do was say he was sorry and just be friends. Tony wants to know what friendship. He tells him they will never be friends. Then he tells him he wants him to stay away from “his” Alicia. He tells him if he finds out he has been back looking for her he will send him to his grave. Carlos tells him not to worry he won’t have that pleasure and leaves.
Leo has finally managed to take Pablito away from Victoria and puts him back in the crib. Marcella is now dragging Victoria away. Victoria has all but lost it as she asks Marcella why she took the child from her. Marcella shrieks at her “Because you would be making a serious mistake.” Victoria tells her no way, because with this child out of the picture Dan won’t have any more reason to come over to the house and nothing to tie him to Eva. Marcella tells her she thought the same way and if things had turned out the way she planned the little brat (not her word) would be dead by now. Victoria looks shocked and asks her if she had planned to kill him. Marcella tells her yes but this isn’t the best moment to finish the kid off. Leo has now joined them and tells her that if something bad happened to the child it could mess up his plans with Eva and would be disastrous. . Victoria points out the only disaster that could occur would be for him to be left at the altar and in the meantime Eva and Dan would take the child and go far away. She then huffs off. Marcella tells her to stop and Victoria turns back and screams “Don‘t you get it. I hate this child and as far as Eva is concerned I am capable of anything.” She walks off just as Alicia shows up and practically runs her over. Marcella now takes over and starts screaming at Alicia and tells her it is a good thing she finally showed up because her nephew has been screaming for the last hour. Alicia looking very confused at her monitor runs into the room to comfort Pablito. She is quite surprised to find the monitor was turned off.
Leo asks Marcella if Victoria has told her about her latest act of stupidity that could cost her her marriage.
Marcella tells him yes and she is really mad at her. Renata has showed up with Marcella’s tea. Leo asks if Eva is back. She tells him yes but left again for the commercial. Leo chews her out and says he was waiting for her so he could take her.
Tia and Eva are at the Drs. It turns out she is fine. The Dr wants to know if she is worried about something. Something that would make her nervous. Tia reluctantly admits that she does have something to worry about it has to do with her nieces and the memory of her brother. The dr. recommends that if it is something personal they should try and resolve it as soon as possible. This problem could affect her health, and if she had another anxiety attack it could cause more serious problems. Eva looks on and tells the dr. not to worry, they will resolve their problem.
Marisol is having lunch with Giorgio. She tells him she had her first fight with Fran. They talk about her music contract. He tells her not to worry. The guy likes her. It is a done deal. Or something like that.
Marcella is now ragging to Leo about Renata. She tells him she is becoming more useless day by day and sometimes she feels she likes Eva and her family more then them. Leo tells her that he doesn’t believe Renata likes anyone. Besides she is faithful to Marcella, and has always been. Marcella looks up and says “And for her well being she better continue to be.” Leo tells her that at least something good has come out of all this bad stuff. Marcella wants to know what he is talking about. Leo tells her that with all of Victoria’s craziness today he has thought of a good plan, and as he kisses mama goodbye, he tells her he will explain it to her later. Before he leaves Marcella asks him if he knows who Victoria’s lover is.
Some guy walks into an office where another guy is playing a guitar. I think it has to do with Marisol and her music contract. The one guy is accusing the other guy of being more interested in Marisol than her musical attributes. He tells him he agrees and he really likes every thing about Marisol.
Marcella demands to know who Vicky’s lover is. Leo tells her it is Bruno. Marcella stands up and looks as if she is going to puke.

Marcella wants to know what kind of barbarity is he talking about. Leo tells her that Bruno trashed the friendship he had with him and took advantage of his sister. And she fell for his ways. Marcella is trying to take in all Leo’s words and turns and asks him if he is sure and wants to know how he found out. He tells her Lily told him. She saw them kissing the other day in the office. Then he tells her that Victoria told him that Dan walked in on them together in a hotel. Marcella now hysterical grabs at Leo and tells him this can’t be happening. Leo tells Marcella that he knows she confided in him as well. Leo tells Marcella not to let Vicky know it was Lilly who told him. Marcella turns and screams at him “That’s not important to me.” Then she screams at him to leave!! Leo seems confused at Marcella’s reaction. Leo turns to her and says “I hope you throw this guy out in the street. Because if you don’t I am capable of killing him.” She screams at him to get out and let her be alone!!!!! After Leo leaves she says in a very scary manner “The one who will kill him will be me!”
Leo finds Matilda in the living room with Pablito. He makes nice with her and asks for a favor.
We are now at a photo shoot with Lilly in a pink dress. Daniel walks by and Lily flirts with him and tells him thanks for being there for her. He tells her she doesn’t have to thank him it is his job. She tells him she knows than latches on to his hands and tells him it makes her less nervous having him close by. Daniel looks uncomfortable at this gesture.

This does not go unnoticed by Eva who seems to have turned three shades of jealousy green.

Marcella is beyond disbelief as she wonders how Bruno could ever do something like this to her. (He is actually my hero right now) How could he do this with her daughter. Then she has a little trip down memory lane remembering the first time they met, all his flirting , Leo’s warnings, the time he had her sign papers for money “for the business”
Back to the photo shoot. It is a wrap. Daniel and Eva both walk over to Lily and Daniel tells her she was great. Eva tells her the clients are very happy with her work. She thanks them both and tells them she has to go change. As she leaves she touches Daniels hand. Eva looks a bit fussed and turns to Dan and tells him she would appreciate it if he would be a little more discreet. Dan looks confused and asks her what she is talking about. She tells him about his being so flirty with Lily. She tells him it isn’t appropriate and that one of the clients asked her if he had anything going on with Lily. Dan smiles and calls her a liar. The one with the question is her.

Eva denies this. Dan then says “Do you know why? Because you are jealous.” Eva snotts back “Says you.” Then Daniel tells her that her eyes betray her (delatan.) They stare at each other for a moment when Leo walks in with Pablito in his arms. He walks over to her and says “Look at the surprise I brought you.” Eva seems pleased. Dan not so much.
Leo pretends to be the best step daddy in the world. Eva happily tells him he is hired as her new nanny. Eva is pulled away to talk with clients. Leo is left holding the baby as Dan walks over and warns him that he knows him very well and that he his pretending to be the perfect father. Then he tells him “This is my child and not you or nobody will take him from me!!” Leo looking as if he has the deal all sewed up tells Dan “Eva will soon be my wife. Pablito will soon be living with me and I will make sure they all know I love them lots. So much so that they won’t need you.”
Marcella has stormed into Vicky’s room at Dan’s house, like an angry wasp looking for a good spot to land. She demands to know who her lover is. Vicky goes to close the door and wants to know why it is so important for her to know. Vicky now whining (Which she has done throughout much of tonight’s show) tells her the affair is over and it wasn’t even much to start with. Marcella still mad wants an answer and she wants to hear it from her. Now Victoria seems a little scared as she demurely tells her that Bruno was her lover. Marcella turns for one second and we see an evil smile cross her face as she turns back and knocks poor Vicky one vicious slap across the face. Vicky is terror stricken as she holds her face.

Victoria is crying and wants to know what is going on. Why did she hit her. Marcela tells her because she deserved it. Then she says “And Bruno is going to get much worse.!!” She storms out of the room leaving Victoria very frightened.
Fran is begging Jacky to tell him all the gossip. She tells him he doesn’t need to know he isn’t living their any more (or something like that.) Then we see Marcella sneaking out of the house with Victoria running down the stairs after her telling her not to leave. Both Jacky and Fran stop their little squabble to stare at her.
Victoria screams at them and tells them to both get to work. Now Fran is pleading with Jacky to fill him in on what has been going on. Jacky tells him she can’t. Well any way about what they just saw. She doesn’t know any thing about that.
Julio has called Justa.
Marcella has made it home and Renata tells him the bank manager is waiting in the living room to talk with her. (I think the two tone color is from a poorly fitted wig and the guy should ask for his money back)

He asks her if Bruno works with her at the agency. She tells him yes. He tells her that yesterday he came to see him with a paper that she had signed authorizing him to make all sorts of transactions. Marcella tells bad wig guy that she never signed anything that would give him such authority. He then hands Marcella a copy of the paper. Marcella is now paging through the document as she has another trip down memory lane remembering her last night with Bruno telling him after he satisfies her she will sign the papers that will be the beginning of their new association.
Marcella tells the Bank manager that this is not the document that she signed. He tells her that her signature is on the last page. Marcella now ticked says yes it is her signature, but this is not the document that she signed. Then she asks him why he didn’t call before to see if she had signed it or not. He tells her that it all looked fine yesterday but now today all kinds of transactions have taken place and now she has no funds. Marcella asks what do you mean there are no funds? He tells there is no money in the modeling agency fund as well as no money in her personal account. (Way to go Bruno!!!!) Marcella has that sick look again. Renata has taken all this in and quietly makes an exit.
Dan is giving Lily a ride to the hotel. She wants to know why he is so serious. She asks if it is because Leo is trying to steal Pablitos affection from him. Dan tells her it is something like that. Lily asks him what bothers him most. To see Leo with his child or Leo with Eva. He tells her he doesn’t want to see him near neither of them. She reminds him they are about to get married soon. Dan tells her that is yet to happen and he tells her it is best to change the subject.
Renata is giving a bottle of booze to Marcella. She grabs it from her in a snit. Renata wants to know what’s going on? Marcella yells at her and tells her she probably heard everything that went on. Then she tells Renata that soon everyone will find out that Bruno bankrupted her. And the humiliation will be horrible for her as she cries in her drink. Renata has a great look of satisfaction on her face as she thought bubbles. “You are paying for all the damage that you have done.”

Leo is driving the baby bugging with Eva at his side and telling her what a great little family they will be once she is his wife. Eva leaves to go to her room. Renata is walking by with another bottle of booze. Leo asks her where she is going. She tells him to Marcella’s room and it is the second bottle that she has brought. Leo asks her why she is drinking so much. Renata suggests it is probably to drown out all the pain. Leo wants to know what she is talking about. Renata leans close and tells him it is probably best she didn’t tell him but he is going to find out any way and tells him that Marcella just found out a while ago that Bruno just got away with all her money. Leo shakes his head and says this can’t be and tells her he will go talk to her.
Dan has arrived home and his phone rings. His secretary is telling him the bank has been calling all day but couldn’t locate him. She tells him that there are serious problems with one of the accounts and they can’t find Marcella.
Eva is taking Pablito for a little stroll to Julio’s house. She stops to smells the flowers and then she has a trip down memory lane remembering fondly when Dan sent all those flowers to her.
Leo and Marcella are discussing their options. There is no way they can permit Bruno to leave her in the ruins. She starts screaming for Renata to bring her the other bottle she asked for. Leo tells her he told Renata not to bring it. Marcella is drunk and out of control as she starts screaming at Leo. He tries to take her drink out of her hand.
Dan is now at the Marcella’s old mansion and is asking Renata where she is. Renata tells him it isn’t a good idea that he see her now. She isn’t feeling good. She is a bit upset and Leo is with her trying to calm her down. Dan tells her it is urgent that he talks with both of them and goes off to find them leaving Renata in the dust.
Now Marcella drunk as a skunk is whining that everyone is laughing at her. From his stupid stepson to Eva who has stolen all her inheritance. Then she says She should have finished Eva off from the beginning. But she was so stupid and didn’t do it. Leo is trying to calm her down and tells her that any body could be listening in. She screams even louder that she doesn’t care who hears her. Then she starts screaming about Julio and how if it wasn’t for him Eva would be in Jail. Leo looks confused and asks her what she is talking about. She tells him that Julio left a letter with his lawyer saying that if she withdrew the charges against Eva her accounts would be unfrozen. Leo realizes that is why she dropped the charges.
She tells him of course she had to.
Daniel walks up to Marcella’s door. We see him stop for a second as he hears Marcella’s screams. He hears her talking about how she had it all planned out perfectly. She explains how she had Eva go to the bank with the check she forged and how she had her charged as a thief. But she had to withdraw it. Marcella continues on and Dan listens intently at the door. She is saying she is going to the police and will charge her again. Leo stops her and tells her she isn’t going anywhere. He tells her she needs to lower her voice. Dan leans in closer to the door as he gets closer to the truth.

Marcella is now saying nobody can ever find out that Eva never robbed the $25000. Especially Dan. Dan has now cracked the door open a bit as he continues to listen. Marcella is saying he was so easy to deceive.
Than rants on that both Eva and Dan are so stupid. And that is where we end. A step closer to the truth.
Labels: eva
Does anyone else think that Pablito resembles Tia Tilda? The likeness is amazing.
Can't wait for tonight when Eva finds out from Dano the truth.
It looks like the writers are introducing a new love interest for Marisol, Fran does not deserve Jacky...(they better keep Mari and Fran together)
Carlos: Hope the writers are setting him up with Alicia, he is better for her compared to the two thugs (Slimy Leo and Tony).
somehow I would like to be in the shoes of Renata for a couple days, she is getting all the gossip and enjoying watching Marcela have what I would call (for short) a baaaaadd daaayyyy!!! and so is vicky, as the icing on the cake...
Good thing someone told Dan he is an IDIOT almost in his face!! wake up already, IDIOT MAN!!! and hopefully Eva will also wake up when he tells her what Marce and Vicky did to her. Maybe she will have a couple alarms go in her head, since Leo was the one that told her Dan was the one who accused her, maybe she will also remember Leo was the one that told her Dan killed her dad (granted, the car is Dan's but that will at least put doubt in her head, hopefully).
But definitely two steps forward...
I still stand by my predictions:
Bruno is toast!!! (either by marce's glove hand or by Leo and Gallo's thugs... they will find him, I am sure!!)
Marcela and Leo (my prediction, updated, is that one will end up dead and the other in jail for murder, they did not do it but they planned and ordered the killings)
Julio I am afraid will probably still die by the end.
Marisol will be toast... I know Fran does not deserve Jacky but she deserves some happiness...
Tilde or Deborah will do the ultimate sacrifice for Eva and/or Pablito.
I don't know what to think of Carlos. We saw some of the sweet Carlos that we used to know. He seemed to accept that Alicia did not force him, or even ask him, to steal those records to help her. But was he faking it just to get Alicia alone to take his revenge? He still might want her to take responsibility for being a coward and not vouching for him with the police or even visiting him. She's never really admitted her own cowardice or appologized. The guilt of a man rotting in jail for helping her wasn't really eating at her all this time.
Pablito was great this episode, and very cute. He really was very calm during that tug of war scene. I could not believe that Alicia let him so far out of her sight with those vipers around. These folks really don't understand the danger, do they? If Marci is capable of poisoning Julio, what makes them think she's not capable of killing any of them-- and the baby is the most vulnerable!
Tony: I still don't trust this slime. As someone said yesterday, he nearly tried to rape Alicia. I don't see clear signs of turning over a new leaf.
Carlos: ITA with Vivi. Alicia has failed to acknowledge her own actions in so many ways...for starters...she's still fooling around with Slime Bucket Leo...her sister's prometido. hallo!?
Marisol: I think she is in some kind of danger.
Franc: still a jerk. jacky deserves MUCH better than this guy..especially after the way he told Marisol that he got married so that someone would take care of him. PUH-LEEZE!
Eva is still blind as a bat as to what is happening around her especially with her own increasingly sanctimonious Tia, but it is Alicia who is bothering me. She has gotten away with a lot. That Carlos would even want to be friends with someone who sold him down the river is hard for me to imagine, but Alicia is going to have to eat a little crow and then some.
Gracias por todo, Pata!!
Word Verification: mancom!!!
Marta, I agree with just about all your predictions, except that I don't think Marisol will be toast, I think she'll wind up with the recording guy who was so taken with her. As far as I'm concerned, he's a lot better catch than Francisco. Poor Jacky! She's going to be stuck with him (which of course is what she thinks she wants--blech).
I'm going to have to tape tonight's episode. I hope Univision doesn't screw up the timings too badly.
ITA with most of the comments, everyone is waking up but Eva, what is wrong with her??
For those asking when this TN will end, I note that on Time Warner's listings it is still on after 3/15; On some Wiki source it ended 3/15 and Teresa was starting 3/16 I think, but it seems this is not true.
Anyone know when this is ending?
I think the bank guy just has a bad toupee. Poor guy.
I wonder if Marzilla will find Bruno the grifter (what happened to Rosaura his cousin? She has to leave, too, no?) I think he is out of the country by now.
We are still in Ultimas Semanas. Now it's right time to change it in Ultimos Capitulos. It’s not possible we have only one week left. This novela will be shown until April.
"Ultimos capitulos" is announced when there are 10 left, so this can't end on the 15th unless they double up the episodes.
Marcie: Arrested and charged with everything she's guilty of; hangs herself in jail while awaiting trial.
Renata: Laughing as she watches the arrest; retires to Mexico.
Tony: Killed in an accident, possibly caused by Leo.
Leo: Killed by Gallo and his goons.
Icky: Disfigured by Sabrina in revenge; ends up in manicomio.
I also in the camp where I'm not sure if Carlos is sincere. ITA w/Vivi's suggestion that Alicia get some self-esteem before she starts to date.
Icky-vicky is hilarious! She really doesn't understand how she blew it by taking a lover and being caught inflagrante delicto by her husband. And she thinks there is a way her mommy can fix this? LOL! That all was great.
Of course slime-balls Leo was going to convince dumb Eva to accelerate things. It seems like they always go through with the weddings on these TNs. OK - I guess, 'cause that means Leo will have to die so that Eva can be freed as a widow.
Star I agree that Pablito does have Tia's eyes. Neither one have forhead wrinkles. I think Tia's is botox induced however.
Martivet, I agree about Renata. She has been the fun one to watch lately. Leo's line about her probably not liking anyone was pretty funny.
Vivi, the Carlos thing is a bit stumping. I don't have a clue what the writers have in mind for him. I do hope they keep him sweet. I think he will end of with Alicia but I don't think she deserves him.
Susanita, Interesting thought about Marisol being in danger. I sort of forgot about Damian.
Jaunita, that is a strange looking wig or toupe or what ever the bank guy is sporting. He needs to see someone about that.
I am just as confused as everyone else about when this will end. They are moving at warp speed thorugh these episodes. At this rate it could end in a few days, but I could see it going till April sometime. Maybe by giving us some nice quailty family time with Dan and Eva before the finale. That would be nice. I hate the TNS where everything ends the last day and you have all sorts of Weddings and murders at the same time. That is so "Godfather" like.
I LMAO when you said, " I think Tia's is botox induced however".
Thank you for the great recap and clips.
Vivi ITA with what you said about Alicia, and her getting her act together before she involves anyone else in her life. I sooooo wanted to smack her last nite when she was sunning herself, she was suppose to be watching the baby, that way Icky-Vicky couldn't have tried to kidnap him.
Francisco needs to leave Jacky alone. I was glad that she told him they are not friends. He thinks he can have both Marisole and Jacky to make the perfect wife for himself. Someone please run him over with his new truck.
Eva was just plain stupid last nite moving up that wedding. And why the heck isn't Alicia telling Eva that she's sleeping with Leo. I also notice that when Leo goes to kiss Eva she always turns her head so that he kisses her cheek.
YEAH BRUNO!!!!! run, little man, run. Its great to see Marcie get hoodwinked. Yes!!!! Renata has seen the light where Marcie, and Leo are concerend. Now she just needs to realized what Icky-Vicky really is.
Marisole will more than likely die from Damien doing her in, and Franc will more than likely run to Jacky, but I hoping Jacky will already be taken up with the new Carols.
Still not trusting Carols where Alicia is concerened, me thinks he really wants to pay her back, and he's NOT going to forgive her that easily.]
Hopefully Eva will see the light tonite after her and Dano's talk. Who took Laurita back to school or is she still around the house keeping a low profile. Also they still haven't told her she has a brother weird don't you think?
I still think Tia Tilde is hidding something else.. I think she is the one who talked Ismael into taking the girls away from Deborah. The guilt is affecting her health.. tell the truth Tia Tilde!
Tony..blah! There is no love connection between Alicia and Carlos. I really don't know what to think of Carlos, maybe he'll end up back in jail after he kills Tony and Leo, lol
Michele in PA had the same idea I did about Carlos: he might not be on the up and up about wanting to reconcile with Alicia. Then again, Alicia's the resident ingenue; she has to end up with somebody at the end of this mess, and right now he's definitely the lesser of all three evils.
1. Leonardo killed Eva's father
2. Julio is not dead
3. Marcela framed Eva for theft
4. Pablito is Daniel's son
A lot was revealed last night. I do not think Dan is going to take kindly to being called "stupid".
Carlos didn't look half bad and did spend time in the carcel for Alicia, so I bet they end up together. Tony is a really bad guy in training and needs to do a lot more to get on the redemption list.
Alicia is an idiot leaving that cute little guy in the house while she goes to laze in the sun. Doesn't she know what a nest of vipers like in that house?
Tia is crazy letting Leo take Pablito. She needs to get her act together.
I could not believe that Fran was complaining about Mari not preparing his breakfast. Heck, I don't even make coffee around here. He must be living in the dark ages.
I think Lily deserves some sort of punishment other than not getting Leo or Dan.
1. Leonardo killed Eva's father
2. Julio is not dead
3. Marci killed Dan's parents and wife
4. Leo and Eva were never lovers
5. Alicia and Leo are lovers
6. Deb never abandoned her daughters
7. Vicky is the child of Justa and Julio
Love triangles/quadrangles to be resolved:
We spent several days calling Dan "Idiot Man" and now it's time to call Eva "Idiot Woman." I'm guessing she and Scumbag won't even come close to getting married, but the fact that she is letting herself be pressured by him is sickening. I'm just really curious, however, how the writers are going to reveal that he ran over her father.
Bill and Vivi, enjoyed the list of all the unresolved issues. Vivi also liked your Love triangle lists that need to be resolved.
We spent several days calling Dan "Idiot Man" and now it's time to call Eva "Idiot Woman." I'm guessing she and Scumbag won't even come close to getting married, but the fact that she is letting herself be pressured by him is sickening. I'm just really curious, however, how the writers are going to reveal that he ran over her father.
hmmm so true!! how about Leo falls asleep in the living room and has the same nightmare and shouts something (of course with either Eva, Tilde.. well, no, Tilde might stay quiet... or maybe Renata around to listen to) that reveals he is the one who killed Ismael?
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