Thursday, March 09, 2017

La Piloto #2 3.8.17: In Which Yolanda Is In Three Shootouts

• The police knock on the bathroom door as Yolanda silently freaks out. Think quickly, she hides the suitcase under one of the ceiling tiles as a female military officer opens the locked door and asks her to step into the hallway so the officers can search the bathroom with the dog.
• In the hallway, the officer body searches her and asks her where she comes from, when she got to Colombia and how many bags is she carrying. Yolanda came from Mexico today and she only has her purse and one suitcase with clothes. The officer tells her that she can’t lock a public bathroom and search her bags. They find exactly what she told them and assume the dogs made a mistake. They apologize for their mistake and let her go.
• Yolanda goes back into the bathroom and retrieves the money from the ceiling tile. She opens up the bag, sees that the money is gone and calls Zulima to ask her why she never told her there was money in the bag. Zulima lies says she didn’t know about the money or whom it was for. Yolanda admits that she was robbed and Zulima freaks out, confessing that they are going to kill them both if she doesn’t show up with the money. Yolanda offers to go to the hotel and explain what happened but Zulima tells her that she has no idea who she’s dealing with and hangs up.

• Alberto* contacts his partner at the DEA, who informs him that Zulima never made it out of the airport and is back on a plane bound for Mexico. Alberto wonders whom she gave the money to and hypnotizes that she must have a partner, possibly the new girl, Yolanda.
• Yolanda arrives at the hotel on Zulima’s note in new clothes and beach swept air.
• In Gamba’s room, John tries to keep Gamba at bay by warning him that El Cartel de las Sombras wouldn’t want him dead but Gamba tells him that he doesn’t believe that story. John asks for patience, because he will fix this, as Yolanda comes into the room. John asks her where the money is and Yolanda admits that she was robbed. Gamba points a gun at John and Yolanda starts screaming. Gamba points the gun at her and John uses the distraction to grab Gamba’s helper’s gun and beings to fire bullets at them. John closes the hotel door, grabs Yolanda and they jump over the balcony and into the pool.
• They swim out of the pool as Gamba and his men open the door and see them. John and Yolanda are chased through the hotel as the men continue to fire at them. They run into the kitchen and Yolanda hits one of the men with a frying pan as John punches him knocks him out. They run out into the street and rob a taxi as Gamba comes and asks for his truck to follow them.
• In the taxi, Yolanda swears she doesn’t know there was money in the suitcase went but John passes her his gun and asks her to shoot as he drives. Yolanda has never fired a gun before but she obliges and a shootout ensues through the streets of Colombia. The truck tries to catch them but Yolanda fires bullets at them every time they get close. Yolanda finally shoots out a tire and the truck stalls in the middle of the street as they get away.
• John hides the taxi in a garage and Yolanda tries to leave but he stops her and tells her that someone has to pay back his 5 million dollars. He then winces in pain and realizes he has been shot in the stomach.
• They go into the closed restaurant adjacent to the garage and John calls his brother, Oscar and explains what happened to the money and Gamba. Oscar is pissed but John explains it wasn’t Zulima but another woman who lost the money. Either way, the woman had enough balls to admit she lost the money and came to the hotel to tell him so; she just didn’t know how dire the situation. Oscar is confused but John asks him to put that aside for now as he needs to get out of Colombia fast via a commercial flight as Gamba is looking for him and the Colombian military already shot down one of their planes. John reminds Oscar that no one will recognize him and he knows why. Oscar will call Zequi and organize everything and they hang up.
• Yolanda asks John how he knows Zequi and John confesses that he’s the owner of Centro America Air and Zequi is his partner. He asks for her help to cure his wound.
• Zequi chides Zulima for choosing Yolanda to help her since she’s new. He also thinks Yolanda lied about the money being stolen as half the airport works for them. He tells that when John is sage he’s going to get the money back. He then packs everything and announces he’s leaving when the phone rings. It’s Oscar, who chides him for mishandling his orders. Oscar doesn’t want to hear excuses but needs Zequi’s help to get John out of Colombia and into Mexico as soon as possible. He warns him that everything must go according to plan and tells Zequi that Yolanda is helping John right now.
• Amanda, Lizbeth and Olivia are sunbathing. Olivia asks Amanda about Alberto, who hangs out with Amanda sometimes but leaves her at others. Zulima calls Lizbeth and tells her that a partner of the airline was almost kidnapped and he needs their help, as does Yolanda, who’s with him. Lizbeth asks why they don’t call the cops and Zulima tells her the cops are part of it and warns her to be quiet and help her.
• Alberto and the DEA arrive at Gamba’s stash house and a shootout ensues. They capture one of Gamba’s men, the same one who’s gun John took in the hotel room, and inquire about John’s whereabouts. He tells them that he ran away with his helper and without giving him the 5 million dollars he owes them. Alberto wonders how the money got out of the airport when they had dogs ready and they hypothesize that someone from Centro America Air is helping them.
• Yolanda tends to John’s wounds as best she can. She suggests a hospital but they can’t because Gamba and his people will be waiting for him. John wants to know how she got to the hotel and Yolanda tells him that Zulima asked her as a favor and swears again that she didn’t have the money. She just wanted to let him know, in person, since Zulima told her they were going to die. He likes her guts but she still has to pay back what she lost. He offers her a pact: she helps him leave Colombia and he gives her plenty of time to pay him back. She agrees.
• They hear a knock and it’s Lizbeth, who has come to take him to the airport. In the bathroom, as Yolanda changes, she wonders how she found them and Lizbeth explains that Zulima called her and ask that she help the partner that was almost kidnapped. Yolanda doesn’t correct her and Amanda comes and they leave to the airport.
• Zequi calls Centro America Air in Colombia and asks an employee to please have everything ready for their special guest. The attendant will get right on it.
• The stewardesses and John travel by road to the airport. The driver warn him that there’s a roadblock up ahead but John tells them everything will be okay and they should be calm. John then talks to one of the military officers, gives him his card which state he’s the head of PR in Centro America Air and they let him pass. The officer knows the contact with John will be valuable.
• The stewardesses and John get to the airport. John is in a wheelchair and sports an oxygen mark. They pass by Gamba and his helper, who are in the foot shop getting coffee. His helper receives a call and they let him no one has seen them. Gamba is sure they are at the airport, they just need to find out which commercial flight he will be one.
• The stewardesses and John get to the boarding station plane as Lizbeth goes to fix everything for the flight. One of the employees hands John the passport and ticket and they got to get on the plane. Yolanda will see them in a few as she has to buy something for her aunt but John stops her and reminds her of their pact.
• The airport employee informs Zulima and Zequi that John is in the airport. Zulima doesn’t admit responsibility for her role in the mess they’re in but Zequi reminds her it is and they don’t play in this business. He asks her to coordinate with everything and ensure John’s safe landing. He then loads his gun, refuses to kiss Zulima goodbye and leaves.
• Amanda shows the employee all of theirs and John’s documents and they make their way onto the plane.
• Outside, Zequi tries to leave the Centro America Air offices but runs into two guards who stop him by gunpoint.
• Yolanda runs into Gamba at the gift shop and he drags her and the owner into the back room. He asks her where John is and as Alberto arrives and asks if anyone can help him. Gamba asks Yolanda to be quiet as his helper comes out and announces that they can’t help him right now. Albert admits he’s looking for a gift. The helper repeats that they can’t help him at this time and Alberto knocks him out. Gamba goes to see what happened and Alberto knocks him out as well. Yolanda sees everything and Alberto grabs her and they run through the airport. Gamba and his man chase after them, firing bullets within the airport’s walls. The stewardesses wheel John into the plane as Dave puts Yolanda behind the DEA truck and another shootout ensues. The DEA manage to shoot Gamba in the leg and kill his helper. Gamba manages to get away after killing Alberto’s partner.
• The stewardesses are getting everyone ready for take off but Lizbeth calls Zulima and tells her that Yolanda is nowhere too be found. Zulima chides her for losing her but Lizbeth admits that Alberto is also missing. Zulima asks her about John’s condition and needs John live Lizbeth admits that he’s lost a lot of blood and he’s pale. Lizbeth then asks her who he is.
• The military police come ask Yolanda about the incident in the gift shop. She tells them that she was shopping when the man kidnapped her and she has no idea what happened. The military tells him he’s Luis Gamba, a famous drug trafficker. Alberto tells them to stop questioning her because she must go and they oblige. Once she’s gone, Alberto tells him he’s undercover and couldn’t admit anything without blowing his cover. He explains to the officer that they are after John Lucio and asks that he help them to deal with the press. Alberto then calls his unit and requests that there is police present at the Mexican airport to pick up John.
• Yolanda explains to the stewardesses what happened and thanks her starts that Alberto was there to save her. At the airplane door, Alberto greets John Lucio, who holds his gun close. Alberto then goes over to Yolanda and fills her in on what happened with the military officers: they asked him the same questions and he answered what he could. She then thanks him for what he did as John looks on. The flight takes off and Lizbeth apologizes to the airline’s patrons for the delay.
• Zequi calls Zulima and tells her that they need to take the package to the ranch because this contact let him know the police are waiting for John at the airport. She doesn’t want to risk it but he warns her that they must complete their task or else. He tells her that she knows which door to use and hangs up.
• It is revealed that Oscar has taken Zequi to the Lucio ranch and is holding him there at gunpoint. Oscar tells him that he can’t permit any more stupidity because it’s costing him money. Zequi reminds him that he’s a partner at Centro America Air but Oscar reminds him that he’s John’s partner, not his, and must treat him with respect.
• During the flight, John is getting worse and Alberto notices. He asks him how he’s doing and offers him some water. John thanks him and Alberto asks Amanda to get John some. Alberto then leaves and John grabs Yolanda, who was passing by, and asks her what happened outside of the airport. He assumes it was Gamba and Yolanda explains that Gamba threatened her but Alberto saved her. He asks for water again.
• The plane arrives at Tres Fuegos, Mexico and everyone gets off board except John, who feels horrible and may have a fever. Yolanda sees that the wound keeps bleeding through the blanket.
• Outside, Alberto meets with Agent Ortega, who confirms everything is ready to capture John. He informs his agents that he’s in a wheelchair with a gas mask and it must be him because nothing on the flight data requested space for a man with an oxygen tank or wheelchair.
• Yolanda waits with John as Zulima comes and tells them that everything’s ready and they must get going. Yolanda tries to leave but John wants her to come with him.
• Alberto is in a car, waiting with his agents, when he sees the pilots leaving the airport and wonders where the stewardesses are. One of his agents informs him of a red car parked on the outskirts of the airport and they run the plates. It’s registered to Zulima. Alberto as that they follow that car.
• On the outskirts, a white truck parks next to Zulima’s car and she, John and Yolanda get out. They load John into the car as they hear police sirens. Zulima gets in, throws Yolanda the keys and tells her to drive away…

*Alberto is his Agent Dave's undercover name.


Thanks again, Alfredo!

Well, Yolanda was certainly dropped right in the middle of it, wasn't she? I know there's no reasoning with these people, but how in the hell can Zequi, Zulima and John blame Yolanda for what happened? She's not on their payroll, she knew nothing about their business or that they had their people in the airport. If Zulima was so sure their inside people would let her pass through with the money, why didn't she do it herself? She didn't, because she knew the DEA (and their dogs) were on their scent, and she was about to get caught. Meaning, she was expecting poor Yolanda to be caught and arrested. The money would have been lost either way. (That clever customs agent who noticed the ceiling tile is now $5 million richer.)

Unfortunately, Yolanda can't reason with these people, and they're putting the blame for the loss of the $5 million squarely on her shoulders.

Thanks Alfredo. Wow, this is certainly a fast-paced romp so far. I'm watching the next day. No way can I stay up that late, plus it's hardly soothing night-night fare, but baby is it action-packed! Particularly loved that major leap out the motel window into the pool.

Now help me out someone. What is the peculiar accent so many of these people have? Can't place it.

Rather amused that Zulima's boss (John?) played a rather mild mannered fellow in the very first telenovela I ever completely watched, Juan Querendon. Nice soft voice and diffident manner.

Anyway, thanks for staying up late and pounding this out amigo mio.

Alfredo- That was surprising. But I guess it just facilitates smuggling, so it was a wise investment on his part.

I also wondered about John's face and why no one really knows what he looks like. There seemed to be an implication that he's had plastic surgery at some point. Or maybe he had a long-term decoy, as you mentioned.

Alfredo and Jardinera--You two have the pluck and courage of our flight attendant turned piloto. There's no way I could keep up with all the dialog, but somehow it didn't matter.

I just finished the first two episodes (I was away). This is my first "narco" show and Holy Shitzu, I'm loving it. This is going to be quite an airplane ride. (I also think Livia and Juan--aka Dr. McDreamy--have a lot to do with it.)

Thank you, thank you for covering it on Caray. I'll be following this with you.

I'm getting ready to go to the Kennedy Center to hear a special music program with Ruth Bader Ginsburg (one of my heroines), so I will have to read the recap and comments later.

Thanks, Alfredo. Last night I had trouble keeping up with the plot, but you put it all into place.

Loved the jump into the pool. I guess Yolanda is a fast learner. To go from never touching a gun to shooting out the tire of a speeding car.

The guy playing undercover DEA has eyes like an Akita, mesmerizing but scary at the same time.

I'm glad that I'm not the only one who couldn't keep up with the dialog last night. It was too much for me, both the dialog and the pace. I am rather bored with the slooow pace of so many TNs, for 35 episodes all we get is hand porn, but last night left me uncertain if I wanted a show paced this fast.

I didn't think it odd that no one knew what John Lucio looked like since I was a little shaky on who was who, too. :)

I'm hoping that maybe they just wanted to start off with a bang and soon things will slow down enough to be comprehensible.

I agree that it seems ridiculous that they would pin the loss of the $5 million on Yolanda, but it's always easy to blame the defenseless new girl. In La Hija del Mariachi, which I just binge watched, there was also a missing $5 million with a whole assortment of characters successively getting shaken down for it, an interesting coincidence.

Thanks, Alfredo. You're a champ.

Thanks Alfredo! A lot happening so far. Hope the pace stays up. Do we know how many episodes this one is due? It would be nice if it was like Yago, short, tight and packed with action.

The article I found say a it has about 80 episodes.

Thanks Vivi! 80 sounds good

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