Thursday, September 22, 2016

Tres Veces Ana # 100 - To tell or not to tell – that is the question…

Recent episodes featuring this tio-niece bond and dramatic interludes of doubting your identity have been putting me in the Shakespearean mood (not that our blue-eyed Tio could resemble anything close to a hunchback), so here we go….but not before this little plug for you, Patio friends: I will be out of town next week on a business trip and unlikely to have the opportunity to either watch the show or keep up with the patio comments. Would anyone (my fellow brilliant recappers, or someone new even perhaps wanting to give it a try?) be willing to volunteer to be a guest recapper for next Wednesday’s (9/28) episode? I would really appreciate it, so please let me know in the comments below and if need be, I can get a page up for that episode, where someone could post their notes/recap.

With that, here we go! Beware, my dears – some consolidation ahead. Brevity is the soul of wit, I have heard, though writers of some of the scenes below have not.

Evilristo, Solebad and Bloody (formerly known as Oily)  

Evaristo is out on the prowl….except our lion’s dementia affected him such that he cannot remember who he is hunting or where for that matter. He knows it is something important… but what? He scares his grandson by asking him where his brother is and gets upset anew when told of said brother’s death. To make his night even worse Solebad shows up to whine that her secret has been found out and she needs Evaristo’s help. Evaristo’s CPU is already at 1000% at this point and flashing bright red. (The bringing down of such a spectacular villain in that way is actually hard to watch. Even harder to hate the villain when you feel sad for him.) 

Ev is sick, he says, and may not be able to help Sole any more. He has lately been confusing things, he is very tired and needs to sleep. This is not the answer Selfishbad was expecting. What’s wrong with Ev, she asks. Well, his doctor told him he has early onset of Alzheimers. This barely even registers with her, and she continues with her saga of her life’s misfortunes and the forthcoming fashionable orange suit fitting.

Ev looks to be in the whole other world himself. He talks about life and recognizing and appreciating its gifts and subtleties. He is afraid to forget Sole’s mother Margarita. Would Sole tell him about her, so he remembers? Sole’s expression says that she would rather tell Ana Lu the whole truth than sit here with this old man and listen to his reminiscing. Ev goes on: when he met Margarita, she was already pregnant with Sole and from the moment he laid eyes on her, she became his daughter. Ah, all world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.  

White Ev bares his soul, beaten up and covered in blood Orlando is tired of waiting and tries to give him another call. To his misfortune, this episode Ev can only concentrate on one thought and he was in the middle of trying to explain how puzzling it is that he didn’t write down his to-dos, as he always does, and thus missed Orlando’s call. Bloody/Oily decides that he is not going to be a sitting duck, and since Ev abandoned him (the fool should count his blessings for this abandonment and run as fast as he can), he needs to disappear. There is no reason he should leave empty-handed though, he decides, and with this thought, he is off to stalk Ana Le for the rest of the episode, still covered in blood mind you. 

Ev is tired, he needs to sleep and tomorrow he will feel better – that’s how it was all those other times he felt off. Please, to sleep, perchance to dream, as he slumps on the couch and closes his eyes. Sole is on the verge of breakdown but is not admitting her defeat, probably thinking she can shake the old man and maybe the pebbles in his head will re-order themselves. She looks like she mentally rolled her sleeves up, and we hear her begin with the high pitched screaming that her daughter will be taken away. No-no, says tired Ev, nobody will take away Sofia. I already took care of that bastard, who got you pregnant and only wanted to toy with you. I killed him for you, he says in a tone of a man sure to receive thanks for his generosity. Sole looks up to him in what we can only assume is shock, though knowing her character a bit more intimately now - perhaps it’s gratitude indeed.

Sole is finally understanding she may not get anywhere here, so she’s off to come up with a Plan B. As the door closes behind her, Ev is still trying to write something down, as well as remember the name of the "writing tool". Chana is waiting for Sole outside. Now that Sole knows, Chana hopes she realizes she needs to deal with the consequences of keeping the truth from Ana Lu all these years. Solebad is very upset and scared thinking about how Ana Lu will react. As a part of this episode's  ‘who is not helping’, Chana says that it is not only Sole Ana Lu will be disappointed in – she will also lose trust in Chana, in Remedios, and most of all in Santi. He whole world will be destroyed.

Ev’s episode blunders do not end here. Later on Chana brings him coffee as he is “trying to work”. Chana tells him he should rest, but he is upset he is being treated like an old sick man. My conscience hath a thousand several tongues, And every tongue brings in a several tale, And every tale condemns me for a villain.

Not meeting with much success, Chana leaves the coffee and let’s Ev’s grandson know she is off to see Rem at the hospital. Ev doesn’t know about Rem says the grandson, but as the door closes it turns out Ev overheard everything – his comadre is in the hospital? What happened? Orlando shot her? Who is that? Not to worry, says grandson, there are people out looking for him, so he doesn’t spill any of Ev’s secrets. Ev feels better, though he would prefer this strange guard go outside to wait with everyone else, and when his grandson gets here, he should let Ev know. (We smell a power struggle for mad king's riches brewing...)

General Hospital Drama – Mariano, Santiago, Ana Lu and almost every other character of the show not otherwise covered in this episode

Bright and early in the morning, proud new tio is at Rem’s house to see Ana Lu. He is told everyone is at the hospital, as Remedios is dying and he is off in a jiffy.

Everyone is indeed already at hospital discussing the recent events, Rem, Orly, where the latter could have found the gun and how he could have done such a dreadful thing. Javier wants to punch the lights out of him for hitting Maribel, but wise Tadeo advises that violence begets violence. Maribel uses this moment to butter up to Ram for saving her and Javier is upset. 

Ram is pulled away from Maribel by Sole, who wants a chat. They go to the cafeteria and Sole wants to know how Mariano found out about Ana Lu, and what Ram told him. Ram is trying to reassure Sole that his agenda was just the opposite: he doesn’t know how Mariano found out, but he convinced him to keep this quiet. Sole isn’t buying this for one second – Ram has always been against her, ever since San Nicholas. Ram is raising his voice at this point saying that Ana Lu is not Sole’s daughter, and he will not let Sole escape with her again. Sole is very concerned someone will hear them. She also does not want to live if she loses Ana Lu.

Back at the hospital chapel, as we feverishly try to figure out if Santicelo is Santi or Celo, he and Ana Lu are praying. It turns out we are with Santi this episode, who is remorseful that he brought so much misfortunes to his madrina and it is all his fault. What were Ana Lu and Rem doing there? Well, they came there to learn the truth from him. 

Ana Lu and Santi segway into discussing how much they love each other and Santi says they need to stay away - these words are razors to my wounded heart. A poignant scene of Ana Lu declaring that she will love Santi through space and time ends with a kiss, which is suddenly and cruelly broken apart by a wham-tastic punch in the face by the resident blue-eyed spider man Tio Mariano, who finally arrived at the hospital – “take your dirty hands off my niece”. Everyone is shocked!

What is wrong with you, wants to know Ana Lu. Well, Tio is there to tell her about everything that’s wrong in the world: she is kissing a married man - Marcelo Salvaterra. Ana Lu knows that, she says, and this tio, who appeared out of nowhere, did not yet earn any right to get all up in her business. Tio asks if that means she doesn’t mind being a mistress. Ana Lu tells him to bug off. Obviously our Tio, surrounded all his life by an inappropriately touchy-feely-eat-up-your-every-word niece and a voiceless another, is not used to such treatment. He pauses to check if the world is ending.

Tio switches to Santiago and the latter knows they need to talk. Ana Lu is surprised they know each other, and Santi says Mariano knows him as Marcelo, but he is Santiago now. Mariano is livid (A plague o' both your houses!) and tells him to get his things and come with him, because Marcelo didn’t finish getting to know Mariano yet either (please tell us there is a shirtless fight coming up?)

They go to the cafeteria to talk man-to-man. Santi starts with his usual sob story of losing the memory and falling in love with the woman, whose face was the only thing he remembered. Mariano thinks this is not a telenovela for something this ridiculous to be true.  But it is, insists Santi! He hates Marcelo, Marcelo is the devil and everything that is wrong with the world. He is an assassin and a terrible person. Will all the great Neptune’s ocean wash Marcelo’s deeds clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather the multitudinous seas incarnadine making the green on red. 

Mariano must not be a Shakespeare fan, as he is far from convinced. Was the fact that he was married to Ana Lu’s sister not enough to keep him away? Well, says Santiago, it is not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more. He is a simple man, a cab driver and will prefer this life a million times to that of an assassin Marcelo. A cab! A cab! My kingdom for a cab! But it is not until Santi repeats the whole monologue about four or five times (and lucky us who get to bear witness), that Mariano decides that five times is the charm – he must indeed be Santiago. 

Ana Lu, meanwhile, is talking to Nerina and discussing her meeting with long lost uncle. Nerina thinks Ana Lu’s life will change, because she will meet a whole new family. Naïve Ana Lu, of course, doesn’t think to suspect anything to this line of commentary. Nerina then counsels her to tell Sole how much she loves her and not to pull away from the only woman she has known as a mother. (Nerina has this interesting great wide smile that she abruptly erases from her face and frowns. It’s a constant puzzle as to how she actually feels.) Sole and Ram are standing nearby and listening.

Sole decides to talk to Ana Lu, per chance finally realizing no legacy is so rich as honesty. Ana Lu wants to know why Sole told her uncle that she is a mistress of a married man. She did no such thing, responds Solebad, and summons her courage to try and tell her who Santiago’s wife really is. As she stumbles and gets out ‘she is the daughter of…’, Ana Lu makes the assumption she means the daughter of her uncle Mariano. Ana Lu is flabbergasted at this (and we think this is just super great - we needed another lie inserted here).

Ana Le and her Cleopatrian plans

Ana Le calls Isidro to promise a meeting the following day and to tell him how much she’s been thinking about him, and the old fool is so blinded by what still remains of his hormones that he doesn’t even question this newly surfaced flattery and unusual behavior. This common curse of mankind – folly and ignorance – gets dressed up in a suit and shows up to visit Rod, brag about this young girl he is trying to seduce, and twirl in anticipation of compliments for his new look. You see, he noticed how well dressed “Ana Lucia” is and he wanted to look the part. Rod is still surprised that they are talking about a young girl, and that her name is Ana Lucia. He wants to meet her, but Creesidro is not about to introduce her to competition until he seals the deal. Ana Lu is special and there isn’t another one like her in the world (Oh how disappointed the old creep will be - we cannot wait!)

In the morning outside the restaurant, mastermind Orly is watching Ana Le get out of her car and later sees Isidro come out of taxi. Creesidro is so afraid to be stranded in this big bad city and to be unable to find one of the two only taxis that he asks the driver to return in two hours. (Speaking of cab drivers – Santi and Curvas are both at hospital – and one of them is currently trying to trade the medieval kingdom for a car, so who was driving that pink taxi?) 

Isidro is as happy as a clam to see “Ana Lu”. He fishes for the compliment for putting on a tie to match “Ana Lu’s” elegant style and is not disappointed. He is amazed she chose such fancy place for breakfast. Her taste is so elegant. (Ah, Creesidro - fair is foul and foul is fair.) He wants to know where she works and “And Lu” hesitates.  Isidro is not pleased she is taking so long responding. This must be proof of some dirty business. Surely her mother is not pleased with how much leg and…er…other things she is showing (we feel vindicated for several months’ worth of commentary that this was indeed an undergarment she was wearing). Phone rings – it’s Inaki from the neighboring table (look who also got enough money!). “Ana Lu” excuses herself and gets up to speak with Inaki. Inaki wants to warn her to keep this PG, or else he will feel the need to intervene. Ana Le says she needs Isidro so mesmerized by her that he will do what she says, and Inaki must not interrupt them.

With that she comes back to the table and Isidro wants to know if it was a man who called her. She says it was her mother, and Isidro feels good that she is retaining some of her family values. Clearly she lives alone though, judging by her attire? Yes, she does leave alone – how does Isidro feel about it? He is very happy about this, it seems, and thinks that this will make their seeing each other easier. Ana Le grabs his hand and Inaki, who is getting impatient hovering around, motions her to wrap it up.  

Outside Isidro wants to go see “Ana Lu’s” place. She tells him it’s a tiny room that she feels ashamed of, as she doesn’t have any money. He is ready to help out as soon as she becomes his wife. They make plans to see each other tomorrow and “Ana Lu” gives him a kiss on the cheek. Good night, good night. Parting is such sweet sorrow, That I shall say good night till it be morrow. Isidrosaur is not comfortable with this much PDA and neither is Ana Le - for different reasons. She looks disgusted as he turns away to leave.

On their way back Ana Le and Inaki had time to stop by hotel try out the new set of sheets. She tells Inaki that Mariano knows all about Ana Lu and Marcelo, but he apparently hasn’t seen her yet. He is asking Ana Le to divorce Marcelo, and – as she cannot say no to her tio – she will do that. But Inaki needs to hurry up and find Ana Lu before Mariano. Dispute not with her: she is lunatic!

Inaki is ecstatic at this news – he will help, and - as a matter of fact – he knew where Ana Lu was all along. She even considers him a close friend, so with this ace up his sleeve, he will now do Ana Le’s bidding. Ana Le is furious and tries to murder him with a couple of pillows. Out of my sight! thou dost infect my eyes! Inaki says that he waited for the right moment, which is now upon them. He will help her, because when she divorces Marcelo, he wants her to marry him. Say what? …. The end.


Isidro continues to disgust the audience with his sick lust for a girl he could have fathered twice over. I remember thinking in the beginning before we knew this that he was too old even for SoleBad, but that she could have endured a few years of him before he kicked the bucket and left her all his dinero. Not that she was dead broke, but more money wouldn't have hurt the situation.

If Rodrigo sees him with Ana MeMeME he could blow the lid off everything, but I think Ana MeMeME will get a bit farther along the situation. If he gets her to the altar (which doesn't seem to be her intention) it would not be legal but could lead to a reveal in a church. If that doesn't happen and he drops dead in the honeymoon suite that would have interesting legal implications. There are so many things I can think of to come out of this situation.

However, rather than something like with comic overtones I think we'll end up with something melodramatic, like Ana MeMeME trying to kill Ana Lucia.

More later. I need more caffeine.

Well, I really enjoyed AnaLet’s Homer Simpson DOH ! look last night when Inaki.who.does.not.have.a.brain was ready to call the wedding planner and pick out a cake. “Oh baby, after you kill your sister, your husband, and your wannabe husband, I wanna marry you cause I Luuuurrve youuuu.” DOH
Inaki…some advice…hit it and quit it.

She kinda had her hands full with HornGoat too. He just K N E W SoeSorry would not let her out of the house without the benefit of any more fabric than she had on. Iskidrow asks more questions than a four year old. He’d better.

I see Pennzoil took my advice about a shower. To say he looked better gives too much credit, but all that dried blood was mysteriously gone. It was raining in one scene, maybe he went for a walk.

How the mighty fall. We were seeing some bumbling from Evaristo a while back, now we know why. He deteriorated quickly. Evil as he is, I just plain felt shitty after this episode. He made it look waaaay too real. I have watched Don Castillo for over twenty years. I have watched his girls grow up. I have seen him in so many roles, but the ones I always thought he shined in were the benevolent, wise, Father or Grandfather and I always suspected, from what I knew about him, that those roles more reflected him in real life. A great big, gruff, scary looking guy with a heart of gold. I assume it was his comeuppance in the show, but it was still disturbing. sniff



Urban Isidrio was blabbering on to Rod last night when he went to show him his new suit and tie look. I was waiting for him to drop some clue for Rod to pick up on, but I didn't see anything. Rodrigo would recognize Analet instantly. toa

Interesting contrast between that idiot Isidro beginning his life anew (if he only knew!) and Evaristo's demise. I did appreciate someone finally asking AnaLeticia about her lack of appropriate clothing! And Soledad certainly gave it her all in insisting that Evaristo overcome her dementia to help her!

On other fronts, not too much progress. I felt like we had already heard that conversation between Mariano and Sebastian. Should Mariano buy the amnesia or not? Mariano is certainly a flawed character but he does get the complications of the situation for his nieces. Meanwhile no news on Remedios.

It looked at the end like AnaLu was being passively led to believe that Marcelo's wife is the daughter of Mariano. Soledad will extend the lie as long as she can. Truly nuts.

Urban - I like your parsing of the Isidro situation. There are so many possibilities plus unanticipated events that may come into play. Inaki looks like a willing accomplice but he is also smart (previews suggest that he is recording a confession from AnaLe to give himself some insurance) so we will have to see.

Ria, looking forward to your recap.

I did appreciate someone finally asking AnaLeticia about her lack of appropriate clothing!

Traveling Lady, so crazy that the old fool is the only one to voice what we've all been saying. I do not like having anything in common with him!

Never thought I'd feel sad for Ev, but I do. His dementia is so unexpected but so real.

Niecie: I'll be glad when this nightmare is over!!!!

Evaristo's dementia seems to have hit all at once. I had always thought that Alzheimer's builds up gradually, but his is in full-blown manifestation now. Kudos to Don Eric for his realistic portrayal of Ev's frustration with it.

Also kudos to Ana Lucia for defending her adulthood and her relationship with Santiago. Mariano's refusal to accept the dual personality disorder is illogical, as he had no reason to suspect that Marcelo had any motive to fake this. The only thing that I suspect could be in his mind is the idea that Marcelo got a kick out of cheating on Ana MeMeME with her own identical sister, which reads like a huge case of projection. Maybe Mariano himself pulled something like this in his own past.

toa, ITA that it was "disturbing stuff" with Evaristo's deterioration in this episode. Now that the puppet master cannot contol things anymore, everybody better watch out! I hope he will have enough lucid moments to still make a few good moves and shake things up.

Mati, I agree with you that Soledad is 'truly nuts" especially when she "gave it her all insisting that Evaristo overcome his dementia to help her." She can share a room with Ana Leticia in a mental health facility. I cannot see Ernestina's family pressing charges against Soledad (one of their own ) but if Ana Leticia ends up in jail then the roomie thing won't work. So sad, too bad.

Nerina did so much to pave the way for Soledad to tell Ana Lucía the truth and she still flubbed the opportunity. Chana is so mercilessly matter of fact about everything, maybe she can just blurt it all out. Will somebody just tell Ana Lucía already before Ana Leticia comes calling?


Looking forward to the recap!

Jarifa- Indeed, Nerina did Soldead a HUGE favor by paving the way for her to tell the truth to AnaLu. But it looks like she'll blow it.

I'm starting to doubt Soledad's ability to love anyone, even AnaLu. AnaLu is her property and her emotional crutch after losing Sofia (for whom she has clearly not let go of her grief). And seeing how she treated Ev with so much indifference just sealed it for me. Doesn't matter if he's a criminal. This is a man who has loved her since before she was born (taking care of her pregnant mother, even though Sol wasn't his child). He then cared for her her whole life, even bringing her into his home after her mother died. That merits some feelings of care and affection, in my book. But as soon as she saw he was of no use to her in his deteriorating condition, she just left. Focused on just herself and HER needs, as usual. That really ticked me off, and I'm no fan of Evaristo.

I agree, Vivi.

SoleBad doesn't really know what love is. I have to wonder whether she suffered a lack of it from a mother who we believe was abandoned by the man who knocked her up only to repeat her story when she was knocked up herself. To now hear that Evaristo killed Sofia's sperm donor has to be quite a shock no matter what she felt for this unknown man.

Evaristo seems to love her despite her being the result of his wife's adultery. That is the one redeeming feature he has. SoleBad seems to forget that she should be grateful for this. All she is thinking about is that he is of no use to her in his present condition and possibly that he might be a liability, as in talking about her actions to the "wrong" people.

She should enter a convent.

Inaki is either playing Ana MeMeME by promising to deliver Ana Lucia on a plate or he is seriously delusional. Doesn't he know that she put a contract out on Marcelo? Shouldn't he realize that he's setting himself up for the same if she is even mildly displeased with him?

I feel very bad for Tadeo. He will lose Inaki and he has suffered enough with Ghoulieta's rejection.

Vivi, it was so very sad how easily Soledad gave Evaristo the heave ho but she never appreciated what he did for her.

I, too, had to laugh that it was Isidro, of all people, who questioned AnaLet's questionable mode of dress.

I agree that Evaristo's decline was disturbing. My grandfather, my father's father, had Alzheimer's. It didn't progress nearly as quickly, but the result was exactly the same. Sometimes, in the evenings, my grandfather would be in a panic, thinking he needed to get my grandmother "home" to her parents before dark. Other times, he'd ask her, "don't we have kids someplace?" He didn't recognize us most of the time. Sometimes, for a moment, he would realize how confused he was, and cry. It was horrible.

However, at all times my grandfather did know enough to answer a phone when it was ringing. So, ignoring a buzzing phone is a symptom that's unique to Evaristo!

I was also thinking that Evaristo didn't do himself any favors the other night when he told Orlando not to use names on the phone. I think that's why the notes he wrote down in his little book weren't helpful. When Orlando called again, I don't think he said who he was, and Evaristo didn't know who he was, so he didn't write it down, and so those notes were useless.

"Ana Lucia on a plate or he is seriously delusional. "

Does a one legged duck swim in circles?

He wants to MARRY her.


Ria, I’m looking forward to reading your recap. The aroma coming from the oven sure does smell delicious. 

Anyway, I actually felt a little sorry for Evilristo last night. I’ve had several relatives who have had severe cases of dementia/Alzheimer’s Disease. It’s very sad because you see the relative sometimes go very quickly downhill. Right now I’m dealing with my mother and her dementia. She is on medication and that slows it all down, but the eventual result is the same. My mom has forgotten what schools I went to, all my old friends from our old neighborhood as well as her old friends. She forgets who her grandchildren are, even the firstborn grandchild who is my son. I have to keep reminding her and keep showing her pictures of everyone. But I know one day I will not be able to successfully remind her. :(


Soledad is NOT a product of Evaristo's wife's adultery. She is a product of Evaristo's amante's failed romance. Margarita, Soledad's mother, was already pregnant (by Ernestinas father) when she met Evaristo. Nothing has been mentioned about his(Ev) wife being unfaithful. He would probably have killed both her and her lover if that had been the case, I believe. He seems to have been pretty ruthless (until the dementia set in).

What TN is coming next? Something with Jian Angel Esparza I hope. Am in TN recovery mode right now, but ready to get back to the Patio. Sueno de Amor almost did me in.

Make that Juan

This episode is cooking on my dvr but it sounds like it was a bit sad. It is hard watching Ev struggle but I think it's bec I forget that he is a killer. He just looks like a sweet grandfather type. His love for Soledad, and maybe his grandchildren, were the only positives. All of his manipulations, taking money from people, torturing and killing lead to him deserving more than he is getting in my book.

I care nothing about Ev or how he ends up. To me, it's all about Soledad's reaction to his plight, when she has been the person he has most loved and taken care of. She owes him more than she's giving.

Anon- Yes. Margarita was his lover, and the lover of Ernestina's papa (Sol's papa) before that. Although, I'm starting to doubt if Margarita was really Ev's lover, or just the woman he was hopelessly in love with and devoted to. From the little we have heard, Margarita never got over her love for Erni's evil pappy and his rejection of her. It's just as believable that Ev worshiped her, but never got anywhere with her. From Soledad's point of view, she might have just assumed her mother was Ev's lover, from his intense devotion to her.

Recap is up, everyone! I will come back in a bit to read all the comments!

Up to now, Evaristo's grandson has been a peripheral character to me. I've barely even bothered to spare him a glance. He's been (along with his dead brother) nothing more than Evaristo's thuggish, blindly obeying, gofer. But last night, confronted with the reality of his grandfather's rapidly deteriorating mental condition, he looked SO lost that I actually felt really bad for him. Ev seems to have raised his grandsons and all they know is to do EXACTLY what he says - nothing more, nothing less. The poor guy has absolutely no clue as to what to do next, as he doesn't know how to think for himself. His only hope now is to latch on to Chana (maybe become her bodyguard?) - she jumped right in, snapping out some orders to him (were the grandsons even given names?) - and he quickly complied, like the obedient puppy that he is.


Looking forward to your recap Ria.

We all seemed to have the same reaction to Soledad's selfish attitude towards Ev last night. It just sealed the fact that everything has always been about her, and though she might not be as overtly nuts and manipulating as AnaLoon, her approach towards people is the same. People and life OWE HER and there is never really understanding or compassion for anyone that she doesn't see a benefit from. Too bad the 9:20 bus didn't come out of nowhere as she left the building and walked across the street.

As for Ev, not a nice guy and his past machinations are unforgivable. But that was hard to watch last night, a man's mind slipping away from him.Don Castillo was amazing and so believable in his protrayal. His constant searching in that little book brought tears as I remembered someone who use to do something similiar. Like many of you, I saw this first hand with family (my mother) and, for several years, worked in the accounting end of a nursing home/assisted living large facility. You get close to the residents and watching them slip daily, their frustration and sadness, some days are unbearable to see a lovely person being so affected so cruelly. I've always given such respect for caregivers who watch over them.

But Ev seems to be going it alone except for Chana, and I don't know how much she can handle. What comes around in his case.

So the comment by Isi to that a set up for her to start dressing more demure in his prsence and then we are going to see him mistake Llora for who he thinks is AnaLu?


I had the impression that Soledad was raised by Evilristo after her mother died. Didn't they have a conversation about his taking her in after her mother died and how Ev's wife didn't like her and mistreated her?

Urban - agreed on disgusting Isidro. He really does give me the creeps. I also think Ana Le will try to get him to kill Ana Lu. She doesn't need the money - she promises it all to Inaki anyway, didn't she?

toa - yes, I was curious where Orlando found a shower in that car, so your idea of a walk in the rain might just be it!

Anon 8:53 - I was so disappointed too Rod/Isidro conversation did not produce more clues for Rod. Hopefully one of these days - though at this point we have so many possibilities for the truth reveal and none of them are panning out.

Mati - Curious you bring up the contrast between Isidro and Ev. I did not pick up on it originally, but you are very right. As to Mariano/Santi conversation, yes - definitely been there, done that. Several times actually.

Niecie - YES! on the clothing, as well as on feeling bad for Ev. Now we can't even wish for an anvil for him. He already got one.

Jarifa - I was thinking the same thing staring at my TV last night - would one of them finally just tell her the truth?? Anyone!

Vivi - I felt the same way about Sole's treatment of Ev. Villain or no, he took care of her all her life, got no gratitude and she is still thinking about herself. Not Ana Lu even - just herself.

Julie - sorry your family had to go through that. Alzheimers - or any diseases affecting the mind - are terrible. Even watching Evaristo yesterday was indeed disturbing.

Cynthia - my heart goes out to you as well for having to deal with such a disease in a loved one, a mother at that. Your mom is lucky to have you by her side.

Carvivlie - yes, it's a bit of a difficult episode, but overall an interesting one. So when it's done marinating on your dvr, give it a shot!


Cynthia- Yes. Ev brought Soledad into his home after her mother died. We don't know how old she was when that happened.

Ria- Fantastic recap! Loved all the Shakespeare.

Ria, thank you for your original, Shakespearean, and very thoughtful recap. It was very enjoyable to read!

Thanks Ria for the excellent recap!

Sounds like Inaki has officially crossed to the dark side. He suspects AnaLet murdered Jenny, knows she is trying to kill her sister and is robbing an old man and yet he not only wants to marry her but will help her murder too. Is he any better than AnaLet? Nope

Thank you Ria for the wonderful job of recapping today. I knew it would be coming out of the oven just great!

If you need a guest recapper, I can do it if you would like me to. I did one toward the end of Hotel de los Secretos. So just let me know if you need me to fill in.

First. Anna, I posted a late comment on your stellar recap of yesterday. Gracias.

Ria, this was just marvelous. I drank in every single word.

Far too many wonderful lines to quote but "...except our lion’s dementia affected him such that he cannot remember who he is hunting or where for that matter", "the forthcoming fashionable orange suit fitting" and of course "Sole is on the verge of breakdown but is not admitting her defeat, probably thinking she can shake the old man and maybe the pebbles in his head will re-order themselves" were excellent.

"(We smell a power struggle for mad king's riches brewing...)". Yes. I wonder if there is any real love and affection for Ev from his family. Soledad was unfazed and not in the least bit bothered by Ev's plight. As Vivi noted, his pain and anguish simply obstructed her needs, her wants her desires and therefore her father like figure was dismissed without a thought. How sad.

"Obviously our Tio, surrounded all his life by an inappropriately touchy-feely-eat-up-your-every-word niece and a voiceless another, is not used to such treatment. He pauses to check if the world is ending" was another wonderful line. I wish I cared for Mariano but his icy blue eyes and unfathomable expressions leave me cold.

Ahh, Tadeo. I agree Urban. He is in for much heartbreak. I had given Inaki more credit for realizing who Ana is. Well, perhaps he does realize. In any event, why on earth would he want to marry Ana? Anyone can see she should never be married. Another impenetrable stare. I would love to know what is flashing through his beautiful head...

And Orlando. Dear boy. The last beating must surely have scrambled your brains. Get out while the going is good. This will not end well I fear...

Ria, thank you for this exceptional summary!


Carvivlie Re Inaki. Me too. He needs a very large anvil...Oh wait, he is trying to marry one. No sympathy for him on a number of counts. His Brother, Father, living Brother and Mother come to mind. He makes me think of these cukoo for cocoa puffs we have here in S ForiDuh who have like, King Cobra snakes as pets and howl for the help and sympathy of us sane people when they invariably get bitten. TOA

Thank you for the recap!

While I'm not happy that AnaLet is using her sister's name to fool Isidro, it's still hilarious to see her plan unfold. Isidro is like a lovesick puppy like he doesn't even suspect a thing. I wonder though if he's attracted to "Ana Lu" precisely because she's playing hard to get and is supposedly attracted to him. Just wait until he finds out that the real Ana Lu has a completely different personality and would NEVER allow a man like him to come on to her.

Iñaki is getting crazier by the episode. AnaLet could and would probably kill him before he gets his way. She wouldn't marry him.

I hope Remedios survives.


Thanks, Ria. I wasn't expecting to get Shakespeare today!

"Evaristo’s CPU is already at 1000% at this point and flashing bright red." Like I said, this was hard to watch. It's hard for me to feel sorry for Evaristo specifically, but this kind of thing is hell on the rest of the family, too. Except Evaristo doesn't have much family left. Chana (not technically family) is being a trouper so far, and Soledad doesn't care about other people; but that grandthug is totally lost. (I guess I don't feel horribly sorry for him either, but this kid has no idea what to do with himself now.)

"Nerina has this interesting great wide smile that she abruptly erases from her face and frowns. It’s a constant puzzle as to how she actually feels." I think she is feeling happy that AnaLu is finally at the edge of learning the secret, but at the same time is also thinking how her own children turned against her. It's pulling her face in opposite directions!

Ria - What a brilliant recap -- each quotation and reference so beautifully apt. Just to mention one, with ref to our AnaLe : "Fair is foul and foul is fair" indeed!

Your description of Evaristo's sad demise reminded me of what a good job Don Eric has done with this character, particularly last night.

Thank you for all the hard work you put into this fabulous recap.


Ria how cleverly you packaged this recap. Thank you so much. You filled in some blanks for me. Now everytghing fits together.


TOA.."it was raining in one scene, maybe he went for a walk." Ha..loved it.

INaki is a treat to look at, but I am amazed that he is still complete!y smitten by AnaLetme. Girl must have special skills..... just saying. Se has him under her spell. Snap out of it, dude. You are standing right next to her when her gigantic anvil drops.

I am fascinated by Analetme as she nibbles on her food with that teeny, tiny red mouth.

Old guys and young chicks..ew.

Ya know we have several hate-ables here, but I believe my top three are AnaLet, SoleBad and Inaki. AnaLet is just evil, and beyond help. SoeBad is not the one who wrote "if you love something set it free, if it comes back...." and Inaki is so severely damaged by his Mother that he was weak or otherwise emotionally deficit to begin with. Javier is not that way. Pennzoil shot Remi, but she wasn't his target. He is just a scared little turd listening for the flush lever.

Nerina and Remi are just victims of their own weaknesses, but still decent at heart.
Evaristo is looking at a fate far worse than a quick painful death.


"Old guys and young chicks..ew." Down here we refer to them as Bow ornaments.

hello. i usually read along like a novela but i really want to express my thank you to the writers. You made my day. It is very hilarious this alzheimer thing that EV is suddenly suffering. What a good karma. Usually I get frustrated by the antagonists enjoying and getting away with their evil deeds to the last bitter end. This new thing just is funny. EV forgetting most of his crimes and even forgetting why he was there in the first place.Wonderful idea!!! I never thought I would praise you writers to high heaven, but I am serious this time.

Yes, Anon 307 the big question now is where the hell is that dam KEY? He sure does not know, but at one point in this story that DAM KEY was worth killing for, even if it took both it and the mate to open the box. OTOH, does Marky MArk remember where the other Dam key is? We got two amnesiacs with keys to the nuclear button. Aaarrrrgh


Thanks, Ria. Love the Shakespeare quotations this episode inspired within you. My favorite Ria quotation: This barely even registers with her [Soledad], and she continues with her saga of her life’s misfortunes and the forthcoming fashionable orange suit fitting.

The comments from everybody have me nodding my head. I still think Iñaki has a chance to pull himself back from the brink, but scratching my head why the doofus showed his cards and told AnaLe he's budddies with AnaLu and knows where to find her. Iñaki and AnaLe are so hot together. They remind me of 1950s film noir.

And Orlando. Dear boy. The last beating must surely have scrambled your brains. Get out while the going is good.

Diana, Oily might be the stupidest one in this TN. I can't believe he didn't high-tail it out of town.

Evaristo (ugh! Autocratic keeps changing his name to "variations" - next time I'll just leave it) will probably, completely by accident,find the key and give it to his grandson to START THE CAR and the Stepford thug will take it, look at it, look at his grandpa, shrug his shoulders, and toss it in the gutter!


Autocorrect!!! ... see what I mean?

Fell asleep 10 min in and missed this show. Not even trying to read the recap yet, or the comments. Gonna watch it first, but my sister told me that I missed a climax. But while scrolling, I see alot of Evaristo's name and can only guess the worst has come for him :( Glad I ended my recap yesterday with his photos, instead of AnaLet staring at herself in the mirror (like I originally planned).

By the way, this actor (Eric Del Castillo) is the father of Kate Del Castillo (from La Reina Del Sur), the woman who tried to profit off the interview w/ El Chapo and got double-crossed by Sean Penn. She's also the former wife of Aaron Diaz (who played in Teresa with our beautiful Angelique Boyer). Small frickin world.

Oh and Ernestina (Susana Dosamantes) is mother to pop star Paulina Rubio :)

" My conscience hath a thousand several tongues, And every tongue brings in a several tale, And every tale condemns me for a villain."

Wonderful Shakespearean quote Ria. As were all the rest. What an original, interesting way to organize and theme a recap. Well done!

Hard to see Evaristo so befuddled. My mother developed dementia (although it was not full blown Alzheimer's) but a colleague, much younger than I, has developed it and it escalated quickly from random forgetfulness to all out Alzheimers. She comes to my class as a student now, rather than as a teacher, but it is like having a large 2-year-old in the room. You don't know when she's going to suddenly turn off the lights, inadvertently lock the bathroom door so no one can get in, or just wander off if her ride doesn't show up on time. She can follow visual dance moves but not verbal instructions.

She is still sweet and loving, but also very anxious and confused. "Nadie tiene la vida comprada" but it breaks your heart to see something like this.

Human life and human health are so fragile. Treasure yours while you have it.

Thanks for the recap Ria. Nicely thought out and knit together with the Bard.

Oh JudyB that's terrible for your colleague. I worked with a woman, much older than myself, who began forgetting things and she found out it was a brain tumor. Unfortunately inoperable. Now, when someone I know keeps forgetting something I've repeated many times I don't get angry, I grow worried.

Oh Banana don't feel bad. Evaristo kept dozing off along with you. :-)


Sorry this is so late, but great work, Ria! My faves:

Obviously our Tio, surrounded all his life by an inappropriately touchy-feely-eat-up-your-every-word niece and a voiceless another, is not used to such treatment. He pauses to check if the world is ending.

He wants to meet her, but Creesidro is not about to introduce her to competition until he seals the deal. Ana Lu is special and there isn’t another one like her in the world (Oh how disappointed the old creep will be - we cannot wait!)

On their way back Ana Le and Inaki had time to stop by hotel try out the new set of sheets. 

There is no fool like an old fool. I wonder whether Ana MeMeME will allow enough time for him to make out his will. Actually, since she is planning on him killing Ana Lucia she wouldn't have thought of that. Marrying him and killing him would benefit her far more.

We agree with the anonymous who commented that this is great writing in the show, and that EV and Soledad deserve to be put out of action like this. He did horrible, brutish things and Soledad asked him to do them. We hate Alzheimer's, too, and have suffered with it in our family, but this is a great plot device to end the evil reign of EV! :)

Cynthia, I would love and be very grateful for you to write a recap for me! Just today I found out that the dates for my work trip have shifted due to material shipment problems, so I would need a sub on 10/5. Would that still work for you? I hope so and if it does, please click on my profile and send me an email. Thanks again!


Daisy I am wondering as well how long Chana will keep up taking care of Ev. Not exactly sure why she does it too - old friendship? Seems like a big commitment for a "friend" like Evaristo...

Diana - why indeed would Inaki want to marry Ana Le? Is it money? Or is he so in love? Very strange, but beginning to think he won't end well.

TF - Isidro certainly has a giant disappointment in his future. I, too, hope Rem makes it.

Niecie - I was shocked too that Inaki decided to let Ana Le know he is acquainted with her sister - he must really want that 'yes'

JudyB - I am very sorry for your friend. You are very right, wise amiga, that one needs to cherish every day and not take any for granted.

Urban - such a great plan to marry Isidro, then kill for Ana Le. She needs to think more broadly indeed!

Anon 8:39 - definitely an original way for a villain's end in this one!

Thanks all for your comments and sorry I am coming back late! Another great episode tonight - will post a discussion page for it right now.


Ria, October 5th would be fine with me too. I would be honored if you let me write the recap. I had fun last time when I did one for Hotel de los Secretos and I subbed for Vivi (I think).

Cynthia, the honor and pleasure would be all mine and the whole patio's I am sure!
Thank you so much again for offering to help and I will plan to get a discussion page up for that day, where you could post a recap in the comments and I will move it later to the main body of the post. I will let you know if I have any further schedule changes, but I am hoping it is all set by now!


Thanks Ria! I don't mind helping out at all. You gals work very hard to keep this blog going and it's the least I can do to help out once in a while.

Awesome Recap, Ria, using the shakesperean angle. I'm glad Ev didn't die like I assumed. He's one of the few baddies I like. Inaki has personality, and drives AnaLet as mad as she does him. If we can love Bonnie & Clyde, then these are 2 baddies I can stand to enjoy wreacking havoc on the other characters. Isidro is my least favorite, Sole is my second least favorite, and then comes Tin. I can't stand victims. If you're gonna be a baddie, own your darkness. But I can't deal with people who've convinced themselves they're owed something that they clearly don't deserve.

Diana, I did read your comment on my recap. No worries :) Just a very busy week for me so I'm always behind in catching up.

Btw, forgot who asked, but Marcelo has both keys. The one he took back from Ev (along with his cellphone) when he knocked him out at his hotel, and the key he threatened Samuel to give back.

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