Wednesday, March 22, 2017

La Piloto #11 3.21.17: In Which Yolanda Lands in Costa Rica and (Possibly) Loses Someone Else...

• At the airstrip, John goes into his office and tries to radio into the plane Zeki has hijacked. Oscar tells him that they need to go because the DEA is coming but John wants to find out if Yolanda is safe first. Oscar tells him that they are in this mess because of her but John doesn’t believe she had anything to do with it. Oscar asks him if he’s sure but John is silent and Oscar remind him that he has doubts and that’s the problem. John confesses that he has one doubt: why did Zeki hijack the plane after leaving the warehouse if he was with the DEA?
• On the plane, Zeki tells the co-pilot that they need to reach Panama ASAP but the co-pilot warns him that they don’t have enough fuel and to fly lower so the radar does not detect them. John’s voice finally comes through and Zeki answers. John warns him that if anything happens to his plane or Yolanda, he will regret it but Zeki tells him to forget about both and hangs up.
• Yolanda asks Zulima if she knows what is going on with Zeki but she shakes her head. Yolanda wonders where they will go as they barely have enough fuel to even make it to Costa Rica. Zulima then asks what happened with Dalberto and Yolanda confesses that he’s a rat that works with the DEA and even lied about his name. Zulima is shocked to hear the news.
• Outside the airport, Olivia, Amanda and Lizbeth are arrested. The DEA find the bag with the cash in their possession.

• Ortega talks to their air support staff, one of which tells her that they have lost the hijacked plane because it is too low and has left Mexican air space. One of the DEA agents come and informs her that the flight attends have been arrested with a bag of money.
• On the plane, the pregnant woman asks where they are going but Dalberto confirms they are going South. Yolanda asks Zeki where they are going since they have no gas and Dalberto stands up to try and help but Zeki points the gun at him and asks them not to be heroes. Dalberto reminds him that they are on a plane and he should put the gun down. The co-pilot comes out of the cockpit and informs Zeki that he will put the plane on autopilot but they will have problems when they run out of gas. Zeki looks back to tell him something and one of the passengers take the opportunity to grab the gun. In the ensuing fight, the co-pilot is shot dead. Everyone screams as the plane begins to descent. Yolanda asks Zulima to help the pregnant girl as she runs into the cockpit and tries to stabilize the plane. The oxygen masks deploy as the cabin continues to lose pressure. Yolanda grabs the radio and asks for help but they are going down fast. Dalberto looks out the window and screams as Yolanda grabs the wheel and tries her best but they crash land in a Costa Rican forest.
• In Altamirano, Rosalba hears the news about the CAA and subsequent plane hijacking. She calls Yolanda, who doesn’t answer.
• John hears the news that the plane has disappeared in a Costa Rican forest and asks Arley to prepare a helicopter first thing in the morning so they can look for Yolanda. He then asks him to call his contacts in the South and ask if they know anything. When he leaves, Oscar wonders how he plans to get to Panama and John explains that they will go along the Southern coast. He then asks Oscar to stop questioning his decisions.
• The DEA air support specialist explains to Monica and Becker they are having trouble locating the plane and that the search area is too wide, between the border of Mexico and Panama. Ortega asks that they prepare a helicopter to leave right now but the military specialist tells her they have to wait because there is too much fog and they’d lose fuel and time on a fruitless search Becker asks him when they should leave and he suggests tomorrow first thing.
• Outside the warehouse, Ernesto the bodies and his supplies into his truck. He receives a call from Estela, who tells him about the hijacking and the dismantled airline. Ernesto confirms he found out by radio but he had no idea it was CAA. Estela wonders if Yolanda knew they were linked to drug trafficking and Ernesto offers to go by Yolanda’s pension and visit her to see what he can find out. Estela wonders if she will receive compensation if Yolanda has died in the plane crash. Ernesto suggests she call and find out and Estela reminds him that she has not seen any of the money he promised, especially since she had to cry to Rosalba so she could giver her Yolanda’s address. Ernesto pretends not to hear her and hangs up. He closes the doors
• The girls are being held in three separate interrogation rooms separated by a wall of glass so they can see each other. First, the police cuff and take Amanda to see Ortega. Amanda tells her she did nothing but Ortega reminds her she had a bag full of money that was payment for the delivery of illegal substances. Amanda pretends not to know where the money came from. She tells Ortega that she and her co-workers were following orders…Ortega then tries to get information out of Olivia but she isn’t budging either…She then tries Lizbeth and reminds her that the first time they met, Ortega was saving her and Yolanda. She then asks her if she knew the Lucios had an illegal business out CAA but Lizbeth confirms she didn’t and tells them that the money isn’t hers. Ortega thinks it’s strange that she would take a bag without knowing its contents and reminds her that she already has enough proof to condemn her while her bosses are free. She offers to talk to her supervisor regarding a reduced sentence if she cooperates.
• Rosalba is on the bus from Altamirano to Tres Fuegos to go see Yolanda. She asks the driver how much longer and he confirms it’s 6 hours.
• In Costa Rica, Dalberto carries an unconscious Yolanda through the forest. She wakes up and screams for him to put her down. He obliges and she grabs a nearby stick and threatens to him with it. She asks him what he’s going and where they are and where everyone is. He tells her that the plane crashed and that they look to be the only survivors. He explains that they have to go to higher ground so the rescue teams can see them. Yolanda refuses to go with him but he insists. Jus then, they hear a scream and see that the pregnant has also survived but her water just broke.
• Zeki is wondering through the woods when he sees a clearing and goes to it. He observes Zulima gathering rocks with the other surviving passengers. He vows to make her pay for what she did, grabs a stick and goes toward her. He tries to swing it down on her back but she evades him and a passenger grabs the stick and punches him. He falls to the ground at Zulima’s feet.
• At the Lucio airstrip, John and Oscar go to the helicopter and John compliments Oscar on his stroke of genius to pain the helicopter as if it was a rescue helicopter. He then asks Oscar to supervise the unloading of their merchandise as Arley comes. John asks for some news and Arley explains his contacts told him that the plane crash and there may be no survivors. John doesn’t care and will go to see if Yolanda is alive regardless. Arley then tells him that the flight attendants got arrested and asks that he help them. He promises he will if he helps him find Yolanda first. Arley arrives and they get on the helicopter.
• Becker and Ortega go outside the station to meet the helicopter. Becker asks Ortega to be prepared for what she may find but she is confident that Dalberto is alive and she will bring him back. She gets in the helicopter and they take off.
• Olivia is being taken back to her interrogation room when she runs into Lizbeth, who asks if she has any news. Olivia confesses that they still haven’t found the plane. They then pass by Amanda’s room and she’s with a lawyer reading to her the crimes she committed. Amanda looks at them as they walk by and wonder if she told the police the truth.
• Yolanda and Dalberto help the pregnant woman walk through the forest but eventually have to carry her. They stop by a tree and Dalberto begins to collect firewood to make a fire as Yolanda counts the time apart between contractions. Dalberto hopes the fire helps the rescue team find them and Yolanda wonders if he wants her arrested that badly. He doesn’t, he didn’t want her involved at her, but she maintains that he used her to get to the Lucios. Dalberto admits he lied about his name and occupation but never about what he felt for her because what happened between them meant something. He tries to get close but Yolanda wants him to stay away. She goes to help the pregnant woman breathe.
• Zulima and the passenger have managed to tie Zeki up and she laughs at him. He tells her to laugh now, but when the DEA finds them, he will tell them the truth about all she did and why all this happened. She grabs a rock and tries to hit him but stops when he starts to scream. He warns her that if he goes down, she will go down too, but he will only get a couple of years where as she will get life for what she did to his family. He asks that she let him go so she can avoid that
• John and Arley see the smoke and they go to see where it’s coming from. John asks Arley to prepare his gun because they don’t know what rats they are going to find there.
• On the ground, Dalberto hears the helicopter and tries to make the fire bigger as Yolanda asks the pregnant woman to focus on her breathing. They begin to wave at the helicopter and John notices it’s Dalberto and Yolanda. He has the pilot to land ASAP and Arley tells him that the rat is going to wish he had never been born and points to shoot but John wants to wait till they reach the ground so they don’t alert him.
• They land and Dalberto and Yolanda with the pregnant woman go to meet them. Dalberto’s smile disappears as soon as he sees it is John, who points his gun at him and begins to shoot. Dalberto runs into the forest and John pursues him as Yolanda stays behind.
• In the woods, Dalberto is running for his life with John close by. John keep firing his gun and hits Dalberto in his arm. He hides by the trees, as John taunts him, before coming up behind him and kicking his gun away. A fight ensues and Dalberto punches and kicks John, telling him to fight like a man, but John grabs a stick and hits him. Dalberto goes down as Yolanda comes, finds the gun and tells Dalberto stand up. She points the gun at both of them and John asks her to calm down and give him the gun because Dalberto betrayed them and now they don’t have an airline and all her friends have been arrested. Dalberto reminds her that they’re in this place because of John and tries to get close but she fires a bullet into the air and drops the gun. John grabs it as Dalberto runs away again. John can’t get a good shot so he goes to Yolanda and tells her they have to go. He leads her back to the helicopter and Yolanda asks him to take the pregnant woman too but they have no space. John proposes they go and they will send someone when they get to Mexico but Yolanda will stay behind if that’s the case because the pregnant woman will die if they leave her. John agrees to take them both and asks Arley to help. Once inside, they take off.
• Ortega continues to look for survivors when she sees an SOS on the ground made from rocks. She asks the pilot to land but notices another helicopter flying away. She wonders if they saw them and tries to radio in but John asks everyone to be quiet so they aren’t identified. Ortega wonders if they are on another frequency and reaches out to the Costa Rican military force to help her track the unidentified helicopter. She hopes they do so before it leaves Costa Rican air space.
• Yolanda tells the woman to calm down because they will soon land. Arley tells John they have to leave ASAP and John grabs the wheel and asks everyone to hold on.
• Dalberto cleans his wound in the river and then walks through the forest, trying to find a cleaning.
• Ortega’s helicopter touches down with the paramedics and they go attend the survivors. Ortega sees Zulima and asks her what happened. Zulima explains that Zeki hijacked the plane but Yolanda saved them. Ortega asks her where Zeki is and Zulima points to where they had tied him up but Zeki is gone. Zulima is worried but Ortega asks her to get on the plane and they will see what they do bout Zeki. On the ground, Dalberto reaches the clearing and signals them but Ortega doesn’t see him. Zulima does and stays quiet. Ortega eventually sees him and they land again.
• The pregnant woman is crying because it hurts too much and Yolanda tells them that she will give birth right there in the sky if they don’t land. Yolanda asks them to touch down somewhere close so they can go to a clinic.
• Ortega asks Dalberto how he got shot and he confesses it was John and Yolanda was there. She hopes to find them soon and Dalberto tells her Zulima will help since she knows everything about the Lucio’s operation. Zulima plays the victim and reminds them she was kidnapped and begin to cry.
• In the clinic, John tells Yolanda that he thought she was going to give Dalberto the John but she reminds him that Dalberto is a rat and she doesn’t trust the police, even less since they shot her father. Either way, she prefers him and they kiss. He asks her how she ended up with the Miami John and she explains that she asked Zulima to change shifts with her because she needed the money and still does. John reminds her that she can asks him for money when needs it but Yolanda prefers to win her money with work. John laughs and tells her the rat did his job well because they closed down CAA and by now have found all they need to incriminate them. Yolanda asks about the flight attendants and Arley comes and tells her they were arrested with the money. Yolanda wants to help them and Arley agrees.
• Ernesto arrives at Yolanda’s house with a knife and grabs Dolores as she arrives and opens the main gate. She asks her where Yolanda is but she doesn’t know. Ernesto suggests they wait in her house in the mean time and drags her at knifepoint.
• The doctor explains to Yolanda and John that the baby didn’t survive because of the difficult labor. Yolanda cries and tells John she could’ve helped but John tells her she did all she could. She reminds him that all that woman did was get on a plane to go home and look what happened. John wonders again why Zeki kidnapped the plane but he’s now dead and only he could’ve told them why he did it. Yolanda is glad that at least Zulima survived; when John asks why she was with them, Yolanda explains that Zeki took her as a hostage. He then tells Yolanda to have faith and they go to leave. Yolanda doesn’t want to leave the woman there but John reminds her there is nothing else they can do. He asks Arley to give the woman some money to pay the bill and get a plane ticket back home.
• Zeki is walking around in the forest without destination.
• Rosalba arrives at Yolanda’s pension and goes to Yolanda apartment but doesn’t find her. She screams for Dolores to see if she has seen her but Ernesto asks Dolores to be quiet inside her apartment. Rosalba comes in as he’s searching the drawers and sees him. She tells she won’t allow him to steal anything else from Yolanda because he has stolen enough from her. Ernesto reveals that Yolanda won that money working for the narcos. Rosalba calls him a little man who is unable to make a woman love him so he has to rape them. Ernesto reminds her that she knew what happened with Yolanda and stayed quiet but Rosalba slaps him. Dolores takes advantage of the distraction and jumps on Ernesto’s back to get him to drop the knife. Rosalba runs outside and screams for help but Ernesto throws  Dolores off his back and follows her. Ernesto manages to grab Rosalba’s hand and, when she tries to get free herself, goes over the second floor railing and lands on the ground below, in a pool of blood. Ernesto runs away as the neighbors run outside to see what happened…


Thanks a bundle, Alfredo!! It was another heart stopping episodio. I got a lot but you helped fill in the details. Hulu+ is now 2 days behind. They are usually NEVER this bad about getting the episodios posted. They were even slow to advertise it as a preview. Uni must be holding back on purpose with this one which makes no sense except for more ad dollars. Dunno.

--Loved Daverto's kicking John and getting back some of his own in the forest with JL on the ground. If ever there was a slimy, sick, disgusting piece of human filth, Unky Ernie is it!
The actor really brings the slimeball to life from the script-a pretty decent one, at that.

Thanks to all who stopped by and filled in the blanks with Alf for me. Sorry also about the forgotten insert again. I had to race off and forgot! I hope to catch up by the weekend with all the week's CC'd epi's on Hulu/On Demand --Got to admit that a Columbiana I worked with had much the same smoothed out diction and was really hard to understand at times.

I suppose it's like listening to Cockney or Irish/Scottish/Aussie accents for non-English speakers. Waaaaahhhhh!!!!

Looks like last nights epi confirmed that Zuli needed to call her henchman in an hour or he was to follow thru with the masacre of Zekes family. I was a lil disappointed that Zeke didnt get his revenge last night. He's somewhere in the jungle so I'm sure he'll take revenge in the future.

I was surprised the woman lost the baby. I wonder how this impacts Yoli or John in the future...interesting thing to throw in the plot.

Yoli has chosen sides for sure but I thought her tossing of the gun between the 2 guys was a lil ambivalent...I couldnt say for sure she really meant for John to get it. I will have to watch that scene again.


Thanks so much Alfredo. The show didn't record last night for some reason (my husband sometimes cancels the recording if it's interfering with something he wants to watch) so your recap was essential. I suppose a week from now it will be up on Hulu but that's way too long to wait.

Mercy, sounds like every single minute on this was a heart-stopper. And no end to the Slaughter of the Innocents. This time the unborn baby was sacrificed. Very bloody and very Old Testament. Yikes.

Looking forward to more mayhem and very very thanksful for our stalwart recappers! Mil gracias Alfredo.

By the way I have a Columbian friend and she sounds nothing like these folks. And when her sister from Bogota visited recently, she did not sound this way either. So I'm thinking this is a slangy sub-culture accent. The actors playing Federales are easy to understand. But not the Narcos and I've never heard Livia B. use this accent either.

Thanks, Alfredo.

John confesses that he has one doubt: why did Zeki hijack the plane after leaving the warehouse if he was with the DEA?

Yay, John’s brain is kicking in. Hoping soon folks stop trusting Zulima.

At least, between the plane crash and trying to attend the woman in labor, Dave (no more Dalberto since his cover is blown?) and Yolanda had a chance to talk about their feelings. I say since she didn’t shoot him or help John shoot him, deep down she knows Dave is being sincere with her.


A stellar recap Alfredo thank you! Jardineria maybe the delay in posting epis to Hulu has to do with the fact that Univision has a hand in the production: "La Pilota" is the first production of W Studios, the joint venture between Univision and Patricio Wills. In addition to "La Pilota", W Studios now prepares new titles, such as "Las Buchonas" and "El Último Dragón", created and written by the Spanish Arturo Pérez-Reverte. I know I've said this before but damn the action is packed and I'm really getting spoiled by this pace. I will close by saying that I absolutely cannot wait for Zuli and Ernesto to get their anvils.

Thank you so much, Alfredo. I seem to be saying this every night, but I am sincere. Yes, I'm getting used to the fast pace. It seems more like the speed of a 1-hr. drama on commercial TV (but much better).

I did notice, roxangisel, that Televisa does not have it's hand in this pot to stir up the burned bits from the bottom. If this is what Univision has partnered, the more power to them.

What on earth was going on in Zequi's head to hijack a recently landed BIG plane that needed refueling and had only one pilot. Now we know why the pilot walked out and there were passengers still left. (I would have been one of them. I hate to be crowded in the aisle waiting to deplane. I wait until almost everyone is off.) The co-pilot had to die so Yolanda could fly the plane. Plucky girl.

Dave had to be saved by Ortega. He would have been dead meat if John and Oscar had grabbed him and/or shot him. I hope Yolanda remembers that he tried hard to keep her from going with him and then from going inside the restaurant.

Rosalba's flying leap is just as much on Ernesto's head as it he'd thrown her over deliberately (sort of like Elisa over on AQNMD).

I know this is supposed to be gritty real life, but couldn't they have let that baby live?

P.S. Where is the plane? We never saw the crash site.


So, a jet crashes in the jungle and not only does nobody die but there aren't even any broken bones?

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