La Feria
Maria tries to get on a ride, but she's
run out of tickets --- and the buitres
(vultures) are circling, offering to take her to find her father. Later, Maria
walks through the nearly empty fairgrounds, followed closely by those
predators. She goes on and on about how she'd love to have a carousel in her
home, but it's too small. But her husband, Ricky's house is plenty big enough
for a carousel! Wait, what? You say your husband has a big house?
The she-predator tries to get the full name of said husband. They
convince her it's getting late and why don't they go home now, to their house,
and they can go find Ricky in the morning. They promise they have lots of
dolls and a tele. Maria goes merrily along
Caretaker Elvira arrives at the fair looking for Maria but isn’t
able to find a trace of her.
Elvira worries about Maria. Benigno and his Ruka are hanging out at the bar
and he's getting his drunk on
Ricky and Oriana continue to wait for the
elusive Sebastian. Ricky shares his and Piero's suspicions that Berto
could be his father's assassin. They figure Berto was scoping out the
joint when Oriana saw him in San Carlos. His motive was simple: keep
Gabriel from naming someone else in his will. "Suppose we're able to
prove he's the murderer," says Oriana, "We would then have to tell
Paloma the whole truth. Even if we were able to prove my innocence in the
murder, there’s still the question of the fraudulent Colombian bank account in
my name." She's sure she never signed anything to open that bank
account. Of course, the house was in her name and she signed all kinds of
documents having to do with the house. Ricky is sure they will figure
something out. They tell each other, again, they don’t know what one
would do without the other. They swear their love to each other again.
of Buitres
Maria arrives at the Predators' den.
She watches the tele as they conspire. The husband with a big house must
mean they have a lot of money. The she-predator just thinks Maria's crazy
and is probably making everything up. He now mentions a Don Tomas and
says he surely won't give them any money for a loca. She's sure there
will be an item in the paper tomorrow morning with a reward offer but they'll
ask for more.
Maria soon wears out her welcome. It's bedtime but no way
she's spending the night in this awful place and that woman didn't even
bring her the doll as promised! Maria is out of control and they don't
know what to do with her. Suddenly, she goes into convulsions!!
Casa de Paloma/Benigno’s House
Our lovebirds are outside Paloma's house
sharing sweet nothings. He gets a call from Elvira telling him everyone's
gone to the fair and they haven't returned even though the fair is now closed.
Our hero runs lickety split right over to find out QTH is going on.
They left at 9:00pm and it's now 3:00am. Ricky goes into action.
He calls Piero to tell him Maria's missing again. Elvira looks for
a picture of Maria.
Unknown Bar
Piero meets up with Ricky at some bar (Bar
Bolo)? No news at the hospitals and the police haven't seen her either.
Oriana calls and he promises to keep her posted.
Ricky next calls Benigno but Elvira is the
only one there -- no sign of Benigno or Maria.
Ricky then suggests they post a story in
the local and national papers just in case Benigno took her out of the area.
Piero doesn't think anyone at the papers will be interested at this hour
but Ricky insists they will be, if they pay them enough. He gives Piero a
picture of Maria for the papers.
of Nowhere
Ruh-roh. The ruffians have had
enough of Maria and dump her by the side of the road and oh Lordy, it starts to
rain! Poor little lamb.
El BungalowAzul
Ricky is growing desperate but Piero tells
him not to give up. The police and the papers have all been notified and
there's nothing left to do but wait. He strongly suggests the Maria be
taken from Benigno when they find her. Ricky agrees but is adamantly
opposed to hospitalizing her alongside other mental patients. For better
or worse, she is his babyMomma! His only hope is that the newpapers yield
some results. He tries Benigno's house again and Elvira can only say no
one's showed up yet. She'll let him know as soon as she knows anything.
Cabin in the Woods
Maria is tramping through the rain.
Somehow she has found her way to a cabin where Sebastian is holed up with
his posse. She's wringing wet and hysterical and one dude, true to his
kind, finds her strangely attractive, even though she's older. She tells
Sebastian he's handsome and wonders if she's seen him before. The guys
find her funny but Sebastian kicks them out. He tells her to go take a
bath and in the meantime, he'll go get her something to eat. He leaves
her watching the tele and he pauses outside the door, impactado.
de Benigno
Benigno finally returns home, telling Elvira he last saw Maria at
La Feria. Elvira is exasperated with him – how could he leave Maria there
alone! He just wanted to rid himself of her! She's always been a
burden to him and that’s why he was able to leave her because.......ready for
Benigno's pithed when she says this. She reminds him that he
himself told her. He warns her to never repeat this. Elvira can
only pray Maria is ok.
in the Woods
Seba watches over his sleeping mother as
she awakens. He reminds her they met at Ricky's house. She tells
him she met Ricky many years ago when her father worked at his house. She
would sneak out of her room just to spy on him. But everything changed after
that fiesta so long ago and they had to go live somewhere else. She still
remembers that fiesta. She hid so she could listen to the music and watch
all the handsome dudes. She liked Ricky best but he didn’t like her as
much as his friends did (eeww). They found her and told her she was
pretty. They kissed her and fondled her. Sebas figures what’s what
pretty quickly and tells her she was raped. Maria doesn’t want to think
of it that way. They made love but then they left. Ricky came soon
after but he was sick to his stomach and then passed out on the lawn. He
was her Prince, but he was ill. She lay by his side until her father
arrived and started screaming like a madman. Sebastian wants to know if
she had sex with Ricky but she insists they didn’t. She did with the
other two but not Ricky. Whoa! Major revelation for Seba -- what must be
going through his head? Gabriel's not his dad, but Ricky is. No, that's
not right either! Gasp! He's a nobody! He’s muy impactado. Don't know how much of this got through his
beer addled little brain.
El Bungalow Azul
Elvira is spilling it to Ricky how Benigno
got his drunk on last night and left Maria at la Feria. Oriana comes to
check on her prince -- no word yet on Maria. Ricky instructs Celio to go
buy all the local and national papers -- but
after he's made the coffee. HA!
The Cabin in the Woods
The brain cells are starting to work --
Sebastian is frantic, telling Maria that all this time they thought Ricky was
the babyDaddy. Now he takes out his frustration on Maria - shaking her
and asking her my question: why didn't you say anything all these
years?!? She did -- she told her father! But he threatened to beat her if
she repeated it. Sebastian wonders why she's telling him now? It's simple really. Maria isn't planning on
living with her father anymore; she's going to live here with Seba! No way,
says Seba – he asks for the names of the other two guys that night. Maria
doesn’t know -- she didn’t ask their names but she did see one of them with
Ricky just the other day. She asks if Sebas going to take her to live
with him? Seba's brain cells are working overtime! He swears her to
secrecy but she doesn’t understand and his patience is wearing thin. He
tries to explain that if she spills the frijoles she'll cause him (Seba) great
harm. It's a long story and he doesn't have time right now, he has to think.
She sits down to watch tv while he thinks-- then asks for breakfast.
He warns her not to leave and he steps out to get something to eat.
de Paloma
Raquel vamps Cesar. He’s on his way
to see Mariano -- to talk. Raquel continues to try to put the moves on
him. Wait, is Cesar going to announce he got "the calling"? Is this why we've never seen him with a girl?
de Benigno
Ricky tears him a new one -- what was he
thinking, leaving Maria alone there? He warns him that if they don't find
her, he'll press charges against Benigno for abandoning her. Benigno
comes back with a threat of his own. He'll go to the press with the story
that Ricky raped Maria, who was underage and mentally deficient! Ricky doesn’t
care. He only knows that Benigno took Maria to that fair with only one
thing in mind: to abandon her. So what? says Benigno. He's
sick and tired of her. Because of her, he hasn't been able to live his life.
He can't even bring a woman over because she's here. Ricky reminds
him he's talking about his daughter! "and your son's mother"
replies Benigno. Stalemate
in the Woods
Sebas is pacing the floor trying to figure
out what to do with Maria. Maria's content to go on living here at his
house. Sebas breaks it to her that it's not his house, but his brother
Ricky's house. He asks her if she remembers where she lives. She's
worried that her father will beat her if she goes back there. Then she
warns Seba that if he takes her back to her father, she'll tell Ricky the truth
about what happened that night. Sebas tries unsuccessfully to reason with
her-- he has a roommate. He just moved out recently. She doesn't believe
him. She threatens again to tell. He starts to get rough with her
but she fights back, saying she doesn’t care if anyone beats her, she's gonna
tell. She goes back to eating her food. Creepy violins play as the
wheels start spinning in Sebastian's evil little brain. ruh-roh!
Casa de Benigno
Ricky's not worried about Ben’s threats --
Sebas already knows the truth so he doesn’t care. "but maybe a stint
in jail for abusing an underage girl will scare you!" replies Ben, "Or
what? Are you going to marry her? Well, go ahead and say it in front of
your novia!" Ricky and Oriana decide it's best to leave now.
Ben tells Elvira and Bernice (the other caretaker) that he knows Ricky will fold and give hin
the money he's after. Bernice wonders why he cares since Maria isn't even
his daughter. Ah, so chismosa Elvira told you! Don't believe
anything she says -- she's nothing but a liar anyway. And seeing as Maria
is no longer here, your work is finished so scram! He boots them both
Predators Den
The predators have now become aware that
there's a reward out for Maria and try to come up with a way to make some money
out of this. He thinks they should say something and see if they can get
some kind of reward but she thinks it will just lead to them being arrested.
Bungalow Azul
Ricky and Oriana return to his bungalow. She assures him they
will find Maria. He continues to worry and fret over how he could have
possibly taken advantage of Maria all those years ago. He was so drunk he
doesn't even remember. Not only that, but alcohol has been known to
inhibit an erection. Not always, says Oriana. He worries he should have
worried more about Maria when Sebas found out the truth. He's felt so guilty
all these years. He was ever sure how to treat Seba – as his brother or
his son? Maybe he should have married Maria and registered Sebastian as his
son- he just wants to do what's right. Oriana wonders if he’s thinking
about what Ben said. The question goes unanswered because he gets a call
from Tia Fidelia, asking him to get over there, now!
The Purple Palace
Sebastian has taken Mommy Dearest to the
purple palace and Tía Fidelia is not happy. She thinks Maria should be institutionalized.
Ricky walks in and Maria jumps into his arms. Ricky introduces
Oriana to Tía. They make small talk
while Ricky asks Seba under his breath, “Where did you find her (Maria)?”
de Paloma
Paloma is reading the account of Maria's
disappearance. MadHilde is back to cutting apples (I swear they're
poisoned, mark my words). Paloma pretends the story is about some poor
unfortunate soul and pretends not to know more.
Seba insists that Maria be allowed to stay
there and he feels he has every right to expect his. Tía insists Maria not
stay here and repeats she should be institutionalized. Seba reminds Tía
this isn't her house and she's only here because Gabriel invited her. Tía
makes it clear that if Maria stays, she (Tía) is outta here! Ricky sides
with Seba, saying it's an act of compassion and begs Tía not leave and that Maria
should be allowed to stay. Maria gets a wicked smile on her face and purposely
drops a figurine she's been playing with. Ricky has the final word:
Maria stays.
Ricky calls Elvira and asks her and Bernice
to come help with Maria.
Sebas talks with Maria, pleading with her
not to be touching things that aren't hers or bothering Tía, understood?
She wonders why Sebas said she was his mother. He tells her it was
lie so she could stay here. He threatens her against telling the truth
about Ricky not having touched her that night. He swears that if she
tells anyone, he'll take her away and sell her to someone who will take her
far, far away, never to return.
de Paloma
Oriana suggests maybe Maria should move to
Paloma's but Ricky doesn’t think it's right. She's not Paloma's
responsibility. Oriana recommends the right treatment for Maria may help her
but Ricky doesn't think that's possible. He wants to talk about Sebastian’s
treatment of Maria. He wonders what caused the change in Seba’s attitude
toward her. Why is he suddenly so keen to protect her? Is it
possible he's changing? He assures Oriana he has no thought of marrying
Mari. He only wants Oriana and will never give her up.
Cesar has a heart to heart with Padre of
the Striped Shirt. He explains would have liked to have studied something
else, but his mother made that impossible. Padre suggests Cesar speak
with her and explain that he never wanted to be an accountant. Cesar
frets about his mother and how she'll react were she to learn his true calling:
a religious missionary. He asks Padre for advice on how to tell
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@ 1:39 AM

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