Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Yo No Creo En Los Hombres #56 Tue 9/29/15 Discussion Page

Packing for a wedding and doing various errands. Recap when I have time, for now please discuss!


Happy packing, Rain.

I thought MD was great and very strong in her confrontation with Dan, and I think it did achieve the purpose she intended-- showing Dan and herself that he has not broken her and she will not cower before him. But dammit, girl! Follow up on your threats and TELL MAX and PRESS CHARGES! Show the bastard you actually mean business. Once Dan realizes that she actually hasn't taken any action, he'll be smug and gloating all over again.

Ivana has officially lost her marbles. Although, as Susana pointed out, she's sane enough to not have shared her real plans for MD's baby with Gerry-- who would point out to her how crazy it is for her to plan on taking MD's baby simply because it's genetically linked to her miscarried baby. Loca!

That is completely insane. Why would she even want a baby with any genetic relationship to Danny-Boy now that she knows what he is really about? Any of the following things could happen:

1. He could claim custody, stating it's biologically his and not hers (unlikely, since he's looking for her dinero and the child is just a pawn in that game)
2. Ivana would realize that he is still looking for access to MD, which insults both women. She could even charge him with adultery in the divorce proceedings. Which should give him a net yield of NADA.
3. She now knows that the Santibanez aren't broke, so she should sue them.
4. Scandal.

MD needs to tell Mex everything. She can't leave him out of this. As horrible as it is to need male protection, she needs it now. It's either that or go into a convent, but I doubt that would protect her from this velociraptor.

Uh, I had three issues mainly last night. First, Vivi you mention, she threatened Dan with her attack dog but seems she isn't ready to follow through (glad to hear evidence and an exam was taken) Second, I also don't understand Ivana and it obsessive. She easily could adopt, divorce Dan and forget about MD and move on with a wonderful life. Third, seems kinda a stretch for Isela to be the tool in which to keep Max and MD apart, with what Isela has done so far and people know.

I haven't needed a beanie much with this TN and those times necessary the actors did a good enough job selling it but that threat, that rant and that awkward chat between Maleny and Isela, oh boy.

Otherwise, I loved the scene between Honoria and Julian.


MD needs legal representation not necessarily Max.

Other legal representation will charge Maria Dolores money which she doesn't have.

Susana will do anything to stay on the Ivana gravy train.

So now we have 2 factions conspiring to steal Maria Dolores' baby:

The Duval faction, who thinks they are entitled to whatever Maria Dolores has;

The Santibanez faction, who thinks they are entitled to whatever Maria Dolores AND Ivana has

Ivana is cunning enough to want to cut the Santibanez middlemen out, while not letting them know she is cutting them out.

Rain, have a great trip.

I wish folks would stop interrupting Honoria when she's beating the crap out of Josefa.

Hey everybody, I liked MD standing up to Daniel too. She looked strong then.

Can someone reiterate the convo between Isela and Maleny? I think I only grasped some of it, and I know it's important.

So Leo thinks Isela took the watch instead of Maleny. Not good. And at the very end, it kind of looked like Max heard Doris and Ari talking about Isela and Claudio having a relationship. I hope he really did.

Cathyx- So far Mal and Isela have been able to keep each other in check, because they both held something over the other's head. But the balance of power has shifted to Maleny now. This is what was laid out by Mal that made Isela look so worried:
- Before Mal was worried Isela would spill the beans about her and Ari. But now, Doris and MD already spilled those beans to Alma, and Alma didn't believe it. It's old news.
- Before, Isela had Ari on her side to confirm the affair. Now Ari hates Isela's guts and has confirmed Isela's affair with Claudio to Mal. He would also happily spill the beans to others-- the reward being that Maleny has agreed to leave him alone for good, and getting back at Isela for hurting Orly.

Thanks Vivi, that clarifies things. It seems that Isela doesn't have anything to fall back on. Now she'll have to tell Claudio, who can threaten her over the shooting of her father, I guess.

I just remembered, I loved that Doris told Orlando how she felt about him. I was surprised because she and Ari are seeming to be solidly back together now.

Cathyx- I was surprised too. She and Ari are back together, but she has lost that loving feeling with him. I think it was just one too many lies, one too many humiliations. She definitely was impressed by how Orly puts it all on the line for love, unlike Ari. Seems like she's fallen out of love with Ari and is just going through the motions these days. Orlando has made his way into her heart instead. But Orly is right. He is still too hung up on Isela. And would he really steal his BFF's girl?

I didn't even think about how he wouldn't want to hurt Ari by going out with Doris. Ari will have to meet someone else first before Orlando would even think of going out with Doris.

Have a great time at the wedding rain. These
People are as screwed up as ever. Secrets &
Lies keeps the train chuckin down the track.
MD showed some strength, but will she keep
It up? She really should tell max, but we gotta
Wait, the writers obviously have something
Else in mind. Ivana is as whacky as even. She Is so in hate with MD, like everybody else that loves to hate this woman. WHY??
Mal and Isela? Don't care.
I also wish they would just let honoria or doris Beat the crap out of heffa. But there is always an interruption. I don't know what MD
Said to danny, hopefully it'll be in the recap.
Until then, these comments are good.

Well since Maleny put Ari on Alma's scent last night, I figure that will be the block he and Doris stumble over. Doris will fall right into Orlando's arms and Ari will fall flat on his face.

Rain - sounds like a celebration is on deck! Congratulations to the happy couple and have a great time!

Things that bugged me about last night:

MD threatening Dan with Max, like he's her ace in the hole. Dude, if you're not going to trust him enough to tell him what's up, don't put him out there as your knight in shining armour when he doesn't even know what fight he's in.

Leo believing that MD's a liar.

Hono and Josefa still blaming MD for Julian's medical state.

MD only responding to Hono's anger with stubbornness. Just have a sit down with Hon and have this out civilly. You can back off a little, but she needs to explain wth she thinks you're supposed to do about the way Julian loves you. I mean, he's a grown man who made his own decisions. On the other hand, acknowledge that everyone including you knows why. They may very well be right that you need to rethink how you support him.

It really bugs me that MD's got/getting this rep as some kind of maneater and it's just growing unchecked. Ugh!

The rape can be easily proven and I don't know why MD hasn't done this yet: Invite Leo, Max, Alma and Claudio over to her house or the neighbors house. Get a baby monitor. Invite Dan over and play like she's willing to consider something he wants while discussing all the BS he's done to her, making sure he admits to all of it.

Ugh! - I CANNOT WAIT until Alma learns the truth about Mal, Isela and Claudio!

Hellashelle, what do you mean by this:

Well since Maleny put Ari on Alma's scent last night, I figure that will be the block he and Doris stumble over. Doris will fall right into Orlando's arms and Ari will fall flat on his face.

When Mal when to see Ari, she offered him two things as "payment" for his answering her about Isela and Claudio: 1) that she would leave him alone and 2) that she would get him a new millionaire to seduce. Afterwards she said he wasn't worth anything to her anymore, she'd rather have shoes, but also that he should sniff around Alma, Claudio's wife, since she might be in the market for some love. Alma's not the type, but Ari's not the type to let the oppotunity go without at least feeling it out and I think if he shows even the slightest interest, it'll be enough to make Doris close the door on him; she's already pretty much through the doorway.

Hellashelle, I completely forgot about her telling him that about Alma. I thought the same thing, Alma isn't the type to get herself a guy because of what Claudio did to her. Do you really think that Ari would investigate and come on to her?

I could see him trying, though I'm not sure how crude or sensitive he'd be about it.

This is my fantasy wish for orlando.
He doesn't know who his father was, cause he grew without him. His mom never really
Talked about him. So this stranger comes to
Town asking questions. He's played by that
Guy that was padre j on "la sombra". He and
Orly's mom were in love long ago but it didn't
Work out and she never told him she was
Pregnant. He didn't have a lot to offer so he
Went to find work. when he came back to find her hoping they can make it work she had already packed up and gone and she had a baby. she raised him by herself and then she died. he was pretty much already an older teenager but then he started going on his own where he ended up where he is now. His dad not only found work, down through the years He got filthy stinkin rich. He found out about The baby when he came looking for her. he searched to where she was living when she had the baby and they were there until she died. And then he got a small nibble that brought him there (whatever the name of that town is where everybody is). He's had
photos taken by PIs he hired. He finds him, and introduces himself as his father. And things go up from there. Just my fantasy
For a nice man who deserves a good woman
Like doris, not dumb isela. Theres a sweet
Guy like him in every story. Yall Im not fippin
I just tjink hed a nice guy anf he needs a brake. Ok end of fantasy.

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