Monday, March 07, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #241-242 3/7/11 Fernando's Finest Hour.

Capitulo 241.
Read k-Fuego's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Luigi throws a tantrum because Aldo loves Lety. He dismisses the dancers. Irma says it’s not Lety’s fault Aldo loves her. Luigi tells the cuartel to dance in the show. They’re stunned that Aldo loves Lety. Irma suspects that Lety still loves Fernando.

2. Mariana Seoane sings for the event. Omar realizes she looks like Carla. Luigi announces that he resigns. He tells Lety that her type doesn’t belong in the world of glamour. The cuartel performs a novelty song to Banda Recodo. (The board hated it, but I hate Luigi’s shows, so what’s the diff?) Lui blubbers because the audience liked the cuartel’s act.

3. Carla congratulates Lety. Fernando starts to, but Aldo RUNS to her, interrupts Fern, and grabs her shoulders and face. Fern asks to finish but Aldo turns away and ignores him. Fern insists, so Aldo reluctantly steps behind her, still grasping her shoulders, pulling her against his chest. She breaks free and Fern congratulates her, but quickly Aldo yanks her back.

4. Aldo asks Luigi why he did it. Luigi says he was crazy for Aldo. How could he love that monster? Aldo says he’s too disappointed to talk. Lui brags that he’s the one who redirected the books.

5. Marcia steps between Fern and Carla and is sarcastic as usual. Carla asks for a taxi, but Marcia says Fern should take her to the hotel. Marcia rebukes Fern for never calling her for 20 days, and for strutting around in front of the world with that woman when he’s supposed to be her novio. Marcia: What happened between you two? Fern: Nothing. M: Are we still novios? Fern refuses to talk now. He’ll take Carla home, then go to Marcia’s to talk.

6. Luigi essentially tells Lety, “You won, I lost, and you’re here to rub it in.” Instead Lety flatters him for his commercials. She asks him to stay and he’s stunned because he saw her as an enemy who beat him. She flatters him some more and offers him a vacation on Conceptos’ tab.

Capitulo 242.
Read Alma's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Marta loudly says, “We know Aldo loves you.” Aldo gloats and Fern suffers. Fern has to admit to Carla that he doesn’t expect a future with Lety at his side. Nor Marcia. Carla asserts that she’s his best option, and she asks him to live with her. She wants an answer tonight.

2. Ali and Marcia see Fern leave with Carla. Marcia says it means Fernando has let go of Lety. Ali points out that he let go of Marcia too. Marcia reminds Lety the night wasn’t all happiness – “tonight we both lost something, didn’t we?”


3. Lety tells Carolina Fernando was so different tonight. He was really nice and treated her like a friend. She’s unsettled because she doesn’t know what Fern feels for Carla. Lety knows Fern never loved her, but she still holds hope. Ariel takes a few swipes at Lety but both seem to be in it for sport, not battle.

4. Fern tells Carla he’s going to Marcia’s to “define” their situation once and for all. Carla: You hurt her. Fern: (with remorse) It’s not the first time. Carla: Are you going to break up with her? Fern: I should’ve done it long ago. It’s been a mess for a long time. She forgave me too much. Things I never should’ve done.”

5. Carla asks if he’ll come to NY with her. Fern admits that she’s a great woman, and at another place in his life ... But now.. it’s not just Lety. It’s Conceptos too. “That company is my life. And I’ll luchar con todo – struggle using all that’s in me – to rescue it.” My father built it and he lost it because of me.

6. Fern breaks up with Marcia with compassion and assertiveness. He takes blame but also puts some blame on her. They once had a wonderful love, but then he started running around and she suffocated him. They fought all the time, but they never addressed their problems. Marcia begs him to stay. See the old recap for complete details.

7. At the party at Lety’s, Marta toasts because Aldo is in love. Julieta pressures Aldo to tell who he loves. He says it’s a wonderful woman, blah x3. Lety shows him the seascape in her room. He promises that one day soon they will kiss again like the did then. He leaves and Lety cries quietly, “I adore you but I can’t love you.”

8. Lety tells Mama, “Yes, Aldo loves me.” MamaJ couldn’t be happier, until she notices Lety’s face. Lety says, “I love someone who makes a mockery of me. And the man who truly loves me, I have to tell no.”


Without a doubt, the song for today MUST be Neither One of Us by Gladys Knight. Take a listen and see if you don't agree.

If Marcia ever becomes Conceptos' president, I think her first act will be to ban all events.
A. The Bella Life event (#138) pushed Fern to start the romance with Lety.
B. At the Cannes event, Marcia hears Fern’s call to his amante, and the next day is doomsday.
C. After today's event, Fern breaks up with her.
It's obvious. Marcia's life would be much better if Conceptos didn't have events!

Leftover. Full circle, hopeless love. When Lety fell in love with Fern, she knew it was impossible in every way, so she channeled her impossible love into helping Fern in every way she could think of. Now it is Fern with the hopeless love, and he channels it into helping her – he rescued the books, he gave her confidence to give the speech, he tried to convince Luigi to not take revenge, he dove to help her when she tripped, and he wanted to set Luigi straight after the event but Lety stopped him.

Luigi takes his revenge by depriving the guests of his magnificent genius, and the guests don’t mind a bit. In his pity party after the cuartel’s performance, I think what bothered him most is that the public liked entertainment that he didn’t create.

Predictions. Diann, at cap 219/220 you said, "Fern has to figure out a way to break through her wall she built up and maybe going away will help him figure it out." Remember, it was in NY that he decided to split with Marcia, so you were right.

What steps forward do you see in this cap, besides the obvious one of splitting with Marcia?

I loved the way Lety dealt with Luigi. And he was so cute trying to get up the nerve to call Rulli. This ma be a breakthrough for Luigi. He was stunned that the audience actually enjoyed the cuartel's campy performance. He HAS to gain some respect for Lety after her respectful kindness toward him. Doesn't he?

Fernando was magnificent both with Carla & with Marcia. Steps forward I guess!

Why is Teresita so nice to Lety when she knows about the affair? And WHY is her hair so red?


With this cap I really felt for Marcia. For the first time in 242 capitulos! She was hurting so badly, and listening to Fern explain the breakup was really hard for her. Phew, just the thought of being on the receiving end of Fernando's rejection, awful. Plus, Marcia told us how she stood by him for 4 years, through everything he has done. She never once had another hombre while he's had plenty of mujers. How she stood by him even when he lost their company. Also, hearing their backstory was telling. I could imagine them as early twenties, just finishing college, being each others best friend, being together in everything. And then it all went away.
I'm glad Fern told her things starting to go south even before Lety entered the storia. So she can't now just blame Lety.
I'm also glad he told her what she did in the relationship to help kill it. So she now can't just blame Fernando.

What I hated was how they had to intersperse the awful party. The breakup scene kept getting broken up! Why did they do that? They were two opposite moods going on, and very disruptive for the viewer.
Notice the cork didn't pop for Aldon't?
No popping in Aldo's future?
The cider must have been flat also.
Flat future for Aldo?
Foreshadow? Boy do I HOPE so....


Splitting with Marcia was such a huge step for Fernando that it almost blocks everything else out. (I could give him credit for not punching Aldo again, but that seems superfluous. :)

I thought the way Lety talked to Luigi was a step forward for her. It's the first time she's ever dealt with him constructively. Granted, it probably wasn't possible until he was in a vulnerable and humbled state, but she could have kicked him when he was down instead.

Aldo took a huge step backwards when he restrained Lety and wouldn't let Fernando congratulate her. Tsk, tsk. No ice cream!

Güera, I suppose Teresita was nice to Lety because:

1. Tere is very image-conscious, and is thus on her best behavior at a big company event.

2. Lety still owns the company. If Tere or anyone else provokes Lety, she can walk out on the whole deal in a huff. (I don't think she would, but Tere thinks the worst of her.) Even more embarrassing for Tere if something like that were to happen at an event.

3. Tere thinks that Fern and Marcia are together, and therefore Lety is no threat to the precious wedding that Tere's been dreaming of all her life. (Bwahahahaha!!)

Diann, I love your flat-cider observation. Aldo, why doesn't the power of your love for Lety MAKE that cork pop?

Does anybody remember when they were doing that stupid underwear commercial at the country club, and Sara had an entire "relationship" with one of the security guys despite no participation from him whatsoever? That's what Lety and Aldo remind me of, sometimes. Except it's taking a lot longer and I'm grinding my teeth more.

The scene where Aldo tried to keep Fern from congratulating Lety was too much to take. If Aldo were Lety's husband and treated her that way I'd be mad. If he were her novio and treated her that way, I'd be furious. But she's not his girlfriend and again and again she's told him she can't be. Yet he manhandles her like a badly trained dog who jumps on the dinner table! ARRGGGG!!!!!

But I think I understand why. Friday, Aldo told Aldad that Fern can never show his love, so Aldo felt Lety was safely his. Then Aldo witnessed Fern show his love when he encouraged Lety about the speech. Remember the sick look on Aldo’s face as he listened? Aldo realizes Fern has grown enough to show his love. And as soon as Lety recognizes it, Lety will fall into Fernando's arms. Aldo's ONLY hope is to conquer her BEFORE she notices. Either by keeping her away from Fern, or by conquering her immediately. It's now or never, and he knows it.

Lety recognized Luigi needed to be valued. In the old days, he used extortion to force Fern to admit Luigi’s value. But Lety shows she values him without being forced to, so he complies. Then he congratulates her, and I say it’s not for event, but for winning their war without firing a shot.

Look at how many role reversals we had in this cap. It's as if the world turned upside-down.
• Luigi was always the spoiled crown prince. Play my way or I take my ball and bat and go home. Now he has been marginalized. Remember, it’s the asshole that rules the body.
• Lowly Lety was hidden away in the cave, ridiculed by most of the beautiful people. Now she is the star of the night, the star of Conceptos, the name on everyone's lips. The success is hers, not Luigi's.
• Alicia always accompanied Marcia to the fancy company events, while the cuartel hid in the wings, wishing for crumbs. Now Alicia almost missed the event, and spent it in hiding, while the cuartel had the cheers of the crowd.
• Marcia was the queen bee who terrorized and scorned the little people. Now she hides in the wings, she yanks Fernando's chain and he doesn't budge, and it is she who will be the object of ridicule by morning, when the wagging tongues talk about what hung on Fernando's arm.
• Finally, Fernando. He who ignored all his morals and sacrificed all for the sake of keeping the presidency, now does all he can to make Lety's presidency successful, and he is thrilled to see her in the position.

Westvillage posted about it on the BLF board: Betty has risen above Hugo (Luigi) now. She offered a magnanimous gesture which shows him up as the small person that he is. He has delusions of grandeur. Betty has gotten him to change the concept behind EcoModa and now he and EcoModa cannot go back. She has offered him a gift he wants, and in taking it, he has to acknowledge her power to give it. She has also given him the gift of understanding which confuses him. His world doesn't work that way, so what world is he in now? In his last comment, "I didn't hear anything," he's trying to deny the new world. In order to return to EcoModa, he would have to change. I don't think he could delude himself as fully that he is the Prince

Fernando took some huge steps today forward whereas Aldo took huge steps backwards. Aldo was rude, possessive, clinging, bitchy, and a ton of other things. Fernando could easily have popped him one and he didn't. He just let Aldo act like the a$$ he is most of the time. Aldo reminded me of a little boy who sees someone else trying to play with what he considers his toy. So he goes berserk trying to keep the other kid away.

Carla was offering herself on a silver platter and Fernando refused the gift. That's a huge step. He broke up with Marcia with honesty and sensitivity - another huge step.

Did Aldo advance at all today? No, but what bothers me the most is the lack of wisdom Lety, Julieta, Erasmus, and Tomas are showing concerning Aldo. His actions are lining up with his neat-packaged words but no one but Fernando and us seem to notice. I realize that he has helped Lety, but how many times can she turn him away before the message gets through his dense brain.

Lety handled Luigi the way a president should handle a disgruntled employee. In my opinion, Aldo does not have a right to be made at Luigi because he brought all this upon himself. Aldo led Luigi on continuously. There's a proverb that says that he who digs a pit will fall into it himself. Aldo dug the pit by never being honest with Luigi and now he's fallen head into it. But does he acknowledge his role in all of this. Oh no, that would be too wise! Instead he blames Luigi and talks about how disapppointed he is. Bully for him. You reap what you sow!

My mistake - should be Aldo's actions are not lining up to his words. Sorry. Should proofread before publishing.

Really, what has Aldo done to help Lety LATELY?

How did you interpret Aldo in the doorway? Luigi throws his tantrum, Lety goes to find out what’s going on, and Aldo follows. Everything’s a disaster. Aldo, Lety’s strength and support, the one who she needs to survive, looks in the door, doesn't have a solution, so he leaves without letting Lety see him. Quite different from how Fernando dealt with Lety’s speech crisis Friday.

I think the only thing I wouldn't have done in Lety's case with Luigi is to send him on a company paid vacation. Conceptos can't afford it remember? I think everything else was handled perfectly and I think here and in her conversation with Ariel-- Lety really shined today. I saw none of the signs of regression from Friday's caps. Now hopefully that Luigi character will be more tolerable...he became nearly as annoying for me to watch on screen as the cuartel.

I really loved the way Fern handled the break-up with Marcia. He was firm, he didn't allow it to turn nasty and he was very clear about his feelings. HALLELUJAH - it's the moment I'd been waiting on for weeks. Now - I'm more than happy to see him pursue his Lety. :) I really appreciated the fact that he finally faced down his Marcia problem like the man he is growing into...

Aldo was pretty weak today - his scenes with Luigi still never really cleared anything up. I felt Aldo did a lot of lurking both at the event and even at the after party...he's just sort of become a lurker listening in on conversations. Diann - I noticed that the cider (I thought it was champagne) fizzed for Aldo as well. It's something the other board commented on as well...I think it's def a sign of things to come.

The one thing I never really understood was why Lety felt the need to bring Aldo back to her room to show him the seascape painted on her wall. She knows that she can't love him right now so why even give him the hope that he'll one day be there? I think that's all that moment served for is to give him more hope - which I don't think he needs in regards to his relationship with her at this moment.

I'm wondering why Marcia was soooo civil to Carla? She has ALWAYS been nasty to Lety, but she was damn near polite to Carla. I wonder if Marcia has always sensed that Lety was her true threat?

As Lety and Fernando, individually, get stronger Aldo gets weaker. He can't find the pat answers to anything anymore. He's tried to get through to Lety but all she does is adore him and not love him. He realizes this but will fight to the teeth to win Lety because he, in his own arrogance, thinks he's what's best for her. Hey, hey Aldo, you're losing your grip on reality. At least Lety realizes that she can never love Aldo the way he loves her or the way she loves Fernando.

Thanks for pointing out all of the "turn-abouts" they are all so true.

You really described Aldo's mess correctly by saying he's dug his pit, now he'll fall into it. What a jerk. Pulling Lety away from Fern when SHE clearly took a step towards Fernando, not the other way around. heehee-->"why doesn't the power of Aldo's love MAKE that cork pop" He's fizzled. Yahhh

Maybe Lety showed Aldo the beachscape in her bedroom as her way of saying "notice that we're not making out in my bedroom like most novios would do. And also notice that you're not in this picture of the beach that I drew."

Maybe not. :)

Paula, I will have to review that doorway Aldo scene and see what I think.

Diann, I can't take credit for the falling-into-the-pit thing. That was BarbaraM. But it's a good description!

I just re-watched the scene and Lety does take a step towards Aldo. He grabs her like a ragdoll, but she does turn around and take a step towards her when he runs out and calls her name. Just wanted to clear that up because I don't remember reacting so strongly to that scene as everyone here on the board. I can see he's desperate for her attention, but Lety's body language towards Fern is sort of weird in that scene as well...

Yes, GP, but the question is, what happens after that? Especially when she broke away from him, and he grabbed her and pulled her back to him again.

it's a very strange scene Paula - yes Aldo grabs Lety, but then Carla steps in between them and whatever moment they were about to have is lost because a few seconds later Aldo walks away. It was just a weird little scene...I think the one thing I kept noticing earlier were the weird/uncomfortable facial expressions Lety had on her face. I thought they were directed at Fern, but maybe it was a combination of being manhandled by Aldo and not truly wanting to talk to Fern. Lety was cordial almost friendly to Carla (even gave her a hug), but she was cold to Fern even from the beginning...

Paula, thanks for the recap. I thought Fernandos talk with Marcia was quite thoughtful and honest. I too was annoyed that it seemed so chopped up with the quick change back and forth to the celbration at Lety's.

Perhaps Lety was so friendly with Carla because she sees Carla as the woman who can not only make Fernando happy, but also keep him out of Lety's life!

Marcia may have been polite to Carla because the other woman is important for the business. She has faced down tons of Ferns little loves and doesn't feel threatened by Carla like she does with Lety.

The breakup scene was magnificent. Really well done and you could feel the pain Marcia was going through and how Fern was trying to make it as easy as possible. We should all be so lucky when being dumped.

I also felt sorry for Luigi even after all his pettiness. He brought on the suffering himself with a lot of help from Also. I also noticed how Aldo was crowding him as he does Lety. The man has no sense of personal space. Gee it must be great for the money strapped Conceptos that they can redecorate and then have Lety tossing around first class vacation trips.

I could have done without the party at Lety's house with the Aldo fan club. All that posturing with Albore about his love and the simpering sex crazed cuartel was a total yawn fest. The L and A bedroom scene was odd considering how Erasmo always made a scene about Lety keeping the door open when Tomas was with her but didn't utter a peep when a far more predatory male went up with her.

Looks like Teresita fell into a vat of red hair dye, which Televisa seems to have a tubful.

I spotted a few more steps forward today.

1. Obviously splitting with Marcia was huge, and a long time coming.

2. He faced it like a man. He clearly admitted his terrible actions to both Carla and Marcia. He took the lion's share of the blame with Marcia. He didn't waiver, he didn't get caught up in any of Marcia's snares. He could have taken his bag and left immediately like she told him to, but he did what was best for her. He rejected one easy way out after another.

3. He has learned that no means no. Old Fernando didn’t care what others wanted. He followed his impulses even when someone told him not to. New Fernando has learned the meaning of no. He wanted to set Luigi straight after the event, but Lety said that was her duty. In the gift exchange he wanted to hang on but Lety didn’t want him to (remember outside Mesón when he forced her to kiss him?). When he encouraged her about the speech he stayed out of her space.

Fernando started 240 episodes ago with great confidence because was FernandoMendiolaPresidenteConceptos. It was his identity. But when he lost the presidency, he wandered aimlessly because he was nothing. In fact Omar calls him “Sr Ex-president” as if that’s who he is. But now he’s getting his confidence back, and it’s not based on the presidency but on the man who he is becoming.

I think Marcia was polite to Carla for the same reason Teresita was nice to Lety. Upper class ladies don't catfight, at least not with each other. Remember after Fern and Lety were spotted at Mesón, the gossip dragon called Marcia to enjoy Marcia's suffering (but she called it 'concern'). Marcia was syrupy sweet to her, besitos, etc. Likewise when Marcia found out Caro took Lety to Aca. She was angry but she kept a sweet face. Keep those claws sheethed when you're with your "friends," but shred them behind their backs. Teresita seemed sweeter because she's better at the game. Of course when they deal with anyone of a lower class, the mask comes off too.

Now MamaJ realizes Lety loves Fernando; not Aldo. What will she do? Join Team Aldo like Tom and the cuartel, and try to get Fern out of Lety's heart? Or tell Lety that she needs some distance from Aldo so she can put her life in order? Or something else?

I so hope MamaJ tells Lety to get some distance from Aldo!!!!!
Please, please, MamaJ, be the wonderful mother we know you are and recognize your daughter loves Fernando and not Aldo. Please do not push Aldo on her. Please do whats best for Lety, not whats best for MamaJ. I have faith in you MamaJ.

Yes, Diann, Mama knows Lety loves Fernando. But as far as she knows, Fernando never loved Lety, and as such, what he did was reprehensible. At this point she'd be nuts to encourage her daughter toward such a scoundrel. Unless Mama finds out that Fern's love is honest, the best we can hope is that she'd tell Lety to take some time away from Aldo to let her heart heal.

Paula, I reviewed the scene with Aldo in the doorway and it's confusing. I can't tell whether the cuartel is waving him in, or waving him away.

But that's not the strange part.

He listens for a while and then leaves. Next time we see him, he's congratulating Lety at the show, after which he confronts Luigi.

That doesn't make sense. He's fuming uselessly for some period of time, then congratulating Lety/acting possessive around Fernando, and THEN giving Luigi a piece of his mind?

I think there is a simpler explanation. The scenes got edited out of order. (It wouldn't be the first time.) I think he left the doorway to confront Luigi right away. Doesn't that make a lot more sense? A LOT more sense. THEN the show ends and he congratulates Lety.

That would also explain why Luigi and Aldo have some privacy for their talk. Everyone was onstage. AFTER the show, that room would have been full of people.

I agree with you Paula-- Julieta only knows what she's read and heard about Fern primarily from Lety. She really should tell Lety to take some time away from BOTH Fern and Aldo to clear her mind and heal. I also think Tomas should probably back off from all of the helpful little "lies" to help Lety & Aldo's romance along...

I think Fern also needs some time away from the situation to clear his mind and grow up some more. He just had an emotional break-up with Marcia so I think he'll need to let go of some of the baggage from that situation and get some perspective before he's ready to pursue anything with Lety. I personally think he still has a lot of soul searching to do. One thought that occurred to me during his talk with Marcia - he tells Marcia that her jealousy and lack of trust was a big problem in their relationship. I wonder if he'll keep this in mind for his future dealings with Lety and learn to trust her.

Ahh the social status/class issue. It makes sense for Marcia & Teresita's behavior yesterday, but despite Lety holding all of the cards as far as Conceptos is concerned Marcia still can't help twisting the knife in a little deeper at every single turn with Lety. She's such a nasty, bitter character!

Julie - I couldn't understand why Aldo was lurking. It's possible that the scenes were edited out of sequence...there are times when I'm taken out of the action on the screen by stupid production errors so it's possible that they edited it out of sequence. I felt Aldo spent entirely too much time just sort of watching and not really helping the situation yesterday.

I think the cuartel was signaling to Aldo not to distract Lety (I'm not sure). Or maybe they were waving him in but he didn't want to distract her. Either way, he was interested in what Lety was saying. And the more he heard, the more he wanted to go twist Luigi's head off.

Alternatively, perhaps Aldo leaves the doorway to look for a blouse for Paula Maria.

Julie, LOL!! good one!

and on another note, I remember the original Fernando, cocky, very sure of his status... very sure of where he thought he was heading.
Then he has to seduce Lety and does it supposedly to maintain the 'status' he had acquired...
then the dreaded junta, he loses Lety and realizes he wanted her more than the company after all...
Remember as soon as Lety is back and before he has a chance to privately appologize, he gives up on his assetts and his part of the company...
But by the time she returns and she is not willing to listen to him, he sort of realizes he has lost Lety and it would not take anything short of a miracle to get her back...
Now he is completely lost as far as where he is going and what he wants (other than Lety, which he can't have)...
So he is unwilling to let go of Marcia which is the only thing around to hang on to.
But he goes away to NY and resists Carla's advances... proving to himself that he is not the old Fernando adn that what he wanted then is not what he really wants.
He comes back and has a new attitude of support toward Lety since he can't be anything further than that...
And as you ladies said, Aldo is taking huge steps backwards acting as if he is ENTITLED to Lety and acting so undermining to Fernando.
If they both continue on the same path they have been the last few episodes, the turtle will pass the hare... but who is really the turtle?

sorry missed one note. not only Fernando supports Lety but he finally has the will to let go of Marcia and find his way alone, which he does very well, trying not to hurt her more than the neccessary.

I didn't mean for MamaJ to steer Lety towards Fernando.I meant that I don't want her to push Lety towards Aldo.

I don't think Fernando needs time to clear his head of Marcia. It was obvious he's had ample time to clear his head of her. He knew she was "outta there" (his head, his emotions) long ago. He just needed to make it clear to Marcia. Which he did in this cap. He even mentioned he knew it was over way before Lety entered the picture. He told Marcia that he still loves Lety and that he believes he will never stop loving Lety. I'd say his head is clear of Marcia.


Diann - you're right that Fern was over Marcia long ago, but I personally think he needs time to clear his head of all of the crap and baggage from that relationship. He's been dragging it around for four years...even if it has been months, which I don't think it has been - remember he relapsed and went back with her less than a month ago - it still takes time in my opinion. All of these changes he's undergoing, the maturing - it's only happened in a matter of days (hours actually) so I think he still needs to do a little growing up and maturing away from the situation.

Diann, I reread your post and now I get it. SINCE Lety still loves Fernando, she needs some space with Aldo not pressuring her.

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