Friday, March 24, 2017

La Piloto #13 3.23.17: In Which Yolanda Finds Solutions to Her Problems...

• John comes and asks Oscar to lower the gun. Oscar obliges and John asks Yolanda to lower her gun. Yolanda screams at Oscar to shoot her and asks John if he knows what his brother did, how he killed all her friends at the police station. John confirms that everything got out of hand and Yolanda realizes that John knew about the car bomb. She tells him he’s the same or worse than his brother and asks if that’s what he meant when he said he will help them. John tries to explain but Yolanda storms out. John turns to Oscar and tells him that he will have to learn to respect his woman but Oscar reminds him that Yolanda has to learn how to respect family. He storms out as well.
• In the hotel hallway, john finds Yolanda and begs her to listen to him. She knows all she needs to know but John confirms that her friends are okay and vows to protect her and her friends, not matter what, always. He then tells her that she can’t go and point a gun at Oscar whenever she wants; if she is going to be his right hand and his woman she is going to have to learn to get along with Oscar and begs her not to make him chose. Yolanda would never ask him to but Oscar ha to learn to respect her people. John agrees and they kiss.
• At home, Dave showers and remembers trying to save Becker in vain, making love to Yolanda and his fight with her and John in the forest. He curses his luck.

• John and Yolanda kiss and passionately make love in her hotel room and they give themselves to each other completely. Later, when they’re sleeping, Yolanda dreams that Ernesto wakes up after an autopsy and smiles. She wakes up screaming and grabs her gun but John wakes up as well and asks her to calm down because it was it was only a dream. He takes the gun from her and comforts her.
• In the parking garage at the hospital, the police have found Ernesto’s body and are collecting evidence. The ME confirms that there are two sets of prints on the knife, one was probably the victim’s and the other was his attacker’s. They will take it to the station to get it analyzed.
• The next day, Dave and Ortega arrive at the station and curse themselves for not asking Becker to get in the car with them. It seems unreal that they were celebrating yesterday and now he’s dead. Ortega cries and they agree that that’s life. One of the agents come and tells Dave he has a call. It’s Montgomery calling from the US. He gives Dave his condolences and asks if Dave is willing to take Becker’s place in the Lucio investigation and be promoted to special agent. Dave agrees and tells him he will do it with pleasure. Montgomery confirms that US DEA agent Dean Simpson is on his way to Mexico to help them out and hangs up. Dave declares that he will make the Lucios play.
• In the hotel room, Yolanda gets dressed in dark jeans, a hoodie and sunglasses. She puts the gun in her purse and goes outside. John catches up to her and asks why she has to leave since his lawyer will take care of everything regarding the girls but Yolanda informs him that her aunt is in a coma because she had an accident and she wanted to go visit her. John asks why she didn’t ell him and she reminds him that it’s her business and only hers alone. He reminds her that he’s there to help and directs her to one of his taxis with Vaquero as a driver. John gives Yolanda some money and his cell for emergencies and asks that she hurry back. Yolanda promises she will pay him back with her money and asks when they will start the classes again. John confirms that they will in Villa Antigua because there is too much heat in Tres Fuegos. He then asks her to keep a low profile and kiss her. They leave.
• By the house, Oscar watches everything and calls the DEA department to report that he has seen he missing flight attendant. He smiles.
• Outside the station, the Lucio lawyer walks out with the girls and explains that they are out on bail so they should be careful what they do. He explains that the Lucios paid their fine and they should remain quiet about what they know. Zulima reminds him that they have and he tells them that there is a taxi waiting for them to take them where they ask. He gives them a cell phone and asks that they stay together for the time being. He leaves.
• Outside the station, Ortega gets in the car with Dave and tells him that either the Lucios want to buy the flight attendants’’ loyalty or they have a special interest in them. Dave tells her that they are important to Yolanda and they must be followed. Ortega confirms they are being followed 24/7 and then receives a call. She hangs up and tells Dave that Yolanda was seen heading into the city in a taxi and they have the plates.
• The taxi arrives at the hospital and Yolanda tells the driver, Vaquero, to call her if he sees or hears anything.
• Outside the station, the girls get into the taxi provided by the Lucios and an agent follows them. He confirms he has them in his sights.
• John is storing money in his backpack for the trip. He gives Arley a couple of wads of cash and tells him to give it to the families of the men they lost yesterday. Arley nods and tells him that makes all the difference. Just then, Oscar knocks and comes in to tell them everything is ready to go to Villa Antigua. John asks him what business he found there and Oscar explains that the found a tourism company that has an airstrip and a house in the back. John congratulates him on a job well done and asks that he start moving the planes pronto. Oscar arrives and tells them goodbye but Arley is not too happy with Oscar since he tried to kill his woman. Oscar reminds him that woman are worthless but Arley doesn’t care; he reminds him that just because he doesn’t like them, doesn’t mean he has to kill them. They look like they’re about to fight but John breaks it up and tells them to shake hands because they are family and have to stick together. They do and Oscar reminds him that their line of work is like that and they shouldn’t hold grudges. They shake as John receives a call and the person on the other end informs them that the Senator is waiting for them tomorrow in Mexico City. Everyone smiles at the fact that they are moving up.
• In the hospital, Yolanda talks to the doctor about Rosalba and he confirms that she’s still in critical condition. Yolanda wants to take her to her pension but the doctor warns her that she’s still not well enough for that and only a family member can make that decision. She explains that Rosalba only has her and he tells her the police would have to be involved if that’s the case. Yolanda suddenly remembers a cousin of Rosalba’s and offers to call her. He nods and gives her 5 more minutes before leaving. Yolanda then calls John and confirms Rosalba is the same as yesterday. She tells him she needs another favor.
• Moments later, she goes to her aunt’s bedside and begs her to wake up but Rosalba doesn’t move. Yolanda vows that no one will take her from her or do her any more harm.
• Later, Yolanda gets into the elevator and goes to the back. On another floor, the head detective of Ernesto’s murder and the doctor in charge of the case get on. They discuss the fact that they are waiting for the autopsy to reveal what the cause of death was and the doctor gives the detective the video of the security cameras during the approximate time of murder. They get off and Yolanda has heard everything.
• In the station, a detective goes through the evidence collected at the scene of Ernesto’s murder and finds a phone. He plugs it into a charger and it turns on so he looks through the contacts. He calls one number that is disconnected and then calls Estela’s. She answers on the first ring and chides her for hanging up yesterday but the agent confirms that he’s with the police and Ernesto has been murdered at Central Hospital. Estela is shocked and he asks that she come to Tres Fuegos to claim the body but she’s in Altamirano and can’t say more as she breaks down, crying. The detective hangs up and puts the phone in the evidence bag.
• Outside the hospital, the detective gets into his car and puts the disc in his passenger seat. Yolanda comes crying and screams that a man is waving a gun in the emergency waiting area because his wife is not being taken care off. He gets out and runs into the hospital and Yolanda goes into his car, grabs the video and leaves. On the sidewalk, she covers her face and walks down the street as Dave parks his car in front of the hospital. He briefly notices her but then goes to talk to Vaquero. Ortega is already there and other agents have surrounded the hospital. They ask him where he left the woman and he explains that he left her a few minutes back. They ask him to describe and know it is Yolanda but there’s nothing they can do. Ortega confirms that the man’s papers are in order and they let him go. When they walk away, Vaquero calls Yolanda and she tells him where to pick her up. He drives away and, moments, later, picks her up in the next street and drives away.
• That night, Zeki gets off a greyhound bus with a bandaged leg. The mile marker states that Tres Fuegos is 12k away. He begins to walk.
• John calls Zulima, who explains that they are all staying at Amana’s house to cut costs and protect each other. He’s happy their safe but he wants to know where Zeki is. Zulima confirms that he survived the crash but escaped when the helicopter came to rescue them. They both agree that he probably didn’t survive the jungle so they have nothing to worry about. She then asks if Yolanda is with him and he confirms she is. She asks is Yolanda knows what happened between them but John warns her to not say anything as all they did was sleep together, nothing more. Zulima promises she won’t but silently cries. Lizbeth comes in and announces dinner is ready so she hangs up.
• The DEA are clearing out Becker’s desk and organizing the case files for Dave. He asks Ortega to give him the personal files and he finds Yolanda’s address. Ortega doesn’t think she’ll be there but Dave wants to go to see what information he can dig up. He writes it down and she offers to go with him but he shakes his head and leaves.
• Later, he arrives at the pension and talks to Dolores, who confirms Yolanda is her tenant but she hasn’t seen her since yesterday when she told her what happened to her aunt. She then tells Dave everything that happened with Ernesto and Rosalba and Dave remembers when Yolanda confesses Ernesto raped her. Dolores laments the fact that Ernesto was nothing but a criminal, despite being such a gentleman when they first met. Dave asks to see her apartment and Dolores opens it for him. He looks over everything and Dolores laments the fact that the police are looking for Yolanda and wonders what she’s involved in.
• Yolanda arrives at her room at the hotel and finds gifts from John on the bed. She reads a note from him where he hopes she liked the gifts and explains he has gone to Mexico City and announces that he loves her. She takes out the surveillance video and pops it into the DVD player.
• Dave arrives at the hospital and asks the front desk about Rosalba. The girl confirms that someone came to visit her that afternoon and Dave curses the taxi driver, who lied right to his face. The girl confirms the visitor’s name was Beatriz Silva but her description matches Yolanda. The girl admits that the visitor came yesterday also but she looked different somehow. Dave then asks to see Rosalba.
• Yolanda watches the video and it shows that Ernesto came up behind her and they fought but then he dragged her behind a van and the cameras didn’t catch what happened. Moments later, she is seen running from the parking garage with bloody hands. Yolanda turns off the TV, takes out the disc and puts it in her purse. She then grabs her gun, looks out the window makes sure her door is locked. Just then her phone rings and it is Carlina, the Lucio nurse, who tells Yolanda that John forwarded her number. She explains that she’s at the hospital keeping an eye on her aunt as her personal nurse. Carlina confirms her aunt is okay but a man has been asking a lot of questions all afternoon. Yolanda asks her to describe the man and confirms it is Dave, She remembers when she saw him outside the hospital and asks that Carlina keep her informed. She hangs up.
• Ortega parks in the garage and notices the blood stain on the floor and the partitioned off area. Upstairs, outside Rosalba’s room, she asks Dave is he knows what happened. He shakes his head so she walkie-talkies into headquarters and asks for a report on what happened at Central Hospital. Dave then explains what happened with Rosalba and Ernesto and tells her that Yolanda came to visit her that afternoon as Beatriz but she looked different. Ortega receives a message that Ernesto Calles was murdered in that parking garage and his body is in the morgue. Dave confirms he may be Yolanda’s godfather and they go down for more information.
• Zeki arrives at the warehouse Ernesto used with the owner in tow. The warehouse is perfectly clean and how Ernesto first rented it and Zeki wants to know where the bodies are. He demands the owner tell him but the owner has no idea. Zeki then asks him for all the information he has on Ernesto and the owner obliges. Zeki asks if he would be willing to do him a favor for a good sum of money.
• Dave and Ortega are at the morgue with the ME explains that the autopsy confirms that Ernesto died instantly from two stab wounds to the stomach. A detective brings in the evidence box, which includes the knife and confirms that it was the deceased because it is full of his fingerprints; however, there is one set of unidentified prints. Dave asks if they’ve run it through the database but the detective confirms they found nothing. Just then Ernesto’s phone starts to ring and Ortega takes it out of the bag and answers. It’s Zulima on the other end and she remembers Ortega’s voice from the interrogation that morning and the night before. Zulima hangs up as Lizbeth comes and tells her everything’s ready for them to go.
• In Mexico City, in a parking garage, the Lucios and Arley come up to meet the Senator but find one of his men waiting for them. Two cars arrive and the man tells them they will take him to meet the Senator. Oscar is wary but John asks him to get inside and the three men do. The cars drive away.
• Yolanda is writing something down when she hears a knock. It is Vaquero, who has comes with the supplies she asks for. She opens the door and he shows her everything is there, as she asked. She thanks him and starts unpacking the supplies, declaring that if she can’t take her aunt out of the hospital by the front door, then she will have to find alternative means…

La Piloto will be on at 8 pm Eastern and 10:00 pm Western because of soccer. 


Thank you Alfredo the recap Don!
Well John finally got him some of that Yoli luv and now he's even more open than before and she's officially his mujer. Oscar is none too pleased about it especially b/c Yoli's influence over John will continue to grow. Looking forward to see how these two 'learn' to to work together. In spite of Mena and Oscar hugging it out Mena gave him some serious side-eye right after. Zuli looked so deflated after finding out about Yoli, John and that her nite with John was nothing. Oh what schemes are starting to develop in her devious mind John's warnings be damned. Another close call for Yoli at the hospital but she has a knack for getting out of situations and bonus points for grabbing the DVD. Oh what lies in store for the Lucio brothers when they get to see the Senator
A huge thanks for the heads up on tonite's airtime as I surely would have missed it.


Alfredo...what a thorough recap.

I have a question about Osar. Several references have been made by him or others that he doesnt like women ... plus the encounter with Dalberto. Are we to conclude thathe us gay?


Thanks, Alfredo. I can’t tell you and Jardinera enough how glad I am you two teamed up for La Piloto. I am getting a bang out of the show and loving my daily recaps.

I watched Wednesday’s episode again (I often watch an episode again, after having the benefit of the recap). When Yolanda told John she’d be his woman and his pilot, John was beaming as much as a hardened narco would let himself. A golden moment. These two have great chemistry. Sorry, Dave, I get why you were hesitant and conflicted with Yoli, but John acts like he's ready to put a ring on it. Heaven help her.

When Oscar tipped the DEA about a Yoli citing, was he mimicking a nosy old lady voice? It made me laugh. Another lousy move from Oscar though. He should realize by now that if Yoli gets captured, John will stop everything to get her back.

I actually think the DVD exonerates Yoli. Ernesto, that hulk of a man, was seen chasing her and there must be a test to prove he brought that colossal knife to the parking lot. Surely, any sane person seeing the recording could figure she stabbed him in self-defense.

When Zeki made a sly comment about Oscar's preference for men a while back, I thought he was nuts to call out Oscar. Now I agree everybody is accepting. My take is Oscar has no feelings for any human being beyond John and keeps his private business to himself.

Niecie: Does dumb-dumb Yolonda know that her friends survived the explosion ?


Steve...yes Yoli knows her friends survived..John told her.

Neicie..I agree the tape is of more benefit to her than Ernie. But these TNs thrive on petty misunderstandings

Meant to add...or by dragging out issues that could be resolved readily if faced head on

What is the end game with Dave and Yolanda? Are they destined to become a couple? Somehow, I can't see Yoli with John over the long haul.

i wish I could see this show daily on Hulu, like some of the Univision TNs such as El Color and Vino El Amor. So far, Hulu seems to bulk load a whole week's worth of Piloto episodes at one time.


I won't be able to watch this episode or tonight's until Sunday but can't wait! Recaps are awesome!!!

I think the dvd exonerates Yoli too but I did have to suspend belief that Ernesto was able to get Yoli to grab the knife. That whole bit didn't work for me. And Ernest let out his intention so why didn't Yoli wipe the knife or take it? I mean now I know they have video but not of the stabbing.

I wonder what Zeki's plan is now. Glad he's alive.

Another great hard hitting recap of an equally hard hitting show. Wow, the tense moments just keep on coming. Clearly Yolanda will still be the target of Oscar and Zulima's murderous malice. And I was rather amused by Zuli's teenage tears over losing John. Where were those tears when you were setting up Zeki's family to be murdered? Never a dull moment.

Kudos to our hard working recappers to keep this afloat, especially with Hulu's lethargy on posting episodes.

Gobluefan - I don't know who's end game. But when the TN opened two years in the future, Yoli was a narco pilot so if she and Dave get together it seems like it won't be for years. On the other hand, the Dave actor's credit comes up first before the John actor's in the opening credits. Usually the top galan gets the girl. Either way, the journey is fun.

Niecie, maybe they'll pull a Sueno de Amor and bring in another woman to snag the galan, John dies, and Yoli is left alone to open a flight school for women.

Carvivile: Will it be Dave's law enforcement partner what's-her-face with the short haircut ?


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