Saturday, September 01, 2012

El Mundo de Telemundo, Week of September 3, 2012: Discuss Amongst Yourselves

Here's a fresh page for the week ahead.  Have a great Labor Day Weekend, guys!

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Miggy manages to break Usain Bolt’s speed record getting out of the parking garage, into a vehicle and right behind the usual black SUV with Fabiola inside. She’s hollering, and one of the thugs puts the always-handy ether soaked hankie over her mouth and nose.

**The next two scenes feature dueling liars.**

Well, big disappointment. The doctor or whatever she is has come to lie to Sam and Willy and tell them that Lorena went to Playa del Carmen in Mexico because she knew about a baby that was up for adoption to pass off as their baby.

D8D tells Clara that El Jefe used to work with Samantha, the woman he introduced her to at the velorio. She wants to know why he asked her all those questions. He says he doesn’t know. She asks if maybe he knows who are the parents of the baby. He puts his sleazy arm around her and tells her to watch out for El Jefe; he’s not to be trusted. She’s pure and innocent, and only a good guy like he is can see her true heart. [Your recapper almost throws up on her sofa.]

Laura’s pretty smart and asks JM if he’s trying to make Ángela jealous with her presence. He tells her she’d definitely be jealous if she could see Laura.

Emma blathers on about which wedding dress to get and notices Ángela isn’t listening. Ángela tells her about the woman who answered JM’s phone. Never a diplomat, Emma tells her that JM adored her, moved mountains for her, and maybe he’s tired of waiting.

It looked for a minute like the thugs got away, but Miggy has shown up at a very fancy house. He approaches with a very big gun with a silencer on it. He shoots the guards outside.

Willy has a happy homecoming and IS wearing sunglasses. Jessica asks to stay over because her papí is busy that night (!).

El Jefe has shown up and is writing a check to the lying doctor. She says she didn’t do it for money but to save her professional reputation because of the illegal insemination. But she ends up taking the check after all! She asks him what he’s going to do about Clara.

D8D tells Rod Fabiola is history and he can forget about the seduction.

Natalia comes to Luna Azul to rant at the Reptile for getting it on with her husband. Dante tries to intercede, but she tells him she’s the wife of the owner and kick that tramp out of here. She grabs at the Reptile’s mask and sees the scar.

For a while there it looked as if Fabiola had been shot. She’s stretched out on the patio, and I thought I saw blood. One thug says to the other thug: “Now what are we going to do?” Miggy comes in firing and is shot in the thigh, but shoots one of the thugs.

Willy suggests that he and Sam try to adopt a baby girl. Sam isn’t ready for that yet, and is afraid Nico might be upset.

It turns out Gus didn’t know that Laura, who is his ex-something (wife or girlfriend, I don’t know), was the one guarding JM. Duval tells him, and he doesn’t look happy about it.

Ángela shows up at the beach house, sees Laura and JM lounging in a pair of Adirondack chairs and leaves, hurt written all over her face. Laura turns to JM and says: “Isn’t that what you wanted?”

Fabiola asks Miggy for a kiss before they’ve gotten away. The other thug (I’ve seen this guy over and over – wears a ponytail and always plays a thug) comes and points a gun at the two of them. They pretend to turn around to give up, but FF has grabbed the extra gun Miggy took off one of the bodyguards and shoots ponytail dead.

Jessica looks hurt and says her father practically hung up on her. She feels deserted by her parents. Willy tells her she has he and Sam. She mentions D8D coming to her house and that her father said it was on business.


Clara is crying because her father needs more expensive treatments and she doesn’t have it. D8D, of course, says he’ll pay. He asks her to excuse him because he gets a call from El Verdugo. El Verdugo has obviously told him about FF getting away, because D8D tells Rod he’s back on the job. He tells him not to fall in love with her, though, because after he gets the information out of her, she’s toast.

Sam and Ángela fuss over their wounded brother, while Fabiola looks miserable from the doorway. She says it was all her fault. Miggy tells Sam he’d give his life to save her a million times over.

Ángela apologizes to JM for coming to the beach house and that she had no right to get mad. JM teases her about being jealous. She ends up blowing up about what she saw there and admits she is jealous.

Willy talks to Nora about Victor (Jessica’s father) and D8D. Nora says that D8D always had some narco connections, especially one called El Verdugo.

Fabiola tells Miggy he almost died for her capricho and she can’t forgive herself. She mentions something about Alex (?). She says she’s figured out how they both can be safe. She’s going to join the army. [Oh, please. Which army? Colombian or US?]

Sammy insists she’s going to the drug bust over Willy’s objections. Meanwhile Nora drives Willy to confront D8D.

Laura shows up at Casa Arroyo, but Gus calls her and stiffly tells her he knows she’s going to continue with Arroyo but he hopes she doesn’t mix business with pleasure.

The big operation goes down. Sam and Gus look on from a car while Dante and Victor walk over with the usual briefcase. Camilo shows them a lot of drugs in another briefcase. Victor pulls a gun saying he’s been investigating and this isn’t Luis Martínez. Camilo puts on a tough Luis face and denies everything. [How come the bad guys never notice the stake-out cops when they seem to be less than 20 feet away?]

JM gives Laura a tour of the house, Ángela right behind them. JM tells Angie he lied; Laura is not a friend but a cop Duval assigned to protect him. But he’s glad to see he matters to her. She says of course and passionate kisses ensue.

The geek Rod shows up with flowers to see Fabiola. He reminds her they were supposed to have dinner. Natalia shows up, which raises Fabiola’s hackles. She tells Nat to be careful her husband doesn’t catch her. Nat gripes to Miggy about Johnny having been unfaithful to her in their own bed. Miggy reminds her she wasn’t the soul of fidelity and she indignantly says that it wasn’t in their bed. She raves about how Johnny could go for a masked woman with an ugly scar on her face. Miggy’s ears prick up.

D8D is with Clara who is weeping over how wonderful the scumbag is. When she asks what she can ever do for him, he asks her to marry him and let him be the father of the baby. He has his hand on her stomach, when Willy arrives.


Great recap novelera !!!

I thought I heard somewhere in this show where Laura was referred to as Gus' ex wife.
and isn't she a tough nut,
I can't see her with Gus at all,
anyone mind if I snip off that hair that is always over her eye?

something about Duval sitting behind his desk being smug,
really drives me up the wall,
I would really like to saw halfway though all of his chair legs.

could we really say Sammi was dressed for a mega drug bust?
does she even have a gun?

does Pablo have a gun?
is he a body guard or just hanging out with his future wife?
the day he first laid eyes on Emma,
he should have left town.

I was thinking D8D would adopt the baby,
which I thought was pretty disgusting,
but he went one better and asked Clara to marry him,
is it possible to get a restraining order,
to keep someone away from everyone on the planet?


The Cano family is home, grieving, discussing when to tell the little ones the sad news. Camilo remarks, everything was so normal yesterday. Ana Maria tells her granddaughter, your abuelo is in heaven now.

Pati has a sour expression. She asks Pablo what are all the guys, now gathered here at the beach house, hiding from? You know how many children that journalist had? Five. Pablo gets all huffy again, says your job is to support me. I AM supporting you, counters Pati.

Pablo meets with the cartel guys around a big table in his luxurious, resort like home, the swimming pool in the background. We've demonstrated we can get rid of anyone. Journalists, politicians, judges, now it's time to reach farther. Across the border. We sure have long tentacles, jokes Mariachi. Okay, says Pablo, I'm pissed off about the ambassador, Ernesto Chacon, who is currently in Budapest. He's been using the fact that he's far away to give interviews, trying to tie us to the murders, favoring extradition, the usual. He'll be our next objective. Pedro Montoa is opposed. The more we do, the more heat will be on us. We made our point. Let's lie low for a while. Pablo nixes this. Marcos Herber is also totally on board for some more executions.

As fat Pablo happily plays with his son in the pool, the somber funeral of Guillermo is taking place back in the city. The priest is speaking of Guillermo, of the good he did. It's on the radio. Marcos hears, remarks, I don't like that priest (could Marcos really go as far as to kill a priest?!) Later, Marcos meets with Chili and Topo, and actually apologizes to them, sorry guys, I was a little high, you know I'd never really hurt you fellas. Chili and Topo say they accept his apology, everything's cool now. After they leave, Marcos makes a face of disgust.

The hearse is slowly carrying Guillermo's body to the cemetery, as mourners walk alongside, waving white cloths. The granddaughter (Aira?) asks why they're doing that. That's how we say goodbye, says her abuela. But abue, if he's in heaven, why do we have to bury him? I know, 'cause he's dead, right? she remarks ruefully. (she's pretty smart, that little one).

Juan tells the newspaper staff we're going to continue to do what my father did, write about the cartel, tell the truth. They've organized a march, with all the journalists, a silent march, and we see it, with banners proclaiming no more violence. Niki writes a column describing how silent marches have been organized in the entire country.

Ana Maria wonders aloud, why didn't we have this outpouring of solidarity before? One daughter tells her, it's fear, Ma. But at least for this one day, the whole country is showing it's solidarity by a day of silence. Camilo feels guilty. He never got around to telling his father “I love you, Dad.” One of the daughters looks at Ana Maria, tells her, I love you, Mom. One after another, her grown children express the same, each telling her they love her, as tears stream down their (and our) faces.

Over at the murderer's summer camp, Pablo asks Mariachi, how much is that pony worth? Fifty million pesos, but Uncle Mariachi will give it to your daughter for free. How sweet. The phone rings, and Mr. Wonderful Pablo answers a call from Spain. It's a go. He's in Budapest. You have two months to follow the movements of the ambassador Ernesto Chacon, then we'll REALLY show them who we are!


Corazon Valiente

"Miggy manages to break Usain Bolt's speed record....'

Thank you Novelera

PABLO ESCOBAR -- viernes

"Over at the murderer's summer camp..."

I love the way you set up the point, counterpoint of the episode. The good guys grieve, the bad guys splash. And not even the embassy in Budapest can keep you safe when you've become an annoyance to the boys in Medellín. (And if I were Chili, I'd make sure my affairs were in order.)

Thanks, Hombre. Sorry I haven't been here daily but I want you to know I very much appreciate your recaps and your particular sly style of writing.


Great recap, Novelera. Wow, so much happened!

I sort of think Laura and Miggy were just about to get married, but something happened at the last minute to stop it. I also don't find her so appealing. He could do way better with Cecelia or Fabiola (not Natalia, I want her for myself!)

Yes, two crazy plans, Fabiola joining the army (right, which one?;), and D8D to marry Clara.

The good guys sure are getting closer to finding out stuff. Several people have heard that D8D is involved in drugs, with Johnny, with Dante, with Verdugo, etc. Of course, it's not the exact correct people yet, but it's progress. I'm sure Duval will be the last to know. And Miggy has heard about the dancer with the mask having a scar!

But of course, since we're far, far away from any conclusion in this show, the writers will continue to toy with us. How rude!


I meant Laura and GUS were just about to get married. Whoops! That also messes us my next comment. Can I go home now?

this and that...

how do I say this,

not to worry,
we love you,

to move this blog along,

"Reina Madre" (remake of Fina Estampa)

quite possibly the follower of CV

"Lean aqui la sinopsis de Fina Estampa (fine print):

Después de su marido, aparentemente desaparece en el mar, Griselda está decidida a hacer cualquier cosa para mantener a su familia, incluso si esto significa tomar en el trabajo de un "manitas", una profesión poco común para una mujer. Trabajadora y humilde, Griselda está orgullosa de su trabajo porque le permite demostrar que una persona puede tener una vida digna y feliz, sin comprometer los valores propios. Uno de sus hijos se compromete en matrimonio con la hija de Teresa Cristina, una mujer rica, elegante y superficial. Teresa Cristina se horroriza ante la posibilidad de relacionarse con una mujer de una clase inferior por lo que constantemente humilla a Griselda, a pesar de que su marido, René, reprocha a ella por sus acciones.

Después de muchos años jugando los mismos números de la lotería, Griselda gana 25 millones de dólares, y su vida cambia de repente, pero no su naturaleza. Su fortuna no acaba de llegar a Griselda de una vida mejor, sino que también "resucita" a su marido que había sido supuestamente muerto desde hace años, dando lugar a una serie de complicaciones inesperadas de Griselda y su familia. A pesar de tener más dinero de lo que nunca imaginó, Griselda se entera de que la vida nunca es fácil, pero para alguien con integridad, cualquier cosa es posible, incluso encontrar el amor verdadero."

did they say January?

w/ Sonya Smith

so why is she married to Gabriel and known as Mrs. Smith?



Willy didn’t hear D8D talk about being the father of the baby in her belly after all. After Clara leaves the room, Willy tells D8D that Jessica is worried about her father’s business dealings with D8D, and does she have a reason to be?

Dante tastes the cocaine in the brick and says it’s good stuff and at a good price. Ugly Victor keeps saying he’s not Luis Martínez, but Dante tells him not to be paranoid. Sam and Gus look on from the stake-out car; I notice they have exactly the same color eyes. Camilo grabs Victor’s gun, convincing Dante only Luis could have done that.

Miggy asks Natalia if she’s sure the woman who was with her husband had a scar. He then shows her a cell phone picture of Fernanda and Nat says it’s the same one.

The Reptile is talking with the slimy lawyer whose name I always forget. He’s got everything ready for her to leave the country, false documents, etc. She says this is her last show and she wants it to be great.

JM tells Ángela that the kiss she gave him means that her body is remembering the past.

Sam is glad Camilo succeeded, but she is worried about Jessica. Gus says that in the second part of the “operation”, they’ll catch the whole gang.

Miggy has to leave and asks Pablo to accompany him. He wants Rod to leave also, saying he can’t leave FF with a stranger. She says he’s her friend and is going to stay. Miggy tells her: “Things could get a lot worse, Private Arroyo!”

Miggy and Pablo settle down at the bar at Luna Azul. The Reptile comes on. Gus calls, returning Miggy’s call. Miggy tells him to get down there with backup cops because the masked woman is the Reptile. Miggy goes right up to the stage; she sees him and leaves the stage.

Sam tells Willy that the operation is a success, but Victor will be going down. Jessica comes in and says she feels so at home with them.

Ángela cries and tells JM that she forgets everything when he kisses her. He asks if she means Gus, and when she says that’s it, he says he’s reached his limit. He’s not going to share her with another man, so their relationship is over. Boy, he sure behaves like an idiot about 75% of the time.

D8D reassures Clara that he’s not trying to take advantage of her. He’s only proposing a marriage of convenience, not a romantic one.

Miggy comes back to the room where the Reptile is and pretends to be overcome with lust for her. He offers her triple money to be with him. He pushes her on the bed and starts making some moves. When she reaches for a knife, he pins her and takes off her mask. The cops arrive. The Reptile says she’s going to kill him.

JM tells Ángela that the Reptile has been captured, and the danger is over.

Fabiola tries to make a smoothie in a blender, but doesn’t put the lid on! Miggy rushes in and asks her how things went with her “lord”, but she thought he said loro (parrot). Meanwhile Rod tells D8D that he doesn’t know if she’s a diamond in the rough or just rough. We see some back and forth between scenes. Rod says he ate and left. FF tells Miggy they talked until dawn. Rod says all he got was to kiss her on the cheek. She tells Miggy she kissed him.

D8D raves at the lawyer about that damned Valdez ruining his plan to get Fernanda out of the country. He says he’s going to dance on his grave someday.

Clara comes in crying. [Ye Gods, she’s shed a bucket of tears in less than a week!] She says she’s decided to accept his proposal. [Estúpida Estela must be rolling over in her grave!] When he asks her why she accepted, she says it’s because of her father. Otherwise she never would have thought of such a marriage. And she asks him why such a prince as he is willing to marry her. He whines about how lonely he is. And says the baby will be una luz.


Esteban pretends to be a doctor over the phone and has Clara come right away. When she shows up, he warns her about D8D. He tells her to ask D8D who the biological parents of her child are.

When Camilo hears about the Reptile being apprehended, he alludes to having gotten it on with her and (looking down) says she must have noticed some differences!

Gus tells Laura that her work with JM is done. She admits that he appealed to her but, oh well, he has re-united with his wife. She saw them kissing.

Miggy asks JM to stop Fabiola from joining the army. He also says he mistrusts Rod and thinks he’s bad news.

The Reptile throws her food around in her cell. Nora and Willy have come to see her, but she rejects them. She says Willy got all the luck. D8D loves him; Sam loves him; he found his child. Her life is miserable. She fought for her love and she killed for her love. In her twisted mind this is a better love than Willy has.

D8D comes to tell Sam that he’s forgetting her. He’s going to marry Clara, who is making him forget her.

Rod starts to give FF an emerald ring. Miggy comes into the room and asks him to ask her about her Army career. Rod is flabbergasted. I may have figured out how she could join. The babies were switched, and I assume the birth was in the US. So I guess she’s a citizen.

Sulking like mad, JM asks Ángela if she’s going to be with Gus. She says she’s going to stay with Sam. She doesn’t want to hurt either one of them. She says she’ll take Violeta and Juan Cruz with her. JM says he won’t permit her to take JC. And, if she won’t leave him, then she’ll have to stay – but they’ll be going their separate ways while living in the same house.

Clara tells D8D what Esteban said about his being a Mafioso and knowing who the baby’s parents are. Of course, he immediately comes up with Esteban adopting Sam and Willy’s child and not telling them.

FF cries at the sight of Emma in her wedding dress. Pablo comes in and Emma freaks, saying she has to get rid of the dress because he saw it.

Fabiola tells Miggy that she gave back the ring to Rod, lied about kissing him. She says she’ll be in the Army desiring only one man – Miggy.

Willy asks Esteban what is his interest in Clara, but he wiggles right out of it.

Laura says goodbye to JM. He says he’ll be busy with the trial, but how about having a cup of coffee afterwards. Gus and Ángela enter. Angie tells Gus she’s not going to be with either JM or him.

The trial begins, with the whole cast in the courtroom. The Reptile comes in dressed in a blue prison outfit. She pleads guilty, guilty, guilty, a thousand times guilty.


All’s happy at Pablo’s ranch, as he plays with son Emilio and his infant daughter. Pati wonders if Pablo will help put the kids to bed, and he says of course he will. Pati is sort of like a ping pong ball, as Pablo alternates between being nice to her, and doing horrific things to others (which she can’t really prove).

In contrast to the happy Escobars, Juan Guillermo and his daughter Layra (sp.?) can’t sleep.

Guillermo’s speeches are played on TV. All across the country, people watch. Pati knows what’s going on.

The next day is a day of media silence. There is no newspaper, and even the TV stations close down and show a test pattern, in remembrance of Guillermo Cano, who is being buried. We see another montage, showing the sad members of the Cano family with the Christmas tree in the background. At El Espectador, Juan takes down his father’s diplomas, and puts his trusty Remington typewriter on a bookshelf, retired from duty.

Back at Boyaca (Pablo’s retreat), fireworks are going off, it’s another party. Pablo tells the guys to put the pony in his little daughter’s room, to surprise her. Marcos says we’re going to have a big party at my place February 4th. You should have taken care of that next matter by then. Pati can’t quite hear this, but when she goes back over to Pablo she says “I love you. But if I could turn back time to when we first met, I would do everything possible to NOT fall in love with you.” Pablo isn’t too happy to hear this.

Layra and the family give out presents, but it’s all sad because her abuelo died. Ana Maria goes out to the car and finds the dolls Guillermo had bought for his granddaughter. One has a little blood on it.


The supreme court has decided that the new extradition treaty with the US is STILL unconstitutional. Just because there’s a new President who changed a few things does not cure the defect. There’s disappointment at the Espectador. But they’ll keep trying.

Ana Maria has cleaned the doll. She gives the two to little Layra and breaks down, crying. Layra comforts her grandmother, saying it’s okay, because Abue is at peace now, in heaven.

January 13, 1987, Hungary. Ambassador Ernesto Chacon is brutally gunned down in the snow, receiving two shots to the face from Pedro’s assassin. So far, he’s not dead, but it doesn’t look good.

Pablo tells Gonzalo we may not go to Marcos’s party in February (what’s up with that?).

Colonel Aristides raids the home of that rat Crisanto Pérez, the guy who was being spied on in the jungle, but had a reporter killed. Pérez is arrested.

Chili and Topo hire two new killers, tough looking young black guys, one of whose name is Kiko. Pablo asks Chili if he can trust these guys, look what happened last time, but Chili says these two are totally loyal, and willing to do anything. Pablo then tells Chili to tell Marcos he will send Marcos those supplies he wanted (again, what’s going on with Pablo and Marcos?).

Niki gets the good news that Crisantos has been arrested. The President also lauds this, saying it’s the first step.

We see doctors operating on Ernesto Chacon, as his wife waits nervously outside the operating room.

We can only speculate on what Pablo’s next move will be.


Excellent recap, Novelera. Thank you. The lawyer's name is Federico.

Fabiola was funny admiring that "pretty green rock" (she had never heard of an emerald). BTW, she had that shopping spree/makeover, right? But I think she ended up with exactly the same clothes as before.

I thought the Reptile's body looked very good in her dance. She may have had surgery, but nothing looked overly enhanced to me. Of course what she really needs surgery on is her attitude. How can she say Willy's had it so good? He suffered for not being able to find his son. He suffered thinking Sam was his sister. He was blind. He's got several other people going after Sam. And with all that, he doesn't kill anyone. He doesn't do ridiculous schemes, sleep with or marry people for convenience, or pay off doctors to get rid of his rivals. He's been doing things the right way, and THAT's why things have worked out for him. The Reptile should take after Willy's example (who am I kidding?).

Esteban used to be pretty smart, but he getting to be bad AND stupid, lying to Clara that he's a doctor, then dissing D8D without any evidence at all.

Since Dante knew exactly who Fernanda was, and she was a wanted criminal, he should be jailed for obstruction of justice. But I guess we have to wait for part 2 of the drug operation for him to fall.

We still have never met Verdugo.


Thanks so much novelera, for the excellent recaps.
Hombre, I think they couldn't finish the shopping :)
I really enjoy all the scenes of the kids with Miguel. Great interaction.


Thanks for the great recaps on Friday and Monday, Novelera.

JM really does act like an idiot most of the time.

I can't wait for the Miggy/FF preliminaries to be over. It was sort of cute for a while but it's really getting old. Get together already!!

The Reptile's trial should be interesting at least to see how badly they mangle the justice system.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Corazon Valiente
Yes, thanks Novelera for the recaps spanning the holiday weekend. I did enjoy seeing Rod complain to D8D about FF--a bit of humor showed through, making me wonder if they can redeem Rod's character at the end. So far he is just shallow and greedy. On the other hand Esteban is now showing his truly evil side again as he manipulates poor Clara for his own purposes.
J in Oregon

It's possible that the dancer wasn't Aylin Mujica. It would have been easy to substitute someone else with that wig and mask and all.

CORAZÓN VALIENTE - martes - part 1

We open at the Reptile’s trial where she interrupts her lawyer and says that she pleads guilty to all the crimes she is accused of. Normally, that would be the end of the trial. You don’t have to convict a person who pleads guilty but we have a jury trial anyway - a very weird one so just tighten your beanies and carry on.

Rodrigo brings FF a dress and shoes (how does he know her shoe size?). He tells her that she is the woman of his life and that he loves her.

Miggy testifies at the trial about the DVD he got from Vikingo where the Reptile confesses to all her murders. The Reptile interrupts to says that she will kill Miggy.

Estéban is with Willy and Sam. Clara calls him to say that she doesn’t believe any of the lies he told her about D8D. She thinks D8D is a great guy.

FF tells Rodrigo that she is in love with another man.

The Reptile keeps interrupting the witnesses at her trial and the Judge tells Alejandro to keep her under control.

Camilo and Clara (obviously destined to be a couple) get stuck in an elevator together. Clara is claustrophobic and Camilo tries to help her.

D8D testifies about how he raised his children alone and gives his version of the Reptile’s fall down the stairs and Isabel’s alcoholism because JM didn’t love her.

Estéban tells Sam that he is alone in his apartment because Nic is living with Sam and Willy. He misses her. Sam asks him not to tell her about his feelings. He gives Sam the annulment decree of their marriage.

Camilo and Clara escape from the elevator.

While Miggy is in Court, his phone beeps to say that he has a text from Génesis with pictures of Rod and FF. [In real life, you would be severely reprimanded for letting a phone beep in a courtroom.]

Camilo tells Sam that he has a plan to land the “big fish” (in Spanish they say the “fat fish,” “pez gordo.”) of the narco trafficers. He will tell them that he needs more product for his clients that will boost him to dealing with the principals. He tells her that might include D8D.

Camilo and Clara tell Sam and Cecilia respectively how attracted each is to the other.

FF tells Rodrigo that Miggy is the guy she loves and he appears!

Corazon Valiente
Thank you for the Recap , I am new in this Blog ,in episode 126 , I esp liked the scenes of Miguel and Fernanda and the way he used for capturing Fernanda and this is my Video of this item in youtube:
I love making clips of any time which seems interesting to me

CORAZÓN VALIENTE - martes - part 2

Miggy strong arms Rodrigo out of the house and tells FF that he is dying of jealousy.

At the trial, JM is on the witness stand. Alejandro makes what I guess is his closing argument to the jury instead of asking questions that might have some relevance to the trial. He tells the jury that JM makes all women crazy for him, including the Reptile and his ex-wife (no one objects to ask the relevance of that fact). Alejandro asks the jury who is really responsible for the murders - his client or JM?

It turns out that both Miggy and FF studied the piano and they improvise a duet together.

Nora testifies at the trial. She says that the Reptile is ill with hate but she was a sweet introverted child. Nora asks the jury and the court to help the Reptile because she is an angel.

Miggy asks FF to forgive him for a bunch of things. Finally, he says that he is glad that FF hasn’t kissed Rodrigo because he wants the opportunity himself. He kisses FF.

Clara goes to see Sam and tells her that D8D is a good guy unlike Willy.

Willy testifies at the trial. He admits that he was D8D’s favorite. He says that everyone around her is responsible for what the Reptile became.

Miggy and FF kiss until they are caught by Violeta and Génesis. For some reason, they deny that they were kissing and the girls demand payment for their silence.

Angie testifies or rather she listens while the Reptile’s lawyer accuses JM of causing her to lose her memory and taking JC away from her in prison.

The prosecutor doesn’t object to the very bizarre conduct of the trial, the Reptile does. She repeats that she is the guilty one.

Jessie finds drugs in her father’s car and brings them to Sam.

Génesis reads Miggy the list of gifts that Rodrigo has brought FF and tells him to get on the ball if he wants to get FF.

The Reptile testifies. She describes some of her crimes and says that she enjoys killing. It makes her feel like God or the Devil.

Sam gives Jessie an anti-drug lecture although there was no indication that Jessie thought drugs were ok. She was concerned about her father’s business.


CORAZÓN VALIENTE - martes - part 3

The Reptile is still testifying. She is asked if Angie was her accomplice. The Reptile says no and recounts how easy it was to frame Angie for murder. She repeats that she will kill everyone and tells JM that no one will ever love him like she does. The judge calls a recess.

Natalia comes to see Miggy and tells him that her husband Johnny has fled the country. Miggy is distracted and finally decides to kiss her when he knows that FF is watching. I guess he regrets kissing FF.

In this bizarre trial, when the judge comes back to the courtroom, the jury delivers their verdict. There were no closing statement or jury charges. The jury finds the Reptile guilty. The judge sentences her to imprisonment in a high-security psychiatric hospital. [The jury might as well have acquitted the Reptile. We all know how easy it is to escape from a psychiatric hospital.] The Reptile keeps up her crazy act saying that she will kill everyone.

Nora is upset at the verdict. She blames D8D. He asks why she has such hate for him - could it be that she is still in love with him?

There is going to be a bachelorette party for Emma. Since it is for women only, Miggy can’t bodyguard FF there so he asks Sam to do it. After Sam leaves, Willy asks Nora if it isn’t true that there are always naked guys at bachelorette parties. “Not always,” replies Nora carefully.

FF has put on her gifts from Rodrigo. She hurtles down the stairs in her new heels into Miggy’s arms. She asks him to say that he likes/loves (querer) her.

great work Jean. Gracias para los resumenes.

occasionally, i have the chance to watch El secretario on Telemundo mornings. would you like me to leave a short summary of the episode I watched here in your topic page? Let me know.

yesterday, on El Secretario, there was a small fire in the recycling bin that set off the fire alarms. it took the workers as well as Prof. Felix, several minutes to realize the smoke was real and not another practical joke. Antonia left a note for Emilio to tell him she went to photo shoot to watch Frank and Copito (the bulldog) but the janitor picked up the note that fell on the floor and threw it away in the trash. When the gang were outside, Emilio didn't see Antonia and thought she was still inside. He ran in carrying a large fire extinguisher. He nailed Prof. Mario with it as Mario ran out thinking he was on fire. Emilio was running around the building looking for Antonia and found the fire and used his trusty fire extinguisher to put out the small blaze as the fire fighters arrived outside. Prof. Felix was not happy to hear Emilio "El Secretario" was the hero of the moment (again). Meanwhile, Emilio's neighbor lady finds Emilio's apartment had been ransacked and panics. She first calls Emilio at work (but nobody answered -- due to fire); so she then called 911. Emilio's daughter arrives back home after her overnight with daddy. She doesn't say too much, just one word answers. Mommy finds acrumpled paper note in daughter's suitcase and reads it and is very upset.

This is one of those "LOL" comedies that you have to watch. Because unfortunately, the comedic elements don't transfer to print very well.


You know the 2 new assassins Pablo has hired? Their names are Kiko and Cain. Cain always carries around a little bible. Pablo tells them their target. Marcos Herber! They’re a little thrown by this, but Pablo asks if they can handle it or not. Cain consults his bible, finds an appropriate phrase, and it’s a go.

At El Espectador, the senior editor who is not a family member takes Guillermo’s old Remington off the shelf, starts typing. Wait a minute, says Juan, that machine’s retired. No, says the editor, we are going to continue the work of Don Guillermo, in every way. This typewriter wrote powerful words, and it will continue to do so.

Enelia is not happy with Pablo. Who were those two dangerous looking guys? Oh, they were just 2 shepherds, we’re helping them out. Yeah, right. Enelia says you’re spending too much time in work, ignoring your family. Pati doesn’t look happy. Pablo makes a face. Enelia tells I know that face, you’re hiding stuff again. C’mon, Ma, if you know this face, that’s because I got it from you and Pop. It’s the only face I have.

Kiko and Cain have been sent to Marcos Herber as new bodyguards for him! They know they have to bide their time to find the right moment to act.

Gonzo calls Pablo, did you hear about Crisantos Pérez? Meeting time. The cartel meets, and Pablo says not to worry, Cris didn’t have any info about us, just that check he wrote to dirty up Rodrigo Bonilla Lara’s reputation. Well, that’ll be a start, says Mariachi, who’s worried. He also killed that journalist in the jungle, right? Gonzalo isn’t too worried, saying now that the feds have one of the big fish, they’ll be satisfied, right? Well, right? There’s a lot of silence here.


Major Aristides is interrogating Pérez. You’re going to jail for your whole life, buddy. Why don’t you tell us about Pablo Escobar? Don’t know him. Yeah, sure, what about the murder of Rodrigo Bonilla Lara? Guillermo Cano? I don’t know anything, says Pérez. Look, buddy, we can send you to the US. No you can’t, that extradition treaty was unconstitutional. Yeah, so far, but we have other ways. You want to take the chance? If you talk, I personally guarantee complete security for you and your family. Crisantos is thinking about it.

Ernesto Chacon took six bullets, but he is apparently going to pull through. Don’t know if he’ll be able to testify, though.

Juan’s brother Fernando (the next oldest one) says to Juan, aren’t you afraid you’ll be next? Of course, but we’re not stopping, We’re going to carry on Dad’s work, and we’re in this together. They clasp hands firmly.

Luis Galán meets with Niki, tells her Chacon is not only in his party, he’s a personal friend. The attack was obviously because Chacon had been speaking out in favor of extradition. And it’s just as obvious that the cartel was behind the shooting. They did it to send a message.

Niki interviews an American diplomat. The Americans also have various charges against Escobar. They’d be happy to prosecute if somehow these cartel guys can be sent to the US. The President of the Republic says we have to find some way to get them to the US. We just need to have one result, then the rest will follow.

Tonight: Will Crisantos Pérez talk?


Great recap, Jean. What a wacky episode! I guess this court was pretty outrageous, but I saw a show last year in which the judge sentenced several other characters, who weren't even on trial, but happened to be in the audience. And it wasn't contempt of court, it was for their "crimes", which came out through their "testimony".

One would think the Reptile's lawyer would have to at least raise the insanity defense, but oh well. And even though this is a super important trial, Miggy gets a text message, and decides investigating a photo of Fabiola and Rodrigo takes precedence.

It's all very entertaining, though.


I enjoyed your recap, Hombre. The new hit men may have been surprised by their assignment, but I wasn't. I figured Marcos was next on the list.

The events are so relentlessly horrible and the main characters so tediously evil and pedestrian at the same time, that it makes me wish someone had taken a firm editorial hand here. If this novela were half as long, it might have been twice as good. And if it were a movie, it might have been great.

I suppose that making this series was cathartic for the filmmakers and perhaps replaying the story in detail is cathartic for Colombia.


Thanks so much for the recap, Jean. You are so right about the completely ridiculous trials we're treated to in telenovelas. Whoever is the nasty one: the prosecutor OR the defense attorney testifies like mad about hearsay evidence. The judge does nothing except warn the Reptile.

I feel a little better about Camilo's chances for surviving now. When they killed off Lorena, I was thinking he'd die impersonating Luis. But now that he and Clara seem to have a spark, he has a better chance to make it to the end.

A while back Jean predicted that FF wouldn't be able to walk in high heels. Bingo!

I'm looking forward to the bachelorette party and hope it isn't interrupted by an attempt on FF by some thugs. Thinking about it, that's probably a 70% likelihood of happening!

I think the little girls giggling over la tía de la selva's novios is very cute and actually realistic. Young girls do get very interested in that sort of thing. I remember being VERY intrigued by my older sister's boyfriend.

Every time I see Sam calmly sitting there in her office talking with Esteban, I can't believe it. She KNOWS he hid Nico being her child from her. She KNOWS he spied on her, even in the bathroom. This just makes no sense.


Welcome, Pari Panahi and Jody Kolmen. We always like to see new commenters here!

Jody, I'm not aware of anyone watching El Secretario, but feel free to post things. There are always more people reading than post, so you might have some fans.

We do normally put the name of the telenovela at the top of each comment because there is more than one Telemundo novela being addressed each day. This way it's easy to find the one you're watching each day.


Excellent recap Jean! My laugh out loud moment last night was when the Reptile was testifying and being all crazy and the camera pans back to the spectators in the courtroom, JM's mouth was a perfect O of shock and horror. It was hilarious, but really, everyone's mouths should have been open at the ridiculousness of it all. Glad it ended quickly.

Good question about why Sam just hangs out casually with Esteban after knowing the creepy/evil crap he pulled. Nora's comments about and reaction to the Reptile being sent to the manicomio also had me scratching my head. What does she expect to happen? The Reptile is serial killer with no remorse, and the intent to kill again. She's lucky to not be on death row!

Nice to see Camilo with a love interest. Too bad she's pregnant and caught in D8D's web of lies.


Jody- I have seen this show twice, and if I'm ever working from home in the afternoon, I watch. It's cute, and so is the main galan and the chemistry between the leads. The little girl is adorable.

Thanks, all.
I agree that his encounter with Clara is good news for Camilo's chances of surviving to the end of the novela. He can rescue Clara when she inevitably finds out about D8D's true nature.

I don't give them much space in the recap because they don't advance the story much but Violeta and Genesis are very cute with Miggy and the Tia de la selva.

If you had seen the previews, Novelera, you would know that there is a more than 70% chance of thugs crashing the despedido de soltera tonight!



Thanks so much Jean.

Totally agree that Sam "calmly sitting there in her office talking with Esteban" makes no sense! Why should she even see him?

Love the Genesis-Violeta-Miggy-Fabiola team. To me these scenes are the most interesting parts. Clever writing and excellent performance. I guess the writers are inspired by the great interaction between the four.



Thanks so much for the recaps!!!

I hope Clara gets more interesting and finds a backbone. I preferred Lorena, but at least Clara isn’t hopelessly in love with someone else and is obviously interested in Camilo, so that’s a plus. Otherwise she is a bit annoying and stupid. Has anyone other than D8D told her what a good person he is? Maybe she could actually ask those who have known him for a bit longer than she has. How about listening to what Sam has to say? (Also both Sam and Willy should actually warn Clara, especially since it’s now obvious that Clara has no clue about what’s going on.)

I also can't fathom how Sam is talking so casually to Jefe. It was quite striking in this episode, although he has been just casually hanging around anyway and nobody seems to remember what he has done or acknowledge it. (Seriously, he’s the kind of guy Sam and Willy shouldn’t want around Nico, who should be informed what a sicko the guy is) And then the creep wants to talk about his feeeelings and tries to look like a kicked puppy when talking about having their marriage annulled. UGH. I wonder if Jefe actually had it annulled. Sam should have just done it herself.

Sam's anti-drug lecture seemed to be for the audience, not Jessie, who obviously was very upset about finding them.

No matter how silly the trial was I still think Federico had a point about JM’s treating women crappily. Not that it justifies their actions following it, but I liked that at least someone pointed it out.

Vivi, I had the same laugh out loud moment!! :D

I hope we get some scenes with Fernanda at the psychiatric hospital before she escapes again.

Corazon Valiente
It was amazing watching the Reptile strutting in front of her captive audience (the jury), no handcuffs, just allowed to say her piece at length. No wonder JM's mouth was in that perfect "O" of incredulity, a look he captures very well! I am happy for Camilo, although some part of me still can't believe that Luis is actually dead. Also, since they played comical music when Rodrigo exited the Arroyo house last night, does that mean they won't kill off his character?
J in Oregon


There’s lots of humor in tonight’s episode, mostly about jealous men! Miggy tries to get Fabiola to change out of her sexy dress for the despedida de soltera party. She’s wearing a lot of makeup. She says she’s wearing the dress but leaving the high heels at home.

Rod tells D8D he’s having a hard time winning over FF and that she said she was in love with Miggy. He snarks that maybe they aren’t a bad pair: a gorilla and a little monkey. D8D tells him they’ll have to let Verdugo take her or they’ll be in trouble themselves.

We get a long, funny scene of Willy trying to talk Sam out of wearing her sexy mini-skirt. He suggests she wear her grey bodyguard suit! Then he seduces her while Arturo looks away, embarrassed. Later he tries to drape cloth on her like a sari, saying it’s the latest style in India!

JM has decided to take all the blame for what happened to Ángela. It all started with the adolescent bet to take Fernanda to bed. Because of all this, and because he loves her, it’s time to say goodbye.

Gus comes to the nuthouse to tell the Reptile that he’s well aware of her plan to pretend to be nuts. Her lawyer knew she’d probably not be safe in prison. He advises her to stay crazy because he’ll be keeping tabs on her mental state.

They’re doing the bachelorette party at Luna Azul. Nat, as the wife of the co-owner is hosting them. She and Cecilia declare a truce for the night. Miggy is hovering around, saying he doesn’t think Fabiola should drink. They throw him out.

Miggy hasn’t left, but is standing guard outside the club. He spies Willy sneaking up. Willy says he followed Sam and she had no idea. Miggy reminds him Sam is a pro, and Sam herself tells him the same.

Laura comes to give Gus his keys back, saying he hasn’t changed the locks. She wants to know if he and Angie are together. He tells her she only works with him.

Later JM comes into Ángela’s room. [How can she miss him if he won’t go away?] He says he was also responsible, not just Fernanda, because he wouldn’t believe her about being threatened to confess. He says they’ll set up shared custody of JC; that Génesis will visit her often; and Violeta will come to see him. Most of all he wants her to be happy.

After some glasses of champagne, the girls start counting lovers. Emma says only Pablo. Natalia lost count but thinks it’s slightly fewer than 100! Cecilia says nine. They are amazed to discover that Fabiola is still a virgin.

After another conversation with El Verdugo [guess they have a friends and family cell phone plan], D8D tells Rod that El V. thinks Rod is useless, but at least he’s not going to kill him. He says they’re going to grab Fabiola that very night.

Two guys get out of a black SUV and Miggy accosts them. Natalia runs out saying to let them in; they’re the entertainment! Willy is aghast at these guys. He tells Pablo over the phone that their muscles are like inflated chickens, while Miggy falls out laughing. Willy says they can’t let the women see these guys or they’ll suffer by comparison!

Inside at the party, Cecilia and Natalia rave about Miggy’s prowess in bed, causing Fabiola to drain her champagne flute. Sam tries vainly to slow down FF’s drinking. We are treated to the muscle bound guys doing their sexy strip. Pablo and Camilo also show up outside the club. Willy says they have to save the girls. He says that he’s the handsome one, while Miggy is the intelligent one, cracking Miggy up [and probably Gabriel as well].


Clara drops in on D8D. She mentions that she was talking with Samantha. He prohibits her from ever speaking alone with either Samantha or Willy. Clara got a look behind the mask. When he sees her face he starts talking his way out of it, telling her about poor little Bernie whose wife left him for a narco. He also says Sam and Willy are bad people. She buys it hook, line, and sinker.

Willy, Camilo and Pablo enter the club masked as the second wave of male strippers. They start dancing for the girls. Outside, two thugs come up and pull a gun on Miggy, but Gus has arrived just behind them. Miggy disarms one and Gus shoots the other.

Inside the club, Sam pretends to go for the masked cowboy. Emma pulls off Pablo’s bandana. Meanwhile Fabiola is wildly dancing holding on to the pole. Miggy grabs her and takes her home.

Nora tells Jessica she fell for D8D when she was Jessica’s age. But he was always after lots of girls. She kissed him, though, and then they stayed together.

Ángela dreams that the Reptile is about to kill her. JM comes into the room when he hears her scream.

Miggy puts Fabiola in the shower; but, of course, she pulls him in there as well. Passionate kissing – and then she tells him she loves him. He tells her not to love him; he doesn’t know how to love.

JM and Ángela tell the girls they’re separating, but they’ll spend lots of time with both of them.

D8D tells Rod that they tried to grab Fabiola but Miggy interfered. Rod: “Then she’s Ok?” Rod says he’s going to keep trying. Rod wonders about Clara, and D8D tells him he’s marrying her for revenge.

Alex calls Miggy from Colombia to warn him that El Verdugo is going to kill him. We see a male hand disconnect the call.

Nora confesses to Sam that she still loves D8D and is very ashamed of it.

Ángela brings Juan Cruz to Gus’ place. She tells him she probably hasn’t gotten her memory back for a reason, and maybe she and JM are better off apart.

JM comes to the police station and literally runs into Laura. She says she’s sorry he couldn’t meet her for coffee the night before, but how about dinner? He accepts with a sort of shy smile.

Rod shows up with one of those edible flower arrangements of fruit. Fabiola loves it. [They’ve really laid it on too thick about how much she eats.] She asks Rod to kiss her on the lips. He does so while Miggy glares from the doorway.

Esteban shows up looking like he might be ready to tell Sam about Clara. Just then D8D shows up with Clara. He tells Willy, Sam and Nora that they’re speeding up the wedding plans because Clara is expecting his child. Nora breaks a glass, shocked. Esteban shakes his head in amazement.


Kiko and Cain talk about their situation at Marcos Herber's house. They disagree a bit, so Kiko grabs a satellite phone and calls Pablo. Pablo is not happy to get this call, he'll call THEM when the time is right. And it's not right yet. Wait for now. After Kiko hangs up, Marcos sees the phone, pulls his gun, aims it at Kiko, who were you calling? Kiko gives some cock and bull, and Marcos calms down.

On the other phone, Pablo is calling Colonel Pendregal, the corrupt Colonel. Pablo tells him he needs to visit Crisantos Pérez in jail, and Colonel P says no prob.

Pablo and family, including both parents, are watching TV, which is saying that Ernesto Chacon is going to survive. Pablo's Dad declines Pablo's offer to move here to his son's “paradise”, he prefers living in Medellin where he's always been. He also remarks that those people who shot that ambassador are bad, killing is wrong.

Pablo and crew arrive at the jail, and Chili and Topo are allowed to enter through the back door. They have a little meeting with Pérez, in which they calmly inform him that he opens his mouth, his family, his entire “generation”will be wiped up. Pérez gulps.

Enelia has another talk with her son. Pablo, you may think your Dad is uneducated, but he actually has wisdom. Killing is NOT always the answer. Pablo thinks way back to when he was a kid, when his Mom said, if you want to be bad, do it right.

So guess what? Pablo takes this advice to heart. He tells Gonzalo that maybe Marcos Herber should live. Huh? Yeah, what we'll do is turn him over to the government. Just think. With a big capo like that, the government will crow about how happy they are, and probably lay off of us a bit, since they will have accomplished something. And we will have killed two birds with one stone, by getting rid of the Marcos Herber problem!

Chacon is recovering, and his daughter is on the phone with the Colombian President. Chacon writes down a message for his daughter to read (his wounds prevent him from talking). Keep after the extradition. The President hears this, but knows it's a tough road.

Major Aristides gives Pérez a written guarantee of safety for him and his family. But Crisantos isn't talking. I don't know Pablo Emilio Escobar! I don't know Pablo Emilio Escobar!

February 4, 1987. It's the day of Marcos' big party. As usual, he's shooting off his gun, there are silver platters covered with cocaine powder, everything's getting wild and crazy. As the Montoa brothers get in theír SUV's, Pedro isn't too happy about going to this party.

From his bathtub, Pablo calls Major Aristides. Major, I've got some very important information for you. Who is this? Look, do you want the info or not? Looks like Marcos might get quite a surprise at his party.


Great recap, as usual, Novelera.

Willy was so funny looking at Sam in her "mini falda" and asking "where's the bottom part?"

It definitely seems like Rodrigo is falling for FF for real.

Wouldn't even someone as dim as Clara think it was strange that D8D is claiming that he fathered her baby? She asked him to help her find the real parents of the baby she is carrying. D8D has not, that I recall, provided any reason why that should be a secret.

So Nora still loves D8D after all he did to her. I know that love on novelas is frequently presented as some outside force that happens whether the people involved want it or not but it seems ridiculous that a mature, intelligent woman like Nora could claim that she was in love with someone who only cares for himself like D8D.


That about sums it up, novelera. Thanks as always; to Jean and Hombre as well for all your tireless dedication.

Fabian Rios is forever amusing... he wanted to cover-up Sam w/ something that looked like a blanket and saying it's the latest fashion in India.

May I just say that everytime JM comes on screen, I always marvel at how handsome he is. 'shame though that his character (or is he just not a better actor?) is kinda weak, and that the supposed main protagonists (JM/Ángela) are upstaged by Sammy/Willy, even at the Premios tu Mundo show.

At this point, I'd rather see Ángela end up with Gus, and JM with Laura.

Novelera & Jean,

Thanks to you both for your great recaps; I haven't written for a few days.

Yes, JM is handsome, but you want to do him some harm because of his weird decisions and his treatment of Angela. Gus is presented as a much more mature person and the voice of reason.

There has been very little interaction between Angela and Violeta, but the girls seem to be having a great time with all that goes on in the house.

I saw only the beginning of the premios where Fernanda received her award; did Sammy and Willy receive awards as well?

Clara seems to have been cut from the same mold as Lorena - both strange and quite weak and/or helpless.

Thanks again.


Great recap, Novelera. I especially liked the friends and family cellphone plan line.

Floridia, Willy and Sam (the actors playing them) did win best kiss at those awards, and something else, too.

I don't see Laura as appealing at all. She may change, but so far, she doesn't act sexy, pretty or even intelligent, just a tough cop. Where's the attraction in that?

I agree that Gus is more sensible, but as we all know, these novelas want the crazy in love guy to win, not the sensible one.

Not only is Nora still in love with D8D, she also totally defends the Reptile. Did the writers finally drop that hint that Ofelia was the Reptile's mom when Ofelia got killed?

JM "just wants Angela to be happy". He "loves" her. Of course, that means they should split forever. Huh? Right, he's guilty about stuff that happened 15 years ago. But that had nothing to do with Angela. Get a grip, JM!


Thanks for the recap!!!

Clara is so damn stupid. That’s not even naivety; it’s just stupidity. She got a glimpse of D8D’s true nature and doesn’t question it at all or find it all suspicious that he doesn’t want her talking to anyone, who might have something to say about him? Yeah… I agree with Jean that it takes something to not even question why a supposedly good person would lie to everyone about his being the father of the baby whose parents he initially was so set on finding (and yeah,D8D hasn't provided any evidence for trying or.. anything).

I suppose the writers want to portray a good and sweet person like Lorena was supposed to be, before her character was trampled on… but Clara is just too stupid to be likable. She must be one of the most stupid characters in the novela and in this one that’s saying something. Lorena could be whiny, but at least she wasn’t such an imbecile and knew how to judge people a lot better.

Sam's annoyance with Willy's jealousy was annoying. She’s one to talk! She gets mad whenever Willy even talks to another woman. Watching strippers earns a punch in the face. But of course, different rules apply to Willy. Bleh. Also, Willy had a point. Sam was supposed to be guarding Fabiola, which she could have done in a less revealing/glamorous/over the top outfit and still be dressed for a party. How did she expect to do that in those heels and that dress? Besides, Fabiola got drunk anyway, so Sam didn’t manage to prevent even that. (However, I did sort of like the continuity with Sam’s amazing super power of never getting drunk)

I suppose JM and Angie will in the meantime have their little romances with Laura and Gus, but I too would probably prefer them with those two… however, since I know it won't happen, it's hard to root for them.

Emma really has no other (female) friends besides Miggy’s ex-lovers, his sisters and JM’s sister? That’s just sad… I don’t remember ever seeing her interact with them as friends, besides maybe with Fabiola. She's closer to the little girls, who weren't invited.

I like how Camilo somehow gets dragged into everything. He had no motive to go with Willy and Pablo... he just did anyway.

Well.. love has little to do with intelligence, but one would think that it would be natural to forever resent D8D after what he’s done to Nora. (Then again, even Willy loves his father, although he hates him as well…) Interesting that D8D seemed to have been Nora’s first love as well, and since she was just a kid (the writers really seem to like this parallel…)

Oh, and Willy and Sam also won "perfect couple" at that award thing (Of course they did. :) )

I'm glad for the perfect couple award; they are so much fun to watch, and we've had a good long time to watch them - not just at beginning and end. BTW Did they ever get remarried?

One would think that the tough madrina would have had plenty of time to sober up after her love affair with D8D.


Regarding Sam, please don't forget that Sam was always in love with Willy. In the meantime Willy was out there playing around and being a playboy. Didn't the story begin that he had to escape a crazed husband? I think it's good that Sam keeps her guard up around Willy. When they separated Sam was being followed around by the two stooges, but Willy went with anyone at Hello. So I think in this regard this TN, has stayed on point and it's why we have such a lovable couple, each knows the others faults and they accept it.


CORAZÓN VALIENTE - jueves - part 1

Because a World Cup qualifying match (Costa Rica v. Mexico) will be broadcast on Telemundo tomorrow night at 8, CV will be on at 7pm EDT. My DVR knows.

D8D tells Sam and Willy a load of tripe about how how happy he is and how he is looking forward to having a baby at his advanced age. Esteban asks Clara to say something and she replies that D8D changed her life. Willy tells his father that he hopes he will be a better father to this baby than he was to him and the Reptile.

As FF no doubt intended, Miggy catches her kissing Rodrigo.

It wasn’t Verdugo, whom we still haven’t seen, who catches Alex warning Miggy, it was some other bad guy. He says that he won’t tell in return for sex and warns her not to try and warn Miggy again - he is a dead man.

Camilo tells Miggy that he has a meeting with Dante to set up a big drug deal. Miggy tells Camilo and Pablo about the call from Alex. They tell him to let Gustavo know.

Rodrigo tries to tell FF that Miggy isn’t the guy for a young girl like her but FF replies that she doesn’t care if Miggy never loves her - she adores him and always will.

Angie is working in the bakery and Gustavo says that she seems sad. Angie tells him that she is separating from JM and Gustavo suggests that maybe she is sad because she loves JM and doesn’t want a separation.

In a product placement, JM and Laura eat at a Subway and comment about how fresh and good the food is there. Laura tells JM that he will get over losing his true love. She did and is now ready to love again.

Willy wishes D8D happiness as long as he stays away from him and Sam. D8D replies that Willy doesn’t have to worry about him going after Sam anymore. Now Willy only needs to worry about El Jefe.

Miggy mocks Rodrigo to FF and she asks why. She says that Miggy has declared that he can’t love her and why shouldn’t she be with Rodrigo who can love her.

El Jefe tells Sam that he doesn’t think D8D is over her but won’t say why, of course. He has brought her an invite to a bodyguard agency convention in Berlin. Sam says that she has always wanted to go to this conference. [Why does Sam always have to get this kind of information from El Jefe? If she knows about the organization, why isn’t she a member so she would get her own invite?] El Jefe goes to say that attendees never bring their spouses to this convention.

Angie shows up at Willy’s house and says that she is going to live there.


CORAZÓN VALIENTE - jueves - part 2

I didn’t quite catch what Laura said to JM about the great love of her life. It sounded like she was talking about Duval but it must have been Gustavo because he comes into the room right on cue

Back at the office, Clara asks D8D why he said that her baby was his. He says that he needs a family, blah, blah, blah. Then he gives her a credit card. She virtuously says that she will only use it for medicines and things for her Dad. [She should definitely use it to get her hair done!!]

Miggy sees FF in a wedding dress. Apparently, she is trying it on for Emma. [It’s the day of the wedding - kind of late to be deciding on a dress and anyway, FF would take a much smaller size than Emma.] Anyway, Miggy resorts to his usual mocking response and then says that he made fun of her because otherwise he would say that she looks divine, like a princess.

Sam lets herself be manipulated by El Jefe into deciding not to take Willy with her to Berlin. [As we have asked so many times - why does she even listen to a word he says?]

Willy gets notice that the Reptile has has a psychotic episode that involved screaming and running around in her bra.

Emma is freaking out with the pressure of organizing her wedding. She and FF are going to a spa to have a massage.

D8D warns El Jefe not to tell Sam and Willy that they are the real parents of Clara’s baby.

JM and Angie agree that they need to separate while obviously dying to kiss each other.

Willy and Nora go to the psychiatric hospital to see the Reptile. She tells Nora that she isn’t her mother, Ofélia was.

There’s a lot of silliness in the spa about getting massages. Sam shows up to bodyguard FF. Miggy is going to get a massage, too and he is in a terrycloth robe when two guys, also in terrycloth robe produce knives. There is a fight among bathrobe guys. A woman at the spa tries to abduct FF but Sam stops her. Scratch another of Verdugo’s plans.

JM and Angie lips says that they shouldn’t be together but their bodies have other ideas and they finally have sex.


CORAZÓN VALIENTE - jueves - part 3

Miggy tells Gustavo that every time FF leaves JM’s house, somebody tries to snatch her. FF tells Miggy that she has the solution - she has been accepted into the army and starts basic training in a few weeks.

Camilo tells Dante and Jessie’s father that he has a big client and needs a lot of drugs. Dante replies that he can supply him.

Post sex, Angie tells JM that she feels guilty about Gustavo.

Willy finds the invite to the bodyguard convention. Sam tells him that she is going solo. Nic pipes up and says that El Jefe never brought Guadalupe with him to previous conventions.

Dante comes to see D8D and tells him that Camilo/Luis has a big client and that Verdugo may have to help out getting drugs to meet his order. While Dante is there, Nora arrives and tells D8D what the Reptile said about Ofelia being her mother.

It’s Emma’s wedding. Angie tells Gustavo that she and JM had sex.

Miggy is alone at the house with FF. He tells her that he doesn’t want her to go into the army as a little girl but as a woman - his woman and it looks like they have sex.



Ernesto Chacon leaves the hospital, mouth still taped up.

Pablo has given Major Aristides the info to catch Marcos Herber (anonymously). Major Aristides takes it to General Ulloa, who will organize the operation. He calls Colonel Pendregal (the one on Pablo’s payroll). He tells him we’re going to raid Marcos Herber. But before he can say more, Major Aristides puts up his hand, and Pendregal is put on hold. Look, says the Major, I’m not accusing anyone of anything (Pendregal), but the informant called ME, and I think that was done intentionally. He didn’t call Pendregal. So can my men just handle it? Ulloa agrees, tells Pendregal never mind. Pendregal then calls Pablo, they’re gonna raid Marcos, but they wouldn’t tell me more! Pablo says not to worry, we’ll handle it. Yeah, right!

Pati’s in the kitchen telling the cooks how to get the right flavor, when Pablo comes in, darkening her mood further. He dismisses the cooks, says what’s wrong, babe? She eventually gets around to saying it’s not easy being the wife of the guy which every newspaper says is a killer. Oh, really, say Pablo. You think I’m a killer? Let’s see your proof! Look, if you don’t like living here, what’s stopping you from leaving?! Later, Pablo apologizes for being rude. Pati says look, why don’t you just tell me the truth, the truth we both know. I can handle it. I’m no dummy. And for the hundredth time, Pablo takes a deep breath, and says I swear, I have not killed anyone. I’ll admit, some of my business is not what you call the highest moral standards (I guess he means drugs), but those rumors about me being behind the deaths of those people are all false. I STILL don’t think Pati is convinced, but what can a person do? Pablo would probably deny this stuff even if proof were shown, he was convicted, etc. (which probably never happens - we’ll see).

At Marcos Herber’s party, Kiko is putting some guns in a bucket. Cain, citing his bible, is letting people in, or maybe keeping them out, I’m not even sure. But we see the Montoas on their way, and Mariachi on his way. Gonzalo calls both, says we’ve heard they’re gonna raid Marcos, turn around. Both do. Mariachi is a bit more inquisitive, what are you doing to protect Marcos? Gonzalo says don’t worry, Marcos knows, and he’ll be okay (hah!). Marcos is starting to wonder if his guests are late. But he’s also enjoying himself, even cuddling up to a swimsuit clad young man, making us think he’s gay, or maybe bi, as he then calls up a woman friend.

The army helicopters take off, later land near Marcos’s compound. The major runs into a prostitute on her way in, and she agrees to help. She goes in, checks things out, and goes back out to the army guys. Everything appears normal, very few guards, and they’re partying, too. No, she didn’t actually see the boss. She agrees to help the Major with a map of the layout. Back in Bogota, we see the President and General Ulloa both anxiously awaiting the news.

Tonight - the raid! Will the army catch their pez gordo?


Hombre, I hope to catch up this weekend. This novela is piling up on the DVR due to watching the Democratic Convention and some Giants baseball.

I try not to read your recaps before I've seen the episodes. I love surprises!


Thanks for another great recap, Jean. The craziness continues. Is the Reptile really crazy? She sure looks so. But I'm almost sure SHE never knew Ofelia was her mother, only Ofelia knew. What's THAT all about?

I hope JM and Angela used birth control. Who am kidding, of course they didn't! And now that Miggy and FF are about to do it, do you think THEY'LL exercise caution? Fat chance.

I liked the Subway product placement. Very realistic situation. Not.

Emma's first wedding gown looked really good on FF. Then Emma got one instantly, which looked good on her. Sure is handy to have that wardrobe department there.

I also got the feeling that they were almost doing a product placement for the US Army. They sure made that basic training sound good for a person, although of course it's not easy.

Clara also saw Dante come in to see D8D, and she didn't like the looks of him. But will this make her any more way of D8D? Of course not.

I actually think Willy should trust Sam to go to that convention, but if he did, he wouldn't be Willy.


Thanks for the great recap, Jean.

I know it's part of the plot, but D8D continuing to show up and pretend Sam and Willy have any interest in what he does is absurd. Of course, their cold reactions to his baby announcement reinforced his BS to Clara that they're bad people.

Ángela is starting to annoy me. If she's said Estoy confundida once she's said it a hundred times. And who confesses a roll in the hay with another man to a man who loves you IN CHURCH! Plus she just announced she was moving into what is now Nicolás' house. Huh?

Kihaku, I see what you mean about Clara's stupidity. But I think it's meant to be a bit of a class thing. I suppose Clara is meant to be poor and not well educated, thus easily talked by Lorena into hatching Sam and Willy's baby. She became desperate when Lorena died, because the whole reason she did it was to get the bucks from Lorena. And we have the hackneyed extremely sick father to add to her motives.

And, Amen about the hair. I have a black wig just like that that I bought 15 years ago that serves for many Halloween costumes: witch, Spanish dancer, geisha. And the one on Clara's head looks just as phony.

Hombre, I agree, what's up with the Reptile saying Ofelia is her mother? Does she mean metaphorically? I still don't see how Nora could not know whether the snake was her own spawn or not.

Corazón Valiente -

thanks so much Jean !!!

and great comments all!

I'm waiting to see how the crazy Reptile thingy works out,
I keep remembering Ana Layevska in El Fantasma de Elena,
who's' craziness gave her super powers that let her escape once,
and later when caught and returned,
she allowed the doctors to believe that they had cured her,
and then she was released,
and we all know how clever the Reptile is,
just what is her plan...
(lucky for us she doesn't have a good twin that she could replace)

the whole drug thing seems to be hanging on a thread,
why doesn't any one know Luis is dead?
even D8D who knows everything, goes stupid on that,
and why is Camilo, who sold drugs to Dante, now he wants to buy them, what?
and Camilo always seems to be alone, with little or no backup, scary...
(I'm really beginning to appreciate Gabriel Valenzuela, Camilo/Luis, he is very versatile at playing the different roles, first as the ruthless Luis, then the gardener Camilo, and now as Camilo being Luis)
and we never see Victor and Jessica together,
and for some reason I keep waiting for that.

so happy Gus is running the police stuff,
Duval must be off pondering things,
must be nice for our good guys to have there own division of the LAPD.

I'm curious about Verdugo, the mysterious mafia guy that we never see,
there was a mystery mafia guy in El Fantasma de Elena, that we never did get to see,
and the one in Corazon Insiste, didn't show up till late,
maybe so they wouldn't need to hire an actor till later.
and did Nora have an affair with him, or something, that lead to her going to prison, ???
and was it Verdugo who changed his testimony, that led to her getting out, ???
Nora is losing her credibility by still loving Bernie, or to have even loved him in the first place.

anyway, these mystery guys sure are mysterious, and are getting to be regular novela characters.


Deb, my recollection is that Nora had the affair with Darío Sandoval. When D8D found out, he had Samantha kidnapped as a child to revenge himself on Darío. I thought he got his narco friend, presumably El Verdugo, to implicate Nora in drug trafficking and supposedly murdering someone. D8D has told everyone that Nora had an affair with a narco, but I think he's lying.

Corazón Valiente -

thanks novelera !!!

you are so good at answering everyone's questions,
amazing, how you can keep, especially a story like this one, straight.

I guess it's D8D's comments about her affair with a narco that is throwing me,
I'm just like one of the cast,
why am I believing what he is saying? lol!

I was thinking of the writers the other day,
they must come up with multiple scenarios,
for everyone that makes it into the script,

then the production crew adds their little twist,

and then the editors chop it around to suit,

as far as the story goes, the one we actually see,
it's no wonder the writers have a hard time connecting the dots.


Thanks so much for another excellent recap.

Why do Angela and JM try to stay away from each other? Both of them are behaving like crazies.

Sam has to go to Berlin with Jefe!! And Willy is Jealous! I can't believe they are still dragging this annoying triangle.

Seems that for some reason they have to have G. Valenzuela in the show. I like him as Camilo especially in the comic scenes. But this drug thing is nonsense. The big dangerous drug dealers know nothing about Luis' death...?! And what are they doing exactly? Does anyone care about it? Anyway I hope they soon will tie this plot up with El Verdugo and DD story to bring some action to the show.



I didn't know that they provided such fancy/sexy underwear to manicomio inmates...

This plot gets more convoluted each day, but there's always something happening, even if those things don't move the plot forward at all.


Thanks for the recap!!!

Yeah, it was silly that Sam didn’t know about the bodyguard convention. I guess it was just another reason to interact with El Jefe.

I agree with Hombre that Willy should just trust Sam. I didn’t get what the big deal was anyway. She can go to Berlin by herself. Okay, Jefe is going to be there, but although Sam talks to him as if he hasn’t done anything, she still isn’t likely to let him do anything else. (Unless he drugs her again) Willy will probably end up following her just in case, but I’d like for him to actually stay at home.

I also didn’t quite understand why Fernanda was rambling about Ofelia. I suppose she did mean figuratively, but Nora wouldn’t know that and this could set up the reveal.

Yeah, of course Clara doesn’t wonder why D8D associates with such unpleasant men. Sigh.

Novelera: Good point about Clara’s intelligence being related to her social class. It would make sense that she’s hanging on to D8D because of the support he offers. She wouldn’t even want to believe that he’s not her saviour.

Also agree that it was inappropriate of Angie to tell Gus about her and JM at the wedding.

It made no sense for Fabiola to try on Emma’s wedding dress. (Who lets others try on their clothes for them anyway? That’s just weird.) That dress was never going to fit Emma! It looked great on Fabiola, though.
(I guess Emma just bought a lot of dresses and then decided to decide on the right one at the last minute.)

Yup! Camilo as Luis has never made any sense. Apparently, not even Fernanda, who killed him, remembers that he’s supposed to be dead. Maybe since Luis has a tendency to come back from the dead, everyone believes that that's what happened. :P

Nellie: I’m pretty sure that Willy always loved Sam as well, which is why he only had meaningless sex and didn’t believe in love… until he met Sam again. He stopped being a playboy and only slept with someone if Sam dumped him, pushed him away or told him to get someone else (and then she got mad when he did what he was told). He didn’t even sleep with anyone else during the friends-with-benefits stage. I do like the couple and how they have obvious faults, but I felt that they were more equal at the beginning, before Sam lost her intelligence and became unreasonable, hypocritical and mean.
I don’t know what two stooges you’re talking about and what separation. El Jefe and D8D during the incest storyline? Because.. during that Sam treated Willy like crap and ended up marrying the other one of the stooges, whereas Willy declared he’d always love only Sam. Willy hasn’t given Sam a reason to keep her guard up and I’d like it if she’d trust him. Same goes for Willy as well. On the other hand, at least the jealousy from both sides is consistent.

(sorry for the delay on this recap. i was busy yesterday and didn't have time to post it until now. Jody/capitanajr/eeyore)

Felix and Antonia are having dinner together at a private dining room. Emilio arrives and meets up with Bedbug, Felix's ex-girlfriend. Mario spots them talking and walks over. He begins to argue and insult Emilio. They argue and Bedbug gets in the middle and starts to argue, in defense of Emilio. As Bedbug and Mario argue, Emilio sees Antonia having problems getting away from a drunk trying to dance with her. He sprints over and pulls the drunk man away. The man is belligerent. Emilio slugs him hard, sending him flying into a buffet table. Everything flies onto the floor as the drunk falls onto the floor and goes unconscious.

Mario has Emilio thrown out of the dining hall/mansion. At the entrance, Emilio tries to explain and Antonia tries to defend him. Mario refuses to listen and continues to grumble and defend the now unconscious man. Felix appears at the door and sides with his brother, Mario.

Felix walks Emilio down to the parking lot/driveway. Antonia tries to reason with Felix to let him stay. Felix lets his anger and frustration show and reveals to Antonia how Emilio has foiled another attempt of his to surprise her with his marriage proposal. OMG! Antonia is stunned and Felix explains. Antonia rejects the proposal. Felix, dejected, stomps back into the mansion.

Curious stranger approaches Felix and asks what happened? Felix grumbles to him about his frustration with Emilio Romero. Curious stranger remembers, in flashback, his meeting in prison with a man who also holds a grudge with Emilio Romero. When curious stranger leaves, Felix spots Bedbug staring at him. He asks why she is there? She says, flirtatiously, to see him, and walks away.

Felix is driving his car down the street; Bedbug sits beside him. He stops at a street corner and tells bedbug to get out. She refuses. He opens her door and pushes her out, she pushes him back. She uses her powers of seduction and hypnotism to convince him to drive her to his apartment/loft.



Antonia is playing one tequila, two tequila, three tequila, more with herself at a table for eight. Emilio and Mario stare at her, keep her company. She stands up. They stand and watch her twirl herself around the table and fall into the chair opposite where she had previously sat. She starts to drink wine. Mario starts his temper tantrum tirade against Emilio. Antonia tells him to shut up and go to his room. He turned his temper tantrum tirade against her. She glares and orders him to shut up and leave.

Mario leaves angry. On his way to the door, the curious stranger appears and gets him to grumble and give information on Emilio Romero. Mario tells him Emilio works at his business, Copito Enterprises, as a secretary. Curious stranger laughs about Mario's company having a male secretary. Mario is insulted and walks away.

Emilio has convinced Antonia to leave the dining hall. They sit down in the lobby. Antonia is clearly drunk, as a skunk, and almost tips herself off the bench. Emilio holds her upright - she likes it. She wants more tequila. He convinces her to let him get her some water. As he leaves her alone, Mario appears from his hiding place - he is spying on them.

(personal note: if this were a cartoon, Emilio would be the road runner, Mario would be wylie the coyote, and Bedbug would be Pepe LePew.)

Bedbug and Felix are in the apartment. Bedbug is in the mood for love. Felix only wants to vent his frustrations with Emilio. Felix realized he left Antonia at the dining hall and started for the door to go back there. Bedbug had to use even more of her powers of hypnotic reasoning just to convince him to stay put at the apartment.

Emilio is not carrying Antonia out of the mansion and places her in the backseat. Her legs are up in the air, and she says she doesn't want to leave. He apologizes for accidentally peaking under her dress as he climbs quickly into the driver seat. As he backs up and leaves, the headlights of the red VW bug turn on. Mario pops up behind the wheel, smiling and ready to follow Emilio.

Mario parks outside the gate as Emilio gets Antonia inside her home. She asks him about his girlfriend, Antonia. Frank mentioned it to her at the studio. Emilio smiles and explains he doesn't have a girlfriend at all. Lorena, his ex, was pestering him about his personal life so he told her he had a girlfriend. When lorena asked for a name, he blurted out the first name he thought of - Antonia.

Antonia and Emilio laugh. They continue to laugh, as Emilio tells her how Lorena went to his apartment, met Dona Gert his neighbor and now Lorena thinks she is Antonia, his girlfriend.

Emilio gets Antonia in bed. He kneels beside the bed. She hugs him and they kiss. She tells him she loves him. He smiles and holds her hand as she goes to sleep.

Mario is still on spy patrol in his VW bug. He watches Emilio walk out of the gate, tie off, shirt unbuttoned and smiling.


Next morning, Antonia straggles herself through her home, feeling the effects of a major hangover. She wonders how she got home last night. As she get to the stairs, she remembers "Emilio!" OMG! She thinks as she sits down on the stair.

Emilio has breakfast with Dona Gert. He tells her what happened with Antonia at the dinner party last night. Dona G wants to tell everyone, especially Antonia, but Emilio has to use his own powers of reasoning and convince Dona G to keep his secret - that he does have feelings for Antonia, but she's his boss and he has to keep things as professional as possible.

Meanwhile, Lorena fixes her daughter breakfast. Daughter is in a bad mood. Lorena tries to explain her decision to permanently refuse to allow Emilio to continue his visits. Daughter is angry, doesn't speak, just glares at her mom and runs from the room.

Meanwhile, our curious stranger meets with Omar, his friend/client in prison. He tells Omar, remember the sapo (toad) you told me about. Guess what? I found him. He's working as a secretary for Copito Enterprises. Omar gives him permission to do business with the company and get close to Emilio Romero.

Wearing big sunglasses and still feeling the after effects of her hangover, Antonia slowly, quietly walks into the office building. She gets on the elevator and says good morning to the others. As the doors start to close, Emilio yells to hold the elevator as he reaches his arm throw the doors to get them to open again. He sprints into the elevator, stops and sees Antonia standing there. They say good morning and watch the doors close.

(personal note: hello, ACME company, be expecting a large order for large heavy objects coming to you soon.)

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