Thursday, March 29, 2007
La Fea Más Bella #241 3/28/07 El Sabor de la Fiasco, Luigi no es nino bueno, & Cuartel of Red to the Rescue!!
Ok, they set us up at the end of last night’s show such that something horribly shocking was imminent and well it isn’t. Yet. First some Lui self-gratification for making 12 commercials in one month. His babies. We are going to learn about Mexico, our races, our food, thanks to the book by our friend Aldo. Then some food. Cue clouds and corn and chilis and tortillas, pozole, birds, pomegrante, salsa, mole and the tradicional looking ladies who make them all. Delicioso. I had Enchiladas Verde and Carne Asada for lunch and the commercial still made me hungry for Mole!! And cue the twelve giant bowls of moles!!! I'm salivating....
Irma contemplates Aldo’s love for Lety. Luigi comes in and she confirms it’s not a joke. He tells her how much he’s in pain. Irma checks to see if the girls are ready, but Luigi tells them to collect their things and get out. They are impactadas and start cackling like hens according to him. He shuts them up and tells them to get out. Irma says she’ll talk to him. She says this is the great inaugural number and it’s so important. You can’t do this to Lety! He says, oh yes I can. Call the cuartel. What? Go get them!!!
Sorry, we interrupt this recap, to advise you GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLL !!!!!
We now enter the parallel universe where Carloca’s alter ego Ma ma ma ma ma riana Seoane sings her famous song Mermelada with Carloca in the audience. I think the tongue in cheek Sere Una Nina Buena would have been better suited to her anti-character. It’s so odd how they do this. First with Solo para Mujeres and Sergio Mayer and now her. Oh well, it’s telenovela land, and if it sells, it doesn’t matter if it seems real or even physically possible. Well, you all mentioned this performance was pending, so I figured we’d see it at some point. She’s just too popular, plus I’m sure they paid a lot for her performance not to show it. Since you can’t listen here, really, I’ll give you the words and this lovely picture. ( I told you her other song would have fit the plot better!!!) :)

El chico que me quiera,
Que me quiera,
Que me quiera como soy,
Solo quiero que me quiera,
O o o o o
Mermelada, mermelada
Mermelada, la vaina
Que me mueva, que me mueva
Que me mueva el corazon
Solo pido que me quiera
Ma, ma, ma, ma, ma
Mañanita, mañanita, mañanita
Mira que yo soy
Asi, cuidame
Mira que yo soy
Asi mimame
Mira que yo soy
Asi de verdad
Mira que me voy
Si me sueltas papa
El chico que me quiera,
Que me quiera,
Que me quiera como soy,
Solo quiero que me quiera,
O o o o o
Mermelada, mermelada
Mermelada, el chico que me quiera,
Que me quiera,
Que me quiera como soy
Solo pido que me tenga
En mi, mi, mi, mi
Mi manita, mi manita
Mi manita
Mira que yo soy
Asi, cuidame
Mira que yo soy
Asi mimame
Mira que yo soy
Asi de verdad
Mira que me voy
Si me sueltas papa
( el chico que te quiera que? )
Que sea una bomba
( el chico que te quiera que? )
Que me cuide
( el chico que te quiera que? )
Que me mime
( el chico que te quiera que? )
Que me quiera
( mermelada )
El chico que me quiera
Que me quiera,
Que me quiera como soy,
Solo quiero que me quiera,
O o o o o
Mermelada, mermelada
Mermelada, la vaina
Que me mueva, que me mueva
Que me mueva el corazon
Solo pido que me quiera
Ma, ma, ma, ma, ma
Ma, ma, ma, ma, ma
( el chico que te quiera que? )
Que me bese y que me cuide
Que me mime y que me quiera
( el chico que te quiera que? )
Que me bese
She essentially wants someone who will care for her the way she is, like Marmalade, who will kiss her and spoil her and such. Didn't make much sense to me either, no worries.
The cuartel stumble in wondering what the heck. Luigi tells them he got rid of the dancers and he asks the cuartel to do their number and they are impactadas. PM actually crosses her eyes! At first they are scared senseless and complain to him that there’s no way. Later Irma explains to them why he’s acting that way, because of Aldo being in love with Lety, etc. More impactadas, but they are happy for her because he’s worth it, and they wonder why she hasn’t screamed it to all four corners of the globe, but Irma tells them that’s because Lety’s still in love with Fer and admonishes them against gossiping about what she just told them.
During the Carloca Clone performance Fern gyrates out of control like he’s having a seizure. Carloca and Omar have to restrain him. Omar does a little of his own lusting. F & C have a few discussions, she thinks they’d be a great singing duo, he smiles goofily. (Did she and Jaime ever sing together? Probably…) She asks if he liked the singer. He says he doesn’t like women only Lety. Well, she is a woman, but in a different way.
Luigi comes back to bribe the cuartel to do the number and not to leave Lety alone in this.
Anais gets up and interrupts the announcer frantically that the dancers aren’t ready and then that here comes Luigi again. Fer & Co. get nervous. OK he finally drops the bomb. He loves his work more than anything, that it enriches him, but it’s out of his control and he wants to dedicate this to the Presidenta, the sacrilege, but these are his last commercials for Conceptos. Los Mendioroel are muy impactados, as are Aldo and Lety. They wonder what the heck is going on. For a moment it looks like the expo will be a fracasso. Lety decides she will go back and find out.
Update: Tied at the half Mexico 1/ Ecuador 1
The cuartel is still debating to dance or not to dance. They explain to Lety. Why is Juana still in a maid outfit, PM in a casi swimsuit, and Sara in her bathrobe? It will be interesting to see her dance in that….
Enter the woman scorned to ream it to Lety yet again. OK, sorry but this guy is being paid very well to do a job. His sabotage is the furthest thing from professionalism, but something tells me he’s going to hang around Conceptos a bit longer still. I’m hoping he has to grovel first though. He tells Lety that people like them will never end up in the world of glamour etc. Even if she feels confident with Aldo on her arm, she will never belong. This p***ses off the cuartel, and that was all they needed to decide they won’t let him get the best of them. Lety starts her self-loathing and says that Luigi wants us to fail and that he won because they aren’t professional performers etc. Clearly they are not swayed. Aldo pops into the door but Lety doesn’t see him. Irma does, but he waves her off.
Anais announces the great show of red. A sea of red feas takes the stage….same outfits, dyed in red with a few sequins thrown in. .
LA BANDA RECODO returns!!!! I got my wish!!!
Me antojo! Me antojo! La Comida Mexicana conquista a el corazon!
The cuartel begin singing about food and how a full belly is the best and they fancy the flavor of Mexican food. A diet doesn’t matter and that Mexican cuisine conquers the heart. I liked this. For those of you who thought these actresses were being wasted, well here is their spotlight. Afterwards everyone wants to congratulate Lety! Including Carloca who gives her a big hug, and Fer and Aldo fight over her. Fer bugs Aldo to let him congratulate her really quickly, so he rushes through his words and awkwardly moves away. Aldo gave her a big kiss and hug.
Success, the audience loved it, and Luigi sulks that he was foiled.
I’m tellin’ ya gals, the hottest guys on the planet play soccer………
OK, back to recappin’
The wrath of Aldo pounds hard. He goes in to talk to Luigi, and in a very smug way makes him feel guiltier than hell for doing what he did with this slightly holier than thou sentiment. I thought you were my friend and I had such respect for you and I’m deceived, and I can’t believe you sunk so low etc…..why did you do this? Lui reveals why and that he changed the address for the book delivery and that he can't believe Aldo would fall for the most frightening thing on the planet, and that he read the dedication and that his love for Aldo tastes like suffering. Aldo in disgust walks out after telling him to get rid of his prejudices one day and appreciate people for who they are.
Irma comes in and consoles Luigi sort of , by feeling sorry for his pitifulness. She wonders why he did this, and reminds him that it’s all his fault, after all, for trying to get back at Lety. He doesn’t know if he’s coming or going. He tells her he will miss her the most of all when he leaves and she wonders what she’ll do without him. He says that maybe she can visit her kids or rest or something, and that she’s always been like his mother, well his grandmother. OK, Luigi, quit while you’re ahead, or at least not that far behind.
Mex 3 Ecu 2
Ok it’s getting hard to focus on the recap……
OK, you add it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mar tells Alicia now it's time she needs to confront Fer.
Carloca and Fer discuss how successful everything has been. Ari walks up chiding him and lusting after Carla. Just then, Ma ma ma ma ma rcia shows up to greet Fer. He kisses her on the cheek but is impactado. She tells him he wastes no time and goes to greet Bozo and Humb. She then tells Fer she knows he must have been so worried about her since he hasn’t been able to reach her in 20 days. Mariana/ er Carloca wants to be introduced. Harpy is cordial, holding back her rage. I guess no cat fight yet. She is polite and Carloca is actually being a pretty gracious person tonight. I wish I could be that happy, getting stood up by the guy I love, showing up to the function anyway, and then meeting his fiancée, at an event conjured by his true love and she’s still having a smashing time smiling the whole way. Cheery Carloca.
Carloca asks for a cab to go home and Mar volunteers that Fer take her. Fer is impactado. Fer begs Marcia to go somewhere in private to talk. He wants to know what she is trying to do. She gives him the same old Marcia again and he’s back to his same and they fight. Her complaining about him being with Carloca, in front of all the people who think Mar is his girlfriend and him saying he’s showing her a good time because she took care of him in NY and she’s important to the campaign. Mar wants to know what actually happened in NY; he says nothing. She asks if they are still together. He decides they better talk about it later at her apartment.
And it’s over. BRAVO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lety & Luigi
Ok, you call me every monster creation in the book, you screwed me, screwed our company in front of all our clients, but now you should go on an all expenses paid vacation with your boyfriend courtesy of Conceptos with my authorization. What? Unbelievable. I really wanted groveling.
Luigi tells Lety she won. Lety says the commercials were great and Lety asks Luigi to stay with Conceptos. He mocks and says she should celebrate elsewhere. She wants to celebrate with him. She says he’s the star of Conceptos. He agrees, but that he’s dimmed. She knows he’s tired from his commercials marathon but he should go on a vacation if that what it takes. With his boyfriend. He says he doesn’t have one anymore. She says he needs to get him back. He says he’ll try but it’s going to cost him dearly. She continues that he’s incredibly talented and they make a great team and she knows they haven’t gotten along very well, but somewhere deep down in there she knows he has a little heart. He agrees, he has one even though it is wounded. He then makes a joke about a five star hotel and top restaurants. They congratulate each other, and cut.
Just an aside, I read an article today that essentially says that an employer might be liable for it's employees personal blogging when it comes to it's own product endorsement and related comments, saying that if an employee makes a representation there should be full disclosure of whom he or she works for to avoid potential consumer deception. Employers are advised it's best not to let employees comment about work related products or issues as policy. It's more complicated than I've explained, but something to contemplate, and ironic that it came up today.
Labels: fea
I am so glad that more money that the company doesn't have was spent on the non-appearing dancers and the Luigi downtime. Seems like Lety can cut everyone slack but Fer.
I am glad Aldo could act so self rightous with Luigi...he knew exactly what he was doing with Luigi. He played on Luigi and used him..the only difference between Aldo and Fer, using people is that is Aldo didn't have sex with Luigi...and he didn't fall in love with him. Poor Fernando I think Aldo got the better deal.
I really thought the cuartel were kind of cute with the dancing, etc. I was expecting AWFUL so I didn't mind the decent performance.
Luigi's dancers are usually pretty bad anyway.
I didn't understand where the red sparkling outfits suddenly appeared from but of course this is make believe.
I agree PM looks like she works at taking good care of her body.
I am so afraid Fern and Marcia will go right back to their sick relationship as it was.
This is his time to make the big break but I have my doubts as to whether he will do it.
Carla/Carla performance was absolutely nuts.
I did like the band though.
I would have rather seen another fea song instead of the CC number!I thought she was awful!!!
I did notice Darth Bozo dancing in her chair during the song. I guess she thought if she was going to show her assets she might as well shake them to the music????
Carrie L.
When I saw Aldo's face when he was questioning him, I was shocked.
He looked so sinister. Is this the other side of our dear Aldo?
If it is, Fern and Lety better both watch out.......
Luigi is a piece of self pitying ______. (you supply your favorite word). He took out his heartbreak over Aldo on Lety,and Aldo was absolutely right to talk to him as he did. No one else has the whatever to confront that twit.
I'm sick of Luigi's cruelty to
Lety; he's not all that himself.
His commercials are predictable, unexciting, and his ideas of dancers - omg - he must recruit from the dancers need not apply hoochie bar down the street, the costumes are ugly & the fabric must have been on sale at the dime store.
I liked the Carla/Mariane scene. That Omar never misses about women - he noticed they were "igualitas". Duh.
I hope Marcia and Fer break up tonight. I'm ready to move past that.
I thought Lety would be making some visible changes once she was president of Conceptos,but the changes are moving slower than a snale. The dancing at the end of expo was god awful.
I was actually impressed with the cuartel’s dance and loved it when Alicia was dancing along. I was also amazed by the miraculous appearance of the red outfits. Juana’s cracked me up, she looked like part of the “Fame” cast.
The “Marmalada” song was absolutely hideous and can’t believe she is a professional singer. I’m just going to have to assume it is another sound problem on the show.
My favorite part by far was when Luigi announced his resignation and the staff was muy impactadas. Caro turn to console Don Omar. At first he was shocked by the news, but then started eating up Caro’s attention. He’s such a hound dog!
Hopefully tonight we’ll get the long awaited Fern/Marcia break-up!
Carla, always gracious and polite, Lety unable to accept Fern's congratulations with any degree of grace,the magic red outfits sudden appearance and a minimum of horror on the floor (all of it Lety's), Lugi's sulking when everything blew up in his face. Don H and Bozo still continuing to treat Fern like something they found on their shoes which annoys me no end.
Yes and Aldo with that look on his face when he talked to Luigi and his physically crowding him as he lectured. There is something not quite right with the man.
To be frank at first I thought Lety's handling of Luigi was brilliant. She keeps his questionable talents for Conceptos but then rewards him with a pricey vacation but if it gets him away for awhile I'm all for it.
Previews give me hope that FINALLY Fern and Marcia will cut the cord but could it be just another dream sequence????
Either I'm denser than I thought or something was deleted?
Carrie L.
Yes, what is up with that? She's so anti-Fernando that the poor guy can't do anything right in her eyes. Granted, he's messed up several times since she got back, but didn't she officially forgive him?
As for rewarding Luigi for his continued abominable behaviour - well, I'm just shaking my head. I guess the directorial talent pool in Mexico is small and shallow if Conceptos can't get anyone else.
I can see Alicia becoming another Darth Terebozo in about 30 years. Provided she marries money, of course.
OK so now the expo is over and 2 mil are in the bank so what is next months project to save Conceptos. Are they expecting to rake in more money from the US Expo or whatever Marcia did in Europe? And what is Aldo going to do hanging around the Company - rub Luigi's nose in, stick it to Fern when ever he can? Time to pack up Dr. Phil and head for the beach.
"no worries" Now I also want to know what no worries is in spanish.
[Before last night I supposed it was official that any soap/telenovela had to have either amnesia, terminal illness, long lost relatives, temporary blindness/paralysis, kidnapping, previously unknown children, impermanent death and/or twins. Last night I thought: aha, here are the twins. I guess not, though.]
Several possibilities for "What the heck?" : ¿Qué narices? ¿Qué porras? ¿Qué demonios? ¿Qué leches?
For "no worries", no se procupe or no te preocupes both work.
(Great Caesar's Ghost! Niurka is only 5 days older than me??? I am muy impactada!!!!)
I'm just touchy about real-life news infants. (I realize that hospitals have money problems but security seems to never improve no matter what happens year after year.)
Sorry to sound off since almost everything seems to me to be funny allmylife, but that one landed on its usual saltinwound spot.
Alex: Thanks. I'm messing w/your words now. (I can enjoy playin around in altav and wordref when I have a headstart - otherwise I just get frustr over in those places.)
(I had a friend w/o a bellyb and when you are 13 you can just ask if the person was hatched - I wouldn't dare blurt out such thoughts now - just bitemytongue alot.)
The way Darth Bozo was shaking the girls last night made me cringe too.
If Marcia and Fern end everything while Carloca is still in town will this encourage Carloca in her pursuit of Fern? I kind of want Marcia to stay in the picture until Carloca is out of it. Marcia would have no problem taking out Carloca. I'd put money on Marcia in most cat fights. She's been seething for a long time and when she finally lets it out, who ever is there is going to feel the pain for every woman Fern ever cheated with.
Marg. in Minnesota
I too could use some mole poblano or maybe some sopes right about now.
Loved the Red Hat number by the cuartel as well...and wanted to enjoy Lety's spontaneous dancing but alas, cringed, cringed, cringed. Judy B.
Luigi didn’t get anything that mildly resembles what he deserved for that fiasco. What a jerk he can be. Lety is just too good at heart.
Fernando is in deep kim-chee when he finally talks to Marcia before too long. I wouldn’t want to be in his shoes at all.
I was really proud of the cuartel. That dancing was so much more entertaining than the usual chisme! They could do that more often and I wouldn’t dislike the cuartel as much. It was cute.
The site i got Niurka's information from is Russian. It lists all kinds of actors sorted alphabetically by their first names. It shows birth signs, dates, pictures and credits. The picture of Elizabeth Alvarez shows her to be much more attractive then she looks as Marica. Anyway the site is
She has been pushing at Fern for that discussion and now she is going to have to take her medicine but if he waffles again about his relationship with her don't bother watching LFMB tomorrow because I will have stepped through the tube and strangled him.
I had a friend w/o a bellyb and when you are 13 you can just ask if the person was hatched - I wouldn't dare blurt out such thoughts now - just bitemytongue alot.)
I assume the person had surgery which for some reason or another removed the navel..because it is impossible to not have been born with a can't be born without an umbilical cord, which thus leaves with a navel.
there's a site that has a pic of a sign in hawaii saying:
please do not grab food with your fingers
ask an employee for help if you would like a sample
the site's originator concludes:
Don't Pick Up Kim Chee with Your Fingers or You Will Be in Deep Kim Chee
(Jeanne: I had never heard of this saying/popular phrase, are you on the west coast?)
you dunno anybody who slid down off a flying saucer?
If ya gottabuncha friends who claim they've seenem, afterawhile you can believe anything.
besides if you move around some, you don't know very many folks all your whole life, afterawhile, so quién sabe
That is perfect, especially the part about breaking everyone else's toys.
To whoever said Hawaii No Ka Oi--you got it, bruddah or sistah!
Jeanne (former kama'aina and missin' it every time it snows)
AhSo - have it at a Luau?
anyway recipes for these are over at
Chicken Luau
Aunty Leilani's Oven Kalua Pork
Chicken Long Rice
Hawaiian Pickled Onions
Pineapple Luau Style
Lolo's Poke
Mo`o's Pineapple Calabash Punch
Aloha Sweet Potatoes
WikiWiki Lomilomi Salmon
neverbeenthere; love to watch movies about the place; and the soothing musica... ahhhh
Anon: "Kim chee reeks!!!!! But I love it to death!"
I never saw the recipe until today. If you don't ferment it - oughta be interesting for several uses - but don't think I could be in the same room with these ingredients fermented
(celery cabbage; salt; water scallions; garlic clove; red chili pepper; sugar; ginger root; onion).
do I learn lotsa things in here or what
"poi and sashimi"
I suppose I think I know what poi is from the movies - it looks a lot like what my stepfather used to put on the back of wallpaper before he got it to adhere to the wall
but I never heard of sashimi (which according to dogpile is not exactly the same thing as sushi -- before now I'd supposed people in a certain nearby restaurant were just eating away at some raw fish)
sashimi is:
"delicacy primarily consisting of very fresh raw seafoods, thinly sliced..."
"should be saltwater fish, not freshwater fish...."
my dad would eat clams raw
I know plenty of people who eat raw oysters
I guess I just gotta cook stuff
I admire eagles and the way they catch and eat their food; but I have a stove which is in a kitchen - it gets a lot of use except when lfmb is on
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