Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #19 Tuesday 5/17/11 Fina's actually shocked, and Jero has his head somewhere it's not supposed to be!!

So all the school project are done and ready to turn in wheeew!! What teacher assigns three projects at the same time due within days of each other? Well here is last nights re-cap sorry for the delay I was doing intense science experiments with ketchup!!

We re-has Monday a little with Gonzalo talking to Inez and her husband, and Adriana and Renata are with Matias checking on the boy. Fina is on the phone asking her man to check on Jero! If only every mom was so concerned about there daughters boyfriends (scary)

Adriana and Renata are talking about who could possibly be behind the photos, and Adriana tells her to think about Diego! Renata says no he is not bad, she doesn’t think he hates her enough to do that.

Jero is at the hacienda listening to Enrique , and receives a call from Roberta. Jero asks about Renata and she tells him to stop asking about her she is causing problems with the scandal and he asks about her and Matias and Roberta says that they are together and then she smiles at burying Renata a little deeper. He then asks when she worked for her father and she says that she stepped down, but Jero realizes that she worked there at the same time as Rafael and is very shook up.

Adriana shows Honorio into her moms hospital room and then leaves him to be alone with her.

Mati is asking Carlos what is wrong with the boss and he tells her he worried about what to do with the hacienda. She thinks he should live there. but Carlos asks her if she thinks he could be there everyday, they are so cute together.

Jero is listening to Enrique again, her really likes that song he takes a deep breath and calls Renata, she answers and they agree to meet him at the Mentirosa tomorrow night and she accepts, Matias asks who was that and she say it was a client, he asks why she can’t wait till the weekend so she can rest.

Honorio confirms that he knows Adriana’s mom and asks if she ever mentioned his name? She tells him that she never had many friends, She is sure that it will be a vey emotional reunion and begs him to come see them and have dinner she thinks it will make her mom happy in the last moments of her life and begs him to think about it.

Gonzalo, Regina,Inez, and her husband are eating in the cafeteria. Inez thanks him for is help they are waiting for the test results and they are all very hopeful. Regina looks a little uneasy!!
Carlo and Jero are walking through the grapes and talking about what to do with the land. He has no idea what to do with the land, Carlos asks if he has talked to Mati, Carlos is trying to convince him to think about keeping the land, Jero says he just does not know what to do.

Renata is surprised that Adriana’s mom knows Honorio, and thinks it funny. Gonzalo shows up with Regina, Inez, and her husband he makes the introductions. They make small talk Inez and her hubby leave and they end up leaving slowly, Gonzalo looks like a nervous teenager as he formally says goodbye to Regina it’s very cute.

my dvr cut out as Roberta was manipulating someone.

Inez and her husband are thanking Constanza for her help with their son, she says goodbye.

Lazaro is looking for Mati who is cooking, she is all excited about Jero staying and he tells her not to get her hopes up, he has no interest in the lands. He corrects her for being formal about Carlos and tells her to call him Senor, will she still have to say Senor when they are together? She swears they will keep the land and she will stay there.

Karina is eating when she see the Padre, and asks him to join her for lunch, he asks about Alvaro and she tells him he is at a meeting for work about Rafael’s hacienda and they are selling to Augustin. He asks her how things are with her and Alvaro she says they are bad and that he is different he tells he she is crazy he adores her and thinks she is a queen, Karina does not agree.

Back at the hacienda Jero is meeting with Augustin and Alvaro about the lands they enjoy some wines, They talk business make a toast to Rafael and Augustin kisses up a little more talking about how strong Rafael was. Jero looks a little irritated.

Adriana and Renata are talking about her mom, and talking about how she has not been great but she is still her mom, Renata reminds her that she should love her mom, i mean look at Fina it could be much worse.

Honorio catch’s Constanza up on finding his old girlfriend at the hospital, She seems a little jealous and he assures her that she has nothing to worry about.

Adriana’s mom is awake and asking him if her condition is serious and how much time she has left and he tells three months more or less, she asks him not to do anything to try to help her just control her pain. She also wants him to not tell her daughter the reality of the situation

Inez and everyone is in with her son opening presents talking about what a great guy Gonzalo is and how great Constanza is, Regina smiles about Gonzalo until mom starts raining on her parade that he is not all that.

Gonzalo and Matias are home talking about Adriana and Renata and how to fix the mess the scandal caused. Matias goes to bed, and the temperature in the house drop about 10 degrees as Fina enters the room. He tells her he was checking on Inez’s son and she gets mad ( I could have told you that was gonna happen).

Renata and Adriana are talking about Jero, and if he could be the one who was behind the photos.

Gonzalo is not taking it lying down he puts Fina in her place who goes on and on accusing him of being to friendly etc.. and she plays the victim and she tells him she never wants him to see Regina ever again.

Carlos and Jero are still meeting with Augustin and Jero admits that he would like to continue with the contract, but Carlos apparently feels differently,

Gonzalo follows Fina to finish the fight, she demands respect and he tells her there is nothing to worry about, he admits the he is not in love with her. He cares for her a lot but he can’t continue with their relationship, I really don’t think she saw that one coming!!

Carlos wants Jero to keep the lands that his brother loved so much and that he can’t sell them, Augustin seems to have convinced him for now, but Carlos is not happy.

Antonio leaves Regina a message that he wants to talk to her tomorrow she tells her mom that she likes Antonio, but she is just not feeling it, mom on the other hand thinks he is perfect for her. Mom asks about Gonzalo and she says he is decent and married and that she would never lay her eyes on a married man after what happened to her.

Fina can’t believe that this is happening, Fina tells him that she will not allow it, She wants to try to recoup their love and he tells her to accept that their love is dead. She swears it’s for Regina and he tells her it is because he is not happy at her side. She begs some more and he is not having it. More about love of my life I’ll never give you a divorce yayaya.

Jero and Carlos are still arguing about the land Carlos tells Jero he is not thinking straight because he is still in pain, and that he should not be selling the lands, Carlos says that if he is going to be stubborn he is going back to Spain, Jero wishes him a good trip home. Jero then reflects on Rafael and admits that Carlos is right he is in pain.

Carlos tells Mati that he was unable to convince him to keep the land.

Augustin and Alvaro celebrate, in a creepy cocky way. They are up to no good!!

Mati brings Jero her box of photos from the hacienda in an attempt to change his mind. Rafael loved the land and was happy here.

Honorio is looking for Gonzalo at the house, Renata and Matias meet him outside and discuss Adriana.

Constanza visits with Regina and Inez to check on Inez.

Carlos is saying goodbye to Carlos and he laughs when she say Senor, Lazaro tells him to be careful and they all say goodbye. Jero tells Mati the Rafael did love the land not for money, but for the land. Carlos asks him how he will feel after he has actually gotten his revenge.

Next: Roberta is pregnant, there is a shocker. And Renata has her meeting with Jero and it looks like some fireworks are going off.


great recap jules!
at first you had me confused trying to figure out who Enrique was. LOL!!!
When Renata took the call from Jero Matias was questioning which client would confirm an appointment for Monday on Sunday?

Roberta was talking to Diego and he was threatening/reminding her that the deal was that noone woudl investigate who was behind the 'prank'. He had to give tons of moolah to the heli pilot to keep quiet about it. She says dont worry she is in charge... Diego is not so sure.

Adriana and Renata were discussing the possibility that Diego was behind the photos, not Jero (unlewss I dozed off and missed another conversation between the girls).

too cute how Gonzo is so shy in front of Regina (but the male version of the old Cuando me enamoro song... it cools the scene off for me, though)

loved how Carlos stood up irritated when Jero agreed to sell to Augie... and then told Jero in direct words how he was getting rid of something that was so important to his brother... the hacienda could be worth 3 times as much in a year or two... and offered to take care of it for Jero... (this is very similar to Cafe... where Arthur, a friend of the hero moves to the hacienda with him as the expert who will be in charge of it)... it works here too! and I bet Carlos will take the place of Padre Williams as the conscience Jero can bounce his feelings/emotional tantrums off of.

First off, GREAT title. I couldn't agree more about Jero the anti-hero.

Tonight was full of surprises:

1) Well shut my mouth! I sure was surprised that Gonzo told Fina he was done with her. I'm glad to see he's showing some backbone. I hope it lasts. I loved the look on Fina's face.

2) I couldn't believe that Honorio was totally up front with everyone about knowing Agatha. He behaved like a normal mature person instead of being all weird and trying to hide things like every other telenovela character.

3) So Roberta's embarazada? Man I didn't see that coming either.

Fantastic recap Jules. Very funny. I didn't know who Enrique was either at first, but then the light bulb went on over my head. Thanks for fitting us into your busy schedule.

Now I am wondering about your intense science experiments with ketchup!

Marta, thanks for the info about Carlos offering to take care of La Bonita for Jero. I totally missed that, must have stepped out of the room or something. That arrangement works for me, will probably work for Matilde too, heh.

Thanks for the awesome recap Jules. All these "R" names are getting so confusing. I can understand Roberta and Renata as these are important to the plot, but Regina...yowza...

ITA with school projects. Our dioramas, experiments, and tri-fold reports are done for the year...YAY!!!!! Here in AZ we get out next week.

Thanks Jules. Liked your noting the temperature in the room dropped 10 degrees when Fina walked in.

She's a loathsome, vile character but I couldn't help feeling a little sorry for her as her husband casually announced he didn't love her anymore and they should separate and divorce.

That's a lot to swallow with no prelude, no marriage counseling, nuttin'. Quite a sandbag he so blithely tossed off.

I also find the secret-keeping obsession so annoying. Adriana knows her mother is dying but acts like she doesn't. Mom also knows she's dying but doesn't want Adriana to know. I was happy to see Mom refuse chemo and radiation however, and just go for palliative care. In this case, that seems like a very wise decision.

Jero continues to have his head up his valise and refuses to listen to reason from anybody. Ack. Hope he gets more emotionally attractive soon. The package is fine but the innards suck.

And now...Yes, WHAT is the science project with ketchup>

I was as surprised as Fina about Gonzo admiting he doesn't love her! Didn't think divorce happened in telenovelas. Don't people just get murd...uh oh. Poor Gonzolo. We hardly knew ye.

And does this mean Roberta will get Jero drunk and pretend to sleep with him makig him think the baby is his? Who's the golfo (golfa? hussy?) now?

Thanks for the explaining on the hacienda. THat's a little harder to follow. Hopefully Jero lets Carlos stick around. He just so darn cute. I'd go visit him in Baja in a heartbeat (if he were real of course).

I too go crazy at end of year busy schedules for the kids... just volunteered at daughter's 8th grade event at school... interesting feeling watching 100 8th graders charge on towards you to claim their door prizes at end of the event...
the experiment with ketchup... I too am curious. was it a volcano fake type experiment? lol

i too share the feeling that it blew all our minds when Gonzo just lay it to Fina like he was returning an item at a dept. store.

and Jero better get some backbone and show his inner selling features sooner...right now he is a good eye candy faccade but pretty unlikeable inside.

Roberta preggers... wow, that one too was a surprise twist last night... who could be the baby-daddy? Diego? Rafa?
I really hope they don't resort to Roberta getting Matias drunk in her or his bed... that is too old adn worn a plot device. (but they did use it in La mentira except not with the 'pregnancy' addition)

I kind of assumed that perhaps Gonzo and Fina had had a conversation or two to the affect that "this isn't working for me" sort of thing, but maybe not. He does seem like one of those eternally patient people who puts up with stuff until boom, he decides not to anymore. In his defense, Fina is nothing less than a steam roller and I doubt she has ever listened to what anyone says much less pick up on physical and social cues. I'm sure when she gathers her wits her reign of terror will resume with renewed vigor.

Hello there, folks.

I am not watching this novela, but I wanted to asked about it. I was wondering if it is worth watching. In the past, I watched a couple of novelas featuring Juan Soler. He was great in them. I wondered where he has been, but now I see he is back to making novelas.

Would you, folks, recommend this novela for me to watch it or not? What are some of its good qualities?

I was a sucker for Aldo and I'm a sucker for Jero. I agree that he's too into vengeance and too quick to jump to conclusions. But he's suffered a big loss Nd is feeling terrible for not protecting his little hermano like he promised his mother on her deathbed. Then there's all that circumstantial stuff piling up against Renata -- who DID lie to him. So I'm cutting him some slack 'cause he's just so dang cute,

One thing -- when Adriana & Renaata were having their talk about mothers -- Renata was saying how sad it was for Adriana to lose her mother since they had such a wonderful relationship -- not like her own relationship with Fina.

Don't know how you managed to get this done with all you had on your plate, Jules. Thanks

The experiment was to see how temperature effected the thickness or ketchup, very complicated scientific stuff lol. I'm really getting to like the dynamic between Gonzo and FIna and the now Regina, but I am still bored with Jero, I hope his storyline picks up and he gets a little wiser as we move forward. I agree about divorces, I really hope Gonzo makes it he is great and Regina would be great for him after living with Fina all these years.

Crazy day at work, so just catching up with your great recap.

Had to fight for the TV last night from my one son home from school, and so glad I won. Fun shockers - can't wait to see where we go now.

I just want to eat Gonzo up. He was so cute grabbing that little kiss in the hospital. Gotta say, most of the men in this TN are ok - except for the Augi the land grabber and that hideous excuse for a doc. I even enjoyed Carlos' passion in insisting Jero keep the vineyard.

Just wish said creppt doc would go away - but I guess there always has to be the one creepy dude.

can't wait for tonight.

Thank you Jules for great recap.

Roberta pregnant? From who or what? Oh pleeeeeeze no more pregnant woman getting man drunk and sleeping with him to prove he's the father!!

Does anyone know what "catrin" means? Mati keeps saying that no one is as "catrin" as he is. No dictionaries I have are helpful.

Once again, I find myself wanting to jump through the screen with a floodlight and illumine this "filmed in a cave" novela that persists in having almost no lighting and oppressive filters that make every indoor scene like it was filmed at midnight on some desert island.

Jules, thanks so much for the recap. I loved your remark about the temperature dropping ten degrees when Fina enters the room. I was out last night, and I had hoped to watch what I had recorded, but somehow it's now almost time to make dinner, and then there's "Cuando." So I'm doubly grateful for the fine recap.

Genevieve, I decided to watch this telenovela mostly because Silvia Navarro and Juan Soler were in it. I've liked both of them in other TNs, and I'm enjoying them in this one. IMHO, this is sort of a mid-level telenovela. It's unlikely to set the world on fire, but it's not awful, like a number of others. If I really didn't like it, I'd probably stop (as I did with Triunfo del Amor).

I realize this is not exactly a glowing endorsement, but I really am enjoying the telenovela, and I'd suggest you watch a few episodes and see what you think.

Dona G, you asked about the meaning of "catrin." It's not a word I know, but I looked in the dictionary on my computer, and it said "catrín (m)
n. dude, dandy; fellow, guy (Central America, Mexico)." Still, it seems as if you're looking for an adjective, so I checked my copy of El Pequeño Larousse, and in addition to the noun definition, it offered two as an adjective: 1) "Persona de mucho dinero, ricachón" and 2) "Elegante, bien vestido." In other words, someone who is super rich and/or elegant and well-dressed.

Hope that helps.

I forgot to say, I LOVE the hacienda La Bonita with that big beautiful veranda and all. I want to go there right now! And bonus, apparently it's not that far from the ocean, remember the barking seals? I hope pretty soon all the scenes are filmed there.

Genevieve, this telenovela hasn't been airing for very long and it usually takes a while for me to get into them. Not every one starts off with a whiz-bang like Alborada for instance (heh, no pun intended). One of the best qualities of this one is the cast. The female lead Silvia Navarro is particularly good, one of my favorites. Some of the other actors are familiar faces plus a few new (to me) faces that I quite like so far. They are doing a great job. Another plus is on-location filming; the hacienda in the Baja wine country specifically.

Juanita, I might add something to your definition of catrin. I asked a friend about it this morning and in addition to your definition of well-to-do and well-dressed they suggested "rich and fashionable and they like to show it off too". I'm now thinking of the beloved Dia de Los Muertos figure La Catrina, designed to show that even though someone has pretensions of importance they are just as susceptible to death as anyone else.

HI Jules, Great recap. Bless you for finding the time, what with science and all. My youngest child is 28 but I well remember science projects!

OK, I'm a little slow, but, who is Enrique?

All my comments have already been used here, so hi all, thanks again Jules, can't wait for tonight....

Thanks Jules, good job. Sorry to be so late commenting.

I had a lot to say about Gonzo and the way he is treating Fina, but I think I'll hold my tongue for now. Let me just observe that Regina's mom is a very perceptive woman.

I'm glad that Agatha knows the truth of her situation.


Thanks very much, Sylvia, for the additional information about the meaning of catrín. Now I have a better sense of when to use it--and when not to.

Juanita, it is helpful info on the definition but it's also one person's opinion. I imagine if we ask someone else we might get a slightly different version.

Emilia, Enrique is Enrique Iglesias who is singing the theme song. Took me a while to get it, I even looked at the cast list.

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