Monday, June 09, 2014
Lo Que la Vida Me Robó #149 Lunes 6/9/14: The Fuses are Lit
Labels: robo
Does everyone else have the same sense of foreboding about the photo on Monse's cell phone?
I had a sense of foreboding about almost everything that happened in the show this evening. All this fragile joy, all this threatened bliss. Ay ay ay!
Even so, it was laugh out loud funny when Laurito said "My what big teeth you have, daddy!" You think he's been reading our blog?
All our TN characters are getting very careless. Didn't anyone tell them loose lips sink ships? Doesn't matter if Aguazul is tropical and warm, they're all skating on thin ice.
Yes, truth from a child when Laurito remarked on Ale's teeth!
It makes me sick to listen to Pedro probing for everyone's weak spots, just so he can harm those who matter the most to his victims.
Thanks so much for this thoroughly, delightful recap. I liked your asides especially, like the vampire neck kiss, and the chorus of doom.
Has anyone else noticed that all three of the leading "good guys", Ale, Vic, and yes, JL have not shaven. JL is not the only one that hasn't shaven. Ale and Vic are starting to look scruffy.
I guess JL is taking Angie's words to heart, about how Monse likes strong men that are firm with her. He's tried fifteen ways to Sunday to get Monse to respond, so I guess he thinks this is the way, how wrong he IS!!!!!
I too think that cell phone picture is a harbinger of doom. What a bad idea this is, and frankly, almost half the town knows Ale is in town. It seems like the other half will find out soon, they way they keep going.
Word to the wise, never let Mac explain anything to a child, he hasn't the gift. Between LoLo and Vicky I don't know who will accidently spill first.
Addled looked so sincere at Fina when he was telling her how much he loved her, but I think, he really thinks Fina is his saving grace.
Oh, and Peddy calling Fina the Valverde Monster? Look who's talking! Mr. A$$hat and a half who's soul is blacker than coal, really!
Still don't like all the continued lying and cheating, and JL's spidey sense is on overdrive. First Monse is away at all hours, way past the time of her shop being closed, and now she is hammering home to JL he is not LoLo's Papa, when he was just that a couple of weeks ago, not in the bio way of course but in the day to day interaction. No wonder JL's spidey sense is in overdrive. And poor Lolo being confused. I wonder, really, how this is going to work.
Thanks again Urban for this fantastically well detailed recap and the added bonus of the screen shots.
Thanks for this awesomely written and detailed recap. I loved all the screen shots too. Thanks for all the hard work.
I really loved all the scenes with Ale and Laurito. Even though the adults did ask Laurito to keep the secret of Ale being alive, at least they are being honest about how things happened with Ale and the accident. I loved Laurito's comment about Ale's teeth. That was so cute. And Laurito was right when he said that his father has a beautiful smile.
I am still not sure about Adolfo. I am really trying hard to believe him when he says that he loves Fina. I just keep thinking about the relationship he has with BM. I think Adolfo will help Nadia and Vicky escape from Peddy's claws, but I don't know how long he will survive after that. I think BM will be Adolfo's downfall in the end. I don't think that BM has ever forgotten that Adolfo pulled that trigger (even though the gun had blanks).
Urban, you had be LOL with,
"María was almost wetting her jeans over her delusion."
Your statement is so true. She is sooooo delusional, among other things. And they really need to stop showing her on that stage. Oh, wait, that's my comedy relief between the Peddy scenes. But seriously, STOP "DANCING"! I just don't understand why you would want to obligate someone to have sex with you. Does she really think that she is such a good lover that Ale will magically want her over Montse? And if the writers take that idiotic route I don't know if I can watch. If that happens I will have to puke! Just thinking about it right now is making me nauseous. I can go on, but I will stop my rant.
Here's a thought, maybe Peddy will find out that BM is alive. Problem solved? Only time will tell, and I think we have about 2 months left.
Why did JL look drunk when he went into Montse's bedroom. I didn't see him visit Fabby before going home. Was it just me, or did he seem a little tipsy?
Off to bed...hasta pronto!
That means that I typically do these in halves. When Jorge Salinas' new series begins I'll be doing double duty for a couple of weeks so that will affect the total number as well.
I had a sense of foreboding about almost everything that happened in the show this evening. All this fragile joy, all this threatened bliss. Ay ay ay!
Absolutely right. Every time Alejandro promised Lauro that he wouldn't go away again Televisa was telling us that he won't be able to keep that promise.
None of the evil characters know yet where Alejandro is hiding but I am wondering whether anyone is capable of forcing it out of Adolfo.
It makes me sick to listen to Pedro probing for everyone's weak spots, just so he can harm those who matter the most to his victims.
That's how certain gangsters work. This wouldn't fly in the Italian mob of legend, but it's SOP in the world of the drug cartel. One thing I remember very clearly from LRDS was the line from Oleg Yasikov about how isolating this life was. She couldn't have friends or family because she would always be afraid of something bad happening to them.
More after I feed my furbabies.
So truthfully, didn't enjoy Pedro or Ez or pretty much anything JL, but the kids just made the night. And everything with Ale and his son was all. Those two were so cute together, and I think I got more sniffly while they did the homework on the bed than anything. Such a seemingly simple every day thing to do that they haven't had the chance to do all this time.
(I will say, Ale can make me pancakes anyday. Hunky man who's good in the kitchen? All kinds of truly sexy.)
Whether JL was turning into a scumbag or Ale was alive or not, why did he have to be consulted to allow the little guy to spend the night with a friend? But considering he is truly hitting rock bottom, and we were so lucky to once again get a "I'm loading a gun at my desk thinking evil thoughts" scene (NOT), I would say someone is about to get hurt or in jail soon.
Fifito is on thin ice, with pretty much everyone now. Always felt his allegiance to Maria might be his undoing and it looks like that may come to pass? And are Sandho's days numbered?
Where the heck is Dim? I wanted to see this disaster of a dinner with Gracie. Poor Monica, because I think she blew it by agreeing to this and still trying to get Dim and his mother together.
Madelaine, it's making me wonder whether we'll see two dinner scenes tonight where our lead villains will ply their trade. Gracie will insult Monica while Pedro insults Josefina and Adolfo. Adolfo has done an admirable job so far of holding his temper, but one wonders how much longer he can keep that up.
Macario's pitch might have worked if Lauro were 12 but a 6-7-year-old kid isn't ready to hear that kind of stuff, especially about the only father-figure he's had so far. This is not going to go well.
Monse should open a free e-mail account, send the photo to it, and delete it from her phone.
AuntyAnn, I realized two and a half things while watching this episode:
-- Men can get away with having bigger teeth than women
-- This is because of the size of their lower jaw, which has to be fairly large to aesthetically accommodate large teeth.
Both of which, of course, need to be perfect.
I don't think JL was drunk. He's had many reasons to crawl into the bottle in the past and he never has. He never has more than two glasses of wine or a couple of tequila shots and never alone. He is obsessed and it's taken him over.
As to Maria and her non-dancing, I find it pathetic that we're shown a roomful of men salivating over her when she doesn't even dance and when her look is so obviously fake.
One would also think that when she's hiding in plain sight she would actually do something to change her look, such as a new hairstyle and actual color so she could walk the streets more safely. Especially when she was escaping from the pimp Adolfo finally shot.
"as though she were a prom queen about to step on a wall flower”, "Pedro grinned at the child. It was as false as forged paper money", "He petted her as though she were a runt poodle he tolerated only because of his wife" and "[Where are the choruses of doom right now?]" were but a few of my favorites.
I can add nothing to NovelaMaven's insightful "All this fragile joy, all this threatened bliss. Ay ay ay!". Indeed! Disasters in the making, anvils swaying in the wind...
I am afraid for Adolfo and therefore, for Fina. Haven't we been forced to tolerate too much heartbreak already? If anything should happen to our dear Fina, it would truly be too much to bear. And the absolute gaul of Pedro to call her the "Valverde Monster!". Intolerable.
May I ask a question? How and why is it that no one has simply taken Pedro out of the equation? I am not an advocate of violence but Pedro's monstrous cruelty and inhumanity must be stopped. I cringed when Nadia and Victoria were having a heart to heart talk while we peered through the iron grate. Be careful sweet ones! You never know where he may be lurking. Ack.
Madelaine, agree with you and UA that "I too think that cell phone picture is a harbinger of doom". Huh?? Oh, I'm sorry. There is absolutely no chance the new police chief who suspects his wife's husband is alive and well in plain sight would ever bother to check her phone. What was I thinking??
Although disappointed and ashamed in JL, Ale never fails to reconfirm my low opinion of him: "But he's my best friend. Wouldn't he be happy to know I met my other dad?” “Laurito, son, your only father is me.” He could merely have said something to the effect that his whereabouts needed to be kept a secret, no need to confuse little Laurito even more than he likely already was.
Finally, some comic relief! "Macario stepped forward to help". Yes, and perhaps next, Pedro can be brought in to see what happiness and light he might be able to shed on the situation.
Riding the cresendo of despair on so many fronts.
UA, thank you again!
Loved the title, yes, there are a lot of fuses lit, you'd think some of those hot secrets would burn their way into the light soon. People just aren't good at keeping secrets, and trusting children with these heavy burdens is a mistake. Stupid of the writers to to this.
Loved your comments, especially: "He petted her as though she were a runt poodle he tolerated only because of his wife." about poor little Victoria.
And "Where are the choruses of doom right now?" When Laurito was going to text his friends a photo. INDEED.
From the advances it looks like a secret or two might be revealed tomorrow. Or they could just be teasing us.
I really am putting my faith in the writers to not give us yet another Monse marital rape scene. That would be taking the repetition to ridiculous proportions, and they are already dangerously close.
At least one evil character does know exactly where Ale is hiding out- Gracie. And I really don't think it would be so hard for any of the others to realize that's the first place to look. It's a terrible hiding place. And what is Maria thinking flitting all over town and antagonizing all the evil people, when she has a huge target on her back. Surely, she must realize that Pedro won't like to learn that she's alive-- then it's bye bye Maria, AND bye bye Adolfo. He should have at least warned her to stay out of sight.
I haven't mentioned this yet, but I'm surprised that Basurto didn't tell JL the whole truth about Pedro. Not only would it amuse him it might motivate him to divert his energy into taking him down. If he and Basurto would sit down for an hour and add up all the horrible "coincidences" associated with Pedro they would have enough -- under current legal conditions -- to get him.
Unless being Governor of one's state confers immunity.
Vivi, you're right. Gracie does know Alejandro is there and since she framed him in the first place he should find another place to hide.
Considering where the possible rape scene was interrupted at the end of the episode my guess is that it will be prevented. Possibly by Rosario, who might be able to hear Monse scream, or by Monse herself getting out of his grip and having an advantage because of his injured foot.
As usual the good guys continue to make bad /stupid decisions and the bad guys keep rolling merrily on their way.
When Montse gets away from JL, she needs to sleep in Laurito's room.
Of course this is only fiction, but Victoria and Laurito meeting with their fathers has put the children in a bad position and made them a possible liability in their parents's efforts to escape from their current dilemmas. Too much pressure on the kids. Then Nadia goes on and discusses the whole visit with Victoria at Pedro's house. After all she has been through at the the hands of Pedro, she keeps pushing her luck.
Adolfo has dug a hole with himself with housing crazy BM. How could he have ever trusted someone who is obviously nuts?
As if nobody who knew crazy BM would not recognize her in her poor disguise. Sure.
For me the only likeable characters left are the kids. The rest are expendable at this point. But it is like the proverbial car wreck: I just have to keep watching.
Thanks again, Urban, you made the episode better than what it was.
Adolfo's involvement with Josefina puts her in danger and by extension Alejandro, Victor, and now Lauro. The boy is too young to understand the danger they are in. I cringed the worst over him being there.
Alejandro should send his family to Argentina until everything is resolved, but that would cut too many possible plot turns in the story. One of which has to be a spectacular rescue scene involving Alejandro, Lauro, and Monse.
Many scenes in this episode were frustrating to me in the episode with adults giving the kids too much information and asking them to lie and to keep secrets, J-L attempting sexual assault, and María trying out her old moves again on Alejandro.
I am also getting fed-up of J-L and his actions last night were awful, but I was still moved to hear Laurito, at least, stick up for J-L to the other adults and worry that J-L will be sad when he is left alone. J-L has been wonderful to Laurito and deserves more credit for this from Alejandro.
Daisynjay: I had a good laugh at this comment from you: "But considering he is truly hitting rock bottom, and we were so lucky to once again get a "I'm loading a gun at my desk thinking evil thoughts" scene (NOT), I would say someone is about to get hurt or in jail soon.
I agree! Loading a gun at a desk and thinking evil thoughts does not bode well!
Another plus for me was that I was very happy to see Alejandro making pancakes. They were perfectly formed, too, just like his teeth.
Really enjoyed reading everyone's comments--thanks!
Thanks again, Urban Anthropologist, for your excellent recap.
Julia R.
I agree with you about Vic and Ale needing to see their children and the adults never thinking of the consequences. What is gonna happen if little Lolo stops calling JL, Papa Jose Luis? JL is going to know something is up when one day Lolo calls him this and the next day, not so much.
I too agree with you about Ale, I too have a low opinion of him. I am also starting to get a low opinion of Monse, I'm sorry to say. From her, "she felt obligated to marry JL", to blaming JL for not telling her that Ale was in a coma, to her continued cheating and lying, even though I can see why she is doing this, I don't agree with it. Even though JL's spidey sense is working, he still doesn't know that Ale is walking around Aguazul, when he finds out, it won't be pretty.
The problem for the writers now is that with 46 episodes left and the fact that Pedro and Graciela can't fall until the end, we will end up with a few things that don't make sense when we want our characters to handle this situation with intelligence and caution.
It has been essential for Monserrat to know that Alejandro is alive and that JL concealed this from her. Beyond that it should have satisfied Victor to hear from Adolfo that Nadia and Victoria are alright and coping with their situation. Adolfo is her brother and should be trustworthy about that.
But perhaps only that.
Alejandro's situation is different and there are two ways to look at it:
-- Lauro was OK because he has a good mother and grandmother
-- Lauro is at risk of bonding too closely with JL as his father.
Mads and Diana, what would Monserrat have to do to make you stop thinking so badly of her?
It definitely won't be pretty when JL finds out that Alejandro is alive and well. However, if he finds out by finding Alejandro in Lauro's company and he loses it, no good can come of that situation.
I grow increasingly worried for Fina. I know her heart is in the right place, but she increases her vulnerability with each new intrigue or secret rendezvous using her home for everyone. JL is on to her, Pedro will more than likely try to play Dementor (Harry Potter anyone?) and suck the life and truth out of her. I have faith she can be strong, but it still puts her in harms way. Someone will have to "save" her I bet: Adolfo, Dim ??
So if JL goes dark, that puts the police back on the evil side and we need the Navy men to be on the good side. Wonder where that may leave Refugio? No one better hurt my Dimitrio, but I don't have good vibes for anyone but Ale and Monse since they are the leads. I don't mind flawed characters, but will hate if those who have really tried to better themselves wind up six feet under as a means to save the main folks. Don't trust these writers.
Please dear lord, we need to get JL a shave and out of that disgusting outfit. He's getting harder to even look at.
I really enjoyed the short encounter between Josefina and María, my two favorite ladies. They both launched zings which found their targets. Perhaps Fina had the best with:
"It's not the first time I've found him with women like you in this house."
I especially liked Alejandro making pancakes for Laurito, and he apparently even cut Laurito's pancake up into little individual bites like you'd expect an attentive dad to do.
So Alejandro will have to make the sacrifice of having sex with María in order to clear his name? Poor baby... sounds a lot like being tossed into the Briar Patch to me.
For me to change my opinion of Monse, she needs to own up to her own mistakes. It has always bugged me that she blames JL for this marriage. She is the one that said yes, she didn't have to marry the guy. Also stop the cheating. I can understand why she doesn't want to tell JL that Ale is walking around Aguazul, but she never cheated on Ale and to me she is treating JL less than dirt, so to speak. And blaming JL for not telling her Ale was in a coma, and then getting Lolo to keep it from her, that I can understand, but then to cheating with Ale and seeing him every chance she gets and still blaming JL, not cool.
Feel bad for Fina, the eternal doormat. She can't seem to catch a break, or a man. And what was with that ghastly black and white yin yang dress?
Anybody who knows Maria's past and still taps that needs to head to the free clinic right away! Fofo, stop thinking with your stinger, son.
Perhaps starting with stopping the lying and cheating? That might be a firm beginning. :)
Soon Malaria will arrive,wrecking dominance ,will Peddy The Exterminator be able to save humanity?
The past can always be re-described and for 'objective' observers -- like bloggers -- the 'truth' never is quite clear and unambiguous. One only has to think of Lawrence Durrell's ALEXANDRIA QUARTET to realize that the SAME EVENTS can be seen by three different persons with wildly different account of what really happened.
Loved the father-son reunion. I can't even imagine what it must feel like to have 7 years of your life pass by without seeing your son grow up. I'm glad they were finally able to get them to meet. And like many of you, I liked Lauro telling his dad his impressions of him. So cute!
But I rue the day JL took fashion advice from Esme and stocked his closet full of Miami Vice outfits. Especially the pink and red one he just doesn't seem to get out of! Madelaine, your comment about his “spidey sense is on overdrive” was spot on. Perhaps, the scruffier and more obsessed he gets, the more in tune he is with his senses? He is getting on my last nerve! Forget Montse, and just think about Laurito for a moment. How would he feel if his “2nd dad, his friend” captured his dad more dead than alive? Trust me, I feel for the guy, planning alone in a jail cell for 7 whole years on how he would finally get his chance to marry Montse, only to have his dream demolished in such a short time, but he is right there on the same path as Maria’s obsession with Ale. Doing bad things in the name of love.
"...but he is right there on the same path as Maria’s obsession with Ale. Doing bad things in the name of love."
Thank you.
I agree that the adults are not really thinking about how all this major secret keeping is affecting the kids. I'm also disappointed in Monse for not thinking up a better way to help Lauro deal with his two daddies. Whatever issues she now has with JL, JL has shown himself to be a good father to Lauro and the two of them have a great relationship. There are plenty of kids who have stepdads or ex-stepdads who are real father figures to them. Why are she and Ale trying to take that away from JL too? Until JL shows himself to be a danger to Lauro, he doesn't deserve to have Monse and Ale turning Lauro against him and distancing himself emotionally.
But it was actually Macario turning the boy away from JL. JL is Lauro's godfather, which doesn't make him a nobody.
In view of all the circumstances I don't think there was a really good solution here.
"...he doesn't deserve to have Monse and Ale turning Lauro against him..."
I realize that you didn't see the episode, but I didn't get the feeling that either Ale or Montse were attempting to turn Laurito against JL. After Macario's rather curious explanation of things, he asked if Laurito understood and he replied, "More or less."
and turned and asked his mother if he could still be friends with his godfather, and she replied that she hopes so but that will depend more on JL.
"it was as false as forged paper money"
"patted her as though she were a runt poodle..."
"started grilling Adolfo like a steak..." [my favorite]
"he closed in on her neck with the efficiency of a vampire"
Man, you had me rolling with those, UA. Such fun. Who needs to see the actual episode?!
Good to be back and thanks to all who missed me. All I can say is antibiotics sure are great sometimes.
Thanks UA. Enjoyed it thoroughly (the recap, not the illness!)
He has an unattractive sneakiness about him that his supporters seem to be blind to. I'm afraid that him telling his deputies to bring him Alejandro dead or alive speaks volumes about his character. Let's see how he reacts when Laurito informs him that he has a daddy but still wants to be friends.
Does anyone know the schedule for the Copa Mundial and whether it affects this novela?
Gotta sign off and go out in half an hour; back later when I get home from an outrageous movie.
IA with you. He's sneaky. It doesn't matter what "good" thing he does when I don't think he does them with good intentions but does it so he expects something in return. We have heard endlessly about how he went to jail for 7 years.
1) No one asked him to do that.
2) Should Montse be expected to stay him because of that?
3) Should Alec be expected to just walk away from his wife/son because of what he did?
I am sure in his mind he will think he's owed Montse/Laurito because of all he's "sacrifice" when in reality none of them owe him a dam thing.
I really missed reading your comments. Sad to hear you were ill, but glad that you are better.
Carlos, ITA, JL is sneaky. Prime example was last night when he got the keys from the office to unlock Montse's bedroom door. She locked it for a reason, but he doesn't get it. She's just not into you JL! Punto!
Can't read all comments till later but I must say they have dismantled JL. Really, JL wants Monse to stay with him, despite his deception, so he barges in her room with a key and puts on creepy moves? Yuck! So out of character. He would’ve at least knocked on the door. But maybe the price JL is paying for not cherishing Angélica the most, as he should have, is madness, TN style.
Judyb..So glad to "see" you here and sorry that you were sick . I missed you.
JL was scary when he came into Mony's bedroom. He made me think of the role this actor played in Alborado..the crazy evil Diego who had "swelling in his humid zones" due to his syphilis riddled body (thanks for that translation to our blog mom Melinama /Jane) .
I'm sympathetic.
"Yuck! So out of character."
I've said the same so many times about María. Unfortunately, our favorite characters (and we) are at the mercy and whims of the writers.
For me, María is an innocent sweet wholesome country lass standing endless hours on that porch like a faithful hound awaiting the return of her handsome doofus bumpkin of a childhood sweetheart to return from the big city.
Now just look what those pesky malicious writers have done to her.
So I feel your pain.
"But maybe the price JL is paying for not cherishing Angélica the most, as he should have, is madness, TN style."
You found the perfect word to describe JL. I have been thinking about it, trying to come up with an adequate description of what the writers are doing to his character and indeed it is "madness". Spot on!
All I can say is HOLY COW!, Urban! This noir style of yours is fantastic! ...and the screen shots!!
I've read all the comments and finally saw the episode. Holy Cow, I miss one full week and things look like they are going to heck in a hand basket.
What a DEPRESSING story.
JL looks like a dirty, smelly thug...and that get up! What in the world?! This guy has not appealed to me since day one. In those early parts of the story, I always thought he was a weak, whining, wimp who never had the courage to speak up for what he thought he wanted (Montserrat). So, now, he thinks he is going to "speak up" by forcing his wife to have sexual relations with him? Gotta tell ya, if some guy went a got a key to open my bedroom door (even if he was my husband), I think I just might feel very afraid.
Anon @1:46, ITA with your comment and observations. We, indeed, have our own versions of reality. I thought Montserrat was tempting the Fates by telling JL that SHE decides what her son does or does not do. JL looks like he is losing his grip, so not a good move, Montserrat.
So very few happy scenes in this story and the nasty characters seem to keep getting ahead.
...and Macario?! OY! DUMB BUNNY who needs to keep his mouth shut.
Adolfo is a puzzlement and Fina's relationship with him is an even bigger puzzlement.
Does Fina really like Adolfo? Does Fina not read visual and emotional cues well? I could be way off given that I have missed a whole week's worth of story, but seeing Adolfo now, he is "not quite right".
There are too many "scary" men in this story and too many women who are missing the boat re these men.
Stupendous recap, Urban!
JudyB, amiga, I am glad you are feeling better!!
May I say that I cringe every time JL waves his cane around especially in front of Monse. I fear that one of this day he is going to hurt her with this cane. He really has this mad look in his eyes!
I'm glad that the writers did away with the pole dancing. haha. Notice that, there are loud clapping after Maria's hidden performance. The writers themselves can't appreciate it. But they have to pretend it was well done.
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