Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Por ella soy Eva #116 1/2/12: A Mistress Passes, Ferni FInds a Job and Mimi Has a Record

Happy New Year!!!!!!

We start off with Rebeca trying to rip a new one to Oneismo; she throws him out of her office.  She insults him, (for once I wish that a profound thought would come out of the mouth of that animal print goddess) and she tells him that she is tired of him lying to her just to get a look at her body.  Mimi sees him the hallway and remembers him trying to sneak into Eva’s room.  She tries to catch him on the elevator and he shuts the door in her face.  Mimi wonders what was he doing at GI and she has a funny feeling about him.

Oneismo realizes that Mimi recognized him and that would mean trouble for him.

In Helena’s office, Lucia, Helena and Eva talk about a wedding date.  Lucia can’t understand why they have such nonchalant attitudes about their weddings.  Eva asks Lucia for the 411 about Renato and Loose Lips says that they have broken up because he was gay but she has only told Helena.  They are the only 3 that know for now.  Lucia asks for Renato and Eva tells her that he is away on family business and he is fine.
In Puebla- Renato and Claudia are hugging.  Claudia updates Renato on where she is living.  Renato asks Claudia why hadn’t she used his number to call her and she says that you told us to only call you in an emergency.   Claudia is afraid and doesn’t know what to do in the event that their mom dies.
Helena is worried because as long as she has known Lucia, she is not a person to keep a secret.  Eva says that there is always a first time.  Eva warns Helena that it’s not a good idea to tell Lucia about Juan Carlos being alive.
Eva tells Helena about the cd being in Rebeca’s computer.  Is Rebeca involved?
Mimi interrupts to get her cousin.

At the hospital- it is looking bleak.  It is just matter of time.  Modesto for once shows a tad bit of emotion, and starts his own pity party.  Claudia asks Eugenia- what are you doing here?
Mad Dad tells his friend that Silvia acted like she didn’t know him and doesn’t ever want to see him again in her life.  Mad Dad’s friend says that he believes that Silvia wants a divorce and he is the only one responsible.  His friend says that you have to do whatever it takes to win her back and save your marriage, (Let’s start with a lobotomy) Does he know anything about romance and courting?

Modesto finally speaks up and tells Claudia to stop, Eugenia brought her there so that she wouldn’t have to come alone, don’t be the ungrateful (little bitch that you are).  Claudia goes on to say that Eugenia wants to make fun of her mother.  Renato asks her why is she speaking to Eugenia like that and Claudia tells him, you don’t know her, she hates our mother. (Claudia tell the whole story) Modesto just says don’t talk foolishness. (Modesto is too laid back for me, a very unemotional man, whose priorities are all askew.)
Claudia continues to insult Eugenia and tells her to leave.  Modesto asks that Eugenia forgive his daughter, and Eugenia (the class act that she is, ) says that she understands the pain that Claudia is feeling.  Eugenia leaves and Renato thanks Eugenia for allowing him the last opportunity to see his mother.

Mimi tells Eva about Oneismo.  It was very suspicious that he was at GI and coming from the snake Rebeca’s office.  Now they need to find out what is Rebeca’s involvement.
Fernando is walking around the company with the friend of Daniel’s father (the man is looking at him like he is crazy) He takes Fernando to his office; he is the Director of the Dead Files.  Good luck!!!  He may actually have to work.

Carmen wants to speak to Luis

Mimi comes to the radio station, as the Beauty and Health advisor.

Carmen asks Luis/Renato for forgiveness. One for not giving him a father that could be with him, two for turning her back on him when he needed her the most, she was educated differently and not open to different lifestyles.

The topic for the radio show is the importance of getting periodic medical examinations.  In the event of an illness, it’s important that with early detection some illnesses can be treated, Mimi tells about a friend that she knows has never has HIV testing.  It never occurred to her.  During this lady’s pregnancy she was tested and she was HIV positive. The baby was born healthy.  It’s important to have frequent exams. (I think that I missed something there)

Carmen had a hard time realizing that Renato was different- gay.    Renato asks for forgiveness because of his pride he didn’t even want to come see her even though she was gravely ill.  Carmen tells him to be strong and take care of the little bitch  sister oops, Claudia, Carmen is in a lot of pain. 
Then Mimi starts gossiping about stars while waiting for the phones to ring.

An unknown man calls- asking about a young singer from the Norte who disappeared?  They called me- Jilguerillo culiche.  Does she remember Dagoberto Preciado? She was very impactada.

Carmen asks Modesto to look after the kids.
She tells starts to tell Claudia that she loves…. But then passes away.

Eva goes into Rebeca’s office under the pretense of finding out details about the 25th anniversary, Rebeca with her nasty self, tells Eva ,oh Renato is in charge.  They put someone more chic than she. (He definitely has more class)
Rebeca cuts to the chase and asks Eva, what does she want to know?

Pluto bursts into Helena’s office and gives her a kiss, she just responds with an Um, right away Pluti wants to know what’s wrong.  Are you still upset about Lalito?  Helena says that she is worried about the (fake) FITSA construction company.  She has not received any information from them. She feels responsible because she is in charge of the project.  She wants to eat dinner alone with Lalito and Pluti thought that he could slide in and make things better, but Helena shut him down.  Maybe they can dine out on the weekend.

Maxine Woodside asks Mimi if the mystery caller is a fan or an old friend?  They were artistic partners back in the day, but a crying Mimi said that the partnership was over when one partner betrayed the other.  He was hung up on.  They cut to commercial.  Maxine wanted details, but Mimi said that he was a “rata con dos patas”- a 2-legged rat.

Carmen was pronounced dead.  Renato dragged a distraught Claudia out of the room.  Modesto calls out to a lifeless Carmen.

Eva wants to know who was the short man that just  left her office, a worker or a boyfriend.  Rebeca downplays it saying it was jus someone doing something for her, her driver. Rebeca says –lets’ take off the masks- all you want to do is to get me fired from GI, but it won’t happen.  Rebeca lets Eva know that she is a lion and Eva corrects her, she is nothing but a house cat and no one wants her fired.  Not yet!  Eva reminds her that she is still a shareholder at the company. 

Adriano is in his office having a hissy fit about finding a paper regarding the anniversary that Renato had.  Adriano lets the blue dresses know what we have known all along that they are useless.
Modesto calls Adriano to tell him that they have been friends for so many years and that he could tell him what was going on, Carmen, the mother of his children lost the battle to cancer.  Adriano didn’t know that she was sick.  He lets Adriano know that Eva his fiancé was a close friend of Eugenia and she knew all about it. Adriano was surprised.

Rebeca lets Pluti know that Eva is very interested in the 411 about Oneismo.

Lucia is looking for Renato and the blue dresses have not seen him.  Lucia lets the blue dresses know that she and Renato are NOT an item.  She told the blue dresses not to get excited because none of them are Renato’s type.
Rebeca tries to throw Oneismo under the bus.  Pluti was not interested.  She lets him know that if he is looking for his Little Red Riding Hood, he can find her at grandma’s house.

A drunken Santi is passed out asleep on a mattress on the floor of his empty apartment and Lucia is trying to reach him by phone.
Lucia goes into a soliloquy about a trying to reach a friend by phone and he is not answering.  Eva sees through the foolishness and says that she knows that is trying to call Santiago.  There is always a tragedy-surrounding Lucia.

Adriano asks Eva – why doesn’t she have confidence in him.  Why is she hiding things from him?

Helena and Lalito are having breakfast and Lalito asks if Helena is angry with him.  Helena’ asks why did he keep the secret from her.  He thought that his mom would be angry with him.  Lalito clarifies that Pluti wanted him to cheat.  (Does Helena get it?)  He felt bad for the girl and she was crying. Tomorrow Helena and Lalo are going to the school to speak to the Principal and let the runner up know about the cheating. Lalo asked if he is going to be punished but Helena says that there has to be a consequence for what he did because it wasn’t right. Lalo is punished for 2 days without TV. He asked for 4 days. (A this point the child seems to be the most sensible one in the family)

Eva didn’t share such a delicate subject with Adriano because it involved her friend, Eugenia, who is a famous actress.  From here on out they will be less formal with each other. Adriano was delighted.  Have some confidence in your fiancé. Adriano wants to go to Pueblo to the funeral and Eva is prohibiting from going. (Remember Renato is there)  Adriano wants to be there for his friend, Modesto.

Strong Silvia realizes that if she returns to Mad Dad, things would be worse.
Mad Dad’s friend brings some food for them to eat.  Mad Dad will not permit the divorce to take place.
Mad Dad wants to reconquer Strong Silvia.  (This should be interesting.)
Silvia wants to buy the nursery so that the owner can spend more time with her husband.  Helena and Silvia will become partners.  Helena will put up the money and Silvia will work.

Eva goes to see Eugenia, whose calls go straight to voicemail. Eva finds out that Eugenia is locked up in her room.  Eva knocks on Eugenia’s door and Eugenia explains that she is hurt watching Modesto suffer for Carmen.  Juan encourages Eugenia to take her medicine and she obliges

Mimi is looking at a scrapbook of her past stardom, newspaper articles that say that she had a good future and that she was behind bars, something about a fugitive and starts  she crying.

Coming attractions:
Eva can’t take anymore- his mother, the proof, of his innocence, trying to win back Helena- the pressure!!!!


TJ- great wonderful recap and loved your asides. Claudia is a little beyotch and loved that Renato reined Claudia in and how Renato was so kind to Eugenia. I wish Renato would take Claudia to live with him, it sure would save Eugenia some grief.

Too bad Mimi and Eva think that Onesimo is Rebe's henchie, when he is Pluti's. I wish that Mimi had caught up to him.

So Mimi has a past, Interesting. And she was in jail, no puede ser! Can't wait to see where this one goes.

Funny that Fern will be working in the "morgue" lol. I too think he will have to actually work.

TJ, thanks for the lightning fast summary and the lobotomy comment which had me rollin'!!

I am so glad Renato was kind to Eugenia. I also wanted to kiss JC for the way he managed to get Eugenia to take her meds and even make her laugh. I don't know what Juan said to her,but I wanted to kiss him for his compassion. THAT is The Juan I love most!

Gee Helena, "my friend Lucia can never keep a secret." Duh! do ya think?? And Fitsa isn't communicating with me?? And she's putting up money in her Moms nursery venture?? Helena is walking multiple fine lines, but I guess we are to believe as a single mother who is used to having the odds against her, she has the guts to be enterprising and push onward. It will be interesting g if she starts digging into the Fitsa thing. What will PLuty stoop to when she *really* starts getting in the way? Gertie

Thank you for the recap, TJ.

Most disturbing moment on Tue's show: when Daniel forced Jennifer to kiss him and strong-armed her. Sounds to me like a date rape candidate.

Most annoying moment on Wed's show: Modesto assumed that Eva told Adriano that Carmen was sick. After all, she is Carmen's lover's wife's best friend; who better to tell Adri? You certainly can't expect Modesto to tell his best friend - Modesto never does anything! I'm surprised the man doesn't starve to death because he's too useless to even raise a fork to his mouth.


And saddest moment of the show -- Eugenia realizing that Modesto is suffering over the loss of Carmen and that he really loved Carmen. Eugenia has had to face Claudia's nastiness -- and the very existence of Carmen's two children -- but now she is faced by the fact that it was apparently Carmen that he really loved.

But I too loved the way JC joked and cajoled Eugenia into taking her meds -- meds specially made for great actresses.

I'm glad that Lalito's story seems not to support Pluti's version that Lalo "misunderstood" and also that Helena didn't allow him to come home for lunch and try to manipulate the conversation and put words in Lalo's mouth. I like the way Helena dealt with giving Lalo consequences, including making an apology to the person who was really harmed by his actions.

Is the guy who visits Eduardo his friend or his brother. Last night Bastardo called him "hermano" but it may only mean that they are close. It will be fun to watch Eduardo try to win Silvia back -- and it was illuminating that he confessed to his "hermano" that that was how he plans to stop the divorce but that he doesn't have any idea how to go about it.

Loved the thorough recap TJ -- Thanks


Thanks Melinama and TJ for both of your great recaps.

I couldn't believe Helena even thought for a second about telling Lucia about JC. Really Helena? I am glad that she prevented Pluti from coming to lunch. But how can she even consider the "misunderstanding" excuse when Lalito has made it so clear that Pluti condoned/encouraged him to CHEAT? No ifs, ands, or buts about it.

I also felt so sad for Eugenia and enjoyed JC cajoling her to take her meds. She needs to dump Modesto and let him take care of his two kids on his own. I was glad to see Renato being so kind to her. But he needs to straighten out his sister.

I will be amused to see how Bastardo tries to win Silvia back, but I don't want her to go back to him, EVER again. I don't care if he cries tears of blood. My thinking is that he had his major second chance with her decades ago after his abuse resulted in her losing their baby boy. From that day forward, he should have treated her like a queen and begged her forgiveness daily. Instead, he treated her like dirt. I'm sorry. You can't charm or sweet talk your way out of decades of that kind of abuse. I really hope the writers don't go there, because it sends a bad message.


Thank you for your recap of such a detail filled episode! It was so funny seeing Lucia more excited about the impending weddings of Helena and Eva than they themselves who still have not set a date. Helena sometimes shows really bad judgement: tell motor mouth Lucia about Juan Carlos being alive? It was so good to see Eva annoying Rebeca by rearranging the things on her desk and telling her she was more of a house cat than a lion and reminding her in response to Rebecca's petty threats that she Eva was a partner and an owner of the company. It was also fun seeing Oneisimo annoying Rebecca. Also I loved Eva making a concession to Adri so that she could prove that he can have confidence in her by allowing them to call each other "tu" but then quickly reminding him not to expect anything else beyond that. I notice that some words are censored in the US broadcast. Does anyone know if the same censorship happens in Mexico?


Sylvia's new theme song:

Are never...ever...ever
Getting back together.

Are never..ever, ever
Getting back together...


Taylor Swift

Helena's primary reason for marrying Pluto is because Lalo needs a father, to protect him and be the man in his life. Lalo specifically reported that Pluto told him, "Sometimes it's okay to cheat to get what you want." That smashes to dust any reason she had, for wanting Pluto in Lalo's life. The boy would have a better male role model if Helena got him a dog!


Thank you for the reap, TJ. I agree with you that Lalo seems to be the most sensible one in the family... and with Vivi and Paula that this incident takes away all reason for Helena wanting to marry Pluti. It seems to me this should be a bigger deal than Helena's reaction indicates.

Modesto is useless. All he ever manages to do is look cranky. Don't know what anyone sees in him. I suppose he has nice hair.

On the other hand, I love all the scenes with Rebeca in them. She is SO put upon by the other characters. I think she should bother the Virgin for her own telenovela.


I thought it was very funny the scene with Eva and Helena being so unenthusiastic about their weddings, and Lucia calling them the strangest brides in the world.


Modesto is useless. ... Don't know what anyone sees in him. I suppose he has nice hair.
Good hair, yes. But that voice, and that diction, and his refined Spanish in some roles ... I could just listen to him for hours.

Rebeca... I think she should bother the Virgin for her own telenovela.

Woohoo two recaps!
Thank you thank you!!

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