Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Amor Bravío #72 (Uni 67) Tue 11/27/12 The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But the Truth; Cat Got Your Tongue?

Mariano joins Camila on the riverbank.  She doesn’t feel like talking.  He tells her it’s not necessary for her to say anything.  He swore he would be by her and he will.  He encourages her to go ahead and cry.  She tries to hold back, but her anguish is too great and she turns to him and cries as he embraces her.  So sad.

Vivi and Rafa’s place     
Viv and Rafa return and she notices at once that the lights are on, convinced it must be Bruno.  Aaron comes in from the back room and scares the bejesus out of them.  He tells them Ximena found him.  He had no idea where to go so he climbed in through a back window.  They all agree he can’t continue to stay at the Hostal.  Ximena is sure to blab to everyone she saw him there.  It’s agreed he should stay with them because he’s got a meeting with Dion in the next 24 hrs – reason enough for him to be there.

La Malquerida
Alfonso/Xi’s bedroom:  Alonso twirls a ringer (wedding band?) in his hands as Ximena comes in.  He wants to know where she’s been all day.  She explains she went looking for her brother, and she found him!  Her father had told her he frequently met him there and that’s where she found him.  “Daniel” shared with her that he no longer trusts their father because he didn’t leave La Malquerida and return to La Hostal as directed.  She didn’t get a chance to find out where he’s staying.  She’s so dense she thinks that because he’s angry with their father she will, in time, win his confidence.  Alonso complains that she should have followed him and convince him to work with her.  Ximena says she tried but he threw it in her face that she’s Alonso’s lover.  How can he trust her when she betrayed her sister? She explains he doesn’t approve of the relationship but he’ll soon realize they’re his only allies and he’ll soon come to trust them.  No one knows she’s met him.  He begins to rub her shoulders and suggest she not tell anyone she’s met “Daniel”.  Fingering the ring again, he tells her they must always be one step ahead of her father and Dionicio.  He has to talk to Daniel before anyone else. She agrees Daniel should only work with her and Alonso – no one else.  Together, they can make the most out of their relationship with Daniel.  Right, Sebastian? Ok, Bella.

Bulls being corralled – SALUD!

La Malquerida
Dion is on the phone with the Police Comandante, telling him one of his men saw Leoncerdo at a cabin near Aculco.  He gives the directions that the cabin is near a bosque (forest) on the way to D.F. and says he’s only interested in helping them capture the fiend. 

The nurse arrives to give D’Andres his meds --- but he’s gone!

Camila’s Cabin
Said  patient has arrived at Cam’s, still in hospital scrubs.  He enters her bedroom as she sleeps and calls her name.  She wakes up, surprised to see him there but she has no desire to speak to him.  She knows all there is to know and that he’s Daniel’s spy.  “You’re wrong.  I’m not a spy for Daniel. “   Cam continues to put on her robe,  “Por favor.”  He continues, “I am Daniel Diaz Acosta!”  She’s impactada!

At another cabin, near a bosque, on the way to D.F.
The flea-bitten varmint that is LeonCerdo is asleep when three burly men bust in the door and grab him.  He’s fighting back and we see Hissadora walk in, wearing gloves. (Darn, she’s taken off her Hitler Youth costume – it would’ve fit in so well in this scene)  Oh, this doesn’t look good for our resident creep.  She walks up to him and raises a very large knife and says, “I came to assure myself that you’ll never in your life talk again.”  Ooooooh

Back at Cam’s Cabin
“You’re Daniel? You?  I saw a photo of Daniel, and you’re not Daniel.”  He explains he used that photo to mislead (despistar) and protect himself so no one would discover him.   He swears he’s Daniel.  Andres Duarte was his cellmate who died when they escaped.  She doesn’t believe him.  It’s another one of his lies.  He swears it’s the truth and she must listen to him.  She angrily asks how he dares to tell her that now.  Does he realize how many times she told everyone he was a good man?  “You’re a liar, Andres – Daniel!”  She backs up to the wall and begins to cry as he drags himself to the lounge chair at the foot of her bed.  He wants to explain.  He swears everything he did had a reason and was justified. “What justification!” she screams, “what justification?  You have no explanation to justify what you’ve done, playing with me.  Of course,  you did it to claim your inheritance and so I wouldn’t throw you in jail.  You were only pretending.  It’s the only thing you do!”  She’s sobbing.  He tells her, feebly, that if he lied to her it was because he had no alternative.  She repeats that doesn’t justify anything.  That doesn’t justify playing/fooling with someone.  There’s no way.  He tells her he never played her.  His love for her is the most honest part of him.  She can’t believe he has the nerve to talk to her about honesty.  The only things he’s done this whole time is lie, even about who he is!  He says again he had no alternative.  He had to lie like everyone in this house – Alonso, Dionicio – who want to see him dead in order to claim the inheritance that her…….the pain stops him from saying any more.  She screams at him again,  “Again with the justification?  You don’t know how to do anything else!”  He agrees with her, he is justifying himself.  He apologizes but he has no other option.  He’s come to tell her the truth and he needs her to listen to him.  She tells him to scram.  “Largate!”  He agrees to leave and get out of her life if that’s what she wants.  But he won’t leave until he’s told her the truth.  Once he’s done that, she can do what she’d like, turn him over to the authorities, whatever. He reaches out to her and she tells him not to touch her.  She nods as though to say ok, she’ll listen and he acknowledges, “está bien. “

At another cabin, near a bosque, well, you know the rest
We see what I can only hope is LeoCerdo’s dead flea-bitten carcass.  The men ask Hissadora what she wants done with him.  She stands there with a bloodied knife and glove and instructs them to dump him on the roadside.  After they drag him out, the remaining goon tells Hissadora he’s surprised at her.  Few people are as cold-blooded as her.  Momma Kimodo wipes the knife on newspaper and explains one cannot have compassion with that class of people.  He agrees, comparing LeoCerdo with a ravenous dog who would respond viciously at any provocation.  (hey, that’s giving ravenous dogs a bad name, comparing them to LeonCerdo!)  Wow!  HAHAHA  Hissadora agrees with me!  She tells him not to offend the dogs.  LeoCerdo could have only hoped to be a dog.  He was nothing more than an odious rat.  (well, I think the rats would also be offended by that – Leo is in a class all his own)

Back at Cam’s Cabin
(There are a lot of flashbacks interspersed into Daniel’s explanation.  I chose to describe only what he says --  hope that’s ok) They’re both calmer now and he begins to describe his life in Chile.  He was having financial problems and had lost his job.  He was married to Miriam, they were in love and were about to have a child.  When he received the news he was to inherit some property, he was happy thinking all his problems were solved.  He thought of it as a stroke of good luck.  How wrong he was.  He never imagined this inheritance would end up ruining their lives.  Apparently it ruined many lives.  It seemed strange to Miriam and him that some stranger would leave him anything.  He had never heard of Don Daniel.  He explains how Don Dan investigated him.  He clarifies that he is not Don Daniel’s son.   Don Dan had his doubts but he’s perfectly certain.  Camila doubts him and wonders if he’s just saying this to justify having slept with his cousin.  She begins to get hysterical and he tells her that when he realized he was in love with her, he sent for DNA tests, using her hair strands.  She’s not placated.  She demands to know if he ran these tests before, or after they had slept together!!! He explains he did it for their peace of mind.  He didn’t want that to be a reason to separate them when they eventually had this conversation.  That’s why he did it.  He hadn’t planned on falling in love with her, and apparently she hadn’t either.  Agustina never thought that by asking him to protect Camila they would end up falling in love.  Camila lashes out at him, “I no longer love you.”  “Yes you do.” He replies, “You love me as much as I love you.”  “You have such a level of pride that you can’t accept it!  You’re arrogant!”  “It’s not arrogance, it’s love.  Please listen to me.  Everything I did, I did for a reason.  I did it to protect you.   Not just to protect me, but also to protect you.  Believe me.”  “Oh, ok,” she says, “so now that I stupidly believed you, you think you can sell me on you being the valiant prince who’s come to protect me.  Oh, please.  Go on, finish what you’ve come to tell me.  But don’t lie to me.”  He accepts that and understands.  He continues to explain how he found his wife being attacked at their apartment.  He assumes he was the one they had planned to kill but it was his child and wife that ended up paying for his inheritance.  They wanted to stop him from claiming his inheritance, at any cost.  He’s sure the assassin was sent from Mexico.  He had a tattoo of a scorpion on his neck.  That man was Julian, the man who was killed here.  Camila assumes he killed Julian.  He tells her no, he’s not a criminal.  He’s in a lot of pain.  She goes to comfort him.  He tells her it’s important to him that she understands he’s not a criminal.  He didn’t kill his wife and he didn’t kill Julian.  He repeats he’s not a criminal.  She stands away from him – thinking. 

Rafa and Vivi become aware that D’Andres is gone.  The doctor explains D’Andres’ condition is very serious and if he doesn’t continue to get his meds and antibiotics, he risks a very serious infection.  He asks them to be sure to get him to continue his meds if they should find him and oh, by the way, he also needs to settle his account or he can get into some serious trouble.  Haha, spoken like a true hospital adminsitrator.  Rafa and Vivi quickly surmise Daniel’s gone to see Camila.

Cam’s Cabin
Daniel continues his story, telling Camila  about Miriam’s brother’s prejudices against him because of his religion and how he accused him of killing her because of the life insurance, of which he knew  nothing.  After he found out Miriam had died, he got in with a group of prisoners who were planning a break.  Camila wonders why he didn’t come to her.  He explains he mistakenly thought she might be behind it all since she stood to gain from his death.  Camila is understandably upset.  He tells her how he tried to call her but ended up speaking with Andres, who hung up on him.  He knows now she was another one of Alonso’s victims.  The next time he tried, the number had changed as well as the ranch website.  Camila remembers when that happened.  He admits this all caused him to believe she was aligned with Alonso.  He’s sure she also doubted him.  He admits the reason he wanted to get close to her was because of the hatred he felt, his need for vengeance.  He wanted to win her confidence and then destroy her.  She can’t believe he has the nerve to tell her this in that manner.  He struggles to stand.  He reminds her she asked for the truth.  He’s not perfect, he made a mistake.  (Gasp! We see there’s blood seeping through his shirt where he’s holding his side.)  He was blinded by hate.  He had lost everything.  He was blinded by his thirst for revenge and he’s sorry.  She says,  “Well, you’ve achieved (lograr) your goal, you’ve destroyed me!  Right now I’m in pieces!”  He’s sorry to hear that because everything changed once he met her and he grew to know her and when he began to fall in love with her he realizes she is innocent.  She’s just another victim.  “And you realized this when you read my uncle’s letter,” she says.  He admits it.  She feels all this wouldn’t have happened had her Tío been able to tell her everything before he died.  He was only able to say Alonso’s name and nothing else.  Daniel says everything would have been much easier and they wouldn’t have had to suffer so much if they had only read that letter.  She repeats that yes, they’ve been through a lot.  He asks her to look at him and believe him that he’s grown to love her more than anything.  He loves her to point of sacrificing his own life if it were necessary.  If he didn’t tell her the truth, it was because he needed to protect her.  He couldn’t make her vulnerable in front of them.  And he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself if they were to kill her because of him.  “That’s the truth.  It’s my truth, do with it what you will.”  Eek, there’s more blood seeping through.

The hospital
Vivi and Rafa frantically make plans to find Daniel

Cam’s Cabin
She asks him to explain why Padre Baldomero’s asked for that letter of recommendation for him.   Daniel limps over to the bed and sits down and begins to explain.  Padre knew everything.  The letter from her Tio was left for Padre Baldomero and it included a picture of Daniel and that’s why he recognized him at the church.  He had no choice to come clean with the Padre.  That’s why when the death certificate for Daniel showed up, the Padre went to La Malquerida to confront Alonso and Hissadora and therefore signed his own death sentence.  He was murdered.  It was planned by Alonso and Hissadora.  He assures her they’re capable of that and much more.  They had LeoCerdo to their dirty work.    He reminds her of the day they learned of the accident and Alonso blurted out that the Padre had hit a tree – no one had mentioned that yet.  Camila remembers that now.  He also tells her of the paint chip on Alonso’s car that matched Padre’s pickup as well as LeoCerdo’s coat button near the car.  When the accident didn’t kill him, they’re the ones who made sure he would meet his Maker.  Camila can’t believe it.  He knows it’s a lot to take in but it’s important that she know the entire truth in order to comply with Tío’s wish to protect her.  Camila shouts at him, “I don’t need your protection!” “I’m going to do it anyway,” he responds.  “I’m not going to do it just because I promised him, but because I love you.  I love you, Camila.  I love you and I’m ready to die for you if necessary.”  Someone starts knocking on the door as Camila tells him the only thing she asked of him was to tell her the truth.  He knew perfectly well what her life was like and he should have know she would react this way.  He swears he was going to tell her the truth.  “But you didn’t tell me,” she shouts at him, “that’s the truth!  You didn’t tell me!  You still have a lot of ‘splaining to do!”  The knocking continues and she finally goes to answer (can’t believe the door is actually locked!).  It’s Luzma coming to tell her that Andres has escaped.  They hear a crash coming from the bedroom.   Daniel has collapsed!  Camila goes into veterinaria mode.  She checks his wound and finds it has opened.  She tells Luzma no one can know he’s here.  She asks Luzma to bring her the botiquín (first-aid kit) and starts to provide first aid. 

Notario’s Office
Sorry, can’t remember his name – Hissadora’s crooked attorney – his secretary comes in with a notice from the Colegio de Notarios (attorney’s association???) saying he must present himself before them regarding a criminal charge (denuncia penal) raised against him.  He asks to be left alone.  He quickly scans the documents then pounds his fist on the desk.  “Maldito Becerra!”

Cam’s Cabin
Daniel is tucked into Camila’s bed.  Luzma noticed Cam called him Daniel and admits she’s known for some time that his real name is Daniel.  Camilas is understandably surprised and upset.  Luzma explains she found out because of the letter from Don Dan that LeoCerdo had asked her to read him (the illiterate oaf!)  She explains she didn’t really read what was in the letter and made LeoCerdo believe it was nothing more than a love letter.  She didn’t say anything at the time because Camila was in the hospital.  Daniel swore her to secrecy, saying Camila was in danger.  He told Luzma he would eventually tell Camila the truth, and she sees he has.  He was only trying to protect her, he loves her so much.  Camila wonders who else knows.  Luzma doesn’t know of anyone else.  She wonders if they should take Daniel to the hospital.  He looks pretty bad.  Camila says that can’t be done.  The police are waiting for Andres Duarte to appear before them to give them a statement along with his identification.  If the police figure out that Andres is Daniel, they can end up putting him in jail.  Another knock on the door.  Luzma’s sure it’s Rodolfo coming about some issue with the bulls.  Camila tells her to have him take care of it and not to say anything to anyone.  Luzma promises she won’t.  After she leaves, Camila says to the unconscious Daniel, “So you trusted her more than me?”

Slow speed chase
A cop car comes crawling up the lane.  It goes into a field where two cops discover LeoCerdo’s body.  Bloody hell, he’s alive!  They radio into headquarters saying there’s no evidence of a gunshot wound or a knife wound.  Upon closer inspection, one of the cops realizes his tongue had been cut out!!!!  Le cortaron la lengua! EEEEEEWWWW. 

La Malquerida
“Buenos Días,” Camila greets Dionicio at the breakfast table.  He’s traded his “Dinero” paper for the “Global” paper.  He asks how “it” went.  She responds, “LeoCerdo won’t be talking anymore.”  He gets the impression that she enjoys (gozar) death and suffering.  She’d be lying if she told him that wasn’t so.  There’s something in that moment that makes her feels powerful.  She caresses his face and warns him to be careful because she’s capable of anything.  He grabs her hand and tells her these threats are of no use.  She knows perfectly well of what he’s capable.  The difference between them is that he doesn’t get his hands dirty.  Ximena can be seen eavesdropping --- does she look scared?  Hmmmm


Dion is aware Daniel’s (Andres) is out of the hospital.
Cam tells Raf and Viv that what they and Daniel did to her is unforgivable!


The Truth? This had to be one of the most dramatic, heart-wrenching scenes between lovers in a telenovela I've ever seen. My heart was aching for both of them. And, contrary to what we have come to expect, Camila actually listened to Daniel.

Paquita--I'll read the recap tomorrow. I know you've done it justice.

Gracias, Paquita. Perfect title (except we don't want to insult cats). I was waiting for this (and maybe this is why I couldn't sleep). You will need to check a couple of names for correction.

I was so hoping that Hissadora would do a Lorena Bobbit on Leoncerdo, but cutting out his tongue was very smart. Since he now can't talk and he is illiterate (I wonder whether she knew that) she and El Diablo are safe for a while.

I wonder whether he had any serious cash hidden in his former quarters at La Malquerida or whether he drank it all already. It will be interesting to see whether that is investigated.

At least now that Leoncerdo is in the hands of the police Luzma will not have to worry anymore.

While we flies on the wall know that Daniel's intentions were honorable and his actions justified, I totally understand Camila's distaste about being protected. She is not some stupid, weak woman who lives for being rescued by Sir Lancelot, Rhett Butler, or James Bond. She also feels her intelligence is being insulted and that always hurts.

Teresa had better get her butt down to Chile ayer to clear up these issues and find out what really happened to Miriam. She will probably get a beaurocratic runaround for several episodes before getting any real information.

Thanks for the recap. I could not understand the Spanish when Isa had the knife except for the phrase not doing it again. I was cheering her castration.

Now, I wish I had been right.

Boy, talk about an episode that twisted you. I actually was a bit bored by the flashbacks during the truth-telling and then, bam, there is Isa with a knife.


Thanks so much Paquita. What an episode! I was on the edge of my seat.

Poor Camila. As the story unfolds and is ever more believable to her, it must seem so weird and hurtful that she -- who holds the whole place together -- isn't in the know. She's going to have a chance to duke it out with Daniel about the details and the secrecy as she nurses him. I hope that she can find a way sooner rather than later to forgive Vivi.

Camila's estrangement from Daniel certainly took an unanticipated turn last night. However much she finally pulls away, it will be with knowledge of what happened. This won't be a case where she learns the whole story in the novela's final episode. One possibility is that she gets back with Daniel or at least close, when circumstances in Chile, probably with Miriam, separate them. Just wondering how the TN law is going to separate our lovers for a while.

Talk about no honor among thieves. So Dio sends the cops to get Leo, knowing that Isadora is going to do him serious damage (ick) and could either be at the cabin or leave behind evidence. Ximena and Alonso are now on their own confused track. And the pretty Isadora looks like a twisted witch as she talks about her love of violence and power.

Paquita- You did a fantastic job retelling last night's dramatic events. Make sure to go back and change some of the misplaced names. Wouldn’t want any future readers to think that it was Camila who cut out Leo’s tongue!

Anita- I so agree with you. That was one of the most heart-wrenching scenes between a tn main couple that I have seen. Both spoke from the heart and told the truth about what they were both feeling. Hopefully, soon Cami will be able to see things from Dan's point of view, but at this point the hurt and sense of betrayal is too fresh for that. At least she's willing to listen and that's a huge start.

I like that Cami is now in the position of caring for Dan and protecting him while he heals. I thought it was funny how ticked off she was about the whole "what does it matter if I had our DNA checked before or after I slept with you?" thing and unconvincingly said she didn't love him anymore, but then immediately rushed to his side in concern when he looked like he was in major pain.! She looked like the Terminator when she walked into that cabin. I think Omar was turned on by the whole thing. Plus, he's probably really happy to not have to babysit that disgusting drunk anymore. In Monday's episode, Dio had said that they couldn't just kill Leo. Turning him in would work more in their favor, but how do they do that AND make sure he didn't rat them out? Well, we got the answer last night. And now we also see why Leo’s illiteracy has been made such a major plot point. Couldn't have happened to a better slimeball.

Xi’s eyes in that final scene looked like they were filled with fear. And she should be afraid if she’s doing business with Isa and Dio!


I was expecting a positive reaction from Camila when Daniel told her the truth, but I guess not. But I understand her reasons for being upset.

Seems like tonight's episode is really going to be a heart-wrenching one. Hope Viviana and Rafael come up with a good excuse.

If Teresa wants to find out the truth, she better get down to Chile and find out the truth. I don't think Miriam is alive, because I doubt her brother would lie about her being dead. But he hated him for his religion, I understand.

Miriam's brother is such an a*******. I wonder if Teresa will meet him face-to-face once she goes down to Chile. If she does, I hope she doesn't believe his stupid version of events.

Serves her right. Ximeana is now seeing what could easily happen to her if she crosses Hissadora.

Who does love meting out pain and death. She almost had an orgasm during the murder of Padre Baldomero.

Camila need to calm down and realize that neither Daniel, Viviana, or Rafael intended to insult her with the secrecy. Had she known that Daniel was in the country illegally she could have gone to prison for hiring him. But the control attempt by Alonssso has cut deeper than we -- or she -- realized.

Haven't read the recap yet, but from the comments it looks like I missed a good one! Can't wait to see it.


Great recap, Paquita! I felt a little impatient when Camila continued to be furious with Daniel as he was pouring his heart (and his blood!) out to her. However, I also felt that her anger and stubbornness were understandable and, in fact, made her a more interesting character. But it's not going to be easy for her as she comes to realize how many people were aware of Daniel's identity when she was not.

Hissadora's solution to the He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named problem caught me by surprise. Wow, what a psychopath! I'm glad that Ximena overheard the conversation between Hissadora and Dionisio. That should make for some interesting developments.

I probably shouldn't admit this, but when I went to bed last night, I kept thinking about Hissadora's solution, and it seems to me that it's not so foolproof. I tried immobilizing my tongue and saying "Isadora," and I came close enough to think that H-W-S-N-B-N could cause her problems if he survives and is questioned by the police.

Rafa & Vivi (and Dan if he's able) need to tell Camila that:

a) Isadora is behind the bull attack which was meant to kill her so La Mal could pass to Alonso

b) Dionisio has had men following Rafa & Vivi and even confronted them in their house

c) Rafa overheard Dionisio telling somebody on the phone that Andres can't leave the hospital alive

d) They need to tell about Aaron & Beccerra's involvement in the situation (and Amanda, too ...she can tell Camila that "Dionisio Ferrer" is not his real name...she doesn't know his real name but married him as "Hector Gutierrez" and that he's Natalia's father...but Natalia doesn't know this)

Right now Camila is thinking this is all a trick and a game to hurt her. The Justice League needs to impress upon her that it's NOT a game...people are getting killed and hurt over this quest to get rid of Dan & Camila and get their hands on La Mal.

And somebody needs to let Camila know that quite frankly, Ximena & Gussie are in danger:

If Camila remains the presumptive heiress to La Mal (if Daniel Diaz Acosta can't claim it) and "something happens" to Camila, the property would pass to Augustina & Ximena...if "something happens" to Ximena and Augustina ends up the sole heir to La Mal and she's married to Dionisio, HE ends up with La Mal.

Or, since Ximena is the half sister of Dan, doesn't Camila think now that she & Alonso are divorced he would marry Ximena for control of La Mal like he married HER for control of La Mal?

Camila is in rage & betrayal mode, which she should be, but she needs to switch to survival mode and quick.

Ooopsies! Went back and corrected the names. Guess I was too anxious to get back to Camila. Thanks for pointing it out!

Speaking of Camila -- i don't blame her for being pithed. I'm sure the writers will keep her angry for some time. This will give Dion and his gang time for more hijinks.


Paquita thanks for the thorough recap as Cam and Dan's conversation was quite intense.

I thought Isa had killed Leo then I realized what she did. Wow. Though Bobbitting him would have been a good payment for his transgressions, this does work for Isa.

Xi should be very afraid; she's not playing with silly amateurs. Her new family members are stone cold killers and she and Mommy are high on their "to do" list.

ITA w/Anon207 list of what the Justice League needs to do. However they may have to wait until Cam calms down. My guess is that Beccerra's anvil may come to pass and that will force her to realize how high the stakes are in this crazy death match.

Dan can tell her about A and D; Rafael has to tell her about B and C.

Camila is only the heiress presumptive if Daniel renounces any claim to the property, which he will not do now in order to protect her. Whether the masquerade continues from this point on is a good question that we will soon get the answer to but he is now physically vulnerable and that's not good.

Teresa needs to kick butt in Chile so Daniel will be safe from extradition. However, my guess is that Miriam is still alive and that will keep Daniel and Camila apart rather than other issues.

Someone needs to disabuse Ximeana of the idea that she is entitled to anything about La Malquerida.

Paquita - Great title and recap. Thanks for the vocab.

I've been thinking Hissadora was the smartest of the Council of Evildoers, but now I’ve no doubt that she's also nuts (I should’ve realized this when she suffocated the Padre) and that will be her undoing. Dio's smarter because he's got the good sense to delegate; he's after money and power - period - and not getting his yah-yahs through violence.

I'm thinking Camila will become an active member of the Justice League but keep Daniel at arm's length. Daniel relating his story to Camila was moving, but his explanation on the alleged cousin thing and the DNA timing was laughable.


Niecie- Yeah, Dan's "que mas da?" (what does it matter?) answer to the sleeping with you before I knew for sure we weren't cousins question was laughable. Let's face it. Dan is a man, with desires. His little brain (the one in his pants) took over in the moment, and he likely had all his fingers and toes crossed hoping that they weren't cousins while they did the deed. It sure as hell WOULD have mattered had the tests come back positive, which I'm sure is what Cami was thinking as she gave him that major stink eye when he said that.

The irony for Camila was in one minute she's yelling at Dan for lying to protect her and the next she's doing exactly the same thing by lying to protect him. Cam is justifiable in her desillusion about the lie but it will become tiresome if she hangs on to her pride and doesn't forgive at least Vivi pretty soon.

Issadora is just plain psycho;at least she's honest and embraces her evilness; but Dioni pontificates and lies and lets his minions do the dirty work. So far there's no proof connecting him to any wrong doings--he can spin this thing anyway he pleases and comes out without a dent.

Caray is my daily therapy session thanks to all the wonderful recappers and different voices from the commenters.

Paquita great title and wonderful recap.


Comments from yesterday:

Vivi: Thanks so much for the music info. I’m going to check out those links. I miss CME ☺. I didn’t realize that there were so many songs per couple! I love the theme of CME—it’s one of my favs (still kicking around using it as my ringtone if I can ever justify the expense to myself).

Anita: you’re absolutely right about Isa. I was just thinking it would serve her right to fall in love and not be in total control.

On to today's comments:

Anon207: Awesome recap of what Cam should be told.


Vivi: “which I'm sure is what Cami was thinking as she gave him that major stink eye when he said that.” I love the stink eye!!

Wow, wow, wow. What an episode and a great recap to go along with it.

I think the turning point for Camila was when Dan told her about the phone call he made and Al answered it and then when he tried to call again, he said that Al took the phone number off the website. She knew Al never told her. Also, that Dan knew that detail, and second, it proves Al's complicity in his story. But what Cam is so mad at is that he didn't tell her the truth from the beginning. Once he, and Viv, and Rafa and everyone else who knew tells her their reasons for keeping things from her, she will finally realize that it really did make sense to keep it from her. Hopefully, that won't be too far into the future.

Now, the tongue thing caught me completely off guard. Never expected that. That kind of dismemberment is the act of a real sick puppy. And it will only turn Dion on even more.

PdelB - Thanks for the recap of such an intense episode. I said this yesterday but I will whine one more time... pulleeeze don't drag out the Camila betrayal theme. Let TN law be broken ... IMO it will get very tiresome hearing her cutting off all explanations by reasonable people and seeing the sob sessions with Mariano.

PS - Picky little detail, but at the end of the recap it is Isadora, not Camila who comes in to tell Dio that LeoSOrdido won't be talking anymore.

Mena: I hope the same re: the long drawn out separation because of the deception. I hope it's like UA said: if we're going to get a separation, let it be because Miriam is alive. I like that better than the staying mad part for upteen episodes.

Paquita, thanks for such a wonderfully complete and detailed recap. It is marvelous.

I have to give Hissadora credit. She cuts a guy's tongue out without getting bit and no blood spatters beyond her latex gloves. And the fact she is a dog lover is truly endearing. What a gal!

Did anyone notice during the Salud! bull scene there was a dachshund running around chasing them too? Definitely an ambitious little thing.

Barbra - LOL, I saw the little doggy too. I was thinking the same thing about this little doggy's ambitions!

Nanette - Glad to know someone agrees. Your comment reminds me of a question I have had for a long time. Miriam's brother said a long time ago to Daniel that she was dead. Why is there an idea that she may not be dead? I have never understood why that theory even came up? Any and all comments?

Great recap! I missed the episode, but I'll make sure to watch those good parts.

I wonder why Isadora isn't afraid of Leo coming after her. He's still mobile, isn't he?

Also, no one seems to be concerned about the danger that Aaron has taken on by posing as Daniel.


Mena- Unless someone dies on screen in a telenovela, then you can't assume they are dead. Plus, no one else told Dan about Miriam's death or spoke of it. We only have one person's word to go on, and that person hated Dan with a passion and wanted Dan locked up and as far away as possible from his sister. That's why there is a good chance that Miriam is still alive (likely in a coma as her baby grows inside her).

I was surprised to see Daniel say that his brother-in-law Abe hated him because of his religion. It seemed to me that Abe always thought Daniel was after Miriam's money and when she got killed and a big insurance policy was made out to Daniel, he was sure he’d been right.

Niecie- He actually did mention that. He said Abe hated him for his (social) position and his religion.

Viv inDC, Thanks for clarifying TN rules to confirm death. This makes little sense to me, but I trust your experience and TN wisdom.

The brother, Abraham, may have hated Daniel, but he was a self-righteous police authority, so why create a punishable lie? And who else would have told him? I don't remember any friends or family associating with him after her death before during or after he went to jail. In fact, the one guy he tried to call was out of reach for a month.

I know I know, TN law ... but a stretch in the writing IMO!

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Abe threw Dan in jail without any due process, so he was already bending, if not breaking, the law to get him out of the way. Telling Dan a lie about Miriam being dead really wouldn't be any more difficult. It's not like there were ever any real/legit charges against him. They just kind of threw him into the prison system with the hope that he'd get lost in there. In LatAm prisons, it is very common to get put into prison, without any real charges and without any real way of getting out either.

Abraham hated Dan because he wasn't Jewish and he thought Dan was after Miriam's money.

There is no proof that Miriam is dead other than what Abraham told Dan at the prison.

There seems to have been no gunpowder test done on Dan which would have proven he did not shoot the gun.

Dan's friend Dante told Abraham Daniel had no reason to kill Miriam for money because he was coming into a huge inheritance from Mexico and was going to leave the day after the shooting to claim it.

Dan converted to Judaism and was on his way to claim a huge amount of money, which were the two "objections" Abraham had to Dan, and Abe doesn't care because he wants Daniel away from Miriam.

I'm betting Teresa finds all this out plus the fact that Miriam is still alive when she goes to Chile.

If Miriam IS alive, that really puts Dan in a bind because he loves Miriam but he also loves Camila. Which one will he choose and would Miriam even want him back? Could he even go back to Miriam, with what happened with her brother?

If Miriam is still pregnant it gets even stickier because Daniel's not going to abandon his child...but Miriam still may not want to be with him. Or maybe she would, seeing the whole situation as her brother's fault?

Thanks for a terrific recap of a heart wrenching episode. Even though Cami's pain is understandable and justifiable, I was thrilled that she was at least willing to listen to Dan’s side of the story. Even though she couldn't hear me, I thanked her for that as well as for looking after him when he fell.

But I’m curious, now that Dan's got the bed, where is Cami going to sleep? Will Piedad prepare his meals? Will Cami pay his hospital bill?

Although my predictions seldom work but I'm predicting that both Miriam and the baby are really dead. Although a different scenario in which Dan would be so in love with his wife only to find a greater love in Mexico would work in real life, it seem a bit complicated for a tn. Dan was still very much in love with Miriam when he left Chile. Although death would resolve that relationship and free Dan to fall in love again, If Miriam is alive Dan would have to divorce her in order to marry Cami. I don’t see the point of the writers inserting that complication it wouldn’t be fair to Miriam, or Dan or Cami who now believes that his wife is dead.


There was a gunpowder test because Daniel was trying to get the gun away from Julian when it went off. There was some powder residue on Dan's hands, but Julian was wearing gloves. Even had he been caught it's likely that Daniel would still have taken the heat.

If Miriam is in a coma but still pregnant (how much time has passed since Daniel's arrest?) we have issues. If the baby has been born Abraham would have it and Daniel would have a hell of a time getting custody. If Miriam is in a coma that puts Daniel in a tricky legal position even if his innocence is proven.

At any rate I hope they don't keep us waiting too long for this.

We just need Teresa to get down there so that we can find out what the heck is going on in Chile with the case, with Abe, and any news about Miriam, the baby and how/when/if they passed away.

There will be no weekend topic posted this Friday due to the Friday finale of Refugio and the double header of opera I have this weekend (Friday night and Saturday afternoon).

Since someone has mentioned an original way to interrupt a wedding, we can come up with plenty of examples of Bodas Interruptus for a topic to be posted on the 7th.

The problem with the villains in this TN is that their plots make absolutely no sense. They are trying to sell a ranch that they have absolutely no way of making a claim on--they don't have any kind of halfway plausible scheme for getting their hands on it. (The only decent idea they ever had was Isadora's plot to forge Camila's will and then kill her.) Those investors shouldn't waste one minute talking to any of them; any of the investors stands an equally good chance of getting a hold of the ranch on their own--that is, zero. The ranch belongs to the mysterious Daniel, and none of them have any bargaining power, anything to offer him, any reason on earth why he should make a deal with them. (And because of this they themselves should be highly suspicious at any overtures from Daniel at all--why on earth would he want to deal with them?)

In so many other ways I like the plot of this one. I like the fact that they avoid the usual cliches--that Ileana still hasn't got her hooks into Pablo, that Luzma ended up telling about the rape pretty fast, that the good guys exchange information with each other (with everyone except Camila, that is), that Camila is actually listening to Daniel, and that all the good guys seem to have brains (except for that thing about keeping Camila in the dark). But it seems as they decided to skimp on the script-writing budget as far as the villains were concerned--they put no thought, no effort into coming up with any kind of logical schemes. The villains know no secrets, have no leverage whatsoever--good grief, Alonso isn't even married to Camila any more. (Oops--I guess Dionisio could still harm Agustina, and that will give him some power over Camila, but that's all he's got. And Isadora and Alonso have zilch. And all Ximena has is that Camila probably won't let her starve or go to jail.)

UtahDesert- I think the villains initially thought they had a simple plan. Don Daniel was an old sick man who was going to die soon (or they would help along) and his only heir was a weak/heartbroken young women who was going ot be easy to manipulate and/or get out of the way. It was relatively easy to use her grief to get her married to Alonso. Easy as pie. They signed a contract with the developers, which was pretty easy to do as Alonso was the manager of the ranch and could make it look like he was acting on behalf of the owner of the ranch.

The signing of the contract was key. They can't get out of it, or they (really Al) go to jail for fraud. Plus, there is a LOT of money at stake. They must get their hands on the ranch at all cost because of this. They did not count on Don Dan changing his will or on Camila turning out to not be such a delicate flower. That threw their plans off and everything since then has been an effort to save their butts and salvage the signed contract. They've had to make it up as they go along ever since their original plan went down the crapper.


Also, they think Dan HAS to make a deal with them because he's a fugitive from justice and can't claim his inheritance without danger of being caught and sent back to Chile.

The villians have quite a few ways to get their hands on the ranch:

No Dan, Camila inherits, kill Camila, Alonso inherits

No Dan, Camila inherits, kill Camila, Ximena & Augustina, Dionisio inherits

No Dan, Camila inherits, kill Camila, Alonso inherits, kill Alonso, Isadora inherits

Dan inherits, kill Dan*, Ximena & FX inherit, Ximena marries Alonso, kill FX, kill Ximena, Alonso inherits

Dan inherits, kill Dan*, Ximena & FX inherit, Ximena marries Alonso, kill FX, kill Ximena, kill Alonso, Isadora inherits

Their goal is to get the ranch but they've been thwarted by roadblock after roadblock.

*If Ximena values her life she should not marry Alonso and frankly should take Dionisio's money and skip the country.

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