Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Sad, salty tears: Damian lives Yago #7 05/10/2016

This won't be my best recap but that's because in a few minutes my office computer is going "bye, bye" and I'm finally getting a new one!

  • Melina, does not get run over! She was shaken up but is in good health. she confesses everything to Jonas-including the fact that she pawned her wedding ring to get bus fare to see the shaman.
  • Jonas goes to Lucio for help in getting even with the shaman, Lucio and his goons pay the shaman a visit and trash his place- but wait for it...the shaman has Lucio's number and tells him that he (Lucio) may be able to fool everyone else, but that he can't fool him and that he knows Lucio is behind the suffering of Melina's son. Ooooooh snap!
  • Damian, Sara's and Ambar's dad makes his return. Sara and Lucio pretend not to know him but Teo and Katia are on the case and tell Yago that Damian is someone known to both Sara and Lucio, this will be important later.
  • We get a flashback scene where we see just how much of a conman Damian is, he catches someone's attention and is offered the casino heist job- so he never did it for Ambar, he was hired by someone else to do the job!
  • Sara is not happy to see her dad but Ambar is, she has no idea what a rat bastard her father is- she begs Sara to give him a chance, in turn Sara begs Ambar to take her medication.
  • Ambar is tired of the way the medication makes her feel and she refuses to take it, she tells her sister that she knows she won't live to be an old lady but she's traveled the world and done everything she's ever wanted, so death does not scare her, her only regret is that she did not meet Yago sooner.
  • Yago and Sara admit that they have a mutual attraction but they agree not to do anything about it, Sara is married and Ambar is in love with Yago. Sara asks Yago to help give her sister hope and to convince her to take her medication.
  • Yago tries to get Ambar on team "take yo meds" but that only angers her and makes her kick him out of her room
  • Teo is not a team player, Katia asks him if his trust issues have to do with heartbreak or some childhood trauma. Teo finds information on Alejandra and starts surveillance on her because he believes she's working for Lucio.
  • Teo follows her to some sort of government building where she gets access to records that show who asked for copies of the casino security videos.
  • Teo holds Bruno and Alejandra at gun point and demands the USB that holds the information, he realizes that Alejandra is working with Bruno, not Lucio.
  • Back in Yago's lair Teo reveals his information and they open the USB file- they see the people that have asked to view the tapes, two of them had reason to ask for the tapes, but the third turns out to be Damian!
  • Speaking of Damian, he has come into town with some hefty demands, the first is that he wants to live with Sara in her mansion and because he's a wonderful father he blackmails Sara with a copy of the tape that shows Lucio and Abel at the casino the night of the theft. He's sat on the tape for years waiting for it's value to increase and now he wants five million for the tape!
That's it for me today!


Juju!- Brilliant, quickie recap! Hope the new computer is great.

Can't believe you didn't mention that Damian is now using Just for Men. ;-)

Knowing that there were some bigger players behind the scenes of this heist makes total sense. I'm guessing those folks never got their money or knew exactly who Damian roped into the robbery, since the dudes who roughed up Omar in prison were demanding that he tell them where he stashed the money. If those folks find out the truth, they won't be so forgiving of Sara, Lucio, Abel or Damian.

Poor Bruno and Ale! Ale was scared witless, but Bruno is now more determined than ever to get to the bottom of things. Ale did put it out there that Lucio might be involved, which Bruno rejected. But he was willing to accept that perhaps Lucio's contact (who gave him the video) is compromised, and so it's best if Bruno NOT share info with Lucio anymore. This is very good.

Thanks Juju! Very interesting developments, yes? The plan came from higher up than Lucio, higher up than Sara, higher up than Damian! I wonder if at some point we'll be manipulated into feeling sorry for Damian the same way we've been manipulated to feel (or almost feel) sympathy for Sara and Abel. That'd be hard to do.

Damian's hair looks ridiculous :-)

Wonderful Princess Juju, you covered a lot with your bullet point recap....thanks!

One of the quietest scenes was the most disturbing..... while making his demands, Damian told Sara that she was just like him, always putting herself first. That isn’t exactly true, but Sara is still using her youthful bar stool scam, she’s still looking for marks and putting her needs before those of her sister. I think this will change, she has goodness in her personality as well, unlike Lucio and Damian.

Interesting when Yago admitted that he was attracted to Sara, wasn’t sure he was playing with her for his revenge or admitting a truth.

Again, love all the scenes with Bruno and Alejandra.

Are Damian and the Shaman the same person? They look similar, and if not the same person, could be brothers. Both are amoral con "artists".

GoBlueFan- Not the same guy. Yes, similar look.

Actually I don't think the Shaman is a con artist. I think the Shaman is using his gifts for pay, sure, but I don't think the Shaman is evil or in cahoots with anyone other than himself (unlike Inigo & Gloria).

If Damian skipped town with the money, leaving Omar holding the bag and getting the punishment from the goons, with Damian being back, the goons will be back so Sara, Lucio & Matias (and Ambar) will be in danger.


Thank you Princess Juju. An excellent recap. I loved the title.

My favorite line: "team take yo meds".

I'm loving how with each passing episode we get new information about the past. Now we find out that Damian was hired by someone for the casino heist. Not only that, but we find out that Damian kept the footage of Abel and Lucio committing the robbery and murder.

If the shaman was able "to see" that Lucio is bad news and is the cause of Omar's suffering without knowing Lucio, then maybe he's not a con artist after all. I didn't get why they went after the shaman when they should have gone after the medium. Oh well.

Ooh, Daddy moving in with Sara and Lucio could lead to some fun times. :)

Mauricio- Jonas went after the medium himself and slapped him, before the guy started screaming (falsely) for help. They probably went after the shaman because Melina pawned her wedding ring and nearly got run over, in order to see him.

Thank you Vivi. I'm warming up to Jonas, and felt bad for her him, during that scene with the medium. It made me so mad that I secretly hoped that Lucio would go after the medium. I was so disappointed when he didn't!

It’s been brought up a few times now if the writers are trying to make us feel sorry for Sara/forgive her by showing her occasional regret, her love for Ambar, and her terrible father. I don’t think the writers are trying to make us feel one way or another. People aren’t all good or all bad. People’s motivations aren’t all evil or all noble. People can be a mix of both and things in between. I think it’s awful that Sara grew up in a home where she was made to pimp herself out and run scams by her father, in order to support her sister and the family. No person should have to grow up that way. I believe she truly loves her sister and her son. I think she’s intelligent and sharp. But I also think she enjoys manipulating and scamming others. She enjoys the game. She operates in a morally gray area, where it’s ok to destroy others’ lives, as long as you and yours are ok. I think she is naturally more selfish than she is altruistic, with a deep drive for self-preservation. At the end of the day, no matter what her motivations or what she felt then or feels now, she (and her gang) destroyed many lives, and is responsible for taking some too, in order to steal money, and she benefited personally from it. She needs to pay for that.

Vivi: Sara, Abel, Lucio & Co., need to go down HARD for what they did to Omar & his family.

Plus, what pisses me off is that Sara & Co., were living it up like the Kardashian's at Omar's expense.

They remind me of the Montenegro's from PyP!

Julie: The conspiracy against Omar could involve higher levels of the Mexican government for all we know!


Wonderful recap Juju!!

What I got out of the episode was that Sara would rather put her sister and son in danger by allowing Damian around rather than tarnish her white cape by telling Ambar the truth of what her life was like and what she did (excepting the robbery) for her father.

How did Teo know to ask Ale for the usb? He didn't go into the security place after her, he stayed in his car. Also, if Yago is trying to keep his revenge under cover going after someone you think is working for him is only going to tip him off that someone is investigating.

As much as Abel is annoying I thought it sweet he brought Ambar chocolate and games to play.

I think the shaman is legit, what he did worked with Melina and Lucio. Totally want the medium and his gf to get an anvil.

I think Damian stole Sara's money not for himself but to give to the higher ups that hired him. I'm sure he then received his slice. The higher ups would have known that Omar wasn't in on it so the guys beating him up in jail were just looking for cash. I wonder if the mafioso guy who helped Omar and said he knew he wasn't guilty was the actual higher up? If he had lost the casino (he stated he previously owned it) he could have wanted to get back at the new owners.


"I wonder if the mafioso guy who helped Omar and said he knew he wasn't guilty was the actual higher up?"

I had the exact same thought.

Steve: What I am thinking is that each new episode will take us up one level higher until we get to some supreme intergalactic conspiracy.

Great minds think alike Mauricio!

But does Sara know that Damian was pulling off the heist for other people (and ripped them off)? I don't think she knows that.

I think it's very plausible Fidel contracted Damian to rip the casino off, Damian skipped off with the money and now here come Omar in Fidel's prison, convicted of robbing a casino Fidel contracted Damian to do.

From befriending Omar, Fidel learned Damian subcontracted other people to pull off the casino heist.

If Damian was working for Fidel and ripped him off, we should be seeing Fidel very soon, unless Fidel is now dead.

Of course there's always the possibility that there's another supreme villano pulling the strings that we have yet to meet.

At any rate, Sara & her family are now in extreme danger and unfortunately I think Sara's anvil will be to have innocent Ambar pay the price (not Matias b/c I think he's Omar's kid). Sara will cry about how it's not fair the innocent Ambar had to pay for her sins but it wasn't fair for innocent Omar to pay for Sara's sins either.

The Montenegros are nothing like the Madrigal Gang. The Montenegros were mostly scheming over money they themselves had made from Arturo & his father's efforts. The Madrigals are scheming over money they stole from others.


Anon207, I don't think Sara knows either that Damian was working for other people. The whole point of the robbery according to Damian was to get money for Ambar. The fact is he couldn't do the job alone and so tricked Sara.

I'm hoping we see Fidel (I couldn't remember his name so Thanks!). Also, I'm wondering if Fidel is how Yago got all his money and owns the hotel(s) and casino(s). Also wonder if Katia could be related to Fidel.

Julie: slowly becoming similar to Infames.

Anon207, thank you from me too, for helping me remember Fidel's name. I hope we find out soon if Fidel is alive or not.

I'm so interested in finding out what Katia and Teo gain from helping out Yago with his revenge plan. Did I see some sparks between Teo and Katia? I hope so!

Awesome Princess!!

Don't blink on these episodes, sometimes the facial expressions tell more than any dialog! Which also shows we have some great acting going on in this TN.

So Yago is aware his bro is getting in deep to sniff out the facts. Does he use him or does he try to put a stop to it?

Vivi, your take on Sara was brilliant. I agree that she had a hard life and between that cretin of a father and the rape and illness of her sister, she was in a tough place. But at some point in all these years, when do you learn your lessons? And I don't yet see her not putting her desires first.

And I couldn't agree more Carvivlie that if she allows her father to move in knowing what he's capable of, and the possibility of the type of people he could bring with him, then any danger her son and sister find themselves in is on her and Lucio, if he also allows. Gives me a bad feeling that we may very well see either the son or her sister in danger very soon because of this gang of fools.

I so want Abel to go away. Last nerve, meet the guy with the bad pony tail.


Awesome Princess Juju

I also appreciate.."team "take yo meds"

After working in the DA's office for a major city early in my career and up close volunteer work in third world countries I've heard bout every excuse and while I agree sometimes a horrible childhood or political unrest or natural disaster leaves it's mark and facilitates a road to ruin the overwhelming majority do not turn to crime. In fact, after being abused and the suffering that goes with it the last thing they want to do is prey on another innocent.

All I needed to know about Sara was discovered when she smoothly lied to her precious Ambar so she herself could go cozy up to and (try to) con Yago.

Lucio will be between a rock and a hard place. He can't throw Damian out because Damian has the video of him & Abel killing the security guard (although he doesn't know this yet; Sara does*)

But he can't pay Damian the $5 million to go away because he doesn't have it.

Ambar will not live to see 30 and she says she's fine with that. She refuses to take her meds so her life will be ending soon anyway.

*Sara now has a card against Lucio. He has the recording of her confessing to keep her in line but she know has a video (through daddy) showing Lucio & Abel killing the guard. So next time Lucio wants to rev up that tape recording, Sara & Damian can rev up that security footage showing Lucio & Abel murdering the casino guard.

Alejandra is right to freak out; a witness they talked to was heard screaming and later seen fleeing and now a mystery man has held them up at gunpoint and snatched the evidence Alejandra got from the security footage bureau. Nobody wants to talk about the Omar Guerrero case and they were provided a bogus security tape. Alejandra knows they are dealing with very dangerous people and she may not want to get deeper involved in; Bruno doesn't have that fear because he's trying to get justice. Alejandra doesn't have a personal connection to this case.

The recording implicates Lucio and he said he didn't care as long as Sara went down too. What the video does do is implicate Abel and show that he fired the shot.

Alejandra is my favorite character

Anon207, "But he can't pay Damian the $5 million to go away because he doesn't have it." I think Lucio has secured the $40 million dollar loan, hasn't he? While he doesn't have actual possession, he seems to have a hand shake deal. He could skim off of that!

We are really going to need our thinking caps to keep up with this novela!

Sara agreed to the money right away, even after knowing Lucio took out that huge loan, so maybe they do have it to give. They just didn't have 40m dollars. Didn't Damian say 5million pesos? What's that in dollars?

There are a lot of bad things that can happen to a person other than death, so Sara could still be putting (dying) Ambar in grave danger.

Five million pesos is worth $280,000 dollars.

Thanks Sandy. Actually I'm surprised he asked for so little.

Princess Juju,

Wam Bam! Thanks for this most excellent recap. Well done in few words... excellent!

And I continue to warm toward Sara.

Wasn't the guy who Damián approached in the restaurant the same one who Sara targeted early on at the bar and who ended up raping her? If so, is this significant? Was he part of the plan to recruit Damián for the casino heist?

Is the casino that they initially robbed the same one that Lucio and Sara now own? If so, how?

What happened with all that blood that was donated? I didn't see any evidence of transfusions or open heart surgery. I got the impression that it's just a matter of Ámbar taking her meds (which, by the way, from how she says they make her feel and the fact that her problem is presumably a cardiac arrhythmia, may include a beta blocker).

I'm so glad that the shaman may be legitimate (sounds weird... a legitimate shaman but yet I've seen more legitimate shamans in TNs than honest physicians). I wonder what was in the beverage he had Melina drink?

I'm still confused as to why Yago didn't simply declare victory after winning the casino in that game of poker.


Carlos- No. Not the same guy. Restaurant guy was much older.

Thanks, Princess Juju. Fine job.

Funny that Damian decided to dye his hair after all these years. Is it vanity, or another scam in the works?

I've been kind of ticked at Yago for not secretly revealing himself to his poor suffering family. But really, Melina could never keep the secret. Just the giddy look she'd get would catch Lucio's notice. And I guess Jonas too. Nice scene of Yago looking affected to discover that his little brother is looking into his case.

JuJu excellent recap! I love your quick and to the point, while hitting all the important.

Vivi I'm on board with your assessment of Sara. She needs to go down for her sins against Omar and his family. Her
Boohoos and regret would ring more true to me if she weren't still scamming and enjoying her life of luxury that came on the suffering of others. I have no use for this woman. I also don't care for her insinuating herself into Ambar's relationship with Yomar. Sara reminded me a bit of a young Natalie Wood, in the pantsuit and floppy hat. I really hope Yomar does not fall for her fake charms.

Abel is annoying but I think he means well. He seems to want to belong and will do what it takes fir acceptance and approval.

I think Katia is related to Fidel.

Damian is scum and looks ridiculous with his hair colored. Ambar and Sara must favor their mother.

I too wonder how Omar made his $$'s. Did he win the fortune from Fidel in a chess game?

Omar might not have much $$ of his own. Fidel could be financing this whole thing.

Carlos, Yago didn't declare victory after winning the casino because he's playing a much longer game. He wants to destroy those people and make them pay for what he did, and exonerate Omar. Simply taking away their casino doesn't go nearly far enough. Also, by giving back the casino after winning it, he gained their appreciation, trust, and respect - all handy weapons to crush them with later.

Julie: Yago will eventually destroy Lucio, Abel & Sara for what they did to him & his family over the years, etc.,

It's just going to take time.

Carlos: Sara needs to DIE.

Here's a new hashtag: DIE SARAH DIE!

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