Friday, February 01, 2013

Por ella soy Eva #137 1/31/13: Shot Through the Heart and You're to Blame; You Give Love a Bad Name.

Mad Dad's friend is commenting that Silvia is beautiful and a great woman.  Mad Dad warns him not to talk like that again if he wants to still come around.

Pluto calls Onesimo and asks him to get another copy of the fake thesis.

Eva tells Helena about how Felix got Rebeca a disc that gives her access to everyone's email at G.I. and that now Felix has disappeared.  Eva says a little bird told her, and then whistles like a bird while Helena tells her to knock it off.  Helena asks if Rebeca is involved in the fraud, and Eva has no doubt that she is.  Eva is able get her hands on that disc pronto!

Helena and Juan are meeting in their spot.  Juan can tell something other than the recent news is on her mind.  She tells him "no esperes verme como si nada," but I don't know what that means.  He understands though.

Onesimo is at lunch with Rebeca and tells her he will break into Pluto's house again to look for evidence.  He wants an advance on his 'payment,' and he swoops in for a brief kiss.  Rebeca is disgusted and calls him a maldito gato. 

Jennifer doesn't want Daniel to be mad at her.  He wants a "special photo" from her, but she doesn't know what he means and makes a kissy face.  "Like that?" she asks.  I don't think so, girl.

Back at G.I. Rebeca continues to spray her mouth to wash away the taste of naco.  She suffers so.  Mendoza walks by, and she thanks the Virgin for the idea that he would be a good alternative to Onesimo for getting the goods on Plutarco.

Having seen in Acapulco that Helena has Antonia's real thesis, Pluto innocently asks her to return the thesis he gave her.  Fishing for answers, she calmly notes that it's strange that this wasn't important before but now he wants it back.  He shrugs and says it was his dead wife's and he wants it back.  He starts to pressure her into telling him why she no longer trusts him.  She finally snaps and reveals that she knows the thesis he gave her is a fake!

In the halls of G.I., Adriano is pressing Eva about their wedding.  Eva calls Lucia over and tells him that Lucia is in charge of everything for the wedding.  Adri suggest moving up the date but Eva hits him, telling him her astrologer forbids it.  "Don't anger the planets," she warns him.  Always good advice.

Oh, he is smooth that Pluti is.  He pretends he has no idea what Helena is talking about.  Adriano and Antonio gave him the thesis.  Haven't you ever read it, she asks, and he pretends to be sorry but no, he never did.  He was from the barrio, and Adriano and Antonia treated him like he was only interested in money instead of crediting him with all of which he is capable.  Now that he knows the thesis is a fake, he will investigate it for sure.  He promises Helena he will always be there for her.  Viewerville shudders.  She kind of looks like she's buying it.

Helena tells Eva what happened with Pluto, but says she doesn't believe him.  Still, she suggests that Adriano is involved and she shows Eva the clause in the contract with Playa Majagua where the government is offered an incentive that is too high, suggesting bribery.  Eva proposes reviewing the finances at G.I..

Eva is in Adriano's office demanding an audit.  He thinks she should be more focused on their wedding.  He keeps patting the couch next to him to beckon her over, while she repeatedly snaps "NO" at him.  He says Plutarco can do the audit, but Eva demands an outside source do it.  She asks if he has ever read Antonia's thesis.  He's sorry to say that he never read it.

Uh oh.  Modesto walks into G.I. and demands to know from Renato what he's doing there.  Renato says he's been working there for some time.  He tells Old Sourpuss that Adriano is a busy man and he can't be showing up whenever he feels like it.  Adri and Eva appear, and Adri says it was he who asks Modesto to come to the office.  Eva looks nervous.

In Santiago's office, Lucia tells him she is leaving early and he says he will pick some things up from the supermarket.  They smile at how they're behaving like a married couple.

Modesto is angry that Adriano hasn't told him about Renato, but Adri says he only just found out about Renato being his son.  Adri wants to fix things between father and son, and asks Modesto what the problem is.  Modesto tells him that if he's so interested he can ask Renato what happened.  Old Sourpuss stalks off.  The Evalettes and Plutarco overhear the whole thing.

Juan is at home with Mimi.  She looks sad.  Juan is ranting about how Adri was drooling when he saw Mimi in her bikini.  (Really?  I thought this TN was about finding new ways to relate)  But Mimi can't be consoled.  She doesn't want any more false hopes.  She realizes their one night together can never happen again.

Jennifer asks her mom about men, and what to do when they don't say what they're thinking.  Marcela wants to know what's going on with her and Daniel.  Jennifer begins to tell her when the phone interrupts.  (Why do people on the soaps feel they have to answer the phone?)   It's the head hunter, Rodrigo, calling to offer Fernando a job.  In Panama!  Marcela, thinking it's true, tells him Fernando would never take the job.  Meanwhile, the Daniel devil has texted Jennifer and she heads to the bedroom to text back.  She tells him to say what he's thinking.  uh-oh.  He takes off his shirt to snap a picture and send it to her, no doubt expecting that "special photo" in return.  She doesn't do it, but she's intrigued by his shirtlessness.

Modesto is complaining to Eugenia about how he's the last to know about Renato, and yep, sure enough, Eugenia knew also.  He scolds her for hiding things.  Oh, you've hidden much worse, she tells him.  Like having two families and two other children.  She also asks what the problem was with Renato, and he says Renato was never like Juan Carlos.  She says he has bigger things to worry about because Claudia is acting strangely.  Like everything important he dismisses it.  She's at that age and surely it will pass.  Like a gall stone?

Adriano has assembled everyone in the hallway of G.I. to tell them about Renato, who is squirming.  Rebeca smirks and makes a comment.  Adri tells everyone that Renato is Juan Carlos' brother.  Rebeca- she just can't help herself- says she hopes Renato doesn't deceive Adriano like Juan Carlos did.  Eva gets mad and tells everyone to respect Renato, and to respect the memory of Juan Carlos, who is with the Father in his cloud of cotton, surrounded by a chorus of celestial angels... Adriano interrupts to say he thought that was his sister.  "They are together," Eva snaps at him.  She leads everyone in a chorus of Hallelujahs. 

Renato asks Eva to keep quiet about him being gay.  Eva tells him she'll drop the matter.  Eva asks for the disc he took from Rebeca but Renato stalls and says he doesn't have it with him.

Pluto calls Renato into his office.  He reminds him who got him his job as Adriano's assistant.  He tells Renato that when Adri marries Eva, Pluto will be the one left in charge.  He asks Renato if he wants to be an assistant living in the shadow of his half brother, or if he wants to have a more important post.  Pluto is seducing Renato as he smoothes his clothing and straightens Renato's tie.  "What do you say?" he asks.  Renato agrees to side with Pluto.  Pluto asks him to put the (false) thesis back in Adriano's office, which Pluto explains he took with asking.

Mendoza is in Pluto's office, and Pluto grins that everything is going according to plan.  And now they have two people to take the fall.. Rebeca and Renato.  Pluto peeks in on Helena working at her desk.  He tells himself, "Helena, you are for me.  Only for me."


Bill~~~~ Wonderful recap. Loved the pic of Snidely Whiplash, so appropos, lol.

Pluti is just weaving that spider web of catching two more people in his continuing fraud. I wonder how in the world he thinks he can catch Helena in his web as if he owns her like the precious??? And Renato I really had high hopes for him not going to the dark side. I hope it is a sham and he goes to Eva with what he knows.

Had to laugh with the kiss planted on Rebe by Onesimo, too funny. She looked like she wanted to gargle with some Listerene. She kept wanting to wipe her mouth and I loved how you put she wanted to get the taste of Naco out of her mouth, too funny.

Glad everyone now knows that Renato is JC's half brother, about time.

Modesto needs that fork. He can't keep with anything. It's all about him, I'm sure. He claimed he loved JC but look the way he treated him when he was "alive". What a jerk. I think the only one that cares about the "other" family is Eugenia. She is there for Claudia and Renato.

Daniel is a predator and I wish, wish, wish that Jennifer would so dump him, but she is falling into his web too. I so don't want her to be hurt.

Poor Mimi, she has it so bad for Adri. I really hope by the end of this TN they end up together. They are so right for each other. I too liked the idea of Eva being beamed up by the aliens and just disappearing, lol.

I really hope Eva gets her way, and has the audit done by an outside source who will surely find this fraud. Adri should have thought of it himself. First the "fraud" by JC, then the "fraud" by Fern, if I were Adri I would get someone from outside to look at the company and have some type of oversight. I know this is a TN, but hey there is a first time for everything, : )

Bill~~~~ loved the title too, by one of my favorite bands Bon Jovi!

Great recap Bill. Love all the pics of Pluti snooping and creeping.

Perhaps it's time for Eva to start being more explicit with Adriano about the possible fraud and monkey biz happening, and use her/his influence on Adri to make him do something about it. Why not show him the real thesis and point out it's nothing like the Playa M project, so SOMEONE (ahem, Pluti) must have stolen it from Helena. Adri doesn't take being blindsighted well, and all the truths that would be revealed to him at once in the end is just too much. I still don't see how he will ever get over the Eva/JC thing. I see Helena getting over it way easier than Adri.

NOOOOOOO Jennifer!!! Don't do it! That Daniel is sure to put a topless pic of her online somewhere or spread it around the school. I don't want her to learn her lesson in such a hard way.

Ithabill, thanks for your great recap. That song line says it all. You also hit it on the head with Pluterco seducing Renato. It was so creepy watching Pluterco straighten Renato's tie and smooth his suit.

My favorite scene was with Rebeca and Onésimo. My favorite line was when he told her he was "Naco pero sabroso" A naco but tasty. !!!Onésimo is getting closer and closer to collecting on his debt with Rebecca--he has to be with the amount of capítulos left.

My second favorite scene was Eva describing how Juan Carlos was in heaven in the same way that she describes Antonia in heaven and Adriano calls her on it. So, she said they were both together which led to the wonderful Hallelujah Chorus.

Madelaine, when you used "precious" in reference to Helena I couldn't help but see Gollum with a Pluterco head.

I felt sorry for Claudia and Jennifer both who seem to be in precarious situations due to a lack of competent parenting. Let us hope that Eugenia and Marcela both are able to come to their rescue.

Things are really moving now and I have no idea how they are going to wrap this thing up which only makes it more fun.



Thanks, Bill! Love the screen shots and good ol' Snidely -- he does bear a striking resemblance to our Pluti, doesn't he?

I can't believe Rebe would go for Mendoza over Onésimo. I mean, what about aesthetics...? But I guess she'll always have bad taste. And maybe they'll go down together, since Pluti was self-talking at the end about how even Mendoza was going to end up covered with mud.

The only good thing about that Daniel business was I got my bingo square for "gratuitous shirtlessness." Eeeuw.


Gracias Bill!

Renato is a sleeper. Pluti thinks he's got all his ducks lining up in a row, but I think Renato will learn his secrets and bring him down!

I wonder if Renato will discover who Eva really and keep the secret because of the way Eva/JC has protected and accepted him? That alliance could sort out all the secrets surrounding GI and create a bond between the brothers.

Sue in Florida

Interesting though, Sue. I'm not sure how Renato would react to discovering Eva's secret identity. Your take would sure set up a dynamic investigating duo.

I hate the way Daniel is playing Jennifer. I was, though, almost relieved when I saw that he is trying to lure her into an internet discretion. I know she is in for a fall & I was afraid it was date rape. Don't get me wrong -- I don't want ANYTHING bad to happen to her but this is a TN and something bad has to happen.

This was a hoot Ithabill. Loved the title & love the song. It was sharp & clever through and through.

Güera from Syra-cuse (home of the golden snowball)

Awesome recap Bill! I was scared that Helena was buying Pluty's nonsense. My Spanish wasn't strong enough to capture her follow up conversation with Juan, and you generously filled us in! Muchas, muchas gracias!! Just like PLuty to cleverly weave the story to Helena and make it look like Adri and his sister stole her thesis.

It is time for everyone in GI to change their passwords !!
It is time for Eva to kick Adri's butt (or something) until he agrees to an OUTSIDE audit!!

Again. ...thanks so much Bill! Gertie

Outside audit? Good luck with that. Where would he find a good accountant to do the audit? He'd ask Pluto, of course!

Sue, good ideas on Renato. I could picture a scenario where Renato is in great danger, and the only way Eva can rescue him is to reveal that she's Juan - save his brother and endanger himself. Out of gratitude, Renato will reconcile, and then he'll return the favor and rescue Juan.

Guera, I had to ask someone at work what the golden snowball was! They told me.

Sue, I agree Renato is a sleeper. Even as he accepted Pluto's alliance he was looking skeptical. I think he did what he felt he had no choice in, but he's loyal to Eva and Helena who have treated him well.

Great recap, Bill. Snidely Whiplash is definitely Pluti's cartoon brother.

Sad to see Jennifer looking like she might cave and send dirty Daniel a "special" photo. Ughhh!

La Paloma

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