Thursday, March 10, 2011
La Fea Más Bella #247-248 3/10/11 That Aldo’s a nice boy, but you, you’re DON FERNANDO!
Read Alma's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.
1. Alicia leaves with Tom. It seems like gradually, she is becoming less disgusted with him, much like when Lety first started working for Fernando.
2. At the club, Aldo pressures Lety to go to Acapulco with him immediately, but she wants to check the status at Conceptos tomorrow. That boy’s running scared! Tiziano Ferro sings “Y estaba contentisimo.” He gets blindfolded and searches with his heart to find a woman to kiss, and he picks Lety.

4. Omar tells Caro he fought with Fernando. Omar doesn’t see how Fern could hit his best friend after all they’ve been through.
5. At the club, Fern tells Lety that Conceptos is a family that loves her, and he loves her most of all. She tells him to leave her alone. Fern tells Tizi that Lety doesn’t love that dude she’s with; she loves him, Fernando. He’s desperate and he can’t lose her. He asks Tizi to dedicate a song to her. See the old board for a translation of the lyrics. See this link to hear the song.

7. Fern begs Lety for one more chance. See the transcript. She says she doesn’t love him anymore. He says that’s not true and reads from her diary. He says he wants to share the rest of his life with her.

Capitulo 248.
Read Julie's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.
1. Fernando is home alone, very alone. Lety’s not alone in her room. Like a demon and an angel on her shoulders, visions of Aldo and Fern appear. She wants to burn the cards and diary. Aldo says “BURN!” while Fern says, “Those are my tears.” She snuffs the fire.
2. Ali finds an eviction notice; she has ten days. Irma tries to convince the cuartel that Fernando loves Lety, but they all desert her. Ali offers to move in with Marcia. Yeah, Marcia will do that when the devil takes up figure skating. Next she tries to scam money out of the cuartel.
3. Tom reports that they didn’t make enough from the expo. Lety tells the board. Humberto asks for her solution but she has none. She failed and she resigns. Los dos padres tell her she can’t. In her office, she tells Aldo she has to fulfill her commitment. See the transcript; note the contrast between Lety’s and Aldo’s world views.

5. Aldo leaves for Acapulco. While he’s swimming in the bay, an amorous octopus clutches his arms and legs and won’t let go despite his attempts to pull away. She carries him to her lair because she loves him and wants him all to herself. He suffocates and dies, and Lety lives happily ever after.
6. Now it’s Erasmo’s turn. He says, “I never thought you’d be capable of running away from such an important responsibility.” She’s afraid to fail but she’ll stay until Conceptos is out of debt.

Fern: Yes, but she has Domensaín, and that’s the best option for her. .. Or no?
I: Could be. He’s a nice boy. He’s the ideal man for any woman.
But you, you’re Don Fernando!Fern says he’s changed, but he deserves what has happened. Irma says that finding true love is hard; and they love each other like crazy. “Don’t let her go.”
F: Because I love her so much, I don’t want to hurt her. I’m leaving so she can be happy.
12. Ariel stomps around the vortex. Ali denies any romance with Tom. Ariel yells, “When I’m president, everything will change.”
Spanish Lessons
Fernando and Julieta
F: Good evening, Señora Julieta
J: Tell me. What are you doing here?
F: I need to talk with Lety.
J: She left, and I don’t know when she’ll return.
F: I suppose she left with Aldo?
J: Yes. And if you want to talk with her, wait until tomorrow.
F: Doña Julieta, it’s that, Lety is going to resign Conceptos for that Domensaín. I can’t let that happen. It’s critical that I talk with her. Please.
J: My daughter already made her decision. Leave her alone, please.
F: No, I can’t I can’t because I love Lety. I love her and I’m not willing to lose her.
J: You can’t fool me. I know very well the you caused her. I know it, tear upon tear.
F: You only know Lety’s version, with all due respect, Doña Julieta. Not mine. I beg you, please, to hear me out.
F: Believe me, I know it was horrible, everything I did to Lety. I repent profoundly. You don’t know how much..
J: It’s too late.
F: But look. What started as a deception, unfair, reprehensible, turned into the greatest thing to happen in my life.
J: You fell in love?
F: Yes, Doña Julieta. With Lety I met (conocer) love. True love. At first I believed I could control the dirty game. But little by little [the treasure of Lety won me over? XG the garbage at Lety?]
J: I don’t know if I believe you.
F: Look. Nobody has ever loved me like Lety. Her kisses (and other stuff!) were the most sincere that I received in my whole life. I felt their tenderness XG. I guy like me understands tenderness. Doña Julieta, I fell in love with an angel.
J: I don’t understand. Why didn’t you you tell Lety you’re in love with her?
F: I told her many times. Including, I started writing the messages in the cards myself. For that reason I brought those memories. But Lety found that maldita letter from that idiot Carvajal, and since then, she doesn’t believe a thing I say.
J: Not even in your dreams will she believe you.
F: I know. But look. Ever since Lety got angry at me, I never went back to going out with other women. NEVER. I broke up with Marcia. And I did it all to show her how much I love her. And now Lety wants to leave with Domensain. She’s going to make a mistake.
J: It’s that, the way you deceived my daughter, now maybe it’s beyond repair. Get away from her. Forget her.
F: I can’t I can’t because if Lety doesn’t give me another chance, my life doesn’t doesn’t have a purpose anymore. I wouldn’t have a reason to live.
J: No. No, don’t say that. Don’t say such things. No.
F: Look. I’ve asked forgiveness from God. From life. From Lety, many times. Now I ask your forgiveness.
J: I forgive you.
F: You know that she still loves me. So I ask for your help, DoñaJ.
J: Don Fernando, don’t even say that to me, because I know my daughter.
F: Nothing more than to tell me where I can find her, okay?
J: No.

J: You wrote that?
F: Yes, when Lety disappeared, when she went to Acapulco. Give this to her for me too, okay? Thank you. (He opens the door to leave.)
J: This time I’m going to believe you. If you honestly love my daughter, she needs to know it.
Final Plea At The Restaurant
L: I don’t know what you’re trying to do, but I beg you. Let me leave.
F: No, you can’t leave until you give me a chance to show you how much I love you.
L: Do you really think you’re going to convince me? What kind of fool do you think I am? Get it into your head (darse cuenta – realize, notice). The only thing I can feel for you is.. compassion.
F: You’re still in love with me. And I know it.
L: How (conceited?). Tell me, how do you know that?
F: That doesn’t matter, Lety. Give me another chance. And I’ll show you how long I’ve loved you. How long you’ve held the key to my heart. Because you’ve suffered for me as much as I’ve suffered for you.
L: Sr. Fernando, it took me a lot of work to get you out of my heart, but I’ve managed to. I don’t love you anymore.
F: That’s not the case (no es cierto). (He takes out her diary.) Your drawing is very pretty. (Reading:) Today my heart beat like crazy, with only a look from him. With his voice, I felt so weak. My heart is not able to renounce/let go of him. It’s a traitor that doesn’t recognize the other (is a) traitor in front of it.
L: You dared to read my diary.
F: I know I did wrong, but believe me, when I read this, I stepped up out of Hell. And by every single page, Lety, it gave me back my life. A life that now I would like to share with you.
L: I have forgiven you a lot of things, Sr, Fernando, but this I will not forgive. I want nothing more to do with you.
Aldo & Lety’s Contrasting Value Systems
L: My father’s right. I promised. It would be much easier to run away from it all, but I can't go to Acapulco with you and forget about everything. I’m obligated to stay.
A: But why? They knew XG the money. Besides, you accepted my invitation. (IOW you should ignore commitments to others but abide by commitments to me.)
L: I’m sorry, Aldo. But the big thing is that.. there’s something important that I’ve just been thinking about. In this company they’ve humiliated me a lot. I won’t let that happen.
A: You’re totally right. Why do you insist on saving this company?
L: If I don’t move Conceptos forward, I won’t be able to feel satisfied / at peace with myself. If I leave now and let the company fail, I myself will agree that they’re right. I’ll feel useless.
A: So you’re willing to sacrifice your happiness for them? (Wasn’t he listening?)
L: No. On the contrary. I want to be happy, but I can't leave here because I would never forgive myself. I would carry this huge failure with me for the rest of my life. A person can't run* from his mistakes. One has to confront them. You know that.
A: That's why I love and admire you more every day. (In a pig’s eye! If that was true, why’d he try seven ways to Sunday to dissuade her??)
* She says “vivir” but I think she meant to say “huir.”
Labels: fea-2010
They used Tiziano Ferro in Fea because he got in big trouble in 2006 for saying that Mexican women aren’t beautiful because they all have mustaches. Who better to see the beauty in the tlacoyo bigatón?
Fern tells Tizi about what he wrote, “Only God knows how much I love you.” Tizi says, “Oh, very good!” Fern backpeddles and says, “Not you, eh? A woman over there..” Interesting since Tizi came out of the closet last October.
The song for today's episode is a favorite of my husband. Cherish, by The Association.
Note how surprised Lety was by the vision of Fern in her room, though not Aldo's. Do you think that after what he said in the restaurant, she’s starting to believe Fernando in spite of herself?
I love the Tiziano songs. I actually have the CD with the song he sang.
Fern's scenes with Lety were quite good, but I really enjoyed his earnestness with Julieta and Irmita most of all today. Both very nice scenes imho.
One thing that I sort of shook my head about when I was watching was what Fern initially was saying to Lety, until I read the original recaps, I got the sense that he was again trying the tack of reminding Lety of her commitment to the company. Did I misunderstand that? I understood why her hackles were raised because it felt like he was initially saying to her 'you have to stay here because of your commitment to conceptos.' This line of reasoning is at the root of Lety's insecurity about Fern's love for Lety, so I was glad that it wasn't what he was trying to say to her...I was also glad that he went back again to talk to her...I was so afraid he was going to give up too easily.
Sad to see Fern go, but I think his leaving is very necessary for Lety. I also think Aldo has to stay in Acapulco, but it doesn't sound like that's what he's planning at all... his selling the restaurant, getting a loan...what's he up to?
Ariel is a toad. That's all. His character has absolutely not redeeming qualities...
I don't understand the deal with Alicia. What exactly does she spend her money on? She's lost her car, phone and now is about to lose her place to live? What's the deal with this woman who has 6 semesters of finance from a prestigious university??? So now that she's lost her identity - now can she start to become a real person?
Paula - I can now honestly admit that Lety has regressed yet again. She came back for a little bit after the expo, but regressed Lety came back with a vengeance yesterday. You asked a few days ago -what I thought was causing the regressions? Honestly I think it's her own insecurities combined with the constant barrage of insults from the peanut gallery (Ariel, Marcia, Alicia, Luigi) combined with Aldo's undermining her. Today I really loved that Fern told her she was THE ONLY ONE who could save the company. I love grown-up Fern - he's so much better than the man-child he was just a few caps ago. It's such a welcome change. This is a man I can get behind. :)
I wanted to post yesterday but never got around to doing it that maybe Fern beat up Omar to knock some sense into him. Seeing him with Caro all beaten up and depressed made me think that maybe Fern was doing him a favor. they have a strong relationship and maybe Fern wants his best and favorite buddy to grow with him and not away from him. Still annoyed with Aldo thinking that a great escape is what needs to be done.
I have two important issues to put to the board tonight. First, I do not think Fernando was stupid telling Lety he read the diary. Instead, I see as a sign of how much he is maturing. The old Fernando would've lied and tried some pretty speech to convince Lety that he knows she loves him. The new one was upfront and honest even to his own hurt. You wouldn't find Aldo doing that.
Even though Fern's heart is literally breaking apart, he is willing set everything aside for Lety to be happy. Can anyone see Aldo doing that? No way. Fern is willing to face Lety's scorn, anger, disappointment, and whatever else she throws out in order to be honest with her. He demonstrated to Lety today how much he loves her by willing to walk away from her and from Conceptos. She's just too blinded by Aldo's smooth talking to see this. Fernando is becoming a very courageous person.
Aldo, on the other hand, is a COWARD. He runs away when things get tough. He doesn't know how to stand and fight. When he does do any fighting is scheming and manipulative. He's disgusted with Lety that she's not falling into his arms like he's an Adonis sent from heaven. So he turns up the pressure to escape back to Acapulco where he feels more comfortable. He runs away from problems and Fernando is embracing his and trying to solve them.
Lastly, Lety deserves to lose Fernando. She needs to know the pain of him not being there. Fern knows what it is like to be pushed away like he's yesterday's leftover trash. Now Lety is going to learn the pain of Fernando giving her exactly what she's asked for. But be careful little lady; sometimes what you ask for is the most painful thing of all. Time for Lety to learn some lessons.
She came to Conceptos as a secretary and has no 'president' experience, so how is she to protect and expand the company?
She has Aldo saving the company.
On another note, that singer at Tizi's made me LOL. I was actually hoping Fernando was asking to sing to Lety, and not him.
I felt for Omey--I have a soft spot for him. (I always tend to be attracted to the 'bad' boy-type).
I think he really loves his 'hermano' and misses him terribly. I hope he doesn't take advantage of Caro, though, as he did with PaulaMaria and Aliboobies.
I was impressed by both Irmita and mama Solis--I really like both of them.
I agree that Lety should not simply run away, but I also feel that she is not 'presint' material, has no experience and should not be running the company (let alone hiring her father, best friend, etc). But--I don't feel that Ariel should be jefe at all.
Perhaps Marcía?
I am in a nonpopular camp here--but I do not feel that Aldo is so terrible. He saved Lety's life, he saved the company and thinks he is saving her from a very toxic relationship with Fernando.
Be that as it may, I am loco por Fernando--and want him to be happy, as well as Lety, and I think that is with them together.
But Fernando is rather immature, has had trouble holding his liquor, being faithful to his (so-called) fianceé. With all his love for Lety, he hadn't made friends with her father nor mother, until she went to Acapulco and he needed them to find out about her.
I could go on and on.
I'm encouraged that Julieta and Irmita, two of the three wisest people on the show (the 3rd is Caro), are now on Team Fernando.
Look at all the testimonies to Fernando's love that have been piling up for Lety:
Cap 247, Fern at the restaurant
247, Mama when she comes home
248, when Fern quits
the 3 are; Jaime, Agustín and Luís
(Fernando, Omar and Tómas). When I have time, I may have to start watching that show too!
Actually many of the stars from LFMB have been in several other shows! Ah the entertainmant seems endless!
Don't get me wrong - I'm glad it worked. I just don't understand why it worked. Or why he even thought the napkin would impress anyone. If people think you're a scheming liar, why don't they assume that the napkin is part of the scam too - something you wrote five minutes before coming into the house?
Paula- I think that even if the insults are less severe, that stuff has to affect you (even if subconsciously). Even someone with a really thick skin (which I don't think Lety has) would feel some of the affects of all of the crap they spew in that place. It's not just spewing it's outright sabotage at times...Yes she laughs them off, but I've gotta bet that deep down it has some affect on her and feeds into her sort of self defeating tendencies...
Marie- I think Lety has the potential to be a great leader. She just needs to pull her big girl britches on and show her 'true grit' to the rest of the team. I think if nothing else this story is a cautionary tale for pursuing relationships in the workplace. I honestly think all of her personal concerns undermine her ability to be an effective leader, but if you were to take all of that away she'd be fine with LOTS of coaching.
Barbara- I'm torn on the issue of Fern revealing that he read the diary. I understand your argument that yes he's finally telling the truth, BUT what he did was a HUGE invasion of her privacy. I honestly think he caused Lety to harden her heart to him more than if he'd just kept his mouth shut about having read it.
Also yes - I've noticed that lots of the TN's on Univision especially use the same folks over and over again. I also especially appreciate the fact that there doesn't seem to be any stigma for them trying their hands at music careers, hosting gigs, etc like there is in Hollywood.
Just wanted to acknowledge the tsunami/earthquake action - I hope everyone who happens to read this board is safe and sound!
Regarding Lety as presidential material - I think she has that potential. But she really has no applicable experience at all. I'd say that she was set up to fail - but there was no other presidential material in that boardroom either!
On another note, I think the reason these actors get to do other things (or sometimes may be contractually required to do other things!) is because it's more economical for Televisa to use their talent pool that way. There's an actor/studio relationship there that's reminiscent of the old-timey Hollywood system. The actors seem to have a lot less independence, but on the other hand it can also mean more opportunities.
I'm not in favor of blaming the "victim," but Lety's been bringing it to work all this time, supposedly to protect it. From what? Her mother? Her mother's already read the worst of it. And I don't think her father (who hangs out at Conceptos sometimes anyway) would read it, ever.
Moty might read it, but he'd never breathe a word of it to anyone.
So maybe, just maybe, when she's been bringing it to Conceptos all this time, she's been QUITE aware, maybe even subconsciously hoping, that someone might read it. And then the reader might finally understand the things that she's been unable to communicate by speaking. (Write it on a napkin, Lety! It works!)
Who might the subconsciously intended reader have been? It would have to have been someone who already has a record of coming into her office uninvited, or feeling as if he's entitled to do so. This includes Aldo (remember, he recently claimed it as "our" office!), Fernando, and even Omar.
Okay, Omar was probably not the intended reader. But I have to wonder what would have happened if Aldo had gotten to it before Fernando.
Julie, regarding the TElevisa system, it sure worked great for Hollywood back in 40s and 50s... remember the competition Warner Bros and 20th century Fox between Erroll Flynn and Tyronne Power as their major leads? Both made pirate movies, one played Zorro and the other Robin Hood...
And yes, Lety might be in a spot where she needs to 'lose Don Fernando' to realize how she still feels for him just like he had to.
Marcia: “The only one who could change Fernando is Leticia.”
Irma: "Aldo es un buen muchacho ... Pero, usted es Don Fernando!
And coming up today, "¿Me dijo ..."
Watch today for the rest of that line.
Of the others from past caps, I guess my favorite is, "Nunca va a poder existir nadia más como Don Fernando." (There can never be another one like Don Fernando.)
I won't try to say whether revealing the diary was wise or foolish. But I'll say this. The cuartel said she was moving to Acapulco with Aldo. Fern can assume she'd do that the next morning. This really was his last chance, and nothing else was working. If every smart move he can think of has failed, nothing is left but stupid moves. If he does nothing, he loses her. If he takes a big risk, 10:1 he loses her. So he's forced to hope in the 1.
Actually I think Lety was the best equipped to be president, other than Humberto. Marcia has no kind of business training. Fern had business training, but he made a mess of the presidency. When Lety became his assistant, Marcia and Ariel repeatedly charged that Lety was running the company. And she was doing better at it than Fernando had. I say her time as acting Pres (e.g. Fern's asst) made her better qualified than anyone.
it happens right after the 'final plea' scene.
(we don’t see this…
Armando is still at the table and is calling himself an embezzle (the second time he yells it so loud he startles the waiter behind him). Waiter comes by and asks Armando if he wants another drink. He asks the waiter for a mix of toxic stuff (cicuta with sulfuric acid, making the move with his finger as if he was mixing his own drink with it) and (paint) thinner (pulling the waiter down toward him grabbing him by the lapel) ‘on the rocks!’. It was a shame we did not see this because it was Gaitan’s way of softening the emotional draining of the scene we just watched and JEA made it a very funny scene…])
Now he again rides on the low chance but this time what he NOW considers his entire life (getting back with Betty) is at stake.
Betty: Why are you doing all this, Doctor?
Armando: You still don’t understand, Beatriz? You still don’t believe it? Because I love you, Beatriz Pinson Solano. And because I am dying to kiss your mouth."
Betty - "How long is this going to go on?".
Armando - "Until you believe me, Until you understand it… or until I die."
Betty: Look, Doctor. If I stayed here was to ask you to leave me in peace for the last time! In a few days I will return the company up to date, in order, trouble free… it will go back to your hands and the hands of your family!
Armando: Look, that line of the company already has me fed up to here (brushes his forehead with his hand). I am tired of that story of the company, Beatriz. You know what? If it is up to me, I don’t care if he makes you fall in love with him and he can take my company! Because if that is the case…
Betty: He is not after your company, Doctor!
Arm: Well, whatever!! I will give my company to Michel!! I will sign it off to him! I will endose it to him! (another way to say sign it over).. But not you!! HE won’t take my president away! I will not allow that he take you away from me! I know… that you are clear / understand that I am not here about EcoModa, but because I love you! That story of EcoModa, not even you believe it anymore. And you know? You have a big problem with me, Beatriz… because you are in front of a crazy guy that loves you! And that is only asking you for another chance.. for a second chance…
Betty: (giggles a bit) And when was there a first chance?
(Armando looks at her serious)
Betty: I do not know what you are after with all this, Doctor. But I want to ask you to please stop because I am leaving, I am leaving, Doctor!
Armando: Over my dead body! You are not going anywhere, Beatriz!
Betty: You speak as if you had a say over me… As if you had the certainty that by following me around, by dedicating songs to me, by telling me that you love me… you will make me fall for you again as easily as I did before? I know those words, Doctor! And what do you think I will do now? Lay down at your feet again? What kind of imbecil do you think I am? Haven’t you thought that with all the hurt you gave me all I can feel for you is hatred?
Armando: You don’t hate me, Beatriz.
Betty: I don’t hate you… nor do I feel love nor despise for you … I don’t feel anything for you, Doctor!
Armando: Yes, you do still feel things for me, Beatriz! And I know that! That is why I am asking you for a second chance! Because I cannot waste this moment!
Betty: Don’t be so arrogant, Doctor Mendoza! You are offending me with your presumptions!
Armando: No, it is not arrogance. It is not arrogance, Beatriz. I know perfectly what I am saying! I know that if you give me a second chance I will be able to show you that I love you much more than you love me! And I will be able to show you that your love for me was not in vain because I have had you nailed to my heart like a cross for a long time! I … have suffered you… AS MUCH as you have suffered for me! That is why… this has to stop!
Betty: Look, Doctor Mendoza! Stop your optimism! Because you are no longer speaking with the same embezzle that you enamoured!! (tears are flowing down his face) That one no longer exists!! She died!! And that embezzle has dignity!! And she did not sit to wait for life to give her a miracle!! On the contrary!! She worked on getting you out of her life!! With lots of pain and lots of effort!! (he looks down and grins in pain with eyes closed, crying openly) But she achieved it!! And you are outside my feelings and my life, Doctor!
to continue...
Betty: I can’t stand you anymore, Bye Doctor!
Armando: Beatriz!! (tries to grab her but she gets away from him) My heart… (breathing hard with tears rolling down his face) refuses … to accept… the defeat (she wrote disaster) (Betty turns around shocked) … the logic of my defeat… It is as if it was immune to everything Don Armando did to me… It is a traitor… which still beats when it sees him… (Betty has been stepping back toward him very slowly)
Betty: Where is my diary?
Armando:( looking around uneasy, as he pulls the diary from behind him…) I know I should not have done this… but believe me that when I read this… I climbed down to hell… and I suffered every page, Beatriz… But it also brought me back to life… to that life that I know now that I only want to share with you… (he is draining his heart out to her, all she sees is his offense, she is too angry to see anything else)
Betty: (Betty grabs the diary angrily right out of his hand) You know what, Doctor?... This is the last Offense (canallada) that you make to me in life!! The last abuse, the last profanation of my intimacy!! And understand this, and let it be etched deep in you! I will never forget everything you did to me!! How you played with me!! And I don’t want to know anything about you ever again in my life!!
Armando: Betty!... my life/dear… BETTY!!!! (she is gone, he stays there, takes off his glasses and cries openly)
scene is priceless!!! so glad i am going home at noon today to watch that...
Aldo is a coward and runs away which is EXACTLY what Lety does. When the company didn't make enough money her first response was to quit and run. She has been that way from the beginning and I'm glad Erasmo called her on the idea of yet another cut and run.
Why Aldo feels it necessary to sell his restaurant obviously for money when he has that monster house and a filthy rich father is beyond me. Now let's see his next move with the dinero.
It certainly didn't take Julieta long to jump from Team Aldo to Team Fern. That napkin made all the difference.
Points to Fern for admitting he read the diary. He could have lied or not said anything but he manned up and told the truth.
Omar certainly seemed upset with Fern hitting him after all the things they've gone through (which made me curious if there is more to that statement then just the recent Conceptos stuff.) How nice also to see him by himself not drooling over some babe. Our little boys are growing up.
God help me that green office of Marcia's has to be the worst set design i've ever seen on a novella. And the other day when Ali in her hideously unflattering chartreuse suit stood next to the wall I almost got sea sick.
Lety has regressed again and without Aldo to prop her up she is back to square one and this is where I begin to part company with her. Every one around her is maturing and she is still the same whining insecure mess as she was on day one.
Ahh so the Univision/Televisa situation is similar to the old Hollywood system. Now I'm even more seems to be working Univision is the #1 Spanish language channel here in the US and they are actually ranking in the top 10 ratings wise lately up against the English language channels.
Paula I like this - "If he takes a big risk, 10:1 he loses her. So he's forced to hope in the 1."
You're right Fern was simply playing the odds...he's done it before with the company, although this time I hope he wins!
About Televisa's studio system, Univision's market placement, and something someone said about the premios, I'd like to revisit that after the plot calms down a smidge.
I normally post the summary before the show airs here on the west coast. Today I'd better wait and see what Uni does. If anyone knows whether it will air in other time zones, please post what you know.
I'm not thrilled we're getting pre-empted again... but all will be forgiven if they show it on Monday instead.
It's funny you mention Marcia's green office. Apparently (going by my last two recaps), I hated it a lot back then. I like the color a lot better now... but still not for WALLS. People have to stand next to those things! It's inhumane!
Come to think of it, isn't it about the same color as the suit Lety wore after her first makeover? (shudder)
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