Wednesday, March 08, 2017

La Piloto #1 (Premiere) 3.7.17: In Which We Meet Yolanda, A Woman With Dreams of Being a Pilot

Colombia. 2016.

• A small airplane flies through Colombian air space with unknown cargo. The military chases in their own plane but the small plane gets too close to the trees, in a effort to escape, than is safe for any pilot. Military officers also chase it on land and one officer manages to shoot it down. The small airplane crashes into the forest and the officers go to see if there are any survivors. By the river they find an unconscious woman.

• Some time later, the woman is asleep in a tent with the head commander watching her. She wakes up and he introduces himself as Arnoldo. The woman wants to change into her own clothes but the commander has some questions: is she Mexican? Why is she flying a plane in Colombian air space and so close to the ground? The woman explains that she was taking a flying course and because it’s her last day the school let her fly by herself. The commander doesn’t buy the story and asks if there were drugs on the plane.

• That night, Commander Arnoldo continues the interrogation but the woman hasn’t bulked. She asks him if he’s going to kill her because they have no idea who they are messing with. She wants to use her one phone call but the Commander points a gun at her head and tells her that she isn’t going to get a phone call and no one knows where she is and so she better start talking.

• The woman introduces herself as Yolanda Cadenas. She admits that she was flying cocaine for the cartel across Colombian air space. The commander finds it strange that a woman so young would be a pilot and Yolanda admits that she’s wanted to be a pilot since she was young.

Mexico. 4 years earlier. 2012

• Yolanda is watching the planes go by at the aviation school with her Aunt Rosalba. Yolanda wants to fly big planes but her aunt reminds her that it’s for rich people since the classes and preparation are expensive. Yolanda makes a vow to La Virgen to become a pilot, no matter what.

• Some time later, Yolanda is getting dressed for her graduation party as her godfather, Ernesto, watches her. He runs when her aunt comes in and she tells her that guests are arriving. Yolanda asks about her mother, Estela, and Rosalba confesses that she’s already outside, drinking heavily. Yolanda wonders if her mother wouldn’t be an alcoholic if not for her father’s death. Yolanda remembers when she saw her father shot dead by a cop as a little girl.

• At the party, Ernesto flirts with Estela and they seem to have grown closer over the years. A neighborhood boy asks Yolanda for a dance but Ernesto cuts in seconds later. He compliments her on her good looks and asks if she thought of his proposal for aviation school. Yolanda considers him lucky, as she didn’t tell her aunt or mother about his disgusting offer. Ernesto reminds her that everything comes with a price and he took care of them for free since her father was killed and now it’s time to pay the piper. Either way, he doesn’t think she’ll ever leave her miserable life.

• The next day, Yolanda gets home to find Estela passed out drunk on the couch. Her mother is still wearing last night’s clothes. Yolanda laments her situation and thinks back to when her father was alive and how he encouraged her to follow her dreams of being a pilot. He would test her on her plane knowledge daily and Yolanda would pass it all. On the morning of her birthday, her father gave her a necklace and that very same day he died. Two police came to his mechanic shop as Yolanda hid under a car. They argued about lack of payment for services rendered and when her father asked them to leave as all was said and done, they shot him in cold blood.

• That afternoon, Yolanda visited the aviation school again to inquire about the upcoming course and payment. The front desk informed her that space was very limited and tuition was due by next Friday. The next course was in 10 months and tuition was going to go up so she reserve her space now. Yolanda wondered if there were any scholarships but the front desk told her that they didn’t even have financing for students. The front desk suggested a loan or government help though she meets none of the minimum requirements.

• Yolanda then goes to see Ernesto at his butcher shop. He closes the store and takes her to the back kitchen area where they strike a deal: she sleeps with him and he gives her the money she needs for aviation school. He agrees but Yolanda is repulsed and tries to escape. Ernesto doesn’t take no for an answer and rapes her on one of the kitchen tables. That night she cries in the shower.

• The next day, Yolanda informs her aunt that she got the money for aviation school and Rosalba compares her fighter’s spirit to her father’s. Rosalba then asks her where she got the money and Yolanda explains that she received the scholarship she had applied for. Yolanda then receives a call from the aviation school, which inform that she they had her application but not her tuition payment and the last day to pay was Friday. Yolanda thought her godfather had paid the fee but he didn’t and the school confirms he hasn’t.

• Some time later, Yolanda goes to find her godfather and demands to know why he didn’t pay for the school. He asks that she relax and explains that it’s a lot of money but Yolanda has lost all patience. She grabs a nearby knife and slashes his right cheek open. He runs out into the street as Rosalba and Estela come and go to see what’s happening. Yolanda confesses that Ernesto raped her but Estela doesn’t believe one word. Rosalba believes Yolanda and offers her help as Ernesto collapses on the street. Estela screams for an ambulance.

• Rosalba takes Yolanda to the bus stop to get her out of the county (estado in Spanish). Yolanda doesn’t want to go but Rosalba reminds her that Ernesto has police friends and Yolanda could get in trouble if she stays. Rosalba is going to send her to Tres Fuegos where she will have to hide and find a low profile job. Rosalba begins her to give up her dreams for a little while as she gets settled. She puts some money in Yolanda’s pocket and they bid each other goodbye.

Mexico. 2 years later. 2014

• In a nightclub, Zulima looks for Yolanda, who’s working as a waitress. They chat for a bit before the owner calls Yolanda into his office. He tries to have sex with her but Yolanda breaks a beer bottle on his desk and warns him to stay away. When he tries to get closer, Yolanda kicks him in the balls runs away. The owner chases her and Zulima through the club, firing bullets are the patrons as he goes.

• The women ran off in search of Yolanda’s car. Yolanda is tired of being hired a waitress only for someone to try and rape her so she’s going to try her luck elsewhere. Zulima tells her that she has the perfect job for her.

• The next morning the women go to the airline for Yolanda’s interview as a flight attendance as training to be a pilot expensive. They run into Alberto in the hallway and Yolanda smiles. Alberto greets Zulima as he rounds the corner and sneaks another peek at Yolanda. Yolanda does too in turn.

• The interviewer is with Zequi, the head of airline and Yolanda he admits that she’s never been on the plane nor finished the fight attendant course. Zequi is not happy to hear this and chides Zulima for bringing a rookie around. Yolanda offers to answer any plane questions and passes with flying colors. Yolanda explains that she to be a pilot and will work her way to up from her current position. He makes an exception and asks that she report to the head stewardess, Zulima. He asks her to go to HR for her paperwork and asks that Zulima stay back. Zulima looks at him, seductively.

• Yolanda runs into Alberto, who is working on the computer, at the HR office. He stands up and walks away from the computer as soon as he sees her and introduces himself as Alberto. He tells her that he is also a steward and she tells him that her dream is to be a pilot. The head of HR, Ines, comes in and saves her from asking Alberto’s question regarding her flight attendant education.

• Some time later, Zulima introduces her to the other flight attendants in the locker room. The other girls tell her she’ll be successful with her body and look and help her get dressed.

• Yolanda then tours the plane she’ll be working on as Zulima shows her the safety protocols. Alberto observes them from faraway. The girls dress her a stewardess and fix her make-up but all Yolanda can look at is Alberto. Yolanda’s visa is approved, however, and now she can travel wherever.

• In Colombia, a man is flying his airplane close to forest as the military tries to shoot him down. They manage to shoot the plane and the man crash lands in the water. The military go to look for him but they find no signs of the pilot, dead or alive. They begin to pick up the money that fell out of the plane.

• The ma arrives at an apartment building and is taken unstaring by two men pointing guns at his back. The man’s name is John Lucio and he’s there to meet Lusito, the head of the cartel, who wants to know where his money is. John asks for a phone and Luisito obliges.

• Zequi meets with a mysterious man in his office who gives him a suitcase lined with stacks of money for John. The man leaves as Zulima comes and sees the money. Zequi tells her that the need to send the money to his business partner, John, or John’s brother will kill him and then her.

• During her first flight, from Mexico to Medellin, Yolanda is doing well, albeit a little dizzy. Zulima hides the bag with the money in one of the food cars as Alberto observes her. Some time later, Yolanda thanks Zulima for all she’s done for her.

• Alberto and Yolanda give each other passionate looks throughout the whole flight as well.

• Yolanda goes to the cockpit and sits with pilots to chat and exchange mutual knowledge about airplanes and flying. She confesses that it’s her first flight and the first time she’s on the plane. The pilot tries to get her to sit on his lap but she tells him to go take a hike. The co-pilot laughs at him.

• In Colombia, everyone arrives at the airport. Zulima tries to go off by herself to drop off the money but Zequi tells her that there may be a problem because he received word that the DEA is looking for someone from Mexico. Zequi needs her to be on a plane back ASAP but needs the bag to reach John.

• Zulima asks Yolanda to take the bag to a hotel in Medellin and she will call the people that are expecting her to give them the heads up. She gives Yolanda taxi money and goes off. Yolanda tries to check in when a police dog starts barking while looking at the bag.

• Alberto waves goodbye to the other stewardesses and tells them to not wait for Zulima or Yolanda as they are occupied. He sends them off to the hotel as they comment son how cute he is. Alberto is revealed to be a DEA agent as he puts on a jacket with their acronym in the back.

• Yolanda makes her way through the airport with a policeman and his dog in tow. She goes into the bathroom, opens up the bag and finds money at the bottom. She gasps...


Nice job, Alfredo. You didn't miss a thing. Thank you!

I am still not completely sure about this tn, but I like Yolanda and this first episode held my interest. All the sexual harassment is hard to watch, not to mention the rape, but it probably is realistic for women in latin america even today. And in the US not so long ago.

Not digging this type of TN at all. It's much too similar to the ones on Telemundo. Really would just prefer if they left the narcovelas to Telemundo...

Is this on Hulu? I could not find this show this morning.

Great job, Alfredo! I watched this first episode and it held my interest throughout. The action certainly moves fast. I hated the sexual abuse, but I like Yolanda's fighting spirit.

Anon 3:27- The fact is that Univision has been getting whipped by Telemundo's narconovelas in the 10pm slot. I don't agree or understand a lot of Uni's decisions, but this one I do. There just doesn't seem to be an audience for traditional melodrama/romance at 10pm, and people seem to prefer adventure and violence at that hour. This series looks like it will try to combine both, as Yolanda looks like she'll have love interests.

Great recap Alfredo. As much as I like a fast-paced story I do hope that narcovelas do not completely take over. ECDLP spoiled me with a touch of darkness in the mix and Pasion y Poder had me from the opening scene. I'm happy to see that Yolanda is a strong character that has fire in her belly for her self-preservation and her piloto dreams. Agree the rape and harassment are hard to watch but as Carolina and Alfredo mentioned sadly this is a prevalent and realistic depiction. Even more disheartening is a mother not believing her own daughter b/c she wants to keep a man who deserves the first anvil of the series. Thank God for her Tia. So far so good on this epi but my eyes were a bit heavy and I missed some scenes - as always the patio to the rescue! Have a great day amigos! (using in the mixed group context lol)

roxangisel- Yolanda's mom needs a good whack upside her drunk head. Unfortunately, mothers/relatives not believing the sexual abuse is also very common. Ugh! I'm also glad that the aunt believed her.

I too hope this is not the end for the potboiler, melodramatic telenovela (with romance) at 10pm. But, money talks, and Uni is trying to figure out the right formula to make the most money.

I plan to watch this (at least for a couple of weeks) as I try to do to some tn's. So I won't comment about the show until I've had a chance to decide if I'm going to stick with it or not.

I hope it's good as I don't have another one to watch since the MdN is short and I'm behind on that one as well.

Don't like Livia Brito. Can't stand What's-his-name Nones. Sick of Narco stories. Pass.

Great opening recap. Just as good as the show itself. I was definitely not bored to death with this and the action just kept coming! New actors and accents to get used to. I am going to enjoy this one.

Because I don't like Livia I can't be sympathetic towards any character she protrays. She protrays strong as arrogant and mistreated or sad with ugly non stop wailing. What a shame she is a cute girl.

Oh sorry Alfredo. Your recap is great and greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Alfredo. Fine job.

I'm trying out La Piloto and last night's episode moved well. I think Livia did a good job. Now that she's been duped twice, I hope she smartens up.

Thanks Alfredo for the great recap. Not sure if I'll keep with this one. The outfits look circa 1985 and it looks like they are working for Hooters airline.

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