Thursday, June 12, 2014

De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #92/93- Wed 6/12

De que el abuelo tiene su favorito, tiene su favorito.

Alonso hopes he's convinced Vicente, but Vicente just wants to see his grandson…whichever one it is.  And he won't accept any conditions.  He gets dizzy and has to sit down.  Forgetting that he fired Lala, he tells her to bring his pills while Alonso goes to get his bag from the car.

When PJ is ready to leave Casa Garcia, Nat talks to him out in the hall to tell him that Irene doesn't know about her and Andres' involvement in Rodrigo's coma.  He tells her not to worry--they have strong bonds that can't be broken.

Grumps' blood pressure is back down again and he insists on going to get his grandson.  He forgot that he fired Lala and tells her to get her damn uniform back on and stay out of other people's business!   Pobre Lala!  She must have whiplash after today!

The PI talks to Irene and Tad, but the one and only girl orphan during that time period was Asian.  Irene comes to the (correct) conclusion that Vicente lied to them.

Carmen and El wonder what ace PJ has up his sleeve.  Then Carmen gets all warm and fuzzy about her feelings for El…and he returns the warm and fuzzies.  But he stops after asking if she really wants to marry the Fettuccini…"Never mind.  The decision is made."  Carmen looks sad.  I look annoyed.

The PI asks about talking to Tiburcio, but that's not going to be possible right now.

Hilda makes the mistake of calling RoDiego "Rodrigo" and has to admit that she heard the conversation.  But she pretends not to believe Alonso.  She thinks to herself that now she even has less of an idea of which twin is which.

Diego remembers the car accident, then waking up to Irma, then Rodrigo telling him he was having a nightmare, then Irma again, getting loose in the hospital, Alonso giving him the last injection.

Alonso brings Vicente to the cabin, but Diego isn't in the bed anymore.  He's out in the woods, stumbling along in clothes he got from who-knows-where.  Vicente demands an explanation, then threatens that Alonso will pay, then he has chest pains.  Alonso grabs him and they shuffle out of the cabin.

Brigitte comes home and RoDiego tries to pump her for information, but she pretends not to have an opinion about who he really is.  RoDiego sweet talks her about this being his refuge and their little love nest…"Would you rather I be Diego, your married lover or Rodrigo, your single lover?"  Brigitte is terrified, but says it doesn't matter.  "But, tell me something.  Did you try to kill your brother?"  He blames it on Irma, which makes no sense to Brigitte. He swears he didn't do it.  "You hate Natalia, but you wouldn't kill her?"  Brigitte says she wouldn't, but her expression isn't very convincing.  As for what to do now…nookie.

El and Morales are out looking for Diego, since Alonso had to take Vicente to the hospital.  El reassures Natalia via phone that Diego will be safe since Rodrigo doesn't know where the cabin is.  Alonso gets to the cabin, but the guys searched all night and didn't find him.  Eleazar still thinks Alonso did the right thing, since Diego's alive, but Alonso's not convinced.

Natalia calls Brigitte, who is probably being honest when she says she understands how Natalia feels…even though she's just pumping Natalia for information.  Brigitte gets the update about Diego's escape and Vicente's latest bout of high blood pressure.  Brigitte passes the info on to RoDiego who "rewards" her with more of his creepy kisses.

Natalia doesn't want to get dressed or leave the house.  Carmen has to go to work.  She makes her usual faces when Irene shows up and Natalia thanks her for her support.

Cunchetina shows up at Lucrezia's.  She lost weight when Gino left.  Lucrezia warns her to speak Spanish or no one will understand her.

Grumps is grumpy about being kept in bed and not knowing where either grandson is.  He has Lala call RoDiego, but RoDiego doesn't answer.  Brigitte is ready to go to work and RoDiego demands a creepy kiss goodbye, then wipes his mouth after Brigitte has left.

Natalia talks to Irene about her sleepless night.  She's worried about how Diego's going to take it that she married Rodrigo thinking it was him.  "Well," Irene says, "at least you didn't consummate the marriage."  Rosa calls Irene, desperate for signatures.  She can't find Diego or Vicente, so I guess that means Irene is authorized.  Natalia doesn't want to leave, still, but she reassures Irene that she'll be fine.

Hilda spoon-feeds Tiburcio, chattering about what's been going on, how scared she is of Rodrigo, how "they" screwed up by telling Rodrigo about Natalia.  Tiburcio wants to spell something out again and Hilda reluctantly gets the notepad.

At the fonda, the Garcias are happy, hanging out with Gino, except Lupita.  Gino tries to chat with her and Lupita says she has to write some words in Italian so…maybe Gino can help her?  Sucker!

Natalia gets the call from "Diego" asking for help…of course it's Rod…he says he doesn't know where he is, but then says he's in Ajusco.  Because that's where they're looking for the real Diego.  Gee, that's a smart plan.

Tiburcio wants Hilda to tell the truth, but she refuses, saying it's too dangerous for them.  Tiburcio refuses to eat any more, in protest.

Natalia takes a cab out to the Km marker that "Diego" mentioned.  She calls Alonso and they agree to meet out there.

Time for a Spanish to Italian lesson with Lupita and Gino:
Abuelo = Nono, so Lupita surmises that Abuela=Nona.  Gold star for Lupita.
Papa = Papa
Hermano = Fratello
Hijo = Figlio "Paolino es mi figlio, es tu fratello, capisce?"
Comprendes? = Capisce?
"Sposato" hmmm…what does that word mean?  Oh, silly Lupita, "sposato" doesn't mean handcuffed, it means "married."  Lupita realizes that Gino is married to Cunchetina.  I concur with Gino's assessment…Lupita is a bambina molto intelligente.  Como se dice "diabolically smart" en Italiano, Gino?

Alonso lets Irene know that he, El, and Natalia are all on their way to meet Diego.  Brigitte hears Irene's end of the conversation and pretends to be relieved.  Irene rubs Brigitte's face in the "fact" (as far as she knows) that Diego called Natalia first because they're soooo in love.  Brigitte thought bubbles that Rodrigo needs to hear this.

The cab gets to Km marker 21 and even though it's the middle of nowhere and no one is around, Natalia pays the cabbie and gets out of the cab.  She heads down the path the cabbie pointed out, not even applying enough critical thinking skills to notice there's not a pay phone anywhere in sight.

Morales and one of the other guys are heading back to the cabin, talking loudly, saying they're glad Eleazar called and told them that Diego has been found.  But wait…who's that shambling along in the woods, there?  Morales thinks it must be Rodrigo, he calls out and spooks him.

Rodrigo plays weak and confused for Natalia.

Morales and bud wrestle Diego to the ground, where he insists he's Diego, but they were already warned that Rodrigo is claiming to be Diego, so they don't believe him.  Oh, for…just haul them both in and let's get this cleared up already!

Natalia tells Rodrigo that El is on the way to come get them, but he insists they have to leave.  "I only trust you.  I don't want to see anyone else."

Morales calls Eleazar and tells him they caught "Rodrigo."  From the description of his clothing, they can't be sure.  Alonso tells them to ask who was at the cabin with him yesterday…"Rodrigo can't know that."  The other cop opens the back door and Diego makes a run for it.

Rodrigo insists on walking.

Morales and the other cop catch Diego again.  When he starts yelling that Alonso is a traitor who shot him up, Alonso knows it's Diego.  El realizes that Natalia is on her way to meet Rodrigo and tries to call her, but there's no signal.  They run into the woods to look for Natalia.

Rodrigo tries to get frisky with Natalia, but she breaks off the snogging when she sees Eleazar.  Rodrigo tries to pretend he doesn't know who Eleazar is and then runs off.  Eleazar catches up to them and tells Natalia that was Rodrigo.  So much for "it's in his kiss."  Natalia's never going to be able to trust herself to tell the difference between them ever again!  Mr. 5ft keeps insisting that both twins need to have their initials tattooed on them.  He may be right.

Just after the bumper, for about a second, there's a shot of Cunchetina, Lucrezia, Luchon, and Lucrezia's butler/bodyguard/driver in a car together.  Then we cut to the police station, where Alberto hands over Natalia's report of Rodrigo's crimes.  Alberto explains that Diego can't make a statement yet and is under medical supervision.  The official they're talking to is going to issue an arrest warrant for Rodrigo.  Natalia doesn't seem to hear them.

Alonso watches what's going on and calls the fonda to update Carmen.  She's not there, but Abdul takes the message and says he'll pass the info on to his mom.  Irene and Tad come running up.  Alonso tells them that Natalia won't forgive herself for letting Rodrigo fool her again.  When she walks out with Alberto and Eleazar she says all she wants to do is go home and forget this nightmare.  The Als and El hand her off to Tad and Irene.

Carmen gets home and tells Natalia she'll never leave Natalia alone again.  Natalia blames herself for not realizing it was Rodrigo, even when he kissed her.  She feels like an idiot, and like "destiny" is messing with her.  Carmen, again, blames the entire Cacares family.  Natalia feels stupid for not being able to tell the twins apart.

Alonso gives the hospital instructions for Diego's care.  Vicente calls to blame him for taking Diego out of the house in the first place.  "I had to or he'd be dead now."  Eh.  I don't dispute that Rodrigo would have killed him, but there were other options.  Vicente refuses to believe that Rodrigo is a killer.  Alonso tells him that Natalia has made a report and there's a warrant out for his arrest.

Brigitte is annoyed that Alberto came over to the love/lust/creepiness nest.  From what Alberto says, she realizes Rodrigo used her information to go after Natalia again.  She angrily says that Rodrigo is an idiot for going near Natalia.  She just wants to take a pill and go to sleep.  She blames her attitude on having to take care of the ENTIRE Eskenda studio, since Nat and Irene have been otherwise occupied.  Yeah, it must be difficult hanging out all day reading magazines while people ask you questions you're not qualified to answer.  She gets Alberto to leave and then complains about Rodrigo chasing after Natalia, Natalia, Natalia!

Rodrigo is out at a bar, being startled by some woman's cleavage tapping him on the shoulder.  She invites him to pay for the privilege of her company, if I understood that correctly, and he takes her up on it.  After tossing a few bills on the night stand in the morning, he leaves.

Alonso goes to talk to Diego, who's still blaming him.  Alonso tries to explain what's going on.  Diego can't understand how Rodrigo pulled this off when he was in a coma.  "Um…he woke up."  Diego is sooooo confused and begs Alonso to help him.  He makes Alonso promise he's telling him the truth and asks to see Natalia.

Brigitte is about to leave for work when Rodrigo shows up.  She yells at him for going after Natalia and he says "We have unfinished business.  We never consummated our marriage."  Brigitte wants to slap him, but Rodrigo throws her down on the couch saying if she wants to play rough, they'll play.  Brigitte's arms look like they're into it, but I can't be sure.

Los Sicilianos watch Paolo and Abdul open up the fonda.  Lucrezia is sure the "darker" one is Gino's son, since he looks just like Gino's mother.  Cunchetina says he's as handsome as his father.  "Too bad he's going to end up an orphan."  Uh oh, Gino…sounds like Cunchetina's no longer in the market for a husband.

Angela comes in and she noticed Los Sicilianos spying on the fonda.

Post-nookie, Brigitte is cold and cautious again.  She updates Rodrigo about his arrest warrant, so he decides to stay there.  Brigitte isn't happy about that.  "If he tried to kill his own brother, what would he do to me?"  she thinks.  She pretends she's fine and gives him a kiss before leaving for work.  She seems to have caught Irma-itis.

El gets to work and hears from Morales that they haven't found Rodrigo.  Abdul calls to tell him about the car parked outside the fonda.

Cunchetina really needs to pee, but she doesn't want to drop their surveillance.

Natalia is angry, afraid, hurt, and even if they catch Rodrigo and Diego wakes up she doesn't think it will go away.  Vicente shows up, saying he needs Natalia's help.  "My grandsons are all I have.  Rodrigo isn't a bad person he's just…confused.  I came to beg you to drop the charges."  And, you know, if you hadn't been such a rat bastard all this time, I might be moved by your pathetic begging…but no.  Grumps says that even though Rodrigo fooled them all, Rodrigo is still a Cacares.  And Natalia, as a member of the family should help him keep the family together.  Seriously, dude?  Carmen reminds him of all the names he called Natalia and says she's a Garcia.  Vicente continues his begging.  He suffered when Rodrigo went into a coma and now he doesn't want to lose his grandson again.  Natalia says she understands, but there are things she can't forgive.  She brings up not only his recent foul deeds, but starts to tell him about Rodrigo trying to rape her in Tuxpan, but Carmen cuts her off.  "How can you be so hard?"  Natalia says if she had been from the beginning, none of this would have happened, but it's her fault for being soft.  "And he didn't just hurt me.  What about what he did to Diego?"  Vicente claims that he's moved by that, sure, but that doesn't mean he wants Rodrigo behind bars!  "So you'd rather he be running around loose after knowing what he's capable of?!  He's a criminal!"  Vicente says no Cacares has ever been or will ever be a criminal…um, and your illegal misappropriation of your wife's inheritance?  "He did what he did because…because…well, he must be disturbed!"  Natalia sticks to her guns.  "For Diego, for myself, and for everyone who was deceived and defrauded by Rodrigo, I hope he gets the book thrown at him."  Vicente leaves and Carmen goes back to blaming the entire Cacares family.  Natalia is upset that Carmen didn't let her bring up the rape, but Carmen doesn't trust Vicente and didn't think they should give him any ammo when his objective is to keep Rodrigo out of jail.

Cunchetina apparently went into the fonda to use the bathroom.  El drives up and demands to know who the people in the car are, so Lucrezia motions to the driver to take off.  El recognizes his face and goes after them.

Irene shows up as Vicente is leaving.  He complains that Natalia won't help him, and after the family opened their doors to her.  Seriously?  As far as he's concerned, begging should have been enough.  He asks Irene to try, but Irene refuses to be an accomplice to her nephew's crimes.

Carmen isn't happy to see Irene and tries to get her to go away, but Natalia sees her and invites her in.  Carmen unloads about Vicente's visit, assuming that Irene must be there on the same mission, and telling her that Natalia isn't going to drop the charges.  "But, Carmen, I don't agree with my father. My nephew has to pay for what he did!"  Sorry, Carmen, you'll have to find a different reason to hate Irene today.

El wants to know why the Sicilians were staking out the fonda, but Lucrezia won't talk.  El calls for backup.

Carmen is suspicious that Irene wouldn't automatically side with her family.  But of course, Irene's not going to cover for her nephew, especially after what he did to Natalia, who she loves like a daughter.  "Well, she already has a mother!  Don't take it the wrong way, but it's best to be clear about that."  Nat apologizes for her mom, but Irene says she's right.  She's glad Natalia turned Vicente down.

El hopes the Sicilians believed his bluff.  Lucrezia warns them to keep their mouths shut.  Luchon doesn't seem convinced.  And besides, he's not a member of the family, nor is he Sicilian.  He tells El he wants to talk.

Natalia breaks it to Irene that when Diego gets his life back, she doesn't want to be a part of it.  Their relationship has caused too many problems.  Irene says that doesn't affect her feelings for Natalia, but she doesn't think it's fair not to give Diego a chance when it was Rodrigo who did everything.

El gets the story from Luchon, but El won't let them go until he talks to Cunchetina.

Natalia gets agitated when Irene tries to convince her to give Diego a chance and that brings Carmen running to back her up.  Irene apologizes and leaves. Carmen tells Natalia she "supports" her.  I'm sure she does, but I'm also sure she's going to be far less enthusiastic about that support when Natalia inevitably decides to give Diego another chance.  She gets the call from Alonso that Diego wants to see her, but she refuses and says she never wants to see Diego again.  "Tell him to forget about me."

Rosa goes into see Vicente and asks him to please go home and rest.  Vicente pulls rank, so Rosa retreats.  Rodrigo calls Vicente and claims to be Diego.  "Don't lie!  Diego's in a clinic.  I know you're Rodrigo, so if you want my help be honest."  Rodrigo hangs up, unsure about whether Vicente really does want to help him.

Diego asks a nurse to let him make a call, so she lends him her cell…but he can't remember the number.

Rodrigo sends Brigitte to have lunch with her mother and spy for him.  Brigitte complains she can't leave work since Irene hasn't bothered to show up. "Good afternoon, Brigitte."  Brigitte hangs up and Irene sends her to lunch.  Brigitte even asks for an extra half-hour.

Cunchetina shows up at El's office and he's surprised, given Gino's description of her.

Carmen is trying to get Natalia to go out when she gets a call from a number she doesn't recognize.  Diego tries to talk to her, but Natalia tells "Rodrigo" off and tells him to forget about her and get out of her life.  He gets upset, wondering what Rodrigo did, and the nurse puts a shot of chill-out juice in his IV.

Natalia cries on Carmen's shoulder.  Carmen tells her to be strong and not let that sicko make Natalia sick.  Brigitte comes in and they unquestioningly accept her sympathy.  Carmen complains when she hears Irene, Irene, Irene's name.  Natalia tells Brigitte that Rodrigo just called, pretending to be Diego again.

Cunchetina explains that she lost a lot of weight when Gino left her.   Now all she wants is revenge.

Brigitte keeps asking questions.  Carmen is more than happy to complain about Vicente's visit, but Nat says she has no intention of dropping the charges.

Cunchetina is convinced that even though she wants revenge, she's probably going to cave as soon as she sees him.  She knows about Carmen and about Paolo.  She cries that if she and Gino had had a child, it would have brought them together.

Alonso tells Alberto that Natalia never wants to see Diego again.  He gets a call from the nurse at the clinic that Diego's not doing well after the phone call and the shot didn't work.

Cunchetina has now decided to abandon her plans for revenge, give Gino a divorce, and let him marry Carmen.  El decides to talk her out of divorcing Gino.  Since now she's a woman who would please any man, on account of having lost all that weight.  I kick Eleazar in the shins.  Several times.

Lupita wants to talk to Paolo about Gino, but he gets a call from Eleazar who asks to speak to Lupita.  El gives her strict instructions not to repeat what he's saying, but her plan worked and there's someone who wants to meet her.  Lupita tells Paolo that oh, what she wanted to talk to him about before was that…someone's been stealing car mirrors in their 'hood.

El lets the Sicilians out of their cell.

Brigitte tells Rodrigo that Vicente was at the house, begging Natalia to drop the charges, and that Natalia refused.  I see he's not objecting to being called "Rodrigo" now.  And she's not your wife, you idiot!  It didn't count!  Brigitte says she's upset at him for calling Nat.  "I haven't called her."  Brigitte doesn't believe it.  "It must have been my brother."  "Well, whatever, 'cause she's done with the BOTH of you!"

Alonso gives Diego another injection and then chews out the nurse for daring to make a decision without consulting him.  She tells him about the call and doesn't seem to take his scolding badly.

Carmen agrees to El taking Lupita "to the Circus."  She tells him about the various calls and visits and bad-mouths all of "The Cacares" yet again.  Natalia gets a call from Alonso, telling her it really was Diego who called earlier, with the nurse's borrowed phone.  She says it doesn't change what she said.  She doesn't want to see Diego again.  Carmen gives her more praise for being "strong."  Sorry, Carmen, but I don't think you'd be as nice to her if Nat were displaying that strength by refusing to let Rodrigo ruin her relationship with Diego.

Gino sits with Lupita at the fonda.  She says the whole class loved her report and they all want to go to Sicily.  El arrives to pick up Lupita and mentions something to Gino about Carmen's being "understanding" having its limits.

Natalia cries over the bear and the bracelet that Diego gave her.  She says it doesn't matter that Rodrigo is the one who hurt her…she doesn't care which one of them it was…"Rodrigo won."

Diego remembers Rodrigo telling him "No, you're Rodrigo, I'm Diego" and "Natalia is mine."  He calls for the nurse and says he needs to talk to Alonso.

Paolo fills Gino in on how Natalia is doing.  Mara joins them and she and Paolo show off the "project" they've been working on…a website for the bowling alley, I think.  And Gino yells at them that he told them it was useless.

Cunchetina remembers Eleazar's compliments.  Stop it, Cunchetina!  Lupita has dibs on him…on her mother's behalf.  El and Lupita arrive.  Lupita notices El's fascination with her and has to kick him in the ankle to get his attention so he can introduce them.

Gino tries to argue that they need to take the site down…the Internet is absurd…he doesn't want to promote the business…all people will do is look at the site!  Even Abdul backs his brother up, but Gino is too freaked out.  Little does he know, he's already been found.

Rodrigo and Vicente have an emotional reunion.

Diego is up out of bed when the nurse arrives with Alonso.  He cries over Natalia mistaking him for Rodrigo.  He begs Alonso to tell him what Rodrigo did and what he's up against.  "How long was he passing as me?"  "Two months."  "And why did he say Natalia was his?"  "It's not true.  She thought he was you and since you were engaged, she married him."

Tomorrow: Diego is still upset; Eleazar vows to put Rodrigo behind bars; Vicente insists to Rodrigo that Natalia is the one who needs to end up behind bars.


Vicente is such an ass. I was giving him way too much credit. Oh, well. Now he's going to force Padre Juancho's hand. And then Carmen will need to stop cursing "all the Cacares" since Natalia is technically a Cacares, even if she's also a Garcia. And a Vargas.

Mr. 5ft wants it clarified that the tattoos should be HUGE and on their foreheads so they can't be covered up.

To clarify--I really thought Vicente might make good on all that talk about "the family name" and his commitment to the business, recognize the threat Rodrigo poses to both, and take him out. But, no...Rodrigo is his soft spot. Too bad Grumps. Your Golden Boy is going to make sure everything you've worked for goes down in flames.

This will be my last comment until tomorrow afternoon, as I have to be at a commercial shoot early tomorrow morning. I look forward to reading everyone's reactions when I get back!

Kat, thank you for this rich, incredibly detailed recap. It was obvious how much time, care and effort this took.

"Carmen looks sad. I look annoyed","I concur with Gino's assessment…Lupita is a bambina molto intelligente. Como se dice "diabolically smart" en Italiano, Gino?" and "She seems to have caught Irma-itis" were among my many favs.

I was on the edge of my seat when Rod came upon Nat in the woods. That was simply terrible. So grateful that the truth has now been sorted out but disgusted Grumps is trying to save Rod's hide. Print him and book him I say! Ack.

Poor Diego! Thinking everyone was trying to kill him, having no one to trust. And now learning Rod and Nat are married!

I am annoyed with El too. Good grief...

Love Mr. 5ft's idea of the tattoos! Excellent.

Hooked on this and the marvelous recaps. Kat, you have outdone yourself once again.

Best of luck on your commercial shoot Kat!


Wow, lot of work and appreciate it. "So much for "it's in his kiss." did it for me.

I'm sick of watching the weepy rag Nat but glad she made some progress with the realization she is a moron. Most moron's go through life not knowing.

Nat - if you are serious toss out the bear

Diego - all of them didn't know because you're not unique or they're all so stupid even Captain Kangaroo could have passed

Hot Rod - more heavy make out sessions with Nat than Diego

Brigitte - is he really that good? maybe that's why Nat goes back for more

El - go for the Sicilian

Lupita - Future President of Mexico

Grumps - boo, damn you didn't die

Alonso - wouldn't let you anywhere near me

Carmen - Irene is her, nana, nana, boo boo

PJ - get off playing god don't you

Alberto - dare you to show up unannounced


"But he stops after asking if she really wants to marry the Fettuccini…"Never mind. The decision is made." Carmen looks sad. I look annoyed." Man, I would have been throwing something at the tv at that point! Ridiculous plot point, but I get it...we have to string out the misunderstandings as long as possible.

Other favorite line was the
"love/lust/creepiness nest."
Still, Brigette and Rodrigo are a perfect match for each other. So deserving, the both of them.

Will watch this later. Am actually getting used to Tiburcio's frantic groans.

Hopefully Gino and his long-lost bride will get back together again. I'm actually quite fond of Fettucine and if he and Conchetina could produce a few more lovable lugs like Paolo, so much the better.

Thanks for another wonderfully witty and detailed recap, Diva. And good luck with your commerical shoot today.

MX eps 110-112

Thanks, Kat! I hope the commercial shoot goes well.

Nat frustrated the stew out of me last night.

Brat's arms did look very into it. She may be scared, but I think she's got it bad for Rodiego.

Holy Cow, 5FT, I continue to be amazed at the HUGE amount of work you have done recapping this TN. This recap was above and beyond!!

I will second tofie's comment: "'m sick of watching the weepy rag Nat but glad she made some progress with the realization she is a moron. Most moron's go through life not knowing.

tofie, I am DYING laughing!!! I cannot stop laughing at this. I think you must be a stand up comedian in real life. Your one line quips are the bestest ever!!

Good luck on your commercial, 5Ft. I hope you can let us see the finished product.

Vivi in DC, REALLY appreciated your thoughts yesterday re the Alonso/Karina match up. I have been totally lost on that one. Thanks so much. :)



One more thing, I am convinced that the Brat Chick has a permanent scowl in real life, too. I don't know if she is already using collagen on her upper lip, but that upper lip drives me nuts.


Kat, thanks so much for your great recap. Best wishes on your commercial shoot.

tofie, thanks for your lists (yesterday's too). Like you and Sara, I'm tried of Nat though happy she is going to press charges against Rod the demon.

Hi, Mrs. 5ft,

Thanks so much again for all your hard work, in-depth explanations and saucy insight.

I had the same thought as Mr. 5ft regarding a forehead tattoo for Rod. Wonder how he'll look in an orange jump suit.

I was withholding judgment on Nat, but now agree with many of you that, at least at an emotional level, she needs some serious help. I don't think she's dumb, just tragically inexperienced, and thrown into a situation that is inexplicably evil.

5ft hope your shoot goes well.

JudyB good luck with getting more grandkids.


Oh Fatima you are not alone! Brat's mouth drives me crazy, too. And good grief how short can her dresses be?!

Sara, I know!!!


Thanks, 5ft for an excellent recap. This show seems to be getting more and more frustrating.

YEs..Brats mouth....and the tight, short dresses..yikes.

If RoDiego would channel some of that frantic energy that he puts into Boinking the Brat into his schemes, I think that could be a more successful villain. I am pretty sure that he is ADHD. ...among other things. Those kisses that look like he and Brat are trying to eat each other's faces are all fun and games until somebody chips a tooth . Just saying. Has he given Brat a dental plan ?

Oh, Susanlynn. My, my

tofie....You know that I am right. P.s. This time Ipad turned your name into "at office." Very creative device....wrong, but creative.

Gracias, todos. The shoot went well and I celebrated with Starbucks and bad tacos after :) It will be posted online at some point, so I'll make sure to share the link.

Diana...It's a relief to have The Great Misunderstanding ended, finally, but oh, what a nasty way to end it!

tofie...Too true! If you really mean it, get rid of the bear, the bracelet, and get the ring off your finger. She took off the wedding ring, but it looks like she's still wearing the engagement ring.

JudyB...Tiburcio's groans are getting just the tiniest bit more understandable, as if they're trying to hint that he's slowly recovering. They sound less painful, at least.

JoseAngel...Thanks for the ep numbers!

Sara...she was giving Victoria Ruffo a run for her money...or her mascara, as the case may be.

Fatima...the Brat's perma-scowl reminds me of Roberto Palazuelos.


David...Gracias! I'm ok with the orange jumpsuit, as long as he gets one of those Hannibal Lector masks to cover the smirk, too.

Susanlynn...He sure is spending a lot of valuable plotting time and energy on nookie!

OK. I'm sorry, but every time I hear the name "Rodrigo" I think of that scene with Katharine Hepburn in "Little Women".

5FT, I looked up the Palazuelos guy. You are right! Brat has his scowl. LOL!!

Can't wait to see your commercial. :))


Holy crap! Palazuelos and Brat *do* look like each other!!

Nanette... I have to admit, I've never seen it. Rodrigo is the hero?

Yep, Palazuelos and Brat have lemon faces!

5FT: don't know if you know the story, but it takes place during the Civil War and is about a family of girls and their adventures. KH is a writer and writes plays for her sisters to perform. A characterin one of her plays is a hero called Rodrigo. The way KH instructs one of her sister on how to say his name is a hoot. She does a really good rolling "R" along with a lot of dramatic hand flourishes. Unfortunately, I can't find the clip to share.

Love this site.

Are there no TNs tonite?


Yep, we only lost an hour to World Cup coverage.

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