Friday, November 09, 2012

El Mundo de Telemundo - Discuss among yourselves - week of November 12

The election is over, the storms have passed, let's get back to what's important - our novelas!!

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Ringo tosses back drinks in the bar in the pueblo telling everyone that the mujer of El Verdugo is pregnant. He bets it will be a boy and will be named Ringo. Miggy glowers behind a big black hat at the bar.

El Verdugo tells Fabiola that the doctor said her pregnancy is recent. She gives him the fisheye and says that she’s felt bad for quite a while, and the baby could be Miggy’s. After all, they only had sex once, and she doesn’t even remember it. He tells her the pregnancy is four weeks along. He definitely convinces her by asking her how she could think he’d be happy about caring for Valdez’ baby.

The Reptile has her own, real looking hair (except for the extensions) instead of the Jean Harlow white wig she wore before. She’s using Canario as someone to gloat with. He just says he wants revenge on Ángela. The Reptile says she wants to play.

Willy shows the rest of his family the deed to the ranch. Nico says he didn’t realize they were going to move there. Nora, Sam, and Nico all look astounded, while Willy says they’re moving in two days.

Clara says she wants to see Camilo’s tomb, her eyes brimming with tears. D8D is annoyed. He can’t believe she loves Camilo, that imposter.

Back at the El Mesías hideout, Miggy is wearing his leather hat and a fancy vest. Camilo has on full-Rambo camo. La Niña Bonita yells at Miggy saying she won’t have HER life risked for some young female. She tries to slap him, but he grabs her hand. She tells him he’s Jesús Matamoros or he’s dead.

The doctor is presented with a big wad of cash by EV for saying that the pregnancy is only four weeks along. And the doctor adds that, of course, when the kid is born he’ll be premature.

Why in blue blazes does Clara continue to hold onto D8D’s arm everywhere they walk? She’s doing it when D8D introduces her to EV. EV says that D8D needs a mask; there’s going to be a big party.

Willy blathers on about their life on the farm. Sam tries using Nico’s school, but Willy has already set him up in the school near the farm. He says he can run his business from there.

JM tells Duval that his plan for lots of publicity will work. Ángela overhears that the Reptile is in town.


Miggy and NB argue. She says that EV’s having an heir on the way will make him stronger. Miggy says his reasons are personal and hers should be also – revenge for killing Jesús. After Miggy leaves, Gus notices what we’ve noticed. NB is not behaving like the head of a cartel, but like a jealous woman. Camilo agrees.

D8D and Ringo show Clara a new grave in the pueblo with a cross bearing Camilo’s name. She falls to her knees weeping.

Canario has bought some expensive recording equipment and is getting it ready while the Reptile touches up her makeup. She says she’s going to tell her side of the story.

Nora tells Sam she has to tell Willy how she feels about living on the farm. She says it doesn’t work if one partner only pleases the other one against their own wishes. Sam blurts out to Willy that she’s not going. She tells Willy she can’t leave her sister. Willy just goes on some more about ducks and chickens, saying that he and Sam are twin souls and feel the same about everything. Sam can’t say what she feels.

Gus is drinking and thinking about Ángela. NB comes in and demands to know where Miggy is. She says she won’t permit his leaving without asking her and it’s all over for Miggy.

Miggy and Camilo have gone to grab up the town doctor. Miggy points a gun at his head and asks him how far along FF is. The guy lies, saying 4 weeks, and Miggy lets him go. Miggy looks heartbroken.

Fabiola says to herself she’d have given anything for the baby to have been Miggy’s. How can she connect with a child of hatred? She can’t forgive herself for the night with EV that of course never happened. EV brings in Jessica to introduce her to the not much of a bump that will be her little brother. Jessica is a dunce. She doesn’t ever seem to notice how miserable FF is.

In her video the Reptile says she’s the daughter of Bernardo del Castillo and a woman who never loved her, a woman who was in prison for drug trafficking. She was deceived by a sinister man who ruined her life. She’s his victim.

Lots of women are sending JM letters and packages because of his publicity campaign. Ángela is a bit jealous, but gets over it.

Miggy is still upset over the 4 week news. He and Camilo are crouching down, and they see Clara. She breaks loose from D8D and runs for it. D8D orders Ringo to find her. Camilo gets Clara and the three of them peel away in a pickup truck.

Laura congratulates EV about the baby. But she picks up on something sad about him. She asks him how he feels inside. He says he actually feels heartbroken. She kisses him and says she has love enough for both of them. He appears to go for it.

We get some more BS from the Reptile. She says she’s JM’s victim and who will protect her. Duval and JM are watching the internet video. Duval says he’s using the same tool JM used. JM replies that her face will be all over the place so this may be a good thing.


Clara tells the guys that her life was a living hell. She wanted to leave, but D8D said that, if she did, Camilo would be killed. After seeing his grave, nothing mattered to her any more and that’s why she ran. Miggy asks her about FF’s pregnancy since Clara has been a month there. Clara says she’s not sure she’s happy.

EV comes in to talk with FF happy as can be. He says he never got to experience Jessica as a baby. Why is she locked up crying? She tells him she had dreams, and he asks what they were. She says they were to live at the end of the world with Miguel Valdez and to have a family with him. The evil SOB says that, if she doesn’t want to have his baby, they can get rid of it. Of course he wouldn’t mind aborting MV’s baby! She looks at him in wonder, asking if he’d accept that. He says anything to make her happy. She says she couldn’t do that. She may not have the father she wanted for her child, but she’ll go through with the pregnancy.

Gus is talking NB out of killing Miggy, when he returns. He tells her about Clara, saying she’s the wife of an SOB named Bernardo del Castillo. NB says he’s the friend of EV, Sr.

Sam calls someone, saying she needs to meet them.

Camilo tells Clara that D8D will never touch her again. Another hot lovemaking session with these two ensues.

JM is cooking something in Gus’ kitchen when the lights go out. Someone bashes him over the head from behind. It turns out to have been Canario dresses as a cop. Ángela finds him and also finds a note from the Reptile saying that, if he isn’t dead, it’s because she wanted it that way.

Miggy is imagining FF is in his room. He says she’s hurt him so much he can’t be Miguel Valdez any more; he has to be Jesús Matamoros. NB comes in to offer herself to him, but he says she can’t help him feel better this night.

Sam says she’s going to the agency because Ángela is too busy. Willy wants to tag along, but she talks him out of it. After she leaves, Angie calls Willy asking him to tell Sam she can’t make it. Uh oh.

We get some more crappy recording from the Reptile. She says that JM converted her into a demon, but now she’s sorry for what she did. A sinister man broke her heart. Women can’t permit a man like him to walk the street. Violence is not only killing. It’s humiliation and bad treatment. She says he got her pregnant for a bet. She lost the baby out of anguish and can never become a mother. She says she killed with a weapon; he killed with his actions.

EV brings FF breakfast in bed and also brings a dress for the big party. She says she’s not going. But he says he tries to please her about everything; can’t she do this one thing.

Clara very sweetly thanks NB for letting her stay there. Miggy asks Clara what’s been going on at Casa EV. She says they’re having a party that night to celebrate the pregnancy. It’s at the mayor’s finca. NB tells him to not even think it; but Miggy says he’s going.

Willy has followed Sam and is watching her kiss some buff guy on the cheek.

PABLO ESCOBAR, Viernes, Part 1

Pablo teaches Emilio how to start up his motorbike. Emilio does a good job. He then says he doesn't miss his old school as much, he likes home schooling, his teacher is hot! Pablo likes that the kid is “growing up.” Emilio tells his Dad he wants to be a pilot when he grows up, he wants to travel.

We see the parents of the 35 year old, Andres, the wife telling her husband at first she opposed his idea to push the young man out on his own, but now it seems to be a good idea..

We see each person on the plane, now in the air, some happy, some nervous, then we see Tommy. He looks out the window, opens the briefcase, and everything goes black. Candonga, Kiko and Cain, in a taxi on the ground, hear the explosion, feel the shudder, cross themselves. Calls start coming into the radio station, lots of people saw a plane blow up. Several of the family members start thinking that was the plane with their loved ones. As more details come out, they're right. The flight number is released. It exploded in midair. The President and his advisers hear. There were no survivors. The adviser says Cesar Gaviria was supposed to be on the plane, but changed at the last minute. The President says then it was no coincidence, this was the work of the Medellín cartel. Pablo takes a toy plane and drops it on the table, letting it break.

Real footage. Huge devastation. Flames. Smoke. Grey sky. Pungent smell of fuel. Remains, life vests, it's beyond words. Family members frantically try to get to the scene.

Kiko and Cain are yelling at Candonga. You never told us you were blowing up that plane! You even got on the plane! Yeah, says Candonga, well the less people who knew, the less chance of problems. Well, I bet that young guy who was with you didn't get off the plane, he was one of us, and you just let him be killed! Yeah, well tough sh*t, you're right. Live with it. We've gone international now.

Gaviria is interviewed on the radio, weren't you supposed to be on that plane? Well, originally, but I just went to Cali in a private plane. Why, were you threatened? No, it's just that recently, every time I got on a commercial plane, people got off, they were afraid, so we started using a private plane. Candonga hears this on the radio, throws his hands over his face. I guess they WERE trying to kill Gaviria!

We have heartbreaking scenes, people trying to identify their granddaughters, lovers, children. A doll is found, tears flow. It can't be, no God, please no! Many of the bodies are just in garbage bags. Unimaginable horror. The mother of Andres breaks down. The fiance asks about the wounded. Señorita, there were no wounded.


As a result of the attack, we see that airplanes all of a sudden have many vacant seats. Pablo doesn't care. Chili, what was the objective of the bomb? To kill Gaviria. Right, and you failed again! Mariachi, Pedro and Gonzalo all think a lot WAS accomplished. They did scare the government, who will now be more likely to negotiate. Okay, so the next job is the Government Security Building. Chili says it'll be ready in a few days. I don't care if it's not ready until Christmas, snarls Pablo, as long as it WORKS. Perfectly. So what's the objective? To kill General Peraza. Right, says Pablo, and now that people are afraid to get on planes, I want them to be afraid to get OFF planes. To go to school. To go shopping. I want them all to fear us.

A young couple was going to go on a plane, when the girl tells her boyfriend I'm a little scared. The travel agent says, I've got another idea, let me get the brochure. When the girl opens up the brochure, it says “Will you marry me?” Yes, the boyfriend set it up. Awwwww, how sweet.

And here's a SHOCK!! Naufrago, the guy with an eyepatch who works for Mariachi, is really working for the Cali cartel!!!!!!! He calls one of the brothers (forgot their names), tells him he had no idea they were going to blow up the plane, just knew something big was happening. Well, what's next, are they going against us? No, nothing against you guys, but they're planning something against the Department of Security, don't know exactly what it is. Are they going to try to kill the General? I'm not sure, but I have to go. He cuts off the satellite phone just as Mariachi comes over. This is getting interesting!



Super recap, Novelera, with excellent comments as usual.

The Reptile is really deluded. She says JM got her pregnant on a bet. But she was a willing participant in the sex, right? And if she got pregnant, why didn't she think about birth control? And she lost the baby due to "anguish". What about the guy who pushed her down the stairs, who she later killed? Plus, JM did this when they were teenagers. So, she's now killed about 10 people, family members along with others, and thinks it's the same? I thought all her victim stuff came out in the trial, anyway. And how would her public image be if people found that she swindled JM out of all his money?

Duval fails again, his guards didn't realize Canario wasn't one of them.

Sam is being stupid (no surprise) by not telling Willy she really doesn't like the farm idea, and doing something behind his back.

I'm glad Clara is now with Camilo, and also that they gave her a new outfit.

EV loves FF so much that he's now had sex with Fernanda and Laura, right in the house. Some love.

Maybe Miggy won't have sex with NB again, and galans are allowed one slip.

The costume party should be fun!


Thanks, Hombre, excellent recap!

Escobar is getting loonier and loonier. He was making Gonzalo and some of the others uncomfortable ragging on Chili because Gaviria wasn't on the plane. They somehow had intel that he would be, so how could this be Chili's fault.

Emilio is a little creep. You get the impression he's glad to be out of school, a place where he wouldn't be the center of attention. And, of course, his odious father doesn't get on his case for inappropriate comments about his teacher.

I was surprised Kiko and Cain were upset with Candonga about their blowing up the plane and purposely killing one of their own. They have seemed completely without any remorse up to this point.

I thought it was odd what Gaviria said about people getting off planes when he got on. I was under the impression that blowing up the plane was completely out of left field, and that Escobar thought it would be a coup de grace for the government. But I guess people had been expecting it?

Corazón Valiente -

excellent recap novelera !!!

I posted some random pics for Friday's episode over at TW,
to go along with your great summary,

I think that Marcela Citterio, the creator of this story, really has gotten this style of writing down pat, and she must have a bunch of incredible help too, to keep coming up with new ideas as well as all of the little details. This is actually a pretty incredible novela, from the writing to the screen.

Pablo Escobar -

thanks so much Hombre !!!
a new word, 'suizo',

from The Accountant's Story, as told by Roberto Escobar

"In the morning of November 27, 1989, Avianca Airlines flight HK 1803 from Bogota to Cali exploded over the mountains outside of the capital city, instantly killing 107 people.

"No one will ever know for sure the reasons that this was done. They had a copy of Gavíria's schedule so they knew he was going to be on that flight. The bomb was carried to the airport in parts in three different cars. The plan was to put five kilos of dynamite on the plane and have it detonated by a "suizo," meaning a person who is tricked into doing a job in which they will die. The ticket for the suizo was bought for the fictitious name Mario Santodomingo, who sat in seat 15F and put the package under seat 14F. It seems the suizo was told his job was to record the conversations of Cali people sitting in front of him. As the plane rose into the air as instructed the suizo turned the knob on the "recorder." The bomb exploded a hole in the floor and side of the plane, and then blew up the fumes in the empty fuel hold. Everyone on the plane died and three people on the ground also were killed."

It was also mentioned in this book that as the Medellin cartel used violence, the Cali cartel was using bribes and corruption in the government, and were doing so to eliminate the competition of the Medellin cartel. He says that also on the plane "there were one or two informants from the Cali cartel who were going to testify against Medellín", as well as "Marta Lucía Echavarria, the girlfriend of Cali leader Miguel Rodríguez Orejuela".


Corazon Valiente
Novelera, thanks for another great recap! I wonder how close we are to the end. It seems like a whole different story than the one we started off with many months ago. However it has kept my interest and I've enjoyed it greatly (except for the awkward incest storyline). Enjoyment has been enhanced by recaps and also comments by all of you. It's interesting to see Miggy's dark side and also the human weaknesses of El V.
J in Oregon

Corazon Valiente:

I don't know how long this story will go, but they keep advertising "nueva estapa". They'll probably keep going for a while if the rates are up. This one started the same time as Abismo de Passion and that one just ended. I could see this one going for a year or more. I think it's funny that the new Univision novela is about the heroine falling for her bodyguard.



Jewels- The original writer of the Corazon Valiente story also wrote the story on which Amores Verdaderos (the new Televisa/Uni bodyguard tn) is based. There's a reason for the similarities in theme.


La Niña Bonita tells Miggy he’s crazy for wanting to go to El Verdugo’s party. When she sees he won’t budge, she says she’s going as well.

Fabiola tells EV she’s not in the mood to go. He just grins and says, “Well, I'm happy, so what’s the problem?” He wants to tell the world about the pregnancy. [Who has a big party about a pregnancy of 4 weeks? We know it’s more, but won’t the guests think this is odd?] Fabiola tells EV she doesn’t want the baby to turn out like him. But he says the kid will be raised to be the image of him.

Ringo texts EV that there’s a problem about the doctor. When they meet he tells him that the doctor is scared because some guys grabbed him and asked how many months Fabiola is pregnant. D8D barges in asking Ringo about the search for his wife. Ringo says she’s totally disappeared. D8D figures out that maybe someone helped her. EV says that all the suspicious persons are part of the Matamoros crew.

The Reptile tells Canario that the number of people seeing her video is growing. He says that, if it were he, he’d just kill JM and get it over with. She says JM is the “motor” of her life. If he dies, she dies too.

JM wastes his breath complaining to Dummy Duval. Cecilia says everyone at the office is watching Fernanda’s video. Duval tells JM that killers often get a following.

NB brings Miggy a suit of El Mesías to wear to the party. She says it’s a masked ball, so maybe they’ll be OK. The men will all go as El Verdugo. She wants to be face to face with him; she doesn’t think he’ll recognize her.

Laura tells FF that, if she has EV’s baby, she’ll be tied to him for the rest of her life. FF asks her if she fears losing Jessica or losing Javier. Laura says she doesn’t know if she does love him. But she will be tied to him the rest of her life because of Jessica, as will FF.

Clara is eager to leave Colombia and have a normal life. Camilo tells her that NB is a major narco. And the rule of the narcos is this: Cuando entras no sales y si sales, sales muerto. Camilo says that Miggy will get them out. But Camilo seems a bit tempted by the money. He says he has nothing to offer Clara. Gus says that this life is not for Clara. She says she won’t leave Colombia without Camilo.

Sam comes out of where she was and again embraces the buff guy, while Willy glares from his car.

JM tells Ángela that the Reptile’s video is now accumulating comments. The people are saying he’s the bad guy. Rod shows up to see JM. He says that he knows JM wants to trap the Reptile. He wants to help. He says he hates her as much as JM.

EV tells Ringo he’s sure that Miguel Valdez will come to the party, and then he’ll kill him. We get alternate scenes of Miggy and EV looking forward to the party and the opportunity to kill the other one.

Willy comes to Sam’s office. She’s very nervous and uncomfortable. He finally tells her to stop lying. She starts some business about not wanting to hurt him, really making things worse. He accuses her of having a lover. He says he saw her. He followed her and saw her with her lover. She says she didn’t betray him. The guy is her therapist. She hadn’t seen him in years, but started seeing him again because she can’t bear moving to the country and she doesn’t want seven kids!

JM records another video saying that he won’t live like a coward. In Colombia, the Three Musketeers [Miggy, Camilo and Gus] are watching the video. Camilo asks when this mess will be over. Miggy replies it will be over when they kill EV.


Jessica sings an a cappella version of the Corazon Valiente theme music to her father. He gets teary eyed, saying he doesn’t recognize himself lately. He used to never fear death, but since she appeared in his life, he fears abandoning her. They both cry. She tells him all his good qualities. And she says it’s a shame Fabiola doesn’t love him.

Génesis calls to say that she and Violeta got into fights because all the kids at their school are on Fernanda’s side.

The Reptile takes down a rifle from whatever place she’s hiding out and tells Canario to kill Ángela. She also says her sister-in-law (Sam) doesn’t mean a thing to her.

EV and Fabiola enter the party to a lot of applause. [Since every man has on the Verdugo mask, how do they know it’s him?] The Three Musketeers carjack some party guests that are en route. Miggy puts on the EV mask.

Willy says he loves Sam just the same, even though she likes smog and hates the singing of birds.

Laura looks fabulous in her blue mask and beautiful dress. Gus is shocked to see her there. Laura asks FF if she’s looking for someone.

Camilo and Clara aren’t going to the party. Clara tells Camilo she doesn’t know how she could have been so blind about D8D [exactly what Viewerville wondered for such a long time].

Gus greets Laura at the party, asking if he can trust her. He tells her he’s with the Matamoros crew.

Willy and Sam make up in bed. Nico knocks on the door and they rush around putting on clothes. When they let him in he says he’s bored. He also says he spoke with Jessica on the phone, and she told him Fabiola is going to have a child with EV.

An announcer introduces El Verdugo and his wife. He puffs out his chest and announces that he’s expecting an heir, the next Javier del Toro. He gives FF a necklace in a velvet box. [How come no one ever notices her sulky, miserable expression?]

Génesis says she fought with the other kids because she was fighting for her father. Duval calls to say there’s a new video up. Willy and Sam come into the room and say that FF is expecting EV’s baby. The two sisters, Ángela and Sam, “feel” that their brother is alive.

The Reptile looks a bit like Miss Havisham in her wedding dress. She whines about it having been her dream to be in the church walking down the aisle to meet JM. She says he married her once for pity because he thought she was dying. “Why didn’t you love me, Juan Marcos Arroyo?”

Miggy approaches Fabiola. She recognizes his eyes. He asks her: “How could you get pregnant by someone who is not me?” She sags at the knees and a bunch of guys in EV masks hold her up. NB is ready to leave the party.

D8D is leering at NB. He says to EV that she makes him want to forget his lost wife. The two of them approach NB. D8D asks her out for a bit of air. She says her partner wouldn’t like it. He says he likes to take risks, and takes off his Verdugo mask. She tells him her name is Ines. He gives her a card.

We see a car arrive in a parking garage. Some guys in suits get out and are immediately shot by some guy. The guys who were shot are JM’s bodyguards. The Reptile comes around the corner in her wedding dress. Oh, for God’s sake! Is JM going to be kidnapped again?

Fabiola is looking around the party for Miggy. He approaches. She tells him not to make a scene. He might be killed. She says that she’s in love with another man. He says that he also fell for someone else, and plans a kiss on NB!

Corazon Valiente -

great recap novelera !!!

I enjoyed listening to Jessica singing the theme song,

that was so bizarre, all the men wearing Verdugo masks, why do they all remind me of dogs, is it the nose hole?

I'm trying to imagine a party for Pablo Escobar where everyone goes dressed as him.

interesting, Gus and Laura, (Angela certainly didn't waste any time moving on), both true to the code of the policeman, now on different sides of the fence, in another world,

of course Bernardo hits on the prettiest girl there, la Niña Bonita, no one could possibly resist his charms.

I don't think 'Ines' minds the kiss from Miggy, the guy who no one could really resist,

oh I hope he doesn't get caught, it's been too easy so far,

Miss Havisham,
ah yes, I found a pic of her on wiki,

if only Fernanda could see that JM is in love with Angela,
and would look and act like her, ha!


Recap will be up tonight.


Novelera, spot on!

I can only see 5-10 minutes of this TN, (yes I have switched to the UNIVISION TN) so last night I saw the last few minutes. I broke out in tears of laughter, as wonderfully noted by Novelera, to see Reptile as Miss Havisham. It's exactly what I thought, I had a flashback to Gillian Anderson. I definitely think the writers of this TN have a great sense of humor.

CORAZON VALIENTE- Thanks for the great recaps on Friday and Monday, Novelera. I can't seem to find the time to comment. On Friday's episode, I thought it was funny that Clara barely managed to scuttle across the road in her high heels. A fairly active tortoise could have caught her.

I thought narcos had more lively parties. EV's event looks like the most boring party ever.

I hate those executioner masks. They look so hot. I can imagine all the actors at the party ripping them off when the director yells, "Cut." Miggy's big nose, not to mention his voice and Mexican accent make him instantly identifiable in his mask.


Candonga, Kiko and Cain find a homeless guy who'll be perfect for their “suiza” or dumb guy who gets sacrificed to do what they want. They give him some bills, and if he wants more, they have a little job for him.

Juan Guillermo is writing an editorial, how long will these killings keep going before President López stops these criminal? We see the President reading this. He calls Pabon. We see Pabon discussing the problem with General Peraza, who as usual, has that little smug smile. I don't think he's working for the bad guys, remember, they're trying to kill him. I guess he's just sort of fatalistic. Pabon, though, is still earnestly trying to get things done, is investigating the plane crash, but not getting far.

Or, maybe Pabon is working with the Cali cartel. Gildardo Gonzales, from Cali, calls Peraza, tells him there's some kind of plan against Peraza. He doesn't know exactly what, but he's knows the Medellín cartel is behind it. And the best defense is a good offense. Peraza wants to know how Gildardo knows stuff, but Gildardo isn't saying. What he does say is that Peraza should attack Mariachi, who's living it up in his place in the town of Pacho.

Cut to Pacho, we see Naufrago shaking hands with people outside a church. Mariachi is inside, giving his newly-arrived son a tour. He points out the gold and marble. But the main thing he wants his son to see is a little chapel in the corner of the church. This is where Mariachi wants to be buried, no some place underground. But Dad, you've still got many years left, says his son. Naufrago interrupts to say that some police from Bogotá have been sighted coming this way.

Chili and Candonga are laughing aboard the converted bus they've filled with 500 kilos of explosives, enough to destroy an entire city block. They call over the poor “suizo” and give him his vitamins (booze). Candonga had told Chili that the detonator was the radio. The suizo knows he has to turn on the radio, but they have to make sure he waits until the right moment! Turns out that Peraza's convoy usually arrives at the Security building between 7:30 and 8, and right as they pull into the underground parking garage, the bus will go in and hopefully, the suizo make the music happen.


Mariachi has brought his son, Chinito, to visit Pablo. There are warm greetings, but when Mariachi says the cops are sort of after them, and they want to hide out at Pablo's place, Pablo's mood turns a bit colder. Mariachi has also heard the bombing of the Security building was coming soon. Pablo reveals that it's going down today.

December 6, 1989, Bogotá. The bus pulls out. Peraza gets in his convoy. Galán-killer Miguel and his bald friend just removed from their jail cell (not sure if they're being released, or just questioned, but I think released!) The innocent other guys remain in the their cells, yelling about this injustice. A young couple (he maybe the one where the guy proposed in the travel agency) decide to get married in the courthouse (this same building). She works there, as a cop. They decide to ask General Peraza to be the witness at their wedding. Candonga waits impatiently, but here comes the convoy! He boards the bus with the suizo drinking his vitamins. The young novia asks the general if he'd be at her wedding, and he says sure, just call my secretary.

The suizo is so drunk, he keeps almost turning on the radio. Candonga keeps stopping him. You only have to drive 30 meters, then when you're in the garage, THEN turn on the radio. He gets out. We see the General greeting people inside the building. The bus starts, a vehicle blocks it. But then it moves. The bus starts again, the drunk patsy at the wheel. The young novia sits down at her desk to start her work day. We see her husband looking at a picture of her, she's the police officer of the month! The bus pulls right up to the door of the building and stops. Candonga runs away as fast as his little legs can carry him. The drunk says, okay, here we go, with a big grin. He turns the switch.

Slow motion destruction, glass flying, Peraza flying, the young novio guy flying, Galán's killer completely safe in a police car being taken somewhere(!), the innocent prisoners being destroyed, the noise reaches El Espectador, Niki says of COURSE that's a bomb! We see that Peraza is badly shaken, but alive. The prisoners had their cell door blown off. The guards were hit badly, and one holds a gun on them, don't you try to escape! But he then collapses. Rather than run, the innocent prisoners call for help for the guard. The novio is okay. But then he finds his sweet girlfriend. DEAD.

And it's only going to get worse.

PABLO ESCOBAR, Martes, Part 1

The bomb destroyed 3 city blocks, and at least 100 people were wounded. Actual footage shows us the devastation.

Aguirre and Pabon are trying to piece together fingerprints from the plane. There was one guy who they don't think was listed, Ernesto Rivera. They want permission from his family to trace fingerprints.

Candonga himself didn't get that far away, and staggers away from the destruction.

Peraza is okay. He sees Alejandro (the novio) and asks him about Natalia (the novia). Unfortunately, she didn't survive. People were trapped under rubble. One whole side of the 11 story building was ripped off.

Meanwhile, Pablo and his chums are enjoying breakfast. As they sip their orange juice, they hear the voice of General Peraza. Damn! Pablo is mad, his guys failed again. What are we wasting our money on? We see the innocent prisoners outside the jail. They could just leave. But where would they go? They debate what to do.

Pedro Montoa thinks it's okay they missed Peraza. They still caused lots of fear, and maybe the government will now negotiate.

The Cali guys hear the news. The government will really be going after cartels now. Should we deliver Mariachi to them? Cut to Cartejena, with Mariachi. His son Chinito thinks it's strange the government is all of a sudden after them. Could they possibly be infiltrated? Mariachi asks Naufrago, who laughs, I guess it's possible (we know he's the infiltrator!). Mariachi questions who they can trust. Naufrago says I wouldn't trust anybody. Naufrago also asks for a few days off to “see his mother”, and Mariachi says okay, not knowing Naufrago may be sleeping with the enemy.

Alejandro calls his mother, yes Ma, I'm fine. He hangs up, not mentioning Natalia. He finds the brochure for the honeymoon in the dust, calls the travel agent, chokingly says, I have bad news.


Peraza tells the press it was an attack on democracy. Niki wonders if they're doing anything to stop it. Peraza (unwisely) tells her, yes, we even have an operation going right now against Mariachi.

The innocent prisoners call Colonel Pabon. Colonel, we're outside the jail. We won't leave. We're innocent, but we thought we should call you. We'll wait here.

Pablo calls Marino over for advice. What would you do with these guys who keep screwing up? Well, boss, it's not so easy, these operations are very delicate. And all of us respect you. Yeah, but I want workers, not sissies. Boss, what you need is people who are loyal, and that's what you have. I guess you're right Marino, thanks, and I want you to stay near me, since I value your loyalty. We really have the government scared this time, don't we? Sure do, boss.

The President and his adviser discuss the deteriorating situation. No matter how hard we try, we can't make much headway, and they keep bombing more and more. Should we possibly try a different approach. Should we negotiate(!?)

Paramilitary Miguel and brother Lucio meet. Lucio doesn't like Pablo. Miguel says neither do I, but he's got power, so we have to stay on his good side. They meet with Pablo, and Lucio complains about Pablo, who's leftist (Lucio and Miguel are right wingers, I think). Pablo says I'm leftist, but I'm rich, so what's the problem? Besides, I think our bombs have made their point. I think the government is now ready to negotiate.

We shall see!!!!

Pablo Escobar -

thanks so much Hombre !!!

(I'm not really reading this book as it's not the story we are watching but I can zero in on the big events to see what our inside man, Roberto Escobar (Peluche) has to say, and it's kind of my little way of giving back for the wonderful summaries Hombre has been doing for us, but if anyone would rather I didn't share this, please let me know.)

from "The Accountant's Story"

"There were many bombings at this time. In one car bombing Maza lived but seven of his bodyguards were killed. Maza proved to be a very lucky man. In December of 1989 the plan was to blow up the entire DAS building to kill him. .

At least a thousand and perhaps as much as eight thousand pounds of explosives were loaded onto a bus. One man was waiting in the lobby of the building. After Maza and his bodyguards arrived this inside man was supposed to contact the outside men with the bus and give them the okay. Then they were to direct the bus into the lobby of the building and explode it. But the plan went wrong in many respects. The man inside was waiting and waiting but he didn't see Maza arrive because he came into the building a different way than usual. Finally the inside guy decided to step outside—and when the bombers saw him walk out of the building they detonated the bomb—almost killing him too.

It was probably the biggest bomb of the whole war. The bus crashed into a car outside the building, and the whole front of the building came off as if it had been pulled away. The bomb was so strong that the engine of the bus landed on the roof of a knocked-down building blocks away. There was serious damage to buildings as far as twenty blocks away. At least fifty people in the DAS headquarters and nearby were killed and as many as a thousand were wounded. It was written in newspapers that the walls of the building were covered in blood and, unfortunately, parts of bodies were found many blocks from the explosion. If the bus had managed to reach the building there would have been even bigger destruction.

But Maza survived. His office had been protected with steel and that saved his life. He said that he was almost the only person on his floor to survive the attack."

CORAZÓN VALIENTE – martes – Part 1

FF faints when she sees Miggy kissing NB.

Willy figures out that the call Sam got upset her. At first, she denies this but finally she tells him that the call was a threat against her for being Angie's sister.

EV carries FF to her bedroom. She wakes up, remembers seeing Miggy kissing NB. She tells EV that everything has changed. Now she knows that it is true that no one loves her like EV does. She embraces EV and he looks like he won the lottery.

The Reptile has JM handcuffed to a chair. She turns the camera on and starts her performance for her web fans. She asks them if she should kill JM or not.

A despondent Miggy tells Gus that FF is in love with EV.

FF stops EV before they have sex. She says she is not ready yet. EV replies that he will wait.

Once again, Laura asks Jéssica to return to LA with her. She refuses saying that EV can't live without her and Nic can.

We cut to Nic saying that he can't live without Jéssica.

Sam takes Nic to school and we see that there is a sniper there.

Nora shows the Reptiles video stream to Angie.

Miggy tells Gus, Camilo and Clara that he wants to leave NB's gang.

The sniper shoots Nic in the back. Sam shoots the sniper.

Jéssica bursts in on EV and FF kissing to say that she had a bad dream about Nic.

Miggy tells NB that it doesn't make sense for him to kill EV for a woman who doesn't love him. NB tells him that he can leave.


CORAZÓN VALIENTE – martes – Part 2

Willy tries to attack the sniper as he is being loaded into an ambulance. He wants to know who paid him.

All during the scene of Sam and Willy at the hospital tearfully assuring each other that Nic will survive, I was distracted by the dark roots of Sam's hair. We now that Nic will survive anyway.

The Reptile chews out Canario because his sniper shot her nephew, Nic, instead of Sam.

FF tells EV that Miggy was at the party with NB and that Miggy is in love with NB.

NB tells her guys that she doesn't want Miggy to leave the gang.

Nora is overcome with grief about Nic's being shot. She says that if he dies, she will die.

Duvall tells Sam and Willy that the sniper works for EV.

FF tells EV that all her love for Miggy has changed to hate.

Angie tells Sam that everything that has happened is her fault.

The Reptile sends Canario back to Colombia.

Miggy calls Willy and finds out about Nic being shot. Now he has a new motive to kill EV and wants to stay with NB.

Nic needs an operation.

EV lets Jéssica call Nic. Willy answers Nic's phone and tells her that Nic was shot by a sniper sent by her father and is dying.

D8D finds out about the Reptile's live web streaming.

Miggy goes into the bar in the pueblo near EV's place and demands to see EV. Canario is there.

FF talks to Miggy's reflection in a mirror. She expresses her opinion of him by throwing something and breaking the mirror. EV comes in and FF kisses him.

Jessica bursts in and accuses EV of being a killer.

Nic is in surgery and goes into cardiac arrest!!  



Great recap, Jean! It was ironic that a sniper's miss may change the whole flow of the story. Miggy is now continuing his fight against EV, Jessica is mad at EV (although he'll probably calm her down, since he doesn't even know about the sniper, it was all Fernanda's doing). This might also make FF think again before accepting EV.

I know JM is doing a poor job with his video performance, and the Reptile is doing a good job, but I don't think the public would really be against the handsome JM, who is chained to a chair against his will, and back the Reptile, who talks of her love, but obviously is unbalanced.

I don't think it's a coincidence that Canario is back in Colombia. He is going to have to explain to EV what the Reptile has been up to. We already know that EV doesn't like violence done to children and one would think especially not to his daughter's boyfriend. So Canario may end up dead like his brother. After she kidnapped Génesis, EV told the Reptile if she harmed another child, he would kill her so she may lose his protection and support.

Concerning the video, there are a lot of sickos out there who might not even realize that this is for real. Some of them might be motivated by the Reptile's skimpy outfit.



Thanks so much, Jean. You surely got an action packed episode.

I'm pretty disgusted with Fabiola right now. Miggy approached her at the party asking how she could have had a baby with another man, manifest evidence that he still loved her. So, what does she do? She continues with her tale of being in love with EV. When he believes her and kisses NB, she does a 180 and now hates him and says EV is the only one who really loves her! Bah!

Nico will be fine. As we all know, the best way to assure a good outcome in surgery is to have it in a telenovela. There's usually at least one flatline and some paddles along the way, but the patient always survives. I don't think I've ever seen a baddie go under the knife, but they're probably protected under the rule that they need to wreak havoc until the last week.

I'm not happy with the Reptile getting her hands on JM again. It's just too ridiculous and, to tell the truth, has soured me a bid on the novela. The novela would be more interesting for me if the Reptile just disappeared from the show.

I knew Jessica was going to find out about Nicolás being shot. I hope this puts an end to the Reptile's happy life as Doña Victoria. EV will likely want her dead; he's pretty disgusted with her already.


Thanks for the great recaps, Hombre!

I'm actually kind of surprised at how much of this novela I miss or misunderstand. It really is complicated and has a huge cast of characters.

One thing I did catch was that the name they used to book the suiza on the plane was Ernesto Guevara, the real name of Che Guevara, the famous revolutionary.

I got the impression that it was Peraza himself who was involved with the Cali cartel. It seemed odd to me that the Cali guy called him, as if they knew each other well, to tell him about the attempt on his life.

Now if this were a fictional telenovela instead of one based on the truth, Chili and Topo would try to kill off Escobar for his shabby treatment of them and try to take over his empire.

The footage of the bombed building in Bogotá reminded me of the appearance of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City after that bombing in 1995.


Novelera, you're right, Peraza is the one with ties to the Cali cartel. That was a typo on my part.

I always wonder why underlings don't just kill the boss, but I guess they figure he's got the connections and the brains, and their gravy train would be cut off.

However, in that Brazilian film, I think it was City of God, the children druglords did in fact kill their superiors and rivals, right and left. And didn't live much longer!

PABLO ESCOBAR, Miércoles, Part 1

Peraza moves his office to the police academy. He asks Fernandez, is this line secure? After Fernandez leaves, he calls Gildardo. He yells at him. I was almost killed, and you told me nothing! We didn't know, is the answer. Well, if you want me to keep helping, you have to give us Mariachi. We can't do that. Look, I know you've infiltrated his gang. You give him to us, or that's the end of our relationship. After he hangs up, Gildardo and his brother discuss the situation, but I'm not sure what they decide to do. The do say the government needs us.

Pablo tells Marino, bring me a virgin. Huh? You heard me, and not one who lives with her folks.

Naufrago is at his Mom's house in Cartegena, enjoying a home cooked meal. He tells her in a few months, he's going to retire, and she can move to a new house. There's a knock on the door. Naufrago hides, don't tell them I'm here. It's the police, they have the house surrounded, they know Naufrago is inside. Pabon and Aguirre enter and roust Naufrago out. Don't f*uck with us, says Pabon. We KNOW you've infiltrated Mariachi's gang, and that he's somewhere here in Cartegena. Where? I want my attorney. No. Okay, okay, what guarantees will you give me? None. You help us, or it's straight to jail for you, we have tons of evidence. The phone rings, it's Mariachi. Helicopters have landed, come back right away, and make sure they don't tail you! Okay, says Pabon, we won't follow you, but you'll have to wear a homing beacon (localizador). Naufrago grudgingly agrees.

Marino has brought Pablo 2 virgins. Virgin #1 is Aurora, 16 years old. She's nervous, says my family needs money, but isn't there another job I can do for you, I really don't want to do THIS. “Marino”, yells Pablo, “”Get this chick out of here, and send in the other one!” Virgin #2 is named (I think) Génesis, who's 17 years old. She's fine with the sex, is sort of awestruck that her first time will be with the famous Pablo Escobar. She takes off her top, and they lie down.

We see Naufrago being fitted with a locator in his underwear.


At El Espectador, Niki tells Juan Guillermo and Fernando the interesting story of the prisoners who didn't leave the jail, even though they could have. Maybe that shows they're innocent. But two others who weren't with them could be the real killers. Where are they? I think she says they were transferred to another facility. (Let's hope. I previously thought they might have been let go, but maybe since they had lawyers, they got transferred to a less crowded jail. And maybe the cops can connect them to the cartel. Of course this is a REALLY big maybe).

Naufrago meets Mariachi and crew on the beach. Mariachi says there's a sapo among us. We keep getting followed, there has to be a traitor. So whoever is the sapo, speak out now, and I'll let you live. Otherwise, when I find out, I'll kill you and three generations of your family. No one talks. Chinito, Mariachi's son says, don't worry, sooner or later someone will slip and give themselves away.

Pabon and Aguirre discuss the homing beacon, well, we definitely know it's on the seacoast. We're so close!

December 15th, morning. Mariachi says to Naufrago, let's take each muchacho, and try to beat it out of them until one talks. Naufrago says maybe we don't have to. Sorry to say this sir, but have you noticed that all of our trouble started when your son got here? He might be the one!

We see Pabon and Aguirre get into the helicopter. Today's the day!

Genesis, after sex, looks a little bloody around the mouth, I think Pablo was rough. She's very upset and ashamed. Wrapped in a towel she gets up, looks at Pablo sleeping, sees his gun on the night stand. She picks up the gun, points it at his head, and with a trembling hand, pulls the trigger. But there's just a click! It wasn't loaded! Shaking, she walks out of the room, as Pablo opens his eyes, smiling malevolently. No one outsmarts Mr. Pablo Escobar!


CORAZÓN VALIENTE - miércoles - Part 1

We see the doctors trying to restart Nic’s heart while Angie and Sam say the Guardian Angel prayer.

EV tells Jéssica that he didn’t know anything about Nic’s shooting. She replies that Willy told her that the shooter has been identified as one of his men.

The Reptile is talking to someone on the phone that we later find out is a radio station about her sick love for JM.

Ringo tells D8D that he admires the Reptile. D8D is astonished and says that she is committing suicide.

While the Reptile is rambling on and on to the radio station, JM manages to catch her unawares and smack her with the chair. She’s unconscious but he’s still handcuffed to the chair.

Miggy is in the bar waiting for EV to show up. NB comes and suggests that this isn’t a very good plan. Miggy replies that he doesn’t care. Gus and Camilo show up also and they convince Miggy not to wait for EV.

EV convinces FF that he didn’t have Nic shot. Ringo comes in and tells EV that Jesús Matamoros is asking for him in the pueblo. EV takes Ringo’s gun and says that he has to see if the man he killed has come back to life.

Back in the hospital waiting room, Duval tells Sam about the Reptile’s call to the radio station. Duval wonders if the Reptile was involved in Nic’s shooting.

Canario calls Angie from Colombia and says that shooting Nic was revenge for the death of his brother, “El Tucan”.

JM is trying to get free of the chair by smashing it against the stairway. He calls for help. Why doesn’t he just leave?

Laura is trying to comfort Jéssica. Rosario comes in and tells them that EV would never shoot a child. Laura gets Rosario to lend her a phone to find out about Nic’s condition. She calls Duval [Why?] but Angie grabs the phone and tells her about Canario’s call. Laura tells Jéssica that her father didn’t have Nic shot.

EV and Ringo are standing around outside of the bar discussing Jesús Matamoros. Miggy, NB, Camilo and Gus are jammed in a car nearby. Miggy tries to get out of the car but NB won’t let him. Canario comes over to EV and Ringo. EV asks why he isn’t in LA taking care of the Reptile. Canario doesn’t answer. EV gets a call from Laura passing on the info she got from Angie. EV confronts Canario about shooting Nic. Canario starts to tell him that the intended target was Samantha and maybe would he would have implicated the Reptile when he is shot from a speeding car, presumably by Miggy. “Divine Justice,” says EV and finishes him off.


CORAZÓN VALIENTE - miércoles - Part 2

Willy comes to Sam with a stricken look and says, “Nicolás...” We go to a commercial but it was just a teaser. Nic is entre la vida y la muerte. Willy says that his fate is in the hands of God.

EV tells Jéssica that he killed the guy who shot Nic. He tells her to change, she is going on a long trip.

Miggy is still upset about FF’s betrayal. He tells NB that she never seems to get upset or cry. She tells him about how she and Jesús made love for the first time and how much she cried when he was killed. Miggy says that now he understands why she wants revenge against EV. He says that it is the same for him - he has lost the love of his life. NB points out that FF isn’t dead. “She is dead to me,” replies Miggy.

Jéssica tells EV that she is very sorry that she accused him of having Nic shot. She says that she will never leave him.

Ringo tells D8D that he has sent replacement help to the Reptile.

We assume that EV has guys actually in LA otherwise JM must have been whacking at that chair for a long time. JM is still trying to get free when he is knocked out by the replacement muscle.

Miggy is in a garden. He takes off the ring he gave FF at their “wedding” and flashes back to her giving it to him before they were recaptured by EV. NB show up. Miggy tells her that last night he said that FF was dead to him, now he is burying her. He buries the ring in the dirt.

EV can’t wake FF up.

Nic is out of surgery and Sam and Willy urge him to fight to live.

JM is back on camera handcuffed to a different chair. The Reptile shows him a bomb vest.

NB has some new guys for her gang and Miggy and Gus are going to give them gang training. In hops Clara. She wants to be able to defend herself. Miggy is doubtful but NB is ok with it.

FF seems to be on bed rest for the rest of her pregnancy. EV brings her a bunch of stuff and she kisses him.


CORAZÓN VALIENTE - miércoles - Part 3

Nic has not woken up. Sam tells Willy that they need a miracle to save Nic’s life. In walks a miracle, it’s Jéssica. No sooner does she tell Nic that she is there, than he wakes up. D8D shows up, too but Willy throws him out.

Laura is in the waiting room. She tells Willy that she is Jéssica’s mother.

The Reptile has JM chained to a wheelchair wearing the bomb and they are by some body of water. The camera is running. She sets the timer for 60 seconds.

FF tells EV that even though she knows that he is a killer and an enemy, she wants to love him.

NB is happy with Miggy’ gang training regimen. He tells her that she will get her empire back and he will kill EV no matter how long it takes. He says that he is El Mesías now.

Nic can’t move his legs [Wait a minute, we already had that one. Are we going to start over and have blindness and amnesia again?]

The police, Sam and Angie have found JM. Meanwhile the Reptile has gotten all the way back to her place in less than 60 seconds. She takes a bunch of pills saying that she will be with JM beyond the grave.

Sam tries to disarm the bomb but she can’t. The clock runs out...

And now we jump ahead in time. A very pregnant FF accompanies EV to the funeral of somebody called Don Manuel. In walks NB and Miggy.



Thanks Jean, another great recap. This episode got really bizarre at the end. The timer actually said 60 minutes, and the seconds for each minute were zooming down, but still. And Sam cut one of the wires with a few seconds left, then said she didn't know how to disarm it. And Sam, Willy and Angie were right there around JM, so if the bomb went off, they'd all be killed. Oh well. Guess they'll show us the flashback next episode (I think there's soccer tonight, so we have to wait).

Jessica now sort of understands what her father does, and is okay with his killing his henchman. The whole thing is ridiculous. Laura gives her love, too, why can't she go with HER? It was funny when Nick said he'd try NOT to get well, since Jessica said she'd stay until he got well. But now with his leg problem, I guess she's going to be there for a while. Until he has another miracle, and walks again.

So, it's now months later. We're pretty sure JM, Sam, Willy and Angie survived. But what about the Reptile with her pills? Could they actually be done with her? I, for one, wouldn't mind, and think there are plenty of other characters left to keep the show going.


Super recap, Hombre. That was a very interesting episode. Maybe I'm a bad person, but I get a bit bored with long scenes of the results of one of Escobar's bombing and sentimental scenes of family members.

At last! Someone (Niki) is looking into why there are two sets of guys accused of killing Galán. They said something about taking the real killers to el modelo. I was very confused until I looked at a list of definitions for the word and found cárcel modelo, model prison. That could mean, I suppose, either one of those places where the inmates are non-violent and mostly trusted or it could mean a Supermax like we have in the US where they're locked down 23 hours a day.

Regarding Chinito, I thought Naufrago suggested that Mariachi's son may have had a "locator" planted on him rather than that he was the sapo. But I may have misunderstood.

I love it when you recap something, Hombre, that I totally missed. I didn't hear the click of the gun. I thought she was too scared to shoot and was giving Escobar more credit for bravery than he deserved. I was also wondering if she might have had a grudge about some killed family member and planned to do it all along. But, you're probably right about rough sex being the reason.


Excellent work, Jean. You always come up with some obvious logic that escaped me. Like why JM didn't run outside with the chair attached to his hindquarters and get help!

Nah, something will save the Reptile. But I'm with Hombre. I've had enough of her and would be delighted if we were only left with male villains: D8D and EV. But they sure are making EV not such a horrible villain, aren't they?

And, yes, we already had Génesis harmed in a car accident in an attempt by the Reptile to do her in. She ended up not walking for quite a while. So the thing with Nic seems repetitious unless it's to keep Jessica in LA.

Dang! I really wanted Canario to implicate the Reptile in Nic's shooting so EV would go after her. No such luck.


Novelera, thanks again for the correction. Yes, Naufrago said Chinito might have had a locator planted on him.

The fact that they put that date at the start of this section tells us something momentous will happen in the next episode. Hopefully this time it will be bad for the cartel.

CORAZÓN VALIENTE - jueves - Part 1

There is a pretty silly confrontation between EV’s gang and NB’s gang. They pull their guns and glare at each other over the coffin and then decide on a truce for the velorio.

Nic can’t walk. He is fed up after six months of exercises with no result.

Angie, JM and Génesis go to Isabel’s grave. We see a flashback to Sam finally managing to disarm the bomb at the last second.

At the velorio, Miggy can’t take his eyes off the very gravid FF. He tells NB that he feels nothing but rage against FF. He says that if the baby were his, he would defend it with his life but since it’s not, he only wants to kill EV.

Ringo is torturing a guy in the dungeon about the death of Don Manuel. [Who was this Don Manuel? Maybe that will explained later by a convenient flashback.] The Reptile is there [she wouldn’t miss someone being tortured]. So obviously she didn’t die. She tells Ringo that she needs to go to the doctor because of stomach pains, which are the result of her failed suicide attempt. We get a flashback to Ringo [Wasn’t he in Colombia when this happened? Maybe he used the transporter to get to LA.] finding the unconscious Reptile and reviving her. It’s clear that Ringo has a thing for the Reptile.

Nic is bitter and feels sorry for himself. He blames Sam for letting him get shot and resents any time she spends with the babies. Willy tells him not to mistreat his mother.

Clara has been happy with Camilo in Colombia and being in the gang. Camilo asks if she wouldn’t like to return to LA for a normal life but she is afraid of D8D.

D8D tells Rotten Rod that he has not heard anything about Clara and it’s like the earth swallowed her up. But he hasn’t forgotten her. He believes that one day Camilo will turn up and will either go to prison as a narco or be dead.

Miggy is talking to FF at the velorio when she goes into labor.

JM has a new apartment and his law firm is doing well. He asks Angie to move in with him.

Willy tells Sam that it would require a miracle for Nic to walk again [maybe they should try and get Jéssica to visit again]. Nic is listening to their conversation.

FF is giving birth on a couch in wherever the velorio is taking place. It’s a girl. EV announces to the velorio attendees that his daughter has been born and her name is Alma. Miggy flashes back to FF telling him that she wanted to have his daughter and she would name her Alma.

We see the first promo for La Patrona, which will replace CV.


CORAZÓN VALIENTE - jueves - Part 2

D8D comes over to Sam and Willy’s to get Luz for his court-permitted visits. Sam wants to know who will care for the baby at his place. D8D suggests that Nora accompany the baby.

EV has sent FF’s baby to the doctor’s house in an effort to support the lie that the baby is premature.

Miggy sneaks into the doctor’s place [how did he know the baby was there?], puts on a gown and mask in to deceive the guards who are in the room without any masks. He can’t understand the strange attraction that he has for the baby - it’s the Call of the Blood! He wishes that Alma was his baby.

JM is getting buff with Laura to better protect his family from future threats from the Reptile.

EV kills the guy in the dungeon. Ringo tells him that the doctor says that there are problems with the baby’s digestion.

JM gets a call from the Reptile. She tells him that she has changed and isn’t pursuing him anymore. JM doesn’t believe her.

D8D puts the moves on Nora.

Nic considers suicide.

Willy tells Sam that there is an operation that has a 10 percent chance of reversing Nic’s paralysis but if it fails, then he will never walk.

Angie is jealous of Laura and JM’s relationship.

Miggy challenges EV to some kind of duel.


Corazon Valiente

Thanks Jean for excellent recap. Since I only watch 5 minutes of this now, and I got to watch the entire episode last night, I was lost. I did not know some of the people they were talking about and glad you stated there were some missing "chapters" here.

I thought for a minute that Miggy was going to wink at the camera when he said "this duel will be the end of things" as if saying okay this TN is finally coming to an end.

I could have smacked Nic when he said he would have been safe if he had stayed with his "father", Esteban.

And please Nora don't fall for
D8D's play.


Jean, thanks for another superb recap. You pointed out several of the brain-stretching moments. I loved that call of the blood for Miggy. If he talked to Sam, she could tell him the same thing happened with Luz.

I'm not so sure why D8D gets to take Luz for visits. Yes, he's the grandfather, but that's usually not enough. And he helped raise the little one for almost a year, but it was a fraud! He knew it wasn't his baby. Shouldn't that disqualify him?

As usual, the baby doesn't look premature. But since seven months passed, and before that, FF was 4 weeks pregnant, it was born only 1 month early anyway (actually it was full term, but she doesn't know that), so it's going to be hard to prove anything, unless 1) the doctor talks, or 2) they need a bone marrow donor, FF is too weak, and they have to contact Miggy.

So, the operation has a 10% chance of being successful. We know it could have a 1% chance, and we'd have our miracle.

I'm not holding out any hopes for the duel resolving things. Previously, they had that fistfight, and were very even, so it may be some other kind of stalemate. I don't see EV going down like that. Even though I think he's scum, the writers have thrown in enough good behavior by him that it almost feels as if he'd have to sacrifice himself for Jessica or FF to die.

I like Clara in her new narco gang outfits.

Corazon Valiente -

thanks so much Jean !!!

I forgot about the plan for having the baby be premature so as to make it Verdugos, I thought Miggy was going to take her, Clara doesn't seem to mind raising babies that will never be hers.

Angela, ever searching for a reason for not being with her man, and JM confiding in Laura, she's only a friend now, always willing to come up with another reason, but I guess it's the sex that keeps bringing them back together, these two so deserve each other.

D8D is so despicable, as always, I think the continuing theme of this story is that no matter what happens, D8D and Fernanda are STILL there, lurking around, tossing out anything good that might occur.

I was wanting to give the wheel chair whiner a dip in the pool last night.

a duel, I wonder if they will both be mortally wounded, kind of like their other fight, but with Verdugo looking like a nice guy, how will it be possible for Miggy to reclaim his place in Fabiola's life, he can't just kill him, can he?


Thanks, Jean. Excellent snarky recap.

Nic's behavior is almost a cliché. But that was a pretty rotten thing he said about being safer with Esteban. But, you know, that's what adolescents do: come up with the most hurtful thing they can when they're mad at you.

Nobody notices that the baby is too big to be premature. And the supposedly devoted EV whisks FF's baby out from under her nose, not even considering she wants to breast feed.

And that was very weird that they were at a velorio for a character we never heard of. They said something about his being the one the gangs bought weapons from, if I remember correctly.

When Sam and Willy got custody of Luz, it was mentioned that the judge ordered also some visitation rights for D8D. Considering all the crap he pulled, they should be supervised visits with a social working sitting right there!

My jaw also dropped at Ringo being the one who saved the Reptile. I remembered him being on the phone in Colombia ordering more backup for the Reptile. Guess that was a continuity error.

I was laughing out loud at a first pregnancy from such a tiny, narrow hipped person as FF giving birth that quickly. Come on.

It's fun to see Clara so spirited. That meek stuff that went on and on got on my last nerve.

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