Sunday, July 13, 2014

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- El Señor de los Cielos II, En Otra Piel, et cetera, week of July 14, 2014

As I am writing this, I see that we reached 200 comments by Sunday evening.  (We haven't done that in a while!)  Anyway, I decided to post early (Sunday night instead of Monday) and to give  Reina de Corazones its own page this week.  If the high volume of comments continues, then Jean and I  can keep the separate pages going.

While it was kind of nice to have our conversations crossing each other and for us to read over each other's shoulders on one page, at a certain point it becomes unwieldy. It began to feel as if Cielos and En Otra Piel were being drowned out.

So this is the new page for Cielos, En Otra Piel and any other Telemundo or Unimás show you feel like discussing.

Reina de Corazones comments and mini-recaps will be on a separate page.

Have a great week!

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Thanks, NovelaMaven. I like having a separate page for Reina de Corazones. It got rather chaotic trying to keep all the comments straight.

En Otra Piel – Friday – Part 1

I am back from Spain - a great trip. I caught Avenida Brasil on the TV there one day and it had been dubbed with Castilian, not Latin American Spanish. Interesting that they went to the trouble to do that.
Thanks to Novelera for subbing for me on a few Thursdays and to Novela Maven for doing my weekly posts. Here is a recap of Friday's capitulo of Piel – It seems that almost nothing has happened since I went away...

Mondriana seems to have persuaded Camilla that the photos are either fakes or don't mean anything. Mondriana asks Camila not to mention anything about this to Elena. She offers to be there for Camila whenever whatever.

Diego confronts the puppy-gang member who followed Valeria and Maite home. The guy denies that he was following them.

Marta and Rodrigo are at Lupe's with Maite and Valeria when Diego comes in. After the rest of them have gone into the kitchen for coffee, Diego asks Maite why she and Valeria left the rooming house alone. He won't tell her about the puppy-gang guy finding them but warns her not to do it again.

Elena comes home and is immediately confronted by Emiliana who accuses her of breaking the glass in the photo of Mónica in the studio. Elena denies doing anything to the photo and tells Emiliana that she has a lot more on her plate than a stupid photo.

Diego tells Rodrigo about the guy following Maite and Valeria. He replies that they will have to be more careful and not let the girls out of Diego or Anselmo's sight.

Mondriana is in the guest house. She flashes back to watching Elena's reaction to her playing the piano and pretending to be Mónica. Elena swears to kill Camila and Emiliana and make them suffer more than she did Mónica. Then Elena throws something and breaks the glass in the portrait of Mónica at the piano that is in the study. This devastates Emiliana. Lorena comes in and interrupts her recollection. Mondriana reminds Lorena of the promise to protect her daughters that she made to Mónica when Emiliana was born. Lorena looks stricken as she usually does since she is still protecting her devil spawn.

Said devil spawn tells a photo of Gerardo that if she can't have him, she would rather see him dead. Camila comes in and demands that Elena stop saying bad things about Mónica at least while Emiliana is growing up. She rips up the pictures.


En Otra Piel – Friday – Part 2

Gerardo is at Ernesto's place. Ernesto tries to convince Gerardo to stay with Elena but Gerardo replies that he is done with her. Then he gets a text from Mondriana asking him to meet her at the Lake House.

Mondriana has hatched a plan to put tiny cameras in the lake house to try and record Gerardo making incriminating statements. Selma is helping her. Mondriana tells Selma that she can't just tell Camila what is going on because Camila won't believe her and the small level of trust she has achieved with Camila will be destroyed.

Ricardo and Camila are in the garden. He tells her that she had done the right thing confronting Elena about the photos. Camila replies that she wants to get rid of the resentment she had against her mother. After all, Mónica was her mother.

Elena has come to see Ernesto. She has brought him the stuff to drug Camila. Ernesto is not enthusiastic about going through with it but Elena tells him that either he follows the plan with Camila or she will ask Carlos Ricalde to get rid of Camila forever. Ernesto protests that it is unlikely that waking up in bed with him will make Camila marry him. Elena doesn't care about that. She just wants to split Ricardo and Camila up. She says that she prefers the Carlos Ricalde solution to the problem but it's up to Ernesto. Ernesto agrees. Then Elena starts to pressure Ernesto to reveal who Gerardo is cheating on her with. Ernesto lies and says that he doesn't know anything but Elena sees a video on her phone of Gerardo arriving at the Lake House. She splits.

Gerardo arrives at the Lake House love nest and tells Mondriana that he has broken up with Elena and now they can be happy together. Mondriana replies that Elena is dangerous – she was capable of killing her own aunt who raised her like her daughter. Gerardo replies that Mónica died of an undiagnosed medical condition. Mondriana lays it on – saying that she is sure that Mónica's ghost is hanging around to get justice. But no matter what she does, Gerardo will not admit that Elena murdered Mónica.

Ricardo and Camila are kissing when she gets a call from Ernesto. He asks her come over right away. He tells her that he has had a discussion with Elena and needs to talk to her about it. Camila agrees to come over and lies to Ricardo about where she is going.

Diego tells Maite that she has to be very careful in warning other women about the danger of kidnappers. The kidnappers are dangerous. Unexpectedly, the normally timid Valeria agrees with Maite that they have to help other women avoid what happened to them. Just when a little fear would be helpful, Valeria had decided to be brave!


En Otra Piel – Friday – Part 3

Selma sees Elena arrive at the Lake House. She warns Mondriana with a text that vibrates her phone. Mondriana leaves and avoids being seen by Elena. Elena barges into the house and demands to know where his lover is. In the car with Selma, Mondriana starts monitoring the video hoping that to get some incriminating statements she can use.

Camila comes to Ernesto's place and asks what happened with Elena. He says that it concerned her and asks her have some wine with him. He needs a drink to give him courage to speak to her. He drugs the wine. Camila tells Ernesto that she and Ricardo are back together and very happy. She asks again what he wanted to tell her about his conversation with Elena. Ernesto replies that he gave Elena his resignation from the winery but she wouldn't accept it. Camila asks why he wants to resign. He replies that he can't tolerate being around Camila knowing that she can't return his feelings. Ernesto starts to cry. Camila wants to leave but she is a little woozy. She asks for a glass of water, which Ernesto drugs as well. The second dose does the trick and Camila passes out while she is trying to leave.

While Elena and Gerardo continue to argue, Mondriana somehow remotely turns on a recording of Mónica playing the piano. Elena accuses Gerardo of putting it on.

Lorena goes into Elena's room for something and finds the photo-shopped pictures of Mónica and hunky guys that Camila ripped up.

Although Elena tells Gerardo that they are “accomplices,” she doesn't confess any crimes. She just tells Gerardo that whether he likes it or not, he is always hers and time will prove her right. Elena leaves and Mondriana tells Selma that she has lost her last opportunity to get a confession out of Elena.


En Otra Piel
Jean, welcome back! Thanks muchly for doing the Friday recap so soon after you've returned. I agree with what you said about Valeria: "Just when a little fear would be helpful, Valeria had decided to be brave!" I can almost see the anvil get ready to fall.

One question: Why/how does Elena have a video of Gerardo arriving at Lake House?

En Otra Piel

That's a good question, Juanita. It was Jorge who hired the guys who took photos of Mondriana going into the Lake House. Maybe Elena set up a motion-activated camera that records who arrives at the house but it would have recorded Mondriana and Selma going in there. It just may just have been the writers' way to get Elena to go to the Lake House and we won't get any explanation of how the video magically appeared on her phone.

En Otra Piel

Jean, Welcome back! I just now looked at the site because we haven't had Friday recaps for quite a while. I was under the impression that somehow Mondriana, or maybe Selma, managed to get a video of Gerardo arriving at the Lake House. And they sent it to Elena to lure her there and hopefully get a confession of murder recorded.


We again see the scene where Selma and Mondriana are outside recording what Elena and Gerardo say to each other. She talks about their being accomplices, but not accomplices in what. He tells her *again* that he doesn’t love her. She tells him *again* that he belongs to her.

Elena leaves the Lake House and Mondriana almost cries with frustration. She feels she’s lost her last chance to get the proof she needs to get Elena and Gerardo locked up

Ernesto carries a passed out Camila into his bedroom, fully dressed, and puts her on the bed. They drag out the scene of Ernesto in the bedroom with Camila for a very long time. Maybe they’re trying to make us think he’ll repent of doing this. But no. We finally see her clothes are off, on her stomach, with the usual discreet draping of sheets. He gets the camera going, only undresses to his wifebeater, leaves his pants on and appears to be kissing a sleeping Camila for the camera.

Lorena finds the photoshopped pictures of her sister with young guys. Camila had torn them up, but Lorena is putting them back together when Jorge arrives. I am increasingly finding Lorena a waste of screen time. That stupefied look she gets on her face when a new atrocity of her daughter comes to light is getting on my last nerve.

Diego tells Valeria he’s proud of how far she’s come. He reminds her how she was even frightened of him. He tells her he admires her. And [whew!] agrees to go with her to pass out the flyers.

Susana comes to tell Lorena that Jorge is here to see her. Emiliana is there as well and immediately tells Jorge she thinks Elena damaged her mother’s photograph on person. She goes on to say how great Ricardo and Gabriel are and that they’re like her brothers. Jorge says he’s pleased Camila is with Ricardo, a good young man. He goes on to say he doesn’t like Ernesto much, and Emi agrees wholeheartedly! Jorge says he’s sure she’s a Larrea because of the good instincts.

I guess the flashbacks of what Elena said about having Carlos Ricalde get rid of Camila once and for all are supposed to make us understand a teensy bit why Ernesto did what he did to Camila. Didn’t work for me.

We get a very charming scene with two of the best actors on the show. Rodrigo and Marta share memories of their children. They laugh about when Rick didn’t want to pass his clothes down to Gabriel and refused to admit they were too small for him! All parents have dozens of great stories like this about when their children were little. They draw closer and closer, and he starts to kiss her when Eileen bursts in with some leftover cake! Mood is broken and Marta leaves, saying she has to get early. To Rod’s credit, he doesn’t strangle Eileen.

Mondriana and Selma are reviewing the recording to see if it’s incriminating enough. Selma pushes Mondriana to call Jorge and set up a meeting with him so she can show him the recording. While they’re cooking this up Gerardo arrives. He calls Elena obsessed! He didn’t wait for Mondriana to get home, but instead showed up at Selma’s looking for her.


We see Ricardo getting more and more anxious waiting for Camila in a restaurant.

At Selma’s Gerardo again tries to talk Mondriana into leaving with him, saying the money is all set up. This is getting SO repetitive. She says they can’t leave together because then Elena will know they’re an item and will take it out on the girls. She reminds him he swore to sell the winery to Jorge so the girls would have the protection of their uncle owning the business. He can’t quite look her in the eye, and says he encountered a slight problem.

Ernesto has dressed Camila again. She wakes up feeling pretty awful and he, of course, tells her they both drank too much and made love.

Carlos tells El Pachuco to go see Rottweiler and get some of his fiercest guys for a mission, something personal and delicate.

Eileen and Rod are talking about his writing another screenplay. She thinks he has a lot of talent, and she could get some people interested. Rick comes in with a very long face saying that Camila stood him up and doesn’t answer her phone.

Gerardo comes to the winery to see Elena. She is very subdued. She says she doesn’t want to fight any more. She has realized she can’t force him to love her. She says she prefers to have her dignity and that they should end it well. Gerardo has the same reaction as Viewerville: ¡Qué! She even says she’ll make sure the winery is sold to Jorge. He asks her what she’s up to. She says she only wants her share of the sale of the winery. When he brings up Ricalde, she says they can sell without his signature because he isn’t really Raúl Camacho. [Gerardo doesn’t think to mention that Jorge knows there’s someone with a 30% share and is too astute to sign something with that unresolved.] She asks him to attend a dinner the following night to announce the sale of the business and that he formally thank her for having pushed it through. She says she wants to look good to her cousins. She also says she wants a last kiss, but practically devours him with several.

Rick tries one more time to call Camila. She picks up and tells him she’s at home and was sick. Ernie overhears this, walks into the room pretending he thinks she’s talking to Emiliana and says out loud that he’ll take her home. Rick is furious. And hangs up on her.

I wasn’t sure what Ricalde was arranging with El Pachuco, but I sort of got it after Elena was so accommodating. The puppy gang is waiting for Gerardo in the parking garage of the Winery office building to beat and/or kill him. So the call Carlos got about arranging something delicate was from our sweet Elena.

En Otra Piel
Thanks so much, novelera, for the excellent recap. I was out last night and missed the first half of the show, so I was especially grateful for the recap. Gotta run, but I did want to say thanks, in case I don't have more time later.


Language question on something they do on this show that I haven't noticed on others. Often when they (Chacorta, Alba, etc.) talk about Ximena, they call her La Ximena. I thought this might be sarcastic deference, but then they do it to Matilde, Rutila, and Ernesto last night. They'll say, "Sabes como esta la Rutila". What's up with this? Is this a regional quirk from Sinaloa? Or is it just them? Curious.


En Otra Piel

thanks so much novelera!

I too think it was Selma who tipped Elena to get her there as part of the plan, (they just didn't show us to build the suspense), but now will Elena be able to track down who sent it?

also didn't like the notebook left on with the Geraldo video, Selma covers it up but leaves it there, then Monica fumbles around with it, while confronting Geraldo.

nor Ernesto's little game, interesting that he plays both sides but in the end he seems to side with Elena and is always hiding things from Geraldo. So Geraldo trusts him (as a brother) and shouldn't, and Elena doesn't but Ernesto wishes she would, this kind of makes him an all around t*rd.

and the smooth/cool Geraldo, always in the drivers seat, sure is getting a wake-up call, and I'm sure Carlos will want to make it clear who IS the top dog.



In answer to Kelly's question about La Ximena, I'm not sure, but I think that is normal across many Latino cultures. I also study Portuguese, and the same thing happens there, they often refer to people with the article first, like o Roberto, a Rosa, etc. And we know Latinos sometimes refer to grandparents like this, too, like la abuela told me this, instead of mi abuela. If others have more info on this, please feel free to comment.

Now for last night's show. Leo didn't really arrest Ximena, she lets her go, laying a heavy guilt trip on her for all the things Bert has done.

And Monica didn't really miscarry. Just a little bleeding, due to high pressure. She needs to rest. But the doc also asks if she ever had an abortion, and she did! She was way younger, she flashes back. Since novela writers (and audiences) generally hate abortions, Monica thinks she'll never be able to have kids again, even if this one makes it.

Irma asks Chacorta what's all the commotion about? He gets serious, tells her no gossiping, don't ask questions, or you'll end up dead. She later reports back to Pepe, but won't tell him much, because she's afraid of Chacorta. She's now in a very dicey situation between the two.

Tijeras arrives in Mexico with Tostao. Chema calls Mati, forces her to reveal that Chacorta's son's name is Victor, and to fax a picture of him. Chema gets this sent to Tijeras and Tostao, and it looks as if they're supposed to KILL Victor! They see him come out of school with Rutila, and call the boss, should we kill BOTH?

Ernesto has asked for a job from Manotas, and said he saw AC. Manotas calls Chacorta, who is just about to give the order to kill Ernesto, when AC says no, it would upset Rutila. So let Ernie live for now, give him a low level job, watch him like a hawk. Now that Ernie gets the job, he pretends to Ruti and Vic that he DIDN'T see AC, but they know he's lying.

Santiago wants to hire a top lawyer to help with Ximena's situation, or maybe Bert's he finds the best one in the book, and it's Ignacio! Ignacio wonders why he's asked to do something for Ximena.

Mati's singer (I think his name is Benny) is mad at her drunk antics, she promises to be better. She wants to go to Spain, but Chema wants her to keep tabs on Chacorta as he takes out his revenge. Mati is also caught in a jame.

AC calls Lai in Spain, he needs fake passports (for AC, Bert and Monica). They also need some music contacts, maybe for Mati's singer. Lai's ex is fine with the music part, but doesn't know how to get fake passports.

Leo meets with Governor Pedro. She says she has proof that AC's alive, they have his voice on tape, and there should be tapes somewhere from when she was undercover at AC's years ago, they could be compared. Pedro is happy about her work, wants her to be a security advisor, but is wary of her being just on her own, unsupervised. She, however, can't do it any other way. And she needs a gun. Pedro thinks this would look bad, but then rethinks it, maybe she could have a gun for self protection.

Since Chema wants revenge on Chacorta, and AC wants revenge on Chema (for Monica's near miscarriage), we could have some violence coming up!


About "La Ximena" --

Kelly and Hombre,
you might be interested in this thread on Wordreference:

I've heard this "La + proper name" a lot and had been told it was not quite correct. According to the wordref folks, it has more to do with class than region, but not entirely.


Jean, I haven't been in this neighborhood for a while so I may have missed it before, but I just noticed your avatar. It is gorgeous!


thanks Hombre!
(I was having technical problems last week)
you are so good at this.

I was thinking Monica's abortion was related to that horror guy that kept her in chains and boinked her between chopping up bodies, you know, the guy Aurelio hired.

hmm, I was thinking Roberto Tapia was playing himself, didn't he seem worried that hanging out with Mati would wreck the image of himself that he has spent years building.

and Lai's trip to Spain, not quite sure what this is all about, but I was wondering if the music thing isn't part of a money laundering thingy.

and still hazy on Chema's plan, does he want la Elsa to throw the book at him to help with her quest for governor, while he runs things from jail while boy Andrews looks out for him, for now.

Tostao and Tijeras must have grown up together, they click.

and Ignacio's mom has taken a turn for the worst, as Victoria hangs close, while Leo is away.



I so sympathize with your not being that enthusiastic about recapping every day. I do plan to catch up with Cielos, but going on vacation the week of the 4th put me behind, and I haven't been able to watch the episodes. Thus, no comments from me. I look forward to catching up with what you wrote when I find the time to watch up to current.


Rats! The comment I just wrote was directed at Hombre.

Thanks, Novelera. I seem to recall Monica saying that she knew it would take 15 minutes for Elena to she and Selma are the ones who lured Gerardo to the cabin. The recording of Elena/Gerardo may not prove that what they are guilty of but it should at least show who MAY be behind Gerardo's beating.

I was hoping that Gerardo would interrupt Ernesto's plan but that didn't happen. In a perfect world Cami could easily convince others that she was set up by Ernesto but since she lied to Ricardo this storyline may drag out some. I wonder if Ernesto will continue to stick by Elena's side after his brother is beaten up.

spanish student


"Premios Tu Mundo"
(for all things Telemundo and more),

hosted by novelas most famous non-couple,
Aarón Díaz and Gaby Espino

will we see/hear "Bailando"?

press release here with links to where you can vote,
(today through August 12, must have facebook account))


Thanks NovelaMaven. It's a hummingbird called a White-necked Jacobin. I took the photo in Peru but the bird is found pretty widely in South America.

En Otra Piel:

Thanks for the recap, Novelera. I can't think of a thing to say about the episode. Maybe something will happen now that Elena has had Gerardo beaten up but probably not...

Gracias otra vez Hombre. I'm watching & enjoying your recaps so much.


Tijeras sees that Victor and Rutila are together outside the school, asks Chema on the phone is he should take them both out. No, says Chema, one thing at a time, just follow the plan. We find out what the plan is. While Ruti goes to talk to Ernie, Victor is by himself. Tostao calls his name, and then shoots him in both knees! Ernie had a glimpse of Tostao, but also got a good look at Tijeras in the car.

Victor will live, but he'll never walk again. The entire rest of the episode was everyone's reactions to the shooting. It's all predictable, Chema's happy, all the good people (Ximena, Alba, Padre) are sad, Mati is still caught in the middle, and of course Chacorta wants revenge. Everybody knows it's Chema right away.

That's about all that happened, except for a few minor things like Bert is going to Venezuela and General Montoya to get a Venezuelan passport, then to Spain. And Ximena sleeps with Santiago again before she finds out the news. Alba forgives Monica. Monica still loves AC even though he's now "killed her twice" (stabbing her, then sending her to Tolero, who raped her, and that was the abortion, as Deb pointed out).

I'm not feeling sympathy for ANY of our characters. Yes, I like Leo, Ignacio and Vicky. But I'm tired of all the rest, including Alba, Monica, Lai, Ximena and Rutila. And of course I hate AC, Chacorta, Chema, Tijeras, Andrews, Elsa and Max. I'm not even too wild about Bert and Ernie. But this isn't Sesame Street. They're trying to give us the message that anyone in the drug world is going to ruin not just their own lives, but those of their families. Yes, I get it. But it's not that fun to watch.


thanks so much Hombre!

I'm still hung up since monday when Leo showed up with her hair and braids on the other side.


En Otra Piel

Geraldo was taking up a whole parking space in the garage, lying there unconscious, then taken to the hospital, and recovers.

Jorge didn't buy Monica's video/proof, and didn't like her slandering the family.

Diego returns with the fixed pic of Monica Serrano, Emi is happy again.

Camila smoothes things with Ricardo.

Elena demands the nude Camila pics from Ernesto, so far he is holding out.


En Otra Piel

Deb, I thought it was strange that security didn't appear until Gerardo regained consciousness.

Jorge totally confused me with his outright rejection and rudeness towards Mondriana. But he's on the right side so he'll eventually come around. Not sure why Mondriana told Emi to stay close to Marta and Lorena (but not Jorge). Weird since she knows Lorena is too weak to be trusted.

And now that Emi and Vicky have both agreed before Diego that Mondriana is a lot like Monica Serrano, I think he'll start believing that it's possible.

spanish student


Thanks, Deb, for the brief 'cap.

I am still enjoying Elena suffering from Gerardo's complete disdain toward her. He didn't believe for a NY minute that the attack on him wasn't arranged by her to bring him in line. He told her she was planning to negotiate with him between death or loving her. And he wasn't going to make that choice. He really stuck it to her by saying he was moving in with Ernesto because they could no longer live under the same roof.

Spanish student, ITA about Jorge's reaction to Mondriana and the video. It also made no sense because, unless my Spanish comprehension was way off, he seemed to think that the video somehow was a slur on Mónica. I was just furious with him.

I agree that Vicki and Marta telling Diego how much Mondriana knew about everyone in the household, including secrets, definitely bolsters what Mondi and Selma have been telling him.

I did NOT like Diego's conversation with Rodrigo at La Malquerida in which he was hinting he might get Mondriana to wear the necklace and thus bring back Adriana. Since they're dragging out the revenge a whole lot, it's too soon for Adriana to return.

Ernesto actually showed a tiny bit of backbone, refusing to give Elena the photos of Camila in his bed. He even threatened her with his knowledge of her having killed MS.

They aren't even showing any hints of ultimo anything, even the first in the series of announcements that usually mean six more weeks. We ARE seeing previews of Los Miserables with Aracely Arámbula, which I believe will replace EOP. I am assuming that Araceli will be playing the Jean Valjean role.


I totally agree about Jorge's reaction to Mondriana's video. Unless he is reactiong to form (an employee secretly recording video of family members) over substance (the revelation that Gerardo and Elena are lovers), Jorge's response to Mondriana makes no sense.

Yes, Camila and Ric have made up but she didn't tell him what really (didn't) happen. Wouldn't any woman in 2014, if she woke up in someone's bed and was told that she had drunk herself senseless but had no memory of it, suspect that she had been given a roofi or other date rape drug?

There are TWO previews running. I can't remember the name of the other one but it shows a woman washing another's woman's hair in a beauty parlor sink and says something like, "what if you had been the president of a country..." Is Cielos a short run?

En Otra Piel

Novelera, it was indeed a pleasure watching Gerardo stand his ground against Elena's manipulations. Unfortunately she will never give up or forgive, so moving in with Ernesto will not bring him any peace. Hopefully Ernesto will resist her requests to betray him. I would be very worried if I were him. If she had the love of her life attacked she would certainly have Ernesto murdered.

spanish student

Gracias Hombre
I slept through last night & haven't had a chance to catch up on telemundo, so I appreciate your recap so much.
Pobre Victor, he didn't deserve that.
Chacorta will get even. He is a despicable character but a super actor.


NovelaMaven- Thanks for the link. It's an interesting quirk of their speech that I haven't seen in other novelas. Maybe they're just trying to be more "correct"?

I'm curious to see what Matilde does now that she knows Chema is willing to go after the kids. She's self-centered, but she's fond of her kid.


En Otra Piel

I'm falling behind and so I'm especially grateful for this week's recaps.

Jean, you said "Wouldn't any woman in 2014, if she woke up in someone's bed and was told that she had drunk herself senseless but had no memory of it, suspect that she had been given a roofi or other date rape drug?" I had the same thought, but then I remembered that this is the same young woman who was shown photos supposedly of her mother with a series of young men, and Photoshop never crossed her mind.


No one mentioned that Ernesto told Elena that he did not have sex with Camis passed-out body.

EN OTRA PIEL, Wed. Pt. 1

Rehash of Gerardo not believing Elena. (I missed the next part due to laundry).

Mondriana goes over the Jorge incident with Selma, and tells her that he’ll never trust Mondri again.

Jenny checks out a program to study marine biology at a program in San Fran. She closes up the computer and gives up the idea, when Rodrigo startles her from behind. He was watching what she was doing. She doesn’t think she’d have a chance getting into the program, and besides, she just got married and it’ll be hard, etc. Rod tells her she at least has to try, to knock off the excuses becasuse life is hard and get over it. Of COURSE Gabe will support her. He sits her down at the computer and offers help if she needs it.

Emi interrupts Selma and Mondri with the news about Gerardo’s beating.

The victim is being helped out by Marta, who mentions his bad luck, first with getting shot and now this. He doesn’t tell her the name of his bad luck. But he does ask where Mondri is. Marta tells him but gives him a look.

After Mo says goodbye to Selma (from the big house), she greets Elena who has just come into the room and asks about Ger. Elena tells her she can go ask him herself. But no, Mondri doesn’t want to bug him because he’s probably resting. She’d rather hear it from Elena, if it isn’t too much trouble for Elena of course. Elena “doesn’t know much” but tells Mondri to be careful because you just never know what’s going to happen. Mo (sarcastically) admires Elena’s strength/fortitude. They’re saying nice things but they look like they’re having a stand off. Mo continues to say suck up things to Elena. Then Elena reminds her that she’s invited to the family dinner that night.

Ric goes to Vinos Larrea to confront Ernesto and warn him off Camila. They do some shoving until Martina (the receptionist) breaks it up.

Camila goes over the night before in her mind and only having one glass of wine. Ernie enters her office and she asks him about the truth about what happened the night before. She doesn’t remember drinking that much, but Ernie tells her she did. But nothing happened because he respects her too much.

Gabe and Jenny are in the ocean talking about love and such.

Jorge is meeting with his right-hand man about meeting with Mondri, etc. Then he tells the guy about seeing Elena come out of “Raul Camacho’s” room when they were in Napa, and he doesn’t trust the lot of them. But he’s going to the dinner because he’s worried
about the girls.

Camila accuses Ernie about setting up a trap for her. He says no and that he was trying to protect her. If it wasn’t for him…….then Elena interrupts and drags Camila out of there on some pretext before he can spill. She tells him to descansa…en paz.

EN OTRA PIEL, Wed. pt.2

Mo kicks Emi out of her apartment to get ready for the dinner, and when she hears a knock on the door, she thinks it’s Emi (who would never bother knocking) but it’s Ger. After they talk, Emi comes to get Mo for the dinner. Mo tries to beg off, saying she has a headache, but Emi’s not having it. They greet Jorge at the entry. Elena reminds her again about dinner, and when Mo claims headache, Elena is like, Nope! Take a couple pills.

Ernesto leaves the office extra cautiously, and RUNS to his car to get the heck out of there. But then he finds Carlos in his apartment. Carlos has found the photos because the idiot didn’t have a password on his computer even though he knows the kind of people he works with.

Ric gets home and finds an envelope under the door with the photos.

Elena gives a little speech before making her big announcement. She’s pregnant! No one looks pleased. She asks if anyone will congratulate her, but no one says anything.

Carlos came to Ernie’s to take care of the Camila problem himself, and he pulls out a gun. Ernie tries to flee but Pachuco stops him at the door.

Ric picks up the pics and says, “I’m going to kill him” and he runs out. (We know where this is going, right?) Meanwhile, Ernie wants to talk to Elena, but Carlos says she doesn’t want to talk to him. He finally pretends to have some cojones and threatens with Elena with proof of everything she did. Which he doesn’t actually have because he’s dumb. He should’ve taken all that money from the Caymen Island acct., put it in his name, and gotten the heck out of town when he had the chance. Or at least leave some actually evidence somewhere safe. He’s terrible at being a bad guy.
Elena, back at the dinner table, is being asked by Emi who the father is. She tells her it’s the man she loves with all her soul. That man looks annoyed. Then she gets a call from Carlos with Ernie beggin her for his life. She tells him, “tranquiqui, Bro” (ha!), and the phone gets passed back to Carlos with Ernie thanking her for sparing his life. Pachuco lets him go , and he turns around when Carlos bashes him on the head. So much for that.

Don Ro is trying to get a hold of Ric, but there’s no answer. Diego asks whats up, and then they find one of the pics on the floor.

Pachuco has cleaned up the apartment and found the camera. Carlos kinda liked that bato, but not being loyal is the worst thing ever. He had to die.

Ger has gone out to talk to Elena about this “baby”. He doesn’t believe her, and if she is pregnant, it isn’t his. He wants dna proof. She says to man up, and that they are going to form a happy family. She is anyway. Gerardo is still pissed. Either she tells them the truth, or he will. She reminds him that that wouldn’t be a good idea. She starts their happy family by threatening him. She tells him he has to understand that she’s expecting his child! And Camila overhears, and is like “QUE?!? YOU are the father of this baby?!” And Elna, says yep, and holds Ger’s hand. Awwww.

So no previews, but if you didn’t see them, you really should check out tomorrow’s show. Should be good, watching Elena get out of this one. Also, now would be a good time, if front of everyone, for Ger to offer to sell the business of both of their behalfs, but he probably doesn’t have it in him.



En Otra Piel-

Great recap, Kelly. Anyone want to bet against Ricardo finding Ernesto's body, stupidly picking up the gun and being accused of his murder?

En Otra Piel
Thanks very much, Kelly, for the great recap. I agree that Ernesto is not clever enough to play in the big leagues. I'm a little surprised he lasted as long as he did. And I loved your comment that Elena "starts their happy family by threatening [Gerardo]."

Jean, I'm afraid you've very likely nailed the next plot development. Sigh. I'm so ready for this TN to end, but apparently the writers must have been paid by the episode.

En Otra Piel,

Thanks, Kelly, for the recap. I'm looking forward to tonight's episode. Jean, I also agree that the writer's have given us the impression that the young legal mind will do something stupid or incriminating at the crime scene. Not to mention he threatened him in fron tof the secretary. So he will probably spend some time in jail although I doubt if his family will beieve that he did it. It'll be interesting to see how Camilia reacts to the photos and how Gerardo reacts to his brother's murder.

spanish student


Chacorta shows up at Victor's hospital room with about 10 armed guys pointing weapons at Colonel Ramos, saying step aside. The Colonel is humiliated, not be able to arrest this outlaw, and strides away. Later he beefs up security, gets about 10 army guys to guard the room. General Antonio playfully makes fun of him. Ramos demands to question the family members who ARE allowed to visit, such as Ximena, Alba, and later Matilda, who comes with Carlitos. Santiago is there to provide support.

Ignacio still wonders why Santiago called him about Ximena, thinking it could be a trap (I think it was really just an accident, as Santiago just wanted a top attorney, doesn't know of Ig's connections).

Ig's mother Cecilia is in her last days before dying of cancer. Leo visits her. Ceci says she might like to go to Paris before she dies. Ceci tells Leo that Ignacio really loves her, and not to repeat what she did with Max. Max is notably NOT there to support her, as he's at Chema's trial, watching Elsa.

Yes, the "trial" is typical for a telenovela, basically they make up the rules as they go alone. This time, Elsa asks for the maximum, which is 30 years (even though Chema's a killer, they apparently don't have the death penalty, and they forgot about life in prison, on these shows they always seem to go with 30 years). Chema's defense attorney is about to speak, when Chema speaks for himself. He ACCEPTS the 30 years, and then offers to give "all his ill gotten financial gains" to the government in return for a lower sentence. He produces a folder, listing "all" his holdings. Elsa says no, let's go with 30 years AND he forfeits his holdings. The judge agrees. Andrews looks on knowingly. Max realizes this is pure theater, knows Elsa has something going with Chema. He later asks her to fess up, but of course she won't.

Monica starts bleeding again, and DOES lose the baby. The doctor tells AC that Moni has some wounds to her stomach, making her insides weak, and that's what caused it. Can she have another baby? Maybe, but the chances of bringing it to term are very low. AC flashes back to when he stabbed Moni in the side. Whoops! BTW, in scenes where Monica is crying her eyes out about this, I felt the actor playing AC was trying to keep himself from laughing, he's much better in the angry and mean scenes than in these tender ones.

Chacorta wants revenge on Chema, AC is upset about Monica, they yell at each other a bit, then calm down and start planning the revenge.

Bert makes it to Spain, and so does Roberto Tapia. Bert's going to manage his European tour.

Ruti tells Ernie he's going to end up just like AC or Chacorta, so sorry, she has to break up with him. Later, she tells her Mom she still loves him.

So AC and Chacorta want revenge on Chema, and Chema still wants more revenge on Chacorta. I want revenge on the writers!

But I did like that side braid Leo has. And Victoria's dresses are so tight and form fitting, it's a wonder she can sit down.

I also found it funny when Elsa told the reporters, "I'm going to stop all this drug crime, and I want to be Presidenta Municipal. And then I'll be Governor!" Subtle she isn't.


En Otra Piel

thanks so much Kelly!

I think what Jennifer was worried about is if she could get the scholarship (beca)

ah yes, Elena has upped the ante,
odd that neither Monica nor Diego has crossed paths with Carlos here in LA.

and Carlos looked worried for a second that Ernesto might know enough to take out Elena, I guess that wouldn't fit into his plans, because I'm not seeing that he has any loyalty.



thanks so much Hombre!

such a tragic life these narcos live, duh!

I'm not getting Chema's plan, but I'm guessing he has no family and jail is just fine while the Casillas' brothers steam, who I guess don't have the politcal pull to get to him there. (I wonder if Bigotes gets the same sentence so they can still be roomies)

and I wonder how Andrews justifies his job with the DEA.

the whole Spanish thing isn't clicking either, could someone get Heriberto a drink. (and why is Roberto Tapia playing himself)

I kind of like Lai as she seems to have some sense about her, while Mati is burning up the screen being repulsive, so are we still working on that DNA test on Carlitos.


En Otra Piel

Deb, interesting that you mentioned loyalty. Carlos has brought of the topic of loyalty several times recently (with Pachuco and Rottweiler) and I was wondering who the disloyal person would be. Even Pachuco looked a little scared when he mentioned it. Yesterday it was Ernesto but I'm still hoping the new gang member will do something to help the kidnapped girls.


Thanks, Kelly. Great recap! You got it all.

How the heck did Carlos get those pictures off Ernie's laptop, get prints, and get them delivered to Ric's doorstep so fast? I know, telenovela magic. A five year old could figure out that Ric will be up on murder charges. But my only question is that Carlos told El Pachuco to get the body out of there and clean up the apt, so even if Ric shows up and doesn't find Carlos and EP near the body, the body will be gone and how does Ric get blamed?

I WAS totally surprised by Elena's pregnancy announcement. She had said something, was it in the same episode, about feeling queasy. Do we think she really is preggers? I guess we're meant to think she's completely crazy. Especially when she told Gerardo, with a straight face, that they were going to be a happy family. She STILL hasn't absorbed how much he despises her.

I am SO worried about Jennifer. I hope the worst they do is a very short kidnapping by Rottweiler. She's been lucky thus far by Elena being distracted by Gerardo's clear desire to not be in her presence for 2 seconds.


I've had a bad feeling about Jennifer's survival prospects from the very beginning. We might need to have the tragic death of an innocent for the gangs to realize the error of their ways, etc. I hope I'm wrong but...

I only remember Raul telling Pachuco to clean up and make sure they didn't leave any fingerprints not get rid of the body. I might have missed that.

Raul or Elena could actually be framing Ric for the crime with the amazingly quick delivery of the photos, which he/she knows would bring Ric to confront Ernesto and then a convenient anonmymous call to the police. We've seen it before many times.


I ve just found this blog, I really enjoy reading the recaps of thefirst season of senor. I am enjoying reading the second season's recaps as well, as I watch the show. Thanks to the person writting them

Gracias Hombre
I am thankful you are keeping this going.
It's not just Cielos, but I find it interesting how they put best buds in the same jail cell, so they can plot their escape.


En Otra Piel

Elena definitely set up Ricardo and got the perfect use out of Ernesto, but I think Cami's eyes will open when she see's the pictures. Especially if his death reveals that he's Gerardo's brother which is something that Elena, his lover, would have known. Not to mention Elena encouraged her several times to go out with him. Poor Gerardo will need a strong ally in order to deal with Elena/Carlos/Rottweiler.

Novelera, I think Elena will play the Jennifer card when she needs Rottweiler to get someone else out of her way. Not sure if she knows that he's now paired with Carlos.

En Otra Piel

Oops, forgot to include my username twice today.

spanish student

En Otra Piel

There's something I've been thinking about for a while now. When Mondriana was arguing with Diego in the secret room, trying and trying to convince him that she's really Mónica Serrano, all she had to do was sit down at the piano and play part of a sonata. Game over.

En otra piel

I agree. And if she played for Jorge and Camilia she could save her daughter(s) from both Elena and Carlos. But of course it's too soon.

Spanish student


On an interesting note el Chema is probably based on el Chapo Guzman. Same as Chema El Chapo was captured inGuatemala in 2001 then escaped plus they are both short

En Otra Piel Jueves – Part 1

This is going to be from memory since I didn’t have time to take notes while watching the episode. Not that much happened anyway.

We start with a reply of Wednesday’s night’s closing scene: Gerardo and Elena arguing about her big announcement. She seems to have been deluded into thinking that an announcement that she is pregnant will solve all her problems with Gerardo. He (1) doesn’t believe that she really is pregnant and (2) even if she is, he doesn’t care, it is over between them. With somewhat of a poor start on the happy family plan, Elena threatens to tell everyone that she witnessed Gerardo murdering Mónica unless he does what she wants. At some point Camila comes into the room and overhears Elena say that her baby Gerardo’s.

A large amount of wailing and gnashing of teeth ensues. Camila is furious. She accuses both Elena and Gerardo of betraying her mother. She is sure that they were having an affair before Mónica died. Emiliana is upset at the betrayal of her mother’s memory and the shattering of her relationship with Gerardo. Marta is silent but looks disgusted. Lorena is also silent, which leads Camila to accuse her later of already knowing about the affair. Jorge looks like he smells something bad and Mondriana is both smirking and trying to get Camila and especially Emiliana out of the room. Elena says that she needed comfort after Mónica died and things just went from there. Gerardo doesn’t say anything. He looks like he would like to be anywhere but where he is.

When things have calmed down a little bit, Jorge takes Gerardo aside and gives him a tongue lashing about the inappropriateness of his behavior.

The news gets to the kitchen by means of Vicki who tells Susana about it. Susana has no problem with Elena and Gerardo getting together much to Marta’s disgust.

Meanwhile, Rodrigo and Diego are going crazy trying to find Ricardo. Diego deduces correctly that he would go to Ernesto’s place but he doesn’t where that is. He calls Mondriana. She tells him that all hell is breaking loose at the Serrano house but she doesn’t know were Ernesto lives either.

I’m not sure how Ricardo knows where Ernesto lives either but he shows up there. We see him walk in the open door and see Ernesto’s body that is in a big pool of blood.

Later, Ricardo returns to Rodrigo’s house. He tells his father that he found the body but didn’t call the police or anything. He assures Rodrigo that he didn’t leave any trace at the scene but Rod is concerned about security cameras. Ric admits that he did threaten Ernesto before witnesses.


En Otra Piel Jueves – Part 2

Now Camila needs comforting after the blow up at the house. She calls Ric; he says that he is busy. Then she shows up at his house. Ric is distant. Since Camila hasn’t seen the pictures and doesn’t know about Ernesto’s death, she doesn’t understand why they can’t reconcile.

Gerardo keeps calling Ernesto but just gets his voice mail. Finally, he goes over to the apartment and finds his brother’s body. Gerardo is not having a good day! Gerardo does call the police. He tells them that Ernesto was his employee. He has to go to the police station and make a statement.

It’s the next morning. Emiliana has spent the night in the guest house with Mondriana. I believe Diego stops by but I can’t remember if they exchanged any information. He didn’t tell her about Ernesto. I can’t remember if Diego was present when Ric told Rod about that.

Elena meets with Raúl. He gives her a thumb drive from Ernesto's computer that he says that she might find interesting. He wants to be paid for offing Ernesto. Elena grumpily suggests that 30% of the winery business ought to cover the occasional killing. Raúl replies that he needs money to invest in a business opportunity. Elena tells him that she has his payment in the car and goes to get it.

The puppy gang is loading kidnapped women into a truck. The new guy is on lookout. He calls Rottweiler and seems to have doubts about the operation. Rottweiler tells him to just do his job.

Jorge asks to see Mondriana. He tells her that because she had a relationship with Gerardo, too, he doesn’t want her near his nieces and she is fired. [Wouldn’t Lorena have to do that? She is Emiliana’s guardian and hired Mondriana in the first place.] Mondriana is very upset. She tries to win Jorge over by telling him a bunch of things that Mónica supposedly told her. Jorge is such an honorable, straight up guy that when he lost a coin toss with his brother about who could court Mónica, he just packed up and went to Australia. Far from helping the situation, Jorge is annoyed that Mondriana knows all this personal information about him. He reiterates that she has to leave the house in 24 hours.



Ernie tries to make Victor happy, and fails miserably. First, he tells Vic he'll get revenge. But Vic doesn't want revenge. Can't Ernie see that all this violence is what caused them to shoot Vic? Then Ernie brings a girl to "cheer Vic up", who may be the hooker he met in the brothel. Vic isn't into this either, and Rutila looks over a Ernie, very disappointed in him. He later tries to kiss her again, she tries to pull away, but somehow she's fighting this unexplained attraction.

In Europe, Iñaki (Lai's ex) tells Bert he can sleep with Iñaki's blonde girlfriend, and Bert does. Lai is surprised, but is told they have an "open" relationship. Iñaki then says so WE can now get it on, too, right? Not so fast, buster, says Lai. We know she still pines for AC. Back in Mexico, AC tells Monica he has to go to Spain, but don't worry, he won't have sex with Lai (yeah, right).

AC and Chacorta bring in this Cuban guy, Lilo Planas. They have big planas for him. Specifically, he has to get AC a new double. He agrees for $2 million. Okay, $1 mill now, the rest after it's all set.

General Antonio asks Monica and Lai's brothel manager, whose name I think is Nidolindo, to tell him the truth about Chacorta and various other drug related things. Nido acts dumb, but the general says next time I ask, you better answer right, or else.

Cecilia dies in Ignacio's arms. Max finally shows up, and Ignacio punches him for not being there. Max later confirms to Pedro that he's going to back Elsa all the way, "to the death". This is not good, as Elsa first wants to be mayor, then governor (which Pedro is now).

Alba and Ximena are surprised that Matilde is acting so kind to Victor, and wanting to be with Carlitos. Somehow, Mati almost looks GUILTY, as if she knows something about who shot Vic. Ya think?

Ramos questions Vic, who is happy to help. Xime and Alba yell at the Colonel, but Vic says no, he's just doing his job. Ramos tells the ladies they have some guilt in this whole thing, by keeping quiet.

In Colombia, Tostao and Tijeras are getting their operation going again. There's also something with Pantaleon, but that might have been in the teaser for tonight, so I won't mention it.


I think the colombians take Pantaleon hostage and interrogate in the teaser. Also I don't think Roberto Tapia know he is being used to launder money


Thanks so much, Jean. I especially liked the "wailing and gnashing of teeth".

I was waiting for Gerardo to realize that Elena had ordered his brother's killing. Pretty sure that's coming up at some point.

Diego was still in the room when Ricardo told his father about finding Ernesto's body. We got another good scene from Guillermo Quintanilla, an actor who, in my opinion, always nails every scene he's in. As Rodrigo he behaved exactly like an anxious parent would do -- unable to resist yelling at his son about why he'd fallen into the obvious trap of rushing over there after the "incriminating" photos were left at his doorstep. And then softening when he realized he was making Ricardo feel worse.

I don't understand why Ricardo doesn't show Camila the photos. She senses his emotional withdrawal, but he's not telling her why - beyond his finding she'd lied about being in Ernesto's apartment in the afternoon. And he said he understood her explanation and had forgiven her when they first broached the subject.

Yep, look in the dictionary for delusional, and you'll see Elena. Of course this is a common TN plot point. After successfully getting knocked up, either by the galán or someone else, the villainess is always certain this will solve all the problems and she'll live happily ever after with the galán.

Not sure how they're going to resolve Jorge's ultimatum to Mondriana about leaving within 48 hours. I think the writers have gone too far with his anger toward her. He's right about her sleeping with Gerardo, but his anger would more properly be directed at Elena, since she was RELATED to Mónica Serrano. Again, wish she could sit down and play some piano sonatas for him and he'd know immediately. Maybe they'll go there, but I doubt it.

En Otra Piel

Thanks, Jean, for your recap. My memory is foggy but I seem to recall that either Rod or Diego pretty much nailed it on the head when he implied that the person who sent the photos was trying to frame Ric for murder, but the other one dismissed it as a possibility. Of course the writers are delaying the inevitable. Especially with the Jorge and Mondriana storyline. Jorge still hasn't investigated Elena as Ric and Mondriana suggested. He has the 'somewhat' incriminating video and the unexpected news of the baby as confirmation of their relationship. Even Cami could sense that they may have betrayed Monica when she was alive.

I think it's time Elena receives another blow (other than the ghost of Monica Serrano). Her repeated threats to blame others for her crimes (or for something small in comparison to her crimes) should not leave Gerardo/Ernesto/Carlos feeling powerless.

I'm wondering how long this novela will last since they've yet to return to the murder of Julian. And unless Mondriana slips up I doubt that she'll house anytime soon.

spanish student


thanks again Hombre!

someone get Heriberto a drink,
(so the guest room is the master bedroom),

don't worry about Mati, she'll get her own.

something about Santiago makes me feel not at ease, this guy, a kingpin in the real world, is so totally out of his league with this family, and this surely won't end well for him.

interesting how Max can smile and frown at the same time.

gangsta wanna-be Ernie's smooth talk is just not working with the kids who have had to live the life.

interesting about Cuba's G2.


En Otra Piel

of all the incriminating conversations Geraldo and Elena have in that home office, and Monica tries to record then at the lake house, what?

so Jorge's suspicion that Geraldo and Monica are having an affair are confirmed in his talk with Geraldo.

hmm, so Geraldo didn't tell the police that Ernesto was his brother, and says Ernesto never mentioned any family. (the cast list has them having the same last name)

ah, so Diego shows up at the cabana early the next day, Emi excuses her self to shower, Monica asks about Ricardo, and Diego tells her he went to Ernesto's place like they thought, and found Ernesto dead, Susana shows up to let Monica know Jorge wants to see her, and I think she gets the idea Monica and Diego spent the night together, and later she let's Diego know that she is available too.


En Otra Piel

Good point, Deb, about Susana. They are making her more and more awful. She had that great big knowing grin when she found Monica and Diego together in the Guest House and then came on to Diego later. Blech! I SURE hope the writers plan some retribution for her. I wouldn't go so far as to say she deserves to be caught up by the Rottweiler gang next time she's out and about, but something short of that.

Gracias otra vez Hombre

deb, I have that same ill feeling about Santiago & have for some time. Is he an infiltrator? The only thing, he was working with the padre before even meeting Ximena. But possibly a clever thing.
Has Ximena ever admitted to him that AC is alive?


Here’s one that is very brief.

We again see Jorge’s inappropriate outburst of anger at Mondriana. Hope he feels truly rotten when he finds out who killed the woman he loved.

We see Rottweiler and El Pachuco forcing some girls into the Larrea Wineries truck. [Isn’t this kind of bold and risky? Someone could see them AND the company truck.] New guy, Eddie, the Chihuahua, offers to help guard the girls in the back. EP refuses this offer.

Mondriana has come back to the Guest House sobbing. Diego sees her arrive and comes in wanting to help. She sobs and sobs about how all her vengeance plans have failed.

Camila has come to tell Ricardo about Elena, the pregnancy, and Gerardo being the father. A bit later he tries to get the truth about whether something might have happened with Ernesto while they were broken up before. She denies ever having anything with Ernie and Ricardo, of course, thinks she’s lying to him. But he doesn't confront her or show her the photos. [What are the writers waiting for?]

Carlos has lunch with Elena and gets a big suitcase of money.

At the office Mariana, the office assistant, whose only role in the novela is speaking out of turn, tells Gerardo about Ricardo threatening Ernesto. Gerardo calls the cops ASAP. [He’s dumber than I thought he was. Elena having ordered it doesn’t even cross his mind.]

Mondriana calls Camila wanting her to come home. She wants to tell her about Ricardo being at risk. When Mondri opens the door, thinking it’s Camila, it’s Elena! She is all buddy-buddy with Mondriana, wanting her help in chilling out Camila and Emiliana.

Rodrigo chews out Gabriel for letting Jennifer go to the pensión. Again, he knows more about how gangs never forgive or forget than the boys raised in the mansion.

Ricardo has come home. Rodrigo tries to get him to leave the state. He refuses, and he’s probably right. Fleeing makes him look more guilty. The cops arrive to take him in for questioning.

Vale insists on leaving the pensión alone to get an ingredient for a recipe. Eddie sees her and starts trying to explain something. [Whoever said he’s undercover may be right.] He tries to tell her not to walk around in the neighborhood, but she knees him in the jewels and runs away.

Elena, trying to look sad about it, announces that Ernesto has been killed and that Ricardo has been detained as a suspect. Camila rages at her. Marta also gets in her face about slandering her sons. Then all the good folks head to the police station.

Lorena fusses over her bad seed. Elena is actually nice to her mother. She’s all starry eyed with delusions about her happy family with Ricardo and baby makes three.

At the police station, Camila points out Ricardo is being interrogated without a lawyer. She offers the firm’s lawyer, but Rodrigo, rather coldly, refuses. He says something about his son needing to stay away from problematic people.

Gerardo is at the police station, of course, and he approaches Mónica looking more humble than usual. He has some splainin’ to do about the pregnancy, of course.

CIELOS - Viernes

At Cecilia's funeral, Santiago shows up and introduces himself to Ignacio. Ig asks why did you choose me to defend Ximena, and Santi says I know you helped out Bert. Santi says he's engaged to marry Ximena. Leo looks him in the eye and says, how can you marry someone who's protecting that outlaw AC, or didn't you know that AC is still alive? If you didn't (he didn't), how close are you really to Ximena, and isn't she lying to you? Santi is shaken. Later, Ig tells Leo he sort of still wants to help Bert, and maybe Xime, but he loves Leo, so he won't.

Ramos, who was humiliated by Chacorta outside Vic's hospital room, won't be asking them any more questions, because he's been removed as Anti-Drug chief. The new chief? Antonio! This could be interesting, since he's so close to Matilde. But so far, he apparently has no idea how deeply she's involved.

Padre Lazaro finds Ernie's packet of drugs, and confront him with it. Son, you've got to change. No way, says Ernie, grabs his gun, and stalks out, to the chagrin of Lazaro, who later tells the others "he's not my nephew anymore". BTW, Ernie did convince Ruti that she still loved him, and they slept together again. I hope they're using protection (yeah, right). Ernie asks Manotas for a place to stay.

Chema and Bigotes are moved to the State Pen, where they're warmly greeted by the other prisoners. AC knows it'll be hard to reach them there.

Inaki's girlfriend tells Lai that Bert was a tiger in the bedroom.

Irma tells Chacorta that Pepe asked her to spy on Chacorta. She says she agreed because she used to be a stripper, and Pepe has a nude picture of her he could put on Facebook if she doesn't do what he says. Chacorta is happy she confided in him, visits Pepe, says you better make Irma your star, and don't do anything against her, OR ELSE.

AC goes to Venezuela and meets with Montoya, giving him cash to set up a network of bribed officials. Montoya wants to pay them in drugs, not cash, pointing out that they'll have more clients that way. AC gets a call from Macario, they have Pantaleon. AC knows that Tijeras and Tostao will torture Pantaleon, who could reveal that AC is alive. And sure enough, Panti is just about to talk.

But Macario knows where the others are, and takes AC there. AC gets out a high powered rifle with a scope, and sees a bloody Pantaleon, flanked by Tijeras and Tostao. He gets ready to pull the trigger. Who will he shoot?


tks again Hombre

En Otra Piel

Many thanks, novelera. I loved your aside "[What are the writers waiting for?]" I assume they're being paid by the episode and are very greedy.


Thanks, Hombre. Your recaps make it possible for me to follow the story even though I've stopped watching it (three hours of TNs per night was just too tiring, and the 10-11 pm time slot was especially hard).

por favor, pls support Hombre if you are watching this. I am so afraid he will give up for lack of interest.


thanks hombre enjoying your recaps. I feel Aurelio will shoot pantaleon with the rifle


thanks so much Hombre!
I totally missed that Leo told Santiago that AC is alive.

Variopinta- I was thinking that Santiago is a regular standup guy trying to help, and no one in the family has told him about AC, he's basically engaged to a married woman, and it's like Leo keeps saying, by keeping quiet, is Ximena really that innocent?

I agree, AC will probably shoot Pantaleon, it's always Aurelio first, and they don't have enough guys to fight the guerrillas.


En Otra Piel

thanks for putting together a recap novelera!

ah, so it's Ernesto Suarez, not Fonsi like Geraldo, these guys must have been in the "game" for some time if they are using different names.

I think Pachuco is suspicious of "Chihuahua" Ed and he let's Carlos know.

I was waiting for Ricardo to casually drop the pictures in Camila's lap, but he's a good kid, wears too much lipstick though, or maybe that's just my tv.

so if Monica takes Elena's deal to smooth things over with Emi and Cami so that she can stay in the house, she's going to look really guilty to Jorge.


En Otra Piel

Yes, deb, I think Pachuco mentioned his suspicions to Carlos and Carlos seemed to agree with him and told him to be wary or watch him carefully or something like that.

I've never been sure what right/power Jorge has to order Mondri to leave. If she refused, would he go to Elena, whom he must surely distrust? I don't remember who hired Mondri, but I think it was Elena.


I am still watching, Hombre, and I appreciate your recaps and comments so much!

En Otra Piel

Juanita, if my memory serves, Lorena hired Mondriana. It was her right to do so since the "will" named her as Emiliana's guardian should "anything" happen to Mónica. Elena made some sort of sarcastic remark to Gerardo about having included that clause in the will she faked.

And Elena was NOT pleased when she saw Mondriana. She took an immediate dislike to her because she didn't want anyone young and pretty within 10 city blocks of Gerardo. Or maybe she sensed Mónica inside the Mondriana body on some cellular level.

TELEMUNDO... the news,

"la Impostora" / "Los miserables"
Macarena Oz, the young lady in La Impostora (sofia) is listed in the cast of Los miserables.

"Señora Acero"
this is the other promo that is running (with the hairdresser), a narco story, I don't know if they have started filming, but this may follow "El Señor de los Cielos" (whose first season was 74 capitulos)
"Señora Acero, tells the story of a young Sara cheerful and happy working as a hairdresser in Guadalajara with her son, until she meets a man "Comandante Acero" who changes her life."
btw this is being created by Roberto Stopello who also did "La Reina del Sur".

"Dueños del Paraíso"
which hasn't started filming,
Sofía Lama,
"La Casa de al Lado" as the wishy-washy girl,
"Rosa Diamante" the abused girl,
"Dama y Obrero" the girl in the wheelchair,
and now,
" the actress will become the worst enemy of her stepmother, "Cardona Anastasia" (Kate del Castillo),"


En Otra Piel

Thanks, Novelera, I think you're right about it being Lorena who hired Mondri. And you're certainly right about Elena's dislike of Mondri from the start. I guess if Jorge continued to insist on Mondri's leaving, the decision would be Lorena's. She likes Mondri, but she has stronger feelings for Jorge. And since Elena would be delighted to see Mondri gone, and Lorena stupidly keeps trying to make Elena happy, I think that would also weigh heavily against Lorena's deciding that Mondri should stay. Somehow, though, I don't think it will come to that.


Thanks, deb, for the info about upcoming TNs. Perhaps you might also post it on the Próximos page.

I was all set to ignore "Señora Acero," since I'm not really up for another narco novela, and especially not one at 10 pm, but then you mentioned that the writer was Roberto Stopello, who did "La Reina del Sur." So now I'm really torn. I just hope I don't have to decide for a while.

En Otra Piel

The way I understood what Jorge said was that, if she didn't leave within 48 hours, he would "out" her as Gerardo's lover. So it wouldn't come down to Lorena having to take orders from Jorge about firing her. Mondriana would be forced to leave because having this revealed would ruin her relationship with Emiliana anyway.

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