OK so CxA and I aren't alone on this. Eli and Jardinera want to help which is great. As of now, here is the schedule.
Monday-CS (Yep that's Me!)
Tuesday-CxA(Jardinera, if you'd like you can back CxA up if anything comes up since you stated Tuesdays are best for you.)
Wednesday- CS (until someone claims this spot.)
Thursday- CxA
Friday- Eli (she did do last Friday so you can tell I'm following by last week.)
I know I'm staying in my spot(s) but there is the possibilty this schedule is subject to change as the show progresses(and with wishful thinking this rather grim show will last as long as Ernesto Alonso's version.)
While I'm here, I'm up for double duty on HEFDM (meaning today and Thursday) and will help in Quiero Amarte on Wednesdays as well.
If any questions or volunteers for anything, just comment! Thank you!
Labels: que-te
Permalink posted by CorazonSalvaje(;
@ 7:03 AM

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