Thursday, September 08, 2016
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Silvana sin Lana, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso, Señora Acero 3, & más: Week of September 5, 2016
Labels: acero3, silvana, sin-senos, telemundo
Wish I had time to write more. There were some very interesting phrases used tonight.
Vicente was on fire tonight. I loved the scene in Manuel’s office. MJ & Andrés thinks he’s naco but he says she has to choose and even lists some of his own virtues. He also doesn’t let Andrés get away with pretending he doesn’t know there’s a triangle.
Manuel comes to see Chivis at home, joking he’ll tell her boss about her flaking off. Just as things are getting a little warm, there’s a knock. Caterina has come to compliment Chivis on the food for the wedding and is knocked out by Manuel. Manuel flirts back a bit.
We get more and more Dominique begging Stella to come out. My patience is at an end with these scenes. After demanding some more fattening foods, she tells him she’ll only come out when Manuel begs her pardon on his knees? [And he did what to her exactly to need to apologize? Oh, right! He didn’t pick her up and carry her out of the church even though he doesn’t love her.]
Poncho is ensconced at Casa Gallardo and the whole family keeps finding ways to avoid listening to him.
Trini shows up at the bakery. She’s incensed when DB pretends he doesn’t remember what he said to cause her to faint. When he repeats his ardent wish, she tells him she’ll think about it!
Angie listens to MJ’s version of the scene in Manuel’s office. Angie says she knows that the one who really does it for MJ is Vicente.
Vicente tells Lucha about Andrés’ visit. He tells her that those two are going to be back together again.
Good for Vicente. He’s at the salsadromo with another girl. Angie gets huffy. Why?
Benji offers to take Angie home and Jorge tries to get her to come in a taxi with him “because they’re neighbors”. Later Jorge is hiding in his driveway watching for her to come home.
Another balcony scene. Chivis shows she’s jealous and Manuel calls her on it. He tells her he cares more for her every day.
Manuel disappoints me. After a lot of begging, Dominique convinces him to come over and try to get Stella out of her room. She doesn’t deserve anyone’s begging her. If I were Dominque I’d just leave her in there. She’d come out eventually.
Andrés is having lunch with Lucha when MJ calls. Lucha outright asks if the two of them are back together.
novelera - Thank you for the recap. I have not had a chance to watch this yet, but a short sweet recap is fine with me and no doubt you've covered the highlights! Gracias! You have forwarned us to FFWD--> thru the Stella/Poncho scenes. !Ya basta! con Stella, as well as the filler (because, really, it is since it is dragging out the story) of our unholy triangle.
Vicente was definitely the smartest one last night. His scenes were great. Majo is being so immature and Andres is just being stupid. Loved how Vicente also called out Jorge for getting back together with Margarita when he obviously still likes Angie.
I guess Angie was just being defensive of her sister at the salsodromo since she knows that Majo is falling for Vicente (even if Majo is too stubborn to admit it).
If Manuel goes over there and they re-boot the Stella thinking she'll get him back plot point, I am going to scream so loud you'll hear it on the East Coast!
Short on time last night, but I can elaborate a bit now.
I liked ALL of Vicente's scenes. He is so believable as a brother to his siblings. That's where his sweet side comes out. He also told Angie the negative of the Spanish dicho un clavo saca a otro clavo. He said Un clavo NO saca a otro clavo. This expression is used often as advice from a sidekick to another person, often the protagonist. One nail takes or replaces the first nail. Or, if you find another boy/girlfriend you'll be fine.
Apparently the new girl at the salsadromo wasn't replacing Majo in his heart and he was warning Angie that Benji wasn't going to replace Jorge for her either.
Well, I watched this episode. I liked all Vicente's scenes, too. FFWD---> Stella/Dom, MajViDres scenes, and some of Poncho's.
Cara has six kids, three nannies, and she is hot for Papichulo? Run, Manuel, run!
Another nice balcony convo.
There were quite a few lines in Thursday's episode that I had to look up, and I'm still not sure I get the meaning for some of them.
Vicente to Majo in the office scene:
Por qué no le bajas dos velocidades a tu carcacha y pintas tu raya ya? - Lit: Why don't you take your clunker down two gears and paint your stripe already? This seems too specific and odd to not be a set phrase, but I couldn't find anything about it online. I'm assuming this is a long way of saying choose already.
Vas a seguir viéndonos la cara de teto a los dos? - Are you going to keep seeing us both __ ?? Not sure if cara de teto refers to Majo or the boys, or even what teto means here (foolish?)
Vicente to Andrés about him and Lucha just being friends:
Yo no me lo trago. - I don’t buy it. / I'm not falling for it.
Majo to Angie about Lucha telling Andrés that she was working at the terminal:
Le salió el tiro por la culata. - It backfired on her. / It came back to bite her in the ass.
Lucha to Vicente about him liking Majo, after he complains about her liking Andrés:
Tú no te quedas atrás! - You don't get left behind (?) [don't harass me about liking a fresa when you like one too?]
Vicente to Angie about Majo:
Tu hermana ya no me pela. - Your sister is ignoring me now. [I believe pelar is a synonym of no hacer caso in this context]
Trini to Don Benito:
El que quiera azul celeste, que le cueste. - You have to fight for what you want. / No pain, no gain.
Jorge to Vicente about Benji going after Angie:
Que me quiere comer el mandado - Comer el mandado means to take advantage of/to take the place of someone/to take something from someone, so basically Jorge is being a jerk thinking that Angie is his and no one else can date her even though he's back together with Margarita anyway. #teamBenji
Also Vicente said the "un clavo no saca a otro clavo" line to Jorge about Margarita and Angie.
SpanProf, I thought Vicente was just talking about Majo going out with both of them at the same time. I never heard him say trío but maybe he insinuated it and it went right over my head.
And, I think Stella should get psychiatric counseling.
Novelera, many thanks for Thursday's recap. I had been hoping that I might be able to get the episode on my tablet, but no luck. I always love your recaps, but now I'm also immensely grateful.
J, muchísimas gracias for looking up and posting so many interesting expressions from Thursday's episode. Novelera had mentioned that there were a bunch, so I had hoped to be able to watch the episode and note them. Alas, my tablet didn't cooperate, so I am immensely grateful to you!
Andrés tells Lucía that he feels calmer about the situation with Majo and that Majo is probably thinking the same as him – that he will forgive her. Lucía gets upset and leaves without finishing lunch. Mauro (the guy that interrupted them before) sees that Lucía is almost crying and puts his arm around her. Majo sends another text to Andrés saying that she couldn’t stop thinking about him. Andrés the dolt smiles a little. [I’m already team Mauro and the guy has had two lines.]
At the terminal, Majo sees Poncho arrive and a bunch of jerks start harassing him about the non-wedding. Vicente jumps to his defense, but Poncho still ends up running away almost in tears.
Benji waits for Angie to get out of school so he can drive her home. Margarita sees them and has to go over and say hi, dragging Jorge with her.
Manuel brings over some food for Stella and plans to leave right away. Dominique manages to talk him into staying and bringing the food upstairs.
In the office, Majo receives a text from Andrés saying he’s thought a lot about her too. Vicente comes in to apologize for being a jerk the day before. She calls his macho display of jealousy pathetic, but Vicente keeps flirting with her, saying he fights for what he wants, and eventually admits that he’s fallen in love with her.
Majo softens up a bit and asks him to repeat what he said. They start kissing but then she pulls away saying that she can’t marry him. She has to marry Andrés. Vicente asks why, and says if she really wants to get married then she should marry him (Vicente). Majo calls him crazy. Vicente says he has never felt this way about anyone else, and Majo says the same thing is happening to her, which leaves her really confused. They kiss again. Majo puts a chair between them, saying they have to keep their distance from each other. Vicente pushes it away. He doesn’t want her to ever forget about him. More kissing.
Manuel knocks on Stella’s door, trying to get her to eat something. She yells a lot and refuses to open the door until he wants to get back together with her.
Lupita goes to the bakery to tell Juanito that the man who was Trini when she fainted was her father. She asks if he has seen him since then, and to let her know if her father shows up again.
Vicente and Majo arrive at the motel. She’s afraid the receptionist recognized her. Vicente assures her that she didn’t, and they head inside.
Lupita checks the tree and finds a letter from AJ.
Jorge stops by Angie’s to complain about her friendship with Benji and to ask if she wants to be Benji’s girlfriend. [Seriously, Jorge??]
In the motel room, Vicente and Majo exchange te quieros and start kissing. They move to the bed and Vicente unbuttons Majo’s shirt.
Still in bed together after making love, Vicente wishes they could have been in a more romantic place, like a house on the beach. Majo says this place was perfect because they are together. She wasn’t expecting it. He says that if she wants, they won’t tell anyone and it will be their secret. She wishes she could be more like him: free, relaxed, spontaneous, simpler. He comments that she is the same; Majo says she’s just crazy and does stupid things. When she gets married, she will stop acting so foolish. Vicente asks if this was just another tontería for her. She replies that it was unforgettable and she loves that it was with him.
More of Stella yelling through the door at Manuel. She ends up threatening Chivis, saying painting her van was just the beginning.
Lupita runs into Chivis’ room, excited that AJ left her a letter. Chivis looks disappointed.
Downstairs, Angie lets Jorge have it for being so nosy about her private life. It really shouldn’t matter to him what’s going on with her and Benji. Of course, Benji knocks at the door while Jorge is still there. He brought over some ingredients to make pizza, and asks Jorge if he’s staying but Jorge leaves immediately.
Lupita reads the letter to Chivis, which makes her cry. AJ told Lupita to be good to her mother, take care of her sisters, and remember that he loves her more than anything in the world. Trini comes in the room and Chivis asks Lupita to leave them alone. Lupita agrees since one of AJ's rules was to obey her mother.
Getting dressed, Vicente jokes if they should leave or have a round four. Majo laughs and says no matter what happens, she’ll never forget him. He’ll never forget her either. She doesn’t believe him though. She clarifies that she has never been with anyone else, but he has and who knows how many. He replies it doesn’t matter how many, all that matters is how special it was. She has no idea how important it was to him that he was her first. She thanks him for making it so special since she was scared. He asks why she’s acting like they are saying goodbye; it’s not like they will never see each other again. After this, he’s not going to let her go. He can’t.
Manuel is getting ready to leave. Stella runs down the stairs and begs him not to leave her. Dominique tries to console her after Manuel leaves. She says that Manuel will marry her, even if he’s forced to, because no one leaves her.
Chivis tells Trini about seeing AJ the other day. She felt scared and as if he was someone else. Trini wonders if she felt afraid that AJ would do something to them or afraid that if he comes back, Chivis will have to return to being his wife. She also comments that Chivis has changed and that she is a completely different person.
Benji makes the pizza and speaks a little Italian. Angie seems impressed. He reaches for the olive oil and they stand close to one another when Trini walks in. Benji notes that “casí me agarra con las manos en la masa… de la pizza.” Literally, she almost caught him with his hands in the dough… of the pizza, but agarrar a alguien con las manos en la masa also means to catch somebody red-handed. Trini responds that as long as she didn’t catch him with his hands ON her granddaughter… and then she asks him, in front of Angie, what intentions he has with her granddaughter.
Poncho complains to the Virgencita statue that everything turned out badly. Why is she punishing him? Then Jennifer and her kids show up. Poncho doesn’t want anything to do with her since her husband gave him a black eye. But Jennifer says she has something to tell him – she’s pregnant and it’s his.
Poncho freaks out a little. He can’t be a father. He can barely take care of himself. And what about her husband? Well, he’s in jail again. Couldn’t he be the father? Jennifer insists that she knows it’s Poncho’s. He wants a DNA test, and stomps off.
Angie tries to stop Trini from asking so many questions and to leave Benji alone since they are just friends. Trini’s worried about her getting hurt and having a repeat of what happened with Jorge.
Vicente and Majo arrive home in the van. She mentions that if she still lived in her old neighborhood, she would still have her car. Vicente says that they also would have gone to a much nicer hotel, but Majo says no, they would have gone to the house in Acapulco. Vicente says that if she still lived in her old house, they probably would have never met. They kiss. Andrés calls Majo but she doesn’t answer. She asks Vicente not to tell anyone what happened between them.
Poncho returns to Stella’s and tells Dominique about Jennifer being pregnant.
In the office, Chivis tells Manuel about AJ’s letter. Manuel notes that AJ seems to be a good father and that he does have a good side since children are the most important. He thinks she should let AJ explain himself. Seeing her expression, he wonders if he said something wrong. No, it’s just that when Chivis looks at him, she gets more confused.
Thanks SpanProf! Yes, definitely Team Mauro and Team Benji! Even though there's a 1% chance they will end up with Lucia and Angie - which sucks since Andres and Jorge are so ughhhhhh right now.
I'm glad Vicente is turning out to be a good guy. Too bad Majo is so immature and materialistic. I can also see her still trying to marry Andres even though she'd rather be with Vicente. Maybe that whole waiting for marriage thing was just an excuse to not sleep with Andres since she was probably never in love with him (his money, on the other hand...) I really hope she doesn't end up pregnant, but you never know since it seems like everyone who has sex in TNs ends up that way.
Either the baby is Jennifer's husband's or she's not really pregnant. She will probably keep trying to fake that it's Poncho's hoping that he will take care of them.
J, thanks VERY much for this magnificent recap! Even though I haven't been able to see the episode, your vivid recap makes me feel as if I have. I too am ready to sign up for team Benji and (sight unseen) team Mauro.
Thanks too for including the very useful Spanish phrase.
You're welcome, Juanita!
Mauro is handsome, caring, and active in causes like marriage equality, so he is already way better for Lucía. I hope he gets more screen time soon.
I had forgotten about the English subs for the first part of each episode on Telemundo's English Youtube channel, so I was able to see how they translated the first two questions that Vicente asked Majo from Thursday:
Por qué no le bajas dos velocidades a tu carcacha y pintas tu raya ya? - For once, be upfront about this and make a choice.
Vas a seguir viéndonos la cara de teto a los dos? - You going to keep playing us?
J, thanks a million for the extremely helpful list of phrases and the terrific recap! I have noted in the past that, when a novela features younger characters, they use a lot of slang that sometimes I get and sometimes I don’t. Vicente, especially, speaks rapidly and uses idioms I’m unfamiliar with.
I thought it was a bit odd that Majo’s first time was so thrilling and they “did it” three times. Without being too graphic, I’d venture to say that’s usually not the case for virgins. Yep, she loves Vicente but still imagines herself married to someone with money. At some point, moving the plot along, Vicente may get fed up and stop pursuing her. And perhaps then she’ll wake up. This is just speculation on my part, mostly because I’ve wanted him to tell her to take a long walk off a short pier for her snobby attitude!
Yes, indeed, where do I get my Team Mauro and Team Benji buttons? Jorge: ni come ni deja comer. He’s behaving like the classic dog in the manger. He’s gone back to Margarita but doesn’t want anyone else to have Angie. I’m sure they’ll end up together. He’s annoying me to no end, but I don’t want Margarita to have him. Only his extreme passivity lets her get away with her behavior. How annoying! She races up to Angie and Benji and makes remarks about the two of them being in love when she’s only gone out with him once!
Yikes, that Jennifer is horrible. At least Poncho wasn’t immediately falling for her game. Although later he seemed to say to Dominque that he might be the father of the baby. And, yes, his having moved out of the house where Jennifer spent time ruling the roost might lessen her interest in trapping him.
And, again, terrific scenes with Manuel and Chivis. I also liked that he gave AJ credit for loving his children. He’s portrayed as way more mature than the usual galán who can’t wait to bash the other man.
Manuel is certainly not the novela norm. Besides his maturity, he's interested in someone his own age! Normally these guys go for someone more like Majo. Hopefully he can fix Jorge, who is turning out to be such a disappointment. He started out well, breaking up with Margarita because he wasn't interested, not just because of Angie. But Angie asks for some time to deal with her issues, and he gives her less than a week. Not sure I can be on Team Benji, exactly, because isn't he in college? He might be too old for Angie unless Trini can be there to chaperone everything for a couple years. But I'm definitely Team BenjiIsStillBetterThanJorgeRightNow.
J - thank you for the recap! And the idioms!
Hopefully I'll get to watch this episode this afternoon.
Well, the Jennifer drama should get Poncho's mind off the wedding debacle. Surely that baby won't be Poncho's. Surely the writers won't do that to him!
Oh,,,, Manuel,,,,, mi papichulo ,,,,, mi telenovio ,,, I agree that he is so far and above the usual galán in maturity, looks, and hotness. ;-) Manuel and Chivis make this whole telenovela a true gem and worth watching.
How the heck did Majo & Vicente go from a chair between them to a motel? Gah. I'll have to watch to find out. LOL
Doesn't somebody in a telenovela always end up pregnant? (in the telenovela rules?) Might as well be Majo.
I am so sick and tired of Stella.
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