Friday, March 07, 2014

Que Pobres tan Ricos # 44, MA falls deeper into his 'A-hole'-itis after Mati does another 'trick' on him and then can't remember the details.

Isela gives up on giving Mini advice. She tells her I don’t care anymore what happens to you.

Mini calls someone on phone. Out comes A-hole. She has to hang up and he asks who she was about ot call. You dear! … Mini says it was him and he sais it makes no sense she was calling him from patio to the house. A-hole looks at Mini’s belly… he says she looks like she is getting bigger… calls her ‘mi gordis’ and she hates that. Don’t you dare say I have a belly. Isela uses the opportunity to mock Mini some. Isela again squeezes A-hole’s cheeks as he takes his exit. Isela urges Mini to start using the ‘fake belly fillers’. And as she leaves, she mocks Mini again calling her ‘GORDIS!!’ (leaves laughing)

Lupita comes in to Mati’s room. Lupe had bought Mati some clean pj’s at the market. Mati loves them. They look so warm! Shouldn’t have. Lupe says no sweat. Would love to do more to make her feel comfortable. Mati swears God will compensate her some day.

Saul/MA out somewhere… Saul still miffed at MA for the ‘fideicomiso’ plan. MA says now more than ever I need that money urgently! (again gives his family as excuse to get the money any way he can).

The notary with bad hearing is reviewing the papers MA and Saul brought him. MA yells at the guy and only gets the guy more mad. The lawyer yells at them because the papers in the envelope seem some sketches from Gwendy or Perla instead of the papers MA meant to bring over… MA again blames it on Saul and his young brother ‘Leonardo’. (ah! So these sketches belonged to Leo?) MA and Saul mention that the papers were in the ‘bust’ of the grandpa and the lawyer takes that the wrong way and ends up kicking them out of the office. Don’t waste my time!! As Saul and MA leave, they argue again. MA tries to blame Saul and he bounces the potato back. They are yelling at each other. Saul is right in ranting that he has spent so much time with MA trying to help him out. MA says I can handle my issues ALONE!! Saul just leaves in a huff.

Lupe and Nepo. Nepo a bit miffed at ‘Mike’ quitting on him. Lupe says we have to give Mike the benefit of the doubt, his grandma is really ill. Nepo says Mike better not come looking for me because I am done with him (referring to the job). Lupe asks Nepo if there is something else that bothers him. Nepo says yes, its my son, he doesn’t want to be futbol player anymore. So many years training, so many hopes.. now it turns out he doesn ‘t want that career… Lupe says sometimes you can be really good at something, but that does not mean THAT is what you want to do the rest of your life. Nepo needs her to explain it with manzanas.. Lupe says when she was a kid her dad had a hard time making her eat ‘panzas’ and she was really good at cooking them, she just did not like eating them that much… Nepo seems to now get the point a bit. A bit later, after Nepo has eaten, Lupe notes that her family owes him much and she want to pay him at least with the food. Nepo keeps insisting in them going out to eat on a date. He urges her to go NOW!. She says she would have to change, he will wait as long as she needs. She yields a bit and says we will go out tonight at 8. Nepo is good with that.

At the office, Vilma tells A-hole that she finally found the money… AS A-hole is ready to call Adolfo, Vilma tells him her 2 cents worth, that she still does not believe A-hole should give in to giving Adolfo the money… A-hole says thanks but I don’t need your advice… You take care of what you need to take care of and I will handle my moves. ‘Shoo!!’ (his favorite way to kick her out of his office).

Tizoc and his friend, friend is not that willing to continue working for not much money. Tizoc will see if he can find them a ‘sponsor’. In comes Frida. She still is ranting that they have rehearsals at the attic. Tizoc changes the subject and tells Frida he too is worried about la abuela. Then they continue mocking each other… she leaves, he tells his friend ‘I know what I’m doing’.

At hotel, AS and Leo are heading to the brunch… Leo reluctant to answer the call… MA asks ‘are you at the monastery Leo is staying at?’ She replies that her confessor is there at the monastery. Anyway, AS tells MA that Leo will marry Maca, la condesa de Valladolid. (MA almost faints in surprise).. AS says Maca came to Mex and they are working the details. MA is totally confused, wasn’t AS supposed to be at a convent and Leo at a monastery? MA asks how they could afford the proposal and hosting Maca. MA has something more important to ask Leo. MA asks Leo if he took some papers that had to do with the property at La Nopalera. Leo denies even knowing about the papers. MA hangs up with him. Then MA remembers that he saw Lupe with the envelope in her hands.

AS and Leo at brunch with Maca. Maca wants them to show her where they meet with their friends. AS agrees to take Maca to the ‘select club’ where everyone hangs out with the RPs. Maca likes the idea, Leo not so much, what if she runs into Chabela or any of her other friends. AS mentions her charity work, Maca is admiring her generous virtues. AS taps herself in the back with her own words about sharing with those less fortunate, only fair. Leo starts eating some of Maca’s food.

MA comes in to see Guadalupe, she summons him to the living room. MA asks her why she butts in his business… She thinks he is mad that she bought Mati the pj’s. MA says not that, I thank you for that. I mean about the papers I caught you looking at. Surely you took the papers out of the folder. I need you to tell me right now where you put them. Lupe swears she did not take any papers from him. They argue back and forth. She asks him to tone it down three bars (tres rayitos). Look for the blame elsewhere. Remember the first thing us the Menchacas want is for you guys to leave asap. MA backsteps himself, apologizes to her, but also says he has a lot of pressure. Then Lupe mentions that MA quit suddenly on Nepo. She does not like his ‘ways’. MA did not mean to offend Nepo. ‘But you did’. Then she babbles questions as if we are hearing the ‘who’s on first’ skid from Abbott and Costello. MA repeats ‘please understand my situation’. MA was about to get a good proof of his innocence. But it slipped my hands. Lupe again tells him not to get desperate, because that only makes him make mistakes. MA gets a bit misty and says ‘that’s what I need, time… thank you Guadalupe.’

Adolfo calls A-hole. A-hole has his money in a briefcase. A-hole tells Adolfo that his lawyer (Vilma) will take it to Adolfo. (Adolfo looks more ‘undone’ at his hotel room somewhere). Adolfo says no I would rather YOU bring it to me. Gives A-hole the directions over phone. Then tells A-hole something that surprises and confuses him. But A-hole won’t share with Vilma.

Mini is waiting for the phone to ring (MA?) She gets tired of waiting, and dials Frida’s cell phone again. Frida answers. Mini asks her for MA. Frida says he said he would call you, right? We are kind of busy with grandma. Frida basically hangs up on Mini. (Mati looks good on her new yellow pj’s)

MA is at a payphone waiting for another guy to be done with his call… and running out of patience. MA tries to get the guy to hang up ‘its an emergency’. The guy suggests to MA to buy a cell phone of his own. MA mentions the cell phone and tablet he used to have. But the one he has now ran out of credit minutes. (why are all these explanations necessary? Didn’t the guy hang up already? So make your darn call!!) MA even asks the guy for a peso to make the phone call with. (MA sure is getting stupider and greedier by the minute)

Vilma and A-hole are pushing a baby stroller (some way to hide the money). Out at a park somewhere. Adolfo comes to them in sunglasses and a baseball cap. Adolfo asks them to act naturally. Before A-hole lets Adolfo touch the money, he demands the tape(s). Adolfo says not until you pay me all you owe me. We will be in touch. Adolfo takes the briefcase and leaves. (actually he takes the whole stroller LOL!!)

Back at the house, Isela says she is going to get a mud bath spa. Isela sorta asks Mini what she is up to, but she is not really interested, doesn’t want to be involved. Tato calls Mini on cell. Wants to meet her again. (unas cubitas (cuba libre is rum and coke)) Mini is still miffed about Isela and A-hole calling her ‘gordis’.

A-hole at the park is eating Vilma alive because he is afraid Adolfo will continue demanding money. He will have to think of something to stop Adolfo. Elsewhere, Adolfo arrives somewhere with the stroller. Leaves the stroller abandoned and grabs the briefcase... MA calls Adolfo. Asks for more time to find the $30K. Adolfo says too late, your cousin already paid me. Hangs up on MA. MA dials Adolfo’s number again and Adolfo just tosses the cell phone and a car rolls over it. MA asks himself ‘now what do I do?’

At fonda, Tizoc and his friend, still talking they can find more musicians and change their ‘sound’ a bit. Lupe needs to talk to Tizoc. Friend leaves. Lupe asks Tizoc about the ‘sponsorship’ he asked Nepo for. Lupe not kosher with increasing their debt with Nepo. Tizoc says have no one else, besides, Nepo is almost family.. Lupe says we can’t keep getting more debts.

Frida is trying to get Mati to take her pills. Doctor says she needs it. Frida asks MA for help getting Mati to take her medicine… MA jumps at Frida, he can’t solve all the problems Try to get this one thing done yourself, for God’s sake. MA leaves just like that (jerk!!). Frida keeps trying, Mati keeps turning her face ‘que no!!’. MA goes up to the attic to be alone… He is asking himself where the darn papers are. He walks out ‘this can’t be happening to me’. Lupe comes up to him. He won’t share his concern with her. Lupe says ‘don’t tell me what is happening if you want, but don’t tell me nothing is up, I am not dumb’. MA admits he has a hard time sharing his worries with anyone. Lupe says it shows that something you planned did not turn out as you expected. MA admits to that. Without money it is really hard to prove my innocence. Money makes the world go round. Living without is like living with your hands tied. Lupe insists money is not everything in life. Money can’t buy what is really important. MA says my girlfriend left me because I lost my money. Lupe says then she did not really love you. MA turns it on Lupe’s love life. MA says maybe ‘love’ will help me overcome all this. He pulls out his cell phone as if he is calling Mini. Lupe gets the message and leaves. Mini answers her phone and thinks it is Tato again. MA almost hangs up thinking it was a wrong number. Mini offers any help she can give him. MA says ‘if you still want to help me…’

Mini is scanning herself ‘I look like a hyppo, like a milking cow’. Cell phone rings again. It is Tato insisting. Mini wants to brush him off. Tato offers her ‘guaranteed pleasure’. Mini says I am a married faithful woman… I would never mess with an inexperienced baby. Tato claims his CV is super long. Mini warns him she will tell A-hole and A-hole will send Tato to the hospital at a minimum.

Mati comes down, with purse at hand. She is happy, she is the one that took the papers MA had, she replaced them with Leonardo’s sketches. Emiliano asks her why she did that. Mati says she will tell him later. She hid them so well no one will find them. Emil asks her where. Mati can’t remember.

Prev: Gwendy asks Nepo if tonight is the night… Nepo says ‘Today! Today!’

Gwendy makes another pass at MA… MA totally taken aback.


Martaivett, thank you. The recap is excellent.

Lupita was quite the adviser today getting both Nepo and MA back on the right track. I liked her tale of hating the "pancitas" (tripe) but still being an expert in cooking them.

Funny moments for me:

At the notary/advisers office: the papers hidden in Granny's bust: not anatomic bust but decorative bust bit with Saul and MA.

Poor Vilma playing the role of the "happy wife" with Adolfo and the baby carriage.

Leonardo and AS eating off of Macarena's plate at the brunch.

The pay phone bit with MA and the stranger. MA still is out of touch with the real world. At least the stranger had money, a wife and a girlfriend on the side. Too funny.

Minerva's reaction to being called a "fatty" and her looking through her selection of pregnancy bellies per Isela's instructions.

On the "less funny" side:

Looks like the fates are watching out for MA and stopping him from being the complete jerk he aspires to be with cheating the Menchacas. Now that we know that doña Mati has hidden the house papers and doesn't remember where, MA will be protected from his own selfish actions for a while yet.



Marta, thanks for the great recap.

As Jarifa mentioned, Lupita gave great advice. And I enjoyed Mini's latest battle w/her mom over her weight. Ingrid M should really do more comedy. I've only seen her playing weepy or witchy and this is most fun I've had watching her. And Mark T. will be an excellent villain when/if he ever wants to make that transition. I've only seen him in Passion Pit so I don't have much to go on.

I love that Mati foiled MA. Though she goes in and out of lucid moments, its wonderful that she was able to stop his latest foolish idea. I hope Saul give him the cold shoulder for a while as well so MA actually learns not to say everything that pops in his head.

So I googled fake pregnancy bellies and these things actually do exist. I can't imagine why outside of the tn world anyone would need these and I was shocked I found them.

Thanks so much for this, Marta. This is so well done... clearly you are enjoying this frothy TN.

I'm disappointed that MA has already abandoned his job at Nepo's produce market. I'm hoping that he reconsiders. The two of them (MA and Nepo) have a special chemistry of their own.

These scenes at the real estate office are simply hilarious. Very silly and predictable... but even so... hilarious.

The pay phone scenes are also a lot of fun. I cracked up when MA told that guy to tell Marilyn hello.

Last night I came as close as I have to being fed up with MA, but I just can't dislike him. As selfish as he seems I just know that deep down he knows what's right and will ultimately end up doing the right and honest thing.


"Ingrid M should really do more comedy."

I completely agree. I fell in love with her comic talents during CI even as many others whined and complained about Doris. She was a real bright spot during a rather dreary time in that show.

So glad for Mati's new pajamas and robe... thanks Lupita.


Martaivett, thanks for the thorough and entertaining recap.

My favorites were Ahole calling Mini gordita, AS and Leo keeping up their monastery/convent ruse, MA pestering the guy at the payphone, and Adolfo with the baby carriage.

I’m surprised Adolfo didn’t lie to MA about his deal with Ahole and just take MA’s money anyway. If and when he comes up with it, of course.

Lupita is so thoughtful and under-appreciated. I’m glad someone finally thought to get Mati some other clothes. I’m also glad Mati hid the papers. If one of the Menchacas find it around the house though, MA will have some explaining to do.

I'm finding everyone on the show entertaining in their own way. I think all the actors are pulling their weight and having a lot of fun with their characters.



Thank you Maraivett for a informative and fun recap. I would LOVE to see Leo and Mini team up. I am a real Carlos fan and so happy to see him here. I too, as i have said. a real Ingrid Martz fan.

Carlos you are a sly one. Perhaps if I had watch CI as a comedy, then I would be have enjoyed it and Ingrid more.

Marta, you are the best to give us another detailed and fun recap.

Though it's been said, she's good enough to have it said again. Mini is a blast. I loved her anger at being called "mi gordis" and complaining about being a hippo/milk cow/etc. Her conversations with not only her mom but with Tato are a hoot. And when she was jumping up and down with excitement talking to MA, I just had to giggle.

MA shouting that his grandmother's bust was never touched, investigated or otherwise disturbed was a good laugh as well.

So, we finally get a closeup of Leo's artistic "abilities". My mother taught me that if I couldn't say something nice, say nothing. I think I'll follow that advice right now.


Thanks, Marta!

And YAY, Mati! I'm so glad she hid those papers. Also really glad Lupita got her some new clothes. Lupita is way too good for MA. I'm curious how he will ever become a worthy partner for her.

Once again, MA's complete and utter lack of manners betrays his true level of class. He is acting so clueless and raised by wolves, I don't know how he has gotten by in life so long. He was especially awful to Saul. NO ONE has helped MA? As if! Saul has done nothing but help him, and while being insulted all the while!

Marta- Thanks so much! There were quite a few fun moments this episode, mentioned by everyone--
Mini, Mami Suegra, Alejo and "mi gordis"; grandma's unmolested bust; Mini and Tato; and Leo, AS and the "monastery". But of course, the best part of the episode was Mati and Emi discussing how they stole the papers from MA. Yay! Now, how long will it take her to remember where she put them? :)

Thanks for the recap.

Mati finally has new PJs!It was about time.
MA was a total jerk talking to Frida the way he did, I don't see what Lupita finds attractive in him.


Marta, thanks for recapping and keeping us current. The actual plot of MA proving his innocence and regaining the family fortune is moving slowly, but that doesn't bother me. I'm having fun with all the other characters and their funny stuff.

Mini's fury at being called "gordis" and her wardrobe of fake bellies is hilarious. (Igrid M. is super with her comedy work here.) AS and Leo mooching from Maca's buffet plate, the same. Mati in her new jammies, thwarting MA's property takeover. I'm sure she'll remember where the papers are only at the very last moment. (Leo's art work is equal to his piano playing skill.)

I really want to see Frida join Tizoc's band and add a new dimension to it.

Vilma tries so hard and Ahole is totally oblivious to her longing for him. Nepo is also trying hard, if "mi Mike" didn't get in the way.


Thanks, Marta!! How nice of Lupe to give Grandma some more pajamas. I can't help thinking, though, that she might benefit from some daywear as well. (Not that we want to encourage her to wander away from the house, but let's face it, she'll do that anyway and she might as well be dressed for it.)

I had to laugh at Vilma and Ahole with Adolfo. Again, Ahole ignores Vilma's advice, and it turns out she was correct. (Actually, anybody who pays attention to blackmail in literature knows that it's a bad idea to ever make even a single payment, because it NEVER ends there.)

Last week, someone conjectured that Mati wanted to go to the old house to look for something she'd hidden in the garden... now I'm wondering if she went to the old house to BURY those papers in the garden!

I experimented with calimocho this weekend and confirmed what I had already suspected: if your wine isn't very good, then a little Coke might help to drown out the bad taste. But 7-Up, ginger ale, or even orange soda makes for a much more palatable combination.

Your wine would have to be pretty vile, and your access to other, fruitier soft drinks very limited, to justify mixing with Coke or any other cola.

(I did read where some people said to use Coke because it's not as sweet as other colas, which would seem to rule out the other types of soda too. But if sweetness were an issue, I'd maybe use lemonade or orange juice instead. Still not a cola.)

Disclaimer: No, I didn't spend the whole weekend mixing bad wine with random sodas. All I tried this weekend was the wine with cola. My remarks regarding the other combinations are based on previous experience. My ultimate advice is: avoid bad wine, and then you don't need to mix it with anything.


Most marvelous recap with all the details, thanks so much!

I too get such a kick out of Mini and Isela, they make me laugh everytime.

I too had a good laugh at Vilma and Ahole strolling with that bebe carriage, she sure acted like she owned Ahole didn't she? Too funny, but the funniest was Adolfo with that bebe carriage. I have only since RB in villan roles in dramas he is too funny in comedies with that glint in his eye.

I'm beginning to wonder if Granny really is losing it. She took those papers and squirreled them away somewhere. Good for her and she must know how desperate MA is, but won't let him get what he wants. She is so on to him.


I laughed about your "experiment" this weekend. When Mr. Mads was deployed he tried that drink in Spain, he says they use some really strong rot gut (his words) wine to mix the coke with. The emphasis was on the strong. If the wine is light it takes over the lightness of the wine. I think he meant more of a grappa than a nice table wine.

Julie, that is a really interesting possibility for where the house papers went. You never know what doña Mati is up to.


I think even when Mati told Emiliano she wasn't sure where she'd hidden the papers, that she probably knew very well where they were.

I would suspect that she has no memory problems at all and has only been pretending, and that's why she didn't want to go to the doctor or take those pills... except that she really did seem very disoriented after her big outing to the old house.

I suppose even then she could have been faking it, but that seems kind of passive-aggressive and not what I would expect from her. But I can see why, after her stay at the Old Folks' Sleepytime Snoozehouse, she'd want to avoid additional doctorin'.

Julie, good theory on where Mati put the papers... makes all kinds of sense for her to take them out of the Menchaca house completely and since she has nowhere else to put them, putting/burrying them in a familiar place makes all kinds of sense.

Also LOL'd on your...
No, I didn't spend the whole weekend mixing bad wine with random sodas.
I totally hate most of the 'alternatives' those big machines at BK or Wendys have on flavored versions of the basic sodas... HATE orange Diet Coke!!nasty stuff!! even though diet coke mixed with Powerade is edible.

I like a lot of the alternative soda flavors at the Wendy's machine, but I found Coke+orange to be really weird and unappealing.

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