Friday, February 03, 2017

A Que No Me Dejas #101 Thursday 2/2/2017 --Tainted Blood

Nuria doing what she always does, begins to lie to Tobias.  Why would I want to pull out a gun at a wedding and shoot Alfonso, my godfather? Tobias tells her that she was trying to kill Valentina and Mauricio.  Nuria says why that's crazy!  I may not like those two annoying brats but not enough to kill them.  They were children what could they have done to me?  Well Raquel said she saw you.  Well Raquel is also ill in the head.  She never remembers things correctly.  Tobias can't argue against that.  Nuria says yeah and she also can't stand me, so she wants to blame me, since she needs to blame someone.   What really hurts is that you'd believe her.  Don't you know me?  Tobias head is spinning from everything and what strikes him most odd is that Nuria keeps telling him that Felix and Hector just wanted to rob her father, but he saw Felix actually try to kill him.  Nuria says no he didn’t, he was just trying to defend himself and that's why Tobias needs to keep his mouth shut.  If he says what he saw they'll go to jail..that is if her father dies.  Tobias says no matter what she says, Felix is a murderer.  Nuria tells him to shut it.  Why do you believe him over me?  You just met him and you've known me forever, and I've stood by you unconditionally.  Because Felix and I love each other, he's my boyfriend!   Whaaaa?  Tobias looks repulsed.

Fer, Vale and Alan spot a grieving and emotional Mau.  Val tries to comfort Mau but he's torn up over seeing his grandfather laying in the bed with tubes and fighting for his life.  Val says it's good for him to get it out.  Alan says it's obvious how much Mau loves Gonzalo.  Fer says hopefully one day Alan and Val will grow to love him as much as Mau does.  Mau says he can't lose his grandfather, not the same way he lost his father, Adrian, Pau and his grandfather Alfonso. This poor guy has been through a lot of loved ones being murdered in his short life.

You and Felix?  How? He's a dirty smelly mechanic with the manners of a neanderthal and you're a refined woman of status. Never mind you're older than him.   Nuria bristles and tells Tobias none of that matters.  Oh yeah? Well my parents told me that at one time you didn't like that your mom's boyfriend because he was younger.  You thought it was ridiculous!   Whatever..I didn't tell you so you could judge me, I told you so you could understand that Felix didn't try to kill my father. You got it?

At the hospital the doctor tells everyone that it will be awhile before they know anything about Gonzo's recovery.  So no need for everyone to hang around.  Os is going back to work and Angelica says she will too.  Fer offers to drive her.  Mau and Vale want to stay and keep vigil, Alan says he'll stay too.   Angelica offers to come back at night to relieve them.  Vale is grateful and says Chelo offered to come too. 

Nuria now knows that she was seen at the wedding by Raquel.  Alzheimers or not, those memories are in there and can come tumbling out at any time and in front of anyone.  Well that can't happen!  Nuria vows to make sure of it.

Monica checks in with her boys, first sending a text message to Rene.  She hates they're so distant with each other and she asks him to contact her.  She's in the middle of texting Alan when he calls her.  Oh mi amor I was just in the middle of texting you, how are you? How is work?  Alan tells his mom he's not at work he's in Cancun, he hates that he lied to her but he came because of Rene.  Monica doesn't understand why?  Alan tells her that Rene is up to no good and if she's not sitting down, she better.  He's about to blow her mind! 

Rene gets his mom's text but all he can think about is that his father better not die.  Not because he cares but because the deal with the share of the hotel haven't gone through yet. Rene wants what's his and what Gonzo promised!   Rene doesn't want Dad to croak and leave his trifling ass broke!

Say whaaaaat?  Monica is horrified by what Alan has just told her.   Her son pretended to be his niece's boyfriend and now Gonzo is gravely ill.   This is horrible!  Alan says yeah and he was going to tell her when he returned to L.A. but the situation has changed and now he doesn't know when he'll return.  Monica understands but he should have told her sooner.  Alan didn't want to worry his mom and it was also to protect Val.  So much so that his father even went so far as to agree to Rene's demands for shares in the hotel.   Monica's blood pressure really sky rockets.  What kind of person has Rene become?  Well no one we can be proud of mom!   Alan tells his mother he'll check in with her when there's news.   He calls Rene next.  How's Dad?  You already know?  I just asked you how he was.  Well are you asking for his health or your future?  Hopefully this makes you regret what you did and ask for his forgiveness.  Rene says he's not responsible for why his grandfather is there.   Alan continues to remind Rene of his dirty actions.  Yeah well all I want is for him to get better so he can keep his word and give me what he promised!  

Angelica gives the 411 to Gisela and Jaime who are both saddened by the news.  Jaime wants to go and get some work done before he goes to the hospital.  Gisela gives him a parting kiss and Jaime gets dizzy.  He shrugs it off as nothing serious.

Almudena arrives to the hospital with frozen desserts for the trio.  She offers her condolences and support to them.  Alan apologizes to her for not showing up to help her or even calling. She understands, especially after learning he's the bosses son.  Her brother Alex has sent his support and will be along later.  She asks about Gonzo and Val tells her he's still serious.  Almudena leaves but not before telling them if they need anything, no matter what to count on her and her brother.  Val weirdly sucks her spoon like a fifth grader. Why does Val have such weird annoying manners?  Anyone?  
Anyway, Alan thanks Almudena again and walks her out

Back at Nuria's no tell motel,  Felix is climbing the walls with panic while Nuria lounges without a care on her second hand hotel couch.   Calm down lover, nothing is going to happen. I already told you I handled Tobias.  Well I'm not so sure.  He does what I ask him.  Felix thinks the best thing would be for him to get lost like Hector.  Are you crazy?  You can't leave me with all of this?     Leave you with what?  You've got nothing to lose, unlike me.  Tobias saw me shoot your Dad!  Chill out , if he was going to give you up, he would have by now.  He knows it's best to stay in my good graces because he wants to get away from here and I'm going to give him the money to do it.  Felix wonders where she's going to get that money from. Her Dad still hasn't died.  Don't worry I'll finish off my father and when I do, I'll have my inheritance and we can go where ever you want.  Okay smarty pants and how do you plan to kill your father?  Don't worry lover, there's always a way.  I think Felix is getting the idea that he's been sleeping with a cobra.   Don't move a wrong way with this one or she'll strike!

Monica has called over a friend to unload on her.  She can't believe what her son Rene has become, a man without morals or principles.  The friend can see that it's affecting Monica that the father of her son's is hanging between life and death.  Monica can't lie.   Well it's understandable after everything you went through with the man it's obvious that it affected you so much that you haven't been able to have a new relationship with anyone.  Monica says what she went through with Gonzo was painful, he hurt her deeply and she hasn't been able to love again. Oh waaah waaah Monica.  I still think of Ines who was the real victim along with the kids, they had no idea what was going on but you knew he was married. These women getting involved with married men then crying foul later make me salty.   Anyway her friend wants to know what she's going to do now.  Monica doesn't know but now she's all butt hurt that her sons are both over there with their you know..almost dead father.  Both for different reasons but still..they're with him and not me.  Really?  Her friend tells her what happened was bound to sooner or later.  They would leave her and seek out their father.  Monica..just stop girl.  I'm already dragging you. I'll go all in on your pretty behind if this pity party keeps up.

Cutie pie Alan has cast a spell on Almudena who is going gooeye eyed.  Why didn't you tell me you were Gonzalo's son?  Alan didn't think it was important  She disagrees, because if she'd known she wouldn't have allowed him to help her in the kitchen.   Alan says it's one thing to be the son of the owner and another to be a chef.  It was his pleasure to help her.  Almudena thinks Alan is a great guy.  He thanks her for the dessert, it was a sweet gesture.  She tells him with all her heart she wishes a speedy recovery for his father.  Alan says he hopes so too so he can recuperate all the time he's lost with his father.  One day when he has more time he'll tell her the whole story. Almudena says she's got time now, so why not tell me?  Oh've got some competition.

The detective has come to the hospital. Guess what?  That bullet that was in your grandfather was from his gun.  Whaaaa?  Yup, the gun was registered to him.  Mau says well no way he shot himself.  Val agrees, if he brought out that gun it was to defend himself.   Detective says no from where the trajectory of the bullet there was no way he shot himself.  It came from a distance, so maybe he had it to defend himself, dropped it and the robber picked it up and then shot him.  Yeah that has to be it Val says.   Well when your grandfather wakes up we'll clear this all up.  Mau just wants justice and the person put in prison!

Uh oh,  Gonzo is low on blood for his transfusion and the blood bank doesn't have anymore of his type.  It's rare..AB-.  Time to call in the family to see if they can help. Gee..I wonder who shares that blood type?   I'll take prodigal sons for six hundred Alex.

Back at the agency,  Gisela and Jaime ponder the delicate balance of life and how quickly it can all change.  Gisela can't imagine something like what happened to Gonzo happening to either one of them.   Right then a knock on the door interrupts their love fest.  There's a woman here to see you says some chick who got her five minute walk on part.  Gisela says she'll handle it, but the lady says she needs to speak to both of them.  Well who are you?  Asks Jaime.   I'm Stealvia Larios and I'm here to tell you that your ex murdering wife Julieta Olmedo is out of jail.   Cara impactada!   But wait…there's more!  Your brother-in-law's know the one living with you has been visiting her at my house!  She has big plans to take her tia back with her to Spain.

Back at the hospital the Doc tells Val, Mau and Allan that it's time to get some blood up in here for their abuelo.  Stat!  Too bad they are all O+ but they'll check around with the employees.  Someone has to be a match.   Mau thinks maybe Nuria, but Alan seems to already have a candidate in mind.  Who is Rene Murat, Alex?  

Someone needs to get a towel....because Stealvia just spilled the tea on Jaime and Gisela.  That want all of the info.  Stealvia tells them Adri came to the prison to get all the deets and then found Julieta at her house.  After all Stealvia is a noble woman who took in Julieta and all because she can't live alone.  Gisela says well you're generous for sure, but we don't want nothing to do with that dangerous woman so keep her away…far away.  Stealvia wants their help with just that. They've got to get Adriana away from Julieta because she's a bad influence on Julieta and it's dangerous.  

Val calls Os to ask for his help in locating a donor with Gonzo's blood type.  She already struck out at home. Chelo says none of them are a match.  Os says he'll get right on it. 

Winner winner chicken dinner!  Alan tells Mau that Rene has the same blood type.  Mau says they have to convince him to come, Alan says he'll go because if Mau goes it will make things worse. Mau agrees but if Rene refuses he'll go grab him and bring him by force.  Alan assures him he'll get Rene back to do it.   Well Rene does want those shares and he needs his Papa alive to do that.  Gonzo is really going to hear about how he owes RuNe now. 

Jaime and Gisela thank Stealvia and assure her they will take care of Adri and her visits to Julieta.  After she leaves, Jaime tells Gisela it's worse than they thought.  Adri lied to them about giving up the search for Julieta and not only that but she's crafty and knows how to get exactly what she wants.  Gisela says it makes sense why she was taking out all that money, but she had to have had help.  Who? Fabricio? Tobias?  Jaime says he's going to the college to get to the bottom of it.  Gisela says she'll go with him.  As she leaves to get her purse, Jaime struggles to read his phone.

Meanwhile at the college Adri tells Fabreezy she's so happy to have found her tia.  She can talk to her about things she can't with anyone else.  Like what?  Why can't you talk to me?  Adri says Fab has already told her he doesn't like how she does things so why bother talking to him.  It's one thing to not like how you lie and trick and abuse other's to get what you want another to want to still support and listen to  you.  Fab wants her to know how much he likes her.  Adri says she likes him too but she doesn't want him to think bad of her, all she wants is to be near her family.  Well Val is your family too and you don't even care.  With her you wouldn't have fights about going out.  If my parents don't want you to see Julieta, there has to be a reason right?   Don't waste your time Fab, this thick skulled tiresome twit will learn the hard way once she becomes a crazy obsession for Julieta and starts hearing 'Mi corazon' in her sleep. I hope this girl comes home from school one day and finds Julieta hiding under the bed, twitching and scratching.  That'll scare her ass back to Spain alright..ALONE!. 

Twerpy test dude Horatio gets busted passing a cheat stick to a classmate.  He denies it's anything other than some class notes.  Yeah sure, you had a chance to come clean, but now you both will go to the director where you can tell us who is supplying you with the tests and the answers for you to sell.  We know all about it!  

Fab wonders why his parents are there.  To see Adri.  Why? To tell you we know all about your trifling lies, you've been seeing your tia Julieta.  That's why you needed all that money.  Yeah so what?  I can see my aunt.  Well you've been lying and it's dangerous for you to see her.  Adri thinks her tia isn't the monster they made her out to be.  She made a mistake like anyone else and she paid for it.  If Adri doesn't give her a second chance at life who will?  Jamie reads this little brat.. Look child you won't be seeing cray cray anymore ok? Julieta has never been mentally right in the head and she never will be.  I would know..I was married to her and that's it.  You won't be seeing her anymore.   Adri answers back from that big flapping maw of hers..blah can't stop family..blah blah. Man she gives me a headache and apparently Jaime too because he's stressing and he looks like he's about to have a stroke.  Your mother was very scared of Julieta and she entrusted your care to me, so you will not be seeing Julieta anymore whether you like it…..or…. not.  Down to the ground Jaime goes.

It seems at the hotel, they have all the blood types of the employees in a database and Alex tells Os not one is a match.  They think they need to recheck again in case someone isn't in the list.   Meanwhile Angelica is out scouring.  No luck. She texts Val and gives her the news. She hasn't been able to get a hold of Gisela and Jaime yet. 

Maite comes in to see Os and inquire about Gonzo.  Despite everything she still cares about Os and knows how he feels about his friend Gonzo.  She wishes she didn't care and could get over him but she can't.  She wants to be there for Os no matter how he feels about her. 

Angelica calls Fer and informs her what's up with the blood.  After she hangs up she prays for Gonzalo.  She also thinks about Os and how this must be affecting him.

In New York a private investigator informs Don Clemente that his daughter has transferred to a hotel in Cancun to finish her internship.  Really? She must have gone to be with her mother, and here I am unable to set foot there because of the charges against me for taking my daughter.  P.I. says no worries, that thing ran out five years ago!   Time to call the travel agency!

Leo beckons Alexis to his office to find out how Gonzo is.  Alexis tells him the situation and the need for blood.  Leo says I got info on who has that blood type.  Oh another relative? I'll bet you dear readers know who she is. 

Mau tells Val that they’ve contacted some agencies to find a match for the abuelo.  He also spoke to Karen who sends hugs and kisses.  She plans to come see them as soon as she can.  Nuria limps in like an injured linebacker…well Chelo just told me my father needs blood.  Do you have his type?  Aww too bad, I don't.  I wish because without it my father will die..right?   Ring ring!   Hi Os…say what?  Are you sure?  K. thanks!   Val furiously signs to Mau and they both turn on Nuria.  You lying blood sucking vampirella…you are a match!  Don't lie either because Leo just told Os. 

Outside Alan finds the other Murat blood sucking male vampire Rene.  Well here you are all content while inside our father is in need of blood.  Well what do you want me to do? Go inside and comfort Valentina and that deaf dude?  I guess you want me to donate blood huh?  It's the least you can do for him.  You want him alive after all don't you?  Rene says he wants their father Gonzalo Murat alive.  For some strange reason Carolina has decided to stand hidden in some palm leaves and hears everything.  Rene tells Alan he hates blood and needles…lets see if someone else is found first.  Oh boy Carolina's eyes have rolled to dolla signs.  She's just found Richie Rich as well as some juicy info on this messy family.  

Nuria says Leo is lying but Val drags her over to the nurses station and tells her that she wants blood drawn from Nuria. It has to be voluntary.  Nuria hilariously tries to sign to Mau..did you get that?   Val begs her aunt.  Nuria says she can't because she's has a lover and you can't donate blood unless you've been abstinent for six months.  So that's all I'll say on my personal life.  She hobbles away and Mau wonders if this is true and if so, if this will be a problem for anyone else who could possibly donate. 

Outside Allen tries to strong arm his big bro.  I'm taking you in come hell or high water.  Rene squawks..what if Val sees me.  She won't the area you donate is not anywhere near her.  Fine I'll do it, so that old man can live and really owe me.  Sure ok, see you in the lobby.  Carolina pops out ….well it true what I just heard?  Shut it Carolina and mind your biz.  Okay but you're related to Val huh? Is that why you broke up, because you just found out?   Rene tells her he doesn't owe her any info but she better keep her greedy gob shut.  Val nor anyone can know he's Rene Greep, he's Eugenio Sandoval.  She looks pleased with herself.

Jaime is sitting up and alright or so he tells his family who urges him to go see a doctor. No it's just my pressure rose from my anger.  Gisela gets a text about the situation at the hospital and they agree to go and see if they can help.  Adri though has snuck off and now they have to go look for her first.  Can someone just run this chick back to Spain so she can go annoy another family?  What a waste of air time on this stubborn snaggle toothed smart ass.  Adrian should rise from his watery sea grave and come spank her uppity behind.   

At the hospital we get a psa from Val on tainted blood.  Nuria was right, she can't donate blood.  There are illness and viruses that can be passed through blood that won't show up for at least three months.  It's a way to protect the patient.  Mau gets why the she-devil was so hot to leave the house.   I wonder if she's going to catch some sexually transmitted disease.  Between Leo and Felix, they've all been around the block several times and then some.  Wouldn't that be karma?  Warts and a nasty limp.  

Outside Adri hides behind a tree and calls Julieta.  Tia!  Wait for it… CORAZON! I want to see you, oh me too but I can't..never again.  Julieta wants to know why, you don't love me anymore?  Adri tells her that Stealvia ratted them out and now she's afraid they are going to try and separate them.  Oh hell naw.. Julieta tells her niece to wait there and she will find her.  There's no way Stealvia and Jaime will get their way.  You can count on that Corazon!  Yup there's that twitching and scratching. 

Fabreezy struck out and now Adri won't answer her phone.  Jaime knows where she went, to see Julieta.  Gisela is regretting the responsibility of caring for this girl. Too late now says Jaime. They confront Fab on whether he helped Adri.  He confesses, but he only did it because one way or another she was going to find out what she wanted and he wanted to keep her out of danger and be with her.  Jaime wants the address to Julieta.  Answer me Fabricio! 

Tobias goes to confront Felix.  Why didn't you tell me you knew Nuria.  Well I didn't know it was the same one you were talking about.  I'm not an idiot!  Tobias has figured it out Felix once told him he was with an woman for her money. That woman is Nuria right?  Well yeah and in the beginning it was about her money but then it became physical.  Tobias isn't buying it she's older and lame.  Well that's how it happened.  Tobias threatens to tell Nuria what Felix has just said and that's he's using her.  Felix warns Tobias not to threaten him, he doesn't know Nuria, she's no white dove like he thinks.  She's not a good person and the only thing good about her is her money.  Tobias tries to defend Nuria's lacking honor but Felix breaks it down hard for the kid.   Nuria is using you the way she used me and she begged me to kill her father, in fact she gave me the keys to get  into the house.  Tobias is horrified.  No…no…no!  Felix pummels the kid with all of the dirty truth.  Use your head kid, how else could I have gotten in that house to rob that man?  Felix knows he's a rotten dude but it's time for Tobias to be a real man after all that's why he came there right?  Well there you have it.

Back at the hospital there's a new nurse on staff and she limps!  Wanna guess who she is?  Yup it's Nuria.  She's come to say good bye to her father before she kills him.  If only he hadn't tried to cut her out of  his will and her inheritance she wouldn't be doing this.  He never cared for her, it was always her mother or Pau and Mau.  It's going to hurt to see him die but this isn't the first time she's killed,  she already got rid of Camilo and Alfonso.  So long Daddy!  She stops the breathing machine!   I wonder if he heard that confession?   He's not brain dead, just in a coma right?

Stealvia comes home and meets the real Julieta..the one you don't cross or try to keep from her corazons.  She confronts the woman about her visit to Jaime and Gisela. Why did you tell them?  Stealvia says because it's not good for that girl to be coming to see Julieta.   Oh yeah?  Well you are not going to keep me from my corazon..she belongs with me.   Julieta wraps her hands around Stealvia's greedy throat and squeezes.  You won't separate her from me.. Do you hear me?  Do you hear?  Stealvia gasps for air before Julieta hurls her up against the wall bashing the woman's head.   She falls to the ground in a pool of blood.  I wonder if she would have been a match for Gonzo? Oh well.. Bye Stealvia! That's why you don't unleash a rabid dog from its cage and then begin to abuse it.  It surely will attack you at some point. 


Delilah- This recap was simply delightful!

I would like to thank the writers for not only giving us what we wanted by having Juli choke the life out of greedy Silvia, but also made Silvia useful before doing so. It was about time that the non-crazy adults found out that Juli is on the loose. Thank you, Silvia. Now, rot in peace.

I thought it was really sweet of Almudena to bring the hospital gang ice cream. I would have loved that. I don't know what was up with Val's face. Maybe it's just the actress? Maybe she hates ice cream?

Really, in this love square with Alan, Fer, Almudena, and Alexis, none of them will lose out if they switch. Although Fer is on my bad side right now with the way she bullies her mama. I'm sure she'll get her lesson when the real monster, Clemente, shows up.

Alfredo- Yeah, I thought that maybe Val picked up on a vibe between Al and Al. But still, ice cream! That's worth a big smile, and a few mmm mmm, yummies!

Delilah: Mau has been through alot!

Nuria getting freaky with Felix: I hope he robs the red-head blind.


Oh. My. Word! What an episode!!! Delilah, girl, you were ON FIRE! Man, I cracked up through this whole thing! So glad to be back reading these delightful recaps of yours. Your asides are even better than the action:

. Oh waaah waaah Monica. I still think of Ines who was the real victim along with the kids, they had no idea what was going on but you knew he was married. These women getting involved with married men then crying foul later make me salty.

Amen! And I couldn't believe her whining because her grown-assed sons were with their "almost dead" father for crying out loud! "I knew this would happen one day. . ." Julieta isn't the only one crazy!

This cracked me right up:

Don't waste your time Fab, this thick skulled tiresome twit will learn the hard way once she becomes a crazy obsession for Julieta and starts hearing 'Mi corazon' in her sleep. I hope this girl comes home from school one day and finds Julieta hiding under the bed, twitching and scratching. That'll scare her ass back to Spain alright..ALONE!.

She made a mistake like anyone else and she paid for it. Ooops! I accidentally killed my brother and his bride before they could even do their wedding dance in front of the horrified guests in broad open daylight. Oooopsie!

Adriana, man, what a trip. Is that what she thinks a mistake is? Yah, hard heads make soft behinds. Can't wait to see her face when she sees what happened to Stealvia (Love it!). Also loved this:

Stealvia comes home and meets the real Julieta..the one you don't cross or try to keep from her corazons.

Haven't read y'all's comments yet but, uh, is this a Mexico thing or what?

you can't donate blood unless you've been abstinent for six months.

So what do people do? Only go to convents and monasteries looking for blood donors?

And poor Gonzo. Rich, prominent business man was shot during the commission of a crime, is in intensive care and he not only doesn't warrant police protection, but no medical vigilance as in, say, a camera in his room or monitors at the nurses station that inform them of his condition minute to minute. Nuria is able to put on full surgical garb and limp her ass into his room unnoticed and turn off his ventilator. It's almost funny. Jeezo-freaking-pete!

Delilah. Thank you, girl! Loved every minute. Can't wait to see if there is a last minute saving of Gonzolo and to see what thick-headed ignoramus, parent-abuser Tobias is going to do with what he's learned about his beloved Nuria!

Great show!


Lila: Nuria tried to turn off the Gonz's ventilator ?

WTH ?????

Great job, Delilah.

Now that someone's mentioned it it's truly curious that there are no guards at the door of Gonzalo's hospital room and no cameras inside it. There was a prior example of such things, but I can't remember the name of the series at the moment.

Oh, poor little Rene whose daddy can't give him his wealth and whose accomplice has no ready cash to pay an inflated price for them....NOT. No pity for him at all. He's starting to get what's coming to him. And when Valentina finds out who he really is I hope she give him the slap heard 'round the world.

Stealvia wasn't an honest person but she delivered two of Julieta's interim punishments, which is much less than that crazy vitch deserves.

Nuria has definitely hit a new low. We're going to have lots of fun with her Karmageddon discussion when I post that.


Thanks, Alfredo! Okay. So on the fourth month of having unprotected sex, you're good to go? I know I shouldn't overthink it but how can anyone trust anything anybody says about their sexual habits when volunteering to donate? Okay, never mind, it's cool. Thanks!

Oh, Delilah! Forgot to say, LOVE the title, so perfect!

UA: Maybe the Monkeys from "La Dona" should kidnap Nuria & torture her LOL.

Thank you everyone! It was a fun episode and it's never boring recapping this gem.

I've missed this crazy Julieta and I can't wait until she literally scares the life out of Adriana. That girl bugs me with her constant I-know-better attitude. She needs a reality check on life. I can't believe how ungrateful she has been with Gisela and even after seeing Jaime hit the pavement, all she can think is to run off to see her tia.

Nuria, has to have a huge anvil. She's organized a kidnapping, murdered at least two people has attempted to kill two children, her father and after this attempt plans to murder Raquel.

Julieta is mentally ill, but Nuria is truly a sociopath. I would be scared if I were Felix, she may decide to off him if he tries to turn the tables on her. I'm still hoping for an STD of some sort.

Is there hope for Rene? Maybe we'll see a softening of his heart?

I don't like Fer's attitude at times, but I do think she and Alan are super cute. I don't know if I see him and Almudena together just yet, though the way she looks at him is adorable.

I'm curious as to what Clemente's purpose is. Is it to make life miserable for Angelica? Or Os? Or does he want to turn Fer against her mother once and for all.

Carolina got some very useful information, but will she blackmail Rene? Or will she set her sights on this Murat? She's got several purse options. No doubt she's going to tell her mother what she knows.

Julieta is going to gun for Jaime and Gisela now, but will she succeed?

I'm still holding out hope for Tobias. I think deep inside is a good kid just waiting to come out. He's had his world rocked and when he finds out this demon is his mother he's going to lose his mind. Surely now he's got to see that his adoptive parents are good decent people who've warned him of the very thing he has witnessed with Nuria...she's pure evil.

Has anyone reminded Clemente that Fernanda is legally an adult? He doesn't seem to think she has the right to do anything on her own or make her own decisions. We may not like her attitude but she has the right to be free of him now that he also withdrew financial support.

Urban- All Clemente cares about is making Angelica suffer, and that means keeping their daughter away from her. He must have thought by dropping Fernanda off in the US and changing her name, that they would never find each other. But now he realizes that with Fer in Mexico, a mother-child reunion is more likely (little does he know it's happened already). Perhaps he thinks he can still prevent them from finding each other. Or perhaps he's just excited to be able to go back to Mexico so that he can torment Angie some more.

If Clemente does try anything with Fer and Angie, he'll have to deal with Mau, Rene, Os, Gonzo, and maybe even Alexis. He doesn't stand a chance.

Delilah- I think Alan and Fer are adorable too. But I also like Alexis and Almudena and can easily see them paired up with Fer and Alan. Also, if Fer develops feelings for Alexis, I think it would be a valuable lesson for her that relationships between men and women is not always a straight road with no bumps, complications, or deviations, and she'll give Angie a break for falling for Os while she was still married to the horrible Clemente.

Good point about Fer learning about relationships; she's been judging her mother very harshly!

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