Tuesday, August 19, 2014

De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #159 - Tues 8/19

De que Karina obtiene un ganador, HOTscar es un ganador 

El consults with little Al about Rod.  Is Rod crazy or just playing?  El does not want Rod to get away with murder so to prove Rod is not crazy Al may have to do the psych evaluation.  The judge lets Brat go on bail and El calls Paul to let him know.
Diego is explaining what happened with Nat to Simona.  While it’s great he’s being an adult, every time he keeps saying how her repentance was too late makes me mad at him and the writers.  For our writers forgiveness = we’ll get back together.  Those two would need to mature and talk serious stuff before their reunion and with all these episodes I wish the writers had actually dealt with that.

Diego continues to make me want him to stay with Simona as he tells Simona that she has his heart and Nat killed his love.  Simona will trust him blindly (not good) and is happy as long as Diego says he loves her.  Completely killing my desire for this reunion with Nat, when Simona leaves he thinks if only Nat had blindly trusted him.  Writers is wasn’t Nat that had the trust issues, it was Diego.  And making Nat act very silly now doesn’t erase how horrible Diego was to her when Rod made Diego think Rod slept with Nat.

Paul brings Brat’s bail form to El.  Carmen was too devastated to come.  Brigette thanks her dad for her release but he tells her to calm down.  She gives El a dirty look.

Rebecca is back at the office and Al seems miffed.  Rebecca explains Karina left in an ambulance with Oscar to La Marquesa.  Al looks confused.

Oscar or HOTscar has taken Karina to an open field/woods area for a picnic.  I’m impressed!  And love how the ambulance worker assists with the setup.

Brat comes home and hugs Carmen promising things will change.  Carmen tells her daughter that words are cheap and if she wants to demonstrate she has really changed, Brigette will act differently.  That’s the only way she can regain Carmen’s trust and affection though she will shelter Brigette and her child.  Though Brigette looks repentant, we’ve seen that in the past too.

Simona and Nat have an uncomfortable conversation; Simona knows what Nat tried to pull.  I wonder if Bryan’s observation about Irene’s involvement in last night’s puppet show will have Simona after Irene too?  It appears not.  Simona tells Nat that Diego is hers and to stop going after Diego.  Nat says she’ll keep after him until the day she dies (yes, Bryan stalking behavior is a novela norm and thought to demonstrate true love not pathological obsession).  Simona hoped Nat wouldn’t be so needy and believes Nat’s efforts are futile.  Nat is upset Diego told Simona about her attempt to get him back.

Carmen continues to be distant with Brigette and goes to the fonda.  Brigette actually asks to go as well but Carmen says no.  Once Carmen leaves, Brigette asks Paul to talk to Carmen but he won’t.  She asks why he doesn’t believe her about the watch and he says you know its more than that.  Finally she asks Paul to help her get a job and he declines.  Friends I have to admit I’m shocked.  Brat doesn’t seem to realize that Rod isn’t the only reason her parents are treating her like this.

HOTscar flies a kite as Karina watches.  She tells him what a great time she is having and how happy she is not alone.  He tells her she won’t have to be alone again.  How sweet!!  Wow, they are really doing an outdoor adventure.  HOTscar takes her to go fishing next.  When they return to Karina’s, Al is waiting there like he is her father.  Al acts like a jerk because he has waited for them for hours (why, HOTscar is a healthcare professional and they were riding on a ambulance).  My new favorite male character in this tn tells Al not to yell at Kari because the trip was his idea.  Again Al seems miffed about HOTscar’s nickname for Karina.  I’m more than miffed that Rod didn’t take out little Al.

An unfortunate scene at Caprico with Nat and Diego acting like children.  She questions why he told Simona about what she did.  He says because they have no secrets or mistrust.  Nat is happy Diego learned that lesson.  The conversation devolves to Nat saying she hates Diego and he says you said you loved me last night.  Thankfully she leaves his office.

HOTscar explains to Al that he talked with Karina’s ob/gyn about his planned activities and the doc ok’d it.  His explaining anything to Al at this point is so beyond what little Al deserves.  Al tries to say something could have happened (see my short rant about HOTscar’s skills in the paragraph above) and Kari’s new guy tells the busybody that they’ll be going out again so get used to it.  He thinks its unfair that poor Kari has to be locked up in her apt.  He leaves, kisses Kari (on the forehead) and rubs her tummy telling her baby goodbye as well.  Al is ticked and asks why HOTscar feels he can touch Karina’s tummy.  Karina and I tell little Al to stop.

Carmen tells Luz about the situation with Brat.  The conversation drifts to El’s coldness to Carmen but before Luz can mention that El thinks Carmen is with Paul, Lupita arrives (yeah!!)  Luz and Lupita leave to get almond cake but I think its really to plan how to get Carmen and El back together.

El’s boss congratulates him on capturing Rod.  It looks like El is being considered to be chief of the southeast.

Lupita and Luz plot to make sure Paul can’t take advantage of Carmen.

Diego and Simona have an intimate dinner at her apt.  I really hope the writers don’t make Simona crazy because it seems to be the only way they will break up.

Paolo comes home and tries to flee to his room without dealing with Brat.  She gets defensive as it seems he doesn’t want her there.  He tells her she doesn’t act like she is part of the family.

Paul calls Brat to tell her he’s gotten her job.  When he hangs up on her, she thinks she’ll be able to win him over again.  Carmen continues her distance treatment of Brat.

At dinner, both Simona and Diego think about talking about the Nat situation.  Nat pines over Diego and we get flashbacks of his numerous apologies.  Again the writers trivialize her very real concern over Diego’s jealous by reducing it to Nat’s foolishness for not getting right back into their troubled relationship under the guise of forgiveness.  Yeah.... just like Irene should get back with little Al who clearly is upset that Karina isn’t stalking/fawning all over him.

Dinner is over but Diego slips and calls Simona Natalia.  He wonders if she hear him but it appears not.  Later we find out, she did hear him and realizes he still thinks about Nat.  Perhaps, I don’t want to give the writers too much credit here, Diego and Simona will dissolve because they really aren’t being honest with one another about the Nat situation and soon mistrust will creep in as well.  She feels more insecure and thinks she needs to take a big step in the relationship to feel better.

Brat shows up 20 minutes late to the job appointment Paul got for her.  Needless to say, he’s not pleased.  He lets her know this better be the last time she is late for work.

Luz tries to talk to El about Carmen but he shuts that down.  He tells his mom he may accept a new job in Merida and wants her to come with him.  Luz isn’t happy and tells El Carmen is not with Paul.  She also divulges she has been in cohoots with Lupita.  Now El is not happy and is going to leave without finishing his breakfast.  Though he wants to get back at Lupita, oh El just admit she has you wrapped around her finger, he has the epiphany that he has been a jerk because Carmen tried to apologize.  He hopes she will take him back.

Paul and Brat talk with her new employer and she realizes the job he got her is doing laundry in the hospital.  Paul is often a doofus but he’s a winner here!  The look on her face when she understands that this is her new job is priceless.  I know no one is surprised that Brat is beyond upset about this job and starts yelling at Paul, showing that she really hasn’t changed and her sense of entitlement just grows.  Paul tries to tell her the benefits of having this union job, healthcare and other benefits.  Brat doesn’t care and feels the job isn’t for her.  Paul leaves me shocked again (by the way I love how shocked is pronounced on tns; its kind of like “look”) as he tells Brigette this job is not beneath her.  She can take it or leave it but don’t come asking him for money.  Brat is left open-mouthed impacta.

Karina gets a house call from her doc with Al staying in her room in a creepy way.  He tries to get her in trouble with the doctor regarding her activities with HOTscar but the doc slams him by telling the helicopter sperm donor that Karina’s new beau talked with the doc and the latter approved the activities.  The doc says HOTscar is a good guy, very responsible, careful, and he has known him for a long time.  The doc is pleased Karina is very happy because pregnant women on bed rest can get depressed.  When the doc tries to get Al credit for making Karina happy, she enthusiastically lets the doc know its HOTscar who is making her happy.  Al tires to give Karina an evil eye and then attempts to justify his wretchedness as being concerned Karina will cut him off from his child.  Seriously Al, I don’t have time for you.  Why would she cut you off unless you block her from HOTscar?  She assures him they have a deal and the baby kicks. 

Simona visits Diego at the office.  She lets him know that her time at Caprico is over but that they should celebrate.  Nat walks in on them kissing and storms back to her office.  Review of the past conversations she has with herself about Diego.  Some how she finally comes to the conclusion its over.

Brat is just standing around at work, nothing new.  A colleague tells her to not just stand around because the supervisor is coming.  Brat thinks she just has to stay in this job long enough to get Paul to trust her again.  It’s sad she hasn’t changed and I don’t think her fall from grace is over.

Luz confesses to Lupita she had to tell El about Carmen.  Their new problem is that El may have a new job in Merida.

Simona and Diego plan a weekend away.  When Diego thinks of where to take Simona, his first thought is the beach and then he/we flashback to the beach with Nat.  He trying to think of places that won’t remind him of Nat.

Lupita and Luz go to visit El.  Lupita begs El not to go to Merida and tells him she lied about her mom and Paul.  This is El’s chance to get back at them so he tells them its too late, he’s taking the job and will be leaving in 15 days.  They are both devastated.  Lupita wants to try to talk him out of the job but Luz is resigned that El will go.  Clearly Luz doesn’t know the true power of Lupita.

Al can’t visit Karina for dinner but she’s ok because HOTscar has brought her dinner.  It seems the sperm donor is finally understanding that her relationship is a good thing for him but I’m not holding my breath.  Diego arrives and wants to talk about a place where he can take Simona but Al isn’t helpful.

Brat tells her dad her hands are ruined and she can’t endure her job.  He encourages her to continue. 

Lupita confesses to Carmen she told El that Carmen and El were novios.  We are left with Carmen about to blow a gasket.

Previews – Diego and Simona hit the beach and it seems the family Garcia are there too.  Even though he’s behind bars, Rod calls Nat and makes little Al snap.


I love it when Lupita shows up!

Where was Padre Juancho during the Brat crisis?

I'm not a fan of last minute character additions, but wish they would bring in someone completely wonderful for Simona. She so deserves it.


Amiguis- I thought I was just going out to dinner tonight, but my date surprised me with a Santana-Rod Stewart concert! Both these gentlemen are amazing performers and know how to get the audience on their feet. Needless to say, I just got home and missed all the shows tonight. I'm looking forward to your recap, Karen.

No recap of the date Vivi?! What a great surprise!

Nanette, I'm embarrassed to admit I kind of forgot about Padre Juancho. When was the last time we saw him, anyway?

Por favor, si! We need someone who can match Simona's maturity level. Diego's trying, but he's not quiiiiite there yet.

Kat- He's a nice guy. 43, divorced, single dad to a 14 yr old girl, did the Peace Corps like I did. Really nice guy. No crazy chemistry, but good conversation and a really fun vibe. If it doesn't end in romance, it will definitely turn into friendship. The concert was a pretty awesome surprise!

Oh, and he's a scientist who studies the effects of environmental factors on health, which is pretty cool. I have a thing for nerds. :)

The recap is finally up. Thanks for your patience.

Hey Kat. Yes it is great when Lupita shows up. If only the writers realized how great she and Paolo are.

Great observation Nanette. PJ has been MIA in a very odd way during Brat's arrest. While Simona deserves someone great, I'm concerned something bad may have to happen, my guess not a spoiler, for her relationship to crumble. Though the writers are giving hints that deep down, Diego still loves Nat but hasn't realized it yet.

Vivi, major points for your date. He sounds like great guy. Sorry about the lack of chemistry. I had to chuckle when you said you like nerds. With your intelligence, I'm sure that being bright is a plus for your dates. That must have been a great concert!

Oh and I'm so psyched I saw a preview for La Gata tonight! It starts on Sept 1st so MCET won't be going to 2 hours because that's how Uni often rolls. Though I'll try to keep up with the recaps, I've gotta cut back on the number of tns I'm watching.

Karen, thank you SO much! Very, very well written. :))

SANTANA>?!?!?!? Holy Cow, Vivi in DC! That is fantastic! This guy sounds like a nice person; someone good to talk to and enjoy things with you. I think that is a great deal!

I have to confess that I am almost feeling lost in this TN. We are this close to a Gran Final and the two main characters are in this same old rut?! Then, there is the idiot Alonso. If Irene ends up with this fool, then this TN will have been a MAJOR waste of my time. Sorry, I'm being just as grumpy as Grumps.


Carmen has run to PJ about Brat before, and he's told her Brat has free will. So the only way I see PJ coming into the picture re: Brat is to console Carmen. Maybe Carmen already knows what h will say.

Or maybe they didn't want to pay him for these episodes since they have to pay Rebeca, Oscar, Hospital HR guy, Karina's doctor, Brat's new coworker, various prisoners etc.

We haven't seen Tiburcio, Hilda, Rosa or Lala this week either.

As rude as Brigitte has always been to the padre, I don't blame him for not being there for her. I mean, I'm sure he'd be there right away if Carmen asked him, but I don't think he's going to volunteer. And as nasty as Brigitte is to him, Carmen would be mortified to put him through that, so she won't even bother to tell him.

Besides, he's Livia Brito's real dad, so he's not going to go out of his way to make her bratty sister feel better. LOL

Good morning, Karen,

Thanks for this great installment of our train wreck in motion.

I loved how you pointed out about the writers implying that getting back together is all that matters in a relationship, without fixing the underlying problems.

As for you statement that Oscar is a health care professional, I thought he was just an orderly, a guy that pushes wheel chairs around and takes out the dirty laundry. Thus, he is no more of a health care professional than the Brat is working in the laundry. HOWEVER, he seems to have a heart of gold, and he did clear the expedition with Karina's OB/GYN, who thought it would be a great idea since depression is a big problem with mothers to be on complete bed rest. Also, the OB/GYN has known Oscar for a long time and knows him to be trustworthy. And I agree that little Al's hovering is aggravating.

I thought Luz got caught telling white lies so she and Lupita could be alone to plot how to get El and Carmen back together, and then had to explain to Lupita the concept of a white lie! I thought this was funny because Lupita was born with this concept firmly fixed in her mind.

Oh boy, looks like I was wrong about Simona. It looks like she really is a nice accomplished woman and that her relationship with Diego will crash and burn on distrust and deception. I wonder why a woman who has doubts about her guy want to go away for the weekend instead of saying "You know what, maybe we ought to take this a little slower."

Thanks again, Karen.


Thanks so much, Karen! I still haven't watched the episode but this is so filled with detail I really don't need to.

I just loved "the helicopter sperm donor". What a perfect description!


Brilliant recap, you echo'd my feelings exactly. I'm glad that the writers didn't push a Simona/Irene confrontation, that would've made things very difficult for Diego. He seemed to not like the fact that Simona confronted Natalia, but didn't say anything to her about it. "Yesterday you loved me, today you hate me. Who can understand you?" Loved it!!! I gave him a standing O for that. But you were right, the issue was his mistrust that caused the problems, not Natalia's. Did the writers somehow forget that fact? I applauded Simona for confronting Natalia also, she stood back long enough and had to finally say something. Like I felt before, Natalia is crossing into the disrespect zone.

I also felt for Diego when he called Simona "Natalia." I had a argument with my ex(Anny) one night and then my present(Lucy) girlfriend visited me and for some stupid reason I kept calling Lucy Anny. As much as I tried, I couldn't stop. So I feel you on that Diego, but I don't think that It automatically means he's still In love with her, they just had an emotional conversation and she's still in his mind and it slipped. But the seeds of insecurity have been planted and I think we are seeing the beginning of the end of this nice relationship. Sorry for being so negative about it, but this is what the writers have reduced me to.

Thanks Karen

"Paolo comes home and tries to flee to his room without dealing with Brat."

"Paul is often a doofus but he’s a winner here!"

Not a quitter, so want this over

Alonso - In yo face

Paul - corner that rat

Brigitte - they don't even use fabric softener

Lupita - is this what they mean by stepping in your own dodo

Nat - partial recall

Diego - ask HOTscar

Karina - I feel love & love

El - focus on your career

Simona - you're not an exorcist


Karen, your insightful, splendid analysis was on fire and on full display last night.

I felt myself nodding in vigorous agreement with everything you wrote - your choice of words and phrases were simply sublime.

"Karina gets a house call from her doc with Al staying in her room in a creepy way. He tries to get her in trouble with the doctor regarding her activities with HOTscar but the doc slams him by telling the helicopter sperm donor that Karina’s new beau talked with the doc and the latter approved the activities". Loved it...

You captured the heart and soul of Nat and Diego's issues with "Again the writers trivialize her very real concern over Diego’s jealous by reducing it to Nat’s foolishness for not getting right back into their troubled relationship under the guise of forgiveness". But then you quickly echoed my thoughts on the childish, churlish Al with: "Yeah.... just like Irene should get back with little Al who clearly is upset that Karina isn’t stalking/fawning all over him". Exactly!!

Paul is going to leave (assumption - I'm confident Carmen will pick El over him) on a high note. Seeing Brig in the laundry was great. Is there a sense of humor and justice percolating under his haughty surface? There just might be :)

Nanette and Anon207, you are right about the "missing" characters! I guess the Nat/Diego story needs to take center stage with the other stories to be tied up later.

David, may I respectfully make a comment on what you wrote? I believe an orderly is considered a health care professional, as is a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant). Yes, CNAs do deal with soiled linen, etc. but they must complete and pass a course for certification. Orderlies usually have to have a certification in first aid, CPR and automated external defibrillator (AED) are also usually required.I'm not sure exactly what title Oscar holds. Someone who works in a hospital or long term care facility in maintenance, transport or housekeeping would not be considered health care professionals but health care workers.

Vivi, sounds like you had a fun date!

Karen, thank you for your excellent summary.


Hi, Diana,

Well, your understanding of what an orderly does did not mesh with mine, so I looked it up on eHow, and found the following:

"Hospital orderlies work directly with patients, performing non-medical duties under supervision of a nurse or other medical staff. Hospital orderlies must be in good health and physically fit to handle heavy loads."


"In general, orderlies are high school graduates. Some employees require previous experience working with patients in a non-technical capacity. Orderlies do not need any medical certification to perform their duties, and they may train on-the-job under the supervision of experienced staff."

I have great respect for anyone who is working, and for all types of work. What I was trying (I guess unsuccessfully) to convey was the hierarchical difference in the hospital pecking order between Oscar and Alonso, and that Oscar had done his homework and Alonso had not.

And I always have great respect for your opinions regardless of whether we happen to agree or not.


Karen thanks for the recap, I love it and will comment later on the excellent job after work.
I just read the comments and was about to "respectfully" disagree with Diana about an orderly being a health care professional. Just before I posted I saw that my response crossed in the mail with Davids so I deleted all the reasons I had listed. Speaking from many years experience as a health care professional, I agree completely with David on this one.

Karen- Excellent recap. I was nodding my head in agreement at all your common sense comments about Nat and Diego. I'm glad Simona continues to act like an adult. Hopefully, she will bow out gracefully and leave Diego and Nat to figure out their drama without dragging her into it.

Oscar sounds like he went above and beyond to make sure Karina would be safe and happy. I'm glad the writers are giving Karina a happy, unconventional happy ending.

Alonso's deal is he doesn't want Karina but he loves the attention Karina gives him. And when nothing is going on in his life, he'll fool around with Karina but as soon as a woman he feels is worthy comes around, he'll ditch Karina again.

Alonso thrives on the attention Karina gives him. Oscar showing up threatens that because now Karina will be giving OSCAR attention, not Alonso. He would be perfectly fine with the thought of Karina confined to her bed pining away for him while he pursues Irene. He claims he's "happy" Karina will now focus her attention on Oscar and not him but deep down he's not.

The same dynamic is in play with Diego and Natalia. Natalia was fine with ignoring Diego as long as he kept rappelling down buildings with PERDONAME banners and organizing YouTube flash mobs to declare his love. And she was fine with Andres glomming all over her* when Diego was jealous about it.

But now Diego is focused on Simona and now Natalia has decided she wants Diego back. I really don't think that would've happened if Simona hadn't come into the picture. She wouldn't have wanted to get back with Diego at all as long as his attentions were still on her.

Simona is the Lucia (Teresa) of this novela.

Eleazar & Carmen are another immature couple. You're 45 years old, please stop the games. If Eleazar is that distrustful and insecure about Carmen & her past sexual partners, he needs to leave Carmen alone and go find a woman with very little experience so he won't have these insecurities.

*Natalia hasn't given Andres one thought since he left.


Oh boy did I love "helicopter sperm donor"! Pure genius, Karen.

And I appreciated your thoughtful analysis of the underlying problems between Nat and Diego, because honestly, I tend to forget those issues and just want the protagonists to rush to forgiveness. But you're 100% right about the seriousness of Diego's actions and reactions.

Vivi--I'm pumped about your date and his wonderful surprise! I like his taste in music, he must have a good heart because he was in the Peace Corps like you, and he's smart besides.

Hoping some "moderate chemistry" will show up, since the crazy chemistry isn't going on. But chemistry there must be. So I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Thanks Karen. I'm still laughing about your title for the Abominable Alonso.

PS Does anybody else hate the dorky music/sound effects they play when a scene is supposed to be funny. It's like they don't trust us to get the humor so they hammer us over the head with it. Ugh.

Anon207: "Alonso thrives on the attention Karina gives him. Oscar showing up threatens that because now Karina will be giving OSCAR attention, not Alonso. He would be perfectly fine with the thought of Karina confined to her bed pining away for him while he pursues Irene..."

You are totally right! He loves to have his ego stroked and the little petulant pout seemed to be proof positive! :)


Agree Anon207 on Alonso & Nat. I wish that Nat would get designs on Alonso and mud wrestle Irene for the prize.

Egocentrism is characterized by preoccupation with one's own internal world. Egocentrics regard themselves and their own opinions or interests as being the most important or valid.

I would add to the list, Vicente & Brigitte


Actually, I think Diego's distrust of Natalia is valid and deserves to be considered.

Natalia DID marry Rodrigo.

Ok, sure. Rodrigo was impersonating Diego and everyone thought Rodrigo was Diego. I'll give you that.

And nobody ever told Natalia that Diego had a twin. I'll give you that.

But, Natalia married Rodrigo and kept coming around Rodrigo even after the truth was revealed. Even after she knew it was Rodrigo who tried to rape her and that it was Rodrigo who kidnapped, drugged & intended to kill Diego she kept running to Rodrigo's aid. Why?

And didn't Natalia reject Diego even after the truth was discovered? She rejected DIEGO because she couldn't tell the twins apart (and he would call her on the phone asking for aid) but she made sure to go running to Rodrigo the Rapist's aid everytime he came calling and crying.

So it was easy for Rod and Brat to manipulate Diego into thinking Natalia was cheating on him with Rodrigo.

That doesn't excuse Diego for running up in Natalia's house and calling her a slut in front of her family, though.

To me, neither one of them trust the other and they shouldn't. IMO Natalia & Diego should go their separate ways and live as cousins, not man and wife. Their ship has sailed. Diego should move on with Simona and Natalia should find somebody new (and not go running back to Andres).


Thanks for your comments and kind words. ITA w/tofie that while this tn has been fun and our community excellent, I'm ready for things to end. Mostly because I'm tried of characters changing into people I don't know.

Fatima, I so feel you on the Alonso thing. I get having a flawed character but he's troubling. I was actually shocked that Irene listed the reasons why she wouldn't just go back to him including her HUSBAND's recent death.

Anon207, great observations about missing characters including PJ. Also loved your analysis of Al, Nat/Diego, and Carmen/El. It's sad the writers don't create mature characters who can be silly.

Anon @ 3:41 am, yes PJ realizes who Brat really is and won't waste his time with her until she shows she has changed. He knows his words will be wasted on her.

David, thanks for letting me know about Oscar. Your observation yesterday about the hospital hierarchy is important as well b/c Al has the higher position.

Sara, if rushed for time just FF to the Lupita parts ;)

Bryan, the writers being inconsistent is one of the things that can be frustrating about tns. If plots are planned, how are specific plot points, like the things people say, forgotten? Thanks for sharing about your own name mix up.

tofie, another great list. I really loved "Not a quitter, so want this over."

Diana, it seems the writers don't realize that having Al be a jerk most of the time isn't cute. Actions speak louder than words and if I didn't like Ale on Robo in spite of one of my telenovios, Sebastian Rulli playing, Al is certainly not going to cut it.

And while Karina can be annoying, being on bed rest would make even the cheeriest of people grumpy and he was completely insensitive to that. Aside from his supposed big love for Irene, he doesn't have the character.

Anon @ 8:43, thanks for your insights about the health care profession. Though Oscar may not be skilled, both he and Karina were with the ambulance worker, who I am amusing had the necessary skills to ensure Karina was safe.

Vivi, I'm shocked about Oscar as well but happy the writers aren't killing off Karina so Al can be with Irene.

Judy, Al kept acting like a jerk so it just feed new ways to talk about him. And the music cues are not appreciated especially those that tried to make Karina's complaints to Al seem over the top.

Karina is nutty but I think she's a good person at heart. She was the one who alerted Diego and 'em to Diana drinking and partying while pregnant, and the one who alerted Natalia that Brigitte was trying to get a low budget abortion.

No, she shouldn't have stalked Alonso or gotten those bathroom women to lie to manipulate Irene but she hasn't done anything worthy of death or jail.


Karina, has turned out to be a cute, quirky little doll and definitely the teacher in the business arrangement and impending parenthood. When there is no Alonso to drag her down she beems

Karen: Loved the recap. Thanks so much.

I'm going to end up hating Nat if Simona bows out gracefully and Nat, the other brat, gets her man that way. I want Nat to finally, graciously, accept defeat first.

I think the writers have a short attention span. They're not remembering why Diego was apologizing. They're only remembering that Diego tried really hard to apologize for his appalling behaviour and Nat, that old meany, wouldn't forgive him.

Tofie: "When there is no Alonso to drag her down she beems "--so true. I actually like her now.

Bryan: please stay. We need more male perspectives. The fun of TN's and this blog far outweigh the frustrations.

OT: I really have to see Teresa. I did see the finale when it aired and I just scanned it again the other day. Couldn't believe how many actors I recognize now than when I first watched it.

Vivi: I read somewhere that women don't always feel the attraction at first. For men, it's immediate, for women it grows. I think that's from the Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus books. I envy you. Dating is hard for me because I have the double whammy of being a shy introvert.


Hello all,
I had no idea Natalia married Rodrigo, damn I missed so much! I also wonder where the Padre is, wouldn't Natalia normally run to him with her problems? The writers definitely aren't using any common sense, unless I missed something earlier. The only one I saw with jealousy and trust issues was Diego. How could he comment about her not trusting him? Up until that point, I was really regaining respect for him for maturing so much, but that comment was ridiculous.

I'm going to finish this TN out Nanette, but I can't see getting involved in anything else after this, but we'll see..:)

Nanette- The great thing about dating is that there are so many different kinds of people out there. If you are a shy introvert, there are plenty of men who are the same way or understand that challenge. For someone who can strike up a conversation with almost anyone, like me, it's sometimes hard to know what's a genuine love connection, or something that will turn into just buddies/friends. Dating allows you to meet new people and learn about their lives-- you get to ask questions and be nosy in a way you never can when you're just meeting people ordinarily. But talking is a must. Otherwise you end up like Diego and Nat who were incapable of communicating about some very basic but important things in their relationship. :)

Shy introverts can be very popular with talkative men, Nanette. A good listener with a "tell me more" look in her eyes is catnip to a lot of guys. He really wants to let you know how much he knows. That's one of the ways men compete with each other. But in your case, you're not competing, you're just drinking it all in. And he'll be smitten!

Anon207, ITA that Nat was not innocent in her relationship w/Diego either. Her constant attention to Rod was confusing especially after he was revealed to be Rod. One might understand her shunning of both of them after her realization what Rod had done but her willingness to give Rod not Diego the benefit of the doubt was a problem in the writing.

tofie, yes without Al in her life, Karina is a sweet young woman.

Nanette, I really like "Teresa" but its sad to me that a feisty woman like Teresa is almost a villain with the good women constantly crying and making poor decisions.

Bryan, the problem of the increasing length of tns makes bad writing happen. I know that the increased length is for cost purposes but if you hurt the quality of your product you should question your business model.

Diana was a really bad influence on Karina too. Way worse than Al. The girl is very needy and in order to fill that need, she lets herself get carried away or influenced by others. It's a good thing that Oscar seems like a kind and giving person. That's just what she needs and has been lacking.

You are right Vivi. Diana was a bad influence as well. Karina definitely rises or sinks to the level of the people she is with.

Gracias, Karen! Really stellar recap, and it sounds like everyone has covered my favorite parts, but I have to mention "helicopter sperm donor" as the one that almost made me spit my coffee!

I agree with everyone's frustration, bafflement, etc. over the writers' skewed definitions of things like "forgiveness" and "trust," especially where it concerns Natalia and Diego.

Vivi--your date sounds like a sweetie :D

Anon207--I like your theory about budget constraints being the reason PJ isn't around! I also think you're right about a lot of these couples only being interested when the other party is ignoring them.

David--I thought of you when Simona did her last little hair flip before she opened the door to Diego. It was vaguely bad-girl-esque...and then she ruined the effect by being all mature and understanding.

tofie--I completely forgot I was going to be on Pants Watch tonight. Maybe my brain is subconsciously trying to protect me from further damage. Agree with the "In yo face" for little Al

JudyB--on the music...I agree with your "Ugh." Not only do they not expect us to know how to respond, but a lot of the times I'm sitting there thinking it isn't funny.

It's kind of sad when Karina, of all people, is starting to display more maturity than Natalia.

As for Brigitte and Paul...You can't always get the daddy you want, but if you try sometimes, you get the daddy you need.

I can't wait to see how Carmen's last look resolves itself!

I've just posted a very minimal synopsis for La Gata, if anyone wants to take a look. Nothing earth-shattering there, but the video I linked to is priceless!

Ever any mention of parents or family of Karina?

tofie, no one ever has. I remember we were trying to figure out how it is that she was even friends with Diana in the first place, given that Diana was so highbrow and Karina seemed to be more working-class. It also continues to be weird that Karina hasn't had a terribly high-paying job through this whole show, but her apartment is on the nicer side. If she has rich parents or inherited some money or something, she's never mentioned it.

I love how Paul is handling Brigitte. He helps but gives her ultimatums, conditions that have to be met but encouragement to stand on her own two feet and he keeps emotion out of it. The pressure is on.


Since actually showed up and started accepting responsibility he's been a pretty good parent.

Kat, glad you could stop by. Yes it is sad and a reflection of the crazy writing when Karina is more mature than Nat. And for a new parent, Paul has been surprisingly effective.


I agree 5ft. I think Paul,since he's been back, has been a pretty good father.

Bryan, it's annoying! I really don't want to like him, and I especially don't like that it almost seems his absence before is a big part of what makes him effective now. Brig never had the chance to wind him around her little finger as a baby, so it's probably easier for him to say "no" to her.

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