Friday, February 13, 2015

Mi corazon es tuyo, #147, Thursday Isa gets out of the cage, Fanny turns 20 and Ana continues to act like she's 15

I feel like whenever is my turn to write a recap, I’m sick. Two weeks ago I had a cold, and today I woke up with a tooth ache. I’ve never really had teeth problems in the past so this is new to me. The pain is still bearable, but I won’t be able to see my dentist in the next two weeks, so I’ll either go mad, or end up in the Emergency Room by then.
Either way, I’m afraid that today’s recap won’t be too stellar. Feel free to add the details that I’ve missed.

Jenny is afraid of Dorofeo and Johhny comforts her; he will protect her and he hopes that God will protect him in return.

Fanny and Lenin talk about how being born within a social class kind of seals your destiny. #stupid 
Lenin asks Fanny to give him Ana’s phone number because he wants to interview her (in reality he wants Ana to help him plan Fanny’s birthday surprise). 

Leon is drawing Fanny, thinking that tomorrow is her birthday.

Isa wakes up in the cage. Freaks remembers how Isa tried to kill him and how she said that the baby is his. Isa says she invented all that because he was trying to kill her at the time. Freaks doesn’t buy it and tells her that his father asked him to get his revenge on. For once Isa is the sane person in the room cage.

Yola keeps calling her daughter, who’s not picking up. She is very worried. She even calls Dorofeo, but he isn’t of much help. 

Fer and Ana talk about Isa and Freaks. They remember that Isa was present during Freaks’ accident, maybe he kidnapped her? Ana is not sure, she thinks that maybe Yola is exaggerating. 
Lenin calls Ana, wanting to talk about Fanny’s surprise party. 

At night Ana is with the baby in bed, telling him about the beach trip that Fer set up for them. When she falls asleep she has the most ridiculous dream: she’s at the beach and the kids are there, too, impersonating the waves, the sun, etc… Fer shows up swimming and then Isa, too, as a shark. Ana jumps into the ocean to save Fer, but it’s too late because Isashark has already bitten him. Ana wakes up scared, the baby looks at her with big, curious eyes. Poor baby, having to share a bed with this type of crazy.

The next day – Fanny’s 20th birthday.
Lenin shows up with a band of mariachi. Ana wakes Fanny up with balloons from her siblings and a nice orchid from her. Fanny hears the music and for a moment hopes that it is Leon. She eventually goes to the balcony with her sisters to listen to the mariachi and Lenin. The twins and Sebas try to pour water on Lenin but Fanny stops them.

In the kitchen Fer is having breakfast, pretending to be upset about the music. He gets another call from Yolanda, she’s crying because Isa didn’t come home to sleep. Fer promises he will investigate. Ana is there, too, having breakfast, but then she runs upstairs, remembering that she has stuff to do.
She meets the kids who electrocute her, too. She thinks the machine is dangerous, but then the kids explain that Nando said it’s perfectly safe. Well, if Nando said so… So much for the adults banning this dangerous game.

Leon and Mauricio talk about Fanny’s birthday. Mau asks his dad to tell Fanny happy birthday from his part if he sees her that day. Leon is not sure that he will see Fanny.

The twins electrocute Lenin, too, and he wins their respect by bearing more voltage than anyone else (although his hair has to suffer because of it).

Fer offers Fanny an expensive necklace for her birthday. Then he goes to the office and he is on the phone with Torres who is accompanying the Special Forces team who tracked down Isa’s location. They find her passed out in the cage, but Freaks is gone.

Edith offers Fanny a paper rose for her birthday. During class Fanny keeps texting Ximena about the surprise that she knows Lenin is setting up for her (Ana told her). The teacher takes her phone and at the end of the class tells her that her results aren’t that great, maybe she should reconsider her career choices.

Arriving at work Leon finds out from Betty what Freaks has done. He remembers how Freaks threatened him once, too.

Lenin arrives at the mansion and Ana helps him decorate the house for Fanny’s surprise. He never thought he would resort to mariachi, but here he is. Ana tells him about going to the beach and being afraid of flying.

Isa has come to her senses. She whines to Fer on the phone that she asked the paramedics to go away and she needs to talk to him asap. Also, she needs two bodyguards from now on. She will come at the office, but first she will stop by her house to take a shower.
Yolanda finds out from Fer that Isa is OK. She is very grateful.

Jenny is with Aura at the orphanage. Angels shows up, too, and they talk about their mutual baby problems. Jenny wants to adopt Aura, but for that she would have to be married to Johnny first.
And here is Johnny, asking Ana for advice about how to propose to Jenny. Ana gives him a great idea, apparently, but she can’t help but notice that the dude never proposed to her. Anyway, what is done, is done, Ana should count her blessings.
Soledad shows up with the baby and Ana asks her what she should do when she and Fer arrive at the beach It’s probably time that they… you know. Her mom rightfully assumes that Ana knows what to do, Ana gets ashamed of the talk. She wants to tell Fer about Chicago, but how can she do it? Sole thinks she shouldn’t bother, she only has two more shows, right? #badadvice

Isa arrives at Fer’s office. She tells him that he is in danger because Freaks is thirsty for blood. Fer doesn’t understand and Isa reminds him about a certain Enrique Rojas, that their company used to work with in the past. Yes, Fer remembers the guy, too, they had to drop him because his materials were of very poor quality. Well, get ready, Isa, warns, Freaks is Enrique Rojas’ son and he wants to revenge his father.

Freaks’ next target is Fanny
Ximena kisses Nando
Leon comes with flowers for Fanny and is greeted by an unhappy Lenin
Dorofeo tells Ana that she has to come to the club to dance.



Thanks, Adriana Noel, for the great recap!

The good: Isabella telling Fernando why Enrique is seeking revenge.

The bad: Soledad telling Ana not to bother telling Fernando about Chicago with only two shows left. Can we erase the minds of everyone who knows about Chicago and knows Fernando at the same time? Sure.

The funny: Ana's seaside dream/nightmare with the twins making their stomachs look like they are kissing to Jorge Salinas having a hard time keeping a straight face being chased by Isabella the shark.


Thank you, Adriana Noela. Very nice job, as always.

For a moment, when Isabela was talking to Fernando about Enrique, she seemed like a normal and intelligent human being. Then we remember her as the shark in the fake ocean!

Looks like lots happening now, as Enrique goes after others, things heat up between Lenin and Leon, Ana has to go back to Chicago, etc.

I enjoyed the scene between Lenin and Ana. The former is not going to win out but gets to be more likable all the time.

Fanny looked so silly and immature as the teacher was giving out the assignment and she was texting about the party. She really did seem like a high school student. It will be interesting to see how this theme is resolved. She could write a nice paper with Edith and Lenin about the shelter that she loves so much and redeem herself with the teacher. Mostly, of course, she just needs to apply herself.

Mati, I was thinking the same thing about Fanny. When she started to use "it's my birthday" as an explanation, I thought "HOW old are you?" Hopefully the brusque on point exchange with her teacher will bring her in line.


Thanks Adriana for hanging in there and still giving us a perfect recap. Feel better!!

All I can say at this point is for cripes sake, if Fanny really still has it bad for Leon, then let poor Lenin down easy and stop jacking his chain, as they say. It's starting to be downright cruel to string this guy along if you have no real feelings for him that equal what apparently he now has for you.

And Fanny's whole texting in class- WTH was that? I thought better of her and thought we were seeing her serious about her career choice and making Mom proud. She's starting to come off as the spoiled rich girl again.

I didn't get the whole how your born dictates your destiny--what was that? It presents challenges either way, but this isn't taking place in India where there is a definitive caste system. Fanny wanted to stop being the pretty pretty princess, she could. And is most likely making a new life for herself outside her original start in life, or are they telegraphing something there?

Put that with Ana's weird dream - foreshadowing Isa will bite Fer in the you know where when he finds out about little Diego?
I'm starting to get weird vibes that Osorio is going to pull his trademark, let's make our comedy go really dark for the ultimates, and then we'll do a really stupid happy ending that makes viewerville mostly frustrated outside the predictable main couple. ( well, that said, if this one has alternate endings, who the heck knows where this is going).

Boy, I need those TUMS.

Are we going to get an Isa retcon after her ordeal? Or will she continue to go after Ana?


meant Ana is moving to a new role in life-- stupid Kindle.


Good work, Adriana Noel, and feel better! Lots of hot soup, tea, and rest.

I was cringing when the twins did their little number in Ana's weird nightmare but as I read your description I was imagining them 20 years from now as stars of a future edition of Solo Para Mujeres. Of all the kids they are the ones who look most like Jorge, who was in the original cast. And they did do The Full Monty.

Hissabela still has to be afraid of Enfrique, but that doesn't mean she will do an about face.

As much as I don't want to see Fanny with Lenin at the end I don't want to see Enfrique kill him. I'd like to see that shock machine used on Enfrique and the crazy thing is that the twins would probably have the cojones to do that, even at their tender age.

The idea of being unable to rise above your own class is too old to take seriously when people do it all the time. Give moi a break.

Have to add my two centavos about Fanny texting in class. Why on earth would any student need to have his/her cell phone on in class unless they have a sick parent or sibling at home or an equally serious pending emergency? Not that people in offices aren't equally awful about this; it's supremely annoying and completely unnecessary.

Adriana Noel, even playing hurt you are awesome.

I thought Isabela's shark makeup so cool. The way they did the mouth appeared the jaws massive.

Caste by birth is sickening, though unfortunately many countries continue to practice while professing otherwise. The country of my ancestral origin in Asia continues with feudalistic undercurrents while professing a free society and equal opportunity. Even immigrants to the US attempt to perpetuate the pecking order based on familial geography, blood linage and royal connection.


It seems that Leon is forgetting what Fanny looks like, his drawing didn't look at all like her.

I was sad to see Isabela getting rescued so quickly. So now we'll have Fanny kidnapped and let me guess, Leon will find her and save her. And once Fanny is taken, the whole beach trip will be off.

Adriana, I'm sorry for your toothache, and not being able to deal with it for 2 weeks will be difficult. Maybe it will go away.


Something that upset me while I was watching last night was Ana taking care of the baby.

Did anyone else notice that she fell asleep with DN on the bed with her?

This is an absolute NO, NO. Nowadays it is somewhat a common fact (at least to educated women) NOT TO fall asleep with an infant in the bed with you. One can roll over on top of the infant while they are asleep and smother the child.


AdrianaNoel: Despite your pain you did a fab job with this recap! Thanks! Here are some morsels I couldn't avoid commenting on:

"Fanny and Lenin talk about how being born within a social class kind of seals your destiny. #stupid" --ITA!! Why bother improving yourself and preaching to those girls at Mercedes if you think one is born into a caste system? The point is that schooling, training, and learning improves your prospects IF you choose to pursue the new possibilities--ala Leon!! Leon is the perfect example to disprove Lenin's marxist dialectic bunkam.

"During class Fanny keeps texting Ximena about the surprise that she knows Lenin is setting up for her (Ana told her). The teacher takes her phone and at the end of the class tells her that her results aren’t that great, maybe she should reconsider her career choices." --The prof also told her that texting was very high-school of her, which IMO nailed Fanny to a T. About time somebody broke it to her!!

"Well, if Nando said so… So much for the adults banning this dangerous game." --Crazy!! What are we teaching our kids??? And why are we teaching them this sort of insanity???

Yeah, try that little electric "toy" on someone with a heart condition. Honestly, Osorio should be slapped up the side of the head for some of stuff he shows as "cute and funny" the kids do. Of course, this is being produced by a man who has been very indulgent with his kids. So there is that.

I didn't see the picture of Leon and his latest art work. Zoned out...he's been pretty decent in the past. Did it look like either Laura or rats, forgot his co-worker's name in marketing? She sort of resembles Fanny--Ah, we could wish he has an underlying attraction to his co-worker. Lenin is growing on me and hate to see him hurt, though I know it will happen.

Ok - votes. What do we think happens with Nando and Ximena? Does he kiss her and realize, nope, not there? Or do we have true love's kiss and Edith is odd girl out?


Adriana Noel: loved the recap. Sorry about your tooth. I wear a night guard at night because I grind my teeth. Sometimes even that doesn't help and I get a toothache anyway. I use Anbesol. Works great on my pain.

Still playing catch up. But doesn't sound like there's much to be excited about hurrying that up.

UA: cell phone etiquette is non-existent it seems.


Adriana Noel, i simply can't believe you came up with this jewel while having tooth pain... Ambesol might help the symptoms. Anyway, lots of cold drink (no ice but cold), soft food/meals and lots of rest.
My favs included:
'For once Isa is the sane person in the room cage.'
'#badadvice' (boy howdy was it bad advice!)
Also loved Fernando telling Isa on phone after breathing hard to contain himself that everyone was anxious and asked her in a calm way to stop YELLING at him. (that was good! although he was WAY TOO NICE to her under the circumstances)
Jarifa, ITA on Jorge Salinas (dressed in Popeye stripped black and white swimsuit) having a hard time keeping a straight face being chased by Isabella the shark
cathyx, ITA about It seems that Leon is forgetting what Fanny looks like, his drawing didn't look at all like her. ITA. it seemed like the original drawing of Fanny he gave her after the 'tacos' trip was made by a teacher/master and the one he was working was made by a drunk guy or someone with mind issues... smeared, very rookie-like compared to his original one.
DaisynJay... 'true love's kiss'... loved that... Nando even looks like a fairy tale prince with those blue eyes and blonde wavy hair.


So, how did they find Isabella so quickly? Was she Lo-Jacked? Had a chip? Enquiring minds...

I loved the beach dream. The adults are being such good sports about all the silliness. Especially Mayrin.

From a distance, at least to these old eyes, Nando2.0 looks like William Levy.

Thanks Adriana for your excellent recap. Hoping your tooth feels better soonest.

And about the '...being born within a social class kind of seals your destiny.' BS...
The novela has examples of both ways... look at Freeky himself and Isa herself... they were born to good status families and they are good examples of the 'if you could see me now... NOT!' commercial

I believe there are things that are made easy for you when you don't have to worry about money or about having certain surname, but the dependency on that is smaller now at least in US than it was at least two generations ago.
Now there are resources folks can use both public and private to educate yourself, even if your family is not in a financial position to help you... and if you happen to be born in a well to do social/financial family, then shame on you if you don't take advantage of the opportunities and make the best of them...
so it might be a little bit more difficult if you are born in a situation like Leon's but it is not by any means impossible. So Lenin is leveraging the socialistic/feudalistic views that his parents and their lifestyle used to condemn and criticize so much.

Emilia: I thought from Day One the actor playing Nando could play WL's son. I haven't caught up to the eps with the makeover. Looking forward to that.

I think he looks better than William Levy. His mouth looks more decisive and the lines of his face are cleaner.

BTW, Polo Morin (Nando) is actually almost 24 years old.

Loved the recap!

Mati, agree that Isa did seem normal while talking to Fer. Obviously, been held hostage has put some sense into her. Did she even warn Fer about Freeky going after Fanny or did Fer deduce that on his own?


they found Isa through her cell phone GPS.

can't stand Lenin, no matter what;

* personally I couldn't deal with a guy reciting poetry to me all day long and with every response to my conversation with him;

* his socialist views really bother me (lived in a dictatorship);

* he is a walking example of what is wrong with socialism.

I still don't understand why Isabruja told Fernando about IkkyLizard wanting revenge. Does she perhaps really love him...

Isa told Fernando 'YOU are in grave danger' and when Fernando asked her 'he went after you, but me...' she explained about Freeky's dad business and that Fernando rejected some of their product for low quality. and now Freeky is after revenge.

UA: I also like PM's looks better than WL's

me too...


My tooth is better, thanks God. I did have to make a run at the pharmacy, but so far, so good.
I didn't notice JS's smile during the dream scene, I was too busy shaking my head in disbelief at what I was watching.
The whole social class talk is very common to telenovelas. Lenin put it in his own pompous way, but people in many parts of the world are still judged by their humble beginnings.
Victoria, I was born in a communist country, I don't enjoy Lenin's philosophies, either. But when it comes to wooing Fanny, I don't mind him.
Leon does seem to have forgotten how his beloved really looks like. You guys make a good point about the drawing being rather poor and amateurish.
Oh, and YES on the baby thing! I wanted to mention it in my recap, but I forgot. The bassinet was just there, Ana should know better than to sleep with the baby next to her, especially with the crazy dreams that she gets. I slept with my mom when I was that age and so did my brother and we turned out fine, but my mom always talks about how she could barely get a moment of rest while she had us in her bed, because she was always sleeping with one eye open.

Oh, and thank you all for the good wishes and the advice. Being sick sucks, luckily I was home from work today so I could stay in bed all day long, whine and watch silly TV shows.


Good luck with your tooth. Nothing worse. Hope you can get some long-run relief ASAP.

On the question of social status, I must have missed the boat in listening to the conversation. I thought that Lenin was quoting one of the books that they are reading for the class and that Fanny decided she was tired and didn't want to deal with it. Lenin may believe but I thought the point of the scene was to again question whether any of this is really for Fanny.

Political philosophies are completely confusing here. Lenin may believe that people can't escape their social class, but he dedicates his time to seeing that the children at the shelter are not only cared for but continue their studies. Remember, Marcela wants to be a doctor.

I can't believe that I have wasted this much brain power in trying to decipher all of this when logic doesn't always prevail here! Better to comment on Nando's resemblance around the eyes to William Levy.


For any of the bloggers from OR!

Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber (D) stepped down today, leaving Mahonia Hall (Executive Mansion) in disgrace & in massive scandal!

Kitzhaber was inaugurated to an unprecedented 4th term on January 12th! Long fall into disgrace for the Beaver State's longest-serving Governor with 12 years in office!

Flaco and I were talking about older actors and how a lot of them play priests in the TNs and I realized there is no priest in this one. No wonder everyone is crazy.


Hope your toothache is better. Take care that you don't have an impacted tooth that can lead to an infection. IMO it would be totally unacceptable to wait 2 weeks for a dentist. But I am old and cracky.

Very interesting discussion about Lenin and his views. As I said earlier and which Mati summed up rather nicely, "logic doesn't apply here".

I could blog all day long about WL, FC, and others and their propensity for wearing tight shirts with short sleeves that are so tight at the top to show off their muscles. I see that Nando and JA (Angel ) are following in their footsteps with their own wardrobe selection.

I'm still thinking about Urban's theory that Enrique killed Fanny Sr. I can't get that out of my head, but I don't think Osorio or his writers are that clever...

It was a great recap Adriana, how did you do it while suffering dental pain? Hope you can get it taken care of soonest!

OT: Steve, yes I hear you. So disappointing that the governor just didn't "get" why the whole fiancee/business entanglement was an ethics nightmare.

J in Oregon

Fernando needs to grow a pair and BAN El Loco La Goth Witch (EatIt) from his house. Tell Fanny "you two can still be friends, but not here at my house. She crossed a line attacking Zim and is no longer allowed on the property". Spin on his heel and go to his office. If Eatit isn't gone in two minutes call the cops.

Good morning, all.

Just wanted to add a comment about Lenin and his socialist ideas. It is my experience that people who start admiring this stuff are ones who have never experienced it. Nothing in socialism/communism ever worked the way Karl Marx described it and nobody ends up benefitting.... except those in power.

He needs to read a few books about the day to day lives of people under Stalin, Kruschev, and Mao Tse Tung.

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